Multicomponent Interdisciplinary Group Intervention For Self-Management of Fibromyalgia: A Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial
Multicomponent Interdisciplinary Group Intervention For Self-Management of Fibromyalgia: A Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial
Multicomponent Interdisciplinary Group Intervention For Self-Management of Fibromyalgia: A Mixed-Methods Randomized Controlled Trial
Pfizer Canada Inc. ( for the same Waitlist Group: 13%, 13%, 9%). The proportion of patients who reported 50% pain relief
research project. During the study, PB was the was also significantly higher in the INT Group at the end of the intervention (36% vs 12%)
recipient of a postdoctoral research award from the
Quebec Rehabilitation Research Network (http://
and 3 months post-intervention (33% vs 4%). Results of the qualitative analysis were in line which is itself funded by the Fonds de with the quantitative findings regarding the efficacy of the intervention. The improvement,
la recherche en santé du Québec (http:www.frqs. however, was not reflected in the primary outcome and other secondary, and AL was the recipient of a
outcome measures.
postdoctoral research award from the Fonds de la
recherche en santé du Québec (http:www.frqs.gouv. The funders had no role in study design, data Conclusion
collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript. The PASSAGE Program was effective in helping FMS patients gain a sense of control over
their symptoms. We suggest including PGIC in future clinical trials on FMS as they appear
Competing Interests: The authors have read the
journal's policy about competing interests. The to capture important aspects of the patients’ experience.
present study was funded by a special grant program
in which the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Trial registration
partnered with AstraZeneca Canada Inc. to put in
place a research initiative entitled “Community International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register ISRCTN14526380
Alliances for Health Research and Knowledge
Exchange in Pain”. Additional funding was also
obtained from Pfizer Canada Inc. (
ca) under the form of an unrestricted research grant.
Except for MC, all the authors of the present
manuscript have declared that no competing interests Introduction
exist. At the time this study was carried out, MC was
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disorder of unclear origin. Growing evidence sug-
a member of the Scientific Review Committee of the
Pfizer Neuropathic Pain Award and received
gests a combination of interacting neurophysiological, genetic, and psychosocial mechanisms
honorarium to review grant proposals and assist to as the cause of FMS [1,2]. This syndrome is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain
the meetings of the Scientific Committee. The authors in association with fatigue, poor sleep quality, cognitive dysfunction, mood disturbances, and
also certify that the funding sources do not alter the many other variable somatic symptoms [3]. Prevalence of FMS in the general population varies
authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing from 1.0 to 4.9% in women and from 0 to 2.9% in men [1,3–6] as demonstrated by studies
data and materials.
from Europe, USA and Canada.
There is currently no cure for FMS nor is there a “gold standard” of treatment. Management
of this disorder is therefore aimed at reducing symptoms and maintaining optimal functioning
[7,8]. Interventions such as medication alone or the use of a single non-pharmacological treat-
ment produce, at best, modest effects on patients' condition [9,10]. Results of a meta-analysis
of 49 studies published 15 years ago [11] suggest that non-pharmacological treatments are
more effective than drug interventions. A recent meta-analysis of 23 studies assessing the effi-
cacy of psychological interventions for fibromyalgia showed small to medium positive effects
on short and long-term pain, quality of sleep, functional status, depression, and tendency to
catastrophize in the face of pain [12]. Other recent literature reviews on the use of patient edu-
cation, exercise activities, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), and multidisciplinary treat-
ment [13–16] suggest that a multimodal approach which combines at least one educational/
psychological intervention with at least one exercise treatment can be effective for improving
FMS symptoms including pain, fatigue, mood and/or quality of life (QOL). However, many of
the reviewed studies suffer from methodological deficiencies (e.g., small sample size, single site
study, unstandardized outcomes, short follow-up, etc), and well-designed trials are still needed.
Based on the Interactional School of Low Back Pain [17,18], Barcellos de Souza et al. [19]
developed in 2007 a multimodal group intervention—the Interactional School of Fibromyalgia
(ISF)—which combines exercise therapy and educational/psychological tools for self-manage-
ment of FMS. Patient empowerment is an integral component of the intervention as is active
patient participation. The authors [19] conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to as-
sess the efficacy of their intervention and found positive effects on pain intensity and perceived
overall capacity to manage FMS symptoms. Although promising, these results remain prelimi-
nary and need to be replicated in a RCT involving more than one site, and using a comprehen-
sive set of well-validated outcome measures such as those recommended by the IMMPACT
(Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials) Group [20–22].
