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I Am Sharing 'Jsjabahvdnfb' With You
I Am Sharing 'Jsjabahvdnfb' With You
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Research Discipline:
These products created to raise the standard for living human beings have often resulted in environmental degradation
or corruption that is not part of the producers' intentions. Air, water and land are now partly polluted with
waste chemicals. Biodegradable waste decreases, but does not mean that it is good to convert methane gas
into a greenhouse gas, which couldlead to global warming, if biodegradable waste breaks down into awaste site. Global w
arming has a number of impacts on humans, plants and animals as the weather shifts.
Floor wax is a liquid mixture of chemicals that create a thin, hard, protective surface when applied and allowed to dry on
a surface. Floor wax offers glossiness, additional hardness, slip and scuff resistance, while protecting the floor from water
or other liquid damage. The most common ingredients used in VCT waxing and commercial waxes include shellac,
polyurethane, lacquer perchloroethylene, toluene and phenol.
The Pomelo, pummelo, or in scientific terms Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, is the largest citrus fruit from the family
Rutaceae and the principal ancestor of the grapefruit. It is a natural, i.e., non-hybrid, citrus fruit, native to Southeast Asia.
The main chemical compositions of pomelo peel are Vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids, which are strongly
associated with the broad spectrum of biological activities, such as antioxidant, antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory,
antimicrobial, anticancer, appetizer, stomach tonic, cardiac stimulant, antiepileptic.As a natural, versatile bio-absorbent,
pomelo peel has shown excellent adsorption capacity for several pollutants, attributed to its micro-pores; however, there is
no relevant report on its adsorption capacity for natural products or food ingredients.
Shellac or lac resin is a product that is imported from India and is used in waxes for citrus fruits, apples and pears. It is a
product that is derived from the secretions of the tiny lac insect. The lac insect secretes “lac-resin” from its glands onto a
host tree.To pick fruits containing the highest level of phenols, aim for the berry family. Other fruits to reach for are citrus
varieties, apples, peaches, apricots, plums, pears, grapes and cherries.
Citrus fruit are reach in phenols and shellac in other word, the researcher can make a floor wax out of Pomelo
The researchers conducted this study to develop a homemade floor wax with pomelo peels(citrus maxima) and to lessen
the number of environmental contamination in the soil and air. It is possible to easily find the necessary materials and
equipment, and some of them are common kitchen tools. Individuals who are going to make this kind of floor wax would
not spend a lot of money to manufacture the homemade floor wax from pomelo peelings, so you don't have to purchase
the supplies and equipment because they are basic kitchen tools and it's not costly to buy pomelo peelings. After peeling
out the pomelo, the pomelo peels are normally thrown, to reduce the waste and to make something from it,researcher
came up to the idea to make a floor wax out of pomelo peeling.
Main Research Question:
• Texture
• Odor
• Effectiveness in floor
• Amount of money to prepare
• To determine if there is a significant difference between the orange peelings floor wax and the commercialized
Research Design:
Products A, B and C are then added to a 1/8 piece of plywood that displaysthe product's impact on the surface. It
will then measure this 1/8 piece of plywood
according to its texture, odor and overall consistency. Theinclined plane method will be used to
classify which block (object) will bepositioned in the plywood todetermine its texture, and the tilt will be
base will be measuredand the static friction coefficient will beused to determine the formula offriction= h/b (Young & Free
dman,2016). The product will be
ranked 1to5according to its odor and luster, with 5being the highest and 1 being the lowest according on its odor and
luster. The researchers will hand out questionnaires which involves checklist-related questions and open-ended response
Twenty pomelo, 100g of candle drippings and 100ml of kerosene are the key materials required for this analysis. Spoons,
a microwave, paper towels, pans, a knife or grinder, measuring scales, alcohol (vodka) and, lastly, mason jars are other
required materials.
the 100 g of candle drippings will be poured into a casserole and stir it until the point that it softens. Include the 100 ml of
kerosene and mix both of the substances until the point that the mixture boils, then promptly include the oil that came from
the pomelo peelings. Mix the mixture for no less than 2 minutes until the wax is concentrated and immediately turn off the
stove after using and set the casserole on a table for no less than 60 minutes to let it cool and solidify, scrape the wax
from the casserole and transfer it on a clean container.
Relevant references :
Wikipedia .