Metadata Handbook SECOND EDITIONnew

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Republic of Rwanda

Rwanda Metadata
- EDPRS and MDGs -

2nd Edition



National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda

Metadata Handbook for EDPRS and MDGs

2nd Edition

February 2015
The Metadata Handbook for EDPRS and MDGs was developed by the National Institute of Statistics
of Rwanda (NISR).

Additional information about this Metadata Handbook may be obtained from the NISR:
P.O. Box 6139, Kigali, Rwanda; Telephone: (250) 252 571 035

Recommended citation:

National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), The Metadata Handbook for EDPRS and MDGs,
2nd Edition, February 2015.
Table of Contents

Foreword ........................................................................................................................................................................... v

Abbreviations and Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................vii

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1

1. Overview 1
2. Process 1
3. Structure of Handbook 1

PART I: Metadata for EDPRS 2 Indicators .............................................................................................................. 3

1. GDP per capita 6

2. Percentage of population living below the national poverty line 6
3. Percentage of population living in extreme poverty condition 8
4. Exports to GDP ratio 8
5. Non-traditional exports as percentage of total merchandise exports 10
6. Foreign Direct Investment to GDP ratio 10
7. Private investment share in GDP 11
8. Credit to Private Sector to GDP ratio 12
9. Percentage of urban households with access to electricity 13
10. Proportion of urban households with access within 200m to improved drinking water source 14
11. Proportion of urban households with access to improved sanitation facilities 15
12. Area under irrigation (Marshland and Hillside) 15
13. Proportion of rural households living in planned settlements (integrated & economically viable) 16
14. Percentage of rural households with access to electricity 17
15. Proportion of rural households with access within 500m to improved drinking water source 17
16. Percentage of rural households with access to improved sanitation facilities 18
17. Percentage of district class 2 earth roads (Feeder roads) upgraded to gravel road 19
18. Percentage of employers satisfied with university graduates 19
19. Number of new SMEs registered annually 20
20. Percentage of staff positions filled as per revised organizational structures of Local Governments
(KPI) 21
21. Percentage of Citizens satisfied with quality of service delivery at Local Government levels. 22
22. Level of citizen participation in decision making at Local Governments’ level (KPI). 22

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

23. Percentage of citizens satisfied with their participation in decision making at Local Government
levels (KPI). 24
24. Percentage of District capacity building planned activities that are implemented (KPI). 24
25. Percentage increase of the expenditures at District level over which Local Governments have
discretionary powers (KPI). 25
26. Percentage Increase of Districts own revenues. 26
27. Percentage of internal and external audit recommendations fully implemented by Local
Governments. 26
28. Percentage of the population that perceives the District Administration as transparent,
accountable and citizen oriented (KPI). 27
29. Total Fertility Rate (TFR) 28
22. Transition Rate from primary to lower secondary 29
23. Transition Rate from lower secondary to upper secondary 30
24. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in primary 30
25. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in secondary 31
26. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) 32
27. Proportion of births taking place in health facilities 33
28. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR) 34
29. Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR) 35
30. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate of modern methods among women in union aged between 15-49
yrs. 37
31. HIV positivity rate among pregnant women attending Ante-natal clinics 38
30. Percentage of adult population accessing financial services 38
31. Tax revenue as percentage of GDP 39

PART II: Metadata for MDGs Indicators ............................................................................................................... 41

1. Percentage of population living below the national poverty line 44

2. Share of poorest quintile in national consumption 45
3. Poverty gap ratio 46
4. Employment-to-Population ratio 47
5. Prevalence of underweight (moderate and severe) 48
6. Net enrolment ratio in primary education (NER) 50
7. Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds 51
8. Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment 52
9. Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment 53
10. Seats held by women in national parliament 54

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

11. Proportion of Children 1 year-old immunized against measles 56

12. Infant mortality rate (IMR) 57
13. Under-five mortality rate (U5MR) 58
14. Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel 60
15. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) 61
16. Adolescent birth rate 63
17. Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit (ANC) 64
18. Antenatal care coverage for at least four visits 65
19. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) 67
20. Unmet need for family planning 68
21. Condom use at last high-risk sex 70
22. HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years 71
23. Population 15-24 year-olds who have comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS 72
24. Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans 73
25. Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to antiretroviral drugs 75
26. Death rate associated with malaria 77
27. Death rate associated with tuberculosis 78
28. Incidence of malaria 80
29. Incidence of tuberculosis 80
30. Prevalence of tuberculosis 81
31. Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets 82
32. Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate anti-malarial drugs 83
33. Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS 84
34. Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS 86
35. Carbon dioxide emissions 87
36. Consumption of all ozone-depleting substances 89
37. Proportion of land area covered by forest 92
38. Proportion of terrestrial area protected to total territorial area 93
39. Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source 95
40. Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility 96
41. Debt service as percentage of exports of goods and services and net income from abroad 97
42. Mobile Cellular ownership 99
43. Internet users 100

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Abbreviations and Acronyms


EICV Enquête Intégrale sur les Conditions de Vie des ménages (INTEGRATED

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014



1. Overview

The EDPRS 2 and MDGs indicators metadata handbook is designed to provide

comprehensive information on the definition, method of computation, comments and
limitations and sources of the data for each indicator. The purpose of this handbook is
to promote the use of consistent definition, method of computation and data sources for
each indicator across the NSS. The need to use common dimensions to define an
indicator is to ultimately improve the quality of produced official statistics therefore
promoting comparability and transparency of statistical data.

This handbook contains metadata sheets for 38 EDPRS2 and 43 MDGs indicators and
has been divided into two parts: Part I consist of EDPRS2 indicators and Part II is
related to MDGs indicators. The metadata for MDGs indicators have been reviewed
putting into account the country settings. The classification of the indicators under each
targets and goals in the handbook follows similar structure as of the EDPRS 2 and MDGs
documents. This initial handbook does not contain all indicators and as more
information becomes available and the list of indicators evolves so will the handbook be
reviewed and updated.

2. Process

An international consultant with the support of a team composed of 2 -3 members from

the NISR Statistical Methods, Research and Publication (SMRP) Unit reviewed the
metadata of each indicator. For every indicator the team consulted credible range of
national data sources with the exception of 6 EDPRS 2 indicators found under
Accountable Governance and Foundational and Cross Cutting Issues where all the
metadata including table format have been entirely provided by the RGB. Furthermore,
the process involved numerous consultations with the national statistical office experts
and MDAs. A review meeting was organized to present the first draft of the handbook
with the active participation of NISR concerned heads of unit and experts as well as
MINECOFIN. The reviewed document was later on shared to MDAs for final validation.

3. Structure of Handbook

For each indicator a metadata sheet following international standards has been
developed providing all or some of the following information;

Metadata Sheet

Definition Describes the basic definition and includes references to

standards and classifications and clarification of technical
terms included in the definition.
Method of Describes the algorithm used in the calculation of the
Computation indicator, providing the mathematical formula (if applicable).
Identifies all statistics used to derive the indicator such as
normalizing and weighting variables (for instance, the

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Comments and Describes comments and limitations of the indicators

limitations including issues such as: comparability, sex disaggregating if
applicable, presence of wide confidence intervals (such as for
maternal mortality ratios).
Sources and Data Describes the mechanism for obtaining data and the official
collection responsible institution to report the data.
Sources of Describes the main reasons for discrepancy between data and
Discrepancies between metadata used for national and global monitoring to improve
Global and National understanding by users of the differences between country-
Figures level data disseminated through the MDGs global database
and those available in country MDGs databases.
Periodicity Provide the expected calendar of release for new data for
each indicator, by the specialized agencies.
Responsible Describes the main and key stakeholders that are accountable
Institutions to report data for monitoring purpose.

PART I: Metadata for EDPRS 2 Indicators


Increased national
1. GDP per capita
2. Percentage of population living below the national
Reduced poverty
poverty line
Reduced extreme
3. Percentage of population living in extreme poverty

4. Exports to GDP ratio (Value of exports goods and

Accelerated growth
5. Non-traditional exports as percentage of total
merchandise exports

6. FDI to GDP ratio

Increased private
sector Investment and 7. Private investment as share of GDP
8. Credit to the private sector to GDP ratio

9. Proportion of urban households with access to electricity

Increased access to 10. Proportion of urban households with access within

basic Infrastructure at 200m to improved drinking water source
the urban level
11. Proportion of urban households with access to an
improved sanitation facility

Increased productivity
and sustainability of 12. Area under irrigation(Marshland& Hillside)
Enhanced rural
settlements that 13. Proportion of rural households living in planned
facilitate access to basic Settlements (integrated &Economically viable)
14. Proportion of rural households with access to electricity
Increased access to
basic infrastructure for
15. Proportion of rural households with access within 500m
rural households
to an improved drinking water source

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

16. Proportion of urban households with access to an

improved sanitation facility

17. Percentage of district class 2 earth roads(Feeder road)

upgraded to gravel road


Availability of critical
skills 18. Percentage of employers satisfied with university
for service and graduates
industrial sectors
entrepreneurship and 19. Number of new SMEs registered annually
business development

20. Percentage of staff positions filled as per the revised

organizational structures of Local Governments (KPI).
Improved public
service delivery
21. Citizens satisfied with quality of service delivery at local
level (percentage).

22. Level of citizen participation in decision making at Local

Governments’ level (KPI).

23. Percentage of citizens satisfied with their participation

in decision making at Local Government levels (KPI).

24. Percentage of District capacity building planned

Increased citizen activities that are implemented (KPI).
satisfaction in
25. Percentage increase of the expenditures at District level
participation in
over which Local Governments have discretionary
planning processes and
powers (KPI).
solving their own
problems 26. Increase of Districts own revenues.

27. Percentage of internal and external audit

recommendations fully implemented by LGs.

28. Percentage of the population that perceives the District

Administration as transparent, accountable and citizen
oriented (KPI).


Reduced population
29. Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

30. Transition rate from primary to lower secondary

Equitable access to 12
years basic education 31. Transition rate from lower secondary to upper
Improved education 32. Pupil - qualified teacher ratio in Primary
quality and learning
outcomes across all
33. Pupil - qualified teacher ratio in Secondary
levels of education
Reduced Infant
34. Infant Mortality Rate
35. Proportion of births taking place in health facilities
Reduced Maternal
36. Maternal Mortality Ratio

Reduced child mortality 37. Under-five Mortality Rate

Increased use of 38. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate of modern methods

modern contraceptives among women in union aged between 15-49 yrs.
Reduced Mother to-
39. HIV Positivity Rate among pregnant women attending
Child Transmission of
Ante-natal Clinics
40. Rule of Law
Enhanced rule of law,
accountability and 41. Political Rights and Civil Liberties
competitiveness 42. Control of Corruption, Transparency and Accountability
43. Safety and Security
Increased awareness of
44. Percentage of adult population accessing financial
the benefits of financial
services and products
Improved resource
45. Tax revenue as percentage of GDP

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

1. GDP per capita

Definition GDP per capita is the gross domestic product divided by

midyear population.
Gross Domestic Product is the sum of gross value added by
all resident producers in the economy measured as the
difference between production and intermediate
consumption plus any product taxes and minus any
subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is
calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural
GDP data are reported in RWF and in constant U.S. dollars.
Constant dollar GDP is calculated using appropriate deflators
thus factoring out the effects of inflation and allows easy
comparisons between periods. Constant dollar GDP is also
known as the real GDP.
These statistics provide key information on the
structure and development of the economy.
Method of GDP is calculated mainly on data coming from administrative
Computation sources. A Benchmark estimates are established every 3 - 5
years based on recent EICV survey.
The calculation of GDP per capita for year t
( )
Yt is the current GDP for year t, and Nt is the midyear
population for year t.
Comments and Measuring informal activities poses some challenges during
Limitations the estimation of GDP.
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics estimates annual and
collection quarterly GDP and its components. Mid-year population is
based on the Population and Housing Census and yearly
projections. GDP per capita data are compiled and published
in the National Accounts.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible NISR
Institutions BNR, MINECOFIN
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity GDP per capita is estimated both on quarterly and annual
basis. Annual estimates for calendar years and for the
government’s fiscal years are obtained by summing the
relevant quarterly estimates.

2. Percentage of population living below the national poverty line

Definition Defined as the percentage of the population living below the

national poverty line which is on less than 64,000 RWF per

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

adult equivalent per year measured in 2001 prices

corresponding to 118, 000 RWF in 2010.
The poverty line is a threshold of the value of total annual
per capita consumption in a household below which an
individual is considered poor. Aggregate household
consumption is computed as the sum of expenditure on food
as well as value of auto consumption, expenditure on non-
food, health items, education, housing utilities, value of in-
kind wages, other benefits received by the household and a
measure of the use value of durable goods owned by the
household. Consumption per capita is then computed as the
total consumption per adult equivalent. Where adult
equivalence is an aggregate indicator for household size
which takes into account its age and sex composition.
The poverty line is then set with reference to a minimum
food consumption basket, judged to offer the required
number of calories (2200 kcalories per day) for a Rwandan
likely to be involved in physically demanding agricultural
activity, along with an allowance for non-food consumption.
The non-food consumption expenditure is determined as a
function of food consumption.
Method of Household annual consumption per adult equivalent is
Computation computed and compared with the poverty line. Individuals
living in households whose per capita consumption falls
below the poverty line are considered as poor.

Where Np denotes the number of population (adult

equivalent) living below the poverty line and N denotes total
number of population.
Comments and EICV surveys do not collect information on the intra-
limitations household distribution of consumption. Thus, the
consumption based standard of living measure is based on
the assumption that individuals are represented in the
distribution by the consumption measure of the household
they belong to. This fails to take account of inequality in
distribution within the household.
Sources and Data Data on household income, consumption and expenditure
collection are collected through the EICV surveys carried out by NISR.
The survey also collects information on non-consumption
related dimensions of living standards.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical
Responsible NISR
Institutions MINECOFIN
- Main
- Key Stakeholders

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Periodicity 3 - 5 years

3. Percentage of population living in extreme poverty condition

Definition Defined as the percentage of the population living below the

food poverty line which is on 45,000RWF per adult
equivalent per year measured in 2001 prices corresponding
to 83,000 RWF in 2010.
The threshold is set with reference to a minimum food
consumption basket, judged to offer the required number of
calories (2200 Kcalories per day) for a Rwandan likely to be
involved in physically demanding agricultural activity. The
food poverty line is then set as the cost of buying the food
consumption basket if nothing was spent on non-food at all.
Method of Household annual consumption per adult equivalent is
Computation computed and compared with the food poverty line.
Individuals living in households whose annual consumption
falls below the threshold are considered as extreme poor.

Nep denotes the number of population (adult equivalent) in

extreme poverty condition, and N denotes the total
Comments and
Sources and Data Data on household income, consumption and expenditure
collection are collected through EICV survey carried out by NISR. This
survey also collects information on non-consumption
related dimensions of living standards.
Disaggregation National, Province ,District
- Geographical
Responsible NISR
Institutions MINECOFIN
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity 3 - 5 years


4. Exports to GDP ratio

Definition Export to GDP ratio is the total value from exports divided
by GDP.
Exports of goods and services represent the value of all
goods and other market services provided to the rest of the
world. General exports consist of:

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

(a) Exports of nationally produced goods (including

products after inward processing which changed their
origin from foreign) from any part of the statistical
territory, including free zones and customs warehouses;
(b) Re-exports of foreign goods from any part of free zones
and customs warehouses.
Re-exports are exports of foreign goods which were
previously recorded as imports.
Merchandise exports consist of goods and services but the
balance of trade is goods only. Services cover transport,
travel, communications, construction, IT, financial, other
business, personal and government services, as well as
royalties and license fees.
Gross Domestic Product is the sum of gross value added by
all resident producers in the economy measured as the
difference between production and intermediate
consumption plus any product taxes and minus any
subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is
calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural
Method of Export to GDP ratio is computed as
Comments and While it is possible to capture information on the main
limitations products exported it has been difficult to know the final
destination of exports. Also informal exports are not
adequately captured.
Sources and Data Customs data constitute the primary source for the
collection compilation of merchandise trade statistics by the BNR. In
the case of coffee and tea exports, these data are replaced by
the information provided directly by NAEB. All formal
imports and exports are recorded by RRA (Rwanda
Revenue Authority).
BNR calculates indices of average export values and publish
the foreign trade statistics in its bulletin entitled BNR
statistical Bulletin and Annual Report. GDP data are
compiled and published in the National Accounts by NISR.
Thus, export to GDP ratio is computed by the Macro-
Economic Department of MINECOFIN.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINECOFIN,
- Main

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annually, Quarterly

5. Non-traditional exports as percentage of total merchandise exports

Definition Defined as the total value of all non- traditional exports of

goods to the total exported merchandise expressed as a
Non-traditional exports are all other exports outside Coffee,
Tea, Cassiterite, Coltan, Wolfram, and other mineral exports
referred as traditional exports that are produced in the
country and provided to the rest of the world. It shows the
share of all non- traditional exports to the total exports.
Method of Non-traditional export as percentage to total merchandise
Computation export is computed as

Comments and
Sources and Data Customs data constitute the primary source for the
collection compilation of merchandise trade statistics by the BNR. All
formal imports and exports are recorded by RRA (Rwanda
Revenue Authorities), importers and exporters are
requested to fill an import and export declarations. Exports
from tourism sector are collected by RDB(Rwandan
Development Board). BNR calculates indices of average
export values and publish the foreign trade statistics in its
bulletin entitled BNR statistical Bulletin and annual report.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible BNR
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual and Quarterly

6. Foreign Direct Investment to GDP ratio

Definition Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the amount of inflows

(new investment inflows less disinvestment) in the
reporting economy from foreign investors and is divided by
FDI is the inflows of investment to acquire a lasting

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

management interest in an enterprise operating in an

economy other than that of the investor. The lasting interest
is deemed to exist if the direct investor acquires at least
10% of the voting power of the direct investment
enterprise. It is the sum of equity capital, reinvestment of
earnings, other long-term capital, and short-term capital as
shown in the balance of payments.
Gross Domestic Product is the sum of gross value added by
all resident producers in the economy measured as the
difference between production and intermediate
consumption plus any product taxes and minus any
subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is
calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural
Method of FDI to GDP is computed as;

Comments and
Sources and Data The National Bank of Rwanda in collaboration with Rwanda
collection Development Board (RDB), National Institute of Statistics of
Rwanda (NISR) and Private Sector Federation (PSF)
conducted the Foreign Private Capital (FPC) Census
annually. This census concerns all new companies
registered as foreign direct investments by Rwanda
Development Board as well as those which declared Foreign
Assets and Liability. GDP data come from national accounts
The indicator is computed by MINECOFIN Macro-
Department based on FDI and GDP data.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINECOFIN
Institutions NISR, BNR, RDB, MINICOM
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

7. Private investment share in GDP

Definition Private investment share in GDP ratio measures the share

of private investments in total production.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Private investment is an industry, project or any other

activity provided that the enterprise is profit-motivated
and operated on commercial principles. According to the
Rwandan investment code, these projects are supposed to
have an investment worth of at least $100,000 when owned
by local investors and $250,000 when owned by foreign
GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added
by all resident producers in the economy plus any product
taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of
the products. It is calculated without making deductions for
depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and
degradation of natural resources.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Comments and Registered investments by RDB do not represent the

limitations actual/real value of investments within the country.
Sources and Data Data on GDP are collected by NISR. Private investment to
collection GDP ratio is computed by the MINECOFIN Macro
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINECOFIN
Institutions NISR
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

8. Credit to Private Sector to GDP ratio

Definition Credit to private sector as percentage of GDP is the total

value of credit provided to private sector as percentage of
Credit to private sector refers to financial resources
provided to the private sector such as through loans,
purchases of non-equity securities, trade credits and other
accounts receivable that establish a claim for repayment.
The establishment census defines private sector as an
establishment owned and run by one or a group of people. It
may be a household establishment that employs unpaid
family workers or an establishment that exclusively
employs regular wage workers. This includes cooperatives

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

and private health/education institutions.