Furthermore, adding a qualitative research component to the study would be an asset to further
capture the patients’ experience during the intervention. Finally, some aspects of the ISF need-
ed to be updated and somewhat reorganized. We therefore adapted the ISF into a more struc-
tured intervention program entitled PASSAGE whose French acronym is Programme
d’Apprentissage de StratégieS d’Auto-Gestion Efficaces (Training Program of Efficient Self-
Management Strategies).
The aim of the present study was thus to evaluate, quantitatively and qualitatively, the effica-
cy of the PASSAGE Program—a multicomponent interdisciplinary group intervention for the
self-management of FMS. It was expected that the Program will lead to improvements in the
clinical condition of patients suffering from this disorder.
The French version protocol for this trial (as well as the English translation of the Methods sec-
tion) and supporting CONSORT checklist are available as supporting information; see S1
CONSORT Checklist, S1 and S2 Protocols.
Ethics Statement
The research protocol of the present study along with the patient informed consent form were
reviewed and approved by the Comité d’éthique de la recherche sur l’humain du Centre hospita-
lier de l’Université Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada (May 26th 2009, #09–034) and by
the Comité d’éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains de l’Université du Québec en Abi-
tibi-Témiscamingue (CÉR-UQAT), Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, Canada (May 15th, 2009). The
study was registered at the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Reg-
ister #ISRCTN14526380 (
Fig 1. Flow of participants through the study at each assessment point. SH = Sherbrooke study site; RN = Rouyn-Noranda study site.
diagnosis of FMS based on the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) classification criteria
[23] for at least 6 months, d) reported FMS pain of at least moderate intensity ( 4/10) in the
seven days prior to enrolment, the FMS pain being the chief complaint if the patient suffered
from another chronic pain syndrome, e) were motivated to attend all group sessions and to in-
tegrate the proposed self-management strategies, and f) agreed to not introduce new pain med-
ications or other new pain treatment modalities during the 11 weeks of the intervention.
Exclusion criteria were the following: a) pregnant or lactating women, b) presence of an active
cancer, uncontrolled metabolic disease and other major physical or psychiatric disorder that
could compromise patient participation in the study, and d) outstanding litigation regarding
patient’s claim for disability payments.
Recruitment was conducted through announcements in local newspapers in both study
sites between September 2009 and October 2009. Interested subjects were invited to call the re-
search coordinator who explained the study, reviewed some of the eligibility criteria, and fixed
a first appointment with the potential participants one month prior to the beginning of the in-
tervention. At the time of the first appointment, a pain physician established the FMS diagnosis
using the ACR criteria [23], and a physical/psychological evaluation was carried out to ensure
the subjects met all the eligibility criteria including proper motivation to partake in the inter-
vention. Written informed consents were obtained from all participants who were then ran-
domly assigned to the Intervention (INT) Group (PASSAGE Program) or the Waitlist (WL)
Group. Randomization was stratified by study site and gender, and was done by an indepen-
dent third party using the Random Allocation Software—Version 1.0.0 (Isfahan, Iran).
1 1 Introduction: Introduce facilitators and group members; Fixing realistic objectives: Assess capacity to On site exercises: Abdominal breathingb;
Overview of PASSAGE objectives and content of manage FMS on a 0–10 scale; Discuss Pelvic tilt exercises; Ergonomic sit, lay down
sessions; Introduce the contract principles. importance of setting up realistic objectives; and lay upd.
Plan to fix 3 personal objectives (outcome
goals) along with minimally acceptable
changes to be expecteda; Homework
assignments: a to d.
2 2 FMS symptoms: Briefly present the pathophysiology of Introduction to self-management strategies: On site exercises: Exercises with pressure
FMS; Describe the main FMS symptoms including Review of the fixed personal objectives balls; Abdominal breathingc; Pelvic tilt
pain, fatigue, poor sleep quality, and mood (n = 3); Discuss the impact of FMS exercises. Home exercises: Personalised
fluctuations; Describe the effects and impact of stress symptoms on various aspects of daily living; exercises program e £; Cardiorespiratory
on FMS. Share personal efficient strategies to control trainingf.
symptomsa; Introduce new strategies to
improve sleep qualityb; Introduce
cardiorespiratory training§; Homework
assignment: a to f + patient’s signature of the
contract with a significant person + diary
completion re: accomplished tasks at home.
