Form 4 Physics MR Hazeeq 12.06.2023

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Think Globally, Act Locally

Think Globally, Act Locally

3.1 Hukum Kegravitian Semesta Newton

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation

F ∝ m 1 m2
Daya graviti antara dua jasad: Gravitational force is:
-adalah berkadar terus - directly proportional
- dengan hasil darab jisim kedua-dua jasad dua jasad - to the product of masses of two bodies

-dan berkadar songsang
�2 - and inversely proportional
-dengan kuasa dua jarak di antara pusat dua jasad tersebut. - to the square of the distance between the
centres ofthe two bodies.

Daya graviti sebagai daya semesta; Gravitational force as universal force

- bertindak di antara dua jasad di alam semesta - acts between any two bodies in the universe
- dengan magnitud yang sama - experience same magnitude

Think Globally, Act Locally

Casio CLASSWIZ FX-570EX Casio fx-991ZA

Casio Fx 100au Plus Casio fx-991MS

Soalan / Question
Think Globally, Act Locally
1. Diberi jisim kucing gebu ialah 15 kg dan jisim Bumi ialah 5.97 x 1024 kg. Jarak antara pusat Bumi dan kucing
gebu ialah 6.37 x 106m. Kira daya graviti antara kucing gebu dan Bumi.

Given that mass a fluffy cat is 15 kg and mass of Earth is 5.97 x 1024 kg. Distance between the centre of Earth and the
cat is 6.37 x 106 m. Calculate the gravitational force between the fluffy cat and Earth.

2. Diberi jisim Bumi adalah 5.97 x 1024 kg. Jarak antara MyVi dan pusat Bumi adalah 6.37 x 106m. Jika daya
graviti antara MyVi dan Bumi ialah 7000 N, kira jisim kereta MyVi tersebut.

Given that the mass of Earth is 5.97 x 1024 kg. The distance between the center of a MyVi car and the center of Earth
is 6.37 x 106 m. If the gravitational force experienced between MyVi and Earth is 7000 N, calculate the mass of the
MyVi car.

3. Diberi jisim planet Kepler-1649c ialah 7 x 1015 kg dan jisim planet Kepler 452b ialah 4 x 1020 kg. Jika daya
graviti antara dua planet ialah 7700 N, kira jarak antara pusat kedua planet itu.

Given that planet Kepler-1649c has a mass of 7 x 10 15 kg and planet Kepler 452b has a mass of 4 x 1020 kg. If the
gravitational force between the two planets is 7700 N, calculate the distance between their centers.

Think Globally, Act Locally

Apabila jisim objek pertama ialah m1, jisim objek kedua ialah m2 dan jarak antara dua jasad ialah r, daya graviti
ialah F. Dengan merujuk kepada F, nyatakan daya apabila;
When mass of first body is m1, mass of second body is m2 and distance between the two bodies is r, gravitaional force isF. In
relation to F, what is the force when;

a. jisim jasad pertama b. jisim jasad kedua c. jarak menjadi tiga d. jarak ialah
menjadi dua kali menjadi kali ganda. suku dari jarak
mass of first body is disetengahkan.
mass of second body is distance is tripled? asal.
distance is quarter
doubled? halved? from the original?


Think Globally, Act Locally


2R 3R

Soalan / Question Think Globally, Act Locally

4. Jisim Planet X ialah 3.17 x 1027kg dan jejari planet adalah 4.37 x 107 m. Jika terdapat jasad yang
mempunyai jisim 10 kg di permukaan Planet X, kira;
Mass of Planet X is 3.17 x 1027 kg and its radius is 4.37 x 107 m. If there is an object with mass 10 kg on the surface
of Planet X, calculate;

a. pecutan gravity / gravitational acceleration

b. berat objek / weight of object
(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2)

5. Sebuah satelit mengorbit bumi pada ketinggian 1000 km dari permukaan. Kira pecutan graviti pada
kedudukan satelit.
A satellite is orbiting the Earth at a height of 1000 km from the surface. Calculate the gravitational acceleration at
the position of the satellite.

(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2, M = 5.97 x 1024 kg, R = 6.37 x 106 m)

Think Globally, Act Locally

6. Terbitkan hubungan antara pecutan graviti, g dan pemalar kegravitian semesta, G.

Derive the relationship between the gravitational acceleration, g and Universal Gravitational Constant, G.

Menyamakan dua persamaan

Equate two equations

Batalkan faktor sepunya,

Cancel common factor

Hubungan antara g dengan G

Relationship between g and G

7. Sebuah satelit pengimejan radar mengorbit mengelilingi Bumi pada ketinggian 480 km. Berapakah nilai
pecutan graviti di kedudukan satelit itu?
A radar imaging satellite orbits around the Earth at a height of 480 km. What is the value of gravitational
acceleration at the position of the satellite?

