Understanding Metadata
Understanding Metadata
Understanding Metadata
By Jenn Riley
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website (www.niso.org).
Published by
National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
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ISBN: 978-1-937522-72-8
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 1
Metadata in Everyday Life .................................................................................. 2
Metadata in the Cultural Heritage World ........................................................... 5
Types of Metadata ............................................................................................... 6
How is Metadata Stored and Shared? ............................................................... 8
Relational Databases .................................................................................................. 8
XML ............................................................................................................................... 8
Linked Data and RDF .................................................................................................. 9
Standardizing Metadata .................................................................................... 16
Controlled vocabularies............................................................................................ 17
Content standards ..................................................................................................... 18
Notable Metadata Languages: Examples in Broad Use ................................ 19
Schema.org ................................................................................................................ 19
Web Ontology Language (OWL) .............................................................................. 21
Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) .................................................. 22
Dublin Core (DC)........................................................................................................ 23
Friend of a Friend (FOAF) ......................................................................................... 25
ONline Information eXchange (ONIX) ...................................................................... 26
EXchangeable Image File Format (Exif) .................................................................. 26
Notable Metadata Languages: Examples from the Cultural Heritage Sector
............................................................................................................................. 27
MAchine Readable Cataloging (MARC) ................................................................... 27
Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) ................................................... 28
Metadata Object Description Schema (MODS) ....................................................... 31
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CIDOC CRM) .............................................. 33
Categories for the Description of Works of Art (CDWA) ....................................... 33
Visual Resources Association Core (VRA Core) .................................................... 34
Encoded Archival Description (EAD) ...................................................................... 34
Notable Metadata Languages: Other Examples ..................................................... 35
Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) .................................................................... 35
PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies (PREMIS) ........................ 35
Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) ............................................................................... 36
Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) ............................................................................ 36
How is Metadata Generated? ........................................................................... 38
Future Directions ............................................................................................... 40
Appendix A: Resources .................................................................................... 42
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Consider how retailers store information about their products and their customers; employers
about their employees and their operations; organizations about events they manage; research
institutions about trends and notable people in their area; libraries, archives, and museums about
the materials in their care; governments about their citizens, their allies, and their enemies—this
is all metadata. Metadata, the information we create, store, and share to describe things, allows us
to interact with these things to obtain the knowledge we need. The classic definition is literal,
based on the etymology of the word itself—metadata is “data about data.” With this broad
definition, one might expect that metadata could be found everywhere, and in fact it is. Indeed, in
2013, metadata became a household term in the United States through heavy media coverage of
the National Security Agency’s collection of information on domestic telephone calls, including
time and location initiated, duration, and number dialed.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Metadata in Everyday
Metadata is pervasive in information systems, and comes in many forms. The core features of
most software packages we use every day are metadata-driven. People listen to music through
Spotify; post photos on Instagram; locate video on YouTube; manage finances through Quicken;
connect with others via email, text, and social media; and store lengthy contact lists on their
mobile devices. All of this content comes with metadata—information about the item’s creation,
name, topic, features, and the like. Metadata is key to the functionality of the systems holding the
content, enabling users to find items of interest, record essential information about them, and
share that information with others.
Web pages often have metadata embedded in them. The links from one Web page to others and
records of user behavior—selecting individual pages to view from among lists of search results,
for example—are types of metadata as well. Web search engines build up vast indexes that use
page text and its attendant metadata to provide relevant search results to users. Google goes even
further. In 2012, it launched a “Knowledge Graph” with 3.5 billion “facts”: metadata about 500
million people, places, and things, and the relationships between them.1, 2 The Knowledge Graph
and other structured metadata stored by Google are used to enhance search results and provide
other value-added features such as sports scores, integration of search results with maps, and the
knowledge cards that appear on the search results screen providing details on notable people and
Wikipedia, a free, crowdsourced online encyclopedia, both uses and generates metadata. The
Wikimedia Foundation’s Wikidata project is an open and collaboratively edited knowledge base
similar to Google’s Knowledge Graph. It stores factual information about topics in structured
forms that can be pulled into Wikipedia articles or other information systems. The DBpedia
project does the reverse, mining metadata from Wikipedia infoboxes, categories, images,
geospatial information, and links to generate an open resource of structured metadata that can be
reused in countless ways.
Metadata is vital for business transactions, too. Retailers must track many details about the
products they carry, including price, source, inventory quantity, and descriptive information. This
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
is even more essential for online businesses; since online shoppers are unable to view items in
person, they expect to be able to search by criteria such as keyword and object type, or to use
facets to narrow a wide spectrum of products to a more manageable number. Businesses routinely
store metadata about searches and transactions, which enables them to analyze sales trends,
predict future demand, pay sales taxes owed to governments, and more. This same metadata
allows businesses to provide a more personalized shopping experience, with features such as
purchase history, address books for multiple shipping locations, and product recommendations.
Manufacturers use metadata to track designs, parts, and materials, and to manage their research
programs. The travel industry similarly relies on metadata about passengers, patrons, and
bookings and about resources such as flights and hotel rooms. News media use metadata to track
events, coverage, and published content. All businesses use metadata for human-resource
functions such as hiring, payroll, and performance management.
Amazon.com has a worldwide online retail presence covering many different categories of goods.
Metadata drives many parts of the company’s operations. The metadata starts with the publishers
of books or providers of other types of goods, as part of their own inventory systems. These
suppliers send this metadata to Amazon, which integrates it with similar kinds of information
from thousands of other providers to build its own website and sell products to users. Amazon
collects metadata on sales and further uses it to provide customers with recommendations and
optimize its relationships with suppliers. Amazon also makes the metadata about the products it
brokers available to affiliate sites that build their own services on top of it, increasing sales
through Amazon and driving business to the original supplier.
Metadata is at the core of social media platforms as well. Facebook users create metadata when
managing friend lists, posting statuses or adding descriptions to media, “liking” friends’ statuses,
re-sharing already posted content, and contributing original media. By tracking these activities,
Facebook analyzes trending topics and promotes sponsored posts that generate revenue. Pinterest
users create boards that categorize and describe items of interest, with these categorizations and
descriptions adding value to the links and serving as metadata for them. Pinterest then uses this
socially generated metadata to build a search index and recommendations for content of interest
to its members. Instagram users provide captions to images they upload and share, and follow
other users’ and business’s accounts. Instagram uses this interaction data to improve its
advertising. Twitter users organize the people they follow into lists, post text and media, use
hashtags to comment on tweets and connect them to others, retweet others’ content with or
without commentary, and “favorite” tweets, driving features such as Twitter’s trending-topics list.
The depth of data about society represented by the content in Twitter and its metadata led to a
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
2010 agreement for the United States Library of Congress to archive this valuable material for
These examples illustrate the somewhat fuzzy boundary between metadata and the information it
describes. This distinction is irrelevant in many situations, as metadata is often created, stored,
and acted upon largely as though it is data. Indeed, the distinction between metadata and data is in
actuality solely one of semantics.
