Pic Module 8 School As Agent of Change
Pic Module 8 School As Agent of Change
Pic Module 8 School As Agent of Change
1. Introduction
According to the UNESCO (2003: p.7), while universal education programs provide important tools
for human development, they may also compromise indigenous language and knowledge transmission.
Inadvertently, they may contribute to an erosion of cultural diversity, a loss of social cohesion and the
alienation and disorientation of indigenous youth. This fear is mirrored by the tribal leaders who fear
that with the Philippine school system patterned after western models, there is little hope of retaining
tribal ways if these IKSPs are not preserved, protected, and promoted.
By bringing the aforementioned indigenous knowledge, systems and practices to the fore, one
hopes that the Philippine educational system can truly live up to its mandate of educating the Filipino
youth in their own local contexts. Gredler (1997)states: “By emphasizing the importance of the
background and culture of the learner, he arrives at his or her own version of the truth. Historical
developments and symbol systems, such as language, logic and mathematical systems, are inherited
by the learner as a member of a particular culture and these are learned throughout the learner’s life.
This symbol system dictates how the learner learns and what is learned.”
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
Perhaps next to the home, the School is considered to be the most powerful social agent of
change. It is tasked primarily to form, train, and develop the learner in a holistic manner, considering
the many various aspects of individual growth and development.
Indigenous knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation through traditional
education, with adults teaching practical knowledge of culture, the environment and survival through
demonstrations and through a wide range of ceremonies, stories, songs, village meetings and taboos.
Formal education was introduced to many developing countries in the 19th century (often by
colonial governments) to produce administrators, clerks, teachers and interpreters. This type of
education was based on abstract knowledge systems – scientific knowledge – that evolved in the
western industrialized world. Formal education systems had little place for indigenous knowledge or
indigenous methods of education.
It was, until recently, assumed that indigenous knowledge was irrelevant, unscientific and
outdated. Therefore, few attempts were made to integrate indigenous knowledge into formal education
despite its potential value in solving contemporary problems.
As a result, education was confined to classrooms and children separated from their culture and
environment. The teacher-centered nature of formal education also separated children from parents
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
and, consequently, parents became less able to pass on the knowledge they had inherited to their
The experience of colonialism is often seen as the beginning of the decline in importance of
indigenous knowledge. Several contemporary factors are also contributing to the decline of indigenous
knowledge. Two of these are mass or popular culture and the elders pass away.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
minerals etc. in the locality. This ready-made knowledge system could easily be used in education if
appropriate measures are taken to tap the indigenous knowledge, which remains in the memory of local
elderly people.
5. Learning Outside the Classroom
Students can learn much from fieldwork in the local area. This calls for some prior knowledge
and understanding. For instance, to be able to understand the relationship between indigenous people,
soils and plants, students need to identify the plants and soil types in the local area. One way to get a
preliminary knowledge of plants and soil types in the local environment is to consult indigenous people
and invite them to teach your students in the field.
Bates P. etal. (2009). Learning and knowing in indigenous societies today. UNESCO, Paris.
Nakashima, D., Prott, L. and Bridgewater, P. (2000) Tapping into the world’s wisdom, UNESCO Sources, 125,
July-August, p. 12.
Sapao (2018) .Cultural profiling awareness and practices of students: Towards the creation of cultural
center. Saint Mary’s University, Bayombong Nueva Vizcaya
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“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
Module 8.
1. Vlog Featuring. Directions choose an elder in your community and feature him or her in your vlog
the wisdom of the elders in the perpetuation of the indigenous peoples communities of their culture
and indigenous knowledge.
Criteria Excellent Fair Poor
(5) (4/3) (2/1)
Content Interesting content and Some interesting content; Gives the impression of
presentation; ideas well- points not sustainable or writing just to complete
conceived and developed not fully developed. for compliance.
with sufficient examples.
Organization Logical progression of Logical progression but Disorganized
ideas with well executed lacks transitions. presentation of ideas.
transition of ideas.
Grammar and Essay is free ofEssay has few spelling, Most spelling,
mechanics distracting spelling,punctuation, and punctuation and
punctuation and grammatical errors. grammar create reading
grammatical errors. difficult to understand
the concept.
Relevance Cited example is very Cited example is not so Cited example is not
relevant relevant relevant
Date of Submitted on time Submitted 2 days after Submitted 5 days after
submission the deadline the deadline
Total 25
2. Essay Writing. Explain the significance Philippine Indigenous Communities subject justified the
role of NVSU Bambang as an agent of change for both non – indigenous peoples and Indigenous
peoples cite specific examples in your discussion.
Criteria Excellent Fair Poor
(3) (2) (1)
Content Interesting content and Some interesting content; Gives the impression of
presentation; ideas well- points not sustainable or writing just to complete
conceived and developed not fully developed. for compliance.
with sufficient examples.
Organization Logical progression of Logical progression but Disorganized
ideas with well executed lacks transitions. presentation of ideas.
transition of ideas.
Grammar and Essay is free ofEssay has few spelling, Most spelling,
mechanics distracting spelling,punctuation, and punctuation and
punctuation and grammatical errors. grammar create reading
grammatical errors. difficult to understand
the concept.
Examples cited Cited example is very Cited example is not so Cited example is not
visible visible visible
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
B. Reflective Writing. Surf the internet on popular culture. Give one example of popular culture that
is prevalent in the country in the present time. What is that popular culture all about? Give a
description. Why is it popular in our country? What makes it popular? What is your stand regarding
the said popular culture? Use the rubrics below in answering the questions.
Criteria Excellent Fair Poor
(3) (2) (1)
Content Interesting content and Some interesting content; Gives the impression of
presentation; ideas well- points not sustainable or writing just to complete
conceived and developed not fully developed. for compliance.
with sufficient examples.
Organization Logical progression of Logical progression but Disorganized
ideas with well executed lacks transitions. presentation of ideas.
transition of ideas.
Grammar and Essay is free ofEssay has few spelling, Most spelling,
mechanics distracting spelling,punctuation, and punctuation and
punctuation and grammatical errors. grammar create reading
grammatical errors. difficult to understand
the concept.
Examples cited Cited example is very Cited example is not so Cited example is not
visible visible visible
Date of Submitted on time Submitted 2 days after Submitted 5 days after
submission the deadline the deadline
Criteria Excellent Fair Poor
(3) (2) (1)
Content Interesting content Some interesting Gives the impression
and presentation; content; points not of writing just to
ideas well-conceived sustainable or not complete for
and developed with fully developed. compliance.
sufficient examples.
Organization Logical progression Logical progression Disorganized
of ideas with well but lacks transitions. presentation of ideas.
executed transition of
Grammar and Essay is free of Essay has few Most spelling,
mechanics distracting spelling, spelling, punctuation, punctuation and
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
Prepared by:
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.: GEELECTIVE 1-2NDSEM-2020-2021
NVSU-FR-ICD-05-00 (081220)
“In accordance with section 185. Fair use of Copyrighted Work of Republic Act 8293. The copyrighted works
included in this material may be reproduced for educational purposes only and nor for commercial distribution”.
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