GDP at purchaser's prices is the sum of gross value added by
all resident producers in the economy plus any product
taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of
the products. It is calculated without making deductions for
depreciation of fabricated assets or for depletion and
degradation of natural resources.
Method of Credit to private sector as percentage of GDP is calculated as
Comments and
Sources and Data The data on credit to the private sector are taken from the
collection RDB. GDP estimates come from national accounts. The
indicator is produced by MINECOFIN Macro Department
based on data from RDB and NISR.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINECOFIN
Institutions RDB, MINICOM
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

9. Percentage of urban households with access to electricity

Definition It is the number of urban households who use electricity as

their main source for lighting to the total number of urban
households expressed as a percentage.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where Pe denotes the number of urban households who

declared using electricity as their main source for lighting
and Pt denotes the total number of urban households.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data on household access to electricity are collected
collection through the PHC and EICV surveys carried out by NISR.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical Type of habitat (planned and unplanned urban areas)
- Other
Responsible NISR

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years for EICV , 10 years for PHC

10. Proportion of urban households with access within 200m to improved

drinking water source

Definition Defined as the share of urban households with access

within 200m to an improved drinking water source. The
source should be reliable, affordable, provide an adequate
quantity of drinking water (minimum 20litre/person/day).
The type of improved drinking water source includes piped
water, protected wells and springs, tubewell/borehole,
bottle water as well as rainwater collection.
Method of Indicator is computed as;

Where Na denotes number of urban households with access

within 200m to improved drinking water source and N
denotes total number of urban households.
Comments and Given the lack of nationally representative data on drinking
Limitations water quality and safety and the high costs and technical
difficulties of collecting such information at a large scale,
improved drinking water source is used as a proxy for
access to safe drinking water.
In the context of Rwanda, rain water is considered as
improved source of water. However, the inclusion of rain
water in the improved sources of water does not affect the
level of the indicator to any significant degree since less
than 1% of households use it. Thus, this calls for a need to
establish a clear national definition on what are the types of
improved drinking water sources.
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV by NISR.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical Type of improved water sources
- Other
Institutions NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years EICV

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

11. Proportion of urban households with access to improved sanitation facilities

Definition The proportion of the urban households using an improved

sanitation facility is the share of the population with access
to facilities that hygienically separate human excreta from
human contact. Sanitation types considered ‘improved’ are
flush toilets ,pit latrines with a floor slab and ventilated
improved pit latrine
Method of Percentage of urban households having improved sanitation
Computation facilities is computed as;

Where Na denotes number of urban households with access

to improved sanitation facilities and N denotes total number
of urban households.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV, DHS and PHC surveys.
Disaggregation National ,Province, District
- Geographical Types of improved sanitation facility and habitat.
- Other
Responsible NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 -5 years for EICV and DHS; 10 years for PHC.


12. Area under irrigation (Marshland and Hillside)

Definition Area under irrigation refers to the total area (Marshland and
hillside) equipped with water management infrastructure to
provide water to crops including areas equipped for full or
partial control irrigation crops. The major types of irrigation
system that are utilized in Rwanda are :
1. - Surface system: where irrigation water is applied to the
plant by means of furrows/border/basin and uses the soil as
the mean of application.
2. - Pressurized sprinkler system: includes
sprinkler/pivots/rain guns.
3. - Localised system: includes dip/hose/bucket irrigation.
Method of Area under irrigation is the total area of land under
Computation irrigation schemes expressed in hectare. The total area of
irrigated land is obtained through measurement using GPS

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

or from completed irrigation projects.

Comments and It has been difficult to obtaining data on some of the irrigated
limitations land pre -2008.
Sources and Data Data on area under irrigation are collected by the irrigation
collection and mechanism task force which is under MINAGRI and
published on their annual reports.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Responsible MINAGRI
Institutions RAB
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

13. Proportion of rural households living in planned settlements (integrated &

economically viable)

Definition It is defined as the percentage of rural households living in

“IMIDUGUDU settlements”.
Two definition of UMUDUGUDU exists in Rwanda; one is
used to refer to the lowest administrative entity “village” and
in our context UMUDUGUDU is defined as a clustered rural
settlement made of between 100 and 200 houses by site in
rural areas. Measurements of plot reserved for UMUDUGUDU
» range from 10 to 20 hectares with a possibility or capacity
of extension and as far as possible a space provided for
various non-agricultural activities so as to allow the
population to earn their lives.
Method of The indicator is calculated as ;

Where Ps denotes the number of rural households living in

clustered settlements and Pt denotes the total number of
rural households
Sources and Data
Comments and EICV surveys collect data on settlement and household
limitations housing characteristics.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical size of dwelling, number of households
- Other
Responsible NISR

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Main

Periodicity 3 - 5 years

14. Percentage of rural households with access to electricity

Definition It is the number of rural households who use electricity as

their main source for lighting to the total number of rural
households expressed as percentage.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where Pe denotes the number of rural households who

declared using electricity as their main source for lighting
and Pt denotes the total number of urban households.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data on household access to electricity are collected through
collection the PHC and EICV surveys carried out by NISR.
Disaggregation National, Province, District,
- Geographical Wealth quintiles, Disability status, Type of habitat
- Other (Unplanned clustered rural housing, isolated rural housing)
Responsible NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years for EICV , 10 years for PHC

15. Proportion of rural households with access within 500m to improved drinking
water source

Definition Defined as the share of rural households with access within

500m to an improved drinking water source. The source
should be reliable, affordable, provide an adequate quantity
of drinking water (minimum 20litre/person/day). The type
of improved drinking water source includes piped water,
protected wells and springs, tube well /borehole, bottle
water as well as rainwater collection.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where Na denotes number of rural households with access

within 500m to improved drinking water source and N
denotes total number of rural households.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Comments and Given the lack of nationally representative data on drinking

Limitations water quality and safety and the high costs and technical
difficulties of collecting such information at a large scale,
improved drinking water source is used as a proxy for access
to safe drinking water.
In the context of Rwanda, rain water is considered as
improved source of water. However, the inclusion of rain
water in the improved sources of water does not affect the
level of the indicator to any significant degree since less than
1% of households use it. Thus, this calls for a need to
establish a clear national definition on what are the types of
improved drinking water sources.
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV by NISR.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical Type of improved water sources
- Other
Responsible NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 - 5 years EICV

16. Percentage of rural households with access to improved sanitation facilities

Definition The proportion of the rural households using an improved

sanitation facility is the share of the population with access
to facilities that hygienically separate human excreta from
human contact. Sanitation types considered ‘improved’ are
flush toilets, pit latrines with a floor slab and ventilated
improved pit latrine
Method of Percentage of rural households having improved sanitation
Computation facilities is computed as;

Where Na denotes number of rural households with access to

improved sanitation facilities and N denotes total number of
rural households.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV, DHS surveys and PHC.
- Geographical National ,Province, District
- Other Types of improved sanitation facility and habitat.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Responsible NISR
- Main
Periodicity 3 -5 years for EICV and DHS and 10 years for PHC.

17. Percentage of district class 2 earth roads (Feeder roads) upgraded to gravel

Definition Is defined as the total length of district earth roads

upgraded to gravel road to the total length of earth roads
found in districts expressed as a percentage
Class 2 earth roads are arterial roads which connect district
roads to rural community centres which are inhabited as an
agglomeration. A gravel road is a type of unpaved road
surfaced with gravel /stones.
Method of Percentage of District earth upgraded to gravel road is
Computation computed as

Where L1 denotes length in km of district roads upgraded to

gravel road and L2 total length of district earth roads
Comments and
Sources and Data Data comes from Administrative records from MINAGRI
Disaggregation District
- Geographical
Responsible MINAGRI
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual


18. Percentage of employers satisfied with university graduates

Definition Employers satisfied with university graduates are the

proportion of the formal sector employers who expressed
their satisfaction towards the performance of university
graduates. The formal sectors are all establishments
registered by RDB and or RRA and local government and
employ at least 5 employees or employ less than 5

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

employees but keep regular accounts.

The university graduates are holders of university degrees
regardless of the level or the field of studies i.e. it includes
post-graduate level diploma, master or doctorate.
Method of The percentage of employers satisfied with university
Computation graduates is computed as

Where Nu denotes the summation of formal sector

employers who answered “fully satisfied” or “satisfied” by
the performance of university graduates and Ne denotes all
formal sector employers who were surveyed.
Comments and Satisfaction levels are difficult to measure and subjective to
limitations each employer as graduates may have similar capacity and
performance but the employer may appreciate what they do
Sources and Data Baseline data are derived from the Manpower Survey
collection conducted by NISR and subsequent surveys will be carried
by HEC.
Disaggregation Type of activity of the employers (Public, Private, Health,
- Other Education and NGO) and specialization of the graduates
Responsible NSIR
Institutions MIFOTRA
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

19. Number of new SMEs registered annually

Definition New SMEs registered annually is the total number of newly

registered of Micro, Small and Medium (SMEs) size
enterprises every year.
Based on the SME Development Policy 2010, SMEs have to
fulfil two of the three indicators- net capital investments,
annual turnover and number of employees.
A Micro Enterprise is defined as an enterprise employing 1
to 3 people; annual sales/revenue turnover of less than
0.3million RWF and net capital investment of less than
0.5million RWF.
A Small Enterprise is defined as an enterprise employing 4 to
30 people; annual sales/revenue turnover of between 0.3 to
12million RWF and net capital investment of between 0.5 to
15million RWF.
A Medium Enterprise is defined as an enterprise employing
31 to 100 people; annual sales/revenue turnover of 12 to 50
Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

million RWF and net capital investment of 15 to 75million

Method of It is the total number of newly registered business in the
Computation office of the registrar general of a small or medium
Comments and Figures used so far are from the business plan submitted
limitations while registration and do not represent the actual level of
turnover or employment and can be only assessed through
Sources and Data Data on number of SMEs that register every year are
collection collected by RDB and reported by MINICOM.
Disaggregation National , Province and district
- Geographical
Responsible RDB,
Institutions MINICOM, PSF
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual


20. Percentage of staff positions filled as per revised organizational structures of

Local Governments (KPI)

Definition It is the percentage (%) of staff in Districts and Sectors

computed separately as per the approved revised
organisational structure.
That is structures for the City of Kigali, the number of staff
should be 107, 95 for each urban District and 84 for each
rural District.
At the administrative sector level the number of staff should
be 17 for urban and 15 for rural sectors.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as:
Percentage of filled positions= The number of filled
positions/the number of expected positions *100.
Comments and The local government filled positions depends on the funds’
limitations availability.
The challenges faced while filling the positions should be
mentioned in the report.
This is one of the key performance indicators.
Sources and Data Reports from Districts or Annual Human Resource
collection Inspection Reports and MIFOTRA’s IPPIS software.
Periodicity Annual (Every 30th of July).

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Responsible MIFOTRA.
Disaggregation City of Kigali, Urban& Rural districts, Urban and Rural
sectors, Gender.

21. Percentage of Citizens satisfied with quality of service delivery at Local

Government levels.

Definition It is the percentage of citizens satisfied with quality of

service delivery at LGs levels.
Satisfaction with quality of service delivery means the
service offered to the client as per the improved quality
service delivery charters describing the requirements
needed from both parties (the service seeker and the
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as follows:
The percentage of citizens satisfied with the quality of
service delivery in LGs/the sampled population.
Comments and The data is generated from the annual perception survey at
limitations the Districts’ level.
Sources and Data RGB’s Citizen Report Cards (CRC).
Periodicity Annual.
Responsible MINALOC and RGB
Disaggregation National, Urban/Rural, Districts, Gender.
Disaggregation of the level of satisfaction according to the
formulation in CRC

22. Level of citizen participation in decision making at Local Governments’ level


Definition It is the percentage level of citizen’s participation in decision

making at local government level.
Participation means the role citizens have during the process
of decision making. The regulated decision making forums in
LGs include Selecting leaders through free and fair elections,
Inspection of services and holding leaders accountable,
Preparing the District Budget, Preparing the District
Development Plan, Giving suggestions/opinions during
village committee meetings, Community works, Financial
contributions for Government programs and Accepting
volunteer leadership.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Method of Computation The indicator is computed as follows:

The total average of sub-indicators constituted.
Comments and Citizen’s awareness on their representation framework
limitations should be promoted.
The data is generated from the annual perception survey at
the Districts’ level.
Sources and Data RGB’s Citizen Report Cards.
Periodicity Annual
Responsible RGB and MINALOC.
Disaggregation National, City of Kigali/Urban/Rural, Gender
Disaggregation of the level of satisfaction according to the
formulation in CRC

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

23. Percentage of citizens satisfied with their participation in decision making at

Local Government levels (KPI).

Definition It is the percentage of citizens satisfied with their

participation in decision making at local level.
Satisfaction with their participation means the role citizens
have during the process of decision making. The regulated
decision making forums include Selecting leaders through
free and fair elections, Inspection of services and holding
leaders accountable, Preparing the District Budget, Preparing
the District Development Plan, Giving suggestions/opinions
during village committee meetings, Community works,
Financial contributions for Government programs and
Accepting volunteer leadership.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as follows:
The total number of sampled population satisfied with their
participation in decision making at local level/total number
of sampled population in the decision making at local level*
Comments and Citizen’s awareness on their representation framework
limitations should be promoted.
Sources and Data RGB’s Citizen Report Cards.
Periodicity Annual
Responsible RGB and MINALOC
Disaggregation National, City of Kigali/Urban/Rural, Gender
Disaggregation of the level of satisfaction according to the
formulation in CRC

24. Percentage of District capacity building planned activities that are

implemented (KPI).

Definition It is the percentage of Capacity Building (CB) planned

activities that are implemented by each District as per the
approved 5-year CB plan.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as:
Number of implemented Capacity Building planned
activities/Total number of CB activities approved in the 5
year CB plans* 100.
Comments and The implementation of 5 year CB planned activities of LG
limitations depends on the funds’ availability.
The challenges faced while implementing CB planned

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

activities should be mentioned in the report.

This is one of the key performance indicators.
Sources and Data NCBS and RGB reports on 5-year CB plan.
Periodicity Annual.
Responsible NCBS and RGB.
Disaggregation Urban/Rural, Districts.

25. Percentage increase of the expenditures at District level over which Local
Governments have discretionary powers (KPI).

Definition It is the percentage (%) of Districts expenditures increase

out of transferred funds over which they have discretionary
In order to measure the increase of financial transfers from
the national level to the districts this indicator does not
include local revenues.
Expenditure with discretionary powers means transferred
funds from the national level that the district can use
unrestrictedly for a certain activity.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as:
((The expenditure with discretionary powers for the current
year - The expenditure with discretionary powers for the
previous year)/ expenditure with discretionary powers for
the previous year))* 100
Comments and The increase of the expenditures at District level over which
limitations Local Governments have discretionary powers enhances
fiscal decentralisation policy in Rwanda.
The limitation would be the capacity of local Government to
exploit their potentialities.
Sources and Data Financial reports from Districts and MINECOFIN.
Periodicity Annual
Responsible Institutions MINECOFIN
Disaggregation Urban/Rural districts

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

26. Percentage Increase of Districts own revenues.

Definition It is the percentage (%) increase of the Districts’ own

The Districts’ own revenues mean fees and taxes that are
collected and managed by the Districts.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as:
((The Districts’ own revenues for the current year (-) The
Districts’ own revenues for the previous year)/ Districts’
own revenues for the previous year))* 100
Comments and The increase of the Districts’ own revenues enhances fiscal
limitations decentralisation policy and the financial self-reliance for LGs.
The limitation would be the capacity of local Government to
exploit their potentialities.
The increase of District own revenues should reflect the
contribution on the entire District budget.
This does not reflect Districts progress against their budget.
Sources and Data Financial reports from Districts and MINECOFIN.
Periodicity annual

Responsible Institutions MINECOFIN and Districts

Disaggregation Urban/Rural districts

27. Percentage of internal and external audit recommendations fully

implemented by Local Governments.

