Metadata Handbook SECOND EDITIONnew
Metadata Handbook SECOND EDITIONnew
Metadata Handbook SECOND EDITIONnew
Rwanda Metadata
- EDPRS and MDGs -
2nd Edition
February 2015
The Metadata Handbook for EDPRS and MDGs was developed by the National Institute of Statistics
of Rwanda (NISR).
Additional information about this Metadata Handbook may be obtained from the NISR:
P.O. Box 6139, Kigali, Rwanda; Telephone: (250) 252 571 035
Recommended citation:
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), The Metadata Handbook for EDPRS and MDGs,
2nd Edition, February 2015.
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Overview 1
2. Process 1
3. Structure of Handbook 1
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
23. Percentage of citizens satisfied with their participation in decision making at Local Government
levels (KPI). 24
24. Percentage of District capacity building planned activities that are implemented (KPI). 24
25. Percentage increase of the expenditures at District level over which Local Governments have
discretionary powers (KPI). 25
26. Percentage Increase of Districts own revenues. 26
27. Percentage of internal and external audit recommendations fully implemented by Local
Governments. 26
28. Percentage of the population that perceives the District Administration as transparent,
accountable and citizen oriented (KPI). 27
29. Total Fertility Rate (TFR) 28
22. Transition Rate from primary to lower secondary 29
23. Transition Rate from lower secondary to upper secondary 30
24. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in primary 30
25. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in secondary 31
26. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) 32
27. Proportion of births taking place in health facilities 33
28. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) 34
29. Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR) 35
30. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate of modern methods among women in union aged between 15-49
yrs. 37
31. HIV positivity rate among pregnant women attending Ante-natal clinics 38
30. Percentage of adult population accessing financial services 38
31. Tax revenue as percentage of GDP 39
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
1. Overview
This handbook contains metadata sheets for 38 EDPRS2 and 43 MDGs indicators and
has been divided into two parts: Part I consist of EDPRS2 indicators and Part II is
related to MDGs indicators. The metadata for MDGs indicators have been reviewed
putting into account the country settings. The classification of the indicators under each
targets and goals in the handbook follows similar structure as of the EDPRS 2 and MDGs
documents. This initial handbook does not contain all indicators and as more
information becomes available and the list of indicators evolves so will the handbook be
reviewed and updated.
2. Process
3. Structure of Handbook
For each indicator a metadata sheet following international standards has been
developed providing all or some of the following information;
Metadata Sheet
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
PART I: Metadata for EDPRS 2 Indicators
Increased productivity
and sustainability of 12. Area under irrigation(Marshland& Hillside)
Enhanced rural
settlements that 13. Proportion of rural households living in planned
facilitate access to basic Settlements (integrated &Economically viable)
14. Proportion of rural households with access to electricity
Increased access to
basic infrastructure for
15. Proportion of rural households with access within 500m
rural households
to an improved drinking water source
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
Definition Export to GDP ratio is the total value from exports divided
by GDP.
Exports of goods and services represent the value of all
goods and other market services provided to the rest of the
world. General exports consist of:
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annually, Quarterly
Comments and
Sources and Data Customs data constitute the primary source for the
collection compilation of merchandise trade statistics by the BNR. All
formal imports and exports are recorded by RRA (Rwanda
Revenue Authorities), importers and exporters are
requested to fill an import and export declarations. Exports
from tourism sector are collected by RDB(Rwandan
Development Board). BNR calculates indices of average
export values and publish the foreign trade statistics in its
bulletin entitled BNR statistical Bulletin and annual report.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible BNR
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual and Quarterly
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Comments and
Sources and Data The National Bank of Rwanda in collaboration with Rwanda
collection Development Board (RDB), National Institute of Statistics of
Rwanda (NISR) and Private Sector Federation (PSF)
conducted the Foreign Private Capital (FPC) Census
annually. This census concerns all new companies
registered as foreign direct investments by Rwanda
Development Board as well as those which declared Foreign
Assets and Liability. GDP data come from national accounts
The indicator is computed by MINECOFIN Macro-
Department based on FDI and GDP data.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINECOFIN
Institutions NISR, BNR, RDB, MINICOM
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years for EICV , 10 years for PHC
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Definition Area under irrigation refers to the total area (Marshland and
hillside) equipped with water management infrastructure to
provide water to crops including areas equipped for full or
partial control irrigation crops. The major types of irrigation
system that are utilized in Rwanda are :
1. - Surface system: where irrigation water is applied to the
plant by means of furrows/border/basin and uses the soil as
the mean of application.