[G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2, M = 5.97 × 1024 kg, R = 6.37 × 106 m]

Daya Memusat dalam Sistem Gerakan Satelit dan Planet Think Globally, Act Locally
Centripetal Force in the Motions of Satellites and Planets
Apabila F = 0 N: When F = 0 N:
• Jasad (objek) akan bergerak lurus, • object will move in straight line,
• dengan halaju yang seragam, • constant velocity
• bergerak dalam arah yang sama. • move in the same direction

Dalam suatu orbit (arah pusat bulatan): In an orbit (towards the center of the circle):
• object is always changing its direction
• jasad sentiasa mengubah arah, • in direction towards the orbit
• daya yang bertindak pada arah orbit, • centripetal force.
• Daya Memusat.

F = daya memusat force F= centripetal force

m = jisim m= mass
v = laju linear v= linear speed

r = jejari bulatan r= radius of circle

Think Globally, Act Locally

Mass B / Jisim B
/ Tiub
/ Klip kertas

/ Benang Pemberat
Mass A / Jisim A

 Tingkatkan jisim, Increasing mass.

 Kurangkan jejari, Decreasing the radius.

 Tingkatkan kelajuan, Increasing speed.

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Soalan / Question Think Globally, Act Locally

8. Dalam satu eksperimen menggunakan kit daya memusat, penyumbat getah diputarkan dalam satu
bulatan dengan kelajuan 4ms-1. Jejari bulatan ialah 0.8m apabila jisim penyumbat getah ialah 0.168kg.
Berapakah jisim pemberat berslot?

In an experiment using centripetal force kit, a rubber stopper rotates in a circle with a speed of 4ms-1. Radius of the
circle is 0.8m when the mass of rubber stopper is 0.168kg. What is the mass of slotted weight?

9. Bieber memusingkan seketul batu berjisim 150g dengan tali sepanjang 1.5m. Jika laju batu ialah 3ms-1,
berapakah ketegangan tali?

Bieber whirls a 150g stone with a 1.5m string. If the speed of the stone is 3ms-1, what is the tension of the string?

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Think Globally, Act Locally

Satelit Mengorbit Bumi / Satellite orbiting the Earth

Trajektori ①: Apabila laju linear rendah Trajectory ①: When the linear speed is low

Trajektori ②: Apabila laju linear cukup tinggi, Trajectory ②: When linear speed is high enough, the object
jasad akan mengelilingi Bumi dan will circulate the earth but not return
tidak akan kembali ke Bumi.

Objek dilancarkan dengan halaju linear,v

Pecutan memusat dari daya memusat

Centripetal acceleration from centripetal force

a = pecutan memusat
centripetal acceleration

v = laju linear
linear speed
r = jejari orbit
radius of orbit

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Think Globally, Act Locally

Soalan / Question
10. Seorang atlet melontar tukul besi dengan jisim 7.2 kg. Kelajuan bola besi adalah 20 ms-1. Kira panjang tali
jika daya memusat yang bertindak pada tukul besi ialah 1600 N.

A hammer throw athlete swings an iron ball with mass of 7.2kg. The speed of the iron ball is 20ms-1. Calculate the
length of the rope if the centripetal force acting on the ball is 1600N.

11. Sebuah satelit mengorbit Bumi pada ketinggian 480 km.

Jika pecutan memusat satelit adalah 8.48 ms-2, Apakah laju linear satelit?

A satellite orbits the Earth at the height of 480km. If the centripetal acceleration of the satellite is 8.48ms-2, what is
the linear speed of the satellite?
(R = 6.37 x 106 m)

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Jisim Bumi dan Matahari / Mass of Earth and Sun Think Globally, Act Locally

Menyamakan dua persamaan

Equate two equations

Batalkan faktor sepunya

Cancel common factor

Gantikan / substitute: v =

Susun semula M
Rearrange M

Jisim Bumi
Mass of Earth

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Think Globally, Act Locally

M = jisim B (jasad di tengah) M= mass of B (body at center)

r = jejari orbit r = radius of orbit
G = pemalar graviti G= gravitational constant
(6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2) (6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2)
T = tempoh peredaran T = period of revolution
(Masa yang diambil oleh A untuk mengorbit B) (time taken by A to orbit B)

Soalan / Question
12. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan planet Utarid mengorbit mengelilingi Matahari dengan jejari orbit 5.79 ×
1010 m dan tempoh peredaran 7.57 × 106 s. Hitungkan jisim Matahari.

