Module 5
Module 5
Module 5
At present the Small Scale Industry (SSI) constitutes a
Very Important Segment of the Indian Economy & has
emerged as a Dynamic & Vibrant Sector of the Economy.
Small Scale Industry Sector holds the Key to Economic
Prosperity of the Indian Economy, Characterized by
abundant Labor Supply, Unemployment & Under
Employment , Scarcity of Finance, Growing Modern Large
Industries providing scope for development of Ancillary
Industries & so on. The Small Scale Industry has grown
phenomenally during the last Six Decades & has acquired
a very prominent place in the Socio – Economic
Development in the Country.
An industrial undertaking in which investment in
fixed assets in plant and machinery, whether held
in ownership or on lease in fixed assets in plant and
machinery, whether held or ownership terms or on
lease or by hire purchase, does not exceed Rs.1crore
as on May 21,2010 is treated as a small-scale
1. A small scale industry is generally a one man show even in
cases where the small units are run by a partnership firm or
a company.
2. In SSIS the owner himself is a manager also and these units
are managed in a personalized fashion.
3. The SSIs have smaller gestation period as compared to larger
SSIs that is the period after which the return of investment
4. Scope of SSI is generally localized catering the needs of local
and regional demands.
5. SSIs can be located anywhere use indigenous resources subject
to the availability of these resources like raw material labour
6. SSIs are fairly labour intensive with comparatively smaller
capital investment as small as 600-700 rupees for an
artisan and his family to begin with than the larger units.
7. The development of the small scale industries in rural areas
promotes balanced regional development due to the
decentralization and utilization local resources and also
prevents influx of job seekers from cities and
8. The small scale industries are more susceptible to change,
highly reactive and receptive to socio-economic
Provide increased employment through
labor intensive process.
Require lower gestation period.
Easy to set up in rural & backward areas.
Need small/local market.
Encourage growth of local entrepreneurs.
Create decentralized pattern of ownership.
Foster diversification of economic activities.
Introduce new products particularly to cater local
Influence the standard of living of local people.
Provide equitable dispersal of industries throughout
rural & backward area.
1. To generate immediate and large scale employment
opportunities with relatively low investment.
2. To eradicate unemployment problem from the country. 3. To
encourage dispersal of industries to all over country covering
small towns, villages and economically lagging regions.
4. To bring backward areas too, in the main stream of national
5. To promote balanced regional development in the whole
6. To ensure more equitable distribution of national income. 7. To
encourage effective mobilization of country’s untapped
8. To improve the standard of living of people in the country. 8
Advantages of SSI
Require lesser capital resources.
Have lower gestation period.
Provide local employment
opportunities. Attract subsidies from
Earn valuable foreign exchange.
Enjoy privileges for exclusive
manufacturing. Mobilize local resources.
Help in shifting the concentration of
industrial activity.
Enjoy preferential purchase of products.
Demonstrate entrepreneurial acumen and ability.
3) Location of Unit:
i)proximity to the source of raw materials.
ii)Nearness to the market.
iii)availability of manpower
iv) Infrastructure availability with respect to -factory
sheds, industrial estates,transportation
facility,availability of power,water, waste
disposal,essential services etc.
v) General business climate of region
vi) climate and environmental factors.
4) Project Report :
• For any New Project or Enterprise to be set up, Proper
Planning is necessary.
• A detailed Project Report provides such a plan for the
• The Report is useful to the Entrepreneur for Planning &
Implementing the Project.
• This is essential for Obtaining Finance & other clearances
for the Project.
• In fact, the Project Report gives a detailed insight of the
Techno – Economic Viability of the Project. This is
generally prepared to cover the following :general info
about project, preliminary analysis of alternatives, project
description, technical feasibility, economic vaibility,
financial analysis, marketing plan etc.
5) Registration :
i)provisional registration: temporary registration, needed at
the planning stage. Issued by district unit of directorate of
industries. Initialy given for one year, extended six months
max of 4 times.
ii)permanent registration: ready to commence commercial
6) Arrangement of finance – fixed and working: fixed
capital required for setting up infrastructure like land,
building,machinery etc . This can be generated by
partnership, bank loans, venture capitalist, personal savings.
7) Procuring licenses and clearances:
There are a number of Statutory Clearances reqd to start Micro
& Small Enterprises.
Scope: The scope for small scale industries is quite vast covering a wide range of activities
requiring less sophist acted technology the important ones among them being
1) Accepted for the first time the importance of small scale industries in the overall economic
development of the country.
2)realized that small scale industries are particularly suited for utilization of local resources
and for creation of employment opportunities
3)passed a resolution that the central government in cooperation with state governments
should solve the problems of SSI like raw materials, capital, skilled labour, marketing etc to
protect SSIs
IPR 1956
I)Industries development and regulation act was passed in 1951to regulate and control the
industries in the country
2)parliament accepted to develop “the socialist pattern of society” as the basic aim of
economic policy which cam in form in 1956
3)measures were taken to provide sufficient vitality to decentralized sectors and to work with
the large scale industry
4)Small scale industries board constituted a working group in 1959 to formulate a
development plan for SSIs during the third five year plan in 1961-66
5)during this period projects like “Rural Industries Projects” and “Industries Estate Projects”
were started during this period to strengthen the small sectors
6)thus the IPR 1956 aimed at “Protection plus Development” which initiated a modern SSI in
1) Emphasized new renewal policy was based on effective promotion of cottage and small
industries widely dispersed in rural areas and small towns.
2)Thus IPR1977 accordingly classified small sector into three categories
(i)Cottage and household industries: to provide self-employment on large scale (ii)Tiny
sector: promoting investment in industrial units in plant and machinery upto 1 lakh (iii)Small
scale industries : comprising of industrial units with an investment of Rs.10 lakhs and upto 15
lakhs for ancillary industries.
Measures suggested for promotion of small scale and cottage
industries: (i)Reservation of 504 items for exclusive production in
small-scale sector
(ii)Proposal to set up ‘district industry centre’ agency in each district which was introduced
in78 Thus the as per this resolution the small sector was thus to be protected, developed and
IPR 1980
The Government of India adopted a new industrial policy resolution(IPR) on July
231980 The main objective of this polices were
i) Increase in investments of tiny plants from Rs1 lakh to 2 lakh and from 10 lakhs to 20 lakhs
for SSIs and from Rs.15 lakhs to 25 lakhs in case of ancillaries.
(ii)Introduction of the concept of nucleus plants in case of DICS in each industrially backward
district and to promote maximum small scale industries there.
(iii) Promotion of village and rural industries to generate economic viability in the villages well
compatible with the environment.
Thus IPR 1980 emphasized the spirit of IPR 1956
IPR 1990
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