3 3 Exercise and physical activity as part of FMS Awareness of personal strengths and limits: On site exercises: Abdominal breathing-
management: Introduce anatomy and functions of Physical testing; Discuss problem of de- sitting position; Cervical stabilization
muscles; Present types of exercises and tips for conditioning and fear/avoidance attitudes; exercise; Pelvic tilt exercise—lay down
starting exercise program; Discuss the impact of Discuss importance of respecting self position; Jaw relaxation exercisea. Home
physical activities and exercise on FMS symptoms; capacities; Demonstration of personalised exercises: Personalised exercises programbα;
Discuss the relevance of a personalized exercise exercise program by the participants; Cardiorespiratory trainingc.
program. Homework assignment: a to c + identification
of one novel self-management strategy
+ diary completion.
4 4 Psychological tools as part of FMS management: Awareness of the patients’ power over their On site exercises: Abdominal breathing—
Present the impact of the person’s psychological state health condition: Discuss the notion of sitting position; Pelvic tilt exercise—sitting
on FMS symptoms; Describe the role of positive vs. “choice” regarding FMS management: position; Symmetry exercise; Relaxation
negative thoughts/appraisals about FMS symptoms; passive consumer vs. active partner in the technique practice—anti-relaxationc. Home
Discuss the rational of a patient-tailored psychological treatment; Identify negative or maladaptive exercises: Personalised exercises programd;
program. thoughts that may affect FMS symptoms; Cardiorespiratory traininge.
Share how changes in perceptions may
affect psychological (and physical) well-
beinga; Introduce problem-solving strategies
and cognitive coping strategiesb; Discuss the
role of relaxation techniques for managing
FMS symptoms; Homework assignment: a
to e + diary completion.
5 5 Energy and capacity management: Describe the Awareness of the impact of stress and its On site exercises: Personalised exercises
physiologic signs when exceeding personal capacities/ relation with management of energy and program (team of 2); Abdominal breathing—
limits; Discuss the importance of proper balance capacities: Identification of own limits; sitting position; Pelvic tilt exercise—up
between activity and relaxation periods, and its impact Discuss activity pacing and importance of position; Relaxation technique practice—
on FMS symptoms; Discuss the role of a healthy engaging in pleasant and meaningful activecϕ. Home exercises: Personalised
alimentation for maximizing energy. activities; Discuss and share strategies to exercises programd; Cardiorespiratory
adequately manage energy and capacitiesa; traininge.
Introduce new strategies to cope with
personal limits, and especially in the context
of stressful situationsb; Tasting new healthy
food products; Home assignments: a to e
+ identification of one sign of stress + one
strategy to cope with personal limits + diary
6 Integration weekΨ
7 6 The vicious circle of chronic pain: Briefly present the Awareness of more adverse effects of FMS: On site exercises: Personalised exercises
pathophysiology of chronic pain; Describe the impact Discuss strategies to deal with pain flare-ups program (team of 2); Abdominal breathing—
of chronic pain on various aspects of daily living and setbacks; Discuss more devastating up position; Pelvic tilt exercise—in
including mood, family relationships, sexuality, etc.; effects of FMS-related pain: e.g., social mouvement; Activity pacing; Relaxation
Understand how the vicious circle of chronic pain can isolation, major depression, suicide, etc; technique practice—passivec. Home
develop and persist. Share strategies to cope with these exercises: Personalised exercises programd;
symptomsa; Introduce new strategies that Cardiorespiratory traininge.
may be helpful in these situationsb; Home
assignments: a to e + diary completion.
