Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag: Statistics and Probability Performance Task
Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag: Statistics and Probability Performance Task
Immaculate Conception School of Baliuag: Statistics and Probability Performance Task
11-Fire Tree
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 18 answered strongly agree and 10
answered agree to the statement “I am happy the my child studies in ICSB”.
The mean is 3.642857143 which means that most grade 4 selected parents
strongly agreed with the statement. Standard deviation is 0.4879500365 which
imply that their answer does not shift too much.
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 14 answered strongly agree, and 14
answered agree to the statement “I like the teachers in ICSB”. The mean is 3.5
which means that most grade 4 selected parents strongly agreed and agreed
with the statement. Standard deviation is 0.5091750772 which shows that their
answers are equal.
4.”The ICSB curriculum fits my child development”
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 14 answered strongly agree, and 14
answered agree to the statement for “The ICSB curriculum fits my child
development”. The computed mean is 3.5 which shows that most selected
Grade 4 parents strongly agreed and agreed to the statement which means
that ICSB gives the best curriculum that every students deserve. The
computed Standard Deviation is 0.5091750772 which denote that their
answers are equal.
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 19 answered strongly agree, and 9
answered agree to the statement. ” I am proud that I belong to the ICSB
family”. The mean is 3.678571429 which mean that most grade 4 selected
parents strongly agreed with the statement. Therefor a lot of parents are
proud that they belong to that ICSB family. Standard deviation is
0.4755948656 which imply that their answer is somehow related.
7.”The education that my child gets is worth the tuition I paid.”
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 15 answered strongly agree, and 13
answered agree to the statement. ” ICSB provides quality education”. The
mean is 3.535714286 which mean that most grade 4 selected parents strongly
agreed and agreed with the statement. Standard deviation is 0.5078745002
which imply that parents answers are related to each other.
10.”The school's facilities are sufficient.”
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 14 answered strongly agree, and 14
answered agree to the statement. ” I will recommend ICSB to other parents”. The
mean is 3.5 which mean that most grade 4 selected parents strongly agreed and
agreed with the statement. Standard deviation is 0.5091750772 which imply that
their answer is equally.
13.”I am aware and supporting of ICSB's vision and mission.”
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 15 answered strongly agree, and 13
answered agree to the statement. ” I am aware and supporting of ICSB's vision and
mission”. The mean is 3.535714286 which mean that most grade 4 selected parents
strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. Standard deviation is 0.5078745002
which imply that their answer is equally.
14.” School activities are aligned with the school's vision and mission.”
The graph shows that out of 28 parents, 14 answered strongly agree, 13 answered
agree and 1 no answer to the statement.” School activities are aligned with the
school's vision and mission”. The mean is 3.392857143 which mean that most
grade 4 selected parents strongly agreed and agreed with the statement. Standard
deviation is 0.8317445171 which imply that their answer is somehow related.
The graph shows that 9 parents (32.1%) answered “Quality Education”, one parent
(3.6%) answered “Facilities”, eight parents (28.6%) answered “Teachers and
Staffs”, one parent ( 3.6%) answered “Safety and Security”, 3.6% answered
“Information Dissimmenation/Communication”, eleven parents (39.3%) answered
“No Answer”, one parent (3.6%) answered “Friendly Atmosphere”, one parent
(3.6%) answered “Good Manners of students”, one parent (3.6%) answered
“Filipino Values”, one parent (3.6%) answered “Food”, 3.6% answered “Values of
Students”, 3.6% answered “Activities” and lastly, one parent (3.6%) answered
16. “Do you have any suggestions on how can we serve you better?”
The graph shows that two parents (7.1%) answered “Tuition Fee”, two
parents(7.1%) answered “Facilities”, one parent (3.6%) answered
“Canteen/Food”, one parent(3.6%) answered “Traffic Management”, one
parent(3.6%) answered “Learning Materials”, twenty-two parents (78.6%)
answered “No Answer, one parent (3.6%) answered Awards for parents and
students, one parent (3.6%) answered “Nothing so far”, and one parent (3.6%)
answered “Improvement of school’s uniform” in the statement: “Do you have any
suggestions on how can we serve you better?”
18. “If parents are paying for school fees, please encircle the appropriate answer:”
The graph shows that 20% parents answered “60,000-70,000”, 32% parents
answered “40,000-60,000”, 20% parents answered “20,000 and below”, and 8%
answered “20,001-40,000” to the statement: “If parents are paying for school fees,
please encirlcle the appropriate answer”
17. “The student's school fees are paid by: Both Parents, Father Only, Mother
Only, Grandparents, Relatives”
The graph shows that fifteen parents (53.6%) answered “Both Parents”, eight
parents (28.6%) answered “Father Only”, two parents (7.1%) parents answered
“Mother Only”, and three parents (10.7%) answered “Grandparents” to the
statement “The student's school fees are paid by: Both Parents, Father Only,
Mother Only, Grandparents, Relatives”