Definition It is the percentage of internal and external audit

recommendations fully implemented by Local
Internal audit recommendations are provided by the LG
internal auditors while external audit recommendations are
provided by the Office of the Auditor general (OAG).
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as:
Number of both internal and external audit
recommendations fully implemented by LG /Total number
of internal and external audit recommendations fully
implemented by LG * 100.
Comments and The full implementation of internal and external audit
limitations recommendations by LG depends on the capacity of public
financial management committee and compliance of laws
The challenges faced while fully implementing internal and

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

external audit recommendations by LG should be

mentioned in the report.
Sources and Data Districts and OAG audit reports
Periodicity Annual
Responsible Institutions MINALOC and OAG
Disaggregation Urban and Rural districts

28. Percentage of the population that perceives the District Administration as

transparent, accountable and citizen oriented (KPI).

Definition It is the ability to publicly scrutinize the District

administration and executive, the right to access
information on the activity and transparency of public
servants are of a special attention.
In the context of Rwanda and similar to analogous
international indexes, RGS analyses the Incidence of
corruption, Control of corruption, Transparency and
It is the percentage of the population that perceives their
District Administration/leadership as open to the public
through forums like JADF, feeling free to communicate what
is being done by the District and what is done by the
District aims at solving citizens/residents local issues.
Method of Computation The indicator is computed as follows:
The Population satisfied that perceives their District
Administration/leadership as open to the public, feeling
free to communicate what is being done by the District and
what is done by the District aims at solving
citizens/residents local issues/total Population of a
particular LG administrative entity * 100
Comments and The citizen’s rights awareness should be promoted.
Sources and Data RGB’s Citizen Report Card.
Periodicity annually
Responsible Institutions RGB
Disaggregation National, City of Kigali/Urban/Rural, Gender

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

29. Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

Definition It measures the average number of births a group of women

would have by the time they reach age 50 if they were to
give birth at the current age-specific fertility rates. The TFR
is expressed as the average number of births per woman.
For current fertility rates, the DHS survey uses the period 1-
36 months before the survey. As such, it’s important to point
out that the time reference of TFR is not the year in which
the survey is undertaken; rather it is the three years period
preceding the survey date. Hence, if an exact time point is
needed as a time reference, it must be taken as the mid of
the three-year interval preceding the survey date.
Method of Total fertility can be computed as the sum of age-specific
Computation fertility rates weighted by the number of years in each age
group, divided by 1,000.

Where fa is the age-specific fertility rate for women whose

age corresponds to the five-year age group a.
The age specific fertility rates are those for the seven five-
year age groups from 15-19 to 45-49.
Comments and - Underreporting of births, in particular, the omission of
limitations children living elsewhere and children who died very
young (a few days or hours after birth), which can result
in underestimation of fertility levels.
- Misreporting of date of birth and/or age and, in
particular, the tendency to round off age or year of birth,
which can result in under or overestimation of fertility
at certain ages and/or for certain periods.
- Selective survival bias or selectivity effect because the
women surveyed are those who have survived.
- Civil registration systems are considered the best
source of information on total fertility and Rwanda
should endeavour to strengthen civil registration and
vital statistics systems.
Sources and Data The fertility rates are collected through PHC and DHS.
collection Each woman was asked if she had ever given birth and her
complete birth history was collected, including the child’s
sex, date of birth, and survival status. The birth history

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- All the births the respondent has had in the order in
which they occurred starting with her first birth.
- The names of all of her children, from all marriages and
unions, whether or not they are still alive, from the first
to the last.
- If the woman reports that she had a multiple birth
(twins, triplets, etc.), record each of the children on a
separate line.
The only births that are not included are stillbirths.
Disaggregation National ,Province, District, & Residence(Urban/rural)
- Geographical Wealth quintiles , Education level
- Other
- Main NISR
- Key stakeholders MOH
Periodicity 3 to 5 years for DHS and 10 years for PHC

22. Transition Rate from primary to lower secondary

Definition Transition Rate from primary to lower secondary is defined

as the number of new entrants to the lower first class of
secondary education in a given year expressed as a
percentage of the number of pupils enrolled in the last class
of primary education in the previous year. Only new pupils
entering the next level of education are given consideration;
repeaters at this level are eliminated.
Method of Transition rate for primary to lower secondary is calculated
Computation as follows;

Where S1 denotes senior one which is the 1st class of lower

secondary education and P6 denotes primary six which is
the last class of primary education.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Disaggregation National, Province , District, Residence (Rural/ Urban)

- Geographical Male/Female
- Sex
Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

23. Transition Rate from lower secondary to upper secondary

Definition Transition Rate from lower secondary to upper secondary is

defined as the number of new entrants in upper secondary
education expressed as a percentage of the number of pupils
enrolled in lower education in the previous year. Only new
pupils entering the next level of education are given
consideration; repeaters at this level are eliminated.
Method of Transition Rate for secondary is computed as

Where S4 denotes the 1st class of upper secondary

education and S3 denotes senior 3 which is the last class of
lower secondary education.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.
Disaggregation National, Province, District, Residence (Rural/ Urban)
- Geographical Male/Female
- Sex
Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

24. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in primary

Definition Pupil to qualified teacher ratio in primary is the average

number of pupils per qualified teacher in primary education
in a given school year.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Qualified teachers at primary level are those who completed

3 years of upper secondary level education in teaching a
subject matter.

Method of Pupil qualified Teacher is computed as


Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.
Disaggregation National, Province, District
- Geographical
Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

25. Pupil-Qualified teacher ratio in secondary

Definition Pupil to qualified teacher ratio in secondary is the average

number of pupils per qualified teacher in secondary
education in a given school year.
Qualified teachers at Secondary level are holders of a
bachelor degree and above in teaching a subject matter.
Method of Pupil Qualified Teacher is computed as;

Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are compiled
at national level and published in the Education Statistics
year book.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Responsible MINEDUC
Institutions District, Sector level
- Main
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity Annual

26. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

Definition Infant mortality rate is the probability (expressed as a rate

per 1000 live births) of a child born alive in a specified period
dying before reaching the age of one.
The time reference of IMR is not the year in which the survey
is undertaken; rather it is the five years period preceding the
survey date. Hence, if an exact time point is needed as a time
reference, it must be taken as the mid of the five-year interval
preceding the survey date.
A live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the
duration of the pregnancy, which, after such separation,
breathes or shows any other evidence of life—such as beating
of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite
movement of voluntary muscles—whether or not the
umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Each
product of such a birth is considered a live birth.
Method of IMR is derived from DHS data using the direct method. The
Computation direct method uses data collected on birth histories of women
of childbearing age and produces the probability of dying
before age one for children born alive, among women of
childbearing age, during five year periods before the survey.
Direct method require each child’s date of birth, survival
status, and age of the child on the date of the interview if alive
and if not alive the age at death of each live births.
The Infant Mortality Rate is computed as follows:

Where D <1yr denotes the number of deaths of infants (<1yr

of age) in the last 5 years before the survey and Lb is the total
number of live births in the last 5 years before the survey.
Comments and Direct estimates of infant mortality based on survey data may
limitations suffer from mothers misreporting their children’s birth dates,
current age or age at death—perhaps more so if the child has
died. The heaping of deaths at age 12 months is especially

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

common. Age heaping may transfer deaths across the one-

year boundary and lead to underestimates of infant mortality
Sources and Data The data used to compute the IMR mortality rates were
collection derived from the birth history section of the Woman’s
Questionnaire in DHS.
- Sex Male/Female
- Geographical National , Province ,District, Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Other Socio-economic characteristics of mothers (education, wealth
Characteristics quintiles)
Note that the reference year for IMR by socio-economic
characteristic is 10 years period preceding the survey.
Responsible NISR
Institutions MOH
- Main
- Key
Periodicity 3 to 5 years

27. Proportion of births taking place in health facilities

Definition Defined as the number of deliveries that occurred in health

facilities to the total number of deliveries expressed as a
Method of Proportion of births taking place in health facilities is
Computation computed as;

Comments and It should be noted that institutional births may underestimate

limitations the percentage of births with skilled attendant.
Sources and Data Data are collected through the Demographic Health Surveys
collection (DHS) and women where asked where they had given birth
and who had assisted in the delivery.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Residence(Urban/Rural)
- Other Mother’s age at birth, Wealth quintile and Mother’s education
Characteristics level
Responsible NISR
Institutions MOH
- Main
- Key
Periodicity 3-5 years

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

28. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR)

Definition The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is the ratio of the

number of maternal deaths during a given time period per
100,000 live births during the same time-period. A maternal
death refers to a female death from any cause related to or
aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding
accidental or incidental causes) during pregnancy and
childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy,
irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy.
The time reference for MMR is five years period preceding
the survey date.
Method of The Direct Sisterhood Method is used in DHS to estimate
Computation maternal deaths. Information is collected from female
respondents on the survivorship of each of their sisters, the
ages of surviving sisters, the year of death or years since
death of deceased sisters, and the age at death of deceased
sisters. For each sister who died at age 12 or older, the
respondent was asked additional questions to determine
whether the death was maternity related.
Maternal Mortality Ratio( MMR) is calculated as ;

Maternal Mortality Rate: is obtained by dividing the number

of maternal deaths in a population by the number of women
of reproductive age (15-49) multiply by 1000.
GFR: denotes General Fertility Rate and it is calculated by
dividing the number of births in a year divided by the
number of women aged 15–49, times 1000.
Comments and Maternal mortality data have limitations, particularly related
limitations to the underreporting and misclassification of maternal
The maternal mortality ratio should not be confused with the
maternal mortality rate (whose denominator is the number
of women of reproductive age), which reflects not only the
risk of maternal death per pregnancy or birth but also the
level of fertility in the population. The maternal mortality
ratio (whose denominator is the number of live births)
indicates the risk of death once a woman becomes pregnant,
and does not take fertility levels into consideration.
Because maternal mortality is a relatively rare event, large
sample sizes are needed if household surveys are used. This
is very costly and may still result in estimates with large

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

confidence intervals. To reduce sample size requirements,

the sisterhood method measures maternal mortality by
asking respondents about the survivorship of sisters. While
this method reduces sample size requirements, it produces
estimates covering some 7-12 years before the survey, which
renders data problematic for monitoring progress or
observing the impact of interventions. The direct sisterhood
method asks respondents to provide date of death, which
permits the calculation of more recent estimates, but even
then the reference period tends to refer to 0-6 years before
the survey
Sources and Data Data on maternal mortality and other relevant variables are
collection obtained through DHS.
Disaggregation National
- Geographical
Institutions NISR
- Main MOH
- Key stakeholders
Periodicity 3 to 5 years

29. Under-five Mortality Rate (U5MR)

Definition It is the probability (expressed as a rate per 1000 live births)

of a child born alive in a specified period dying before
reaching the age of five, if subject to current age-specific
mortality rates.
It is important to point out that the reference period is the
five-year period preceding the survey date. So, the time point
that the rate is referred to is the midpoint of the five year
A live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the
duration of the pregnancy, which, after such separation,
breathes or shows any other evidence of life—such as
beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or
definite movement of voluntary muscles—whether or not
the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.
Each product of such a birth is considered a live birth.
Method of Like other childhood mortality rates, the data used to
Computation compute the U5MR is derived from the birth history section
of Woman’s questionnaire of DHS. It uses the direct method
and data are collected on birth histories of women of

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

childbearing age and produces the probability of dying

before age one for children born alive, among women of
childbearing age, during five year periods before the survey.
The Direct method requires each child’s date of birth,
survival status, and age of the child on the date of the
interview if alive and if not alive the age at death of each live
Under 5 Mortality is calculated as follows:

Where D <5yrs denotes the number of deaths of infants (<5yr

of age) in the last 5 years before the survey and Lb denotes
the total number of Live births in 5 years before the survey .
Comments and Data on under-five mortality are more complete and timely
limitations than data on adult mortality. Under-five mortality rates are
also considered to be more robust than infant mortality
rates when estimates are based on information drawn from
household surveys.
Vital registration systems are the preferred source of data on
under-five mortality because they collect information
prospectively and cover the entire population. However, due
to lack of fully functioning vital registration systems that
accurately record all births and deaths the DHS is used to
provide the data.
DHS are subject to recall error. Interviewed women may
omit births and deaths, or include stillbirths along with live
births. Survey data may also suffer from survivor selection
bias and age truncation. Mothers may misreport their
children’s birth dates, current ages or ages at death—
perhaps more so if the child has died. The heaping of deaths
at age 12 months is especially common. Age heaping may
transfer deaths across the one-year boundary and lead to
underestimates of infant mortality rates. Fortunately, it has
little effect on under-five mortality rates, which makes the
U5MR a more robust estimate than the infant mortality rate
when data are drawn from household surveys.
Sources and Data The data used to compute the U5MR mortality rates were
collection derived from the birth history section of the Woman’s
Questionnaire in DHS.
Disaggregation Male, Female
- Sex National , Province ,Residence(Urban/Rural)
- Geographical Socio-economic characteristics of mothers(education, wealth
- Other quintiles)

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Characteristics Note that the reference year for U5MR by socio-economic

characteristic is 10 years period preceding the survey.
- Main NISR
- Key Stakeholders MOH
Periodicity 3 to 5 years

30. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate of modern methods among women in union

aged between 15-49 yrs.

Definition The contraceptive utilization rate for modern methods

among women in union is the percentage of women of
reproductive age who or whose sexual partner is currently
using, any form of modern contraception method. It is
usually reported for women ages 15–49 in marital or living
in consensual union.
Modern contraception methods includes female and male
sterilization, pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), injectable,
implants, male and female condoms, lactational
amenorrhoea method (LAM), emergency contraception, and
Standard Days Method (SDM).Note that if more than one
method is used, only the most effective method is
Method of This indicator is computed as

Where Nc denotes number of currently married women aged

15-49 who are using modern contraception method at a
particular point in time and N denotes total number of
currently married women aged 15-49.
Comments and
Sources and Data Population- based survey data coming from DHS are
collection collected on the respondents’ knowledge, attitude and
practice of contraception.
Disaggregation National, Province, Residence(Urban/rural)
- Geographical Number of living Children, wealth quintile , Educational level
- Other
- Main NISR

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Periodicity 3 - 5 years

31. HIV positivity rate among pregnant women attending Ante-natal clinics

Definition HIV positivity rate among pregnant women attending Ante-

natal clinics is the percentage of pregnant women attending
antenatal care visit (ANC) with unknown HIV status tested
HIV positive. This indicator does not take into account those
pregnant women who were known to be HIV positive rather
provides data on the new case of HIV infected pregnant
women in a given time period.
Method of The indicator is computed as

Where No denotes the number of pregnant women with

unknown HIV status who tested HIV positive during ANC
visit and Np number of pregnant women attending ANC with
unknown HIV status tested for HIV during ANC visit.
Comments and It is important to note that this estimate does not represent
limitations the actual epidemic level of HIV infection among pregnant
Sources and Data Programmatic monthly reports are collected from antenatal
collection care registers at the health facility and submitted to central
level. Data are compiled and published on the National
Annual Report on HIV & AIDS.
Disaggregation National ,Province, District, Residence(Urban/rural)
- Geographical
- Main MOH
- Key Stakeholders RBC
Periodicity Annually

30. Percentage of adult population accessing financial services

Definition Adult population accessing financial services is the

proportion of adults who are 18 years or older (because 18
is the minimum age at which individuals can enter into a
legal financial transaction in their own right in Rwanda) and
have or use any product or service from a commercial bank
or any other regulated or registered financial institution
which is not a commercial bank e.g. SACCOs, microfinance
institutions, insurance companies, Government loans and
grants (such as in some programmes of VUP), mobile money
systems, Western Union, money gram; or who use informal

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

mechanisms to transact, save, borrow or manage their

financial risks.
This can include credit or loans provided by agricultural
associations, saving with groups such as village savings and
lending associations (VSLAs) or savings groups/tontines,
borrowing from community based money lenders or savings
groups or sending money to family/friends by means of a so-
called runner (taxi/bus driver).
Method of The indicator can be computed as
( )

Bf denotes the number individuals who are 18 years or older
and financially served/ uses any one of the financial
products/services available and Be denotes adults (18 years
or older) in the country.
Note that if more than one method is used, only the most
effective method is considered.
Comments and This indicator does not cover the actual use of the products
limitations that individuals take up. An adult can open or have a
formal/informal product but may not use it in the past six
month or even one year.
Sources and Data Data on access to finance are collected from households,
collection analysed and reported by AFR through the FinScope Survey.
Disaggregation Male/Female
- Sex Province, District, Residence(Urban, Rural)
- Geographical Age group
- Age Education level, main income generating activities, ubudehe
- Others categories
- Main AFR
- Key Stakeholders BNR, IPAR
Periodicity 3 years

31. Tax revenue as percentage of GDP

Definition Total tax revenue as percentage of GDP measures the share

of a country’s output (GDP) that is collected by the
government through taxes.

Tax revenue refers to compulsory transfers to the central

government for public purposes. It includes taxes on goods
and services, direct taxes and taxes on international trades.