8 Integration week
Table 1. (Continued)
9 7 Pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment Awareness of own personal judgement about On site exercises: Personalised exercises
of FMS: Discuss the myth of the “magic pill” or “magic FMS treatment: Discuss the untended program (team of 2); Abdominal breathing—
treatment”; Describe the rational for using consequences healing may have on the up position; Pelvic tilt exercise—in
pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments; person (“Is healing really what I want?); As mouvement; Relaxation technique practice-
Present the major types of pain medication and their the “expert” of his/her condition, encourage visualisationb. Home exercises: Personalised
side effects; Describe the “to-do” and “not-to-do” with the person to discover the customized exercises programc; Cardiorespiratory
pain medications; Discuss the role of complementary balance of pharmacological and non- trainingd; Activity pacinge.
therapies for the management of pain and other FMS pharmacological methods that best suit his/
symptoms. her condition in the context of a problem-
solving approacha; Discuss the role of pain
medication as a way to increase function and
physical activity; Home assignments: a to e
+ self-management strategies + diary
10 Integration week
11 8 Review and summary: Summarize the knowledge and Awareness of control gain over symptoms On site exercises: Personalised exercises
self-management strategies acquired during the and how to maintain this control: Re- program (alone); Abdominal breathing—all
program. assessment of the capacity to manage FMS positions; Pelvic tilt exercise—all positions;
on a 0–10 scale (session 1); Review of the Relaxation technique practice-personal
fixed personal objectives and comparison choicea. At home exercises: Personalised
with expected changes; Physical testing; exercises programb; Cardiorespiratory
Discussion on the ways to maintain gains trainingc.
made through the program and to keep
control over symptoms with acquired
strategies; Review strategies to deal with
pain flare-ups and setbacks; Graduation with
certificate of achievement; Home
assignments: a to c.
Integration months
6 9 Follow-up visit Awareness of actual condition: Discuss On site exercises: Personalised exercises
months evolution of the condition since the beginning program (alone); Relaxation technique
later of the program; Identification of efficient practiceb. Home exercises: Personalised
strategiesa; Personalised exercises program exercises programc; Cardiorespiratory
adjustment; Home assignments: a to d. trainingd.
experiences with the prescribed tasks of the preceding week (including the practice of new self-
management strategies) (15 min). Then, the two facilitators started the education part of the
session during which various topics related to FMS symptoms and their management were
covered (see Table 1). Participants were strongly encouraged to share their own experience and
the tools/strategies they used to manage their condition which fostered patients' empowerment
as well as their active participation as experts of their condition. This portion of the session,
which lasted about 60 min, was followed by a 15-min break during which both participants
and facilitators had the opportunity to socialize. In the second portion of the sessions, the facil-
itators proposed new self-management strategies, specific exercises, and respiration techniques.
A strong emphasis was placed on the rationale behind the proposed strategies/techniques. Par-
ticipants were invited to practice them during a 30-min period. Starting on Week 4, the exercise
program ended with a relaxation session during which different techniques were taught and
practiced (15 min). Finally, participants were prescribed tasks to be done during the following
week(s). At any time during the sessions, participants were allowed to move, lie down, or use
pillows to alleviate pain, if needed.
In order to ensure uniformity and standardization of the intervention program in both
study sites, all health care professionals acting as facilitators attended a one-day structured
training session which was held in Rouyn-Noranda (Québec, Canada). The first part of the
training was devoted to theory (e.g., rationale behind the intervention, key concepts, proce-
dures to follow during each session, the “to-do” and “not-to-do”, etc), and the second part took
the form of a practicum with presentations of scenarios, role playing, and video demonstra-
tions. The comprehensive course manual used during the training and given to each facilitator
also contained a detailed description of the content of the sessions along with an annotated
paper copy of the slides to be used in each session. A second training session was held via vid-
eoconference to clarify some issues, answer questions, and review the procedures.
To ensure facilitators’ adherence to the intervention protocol, all sessions were recorded
and monitored (using back-surface mirror) by a health care professional with experience with
the ISF and who participated in the development of PASSAGE Program. Conference calls in-
volving the researchers and study coordinators from each study site were also made on a week-
ly basis to review the procedure, discuss issues raised during the sessions, and
ensure uniformity.
Waitlist (WL) group. Participants randomized to the WL Group were instructed to con-
tinue their treatment(s) as usual until they could take part in the PASSAGE Program—i.e., 3
months after the INT Group had completed the program. Changes in pharmacological or non-
pharmacological treatments were allowed during this period in the WL Group (usual care).