One feature the examples above share is that the metadata is all structured to some degree. The
metadata is collected so that it can fulfill a useful purpose, and sorted into known categories. It is
this notion of structure that turns raw information into actionable metadata. Specific elements are
collected and stored in such a way as to show them in either administrative or public-facing
interfaces with explanatory labels. Properties or elements are common terms for these labels,
though the names vary by user community.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Cultural heritage metadata focuses heavily on descriptive information. For books, whether they
are print or electronic, title, author, publication, and subject details predominate. For musical,
film, and art works, title, creator, genre, and performance information are typically recorded. For
archival papers and records, details of their creation and relationships among them are most
important. Information about the creators of these works and their lives is also commonly
recorded as metadata in cultural heritage organizations.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Types of Metadata
This type of metadata—information about the content of a resource that aids in finding or
understanding it—is referred to as descriptive metadata. The cultural heritage community
distinguishes descriptive metadata from other types. Administrative metadata is an umbrella term
referring to the information needed to manage a resource or that relates to its creation. Within the
administrative metadata sphere is technical metadata, information about digital files necessary to
decode and render them, such as file type; preservation metadata supporting the long-term
management and future migration or emulation of digital files, for example, a checksum or hash;
and rights metadata, such as a Creative Commons license, which details the intellectual property
rights attached to the content. Descriptive and administrative metadata are considered distinct
from structural metadata, which describes the relationships of parts of resources to one another;
examples include pages in a sequence, a table of contents with pointers to the beginnings of
milestone sections, and connecting different resolutions or bit depth representations of identical
Types of Metadata
Descriptive metadata For finding or understanding a resource
Administrative metadata
- Technical metadata - For decoding and rendering files
- Preservation metadata - Long-term management of files
- Rights metadata - Intellectual property rights attached to content
A final category of metadata is markup languages. These languages mix metadata and content
together, a practice only sometimes used with other forms of metadata. Flags inserted in the
content denote notable features. For a textual resource, this might mean marking structural
elements such as paragraphs; flagging words with semantic information—that the word is a place
name or a certain part of speech, for example; or providing formatting information, such as
These various categories of metadata support different use cases in information systems.
Discovery is perhaps the most common, with structured metadata allowing users to search for or
browse to find resources or information of interest. Many metadata properties are useful to
display to users to aid in identification or understanding of a resource. Interoperability, the
effective exchange of content between systems, relies on metadata describing that content so that
the systems involved can effectively profile incoming material and match it to their internal
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
structures. Metadata supports digital-object management by providing the information needed to
render digital content appropriately or deliver the appropriate version to match a user need.
Preservation is achieved through creating metadata that allows the verification of the integrity of
content after transfer and at other notable points, and signaling when preservation actions such as
a format migration or an integrity check should be undertaken. Finally, metadata supports
navigation within parts of items, for example, from one page or section to the next, and among
different versions of objects, such as varying resolutions of photographic images.
Metadata Type Example Properties Primary Uses
Descriptive metadata Title Discovery
Author Display
Subject Interoperability
Publication date
Technical metadata File type Interoperability
File size Digital object management
Creation date/time Preservation
Compression scheme
Preservation metadata Checksum Interoperability
Preservation event Digital object management
Rights metadata Copyright status Interoperability
License terms Digital object management
Rights holder
Structural metadata Sequence Navigation
Place in hierarchy
Markup languages Paragraph Navigation
Heading Interoperability
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
In the 2000s, XML (eXtensible Markup Language) emerged as a commonly used encoding,
transfer, and occasional internal system storage mechanism for metadata. Metadata in XML exists
as sets of files, called XML documents. XML defines elements, tags that signify that the values
inside them have a certain meaning. Elements can also have other elements inside them, and it is
from this feature that XML documents gain their structure. An XML document is a tree that
begins with a single root element. Other elements and values then branch out from this original
root, building a nested structure that contributes to the meaning of the metadata values in the
document. XML elements can take attributes, which typically also have their own values. An
XML attribute and its value refine the meaning of the element in which they appear. XML
supports multilingualism of metadata by providing a predefined attribute to indicate the language
in which an element’s value appears. As with relational databases, an XML document describing
a defined thing is known as a metadata record. See below for an example of such a record.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
A Simple XML Record Example
Specialized languages (most notably XPath, XSLT, and XQuery) exist for transforming and
querying XML documents, as do XML processing toolkits for the major programming languages.
Effective XML design centers around good choices in balancing the use of elements and
attributes, and attention to document size to promote adequate query performance. Metadata
stored as XML in systems is often loaded directly from external sources, or in other cases might
be generated through software user interfaces or mapped en masse from other data sources. In
many cases, XML data is ingested into a system that renders it into other forms for storage and
indexing, though native XML databases do exist. The use of XML is not limited to descriptive
metadata; many different types of metadata can be stored in XML documents.
Cultural heritage institutions have a long history of sharing metadata, dating back to the United
States Library of Congress distributing catalog cards (primarily for books) to local libraries. In
the early 2000s, the cultural heritage community entered a new phase of cooperation when it
began to share XML-based metadata through the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata
Harvesting (OAI-PMH). With OAI-PMH, the types of material for which metadata was routinely
shared by libraries, archives, and museums expanded greatly to include material such as
photograph collections and pre-prints of research papers produced at universities. For a time,
Google supported and fueled the use of OAI-PMH as part of its Sitemaps protocol, though this
support was retired in 2008. While OAI-PMH is still in use by the institutional repository and
digital collections communities due to its implementation in common software packages, such as
DSpace, its limitations are well known. ResourceSync, a successor protocol that operates within
the XML Sitemaps specification, has gained some traction, though more recently, Linked Data
shows stronger promise for the future of sharing of metadata.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
inventor of the World Wide Web, in 2006. Implementation of this idea involves organizations
publishing their structured data on the Web, explicitly naming entities in this data so they can be
referenced by others, and linking to others’ data to build a worldwide information network. This
work has become the most successful practical step towards implementing the “Semantic Web,” a
vision for a worldwide network of actionable data. In recent years, the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) has taken a leadership role in expanding the original vision for the Semantic
Web to become an initiative for “Building the Web of Data,” including Linked Data as a key part
of the plan.
Linked Data—Design Issues
Tim Berners-Lee, 2006
Linked Data in operation relies heavily on RDF (Resource Description Framework) standards.
RDF is a set of W3C specifications designed for metadata on the Semantic Web. Whereas XML
models information as a tree, RDF models it as a graph, with small bits of information each
connected to other small bits of information. No one entity or piece of data has primary
importance in a graph; the network of information can be accessed equally at any point. As such,
the concept of a metadata record, the sum total of information known about a single entity or a
defined set of data elements intended to travel together, as used in relational databases and XML,
does not fit well in the RDF model. An RDF graph is best viewed as a whole, or as a simplified
subset used in a given context for a given purpose. Graphs are made up of individual triples,
where a subject (the entity the triple is about) is connected to an object (the entity it’s related to)
with a predicate (a descriptor of a relationship). A triple might represent content such as: “The
Tempest” (subject) “was written by” (predicate) “William Shakespeare” (object).