2. - Pressurized sprinkler system: includes
sprinkler/pivots/rain guns.
3. - Localised system: includes dip/hose/bucket irrigation.
Method of Area under irrigation is the total area of land under
Computation irrigation schemes expressed in hectare. The total area of
irrigated land is obtained through measurement using GPS
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
15. Proportion of rural households with access within 500m to improved drinking
water source
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Responsible NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 -5 years for EICV and DHS and 10 years for PHC.
17. Percentage of district class 2 earth roads (Feeder roads) upgraded to gravel
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Responsible MIFOTRA.
Disaggregation City of Kigali, Urban& Rural districts, Urban and Rural
sectors, Gender.
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
25. Percentage increase of the expenditures at District level over which Local
Governments have discretionary powers (KPI).
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- All the births the respondent has had in the order in
which they occurred starting with her first birth.
- The names of all of her children, from all marriages and
unions, whether or not they are still alive, from the first
to the last.
- If the woman reports that she had a multiple birth
(twins, triplets, etc.), record each of the children on a
separate line.
The only births that are not included are stillbirths.
Disaggregation National ,Province, District, & Residence(Urban/rural)
- Geographical Wealth quintiles , Education level
- Other
- Main NISR
- Key stakeholders MOH
Periodicity 3 to 5 years for DHS and 10 years for PHC
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical
Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
31. HIV positivity rate among pregnant women attending Ante-natal clinics
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Bf denotes the number individuals who are 18 years or older
and financially served/ uses any one of the financial
products/services available and Be denotes adults (18 years
or older) in the country.
Note that if more than one method is used, only the most
effective method is considered.
Comments and This indicator does not cover the actual use of the products
limitations that individuals take up. An adult can open or have a
formal/informal product but may not use it in the past six
month or even one year.
Sources and Data Data on access to finance are collected from households,
collection analysed and reported by AFR through the FinScope Survey.
Disaggregation Male/Female
- Sex Province, District, Residence(Urban, Rural)
- Geographical Age group
- Age Education level, main income generating activities, ubudehe
- Others categories
- Main AFR
- Key Stakeholders BNR, IPAR
Periodicity 3 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
universal access to reproductive 17. Antenatal care coverage for at least four visits
health 18. Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit (ANC)
19. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)
20. Unmet need for family planning
Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
21. Condom use at last high-risk sex
22. HIV prevalence rate
Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015
and begun to reverse the spread of 23. Population 15-24 year-olds who have comprehensive
HIV/AIDS correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS
24. Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school
attendance of non-orphans
Target 6.B: Achieve, by 2010,
25. Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection
universal access to treatment for
with access to antiretroviral drugs
HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
26. Death rate associated with malaria
27. Death rate associated with tuberculosis
28. Incidence of malaria
Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 29. Incidence of tuberculosis
and begun to reverse the 30. Prevalence of tuberculosis
incidence of malaria and other 31. Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under
major diseases insecticide-treated bed nets
32. Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are
treated with appropriate anti-malarial drugs
33. Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS
34. Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS
Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
Target 7.A: Integrate the 35. Carbon dioxide emissions
principles of sustainable 36. Consumption of all ozone-depleting substances
development into country
policies and programmes and
reverse the loss of 37. Proportion of land area covered by forest
environmental resources
Target 7.B: Reduce biodiversity
loss, achieving, by 2010, a 38. Proportion of terrestrial areas protected to total
significant reduction in the rate territorial area
of loss
Target 7.C: Halve, by 2015, the 39. Proportion of population using an improved
proportion of people without drinking water source
sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic 40. Proportion of population using an improved
sanitation sanitation facility
Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
Target 8.D: Deal
comprehensively with the debt
41. External debt service as percentage of exports of
problems of developing
goods and services and net income from abroad
countries through national and
international measures in order
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Geographical National ,Province, District
Sources of Global poverty gap measures are based on the international
Discrepancies poverty line of $1.25 a day measured at 2005 prices and
between Global and cannot be directly compared with national level poverty gap
National Figures measures; which are derived using country specific poverty
lines estimated in local currencies.
Institutions NISR
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Definition The poverty gap ratio is the mean shortfall of the total
population from the poverty line (counting the non-poor as
having zero shortfall), expressed as a percentage of the
poverty line.