Gross Domestic Product is the sum of gross value added by

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

all resident producers in the economy measured as the

difference between production and intermediate
consumption plus any product taxes and minus any
subsidies not included in the value of the products. It is
calculated without making deductions for depreciation of
fabricated assets or for depletion and degradation of natural
Method of Tax revenue as percentage to GDP is computed as

Where Tt denotes total government taxes collected in the

current year (t) and GDPt denotes gross domestic product of
the current year.
Comments and In Rwanda, property tax and rental income tax are collected
limitations at Local Government level (Districts). As such they are not
considered while putting together tax revenues at Central
Government level.
Sources and Data
Revenue Collections are originally recorded in Operational
collection systems used by operational department (SIGTAS for
domestic taxes and ASYCUDA WORLD for Customs Taxes)
.The reports from Operational Departments Systems are
reconciled with bank statements. The reconciliation is done
by RRA Finance Department and the validated collections
are recorded in RRA Finance Accounting System. At the end
of each semester (6 months), RRA Finance Department
prepares the Financial Statements and submits reports to
the Ministry of Finance.

The Planning and Research Department (P&RD) is in charge

of communicating to the Ministry of Finance and other
Stakeholders about the status and progress of revenue
collection on a monthly basis throughout the year. The P&RD
extracts the reconciled revenue collections reports
summarized by tax codes from RRA Finance System and
produces a summarized revenue collection report to RRA
management, the Ministry of Finance and other RRA
stakeholders such as NISR and BNR.
GDP data comes from national accounts records. Export to
GDP ratio is computed by the Macro-Economic Department
- Geographical National
- Key Stakeholders NISR,RRA, BNR

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Periodicity Annually, Quarterly

PART II: Metadata for MDGs Indicators

Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Target 1.A: Halve, between 1990 1. Percentage of population living below national poverty
and 2015, the proportion of people line
whose income is less than one 2. Share of poorest quintile in national consumption
dollar a day 3. Poverty gap ratio
Target 1.B: Achieve full and
productive employment and decent
4. Employment-to-population ratio
work for all, including women and
young people

Target 1.C: Halve, between 1990

and 2015, the proportion of people 5. Prevalence of underweight (moderate and severe)
who suffer from hunger
Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education
Target 2.A: Ensure that, by 2015, 6. Net enrolment ratio in primary education (NER)
children everywhere, boys and girls
alike, will be able to complete a full 7. Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds
course of primary schooling
Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women
Target 3.A: Eliminate gender 8. Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment
disparity in primary and secondary 9. Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment
education, preferably by 2005, and
to all levels of education no later 10. Seats held by women in national parliament
than 2015
Goal 4. Reduce child mortality
11. Percentage of Children 1 year-old immunized against
Target 4.A: Reduce by two-thirds, measles
between 1990 and 2015, the under- 12. Infant mortality rate (IMR)
five mortality rate
13. Under-five mortality rate (U5MR)
Goal 5. Improve maternal health
Target 5.A: Reduce by three- 14. Proportion of births attended by skilled health
quarters, between 1990 and 2015, personnel
the maternal mortality ratio 15. Maternal mortality ratio (MMR)
Target 5.B: Achieve, by 2015, 16. Adolescent birth rate

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

universal access to reproductive 17. Antenatal care coverage for at least four visits
health 18. Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit (ANC)
19. Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR)
20. Unmet need for family planning
Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
21. Condom use at last high-risk sex
22. HIV prevalence rate
Target 6.A: Have halted by 2015
and begun to reverse the spread of 23. Population 15-24 year-olds who have comprehensive
HIV/AIDS correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS
24. Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school
attendance of non-orphans
Target 6.B: Achieve, by 2010,
25. Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection
universal access to treatment for
with access to antiretroviral drugs
HIV/AIDS for all those who need it
26. Death rate associated with malaria
27. Death rate associated with tuberculosis
28. Incidence of malaria
Target 6.C: Have halted by 2015 29. Incidence of tuberculosis
and begun to reverse the 30. Prevalence of tuberculosis
incidence of malaria and other 31. Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under
major diseases insecticide-treated bed nets
32. Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are
treated with appropriate anti-malarial drugs
33. Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS
34. Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS
Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability
Target 7.A: Integrate the 35. Carbon dioxide emissions
principles of sustainable 36. Consumption of all ozone-depleting substances
development into country
policies and programmes and
reverse the loss of 37. Proportion of land area covered by forest
environmental resources
Target 7.B: Reduce biodiversity
loss, achieving, by 2010, a 38. Proportion of terrestrial areas protected to total
significant reduction in the rate territorial area
of loss
Target 7.C: Halve, by 2015, the 39. Proportion of population using an improved
proportion of people without drinking water source
sustainable access to safe
drinking water and basic 40. Proportion of population using an improved
sanitation sanitation facility
Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development
Target 8.D: Deal
comprehensively with the debt
41. External debt service as percentage of exports of
problems of developing
goods and services and net income from abroad
countries through national and
international measures in order

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

to make debt sustainable in the

long term

Target 8.F: In co-operation with 42. Cellular Ownerships

the private sector, make
available the benefits of new
technologies, especially 43. Internet users
information and

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014


1. Percentage of population living below the national poverty line

Definition Defined as the percentage of the population living below the

national poverty line which is on less than 64,000 RWF per
adult equivalent per year measured in 2001 prices
corresponding to 118, 000 RWF in 2010.
The poverty line is a threshold of the value of total annual
per capita consumption in a household below which an
individual is considered poor. Aggregate household
consumption is computed as the sum of expenditure on food
as well as value of auto consumption, expenditure on non-
food, health items, education, housing utilities, value of in-
kind wages, other benefits received by the household and a
measure of the use value of durable goods owned by the
household. Consumption per capita is then computed as the
total consumption per adult equivalent. Where adult
equivalence is an aggregate indicator for household size
which takes into account its age and sex composition.
The poverty line is then set with reference to a minimum
food consumption basket, judged to offer the required
number of calories (2200 Kcalories per day) for a Rwandan
likely to be involved in physically demanding agricultural
activity, along with an allowance for non-food consumption.
The non-food consumption expenditure is determined as a
function of food consumption.
Method of Household annual consumption per adult equivalent is
Computation computed and compared with the poverty line. Individuals
living in households whose per capita consumption falls
below the poverty line are considered as poor.

Where Np denotes the number of population (adult

equivalent) living below the poverty line and N denotes total
number of population.
Comments and EICV surveys do not collect information on the intra-
limitations household distribution of consumption. Thus, the
consumption based standard of living measure is based on
the assumption that individuals are represented in the
distribution by the consumption measure of the household
they belong to. This fails to take account of inequality in
distribution within the household.
Sources and Data Data on household income, consumption and expenditure
collection are collected through the EICV surveys carried out by NISR.
The survey also collects information on non-consumption
related dimensions of living standards.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Geographical National ,Province, District
Sources of Global poverty gap measures are based on the international
Discrepancies poverty line of $1.25 a day measured at 2005 prices and
between Global and cannot be directly compared with national level poverty gap
National Figures measures; which are derived using country specific poverty
lines estimated in local currencies.
Institutions NISR
- Key Stakeholders
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

2. Share of poorest quintile in national consumption

Definition The poorest quintiles’ percentage share of national income

or consumption is the share that accrues to the first quintile
of the population.
Quintiles are developed by sorting the sample of households
by annual consumption values and dividing the population
into five equal shares. The 20% of individuals with the
lowest levels of annual consumption are allocated to quintile
1 (first quintile).
Method of Inequality in the distribution of income is reflected in the
Computation percentage shares of income or consumption accruing to
portions of the population ranked by income or
consumption levels.
Data on the distribution of income or consumption come
from nationally representative household surveys. Where
the original data from the household survey are available,
they can be used to directly calculate the income or
consumption shares by quintile. Consumption, including
consumption from own production is calculated for the
entire household, adjusted for household size, and then
divided by the number of persons living in the household to
derive a per capita measure. The population is then ranked
by consumption or income; and then the bottom fifth of the
population’s consumption or income is expressed as a
percentage of aggregate household income. The calculations
are made in local currency, without adjustment for price
changes or exchange rates or for spatial differences in the
cost of living within countries are not made, because the
data needed for such calculations are generally unavailable.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Comments and Consumption is usually a much better welfare indicator,

limitations particularly in developing countries. Consumption is
measured on Household level but individuals in the same
household differ in age and consumption needs.
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the Integrated household living Conditions Survey
- Geographical National, Province, District
Sources of In Rwanda, we use consumption instead of income
Discrepancies distribution this might be the source of discrepancies
between Global and between national and global estimates due to differences in
National Figures
computation method.
Periodicity of 3 - 5 years
Expected Time of

3. Poverty gap ratio

Definition The poverty gap ratio is the mean shortfall of the total
population from the poverty line (counting the non-poor as
having zero shortfall), expressed as a percentage of the
poverty line.

The poverty line is a common method used to measure

poverty based on income or consumption levels. In Rwanda,
we use consumption level to measure poverty. A person is
considered poor if his or her consumption falls below some
minimum level necessary to meet basic needs. This
minimum level is referred to as the poverty line.
National poverty lines used for the calculation of this
indicator is 64,000 RWF per adult equivalent per year
measured in 2001 prices. The poverty gap ratio was
computed based on the three comparable EICV surveys all
expressed in January 2001 prices.
The poverty line is then set with reference to a minimum
food consumption basket, judged to offer the required
number of calories (2200 Kcalories per day) for a Rwandan
likely to be involved in physically demanding agricultural
activity, along with an allowance for non-food consumption.
Method of The poverty gap index (P1)which is related to the headcount
Computation index, is measured as follows:

∑ ( )

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

where the poverty gap (Gn) is the difference between the

poverty line (z) and income or consumption for those who
are poor (the non-poor have a poverty gap of zero). I(.) is an
indicator function that equals 1 if the bracketed expression
is true and 0 otherwise. N is the total population.
Comments and This indicator measures poverty based on household per
limitations capita income/consumption, ignoring intra household
inequality in the distribution of resources, and does not take
into account other dimensions of poverty such as inequality,
vulnerability, and lack of voice and power of the poor.
Sources and Data Data on household income, consumption and expenditure
collection are collected through the EICV surveys carried out by NISR.
The survey also collects information on non-consumption
related dimensions of living standards.
- Geographical National
Sources of Global poverty gap measures are based on the international
Discrepancies poverty line of $1.25 a day measured at 2005 prices and
between Global and cannot be directly compared with national level poverty gap
National Figures measures; which are derived using country specific poverty
lines estimated in local currencies.
Periodicity 3- 5 years

4. Employment-to-Population ratio

Definition Employment-to-population ratio is the proportion of a

country’s working-age population that is employed.
Employment is defined as persons aged 16 and above who
engaged in any activity for at least an hour in the last 7 days
before the survey for pay or profit (or pay in kind), or were
temporarily absent from a job for such reasons as illness,
maternity or parental leave, holiday, training or industrial
dispute. Unpaid family workers who work for at least one
hour are included in the count of employment.
Method of Employment-to-population ratios are calculated as follows:

Where E denotes the number of employed

persons(Including soldiers) and P denotes the total
population for the corresponding working age group(16 and
above) including members of the armed forces and
individuals residing in mental, penal or other types of

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Comments and The employment-to-population ratio only provides a
limitations measure of persons in employment. It says nothing about
the quality of employment in which people work posing the
question of whether or not an increase of the indicator over
time should be interpreted positively. An increase in the
ratio has positive implications on poverty reduction only if
the jobs obtained are well-paid, productive and secure—in
other words, if they are decent jobs.
It is worth noting that the information presented in the
census reports is limited to the main activity performed
during the reference period (seven days before the Census
night)while the working population of Rwanda routinely
works in multiple jobs.
Sources and Data Data are collected through EICV and PHC.
collection Note that the figures published in EICV 3 under employment
rate are actually measuring employment-to-population
- Geographical National, Province , District, Residence(Urban/Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
- Other Marital Status, education level, highest level of degree
Characteristics obtained
Sources of For most cases, household labour force surveys are used,
Discrepancies and they provide estimates that are consistent with ILO
between Global and definitional and collection standards. However, Rwanda
National Figures uses census and EICV to get data in the absence of labour
force surveys; this can cause problems of comparability at
the international level. Ratios may diverge slightly from
nationally reported figures because of the harmonization
Periodicity 3- 5 years in EICV, 10 years for PHC.

5. Prevalence of underweight (moderate and severe)

Definition Prevalence of (moderately or severely) underweight

children is the percentage of children under five years old
whose weight for age are less than minus two standard
deviations from the median weight for age of the reference
population ages 0–59 months.
In the 2010 RDHS, as recommended by the World Health
Organization (WHO), the nutritional status of children in the

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

survey population was compared with the 2006 WHO Child

Growth Standards (WHO, 2006). The use of the 2006 WHO
Child Growth Standards is based on the finding that well-
nourished children in all population groups for which data
exist follow very similar growth patterns before puberty.
Method of The weights of the under-five child population in a country
Computation are compared with the weights given in the 2006 WHO
Child Growth Standards table of child weights for each age
group. The percentages of children in each age group whose
weights are less than 2 standard deviations below the
median are then aggregated to form the total percentage of
children under five who are underweight.

Where C denotes the Number of children under age five that

fall below minus two standard deviations from the median
weight for age of the 2006 WHO Child Growth Standards
(moderate and severe) and B denotes the total number of
children under age five that were weighted.
Comments and The weight-for-age, indicator reflects body Mass relative to
limitations chronological age and is influenced by both the height of the
child (height for age) and weight-for-height. Its composite
nature makes interpretation complex. For example, weight
for age fails to distinguish between short children of
adequate body weight and tall, thin children.
Sources and Data NISR collects data through the RDHS (Rwanda Demographic
collection Health Survey), the survey asks questions about infant
feeding practices and measures the height using a Shorr
measuring board and the weight measurements are taken
using a lightweight electronic SECA scale designed and
manufactured under the of the United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF).
- Geographical National, Province ,District Residence (Urban & Rural)
- Sex Male / Female
- Age group Age in months
- Other Birth interval , mother’s education level, mother’s
characteristics nutritional status, wealth quintile
Sources of Because all nationally-representative data on underweight
Discrepancies prevalence are collected only through large-scale household
between Global and surveys, there would normally be no discrepancies between
National Figures global and national figures.
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014


6. Net enrolment ratio in primary education (NER)

Definition Net enrolment ratio in primary is the ratio of the number of

children of official school age who are enrolled in primary
school to the total population of children of corresponding
official school age.
The official age for starting primary school is 7 years old
and completing primary school is 12 years old in Rwanda.
Method of NER in primary education is computed as ;
Computation Where :
= Net Enrolment rate in primary education p in school
year t
= Enrolment of the population of age-group a in primary
school p in year t
= Population in age-group a which officially corresponds
to primary education p in school-year t
Comments and In some case, misreporting of enrolment by age is more
limitations difficult to overcome as children’s birth certificates may not
exist or are not checked by school heads.
In Rwandan, NER can be compared with the Gross
Enrolment Ratio (GER) to assess the incidence of under-
aged and over-aged enrolment in primary education.
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are
compiled at national level and published in the Education
Statistics year book.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Residence( Rural/Urban)
- Sex Male/Female
Sources of Discrepancies between National and Global figures may
Discrepancies arise from the above mentioned limitations.
between Global and Enrolment data compiled by UNESCO are adjusted to be
National Figures consistent with ISCED97 and are therefore comparable
across countries. National data derived from administrative
records are not necessarily based on the same classification
over time and may not be comparable with data for other
countries, unless exactly the same classification is used.
Periodicity Annual

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

7. Literacy rate of 15-24 year-olds

Definition The literacy rate of 15–24 year-olds is defined as the

proportion of the population aged 15–24 years who can
both read and write with understanding a short simple
statement on everyday life.
For the 2012 Census, literacy is recorded in the following
languages: Kinyarwanda, English, French and Other and
measures the individual’s ability to read and write a simple
text with understanding in a language. Whereas for DHS,
literacy rate refers to men and women who attended
secondary school or higher and women who can read a
whole sentence or part of a sentence. Those with secondary
or post-secondary educations were considered literate and
not in need of testing.
The youth literacy rate is another term for the literacy rate
of 15–24 year-olds.
Method of Literacy rate of 15-24 year olds is calculated as;

= Literacy rate of age group 15-24 in year t
=Literate population of age group 15- 24 in year t
= Population of age group a in year t
Comments and Misreporting of age; where the declared age may not
limitations coincide with the birth age which can result in under or
overestimation of literacy.
Literacy is measured crudely in population censuses, either
through self or household report or by assuming that people
with no schooling are illiterate, making international
comparisons difficult. Comparability over time, even for the
same survey, may also be a problem because definitions of
literacy used in surveys are not standardized.
Shortcomings in the definitions of literacy, measurement
problems, and infrequency of censuses and household
surveys weaken this indicator’s utility for monitoring
education outcomes related to the goal of achieving
universal primary education.
Caution should be exercised when comparing literacy
indicator by wealth quintile between the surveys because of
the difference in the methods of measurement. The wealth
index in DHS and PHC is calculated using household’s

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

ownership of selected assets, such as televisions and

bicycles; materials used for housing construction; and types
of water access and sanitation facilities whereas the EICV
uses consumption expenditure to measure socio-economic
Sources and Data PHCs are the primary sources of basic literacy data. These
collection data are usually collected together with other household
characteristics including the educational, demographic and
socio-economic statuses of household members. These
literacy data are generally based on self-declaration (i.e. one
person, usually the head of the household, indicates
whether each member of the household is literate or not).
The collection of literacy data from this primary source
follows the regularity of national population censuses
which, in general, is every ten years.
DHS and EICV are also other sources of data and involve the
use of a literacy variable in a household or individual
sample survey.
Educational attainment should not be used as a proxy for
literacy, as not all children who have received primary
education acquired sustainable literacy skills.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Residence (Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male/ Female
- Age Five-year age cohorts for the population aged 15 - 24 years
- Other Wealth Quintile
Sources of Literacy rates published by the UNESCO Institute of
Discrepancies Statistics (UIS) are based on national level population
between Global and censuses and household surveys. Discrepancies may arise
National Figures when countries derive projected figures using methods that
differ from those used by the UIS.
Discrepancies may also occur from the above mentioned