Figure below shows Mercury orbiting the Sun with a radius of 5.79 × 1010 m and a period of revolution of 7.57 × 106
s. Calculate the mass of the Sun.

Orbit of Mercury


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Think Globally, Act Locally
Soalan / Question

13. Rajah menunjukkan Bumi mengorbit Matahari. Bumi mengambil masa lebih kurang 365.25 hari untuk
mengorbit Matahari sepenuhnya. Hitung jisim Matahari

Diagram shows Earth orbiting the Sun. Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the Sun completely.
Calculate the mass of the Sun.

14. Bumi mengambil 365.25 hari untuk mengorbit Matahari sepenuhnya. Jejari orbit ialah 1.5 x 1011m.
Berapakah laju Bumi mengelilingi Matahari?

Earth takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the Sun completely. Radius of the orbit is 1.5 x 1011m. What is the
speed of Earth around the Sun?

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Think Globally, Act Locally

3.2 Hukum Kepler

Kepler’s Law

① ② ③

Hukum orbit Hukum Luas Hukum Tempoh

Law of Orbits Law of Areas Law of Periods

Hukum Kepler Pertama: Orbit bagi setiap planet adalah elips dengan Matahari berada di satu daripada
Kepler’s First Law: All planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus.

 Orbit berbentuk elips  Elliptical shaped orbit (“squished circle”)

 Elips mempunyai dua focus  Ellipses has two foci

 Matahari sentiasa di salah satu focus  Sun is always at one of the focus

 Paksi major adalah lebih panjang daripada paksi  Major axis is longer than minor axis but usually
minor tetapi biasanya hampir sama untuk Sistem almost the same for Solar System
 Radius of orbit: average value of the distance
between planet and Sun

Soalan / Question
Jejari orbit: Nilai purata jarak antara planet dan Matahari
15. Nyatakan Hukum Kepler Pertama. State Kepler’s First Law.

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Think Globally, Act Locally
Hukum Kepler Kedua :
Garis yang menyambungkan planet dengan Matahari akan mencakupi luas yang sama dalam selang
masa yang sama apabila planet bergerak dalam orbitnya.
Kepler’s Second Law: A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times.

 Luas kawasan 1 = luas kawasan 2  Area of region 1 = area of region 2

 Masa yang diambil dari A ke B = C ke D  Time taken from A to B = C to D
 AB meliputi lebih jarak berbanding CD dalam jangka  Since AB covers more distance compared to CD within
masa yang sama, AB adalah lebih cepat daripada CD the same time span, AB is faster than CD

Soalan / Question
A) Nyatakan Hukum Kepler Kedua. State Kepler’s second law.
B) Rajah di bawah menunjukkan orbit sebuah planet mengelilingi Matahari. Bandingkan laju linear
planet itu di kedudukan X, Y dan Z.
Figure below shows the orbit of a planet around the Sun. Compare the linear speed of the planet at
positions X, Y and Z.

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Think Globally, Act Locally

Hukum Kepler Ketiga:

Kuasa dua tempoh orbit planet adalah berkadar terus dengan kuasa tiga jejari orbitnya.

Kepler’s Third Law:

The square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to the cube of the radius of its orbit.

Jarak dilalui dalam satu orbit lengkap

Daya memusat = Daya graviti Laju linear planet , v =
Tempoh orbit

Distance travelled in one complete orbit

Centripetal force = Gravitational force Linear speed of planet, v =
Orbital period

��2 �� 2��

=� �2
v= �
.................... [2]

v2 = �
.................... [1]

Gantikan [2] kepada [1]

Substitute [2] into [1]:

2�� ��
( )2 =
� �
22 �2 �2 ��

4�2 �3
= T2

T = ( �� )r3

T2 = kr3
T2 ∝ r3

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Think Globally, Act Locally
Soalan / Question
17. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan planet Bumi dan Marikh yang mengorbit Matahari.
Figure below shows the planets, Earth and Mars, orbiting the Sun.

Orbital Period of
Earth, T1

Sun Orbital Period of

Mars, T2

Jejari orbit Bumi ialah 1.50 × 1011 m, tempoh orbit Bumi dan Marikh ialah masing-masing 1.00 tahun dan
1.88 tahun. Hitungkan jejari orbit Marikh.
The radius of the orbit of the Earth is 1.50 × 1011 m, orbital period of the Earth and Mars is 1.00 year and 1.88 years
respectively. Calculate the radius of the orbit of Mars.