∑ ( )
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
4. Employment-to-Population ratio
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Comments and The employment-to-population ratio only provides a
limitations measure of persons in employment. It says nothing about
the quality of employment in which people work posing the
question of whether or not an increase of the indicator over
time should be interpreted positively. An increase in the
ratio has positive implications on poverty reduction only if
the jobs obtained are well-paid, productive and secure—in
other words, if they are decent jobs.
It is worth noting that the information presented in the
census reports is limited to the main activity performed
during the reference period (seven days before the Census
night)while the working population of Rwanda routinely
works in multiple jobs.
Sources and Data Data are collected through EICV and PHC.
collection Note that the figures published in EICV 3 under employment
rate are actually measuring employment-to-population
- Geographical National, Province , District, Residence(Urban/Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
- Other Marital Status, education level, highest level of degree
Characteristics obtained
Sources of For most cases, household labour force surveys are used,
Discrepancies and they provide estimates that are consistent with ILO
between Global and definitional and collection standards. However, Rwanda
National Figures uses census and EICV to get data in the absence of labour
force surveys; this can cause problems of comparability at
the international level. Ratios may diverge slightly from
nationally reported figures because of the harmonization
Periodicity 3- 5 years in EICV, 10 years for PHC.
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
= Literacy rate of age group 15-24 in year t
=Literate population of age group 15- 24 in year t
= Population of age group a in year t
Comments and Misreporting of age; where the declared age may not
limitations coincide with the birth age which can result in under or
overestimation of literacy.
Literacy is measured crudely in population censuses, either
through self or household report or by assuming that people
with no schooling are illiterate, making international
comparisons difficult. Comparability over time, even for the
same survey, may also be a problem because definitions of
literacy used in surveys are not standardized.
Shortcomings in the definitions of literacy, measurement
problems, and infrequency of censuses and household
surveys weaken this indicator’s utility for monitoring
education outcomes related to the goal of achieving
universal primary education.
Caution should be exercised when comparing literacy
indicator by wealth quintile between the surveys because of
the difference in the methods of measurement. The wealth
index in DHS and PHC is calculated using household’s
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Questionnaire in DHS.
- Geographical National , Province ,District, Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male, Female
- Other Socio-economic characteristics of mothers(education,
Characteristics wealth quintiles)
Note that the reference year for IMR by socio-economic
characteristic is 10 years period preceding the survey.
Sources of Not Applicable.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 to 5 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Geographical National
Sources of Differences between National and Global figures could arise
Discrepancies from the limitations mentioned above and the use of a
between Global and different method globally.
National Figures
Periodicity 3 to 5 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
C1 denotes the number of women aged 15-49 who had a live
birth in the 5 years preceding the survey and who received
antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel
(doctors, midwives, medical assistant or nurse) at least once
during pregnancy.
W denotes the number of all women aged 15-49 who had a
live birth in the same period (5years).
Comments and Information on ANC visits is based on the mother’s report
limitations which is note verifiable, but generally in Rwanda ANC
coverage is very high.
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the DHS; women who had had a live birth in the five
years preceding the survey were asked whether they had
received antenatal care (ANC) and how many visits they
Disaggregation National , Province, District ,Residence(Urban /rural)
- Geographical
Sources of There are no differences between Global and National
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Where ;
C denotes the number of women aged 15-49 who had a live
birth in the 5 years preceding the survey and who received
antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel
(doctors, midwives, medical assistant or nurse) at least 4
times during pregnancy.
W denotes the number of all women aged 15-49 who had a
live birth in the same period (5years).
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the RDHS (Rwanda Demographic Health Survey);
women who had had a live birth in the five years preceding
the survey were asked whether they had received antenatal
care (ANC) and how many visits they had.
- Geographical National, Province, District ,Residence(Urban/ Rural)
Comments and Information on ANC visits is based on the mother’s report
limitations which is note verifiable, but generally in Rwanda ANC
coverage is very high.
Sources of There are no differences between Global and National
Discrepancies figures.
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
National Figures
Periodicity 3 – 5 years
Definition The HIV prevalence rate, population 15-24 years old, is the
percentage of population aged 15-24 living with HIV.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that
weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to AIDS,
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV destroys
the body's ability to fight off infection and disease, which
can ultimately lead to death.