Periodicity 3 to 5 years for DHS and EICV, 10 years for PHC


8. Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment

Definition Gender Parity Index in primary level enrolment is the ratio

between the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of girls and that
of boys in primary education.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in primary education is

the total enrolment in primary education, regardless of age,
expressed as a percentage of the eligible official school-age
population to primary education in a given school year.
Method of The GPI is calculated by dividing the female GER by the male
Computation GER for primary education.
To calculate the GER it is first necessary to determine the
official school age population for each level of education.
Then, the number of students enrolled in primary education
is divided by the official school age population for primary
education, and the result is multiplied by 100. GERs for boys
and girls are calculated separately.
Comments and Caution should be exercised in interpreting trends towards
limitations gender parity. For example, the indicator cannot help
determine whether improvements in the ratio reflect
increases in girls’ school participation (desirable) or
decreases in boys’ participation (undesirable). Also, it also
does not reveal whether those enrolled in school complete
the relevant education cycles or, whether the overall level of
participation in education is low or high.
It is also important to supplement the analysis of trends in
GPIs with analysis of trends in the GER of men and women.
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are
compiled at national level and published in the Education
Statistics year book.
- Geographical National, Province, District ,Residence( Rural/Urban)
Sources of The use of different population estimates in the
Discrepancies denominator is often at the origin of differences between
between Global and National and Global data for this indicator, as international
National Figures population estimates generally differ from those available at
the national level.
Periodicity Annual

9. Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment

Definition Gender Parity Index in secondary level enrolment is the

ratio between the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of girls and
that of boys in secondary education.
The Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in secondary education is
the total enrolment in secondary, regardless of age,

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

expressed as a percentage of the eligible official school-age

population corresponding to secondary level education in a
given school year.
Method of The GPI is calculated by dividing the female GER by the male
Computation GER for secondary education.
To calculate the GER it is first necessary to determine the
official school age population for each level of education.
Then, the number of students enrolled in secondary level of
education is divided by the official school age population of
secondary level education, and the result is multiplied by
100. GERs for boys and girls are calculated separately.
Comments and Caution should be exercised in interpreting trends towards
limitations gender parity. For example, the indicator cannot help
determine whether improvements in the ratio reflect
increases in girls’ school participation (desirable) or
decreases in boys’ participation (undesirable). Also, it also
does not reveal whether those enrolled in school complete
the relevant education cycles or, whether the overall level of
participation in education is low or high.
It is important to supplement the analysis of trends in GPIs
with analysis of trends in the GER of men and women.
Sources and Data Data are collected from schools by the Sector Education
collection officers using questionnaires. District Education Officers
review and report to MINEDUC. Education data are
compiled at national level and published in the Education
Statistics year book.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Residence( Rural/Urban)
Sources of The use of different population estimates in the
Discrepancies denominator is often at the origin of differences between
between Global and National and Global data for this indicator, as international
National Figures population estimates generally differ from those available at
the national level.
Periodicity Annual

10. Seats held by women in national parliament

Definition The proportion of seats held by women in national

parliaments is the number of seats held by women
members in single or lower chambers of national
parliaments, expressed as a percentage of all occupied seats.
Seats refer to the number of parliamentary mandates, also
known as the number of members of parliament. Seats are
usually won by members in general parliamentary

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

elections. Seats may also be filled by nomination,

appointment, indirect election, rotation of members and by-
‘The State of Rwanda commits itself that women are granted
at least 30 % of posts in decision making organs’
(Constitution, Article 9 [4]). The 80 members of the
Chamber of Deputies are elected as follows: 53 members
elected by direct universal suffrage through a secret ballot
using closed list proportional representation, of which at
least 30% must be seats reserved for women; 24 women (2
elected from each province and from the city of Kigali by an
electoral college with a women-only ballot); 2 members
elected by the National Youth Council; and 1 member
elected by the Federation of the Associations of the Disabled
(Constitution, Article 76).
Method of The indicator is calculated as the total number of seats
Computation occupied by women divided by the total number of seats
occupied in parliament and multiplied by 100.
Comments and Unlike the 30% of reserved seats for women , in the event of
limitations death and resignation the replacement of women
parliamentarian coming from the political parties is not
automatically by a woman instead by the next candidate in
the party’s list.
The role of women parliamentarians needs to be considered
alongside the role of other government actors such as the
executive; and in relation to the national gender machinery
and women’s groups in civil society.
Sources and Data Data for calculating this indicator are coming from
collection administrative records of national parliaments and National
Electoral Commission (NEC).
- Geographical National
Sources of Not applicable.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014


11. Proportion of Children 1 year-old immunized against measles

Definition Proportion of 1 year old children immunized against

measles is the percentage of children ages 12–23 months
who have received at least one dose of a measles vaccine
before their first birthday.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where C denotes number of children aged 12-23 months

who received at least one dose of a measles vaccine before
the age of 12 months and P denotes all children aged below
12 months in the Survey.
Comments and Recall error could be a potential bias in the data. In
limitations household surveys for those where vaccination cards were
not available, the respondent may or may not know or
remember if her child had received the specific vaccination.
Sources and Data In Rwanda, NISR collects data through the DHS .The
collection information on measles vaccination was gathered from two
(1) where vaccination cards were available, the interviewer
copied the information directly onto the questionnaire;
(2) Where cards were not available because the mother
never had one, or the card was unavailable at the time of the
survey, or the mother had lost the card, mothers were asked
to recall whether or not the child had received at least one
dose of a measles vaccine at any time before the survey.
Note that for children whose information was based on the
mother’s report, the proportion of vaccinations given
during the first year of life was assumed to be the same as
for the children with a written record of vaccination.
- Geographical National
- Other By source of information (Vaccination Card, Mother’s report
or Either source)
Sources of Rwanda uses Household surveys (DHS) to get vaccination
Discrepancies estimates whereas the World Health Organization (WHO)
between Global and and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) compile
National Figures country data series based on both types of data gathered
through the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) on
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. These are from (a)
Administrative coverage data, (b) household surveys such
as DHS and MICS and (c) Official national estimate (the
estimate of coverage that the Ministry of Health believes to

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

be correct; which may or may not coincide with the

administrative or national survey data). In cases where
alternative sources of data are available, there is an attempt
to distinguish whether the data accurately reflect
immunization system performance, or whether the data are
compromised and present a misleading view of coverage
achievements. If adjustments are proposed, they are made
in consultation with the individual countries, as described
in the section below.
Periodicity 3 -5 years

12. Infant mortality rate (IMR)

Definition Infant mortality rate is the probability (expressed as a rate

per 1000 live births) of a child born alive in a specified
period dying before reaching the age of one.
The time reference of IMR is not the year in which the
survey is undertaken; rather it is the five years period
preceding the survey date. Hence, if an exact time point is
needed as a time reference, it must be taken as the mid of
the five-year interval preceding the survey date.
A live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the
duration of the pregnancy, which, after such separation,
breathes or shows any other evidence of life—such as
beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or
definite movement of voluntary muscles—whether or not
the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.
Each product of such a birth is considered a live birth.
Method of IMR is derived from DHS data using the direct method. The
Computation direct method uses data collected on birth histories of
women of childbearing age and produces the probability of
dying before age one for children born alive, among women
of childbearing age, during five year periods before the
survey. Direct method require each child’s date of birth,
survival status, and age of the child on the date of the
interview if alive and if not alive the age at death of each
live births.
The Infant Mortality Rate is computed as follows:

Where D <1yr denotes the number of deaths of infants (<1yr

of age) in the last 5 years before the survey and Lb is the
total number of Live births in 5 years before the survey.
Comments and Direct estimates of infant mortality based on survey data
limitations may suffer from mothers misreporting their children’s birth

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

dates, current age or age at death—perhaps more so if the

child has died. The heaping of deaths at age 12 months is
especially common. Age heaping may transfer deaths across
the one-year boundary and lead to underestimates of infant
mortality rates.
Sources and Data The data used to compute the IMR mortality rates were
collection derived from the birth history section of the Woman’s
Questionnaire in DHS.
- Geographical National , Province ,District, Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Other Socio-economic characteristics of mothers (education,
Characteristics wealth quintiles)
Note that the reference year for IMR by socio-economic
characteristic is 10 years period preceding the survey.
Sources of Not applicable.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 to 5 years

13. Under-five mortality rate (U5MR)

Definition It is the probability (expressed as a rate per 1000 live

births) of a child born alive in a specified period dying
before reaching the age of five, if subject to current age-
specific mortality rates.
It is important to point out that the reference period is the
five-year period preceding the survey date. So, the time
point that the rate is referred to is the midpoint of the five
year interval.
A live birth is the complete expulsion or extraction from its
mother of a product of conception, irrespective of the
duration of the pregnancy, which, after such separation,
breathes or shows any other evidence of life—such as
beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or
definite movement of voluntary muscles—whether or not
the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached.
Each product of such a birth is considered a live birth.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Method of Like other childhood mortality rates, the data used to

Computation compute the U5MR is derived from the birth history section
of Woman’s questionnaire of DHS. It uses the direct method
and data are collected on birth histories of women of
childbearing age and produces the probability of dying
before age one for children born alive, among women of
childbearing age, during five year periods before the
survey. The Direct method requires each child’s date of
birth, survival status, and age of the child on the date of the
interview if alive and if not alive the age at death of each
live births.
Under 5 Mortality is calculated as follows:

Where D <5yrs denotes the number of deaths of infants (<5yr

of age) in the last 5 years before the survey and Lb denotes
the total number of live births in 5 years before the survey.
Comments and Data on under-five mortality are more complete and timely
limitations than data on adult mortality. Under-five mortality rates are
also considered to be more robust than infant mortality
rates when estimates are based on information drawn from
household surveys.
Vital registration systems are the preferred source of data
on under-five mortality because they collect information
prospectively and cover the entire population. However,
due to lack of fully functioning vital registration systems
that accurately record all births and deaths the DHS is used
to provide the data.
DHS are subject to recall error. Interviewed women may
omit births and deaths, or include stillbirths along with live
births. Survey data may also suffer from survivor selection
bias and age truncation. Mothers may misreport their
children’s birth dates, current ages or ages at death—
perhaps more so if the child has died. The heaping of deaths
at age 12 months is especially common. Age heaping may
transfer deaths across the one-year boundary and lead to
underestimates of infant mortality rates. Fortunately, it has
little effect on under-five mortality rates, which makes the
U5MR a more robust estimate than the infant mortality rate
when data are drawn from household surveys.
Sources and Data The data used to compute the U5MR mortality rates were
collection derived from the birth history section of the Woman’s

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Questionnaire in DHS.
- Geographical National , Province ,District, Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male, Female
- Other Socio-economic characteristics of mothers(education,
Characteristics wealth quintiles)
Note that the reference year for IMR by socio-economic
characteristic is 10 years period preceding the survey.
Sources of Not Applicable.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 to 5 years


14. Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

Definition The proportion of births attended by skilled health

personnel is the proportion of total live births in a
period that are attended by a skilled birth attendant trained
in providing lifesaving obstetric care.
Note that Skilled health personnel refers to
workers/attendants which are accredited health
professionals - such as a midwife, doctor, medical assistant
or nurse - who have been educated and trained to
proficiency in the skills needed to manage normal
(uncomplicated) pregnancies, childbirth and the immediate
postnatal period, and in the identification, management and
referral of complications in women and new-borns. Both
trained and untrained traditional birth attendants (TBA)
are excluded.
Note that the time of reference is 5 years preceding the
Method of The indicator is calculated as the number of births attended
Computation by skilled health personnel (doctors, nurses or midwives)
divided by the total number of births in the same period
and multiplied by 100.
Comments and This indicator is a measure of a health system’s ability to
limitations provide adequate care during birth, a period of elevated
mortality risk for both mothers and new-borns. However,
this indicator may not adequately capture women’s access
to good quality care, particularly when complications arise.
In order to effectively reduce maternal deaths skilled health

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

personnel should have the necessary equipment and

adequate referral options.
In addition, standardization of the definition of skilled
health personnel is sometimes difficult because of
differences in training of health personnel in different
countries. Although efforts have been made to standardize
the definitions of doctors, nurses, midwives and auxiliary
midwives used in most household surveys, it is probable
that many skilled attendants’ abilities to provide
appropriate care in an emergency depends on the
environment in which they work.
Recall error is another potential source of bias in the data.
The respondent may or may not know or remember the
qualifications of the attendants at delivery during the
reference period.
Sources and Data Data are collected through DHS, each respondent is asked
collection to recall where they had given birth and who had assisted
in the delivery.
Disaggregation National, Province, Districts, Residence ( Urban/ Rural)
- Geographical Mother’s age at birth, Birth order , Mother’s education level,
- Other Place of Delivery(Health facility , Elsewhere) , Wealth
Characteristics quintiles
Sources of There are no discrepancies between National and Global
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

15. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)

Definition The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is the ratio of the

number of maternal deaths during a given time period per
100,000 live births during the same time-period. A maternal
death refers to a female death from any cause related to or
aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding
accidental or incidental causes) during pregnancy and
childbirth or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy,
irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy.
The time reference for MMR is five years period preceding
the survey date.
Method of The Direct Sisterhood Method is used in DHS to estimate
Computation maternal deaths. Information is collected from female
respondents on the survivorship of each of their sisters, the

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

ages of surviving sisters, the year of death or years since

death of deceased sisters, and the age at death of deceased
sisters. For each sister who died at age 12 or older, the
respondent was asked additional questions to determine
whether the death was maternity related.
Maternal Mortality Ratio( MMR) is calculated as ;

Maternal Mortality Rate: is obtained by dividing the number

of maternal deaths in a population by the number of women
of reproductive age (15-49) multiply by 1000.
GFR: denotes General Fertility Rate and it is calculated by
dividing the number of births in a year divided by the
number of women aged 15–49, times 1000.
Comments and Maternal mortality data have limitations, particularly
limitations related to the underreporting and misclassification of
maternal deaths.
The maternal mortality ratio should not be confused with
the maternal mortality rate (whose denominator is the
number of women of reproductive age), which reflects not
only the risk of maternal death per pregnancy or birth but
also the level of fertility in the population. The maternal
mortality ratio (whose denominator is the number of live
births) indicates the risk of death once a woman becomes
pregnant, and does not take fertility levels into
Because maternal mortality is a relatively rare event, large
sample sizes are needed if household surveys are used. This
is very costly and may still result in estimates with large
confidence intervals. To reduce sample size requirements,
the sisterhood method measures maternal mortality by
asking respondents about the survivorship of sisters. While
this method reduces sample size requirements, it produces
estimates covering some 7-12 years before the survey,
which renders data problematic for monitoring progress or
observing the impact of interventions. The direct sisterhood
method asks respondents to provide date of death, which
permits the calculation of more recent estimates, but even
then the reference period tends to refer to 0-6 years before
the survey.
Sources and Data Data on maternal mortality and other relevant variables are
collection obtained through DHS.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Geographical National
Sources of Differences between National and Global figures could arise
Discrepancies from the limitations mentioned above and the use of a
between Global and different method globally.
National Figures
Periodicity 3 to 5 years

16. Adolescent birth rate

Definition The adolescent birth rate measures the annual number of

births to women 15 to 19 years of age per 1,000 women in
that age group. It represents the risk of childbearing among
adolescent women 15 to 19 years of age. It is also referred
to as the age-specific fertility rate for women aged 15-19.
Method of In DHS the adolescent birth rate is computed basing on
Computation women’s birth history method. The numerator refers to
births to women that were 15 to 19 years of age at the time
of the birth during a reference period before the interview
(0-4years) and the denominator to person-years lived
between the ages of 15 and 19 by the interviewed women
during the same reference period. The reported observation
year corresponds to the middle of the reference period.