In RDF, all subjects and some objects are modeled as classes, which describe types of resources.
RDF conventions dictate that class names start with a capital letter and each subsequent word in
the label for the class also starts with a capital letter, with no spaces between words. There are
endless possibilities for RDF classes; some examples include Person, Book, Painting, Building,
Event, and PhilosophicalIdea. RDF predicates are modeled as properties, which describe
relationships. Virtually any relationship concept can be expressed as an RDF property, though
relationships exemplifying descriptive metadata are most common. Property names start with a
lower case letter; each subsequent word in the label for the property starts with an upper case
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
letter, with no spaces between words. Examples include createdBy, memberOf, successorTo,
occurredAtTime, sameAs, and familyName.
RDF properties can be defined with a domain, which indicates the subject of a triple is a member
of a specified class. Similarly, defining a range of a property indicates that the object of a triple is
a member of a specified class. Domains and ranges serve a dual purpose: first, to guide
implementers as to how a particular property should be used, and second, to allow processing
tools to derive new RDF relationships out of the connections implied by these definitions. For
example, if the property createdBy is defined with a domain of Book and a range of Person, a
system encountering this triple can assume the subject is of class Book and the object is of class
Person, even if there are no known explicit RDF triples making those claims.
Subjects, predicates, and sometimes objects are represented by Uniform Resource Identifiers
(URIs) or International Resource Identifiers (IRIs; URIs that allow use of non-ASCII characters)
in RDF. This structured naming of classes and properties allows them to be referred to by other
triples. These additional triples could make additional factual statements about resources, for
example, stating that this book assigned an author in one triple was also written in this year or is
of the type “fiction.” This structure is also used to connect classes and properties to other classes
or properties, for example, that a Book is a type of CreativeWork, or that a property defining the
concept of authorship of a work created by one institution or group is semantically identical to
another property for the same purpose created by a different institution or group. There is no
expectation in RDF that the subject, predicate, and object in a triple all be defined by the same
community; indeed, the power of Linked Data is to connect both data and vocabularies from
multiple sources. It is these features that allow the RDF graph to grow using worldwide input.
Objects can also be free-text strings, known in RDF as literals. RDF standards allow literals to be
marked as being in a specific language or as conforming to a defined data type.
RDF Schema (RDFS) is the core RDF technology used for creating RDF languages. RDFS is
used to formally define classes and properties, datatypes for objects, domains and ranges for
properties, and hierarchical relationships between classes and subclasses, or properties and
It is Linked Data best practice for URIs to be dereferenceable. This means that URIs should be
actionable via HTTP so that both humans and machines can see useful information such as labels,
definitions, and relationships to other resources when visiting the HTTP URI for an RDF-encoded
concept. The process of content negotiation is used to provide human users with Web pages and
software applications with raw data when they visit the same URI. This allows RDF-aware
software applications to make use of classes and properties with which they are unfamiliar, and
makes RDF-encoded Linked Data a powerful tool for connecting information from multiple
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
RDF data can be shared in a variety of ways. It is highly compatible and commonly used with the
microformats approach that embeds structured metadata inside HTML or XHTML using the
itemprop attribute, for sharing with search engines or other tools that process data from websites.
Alternatively, large RDF triplestores (software optimized for storage and retrieval of RDF data)
often provide endpoints for remote searching using the RDF query language SPARQL through an
API. This allows data from these triplestores to be used in third-party applications.
Additional RDF syntaxes are in wide use as Linked Data. RDF/XML is a serialization of a
bounded RDF graph using the structure of XML. RDF/XML is a particularly verbose encoding of
RDF, which reduces its human readability. While RDF/XML has been around longer than other
RDF serializations, it is less popular with software developers. RDFa (Resource Description
Framework in Attributes), like microformats, embeds RDF within HTML through the use of
HTML attributes that have no impact on the rendering of a page through a Web browser, and
serve instead to provide metadata about the content to systems reading the page. Turtle (Terse
RDF Triple Language) is a far more compact RDF serialization that reuses some structure from
the SPARQL query language. Turtle is a textual representation of an RDF graph that allows
multiple predicates of the same subject to be presented in a compact way. N-Triples is another
text-based RDF serialization. It is a subset of Turtle, limited to more structured and predictable
syntax. JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) is an RDF serialization that
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
builds on the software developer-friendly JSON format, which uses simple key-value pairs to
record information. It is commonly used in simple Web services that provide short snippets of
data in response to queries.
<http://www.example.com/play#ShakespeareTempest> a
<http://www.example.com/play> ;
rdfs:label "The Tempest" ;
play:writtenBy <http://www.otherexample.com/people#Shakespeare> .
<http://www.yetanotherexample.com/place#StratfordUponAvon> rdfs:label
"Stratford Upon Avon" .
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "The Tempest" .
<http://www.example.com/play> .
<http://www.otherauthority.com/personmetadata#familyName> "Shakespeare"
<http://www.yetanotherexample.com/place#StratfordUponAvon> .
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Stratford Upon Avon" .
<http://www.otherauthority.com/personmetadata#givenName> "William" .
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "William Shakespeare" .
<http://www.otherexample.com/people#Shakespeare> .
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
An additional method for storing and sharing metadata is embedding it in a digital file itself.
Virtually all file format specifications include a metadata area, often primarily for technical
metadata about the file, used for decoding and rendering. Software that creates these files, such as
that in digital cameras, generates and embeds this metadata inside the file. Yet many well-known
image, media, and document file formats, such as JPEG, WAV, PDF, and Microsoft Office files,
also provide for the recording of descriptive metadata. Tools that allow users to create and edit
these files typically also allow editing of this descriptive metadata. While embedded metadata
must be extracted into external systems for indexing, it has the advantage of keeping the metadata
with the file it describes, ensuring the file is understandable in new contexts.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Standardizing Metadata
Metadata is only useful if it is understandable to the software applications and people that use it.
To aid in this understanding, organizations frequently predefine metadata sets to meet certain
needs, and publish these definitions for system designers (and sometimes end users) to consult.
XML metadata vocabularies are known as schemas, element sets, or sometimes formats. An XML
Schema defines the elements that make up a valid document in that format, along with the
attributes each element can take, in what order they can appear, and how many times they can
appear. XML Schemas can be formally standardized through organizations such as the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the National Information Standards
Organization (NISO), or the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Industry- or community-
leading bodies such as the Library of Congress can also often serve as organizational homes and
maintenance organizations for XML-based metadata standards, endorsing them for use in their
target communities. XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs) are an older technology than
XML Schema, and are currently in only limited use.
The situation is somewhat different with documenting and sharing RDF metadata specifications.