Method of HIV prevalence among 15- 24 years is derived by dividing
Computation the number of population aged 15-24 years tested whose
HIV test results are positive by the number of same age
population tested for HIV.
Comments and HIV prevalence among young people aged 15–24 years is a
limitations better proxy for monitoring overall HIV incidence than
prevalence among people aged 15–49 years. Trends in HIV
prevalence for older age groups are slow to reflect changes
in HIV incidence because of the long average duration of
HIV infection.
Sources and Data DHS is the primary sources of data. Women and men who
collection were interviewed in the subsample of households selected
of the 2010 RDHS were asked to voluntarily provide blood
for HIV testing. For women and men willing to be tested,
drops of blood were drawn and dried on filter paper.
Analysis of the samples for HIV was carried out at the NRL.
The HIV test is anonymous; that is, the results of the test
were not linked to survey data until the individual
respondent’s identifying information was destroyed by
NISR. Therefore, the respondents’ HIV test results can
never be linked to identifying data. Ninety-nine percent of
all RDHS respondents who were eligible for testing were
interviewed and consented to HIV testing. These data are
compiled by the NISR and published on the DHS.
- Geographical National, Province ,District, Residence, ( Rural / Urban)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age 5 years cohorts for the population aged among youth 15-24
- Other Religion, Employment , Education level , Wealth quintile,
Characteristics sexual behaviour , Demographic characteristics
Sources of The global estimates are representative of the national
Discrepancies estimates for a given year.
between Global and
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
National Figures
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
who is infected?
In Rwanda DHS the following additional questions are also
- Can people get the AIDS virus because of witchcraft
or other supernatural means?
- Can men reduce their chance of getting the AIDS
virus by getting circumcised?
Sources and Data Data on knowledge and misconceptions about HIV and
collection AIDS are collected through DHS.
- Geographical National, Province , District ,Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age 5 years cohorts for the population aged 15 -24 years
- Other Marital status, wealth quintile, education level
Comments and The belief that a healthy-looking person cannot be infected
limitations with HIV is a common misconception that can result in
unprotected sexual intercourse with infected partners.
Correct knowledge about false beliefs of possible modes of
HIV transmission is as important as correct knowledge of
true modes of transmission. For example, the belief that
HIV is transmitted through mosquito bites can weaken
motivation to adopt safer sexual behaviour, while the belief
that HIV can be transmitted through sharing food
reinforces the stigma faced by people living with AIDS.
Surveying the most-at-risk populations is challenging. The
overall sample is normally not sufficiently large to provide
a representative sample of the most-at-risk sub-group of
the population.
Sources of No discrepancy between Global and National figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Periodicity Annual
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Comments and
Sources and Data Information on the number of malaria cases, reporting
collection completeness and case confirmation rates are compiled
annually by the ministry of health through HMIS and are
published in the MoH annual report. Note that the private
health care providers reports to MoH.
- Geographical National, Province , District
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
Sources of There are no discrepancies between National and Global
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual
Comments and Prevalence and death rates are more sensitive markers to
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
32. Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate
anti-malarial drugs
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
of the are
- If it a park RDB comes on first floor
- If it is for biological diversity conservation, especially
overall reporting to the CBD, it is REMA under
supervision of MINIRENA
In both circumstances REMA as a Rwandan regulator
institution in environment is implicated.
- Geographical National
Sources of UNEP-WCMC aggregates the global and regional figures for
Discrepancies this indicator from the national figures calculated through
between Global and GIS analysis. The global, regional and national figures
National Figures provided by UNEP-WCMC are therefore consistent. Gaps
and/or time lags in reporting national protected area data
to the WDPA can however result in discrepancies between
the national figures provided by UNEP-WCMC and national
figures available from national agencies.
Periodicity/Expected Annual
Time of Release
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Periodicity 2 to 3 years for EICV, 3- 5 years for DHS and 10 years for
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
- Geographical National ,Province, District
- Other Types of improved sanitation facility and habitat.
Sources of The origins of the most common discrepancies between
Discrepancies global and national figures are:
between Global and - Use of different definitions for sanitation facilities.
- Use of population as the denominator for coverage as per
National Figures
the MDG indicator vs. the use of households as the
denominator as was routinely done by DHS.
Periodicity 3 -5 years for EICV and DHS and 10 years for PHC.
41. Debt service as percentage of exports of goods and services and net income
from abroad
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Po.Box: 6139 Kigali Rwanda