Where B denotes births to women that were 15 to 19 years

of age at the time of the birth during a reference period
before the interview (0-4years) and P denotes female
population in that age group (15-19years).
In the case of Census, the adolescent birth rate is generally
computed based on the date of the last birth or the number
of births in the 12 months preceding the enumeration. The
census data provide both the numerator and the
Comments and The main limitations are the following :
limitations Underreporting of births: in particular, the omission of
children living elsewhere and children who died very young
(a few days or hours after birth), which can result in
underestimation of fertility levels.
Misreporting of date of birth and/or age and, in particular,
the tendency to round off age or year of birth, which can
result in under- or overestimation of fertility at certain ages
and/or for certain periods
Selective survival bias or selectivity effect because the

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

women surveyed are those who have survived. Assuming

that the fertility of women who died prior to the survey
differs from the fertility of the survivors, the fertility levels
obtained by the survey may be slightly biased.
Sources and Data NISR collects data through the DHS which uses the women’s
collection birth histories and through the population census which
asks questions about births that occurred in the 12 months
preceding the survey.
- Geographical National, Province , Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Other Education level and Religious affiliations
Sources of Differences may arise due to the limitations mentioned
Discrepancies above.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3- 5 years for DHS, 10 years in PHC

17. Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit (ANC)

Definition Antenatal care coverage for at least 1 visit is the percentage

of women aged 15-49 who had a live birth in the 5 years
preceding the survey and who received antenatal care
provided by skilled health personnel (doctors, midwives,
medical assistant or nurse) at least once during pregnancy.
Note that Skilled health personnel refers to
workers/attendants which are accredited health
professionals - such as a midwife, doctor, medical assistant
or nurse - who have been educated and trained to
proficiency in the skills needed to manage normal
(uncomplicated) pregnancies, childbirth and the immediate
postnatal period, and in the identification, management and
referral of complications in women and new-borns. Both
trained and untrained traditional birth attendants (TBA) are
The antenatal period presents opportunities for reaching
pregnant women with interventions that may be vital to
their health and wellbeing and that of their infants. WHO
recommends a minimum of four antenatal visits based on a
review of the effectiveness of different models of antenatal
care. WHO guidelines are specific on the content of
antenatal care visits, which should include:
- blood pressure measurement;
- urine testing for bacteriuria & proteinuria;

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- blood testing to detect syphilis & severe anaemia;

- weight/height measurement (optional)
Method of Antenatal care coverage for at least one visit is computed as
Computation below:

C1 denotes the number of women aged 15-49 who had a live
birth in the 5 years preceding the survey and who received
antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel
(doctors, midwives, medical assistant or nurse) at least once
during pregnancy.
W denotes the number of all women aged 15-49 who had a
live birth in the same period (5years).
Comments and Information on ANC visits is based on the mother’s report
limitations which is note verifiable, but generally in Rwanda ANC
coverage is very high.
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the DHS; women who had had a live birth in the five
years preceding the survey were asked whether they had
received antenatal care (ANC) and how many visits they
Disaggregation National , Province, District ,Residence(Urban /rural)
- Geographical
Sources of There are no differences between Global and National
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

18. Antenatal care coverage for at least four visits

Definition Antenatal care coverage for at least 4 visits is the percentage

of women aged 15-49 who had a live birth in the 5 years
preceding the survey and who received antenatal care
provided by skilled health personnel (doctors, midwives,
medical assistant or nurse) at least 4 times during
Note that Skilled health personnel refers to
workers/attendants which are accredited health
professionals - such as a midwife, doctor, medical assistant
or nurse - who have been educated and trained to
proficiency in the skills needed to manage normal

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

(uncomplicated) pregnancies, childbirth and the immediate

postnatal period, and in the identification, management and
referral of complications in women and new-borns. Both
trained and untrained traditional birth attendants (TBA) are
excluded. Unlike for international definition, Antenatal care
coverage for at least four visits considers women aged 15-
49 who received antenatal care from ANY provider.
The antenatal period presents opportunities for reaching
pregnant women with interventions that may be vital to
their health and wellbeing and that of their infants. WHO
recommends a minimum of four antenatal visits based on a
review of the effectiveness of different models of antenatal
care. WHO guidelines are specific on the content of
antenatal care visits, which should include:
- blood pressure measurement;
- urine testing for bacteriuria & proteinuria;
- blood testing to detect syphilis & severe anaemia;
- weight/height measurement (optional)
Method of Antenatal care coverage for at least four visits is computed
Computation as below:

Where ;
C denotes the number of women aged 15-49 who had a live
birth in the 5 years preceding the survey and who received
antenatal care provided by skilled health personnel
(doctors, midwives, medical assistant or nurse) at least 4
times during pregnancy.
W denotes the number of all women aged 15-49 who had a
live birth in the same period (5years).
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the RDHS (Rwanda Demographic Health Survey);
women who had had a live birth in the five years preceding
the survey were asked whether they had received antenatal
care (ANC) and how many visits they had.
- Geographical National, Province, District ,Residence(Urban/ Rural)
Comments and Information on ANC visits is based on the mother’s report
limitations which is note verifiable, but generally in Rwanda ANC
coverage is very high.
Sources of There are no differences between Global and National
Discrepancies figures.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

between Global and

National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

19. Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR)

Definition The contraceptive prevalence rate is the percentage

of women of reproductive age who are currently using, or
whose sexual partner is currently using, at least one
contraceptive method, regardless of the method used. It is
reported for women aged 15 to 49 who are married or in a
Women of reproductive age include all women aged 15 to
Contraceptive methods include modern and traditional
methods. Modern methods of contraception include female
and male sterilization, oral hormonal pills, intra-uterine
devices (IUD), male and female condoms, injectables,
implants (including Norplant), lactational amenorrhea
method (LAM), vaginal barrier methods and spermicides.
Traditional methods of contraception include the rhythm
method (periodic abstinence), withdrawal, and others. Note
that LAM is classified in some surveys as a modern method.
Unlike for MDG reporting on this indicator where LAM is
classified as a traditional method in DHS, LAM figures among
the modern contraceptive methods.
Note that if more than one method is used, only the most
effective method is considered.
Method of The indicators is computed as;

Comments and Contraceptive prevalence is often measured alternatively for

limitations all women of reproductive age, for sexually active women
(irrespective of union status), or for women at risk of
pregnancy defined as sexually active, not in fecund, not
pregnant and not amenorrhoeic.
Sources and Data Contraceptive prevalence rates are calculated from DHS
collection with questions on current use of contraception.
Information is gathered through direct questions to women,
including the woman’s age and whether she is married or in

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

a consensual union. The questions on contraceptive

methods often include two parts: a general question asking
women if they are currently using a method of contraception
and a follow-up question regarding the type of contraceptive
method currently used including brand name. In DHS, the
methods are described in a series of “probe” questions about
methods the respondent has heard about, before the
respondent is asked about current use of contraception.
- Geographical National, Province, Districts, Residence(Urban, Rural)
- Age Five-year age cohorts for the population aged 15 years and
- Other over
Characteristics By contraceptive method currently used
Sources of The estimates are based on nationally owned data. However,
Discrepancies discrepancies can be due to the difference in definition of
between Global and modern methods of contraception.
National Figures
Periodicity 3 – 5 years

20. Unmet need for family planning

Definition Unmet need for family planning is defined as the

percentage of women of reproductive age, either married
or in a consensual union, who have an unmet need for
family planning.
Women with an unmet need for family planning are women
who are fecund and sexually active but are not using
any method of contraception, and report not wanting any
more children or wanting to delay the birth of their next
child for at least two years or more.
The women included are:
 - all pregnant women (married or in a consensual union)
whose pregnancies were unwanted or mistimed at the time
of conception;
 - all postpartum amenorrheic women (married or in
consensual union) who are not using family planning and
whose last birth was unwanted or mistimed;
 - and all fecund women (married or in consensual union)
who are neither pregnant nor postpartum amenorrheic,
and who either do not want any more children (want to
limit family size), or who wish to postpone the birth of a
child for at least two years or do not know when or if they
want another child (want to space births), but are not using
any contraceptive method.
Infecund women are not included in the numerator.
Method of Unmet need for family planning is calculated using the

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Computation following formula:

Comments and Trends in unmet need for family planning in a particular

limitations population should be based on successive data points that
were calculated in a comparable way. In designing and
monitoring programmes aimed at reducing unmet need for
family planning, this indicator should be interpreted in
connection with other relevant national data, including
qualitative and quantitative information regarding the
reasons that women who are at risk of an undesired or
mistimed pregnancy are not using family planning, and
assessments of the availability and quality of family
planning and other reproductive health services.
According to the standard definition of unmet need for
family planning, women who are using a traditional method
of contraception are not considered to have an unmet need
for family planning. Because traditional methods can be
considerably less effective than modern methods,
additional analyses may be conducted to distinguish
between women relying on traditional and modern
methods in order to determine the unmet need for modern
Sources and Data Information on unmet need for family planning is collected
collection through DHS.
- Geographical National, Province ,District, Residence( Urban/ Rural)
- Age Five-year age cohorts for the population aged 15 years and
- Other over
Characteristics For spacing ,For limiting, Education level , Wealth quintile
Sources of There should not be any discrepancies between global and
Discrepancies national figures arising from adjustments to national data.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 – 5 years

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014


21. Condom use at last high-risk sex

Definition Condom use at last higher-risk sex is the percentage of

young men and women aged 15–24 reporting the use of a
condom the last time they had sexual intercourse with a
non-marital, non-cohabiting sexual partner of those who
had sex with such a partner in the last 12 months.
Higher-risk sex is defined as sex with a non-marital, non-
cohabiting sexual partner.
Method of The indicator is calculated by dividing the number of
Computation respondents aged 15–24 reporting using a condom the last
time they had sex with a non-marital and non-cohabiting
sexual partner, by the total number of respondents aged
15–24 reporting having had sex with a non-marital, non-
cohabitating sexual partner in the last 12 months and
multiplying by 100.
Sources and Data Data on the use of condoms during high-risk sex are
collection collected through DHS.
- Geographical National, Province, Districts, Residence (Urban / Rural)
- Sex Male and Female
- Age 2 years cohorts for the population aged 15 -24 years
- Other Knowledge of Condom , education level
Comments and The maximum protective effect of condoms is achieved
limitations when their use is consistent rather than occasional. The
current indicator does not provide information on levels of
consistent condom use. However, the alternative data
collection method of asking whether condoms were
always/sometimes/never used in sexual encounters with
high-risk partners in a specified period is subject to recall
bias. Furthermore, trends in condom use during the most
recent sex act will generally reflect trends in consistent
condom use. The current indicator is therefore considered
adequate to address the target since it is assumed that if
use at last higher-risk sex rises, consistent use will also
Sources of In principle, there is no discrepancy between global and
Discrepancies national figures.
between Global and

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

National Figures

Periodicity 3 – 5 years

22. HIV prevalence among population aged 15-24 years

Definition The HIV prevalence rate, population 15-24 years old, is the
percentage of population aged 15-24 living with HIV.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that
weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to AIDS,
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV destroys
the body's ability to fight off infection and disease, which
can ultimately lead to death.
Method of HIV prevalence among 15- 24 years is derived by dividing
Computation the number of population aged 15-24 years tested whose
HIV test results are positive by the number of same age
population tested for HIV.
Comments and HIV prevalence among young people aged 15–24 years is a
limitations better proxy for monitoring overall HIV incidence than
prevalence among people aged 15–49 years. Trends in HIV
prevalence for older age groups are slow to reflect changes
in HIV incidence because of the long average duration of
HIV infection.
Sources and Data DHS is the primary sources of data. Women and men who
collection were interviewed in the subsample of households selected
of the 2010 RDHS were asked to voluntarily provide blood
for HIV testing. For women and men willing to be tested,
drops of blood were drawn and dried on filter paper.
Analysis of the samples for HIV was carried out at the NRL.
The HIV test is anonymous; that is, the results of the test
were not linked to survey data until the individual
respondent’s identifying information was destroyed by
NISR. Therefore, the respondents’ HIV test results can
never be linked to identifying data. Ninety-nine percent of
all RDHS respondents who were eligible for testing were
interviewed and consented to HIV testing. These data are
compiled by the NISR and published on the DHS.
- Geographical National, Province ,District, Residence, ( Rural / Urban)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age 5 years cohorts for the population aged among youth 15-24
- Other Religion, Employment , Education level , Wealth quintile,
Characteristics sexual behaviour , Demographic characteristics
Sources of The global estimates are representative of the national
Discrepancies estimates for a given year.
between Global and

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

National Figures

Periodicity 3 to 5 years for DHS

23. Population 15-24 year-olds who have comprehensive correct knowledge of


Definition This indicator is the percentage of the population aged 15–

24 that has a comprehensive correct knowledge of Human
immunodeficiency virus/Acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (HIV/AIDS).
Comprehensive correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS is correctly
identifying the two major ways of preventing the sexual
transmission of HIV (using condoms and limiting sex to one
faithful, uninfected partner), knowing that a healthy-
looking person can transmit HIV and rejecting the two most
common local misconceptions about HIV transmission.
The two local misconceptions about HIV transmission are a
person can get HIV from a mosquito bite, by sharing food
with someone who is infected, by hugging or shaking hands
with an infected person or through supernatural means.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that
weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to
Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV
destroys the body’s ability to fight off infection and disease,
which can ultimately lead to death. Without treatment,
median survival from the time of infection is about 10.5
years for males and 11.5 years for females. Access to
treatment is uneven, and no vaccine is currently available.
Method of This indicator is calculated by dividing the number of
Computation persons aged 15–24 years who have a comprehensive
correct knowledge of HIV/AIDS by the total number of
persons aged 15–24 and multiplying by 100.

A person is considered as having a comprehensive correct

knowledge of HIV/AIDS if he or she answered ‘Yes’ to first
three questions and ‘No’ to the last two :
- Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS
virus by having just one uninfected sex partner who
has no other sex partners?
- Can people reduce their chance of getting the AIDS
virus by using a condom every time they have sex?
- Can a healthy-looking person have HIV?
- Can a person get HIV from mosquito bites?
- Can a person get HIV by sharing food with someone

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

who is infected?
In Rwanda DHS the following additional questions are also
- Can people get the AIDS virus because of witchcraft
or other supernatural means?
- Can men reduce their chance of getting the AIDS
virus by getting circumcised?
Sources and Data Data on knowledge and misconceptions about HIV and
collection AIDS are collected through DHS.
- Geographical National, Province , District ,Residence(Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age 5 years cohorts for the population aged 15 -24 years
- Other Marital status, wealth quintile, education level
Comments and The belief that a healthy-looking person cannot be infected
limitations with HIV is a common misconception that can result in
unprotected sexual intercourse with infected partners.
Correct knowledge about false beliefs of possible modes of
HIV transmission is as important as correct knowledge of
true modes of transmission. For example, the belief that
HIV is transmitted through mosquito bites can weaken
motivation to adopt safer sexual behaviour, while the belief
that HIV can be transmitted through sharing food
reinforces the stigma faced by people living with AIDS.
Surveying the most-at-risk populations is challenging. The
overall sample is normally not sufficiently large to provide
a representative sample of the most-at-risk sub-group of
the population.
Sources of No discrepancy between Global and National figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years

24. Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance of non-orphans

Definition Ratio of school attendance of orphans to school attendance

of non-orphans is defined as the ratio of school attendance
of orphans aged 10–14 to school attendance of non-
orphans aged 10–14 years.
School attendance is defined as the proportion of children
in a given group attending school.
Orphans are defined as children aged 10–14 whose

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

biological parents have both died.

Non-orphans are defined as children aged 10–14 whose
parents are both still alive and who currently live with at
least one biological parent.
The age of children is measured as of the last birthday.
Method of The indicator is computed as the school attendance rate of
Computation orphans aged 10–14 years divided by the school attendance
rate of non-orphans aged 10–14 years.
The school attendance of orphans aged 10–14 years is
calculated by dividing the number of children who have lost
both parents and attend school by the total number of
children who have lost both parents.
The school attendance of non-orphans aged 10–14 years is
calculated by dividing the number of children whose
parents are both still alive, who live with at least one parent
and who attend school, by the total number of children
whose parents are both still alive and who live with at least
one parent.
Comments and This indicator is not a direct measure of schooling for
limitations children orphaned by AIDS. Given the difficulties in
measuring the number of children orphaned by AIDS, the
indicator is calculated on the basis of all orphans aged 10–
14 years independently of the cause of death of the parents.
However, it is believed that a high proportion of deaths of
adults with school-age children in countries heavily
impacted by the HIV epidemics is likely to be related to
The indicator is limited to children aged 10–14 for
comparability purposes, as age at school entry varies across
countries. Also, the age-range 10–14 years is used because
younger orphans are more likely to have lost their parents
recently so any detrimental effect on their education will
have had little time to materialize.
The definitions of orphan/non-orphan used for this
indicator (both parents have died versus both parents are
still alive) are chosen so that the maximum effect of
disadvantage resulting from missing parents can be
identified and tracked over time.
Due to coverage limitations, this indicator will tend to
understate the relative challenges orphaned children face in
attending school. Household surveys, that are the typical
source of information for calculating this indicator, can miss
children in unstable households, and orphaned children are

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

disproportionately likely to be in such households. Also,

children that are more likely to be orphans, such as those
living on the street or in institutions are sometimes not
recorded in household surveys.
Sources and Data Data on school attendance of orphans and non-orphans are
collection collected through (DHS).
Note that Collected data in DHS are based on only children
who usually live in the household.
- Geographical National, Province, District Residence (Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male /Female
- Other Wealth quintile
Sources of In principle, there is no discrepancy between global and
Discrepancies national figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 – 5 years

25. Proportion of population with advanced HIV infection with access to

antiretroviral drugs

Definition The proportion of adults and children with advanced HIV

infection currently receiving antiretroviral therapy
according to nationally approved treatment protocols (or
WHO/Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS standards)
among the estimated number of people with advanced HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that
weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to
the Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV
destroys the body’s ability to fight off infection and disease,
which can ultimately lead to death. Infections associated
with severe immunodeficiency are known as “opportunistic
infections”, because they take advantage of a weakened
immune system. Without treatment, average survival from
the time of infection is about 10.5 years for males and 11.5
years for females. Access to treatment is uneven, and no
vaccine is currently available.
Antiretroviral therapy (ART) consists of the use of at least
three antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to maximally suppress HIV
and stop the progression of HIV disease.
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) refers to the
most advanced stages of HIV infection. AIDS is defined
clinically by the occurrence of any of more than 25 related
opportunistic infections or cancers in a person with
serological evidence of HIV infection. An immunological

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

diagnosis of AIDS can also be made if the CD4 count is less

than 200 cells per mm3 in an HIV-infected adult (for AIDS
diagnosis in children
Eligible for ART are those with advanced HIV infection
requiring antiretroviral therapy. This is based on
recommendations by WHO which were updated in 2010.
For example, WHO recommended in 2010, based on new
evidence, that the CD4 threshold at which antiretroviral
therapy is deemed necessary for adults to be changed from
200 cells per mm3 to 350 cells per mm3. Eligibility criteria
for initiating antiretroviral therapy among infants and
children are in accordance with WHO treatment guidelines
for infants and children.
Method of This indicator is calculated by dividing the number of adults
Computation and children in need for ART who receive it by the total
number of adults and children with HIV eligible for ART and
multiplying by 100.
Comments and The reported number of people on antiretroviral therapy
limitations carries uncertainties. Programme monitoring systems need
to be further developed to increase accuracy. For example,
some patients pick up several months of antiretroviral
drugs during one visit to a treatment centre, which could
include antiretroviral therapy for the last month of the
reporting period, but might not be recorded in the patient
register as visits for the last month of the reporting period.
Efforts should be made to account for these patients, as they
need to be included in the calculation of the indicator.
Although this indicator allows trends to be monitored over
time, it does not attempt to distinguish between the
different types of treatment regimens available nor does it
measure the cost, quality or effectiveness of treatment.
Antiretroviral therapy for post-exposure prophylaxis is not
included either.
Sources and Data Data on the number of adults and children in need for ART
collection who receive it are collected from the test facilities and sent
to central for processing.
The total number of adults and children with HIV who need
antiretroviral therapy is generated using a standardized
statistical modelling approach. The estimation of the
number of adults with advanced HIV infection who should
start treatment is based on the assumption that the average
time from HIV seroconversion to eligibility for
antiretroviral therapy is eight years and, without
antiretroviral therapy, the average time from eligibility to

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

death is about three years.