Quantitative study. Data were collected in both study groups at baseline (T0), after the
INT Group completed the 8 sessions of the PASSAGE Program (T1), and 3 months later (T2)
(Fig 2). Patients of the WL Group were then offered the Program and completed follow-up
measures at the end of the intervention (T1), and 3 months later (T2), thereby providing effica-
cy data from another cohort of patients. Additional follow-up measures were also collected in
the INT Group at 6 (T3) and 12 (T4) months after the completion of the PASSAGE Program so
longitudinal data (T0 to T4) were available to assess the long-term benefits of the intervention
in this group.
Data were collected at each time point with a self-administered questionnaire which was
mailed to the patients along with a stamped return envelope to be mailed back to the research
team within the next 7 days. Reminder phone calls were made if the questionnaires were not re-
turned on time. Upon reception, questionnaires were carefully verified, and a research assistant
contacted the patients if any information was missing or if their depression scores on the BDI
was > 30 and/or they reported suicidal ideas (question 9 of the Beck Depression Inventory)
(see Section Protocol and Adjustments).
Qualitative study. In order to document and further capture the patients’ experiences,
face-to-face open-ended narrative qualitative group interviews were conducted in each study
site. Interviews took place 6 to 9 months after completion of the PASSAGE Program, and were
conducted by the same interviewer in both sites. The interviewer had an extensive experience
in qualitative research interviews and was, until then, unknown to the study participants. Nine
patients from the Sherbrooke site (Québec, Canada) and 7 from the Rouyn-Noranda site (Qué-
bec, Canada) volunteered to participate in the group interviews. The same interview guide was
used in both study sites and it included open-ended questions aimed at covering three main
topics related to the research objectives. Participants were asked to talk about 1) their experi-
ences during the intervention, 2) its impact on their daily life, and 3) their general appraisal of
the intervention. The group interviews lasted between 60 and 90 minutes, and were audio-
taped, entirely typed-written (verbatim), and annotated with the interviewer’s field notes.
Primary outcome. Pain intensity was the primary outcome and was measured with a stan-
dardized numerical rating scale (NRS) where 0 indicated “no pain” and 10 “worst possible
pain” [21,24]. At each time point of the study, patients of both groups were asked to rate the av-
erage intensity of their pain as experienced in the past seven days.
Secondary outcomes. The choice of the secondary outcomes was based on the characteris-
tics of the FMS symptomatology, the rational/objectives of the proposed intervention, and the
IMMPACT Group recommendations [20,21] as well as the 2012 Canadian Guidelines for the
Diagnosis and Management of FMS [7,8]. Two major sets of secondary outcomes, specific and
global, were used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. The selected measurement in-
struments are well-validated and widely used tools with documented psychometric qualities.
The first set of secondary outcomes measured specific symptoms or dimensions of the pa-
tients’ condition prior to the beginning of the intervention (T0) and at follow-up times—i.e., T1
and T2 in both groups, and T3 and T4 in the INT Group only.
Severity of FMS was measured with one of the most widely used tool in this research field,
the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) which is a disease-specific instrument designed
to evaluate the impact of FMS by providing a multidimensional assessment of the overall sever-
ity of FMS [25,26]. The first 11 FIQ items ask about actual capacities regarding domestic activi-
ties and are answered to on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (always) to 3 (never). The last
9 FIQ items assess the presence and severity of various symptoms in the past seven days (pain,
physical functioning, fatigue, morning tiredness, stiffness, depression, anxiety, job difficulty
and overall well-being) using a numerical scale ranging from 0 (no symptoms) to 10 (major
symptoms). The total FIQ score was calculated with a pre-determined algorithm (www. and ranges from 0 to 100, where a higher score indicates a greater impact of
The extent to which patients’ pain interfered with various aspects of their daily living was as-
sessed with the 10 interference items of the Modified Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) [27,28]. These
items include general activity, mood, walking ability, normal work, relations with others, sleep,
enjoyment of life, personal care, recreational activities, and social activities in the past seven
days. Items are rated on a 0 (does not interfere) to 10 (completely interferes) scale. The global
BPI interference is derived by averaging the 10 items.
Considering the high frequency of sleep problems in FMS patients and the potential interre-
lations with pain [29,30], the Chronic Pain Sleep Inventory (CPSI) [31] was also administered
to all participants to assess the impact of pain on sleep quality during the past 4 weeks. The
CPSI is composed of 4 items answered to on a scale ranging from 0 (never) to 10 (always).