18. Jika tempoh orbit Bumi adalah 1 tahun, berapa lama masa yang diambil untuk Marikh untuk mengorbit Matahari?
If the orbital period of Earth is 1 year, how long does it take for Mars to orbit the Sun?

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3.3 Satelit Buatan Manusia Think Globally, Act Locally

Man-made Satellites

Satelit geopegun Satelit bukan geopegun

Geostationary satellite Non-geostationary satellite
Orbit mengelilingi Bumi
Orbits the Earth

Arah pergerakan yang sama dengan arah putaran Bumi Arah gerakan tidak perlu sama dengan arah putaran Bumi
Direction of motion same as the direction of Earth rotation Direction of motion doesn’t have to be the same as the
direction of Earth rotation

T = 24 jam, T lebih panjang atau lebih pendek dari 24 jam

T = 24 hours T can be longer or shorter than 24 hours

Di atas tempat yang sama di muka Bumi Di atas tempat yang berubah-ubah di muka Bumi
Above the same geographical location Above different geographical location

Fungsi: satelit komunikasi Fungsi: pengimejan Bumi, GPS, kaji cuaca

Function: communication satellite Function: Earth imaging, GPS, weather forecast
Contoh / Example : MEASAT Contoh / Example: TiungSAT, RazakSAT, Pipit, ISS

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Think Globally, Act Locally

Laju linear satelit

Linear speed of satellite

 Jika laju linear satelit, v adalah kurang daripada laju yang sepatutnya, satelit akan jatuh ke orbit yang
lebih rendah
 Satelit akan memusar ke arah Bumi sehingga ia memasuki atmosfera
 Pergerakan laju satelit bertentangan dengan rintangan udara akan menghasilkan haba, menyebabkan satelit

 If the linear speed of satellite,v is less than required speed, satellite will fall to a lower orbit
 Satellite will revolve towards Earth until it enters atmosphere
 High speed movement against air resistance will produce heat, satellite burns

Soalan / Question
19. Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS) ialah 408 km dari permukaan bumi. Berapakah kelajuannya?
International Space Station (ISS) is 408 km away from the surface of Earth. What is its speed?
(G = 6.67 x 10-11 N m2 kg-2, M = 5.97 x 1024 kg, R = 6.37 x 106 m)

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Think Globally, Act Locally
Halaju Lepas
Escape velocity
Halaju lepas : Halaju minimum yang diperlukan oleh objek di permukaan Bumi untuk mengatasi daya gravitidan
terlepas ke angkasa lepas
Halaju lepas dari Bumi: 11200 ms-1
Escape velocity: The minimum velocity needed by an object on the surface of the Earth to overcome gravitational
force and escape to outer space
Earth’s escape velocity: 11200 ms-1 / 40300 kmh-1

Halaju lepas dicapai apabila tenaga kinetik minimum yang dibekalkan kepada objek itu dapat mengatasi
tenaga keupayaan graviti.
Escape velocity can be achieved when minimum kinetic energy of an object is able to overcome its gravitational
potential energy.

Halaju lepas
Escape velocity

Manfaat dan Implikasi Halaju Lepas

Benefits and Implications of Escape Velocity
1. Bumi mampu mengekalkan lapisan atmosfera sekelilingnya 1. Earth is able to maintain a layer of atmosphere around it
 molekul dalam atmosfera mempunyai laju linear rendah  molecules in atmosphere has velocity (500ms-1) lower
(500ms ) daripada halaju lepas Bumi
than Earth’s escape velocity
 tidak dapat terlepas ke angkasa lepas  unable to escape to outer space

2. Kapal terbang dan jet tidak akan terlepas ke angkasa lepas

2. Planes and jets won’t escape to outer space
 kedua-duanya mempunyai laju linear yang lebih rendah
 both have speeds lower than Earth’s escape velocity
daripada halaju lepas Bumi

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Think Globally, Act Locally

3. Pelancaran roket ke angkasa lepas 3. Rockets need to be launched into outer space
 menggunakan banyak bahan api untuk menghasilkan  uses a lot of fuels to produce large thrust
kuasa rejang yang tinggi  produce high velocity that is larger than Earth’s escape
 menghasilkan laju yang lebih besar daripada halaju lepas velocity

Soalan / Question
20. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi, kirakan halaju lepas daripada Bumi, Matahari dan Bulan.
Based on the information given, calculate the escape velocity of Earth, Sun and Moon.

R (m) M (kg)

Bumi, Earth 6.4 x 106 6.0 x 1024

Matahari, Sun 7.0 x 108 2.0 x 1030

Bulan, Moon 1.7 x 106 7.4 x 1022

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Think Globally, Act Locally

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Think Globally, Act Locally

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Think Globally, Act Locally

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