- Geographical National
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Adult/ Children
Sources of There are no discrepancies between Global and national
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

26. Death rate associated with malaria

Definition The death rate associated with malaria is the number of

deaths caused by malaria per 100,000 people per year.
Method of The malaria death rate (I) is computed as

Dt denotes the number of death due to malaria in year t and

(Pop) total population.
Comments and In terms of recording deaths caused by malaria, the
limitations symptoms of malaria may be similar to those of other
diseases so one cannot always be certain that a death is due
to malaria. This is particularly the case with children since
many deaths occur in children who may simultaneously
suffer from a range of conditions including respiratory
infections, diarrhoea, and malnutrition. Thus, the number of
death caused by malaria can be overestimated.
Sources and Data Information on the number of death caused by malaria are
collection compiled annually through the RHMIS/MoH and are
published in the MoH annual report.
Mid-year population is based on the Population and
Housing Census and yearly projections.
- Geographical National, Province, District
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
Sources of There are no discrepancies between Global and national
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

27. Death rate associated with tuberculosis

Definition The tuberculosis death rate indicator refers to the

estimated number of deaths due to tuberculosis (TB) in one
year per 100,000 populations per year. Deaths from all
forms of TB are included. However, deaths in HIV positive
people with TB as a contributory cause not included in this
TB is an infectious bacterial disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects
the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via
droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active
respiratory disease. In healthy people, infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms,
since the person's immune system acts to “wall off” the
bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are
coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains,
weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Tuberculosis
is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics.
Method of The TB death rate (I) is computed as

Dt denotes the number of death due to TB in year t and

(Pop) total population.
Comments and Reliable figures require that death registration be nearly
limitations universal and that the cause of death be reported routinely
on the death records and determined by a qualified
observer according to the International Classification of
Diseases. Such information is generally not available in
developing counties. Currently, Rwanda has put in place the
“TB deaths audit mechanism” to be able to exclude deaths
from causes other than TB.
Sources and Data Administrative data are derived from the administration of
collection health services.
- Geographical National, Residence (Urban/Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
Sources of There are no discrepancies between Global and National
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Periodicity Annual

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

28. Incidence of malaria

Definition The Incidence of malaria refers to the number of new cases

of malaria per 100,000 people per year.
Malaria cases are confirmed by microscopic examination or
RDT in Rwanda.
Method of
Computation The malaria incidence rate (I) is computed as

Where Mt denotes the number of new cases of malaria in

year t and (Pop) total population.

Comments and
Sources and Data Information on the number of malaria cases, reporting
collection completeness and case confirmation rates are compiled
annually by the ministry of health through HMIS and are
published in the MoH annual report. Note that the private
health care providers reports to MoH.
- Geographical National, Province , District
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age group
Sources of There are no discrepancies between National and Global
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

29. Incidence of tuberculosis

Definition Tuberculosis incidence is defined as the number of new TB

cases and recurrent (relapse) episodes of TB (all forms)
occurring in a given year per 100,000 population. Recurrent
episodes are defined as a new episode of TB in people who
have had TB in the past and for whom there was
bacteriological confirmation of cure and/or documentation
that treatment was completed. All forms of TB are included,
as are cases in people with HIV.
Method of This indicator is computed as

Where Mt denotes the number of new cases of TB in year t

and (Pop) total population.

Comments and Prevalence and death rates are more sensitive markers to

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

limitations the changing burden of tuberculosis than incidence (new

cases), although data on trends in incidence are far more
comprehensive and give the best overview of the incidence
of tuberculosis control.
Sources and Data The number of new cases detected by national TB
collection programmes is collected as part of the routine surveillance
(recording and reporting) that is an essential component of
the Stop TB Strategy. Quarterly reports of the number of TB
cases registered are then compiled and sent (either directly
or via intermediate levels) to the central office of the
national TB control programme. Data on TB incidence rate
are published on the Ministry of Health Report.
- Geographical National, Residence(Urban/Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age
Sources of There are no discrepancies between global and national
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

30. Prevalence of tuberculosis

Definition The prevalence of tuberculosis is defined as the number

of TB cases in a population at a given point in time
(sometimes referred to as "point prevalence") per 100,000
populations. It includes cases of TB in people with HIV.
TB is an infectious bacterial disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects
the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via
droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active
respiratory disease. In healthy people, infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms,
since the person's immune system acts to “wall off” the
bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are
coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains,
weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. Tuberculosis
is treatable with a six-month course of antibiotics.
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that
weakens the immune system, ultimately leading to AIDS,
the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV destroys the
body’s ability to fight off infection and disease, which can
ultimately lead to death.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

Method of The TB prevalence rate is computed as


Where Mt denotes the number cases of TB in year t and

(Pop) total population.
Comments and
Sources and Data Prevalence of TB surveys and administrative data are
collection source for this indicator.
- Geographical National, Residence (Urban/ Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age
Sources of There are no discrepancies between global and national
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Annual

31. Proportion of children under 5 sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets

Definition Defined as the number of children aged 0-59 months that

slept under an insecticide-treated mosquito net the night
prior to the survey expressed as percentage of the total
number of children aged 0-59 months included in the
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where U denotes number of children aged 0-59 months (5

years) who slept under an Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN)
the night prior to the survey and C denotes the total number
of children aged 0-59 months (or 5 years) included in the
Comments and The limitation is that recall bias during interviews can lead
limitations to inaccurate date reports of the last insecticide
impregnation of nets. Also, information is not typically
collected on whether nets were washed after treatment,
which can reduce the net’s effectiveness.
Sources and Data The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda collects data
collection through the RDHS (Rwanda Demographic Health Survey),
All household respondents were asked whether their
household owned any mosquito nets and, if so, how many
children slept under an insecticide-treated net (ITN)

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

mosquito net the night prior to the survey. Interviewers

were instructed to look at the nets whenever possible.

This indicator is collected also through the Malaria

indicator Survey (MIS) every 2 years. The survey has the
same methodology as the DHS.
- Geographical National, Province, Districts ,Residence(Urban, rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age in months
- Other Wealth quintiles
Sources of There is no source of discrepancies
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3 - 5 years for DHS, 2 years for MIS

32. Proportion of children under 5 with fever who are treated with appropriate
anti-malarial drugs

Definition Defined as the number of children aged 0-59 months with

fever in the 2 weeks prior to the survey who received any
anti-malarial medicine expressed as percentage of the
total number of children aged 0-59 months reported to
have fever in the two weeks prior to the survey.
Method of The indicator is computed as;

Where U denotes number of children aged 0-59 months

with fever in the 2 weeks prior to the survey who received
any anti-malarial medicine and C denotes the total number
of children aged 0-59 months reported to have fever in the
two weeks prior to the survey.

Comments and The indicator reports on receiving any anti-malarial

limitations medicine and includes anti-malarial medicines, such as
chloroquine, that may be less effective due to widespread
resistance and treatment failures.
In Rwanda they consider mainly, Coartem, primo and
others (Artesunate injectable, Artemether +
Lumefantrine20mg + 120mg) and the medicine are still
effective up to now.
Because of difficulty recalling past events, respondents

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

may not provide reliable information on episodes of fever

within the previous two weeks or on the identity of
prescribed drugs.
Sources and Data Information on the proportion of fever cases seeking care
collection are obtained from DHS and MIS conducted every 2 years.
The survey has the same methodology as the DHS.
- Geographical National, Province, Districts ,Residence(Urban, rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Age Age in months
- Other Wealth quintiles, mother’s education level
Sources of There are no source of discrepancies between national and
Discrepancies international figures
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity 3- 5 years for DHS, 2 years for MIS

33. Tuberculosis detection rate under DOTS

Definition The proportion of tuberculosis (TB) cases detected, also

known as the TB detection rate, is the number of
estimated new TB cases detected in a given year using the
internationally recommended tuberculosis control strategy
directly observed treatment shortcourse (DOTS) approach
expressed as a percentage of all new TB cases.
Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects
the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via
droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the
active respiratory disease. In healthy people, infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms,
since the person's immune system acts to “wall off” the
bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are
coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains,
weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats.
Tuberculosis is treatable with a six-month course of
A tuberculosis case is defined as a patient in whom
tuberculosis has been bacteriologically confirmed or
diagnosed by a clinician.
Case detection means that TB is diagnosed in a patient and
is reported within the national surveillance system.
A new case of TB is defined as a patient who has never

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

received treatment for TB, or who has taken anti-TB drugs

for less than 1 month.
DOTS is a proven TB treatment system based on accurate
diagnosis and consistent treatment with a full course of
anti-tuberculosis drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin,
pyrazinamide, streptomycin and ethambutol). It is the first
component and foundation of the internationally-
recommended Stop TB Strategy, which was launched by
WHO as a successor to the DOTS strategy in 2006.
Method of Computation The TB case detection rate under DOTS is calculated by
dividing the number of new cases notified by the estimated
number of incident cases for the same year and multiplying
by 100.
Comments and Sputum smear-positive cases are the focus of this indicator
limitations because they are the principal sources of infection to
others, because sputum smear microscopy is a highly
specific (if somewhat insensitive) method of diagnosis, and
because patients with smear-positive disease typically
suffer higher rates of morbidity and mortality than smear-
negative patients. However, national TB control
programmes should aim to provide treatment to all
patients, as set out in the Stop TB Strategy.
Sources and Data Data for this indicator are derived from National TB
collection programmes, which monitor and report cases detected
treatment progress and programme performance. Through
this system, cohorts of patients can be monitored directly
and accurately by making systematic evaluations of patient
progress and treatment outcomes.
The number of new cases detected by national TB
programmes is collected as part of the routine surveillance
(recording and reporting) that is an essential component of
the Stop TB Strategy. Quarterly reports of the number of
TB cases registered are then compiled and sent (either
directly or via intermediate levels) to the central office of
the national TB control programme. Data on TB detection
rate are published on the Ministry of Health Report.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Health Centres
- Age group Age
- Sex Female/ Male
Sources of In principle, there is no discrepancy between global and
Discrepancies between national figures.
Global and National
Periodicity Annual

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

34. Tuberculosis treatment success rate under DOTS

Definition The proportion of TB cases detected and cured, also known

as the TB treatment success rate, is the number of new, TB
cases in a given year that were cured or completed a full
treatment of DOTS expressed as a percentage of all new TB
Tuberculosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which most commonly affects
the lungs. It is transmitted from person to person via
droplets from the throat and lungs of people with the active
respiratory disease. In healthy people, infection with
Mycobacterium tuberculosis often causes no symptoms,
since the person's immune system acts to “wall off” the
bacteria. The symptoms of active TB of the lung are
coughing, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pains,
weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats.
Tuberculosis is treatable with a six-month course of
A tuberculosis case is defined as a patient in whom
tuberculosis has been bacteriologically confirmed or
diagnosed by a clinician.
A new case of TB is defined as a patient who has never
received treatment for TB, or who has taken anti-TB drugs
for less than 1 month.
DOTS is a proven TB treatment system based on accurate
diagnosis and consistent treatment with a full course of
anti-tuberculosis drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin,
pyrazinamide, streptomycin and ethambutol). It is the first
component and foundation of the internationally-
recommended Stop TB Strategy, which was launched by
WHO as a successor to the DOTS strategy in 2006.
Method of The TB treatment success rate is calculated by dividing the
Computation number of new, registered TB cases that were cured or
completed a full course of treatment by the total number of
new registered cases and multiplying by 100.
The treatment success rate is calculated based on the
results of the treatment for each patient. At the end of
treatment, each patient is assigned one of the following six
mutually exclusive treatment outcomes: cured; completed;
died; failed; defaulted; and transferred out with outcome
unknown. The proportions of cases assigned to these
outcomes, plus any additional cases registered for
treatment but not assigned to an outcome, add up to 100
per cent of cases registered.
Comments and Sputum smear-positive cases are the focus of this indicator
limitations because they are the principal sources of infection to
others, because sputum smear microscopy is a highly
specific (if somewhat insensitive) method of diagnosis, and

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

because patients with smear-positive disease typically

suffer higher rates of morbidity and mortality than smear-
negative patients. However, national TB control
programmes should aim to provide treatment to all
patients, as set out in the Stop TB Strategy.
Even where treatment is of high quality, reported
treatment success rates will only be high when the routine
information system is also functioning well. The treatment
success rate will be affected if the outcome of treatment is
not recorded for all patients (including those who transfer
from one treatment facility to another).
Sources and Data Data for this indicator are derived from National TB
collection programmes, which monitor and report cases detected
treatment progress and programme performance. Through
this system, cohorts of patients can be monitored directly
and accurately by making systematic evaluations of patient
progress and treatment outcomes.
Because treatment for TB lasts 6-8 months, there is a delay
in assessing treatment outcomes.
- Geographical National, province, district, Health Centres
- Sex Female/ Male
Age group
- Age
By drug resistance and HIV status.
- Other
Sources of There are no discrepancies between global and national
Discrepancies figures.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Each year national TB control programmes report to WHO
the number of cases of TB diagnosed in the preceding year,
and the outcomes of treatment for the cohort of patients
who commenced treatment during the year prior to that.
Data are produced annually.


35. Carbon dioxide emissions

Definition Carbon dioxide emissions is defined as the total carbon

dioxide (CO2) emissions from energy, industrial processes,
agriculture and waste (minus CO2 removal by sinks),
presented as total emissions.
Total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are defined as the
total amount of carbon dioxide and other gases such as
methane (CH4) and Nitrous oxide with direct effect to
global warming, emitted by a country as a consequence of

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

human activities, minus carbon dioxide removals by sinks.

The term “total” implies that emissions from all national
activities are considered and consequently, methane (CH4)
and Nitrous oxide are converted in CO2 equivalent to make
a national total emissions in CO2 including: CO2, CH4 and
The typical sectors for which CO2 emissions are estimated
are energy, industrial processes, agriculture and waste.
Emissions resulting from land-use changes and forest cover
changes are also calculated. The energy sector includes
emissions from the consumption of solid, liquid and
gaseous fuels and emissions from oil/gas flaring. Industrial
processes include emissions from cement production and
some other processes. The waste sector includes emissions
from dumpsites, waste water, sludge and waste
Sinks are processes, activities or mechanisms which
remove a greenhouse gas, an aerosol or a precursor of a
greenhouse gas from the atmosphere. Forests and other
vegetation are considered sinks because they remove
carbon dioxide through photosynthesis.
Method of Rwanda does not have its own methodology for estimating
Computation national emissions and absorptions of greenhouse gases.
Some guidelines for the establishment of national
communications from Parties not targeted in Annex I of the
Convention (decision 17/CP.8) and the IPCC methodology
(1996, 2000, and 2003) have been used. The key
methodological documents are:

1. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse

Gas Inventories:

2. Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in

National Greenhouse Gas Inventories:

3. Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change

and Forestry.
Comments and Carbon dioxide is only one of the greenhouse gases and
Limitations therefore this indicator provides information on only one
part of overall greenhouse gas emissions. Accordingly, the
overall impact on climate change may be underestimated if
only CO2 emissions are included in the estimate. However,
usually the share of CO2 in total greenhouse gas emissions
is high, ranging from 70 per cent to 90 per cent, and it is
therefore reasonable to use CO2 emissions as a simple

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

proxy for a more complex composition of greenhouse gases.

CO2 emissions/removals from land-use change and forestry
are often known with much less certainty than emissions
from other sectors, if they are known at all. In uncertain
cases, CO2 emissions/removals from forests and land-use
changes can be excluded and “total” CO2 emissions can be
estimated as the sum of emissions from energy, industrial
processes and waste.
Sector data used to compute the CO2 emission are collected
for other purposes which compromise the quality of the
Sources and Data Data on key hypotheses, the demand and energy
collection transformation, land use allocation were collected from
government services. However specific data on the quantity
of fuel consumed per day and per vehicle were estimated
on basis of a survey carried out in private institutions such
Lastly, the data on future projections were estimated on
basis of the vision 2020 of the government and from the
experts’ judgment based on the national conditions.
The data on the use of energy for lighting and for cooking
per household was obtained from EICV 1 & 2 conducted by
Disaggregation National
- Geographical 1. Individual source or source categories (Energy, Industrial
- Other processes, Agriculture, Land Use, Land-Use Change and
Characteristics Forestry, Waster and etc.)
Sources of Data are national. No estimates for the possible differences
Discrepancies with the MDGs global database are available.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Rwanda submits GHG and CO2 data periodically as part of
their national communications.