RDF languages are typically known as vocabularies, which refer to definitions of both classes
and properties. Formal standardization is not the norm for most RDF vocabularies; instead,
communities tend to build vocabularies that are useful to them, then promote their use through a
combination of documentation and open sharing of data that uses these vocabularies.
Both XML and RDF use the concept of namespaces to indicate which vocabulary a given
element, attribute, class, or property a given term comes from. In both, a namespace prefix is used
to stand in for a URI or IRI to streamline the syntax of the metadata. To fully process the
metadata, the namespace prefix must be extended to the full URI or IRI and added to the specific
element, class, or property being used.
rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns #
Therefore anything that …gets added after the URI when the data is processed.
follows rdf:…
rdf:type http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
In XML, a Schema has a default namespace that provides a “home base” for the elements and
attributes defined by the Schema. All elements in an XML document without an explicitly
declared namespace are defined as being in the default namespace. Elements and attributes from
other namespaces can be formally brought into an XML Schema as desired and therefore become
a part of the XML language defined by that Schema. While there are mechanisms for XML
documents allowing arbitrary elements from other namespaces to be used, this feature is rarely
employed as there are few mechanisms built into XML technologies to allow processors to make
sense of unfamiliar vocabularies.
In RDF, namespaces are a fundamental part of the architecture. Whereas in XML the default
namespace is assumed and elements from other namespaces are the exception, in RDF the
assumption is that a class or property from any namespace can be used at any point. None is
given priority over another. Indeed, it is quite normal for the subject, predicate, and object of a
triple to be URIs from different namespaces. The very design of RDF promotes mixing and
matching vocabularies in the graph, and the goal of Linked Data is to connect as many data points
from as many different sources as possible. The best practice of allowing URIs or IRIs to be
dereferenced to discover additional information about a subject, object, or predicate is designed to
assist software applications in processing data in previously unknown namespaces.
Controlled vocabularies
In addition to standardizing syntax, metadata designers often wish to standardize metadata
through control of the actual values used. One way in which this is done is through the use of
controlled vocabularies. A controlled vocabulary is a predetermined list of terms on a certain
topic or of a certain type. These lists typically identify one preferred word or phrase for a given
concept, and sometimes provide mappings from other terms for the concept to the preferred one.
They also frequently define (often hierarchical) relationships among terms.
Controlled vocabularies typically have in scope only a single language, though large communities
occasionally work to link existing controlled vocabularies in different languages or define new
controlled vocabularies to bring together terms from different languages. Controlled vocabularies
can be exceedingly simple, using only a dozen or so terms, or much more robust, including as
many as tens of thousands. Examples of controlled vocabularies include Internet MIME types,
Spotify genres, the Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISAC) vocabulary, and
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). Those developed and maintained by the cultural
heritage community, such as LCSH, tend to be among the most robust controlled vocabularies in
common use.
In XML implementations, the term selected from a controlled vocabulary typically appears as the
value of an element, and an attribute in this case would exist to indicate the vocabulary from
which the term is selected. In RDF, the controlled term would be referred to in the metadata with
a URI or IRI rather than a textual string as the object of a triple. This URI or IRI would then be
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
dereferenceable to provide further information about the term, the vocabulary it comes from, and
its relationship to other terms.
Content standards
A second method for standardizing the values that appear in metadata is the use of content
standards, which are sets of guidelines that dictate how textual values in metadata should be
structured. They are common as formal guidelines documents in the cultural heritage community.
In other communities, where they can be known as style guides, they tend to be briefer and more
Content standards typically cover topics such as where the information to be recorded should be
found; what punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviations should be used; and how to make
decisions about which information to record. They sometimes define and dictate the use of small
controlled vocabularies as well. Examples of content standards include the Wikipedia Manual of
Style guidelines for Infoboxes; Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS) and Rules for
Archival Description (RAD) for archives; and the library community’s Anglo-American
Cataloging Rules, second edition (AACR2) and its successor, Resource Description and Access
(RDA). For XML-based metadata, content standards control the values entered for XML
elements. In RDF, content standards apply to literal values of objects of triples.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Notable Metadata
Languages: Examples
in Broad Use
On the open Web, Schema.org is among the most visible metadata vocabularies. Launched by the
major search engines in 2011, Schema.org is an RDF vocabulary that allows creators to mark up
semantics within the text of Web pages, enhancing the ability of systems to do interesting things
with this content. The vocabulary is managed through a community governance process. As of
2016, the Schema.org home page claims that it is used on more than 10 million websites.
Schema.org defines nearly 600 “types” (which are defined as RDF classes) and over 800
properties. It also promotes the use of extensions to expand the vocabulary for use by specialized
communities. Some of the most used Schema.org types are for data related to creative works;
embedded objects; events; organizations; people, places and businesses, products and
transactions; reviews and ratings; and actions. Its scope is largely descriptive. Each of these high-
level categories includes progressively detailed subcategories, for example:
Each Schema.org class has a number of defined properties. For example, the class Article is
associated with the property wordCount, and for the class CivicStructure, the property
openingHours can be used.
Schema.org Example: Extract from North Carolina State Libraries’ Home Page,
Microformat Syntax Inside HTML
<div id="f-address">
<h3 itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Library"
itemprop="name"><link itemprop="logo" h
href="//www.lib.ncsu.edu/" id="f-contact-hill" itemprop="url">D. H.
Hill Library</a></h3>
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Schema.org Example: Extract from Data Representing Nate Silver’s The Signal
and the Noise in OCLC WorldCat Linked Data, Turtle Syntax
a schema:Person ;
schema:birthDate "1978" ;
schema:name "Silver, Nate, 1978-" .
a schema:CreativeWork , schema:Book ;
void:inDataset <http://purl.oclc.org/dataset/xwc> ;
edge_theory_of> ,
ian_statistical_decision_theory> ,
asting_history> , <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85050485> ,
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh85072732> ,
<http://id.worldcat.org/fast/988194> ;
schema:creator <http://viaf.org/viaf/256089470> ,
er_nate_1978> ,
er_nate> , <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n2012043409> ;
schema:description "Silver built an innovative system for
predicting baseball performance, predicted the 2008 election within a
hair's breadth, and became a national sensation as a blogger. Drawing
on his own groundbreaking work, Silver examines the world of
prediction."@en ;
schema:genre "History" , "Nonfiction" ;
schema:name "The signal and the noise : why so many
predictions fail-- but some don't"@en ;
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
The focus of Schema.org on the semantics of the text within Web pages helps take metadata
processing on the Internet to a higher level. In the early days of the Web, HTML markup
provided basic information on the title, author, and subject of a page, to assist search engines in
retrieving that page in response to a user’s query. More recently, search engines are focused on
accumulating knowledge in addition to merely indexing pages, as evidenced by Google’s
Knowledge Graph initiative. Schema.org is designed to further this use case, as it promotes the
encoding of small but vital bits of knowledge within Web pages; for example, a Schema.org
description can note that a certain building is located at certain geographic coordinates. It uses the
existing technologies driving the Web to encode the building blocks of human knowledge in a
structured and machine readable way.
