119° 31',8 W 7334.13 NM 60.5° 12.20 NM: Wgs - 84 (GPS) ### ### ###
119° 31',8 W 7334.13 NM 60.5° 12.20 NM: Wgs - 84 (GPS) ### ### ###
119° 31',8 W 7334.13 NM 60.5° 12.20 NM: Wgs - 84 (GPS) ### ### ###
BT = UTC ± 2
Lat 55° 05',0 N ###
Long 006° 00',0 E ###
Merpass 11.45 ###
Nautical Almanac Naut Civil Sunrise Sunset
54 05.14 05.55 06.31 16.59 ###
56 05.14 05.57 06.34 16.55 ###
Lat 45° 32',1 N ###
Dec 11° 45',1 S sin
LHA 028° 06',7 ###
Azimuth 211.3° ###
Hc 041° 23',3 ###
Jarak 3777 Nm
Kec Rata2 14.5 knt
Wkt Tolak 16 Nov 15:00
09 day 20:26
Wtk Tiba 27 Nov 11:26
Azimuth Calculation
Medium saturn Calculation
Dead reckoning
ic 181.6 °
Ground movement
Variation + 000.4 ° -
True Altitude
Speed (Vgr) True Bearing
Course over ground ® vc Gyro Bearing - Moon Upper / Lower Limb
VC = ( - 0,036 * Speed over ground * Cos Course over ground ) / Cos Lat tc
Almanac vc - Sextant Altitude
ic Index Erorr ±
GHA incr. Apparent Altitude ( H )
Decl. N/S Gyro Course DIP sea Horizon (-)
a → Name opposite to Latitude, except when Hour Angle is between 90o and 270o
b → Always named the same as Declination
a & b Same name, take Sum ( add ) RULE TO FIND C CORRECTION a & b Different name take Difference ( Sub )
c Correction, ( a ± b ) is named the same as the greater of these guantities
Az takes combined names of c correction and Hour Angle
Sin HC ( Sin Lat* Sin Dec ) + ( Cos Lat * Cos Dec * Cos LHA )
Cos T (Sin Dec - ( Sin Lat * Sin HC )) / ( Cos Lat * Cos HC )