Chapter 4 5
Chapter 4 5
Chapter 4 5
the researchers using google forms and questionnaire. It focuses on the effects
The collected data was analyzed, interpreted and presented in tables with
of the qualitative data acquired in the study. The study has determined the
CPALE passers in terms of; (a) The Motivation & Encouragement and (b) The
Financial Support; (2) The level of performance of CPALE passers; (3) The
CPALE passers; and (4) The proposed strategies and suggestions to improve
and (b) financial support. The researchers utilized 1-4 rating scale by the he level
highest level of parental involvement. Indicator “My Parents who inspire me and
exert effort in studies”, has a weighted mean of 3.57 and obtained a rank of 2
anything that I do”, has a weighted mean of 3.45 with a verbal interpretation of
congratulate me and say how proud they are”, has a weighted mean of 3.30 with
indicator “My parents keep a place at home which I can study peacefully” has a
weighted mean of 3.13, with a verbal interpretation of often and obtained a rank
problem, my parents give advice” has a weighted mean of 2.91 with a similar
ask me how’s my day was going” has a weighted mean of 2.48 with a verbal
my studies” has a weighted mean of 2.26 and obtained a rank of 8 with a verbal
studies” has a weighted mean of 2.13 and obtained a rank of 9 garnered a verbal
On the other hand, the BSA graduates who took CPA board exam that
a minor impact in the academic success and the rating result of board
examinee.This implies that even though the board examinee receives lowest
and praised by their parents. Furthermore, the study of Duya (2018) indicates
that the moral support received from family members has a significant impact on
and negative emotions. The results emphasize the role of emotions in the
Table 1
Parental Involvement in terms of Motivation and Encouragement
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. When I do well at school my parents hug
me. Rarely 10
Financial Support. Table 2 reveals that “My parents can give me enough money
for my activities” has the highest average weighted mean of 3.39 with a verbal
involvement. Similarly to the other indicators "My parents can pay my tuition fees
parents can buy me materials needed in review" got an average weighted mean
of 3.09 which ranks as fourth with a verbal interpretation of often. The indicator,
"My parents had a stable job to support my needs and wants" obtained an
often. Hence, the indicators " My parents give me money immediately when I
asked for it” and " I do not worry about the payments in school" got an average
weighted mean of 2.87 rank as 6.5 with verbal interpretation of often. The
indicator, "I am confident to meet financial situation" got the average weighted
mean of 2.83 with verbal interpretation of often rank as eight while "I do not
worry about the payments in school" got an average weighted of 2.78 with verbal
interpretation of often ranks as ninth. Lastly, "My parents give me extra money
for my personal needs" got an average weighted mean of 2.74 with verbal
Table 2 reveals that financial support from parents plays a significant role in
for both students and educators in assessing the potential impact on academic
recognizing the diverse ways in which financial support from parents can affect
support is important when parents can provide financial support for their
addition, the study by Duya (2018) states that financial capability is important,
Having the capacity to pay for the 6-month review without a scholarship is one of
the main reasons that affects their motivation to take the CPA licensing exam.
According to the recent study that conducted by Faquia Hanif (2019) that
bearing college expenses, providing pocket money, giving gifts and cash prizes,
and offering health facilities to their children, had a positive impact on the
parental involvement of student’s life and how it can influence their academic
On the other hand, the financial support receive of the board examinee in their
personal needs does not need to give much attention. It does not affect the
performance of the BSA graduates in the CPALE. It implies that board examinee
just need financial support for the expenses for school and academic activities.
Table 2
Parental Involvement in terms of Financial Support
Weighted Verbal
Indicators Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. My parents can pay my tuition fees
and other miscellaneous. 3.30 Always 2
Passers starting month of May in the year 2016 up to May 2022. The
researchers utilized the ratings of board examines of the Mabini Colleges Inc. in
the CPALE.
Table 3 presents seven (7) passers in the month of May 2016 with the rating
of 58.33%. In the month of October 2016 has only one passer with a rating of
3.03. In the month f May 2017 it has a four (4) passers with a rating of 19.05%
while, in the month of October 2017 it has six (6) passers with a ratings of
16.22%. In the month of May 2018, the number of passers is six (6) with a rating
of 30.00% while in the month of October 2018 it has only one passers with a
rating of 3.70%. In the moth of May 2019 it has a four (4) with a rating of 23.58%
while in the October 2019 it has only two passers with a rating of 3.17%. In the
month of October 2021 has only one passers with a rating of 7.14%. In the
month of May 2022 it has only one passers with a rating of 16.67%.
Table 3 reveals that starting on the month of May 2016 up to May 2022 the
implies that the Mabini Colleges needs to give attention to the factors that affects
the performance of BSA graduates in the CPALE. This factors contributes in the
Table 3
Level of Performance of CPALE Passers
Year and Month Number of Passers Ratings
Table 4
of CPALE Passers
N 23
For the level of performance and financial support, the Pearson Product-
Moment Correlation Coefficient r is 0.121, and the p-value is 0.581. Since the p-
value is greater than the typical significance level of 0.05, it indicates that there is
words, financial support from parents does not significantly correlate with the
students’ performance.
It is possible that in some cases, the impact of parental involvement may not
be as significant. There can be a several reason for this. Firstly, there may be
exams, such as the student's own efforts, study habits, teacher quality, or
parental involvement can differ among families. Some parents may be highly
differences. Each student is unique, and the impact of parental involvement can
exams can also be influenced by factors outside of the home, such as school
Chapter 5
Licensure Examination.
Specifically, this study answered the following questions: (1) What is the
(a) Motivation & Encouragement; and (b) Financial Support? ; (2) What is the
Further, this study proved the hypothesis that the parental involvement do
not significantly affect the level of performance of CPALE passers by using the
sampling technique, 23 CPA passers of Mabini Colleges Inc. for the Year 2016
to 2022 in CPA Board Exam served as the respondents that help in achieving