While the Schema.org vocabulary was originally designed to mark up semantic content in Web
pages, it has become ubiquitous enough to serve as a backbone for metadata shared in various
ways on the Semantic Web, including through bulk downloads and information stored in
triplestores and then made available for querying by external systems via SPACQL. The classes
and properties defined in Schema.org can be found in any number of Linked Data applications.
One notable example is OCLC, the not-for-profit library cooperative that is working to make
library data more integrated into the open Web.
OCLC’s strategy is to expose as Linked Data the valuable metadata created by libraries over the
course of their history. The cooperative’s Linked Data implementation used Schema.org as a core
part of the vocabulary for its initial April 2014 launch of 197 million open bibliographic
descriptions of books and other creative works.4, 5 In OCLC’s shared metadata, the Schema.org
vocabulary is supplemented by classes and properties selected from other RDF vocabularies in
common use and some classes and properties OCLC has newly defined to meet library needs.
Here again, this metadata is designed to make connections that grow the Linked Data graph. For
example, OCLC’s definitions of new classes for the types of resources that appear in library
collections, such as newspapers or musical scores, include triples that define these classes as
subclasses of Schema.org’s CreativeWork. In this way, any software traversing the Linked Data
graph will infer that resources such as newspapers or musical scores can be understood as
creative works, even if no metadata provider has explicitly made this connection.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
members of a class, documenting two classes or individuals as equivalent, describing how two
classes interact or complement each other, or indicating when membership in one class excludes
that in another (“disjointness”).
OWL exists in several forms of varying complexity; one is OWL Lite, which most implementers
find sufficient for their needs. RDF vocabulary designers will frequently take the time to create a
full OWL ontology document in RDF/XML that uses the owl:Ontology feature to provide basic
descriptive and administrative information about the ontology itself. This information can include
the ontology’s name, designers, and relationship to other ontologies; the document then proceeds
to define classes, properties, and their relationships using the OWL language along with
mechanisms from RDF and RDFS.
OWL Example: Extract from Pizza Ontology used for Training with the Ontology
Software Protege, RDF/XML Syntax
<owl:Class rdf:about="#Pizza">
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Pizza</rdfs:label>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasBase"/>
<owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="#PizzaBase"/>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Food"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PizzaTopping"/>
<owl:ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasTopping">
<rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">
Note that hasTopping is inverse functional because isToppingOf is
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#Pizza"/>
<rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:resource="#hasIngredient"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#PizzaTopping"/>
<owl:inverseOf rdf:resource="#isToppingOf"/>
<owl:Class rdf:about="#PizzaBase">
<rdfs:label xml:lang="pt">BaseDaPizza</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="#Food"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#PizzaTopping"/>
<owl:disjointWith rdf:resource="#Pizza"/>
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
classification schemes, and other forms of knowledge organization systems. The core of the
SKOS vocabulary is the class “Concept,” which is used for entries within the knowledge
organization system being represented. Concepts can be organized into groups or schemes. They
have labels, which can be represented as preferred or alternate labels, and notations, which are
typically codes. SKOS allows for textual definitions, notes on the scope of a concept, and
examples. It also provides properties for relationships between terms, such as broader, narrower,
and related; and administrative information about the concept, such as editorial notes, a history of
the entry for the term in the knowledge organization system, and change history. While most of
SKOS is useful primarily in the narrow use case of encoding a formal knowledge organization
scheme, several properties used for connecting related concepts to one another are widely used in
other Linked Data applications. The SKOS properties broadMatch, closeMatch, and exactMatch,
in particular, are commonly found.
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel> "Symphonies" .
<http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Music and Books on Music-
-Music--Instrumental music--Orchestra--Original compositions--
Symphonies" .
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#altLabel> "Symphonies" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/classification/M1001-M1049> .
<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#notation> "M1001" .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/classification> .
The simplicity of DC was intentional, and led to relatively wide adoption early in its life. DC
elements were soon embedded in Web pages and used heavily by early search engines for
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
indexing. DC was selected as the base, required metadata format for descriptions shared via the
OAI-PMH protocol. Still, many metadata implementers asked for more specificity than DC
offered, and in response, the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI), which maintains the
vocabulary, expanded simple DC with “qualifiers” to provide additional refinement to the core
elements. This expanded version is now known as DCTERMS.
DC and DCTERMS are defined as both XML and RDF vocabularies. However, DCTERMS is
more tightly defined as RDF and takes advantage of RDF features such as formally defined
domains and ranges for classes. More than most metadata vocabularies, Dublin Core straddles the
XML and RDF divide, attempting to be useful to both communities. The initiative is going in a
decidedly RDF direction, however. Like the early DC XML elements before them, the
DCTERMS RDF classes and properties are now commonly seen in real-world Linked Data,
though the DCTERMS representation of the original 15 Dublin Core properties are by far the
most widely implemented.
The DCMI has developed a number of other specifications under the Dublin Core umbrella that
go beyond the definition of specific metadata vocabularies. The DCMI Abstract Model attempts
to find a middle ground between the record-based, prescriptive XML approach and the graph-
based, open RDF approach. It describes a model for resources slightly more prescriptive than the
RDF graph, provides for bounded “description sets” that bundle individual descriptions of
features of resources, and formally defines the role of controlled vocabularies and syntax-based
rules for resource description. The DCMI Abstract Model adds to but references RDF. It is
currently not widely referred to outside of the DCMI community, and it remains to be seen if the
significant additional structure it provides over the RDF model proves valuable to metadata
Along the same lines, the Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles (Singapore
Framework) are specifications that document the use of metadata for a specific purpose. They
describe that purpose, document what types of resources are likely to be represented by
descriptions matching the profile, list the metadata vocabulary terms allowed, and specify the
encoding syntax for conformant metadata. With the Singapore Framework, like the DCMI
Abstract Model, the DCMI community has introduced a model that is more complex than some
other alternatives, and time will tell if this complexity provides utility.
DC Example: Extract from Record for an Image in the Portal to Texas History,
Provided by the University of North Texas, XML Syntax
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Doll Buggy
<dc:description>Copy negative of young Maxine Walker Perini
wearing a coat and bow, holding a Boston terrier, and pushing a doll in
buggy. She is on the sidewalk in front of the stairs of a
<dc:subject>People - Individuals</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Social Life and Customs - Pets - Dogs</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>Perini, Maxine Walker</dc:subject>
<dc:coverage>United States</dc:coverage>
New South, Populism, Progressivism, and the Great
Depression, 1877-1939
<dc:format>1 photograph : negative, b&w ; 4 x 5 in.</dc:format>
<dc:identifier>local-cont-no: 81-00423-7</dc:identifier>
<dc:identifier>ark: ark:/67531/metapth50844</dc:identifier>
FOAF is primarily used in systems to identify people and organizations and provide basic
information about them. The vocabulary does support some more advanced features, however,
such as denoting the individuals who are members of a group or documenting personal interests.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
FOAF Example: Extract from Entry for Nobel Laureate in Medicine Peter C.