36. Consumption of all ozone-depleting substances

Definition The consumption of ozone-depleting substances is the sum

of the consumption of the ozone-depleting potential-
weighted metric tons of all ozone-depleting substances
controlled under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that
Deplete the Ozone Layer.
Ozone-depleting potential-weighted metric tons are metric
tons of individual ozone-depletings substances multiplied
by their ozone-depleting potential.
Ozone-depleting substances (ODS) are defined in the
Montreal Protocol as substances containing chlorine or

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

bromine that destroy the stratospheric ozone layer which

absorbs most of the biologically damaging ultraviolet
radiation. The phasing out of ozone depleting substances,
and their substitution by less harmful substances or new
processes, are aimed at the recovery of the ozone layer.
Substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol are
categorised into annexes, with different groups in each
annex. These include chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) (Annex A,
group I), halons (Annex A, group II), and methyl bromide
(Annex E, group I) among others.
Controlled substances are substances in Annex A, Annex B,
Annex C or Annex E of the Montreal Protocol, whether
existing alone or in a mixture. They include the isomers of
any such substance, but exclude any controlled substance
or mixture that is in a manufactured product other than a
container used for the transportation or storage of that
substance. Therefore trade in finished products would not
fall under the control of the Protocol.
Ozone depleting potential (ODP) refers to the amount of
ozone depletion caused by a substance. It is the ratio of the
impact on ozone of a chemical substance compared to the
impact of a similar mass of CFC-11. The ODP of CFC-11 is
defined to be 1. CFCs have ODPs that range from 0.6 to 1
while hydro chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) have ODPs that
range from 0.001 to 0.52. Halons have ODPs of up to 10
while methyl bromide has an ODP of 0.6. A full list of the
controlled substances as well as the control measures
applicable to each group of substance can be found in the
protocol text, which is available at
Method of Consumption of ODS is calculated as the national
Computation production of ODS plus imports, minus exports, minus
destroyed quantities, minus feedstock uses of a controlled
In Rwandan case , production , export and feedstock are
equated to zero.
Destruction and feedstock uses both remove ODS from the
system, hence they are subtracted when calculating
consumption. The Montreal Protocol also specifies that
consumption shall not include the amounts used for
quarantine and pre-shipment applications of methyl
bromide, and further specifies that exports to non-Parties
will count as consumption in the exporting Party.
The precise formula for calculating consumption is:
Consumption = (Total ODS Production) – (Destroyed ODS) –
(Production for Internal Feedstock Use) – (Production for

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

internal quarantine use (for methyl bromide only)) + (Total

New Imports) – (Import for Feedstock) – (Import for
Quarantine Use) – (Total New Exports) + (Exports to Non-
Consumption of individual substances need to be multiplied
by their ozone depleting potential and summed to calculate
the consumption of all ODS in ozone-depleting potential
weighted metric tons.
Comments and For ozone depletion, this indicator does not reveal much
limitations about current trends in deterioration of the ozone layer
because the ecosystem response to ODS consumption is
delayed by up to several decades.

Another limitation for this indicator is that there are

sometimes problems with the accuracy of the available
consumption data. Sources of inaccuracies include errors of
omission, under-reporting, over-reporting, and miss-
categorisation where one substance is incorrectly reported
as a different substance.
Availability of data for all substances varies across
countries and years. In Rwanda the consumption values for
"All Ozone-Depleting Substances" refer only to CFCs and
HCFCs substances.
Sources and Data Estimation of the consumption of ODS requires data on
collection national ODS production plus imports, minus exports,
minus stocks destroyed. These data are collected from the
Rwandan Revenue Authority (RRA) and Rwanda Bureau of
Data are usually collected and reported by the Rwanda
Environment Management Authority.
Disaggregation By sectors in which consumption or production of ODS
takes place, and by substance.
Sources of National figures are used directly without adjustment
Discrepancies (other than applying the standard computational formula).
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity Rwanda reports data annually to the Ozone Secretariat
using data reporting formats agreed by the Parties. Data for
this indicator at the international level are reported by the
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Ozone

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

37. Proportion of land area covered by forest

Definition The proportion of land area covered by forest is the amount

of forest area in the total land area.
Forest area includes land spanning more than 0.25 hectares
with trees higher than 5 metres and a canopy cover of more
than 10 per cent. Areas under reforestation that have not
yet reached but are expected to reach a tree height of 5
metres and canopy cover of 10 per cent are included, as are
temporarily unstocked areas, resulting from human
intervention or natural causes, which are expected to
regenerate. Also included are: areas with bamboo and
palms, provided that height and canopy cover criteria are
met; forest roads, firebreaks and other small open areas;
forest in national parks, nature reserves and other
protected areas such as those of specific scientific,
historical, cultural or spiritual interest; windbreaks,
shelterbelts and corridors of trees with an area of more
than 0.25 hectares and width of more than 20 metres; and
plantations primarily used for forestry or protective
purposes, such as rubber-wood plantations .
Forest area excludes land that is predominantly under
agricultural or urban land use, such as tree stands in
agricultural production systems (e.g. fruit plantations and
agroforestry systems), and trees in urban parks and
Land area is the total surface area of a country less the area
covered by inland waters, like major rivers and lakes.
Method of This indicator is calculated by dividing the total area of
Computation forest by total land area and multiplying by 100
Comments and The national forest inventory carried out in 2007 by ISAR
limitations and CGIS-NUR considered only forest areas with 0.5 ha or
more due to relatively low resolution of satellite images
used [Landsat (30 m), Aster (15m) and SPOT (10-20m)] and
financial limitations (MINIRENA/CGIS-NUR, 2007). This
national forest inventory was therefore incomplete because
it left out smaller woodlots (< 0.5 ha), while such woodlots
are considered the main source of forest products for rural
and even urban households needs. In fact, a recent study by
FAO (FAO, 2010) estimated that small woodlots and tree
resources outside forest (TROF) cover around 6.6% of
Rwanda land area. It is anticipated that the present forest
mapping, which will include smaller forest plantations up to
a quarter of a hectare (0.25 ha), will provide more reliable
data on smaller forest plantations and hence constitute a
reliable source for future planning of the forest sector.
Also, the indicator does not capture key characteristics or
conditions of forest resources such as whether the forests
are undisturbed primary forests, severely degraded forests

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

or something in between. Nor does the indicator capture

forest health and vitality, the actual volume of trees, the
amount of carbon sequestered, tree diversity, forest values,
or forest management status.
In addition, differences in methodologies and definitions
over time make it difficult to compare the results of
different assessments and to accurately estimate changes
over time.
Sources and Data Data on forest areas originate from national forest
collection inventories or assessments and special studies. It is possible
to produce estimates with information from ground
surveys, cadastral surveys, remote sensing or a combination
of these. National forest inventories are expensive and, as a
result, they are carried out at infrequent intervals . On the
other hand, easier access to remote sensing imagery has
enabled recent assessments of forest and tree cover in some
- Geographical National
- Other By type of forest species
Sources of The national figures in the database are reported by the
Discrepancies countries themselves following standardized format,
between Global and definitions and reporting years, thus eliminating any
discrepancies between global and national figures.
National Figures
Periodicity/ Expected National forest inventories are expensive and, as a result,
Time of Release they are carried out at infrequent intervals.

38. Proportion of terrestrial area protected to total territorial area

Definition The proportion of terrestrial area protected is defined as

the proportion of a country’s total terrestrial area that is
designated as a protected area.
The terrestrial of a country is the sum of the terrestrial
area falling within the country’s borders. It is also referred
to as territorial area.
Terrestrial area includes total land area and inland waters.
Protected areas (terrestrial or freshwater), as defined by
the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
are clearly defined geographical spaces, recognized,
dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective
means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature
with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.
Only protected areas that are “nationally designated” are
included in this indicator. The status "designated" is

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

attributed to a protected area when the corresponding

authority, according to national legislation or common
practice (e.g. by means of an executive decree or the like),
officially endorses a document of designation. The
designation must be made for the purpose of biodiversity
conservation, not single species protection or fortuitous de
facto protection arising because of some other activity (e.g.
Method of The indicator is computed by dividing the total protected
Computation area–both terrestrial by the total territorial area of the
country and multiplying by 100.
Comments and The indicator provides a measure of governments’
limitations willingness to protect biodiversity. However, it does not
measure the effectiveness of protected areas in reducing
biodiversity loss, which ultimately depends on a range of
management and enforcement factors not covered by the
The indicator does not provide information on
internationally designated protected areas and other areas
that although important for conserving biodiversity, are not
designated as protected (e.g. many indigenous and
community conserved areas).
The data also do not usually include sites protected under
local or provincial law.
In some case, it has been challenging to delimit water where
it is trans boundary (e.g. lake Kivu shared with DRC,
Cyohoha or Rweru shared with Burundi, etc).
Sources and Data The first step in data collection is the mapping of the area to
collection be protected using Geographic Information system (GIS)
that stores information about protected areas such as their
name, size, type, date of establishment, geographic location
(point) and/or boundary (polygon); the next step is the
drafting of the law for the protection of such area.
For Mapping the institution in charge is Rwanda Natural
Resources Authority in its department of land and mapping.
For law drafting the institution in charge is Rwanda
Natural Resources Authority in its department of Forestry
and Nature Conservation or in its department of Integrated
Water Resources (depending on the area if it is terrestrial
or fresh water), but also they do consultations with other
partner institutions.
The reporting is also done jointly depending on utilization

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

of the are
- If it a park RDB comes on first floor
- If it is for biological diversity conservation, especially
overall reporting to the CBD, it is REMA under
supervision of MINIRENA
In both circumstances REMA as a Rwandan regulator
institution in environment is implicated.
- Geographical National
Sources of UNEP-WCMC aggregates the global and regional figures for
Discrepancies this indicator from the national figures calculated through
between Global and GIS analysis. The global, regional and national figures
National Figures provided by UNEP-WCMC are therefore consistent. Gaps
and/or time lags in reporting national protected area data
to the WDPA can however result in discrepancies between
the national figures provided by UNEP-WCMC and national
figures available from national agencies.
Periodicity/Expected Annual
Time of Release

39. Proportion of population using an improved drinking water source

Definition It is the share of the population with access to an improved

drinking water source. The source should be reliable,
affordable, provide an adequate quantity of drinking water
(minimum 20litre/person/day). The type of improved
drinking water source includes piped water, protected
wells and springs, tubewell/borehole, bottle water as well
as rainwater collection.
Method of Percentage of urban households with access to an improved
Computation drinking water source is computed as
= (Na/ N) * 100
Where Na denotes number of urban households with access
to improved drinking water source and N denotes total
number of households.
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV, DHS and PHC.
- Geographical National, Province, District ,Residence (Urban/Rural)
- Other Type of improved water sources, time to obtain drinking
Characteristics water, water treatment prior drinking and habitat.
Comments and Given the lack of nationally representative data on drinking
Limitations water quality and safety and the high costs and technical
difficulties of collecting such information at a large scale,

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

the Inter-agency Expert Group on MDG Indicators endorses

the use of this indicator on the use of an improved drinking
water source as a proxy for access to safe drinking water.

In the context of Rwanda, rain water is considered as

improved source of water. However, the inclusion of rain
water in the improved sources of water does not affect the
level of the indicator to any significant degree since less
than 1% of households use it. Thus, this calls for a need to
establish a clear national definition on what are the type of
improved drinking water sources.
Sources of The origins of the most common discrepancies between
Discrepancies internationally reported and nationally reported figures
between Global and are:
National Figures
- Use of different definitions for safe drinking water.
- Use of population as the denominator for coverage as
per the MDG indicator vs. the use of households as the
denominator is routinely done by DHS.
Institutions NISR
- Main

Periodicity 2 to 3 years for EICV, 3- 5 years for DHS and 10 years for

40. Proportion of population using an improved sanitation facility

Definition The proportion of the urban households using an improved

sanitation facility is the share of the population with access
to facilities that hygienically separate human excreta from
human contact. Sanitation types considered ‘improved’ are
flush toilets, pit latrines with a floor slab and ventilated
improved pit latrine
Method of Percentage of urban households having improved
Computation sanitation facilities is computed as;

Where Na denotes number of urban households with access

to improved sanitation facilities and N denotes total
number of urban households.
Comments and
Sources and Data Data are collected through the EICV, DHS and PHC surveys.

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

- Geographical National ,Province, District
- Other Types of improved sanitation facility and habitat.
Sources of The origins of the most common discrepancies between
Discrepancies global and national figures are:
between Global and - Use of different definitions for sanitation facilities.
- Use of population as the denominator for coverage as per
National Figures
the MDG indicator vs. the use of households as the
denominator as was routinely done by DHS.
Periodicity 3 -5 years for EICV and DHS and 10 years for PHC.

Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development

41. Debt service as percentage of exports of goods and services and net income
from abroad

Definition The External Public debt service as a percentage of exports

of goods and services is the sum of a country’s debt service
on short and long-term public and publicly guaranteed debt
and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
repurchases and charges, expressed as a percentage of that
country’s exports of goods and services and net income
from abroad
Public Debt service is the sum of principal repayments and
interest payments actually paid on debt to non-residents.
Long-term refers to debt that has an original or extended
maturity of more than one year.
IMF repurchases are total repayments of outstanding
drawings from the general resources account during the
year specified, excluding repayments due in the reserve
IMF charges cover interest payments with respect to all
uses of IMF resources, excluding those resulting from
drawings in the reserve tranche.
Exports of goods, services and net income are the sum of
goods (merchandise) exports, exports of (nonfactor)
services and income (factor) receipts from abroad
excluding workers' remittances.
Method of The indicator is calculated as the value of external public
Computation debt service divided by the value of exports of goods and
services and income and multiplied by 100.
Comments and This series differs from standard debt-to-export ratios

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

limitations because it covers debt service only on long-term public and

publicly guaranteed debt and repayments to the IMF.
Standard debt-to-export ratios cover total external debt
including private non-guaranteed debt and short-term debt.
Shares of private non-guaranteed debt and short term debt
are small for low-income countries, but they can be
substantial for creditworthy middle-income countries.

Small, open economies may have relatively high levels of

exports and yet they may still have difficulties in meeting
debt service obligations, particularly when debt service
payments for public debt are high relative to government
revenue. On the other hand, a large economy may have
proportionately smaller exports and still find its debt
payments sustainable. For this reason, it is useful to look at
other indicators in forming a picture of debt sustainability
such as the ratio of total debt to gross national income, the
size of international currency reserves relative to total debt
and the amount of debt that is due to mature within one

Where formal registration of foreign borrowing is not

mandatory, compilers must rely on balance of payments
data and financial surveys to compile debt service data.
Sources and Data Information on external debt is recorded and maintained by
collection the ministry of finance and central banks on a loan-by-loan
basis. Data on exports of goods and services and income
from abroad are recorded in the balance of payments.
Disaggregation Data on external debt are reported on a loan-by-loan basis,
disaggregation by the public external debt by debtors and
creditors. Data on exports are currently available only at
the national level.
Sources of National figures on external debt might be different from
Discrepancies the global figures published in World Bank's Global
between Global and Development Finance due to discrepancies in reported
National Figures currency and exchange rates used to convert the data to US
Periodicity Annually

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

42. Mobile Cellular ownership

Definition Defined as the number of household owning mobile-cellular

telephone to the total number of households expressed in
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions refer to the
number of subscriptions to a public mobile-telephone
service that provide access to the PSTN using cellular
technology. The indicator includes the number of post-paid
subscriptions and the number of active prepaid accounts
(i.e. that have been used during the last three months). The
indicator applies to all mobile-cellular subscriptions that
offer voice communications. It excludes subscriptions via
data cards or USB modems, subscriptions to public mobile
data services, private trunked mobile radio, telepoint, radio
paging and telemetry services.
Method of This indicator is calculated as;

Where Nm denotes the number of households owning

currently a mobile-cellular telephone, N denotes the total
number of households.
Comments and The EICV and PHC being a household-level survey most of
limitations the data presented in this chapter are therefore at the
household level, and thus a household will qualify as
owning a mobile phone when at least one member has such
a phone. Therefore on mobile ownership households will
therefore be higher than penetration rates of individuals in
the population.
Data Collection and Data for mobile-cellular telephone ownership are collected
source through PHC and EICV.
- Geographical National, Province, District, Residence (Urban , Rural)
- sex Female/Male
- Other Wealth quintile
Sources of Discrepancies between global and national figures may
Discrepancies arise when countries use different definitions than the ones
between Global and used by ITU and especially when countries' data for active
National Figures and non-active subscriptions are not clearly distinguished.
Periodicity 3-5 years for EICV and 10 years for PHC

Metadata Handbook, EDPRS2 & MDGs indicators, 2014

43. Internet users

Definition Defined as the number of households whose at least one

members have access to the Internet out of the total
number of households expressed in percentage.
The Internet is a world-wide public computer network. It
provides access to a number of communication services
including the World Wide Web and carries e-mail, news,
entertainment and data files, irrespective of the device used
(not assumed to be only via a computer − it may also be by
mobile-cellular telephone, other wireless devices, games
machine, digital TV etc.). Access can be via a fixed or mobile
Method of This indicator is calculated as;

Ni denotes the total number of households using currently

the Internet (from any location) and N the total number of
Comments and
Data Collection and Data on percentage of households whose at least one
source member has currently access to the Internet are collected
through HPC and EICV.
Note that EICV measures only households who is accessing
from Home.
- Geographical National, Province , Residence( Urban , Rural)
- Sex Male/Female
- Other Wealth quintile, Place of internet access( Home,
office/School, cyber and others)
Sources of No discrepancies.
between Global and
National Figures
Periodicity of 3-5 years for EICV and 10 years for PHC

National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
Po.Box: 6139 Kigali Rwanda

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