Items are: 1) trouble falling asleep, 2) needing sleep medication, 3) awakening due to pain in
the night, and 4) awakening due to pain in the morning. The fifth item of the CPSI assesses
overall quality of sleep using a 0 (very poor) to 10 (excellent) scale. A total Sleep Problem Index
Score (SPIS) is calculated by taking the sum of the scores on items 1, 3 and 4. The SPIS can
range from 0 to 30 and higher scores indicate greater sleep problems.
The Coping Strategy Questionnaire (CSQ) [32,33] was used to assess the type of coping
strategies participants employed day-to-day to cope with their pain. The CSQ includes 21
items answered to on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (always). Items assess 5
coping strategies: 1) Ignoring pain sensations, 2) Diverting attention, 3) Catastrophizing, 4) Re-
interpreting pain sensations, and 5) Praying. A score is obtained for each subscale by summing
the scores on each of its items. In addition, patients’ tendency to catastrophize while they are in
pain, which is known to have a profound impact on the experience of pain (see critical review
[34]), was further investigated in the present study by administering the Pain Catastrophizing
Scale (PCS) [35,36]. The PCS contains 13 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0
(not at all) to 4 (always). A total score is calculated by summing the score on each item.
The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Version 1 [37,38] was used to assess severity of de-
pressive symptoms in the past seven days. This scale includes 21 items rated on a 4-point ordi-
nal scale and a total score of the BDI (ranging from 0 to 63) can be obtained from the sum of
all individual items. Higher scores indicate more severe depressive symptoms.
Health-related QOL was assessed with a generic instrument—the Standard SF-12v2
(4-week recall) [39]. This questionnaire covers 8 domains (i.e., Physical Functioning, Role-
Physical, Bodily Pain, General Health, Vitality, Social Functioning, Role-Emotional, Mental
Health) and the scores on each of these domains are summarized into 2 scales, the Physical
Summary Scale and the Mental Summary scale. Scores on each summary scale were calculated
with standard scoring algorithms and normalized using the US general population values
(mean = 50; SD = 10).
Our second set of secondary outcomes was oriented towards patients’ global impression re-
garding changes in their condition and overall perception regarding their treatment responses
in terms of pain relief. These measures were collected in both groups at T1 and T2, and at T3
and T4 in the INT Group only.
Participants were asked about their global impression of change in the past 3 months re-
garding their 1) pain, 2) level of functioning, and 3) QOL, using a modified version of the Pa-
tient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) Scale [40]. The scale ranged from 1 to 7 with
“remained unchanged” as the mid-point, and “considerably deteriorated” and “considerably
improved” as anchors. PGIC scores in each area were recoded into three categories: 1) Im-
proved (slightly/ greatly/ considerably improved), 2) Stable (remained unchanged), and 3) De-
teriorated (considerably/ greatly/ slightly/ deteriorated).
Patients’ overall perceptions of their treatment responses in terms of pain relief was assessed
on a 0 to 100% Pain Relief Scale where 0% represents no pain relief and 100% represents com-
plete pain relief [41][42]. Patients were asked to provide their ratings based on the preceding 3
months. Substantial improvement was defined with a cut-off point of pain relief 50% [43].
Sample Size
The sample size was calculated for the primary outcome (NRS = average pain intensity over
the past 7 days; continuous scale ranging from 0–10) based on testing the inequality of two
means in a repeated measures design. Previous reviews [44–46] established that a 2-point re-
duction on the 0–10 NRS scale constitutes a clinically meaningful difference in pain intensity.
Assuming the standard deviation of the NRS of 2.0 units and a study design with 3 repeated
measurements having a compound symmetry covariance matrix, the sample size was deter-
mined based on the ability to detect, with a power of 80%, a change of 2 units or more in the av-
erage pain intensity score between the INT and WL groups at an two-sided alpha level of 0.05.
Under these assumptions and conservatively assuming an autocorrelation coefficient (rho) of
one, a group sample size of 16 patients, representing a total sample size of 32 patients was re-
quired. Given that the study was carried out in two sites and that each site was expected to have
two groups, the sample size was doubled, and 64 patients in total were targeted (32 per study
site). This strategy did not only increase our statistical power but also prevented reduced power
because of patient loss to follow-up. Sample size estimation was performed using PASS 2008
and all statistical analyses were performed using SAS Version 9.2 (SAS Institute, NC, USA).