Doherty in ORCID, Turtle Syntax
a foaf:Person , prov:Person ;
rdfs:label "Peter Charles Doherty" ;
foaf:account <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5028-3489/> ;
[ a gn:Feature ;
gn:countryCode "AU" ;
gn:parentCountry <http://sws.geonames.org/2077456/>
] ;
foaf:familyName "Doherty" ;
foaf:givenName "Peter Charles" ;
foaf:publications <http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5028-3489/> .
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Notable Metadata
Languages: Examples
from the Cultural
Heritage Sector
MAchine Readable Cataloging (MARC)
The most widely used metadata language in the library community far predates XML and RDF
technologies and indeed modern metadata formats in general. MAchine Readable Cataloging
(MARC) first arose in 1968 out of a pilot project at the Library of Congress to experiment with
distributing the information on catalog cards to libraries in machine readable form. Since then, it
has become entrenched as the metadata format underlying online library catalogs and as the way
libraries share records with each other. OCLC’s WorldCat database, used for sharing records
among libraries and allowing users to find holdings across multiple institutions, holds nearly 380
million MARC bibliographic records as of July 2016.6
MARC is standardized as ANSI/NISO Z39.2 Information Interchange Format and ISO 2709
Information and documentation—Format for information exchange. The ISO 2709 format is
designed for maximum information-storage efficiency. The bulk of the record is made up of
variable fields that can be any length. A directory at the beginning of the record points processors
to where each field begins, allowing no empty bits to be stored. Field names are alphanumeric
characters rather than language-based labels, and are known as tags. An ISO 2709 MARC field
can have two single-character indicators that provide meta-information about the values in the
field. Fields are further broken down into alphanumeric subfields that are used to encode various
aspects of the information in the field.
MARC is actually a family of formats, with different implementations of ISO 2709 used in
different countries. Most notable are the MARC21 formats maintained by the Library of
Congress, which are in use in the United States, Canada, and much of the English-speaking
world. MARC21 is composed of five formats: MARC21 Bibliographic, MARC21 Authority,
MARC21 Holdings, MARC21 Classification, and MARC21 Community Information. The first
two are in wide use, the third appears only in select systems, and the final two have even more
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
limited implementation. MARC21 uses only numeric field codes, making it slightly more
restrictive than the parent ISO 2709 format.
The MARC21 bibliographic format is used for describing the items that libraries hold. It is made
up of several hundred fields, though a much smaller core set is used most frequently. These
include fields for various types of titles, authorship of works by people or groups, edition and
publication information, physical description, series, notes, and subject and genre terms. The
MARC21 Authority format is used for documenting controlled terms for people, corporate
bodies, work titles, subjects, and genres. These controlled terms are then used as entries in the
appropriate fields in MARC21 bibliographic records, to provide consistency in these records and
aid discovery. The MARC Authority format includes fields for encoding the controlled heading,
which often include additional metadata about the entity—occupation for a person, for example;
address for a person or corporate body; or key for a musical work. It further includes fields for
encoding alternate forms of a name for the entity and making notes that document why the
particular form of the controlled heading was chosen.
MARC Example: Record for Nigella Lawson’s How to Eat in British Library Online
LDR am a2200217ua 4500
001 011981326
008 981130s1998 enka || 001 ||eng
015 |a GB98Z0319 |2 bnb
020 |a 0701165766 : |c £25.00
040 |a StDuBDS |d Uk
08204 |a 641.5 |2 21
1001 |a Lawson, Nigella, |d 1960-
|a How to eat : |b the pleasures and principles of good food / |c
Nigella Lawson.
260 |a London : |b Chatto & Windus, |c 1998.
300 |a xviii,526p. : |b ill. (some col.) ; |c 24cm.
336 |a text |2 rdacontent
337 |a unmediated |2 rdamedia
338 |a volume |2 rdacarrier
500 |a Includes index.
650 0 |a Cooking.
85241 |a British Library |b HMNTS |j YK.1998.b.9105
SYS 011981326
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
effectively in 21st-century information environments and become part of the emerging “Web of
Data.” BIBFRAME is a formal RDF vocabulary. It is intended to eventually replace MARC21,
and to keep many of MARC21’s semantics, allowing significant proportions of existing data to be
migrated forward. The large and comprehensive BIBFRAME model takes the approach of
defining classes and properties in its own namespace for all features deemed important to its
scope. It does, however, define a few of its highest-level classes as subclasses of well-known
entities defined by other communities. BIBFRAME 2.0 was released in April 2016, but many
design issues are still under discussion, and the model therefore should not yet be considered fully
The BIBFRAME 2.0 model defines entities for Work (the conceptual essence of a resource),
Instance (an individual, material embodiment of a Work), Item (an actual physical or electronic
copy of an Instance), Agent (person or organization associated with a Work), and Event (an
occurrence that is recorded in a work). Each of these is modeled as an RDF class, with subclasses
defined for more specific concepts within these categories.
Additional classes and properties are defined in BIBFRAME for the types of bibliographic and
authority data traditionally recorded by libraries and encoded in MARC. Metadata about titles,
creators, topics, genres, form, language, production, edition, physical characteristics, identifiers,
notes, relationships to other resources, and holdings in a specific library are all provided for in
BIBFRAME Example: Extract from Entry for Suzanne Pickett’s Hot Dogs for
Thanksgiving on BIBFRAME Website, RDF/XML Syntax
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/vocab/Text"/>
<bf:authorizedAccessPoint>Pickett, Suzanne. Hot dogs for
Thanksgiving / by Suzanne Pickett.Hot dogs for
<bf:creator rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/resources/sample-
<bf:subject rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/resources/sample-
<bf:subject rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/resources/sample-
<bf:subject rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/resources/sample-
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
<bf:authorizedAccessPoint xml:lang="x-bf-
<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://bibframe.org/vocab/Monograph"/>
<bf:label>Black Belt Press</bf:label>
<bf:label>Montgomery, AL </bf:label>
<bf:extent>190 p. ;</bf:extent>
<bf:dimensions>23 cm.</bf:dimensions>
<bf:generationProcess>DLC transform-tool:2015-07-23-
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
The MODS XML Schema is organized into 20 top-level elements that group related parts of the
bibliographic description. These are: titleInfo, name, typeOfResource, genre, originInfo,
language, physicalDescription, abstract, tableOfContents, targetAudience, note, subject,
classification, relatedItem, identifier, location, accessCondition, part, extension, and recordInfo.
The extension element is a distinctive feature of MODS, which allows additional metadata in any
XML namespace to be embedded in a MODS record. This facilitates some measure of
extensibility—where additional elements are needed, they can be included within the same
description. If a system that encounters these MODS records understands the namespace for
elements used within the extension element, it can index and process that data.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
<namePart type="given">Paul</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">author</roleTerm>
<affiliation>Columbia University. Biomedical
<name type="corporate">
<namePart>Columbia University. Biomedical Engineering</namePart>
<roleTerm type="text">originator</roleTerm>
<rioxxterms:funder>National Institutes of Health
<dateIssued encoding="w3cdtf" keyDate="yes">2012</dateIssued>
<languageTerm type="text">English</languageTerm>
<abstract>Hitting a baseball is often described as the most
difficult thing to do in sports. A key aptitude of a good hitter is the
ability to determine which pitch is coming. This rapid decision
requires the batter to make a judgment in a fraction of a second based
largely on the trajectory and spin of the ball. When does this decision
occur relative to the ball’s trajectory and is it possible to
identify neural correlates that represent how the decision evolves over
a split second? Using single-trial analysis of electroencephalography
(EEG) we address this question within the context of subjects
discriminating three types of pitches (fastball, curveball, slider)
based on pitch trajectories...</abstract>
<topic>Biomedical engineering</topic>
<relatedItem type="host">
<title>Frontiers in Neuroscience</title>
<detail type="volume">
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
<detail type="issue">
<extent unit="page">
<identifier type="issn">1662-453X</identifier>
<identifier type="CDRS
<physicalLocation authority="marcorg">NNC</physicalLocation>
The CIDOC CRM is defined as a textual but formal reference model, with an RDFS
representation as a derivative of the formal model. As such, it is primarily intended as a core set
of terms for the discussion of concepts among multiple communities and among different
metadata formats. CIDOC CRM-compatible systems might encode data in any number of RDF
vocabularies or XML schemas.
A distinctive feature of the CIDOC CRM is its focus not only on describing cultural heritage
objects, but also on the acts and events related to their creation and lifespan. The entities defined
by the ontology are therefore wide-ranging, including classes for features such as places, time
spans, events, actors (people who take some relevant action), physical things, and information
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
required for the meaningful description of a work. As a conceptual framework, CDWA prescribes
no specific information encoding.
The design of CDWA focuses on the creation of high-quality and actionable information. It
promotes the use of separate display and indexing data for many categories, to allow more
effective searching while at the same time showing coherent information to users. It also
promotes the use of authoritative sources for the details recorded in a CDWA description, at times
even suggesting specific sources to use in compiling information in a given category.
CDWA defines categories for basic facts such as title and artist; the artistic content of the work,
such as its style and period, materials and techniques, and subject matter; physical attributes such
as inscriptions and measurements; curatorial details such as current location, collecting history,
and exhibition and loan history; and relationships to other artworks and textual references.
A distinctive feature of the VRA Core is its separation of metadata about the work of art itself and
metadata about images of those works. The same VRA Core elements can be used to describe
either a work or an image, but the values for these elements will likely be different; for example,
they will typically have different creation dates or creators. Works and images in VRA Core can
also be grouped into collections. Like CDWA, VRA Core allows for recording values for
indexing in addition to values intended for display. As a metadata schema focused on works of
art, VRA Core contains elements for material, technique, inscription, measurements, cultural
context, style/period, and work type, in addition to more generic elements for cultural material,
such as agent (the creator of a work), title, date, and rights.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
a whole, then (optionally) smaller subsets are further described in more detail. These hierarchical
descriptions are presented along with historical information about the collection, its creator, and
its context in a document known as a finding aid.
EAD is an XML markup language for finding aids rather than a true descriptive metadata
standard. However, its tags are still largely semantic in nature rather than format-focused. Most
EAD elements are for archival concepts such as a biography of the creator of a set of records;
scope and content notes for the material being described; archival components such as series,
subseries, or file; or storage containers such as boxes and folders. Each of these elements can be
used at any level in the multi-level description. EAD also provides elements to denote textual
features such as lists or paragraphs, and, when desired, mark up important words or phrases that
are notable, including names or dates.
DDI is canonically defined as a number of XML schemas, separated into modules. DDI includes
metadata about research studies, data collection methods, questions and responses, variables,
links to raw or processed data sets, and the relationships among studies and data sets. The XML
version of DDI is implemented in many software packages that deal with social science data. An
RDF representation of DDI for sharing data sets and metadata about them as Linked Data is in
The DDI Alliance, which manages the element set, has also defined several controlled
vocabularies for use with DDI metadata. These vocabularies cover areas of particular interest to
the social sciences, such as unit of analysis, data type, and mode of collection.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
PREMIS defines five entities that are described or acted upon in digital preservation systems:
Objects, Environments, Events, Agents, and Rights. Objects are information units upon which
preservation actions are taken, and include intellectual entities, representations, files, and
bitstreams, all of which have defined relationships to one another. Environments are hardware or
software in which these types of content reside. Actions notable in a digital preservation
environment are known as Events. Agents are people, organizations, or software, and, finally,
Rights are statements that assert some type of permission over content. Each of these entities
takes a variety of properties relevant to their purpose; for example, Object properties include
objectIdentifier, preservationLevel, fixity, size, and format; and Event properties include
eventIdentifier, eventType, and eventDateTime.
TEI modules cover a wide range of textual elements. Basic structural features are commonly
used, and include paragraphs, headings, verses, lines, named speakers, stage directions, and
quotations. Semantic elements such as names, numbers, and dates can be similarly marked up.
Extra- or non-textual features such as tables and embedded graphics may be included, as well as
metadata about the text. TEI’s multi-lingual support is strong, allowing signaling of the language
used in any part of a text, supplying alternate language versions of passages of a document,
allowing multiple character sets (through Unicode support), and defining document-specific
glyphs. In addition to supporting the marking up of textual features, TEI provides for electronic
scholarly editions of texts through its “Critical Apparatus” module. The elements and attributes in
this module support encoding variations between multiple sources of a text, and variant readings
of a (typically manuscript) text.
MEI supports several of the most commonly used forms of musical notation, including common
Western music notation (the form with which most readers will be familiar), mensural and
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
neumatic notation, and tablature for guitar and lute. In addition to a header for metadata about the
musical score being described, MEI has features for all symbols needed in each of the supported
notation formats, including elements for scores, parts, staffs, key signatures, clefs, measures, bar
lines, notes, and chords. Like TEI, MEI also supports the encoding of analytical and editorial
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
How is Metadata
In the metadata traditions for the cultural heritage sector, where descriptive metadata has
primarily been created to assist users with finding printed books, journals, manuscripts, or
cultural objects of interest, there were historically few choices other than to have humans create
that metadata. Features such as title, author, and publication date were generally transcribed by
hand after examining a physical item. For other pieces of metadata, such as background
information about an author or performance or publication history, an expert would do targeted
research and then record the results. Value-added and interpretive information, such as summaries
or subjects, were similarly developed and supplied by experts.