The investigator in charge of the statistical analyses (A.L.) was blinded to group assignment.
95% confidence intervals (95% CI). A negative effect size value indicates that the intervention
was superior to the control group on negatively oriented outcome measures (i.e. pain intensity
NRS, FIQ score, BPI interference score, CPSI sleep problem index score, catastrophizing CSQ
score, PCS score, BDI score). A positive value indicates the intervention was superior to the
control group on positively oriented outcome measures (i.e. CPSI overall sleep quality score,
other CSQ subscales scores, SF-12v2 health-related QOL scores).
Categorical outcomes such as the PGIC (proportion of patients reporting improvement)
and pain relief (proportion of patients reporting 50% of pain relief) in the past 3 months
were compared between the two study groups at the end of the intervention (T1) and 3 months
post-intervention (T2) using Chi-square tests and Fisher exact tests where appropriate. Effect
sizes were computed as odds ratios (OR) and their 95% CI.
As previously mentioned, additional data were collected from the WL Group at the end of
the trial once they had the opportunity to participate in the PASSAGE Program. These data
were used to conduct sensitivity analyses to see if the pattern of results observed on the global
outcome measures at T1 and T2 were similar to the one observed in the INT Group.
With the 12 months follow-up data from the INT Group, additional analyses were carried
out to assess the effect of the treatment over a longer period of time. One-way ANOVAs with
repeated measures on one factor (within-subjects time effect between T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4)
were conducted. When significant differences were detected, post hoc comparisons were car-
ried out using t-tests or Wilcoxon signed rank sum test. Raw effect sizes between T0 and T4
measures are presented as mean differences and their respective 95% CI.
Participants’ Recruitment
As shown in Fig 1, 24 subjects were excluded throughout the study selection process, leaving a
total of 58 eligible patients who were randomly assigned to the INT Group (n = 29) and the
WL Group (n = 29). Fifteen patients (31.0% in the INT Group (9/29) vs. 20.7% (6/29) in the
WL Group) did not complete the 3-month trial: two out of fifty-eight were excluded from the
program because of non compliance and the others withdrew either because they: 1) were no
more able to attend the sessions due to a scheduling conflict (n = 3/58)), 2) developed a medical
disorder unrelated to FMS (n = 3/58), 3) went through an episode of psychological instability
(n = 2/58), or 4) for personal reasons (n = 1/58). Four out of fifty-eight participants failed to re-
turn their study questionnaires by mail at one time or another, and did not provided complete
longitudinal data. Consequently, a total of 43 patients completed the T2 measures: 20/43 re-
ceived the intervention and 23/43 were on the waitlist. As mentioned earlier, this last group re-
ceived the intervention at the end of the trial and were assessed up to 3 months post-
intervention (17/23 patients completed follow-up).
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation values, or number of patients and percentage.
INT Group: Intervention Group
WL Group: Waitlist Group
NRS = Numerical rating scale
OTC = Over-the-counter
*Living with children (n = 1), parents (n = 3), or brothers/sisters (n = 1)
Retired, students, volunteer work
Participants’ Characteristics
Socio-demographic and pain characteristics of the randomly assigned participants are pre-
sented in Table 2. Their mean age was 49.98 ± 9.23 years and 46.74 ± 11.42 years in the INT
and WL Groups, respectively. As expected [4,6], there was a greater proportion of women in
both study groups (> 92%, 26/28 in the INT Group and 26/28 in WL Group). More than half
of the subjects (18/28 in the INT Group and 15/28 in the WL Group) had completed a universi-
ty education level. The mean duration of pain was > 10 years in both groups (INT Group:
15.66 ± 11.12 years, WL Group: 11.94 ± 8.23 years) and the pain intensity levels on the NRS
(average pain in the past 7 days) were comparable (INT Group: 6.57 ± 2.03, WL Group:
6.39 ± 1.83). The only statistically significant difference between the groups was the proportion
of patients who were using prescribed pain medication; this proportion was lower in the INT
Group (78.57%, 22/28) than it was in the WL Group (100%, 28/28).