At first, technology simply allowed institutions to share this hand-crafted metadata to reduce
duplication of effort. Purpose-built metadata entry systems then started to emerge, and later,
widely accessible tools such as spreadsheets began to be used to speed the metadata creation
process. More recently, metadata creation interfaces have become increasingly sophisticated, with
user-friendly designs that don’t necessarily present data entry screens that replicate the underlying
data structures. Today, metadata is typically created through intermediate steps rather than using
XML or RDF directly. One exception to this principle is marking up content with metadata, for
example, encoding a text in TEI.
Technological advances have also demonstrated reliable methods for creating metadata through
automated processes, especially as born-digital information has become the norm. Technical
metadata in particular is an example of this: most file formats include at least some embedded
technical information designed to assist software with interpreting the content. There is also a
history of software using system-level information to add extra administrative information to
digital files, such as date created or the ID of the user logged into the system at the time the file
was generated.
The Web and greater integration of software systems have also made it easier to effectively share
metadata. With increasing transmission of digital content between organizations and customers,
interoperability of metadata is essential. Everyone benefits when metadata can be transferred
effectively; it reduces duplication of effort. Amazon’s collection of metadata about products, for
example titles and authors for books that come through the ONIX supply chain, is a high-profile
example of the benefits of integration that leverages existing technologies and reduces the need
for downstream metadata creation.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Lately, processes have emerged to analyze digital content and automatically generate metadata
about it. Automated transcription of speech from audio and video is a relatively mature
technology, especially for recordings captured in controlled environments with dedicated sound
systems. Facial recognition technology for video and still images is improving quickly. For
textual resources, latent semantic analysis and topic modeling allow for semi-supervised
generation of topics relevant to the analyzed texts. Part-of-speech and named-entity recognition
technologies are frequently used in research environments. Automated image annotation, using
algorithms to identify objects in photographs, is a burgeoning research area. A similar research
community, called music information retrieval, focuses on signal processing for audio files. Work
from this community is integral to playlist generation in online music streaming services, but it
also endeavors to perform tasks such as automated genre classification for musical recordings.
Real progress and possibilities for high-quality data generated through programmatic means are
emerging. These and other successes in automated metadata generation have started to bridge
communities, allowed them to share their data more effectively, and are beginning to make each
more open to metadata creation methods used by others.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Future Directions
The emergence of the Linked Data movement has had a profound impact on the way metadata is
used in the commercial, information, and cultural heritage sectors. The technology driving Linked
Data systems has made it easier to share information, and this ease has fueled buy-in for the
movement’s underlying focus on data openness and interconnectedness.
Linked Data thinking has influenced how metadata and the systems that use it are viewed as well.
The focus of Linked Data on the graph as a whole rather than on bounded sets of data defined by
their source has led many to value connections among data sets and become less invested in
maintaining distinctions among them. The Semantic Web’s open-world assumption posits that a
lack of information must lead to an uncertain conclusion (a closed-world assumption, on the other
hand, offers more certainty but relies on all relevant information already being known). This
stance has led to a desire to more heavily link data from multiple sources, building value and new
knowledge from these connections. Metadata creation in this context becomes less about filling in
fields on data-entry forms than about making links between pre-existing things. The future may
very well continue this trend towards deeper connections and larger knowledge graphs.
The vast amount of information being generated, processed, and transferred in the 21st century,
along with technological advances, has led to an increasing reliance on automated means of
creating and maintaining metadata. Systems are simply becoming more intelligent in the way they
generate and process information. Tasks once done by humans, such as looking up the form of
name an author prefers or normalizing a textual date to a standardized form, can now be assigned
to the system, saving valuable human effort for cases in which it is truly necessary. Software tools
will likely be increasingly expected to display more information to users, and let them decide
what is valuable and useful, rather than predetermine what a person should see. To handle this
significant increase in the volume of data a user might need to interact with, we will likely see
better-designed user interfaces that clearly show where conflicting information exists and are
transparent as to the sources of the information being displayed.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
It’s also likely that more advanced rewards structures will emerge to compensate users for their
We can likely expect a lengthy transition period to this more open and linked model. There are
real and valid reasons for certain systems to rely on more controlled, traditionally authoritative
approaches to metadata, or for an organization to desire more human oversight over the
management of this critical resource. These will almost certainly always be a part of the overall
metadata landscape. Yet the benefits of sharing metadata and adopting related vocabularies from
others are compelling. It is enticing to imagine that this culture of openness will lead to different
metadata communities learning from each other and working more closely together in the future.
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
Appendix: Resources
Metadata Standards and Vocabularies
More metadata standards, with links to specifications and analysis of their utility on several axes,
can be found at http://jennriley.com/metadatamap/
BIBFRAME http://www.loc.gov/bibframe/
CDWA http://www.getty.edu/research/publications/electronic_publications/cdwa/
DDI http://www.ddialliance.org/
EAD http://www.loc.gov/ead/
Exif http://www.cipa.jp/std/documents/e/DC-008-2012_E.pdf
FOAF http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/
MARC http://www.loc.gov/marc/
MEI http://music-encoding.org/
MODS http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/
PREMIS http://www.loc.gov/standards/premis/
Schema.org http://schema.org/
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles
SKOS http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/
TEI http://www.tei-c.org/
OAI-PMH https://www.openarchives.org/pmh/
ResourceSync http://www.openarchives.org/rs/1.0/resourcesync
XPath http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/
XSLT http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/
XQuery http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/
RDFS http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/
SPARQL http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/
RDF Serializations
JSON-LD http://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld/
Microformats http://microformats.org/
N-Triples http://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples/
Understanding Metadata NISO Primer
RDF/XML http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/
RDFa http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-rdfa-primer/
Turtle http://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/
Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space (handbook of best practices for Linked
Data implementations) http://linkeddatabook.com/book
LOD Stats (site for discovery of nearly 10,000 Linked Data datasets) http://stats.lod2.eu/
Projects to Watch
BIBFRAME http://www.loc.gov/bibframe/
An emerging Linked Data-friendly vocabulary focusing on bibliographic and authority
information for use by the library community. Developed and managed by the Library of
DBpedia http://www.dbpedia.org
A community-based project that extracts structured data from the unstructured text in Wikipedia
articles, and exposes that data for other uses.
NISO Primer Understanding Metadata
makes data about this content available for open reuse.
Europeana http://www.europeana.eu
A portal to discover content from European libraries, archives, and museums, and a platform that
makes data about this content available for open reuse.
Linked Data for Libraries (LD4L), LD4L Labs, and Linked Data for Production (LD4P)
A suite of collaborative projects of the Cornell University Library, the Harvard Library
Innovation Lab, Stanford University Libraries, and others to create practical Linked Data
implementations integrating data from multiple library sources, using pre-existing ontologies and
software, and as evolutions of library technical services workflows.
Wikidata http://www.wikidata.org
A project from the Wikimedia foundation to record structured data about things, concepts, and
events, Wikidata is open to contributions by anyone. It provides raw data to other Wikimedia
projects such as Wikipedia, and makes it available for use in external applications.