Table 3. Magnitude and significance of the improvements in the intervention (INT, n = 28) and the waitlist (WL, n = 29) groups up to three months
Baseline (T0) End of the intervention (T1) 3 months post-intervention (T2) Repeated
Study INT Group WL Group INT Group WL Group Effect INT Group WL Group Effect Group x
outcomes* sizeand size Time effect
95% CI and
95% CI
Pain intensity
Pain on the 6.57 ± 6.39 ± 5.95 ± 6.08 ± -0.13 5.36 ± 5.91 ± -0.55 0.669,
average in the 2.03 1.83 2.06 2.14 (-1.37– 1.74 2.29 (-1.82– 0.701,
past 7 days 1.11) 0.72) 0.778
(NRS: 0–10)
Severity of FMS
Total FIQ score 64.68 ± 62.43 ± 55.11 ± 56.68 ± -1.57 51.49 ± 55.18 ± -3.69 0.465,
(0–100) 16.80 18.90 16.22 20.66 (-12.59– 16.27 20.44 (-15.19– 0.537,
9.45) 7.18) 0.665
BPI interference 5.09 ± 5.36 ± 4.63 ± 4.99 ± -0.36 4.08 ± 4.72 ± -0.64 0.954,
mean score (0– 2.38 2.40 2.15 2.32 (-1.68– 2.14 2.24 (-1.99– 0.958,
10) 0.96) 0.71) 0.988
Sleep quality
CPSI—Overall 2.75 ± 2.89 ± 4.09 ± 3.72 ± 0.37 4.33 ± 3.57 ± 0.76 0.512,
sleep quality item 1.82 2.59 2.04 2.30 (-0.92– 2.18 2.37 (-0.65– 0.578,
(0–10) 1.66) 2.17) 0.691
CPSI—Sleep 18.00 ± 18.89 ± 12.50 ± 15.12 ± -2.62 14.19 ± 16.65 ± -2.46 0.711,
Problem Index 8.49 7.91 7.41 7.72 (-7.08– 8.60 8.00 (-7.57– 0.732,
score (0–30) 1.84) 2.65) 0.877
Coping Strategy
Ignoring Pain 7.14 ± 5.93 ± 6.41 ± 6.52 ± -0.11 8.10 ± 6.00 ± 2.10 0.010,
Sensations 3.14 2.61 2.28 2.60 (-1.56– 3.13 2.65 (0.32– 0.014,
Subscale (0–15) 1.34) 3.88) 0.052
Diverting 7.39 ± 7.96 ± 7.77 ± 8.36 ± -0.59 7.71 ± 7.09 ± 0.62 0.121,
Attention 3.82 2.59 2.65 2.06 (-1.98– 3.21 2.37 (-1.10– 0.118,
Subscale (0–15) 0.80) 2.34) 0.219
Catastrophizing 4.50 ± 4.93 ± 3.86 ± 3.64 ± 0.22 3.38 ± 4.13 ± -0.75 0.496,
Subscale (0–12) 3.00 3.05 2.61 3.13 (-1.49– 2.91 2.88 (-2.54– 0.532,
1.93) 1.04) 0.724
Reinterpreting 3.39 ± 2.68 ± 3.36 ± 2.76 ± 0.60 4.10 ± 2.70 ± 1.40 0.961,
Pain Sensations 3.06 2.26 3.49 2.17 (-1.09– 3.75 2.85 (-0.64– 0.972,
Subscale (0–12) 2.29) 3.44) 0.969
Praying 2.11 ± 3.11 ± 2.09 ± 2.92 ± -0.83 2.05 ± 2.78 ± -0.73 0.789,
Subscale (0–9) 2.04 2.67 2.27 2.78 (-2.33– 2.42 2.98 (-2.42– 0.785,
0.67) 0.96) 0.820
Total PCS score 23.54 ± 22.04 ± 17.86 ± 18.88 ± -1.02 15.62 ± 20.00 ± -4.38 0.193,
(0–52) 11.10 11.98 9.83 12.75 (-7.78– 13.43 11.23 (-11.97– 0.234,
5.74) 3.21) 0.364
Table 3. (Continued)
Baseline (T0) End of the intervention (T1) 3 months post-intervention (T2) Repeated
Study INT Group WL Group INT Group WL Group Effect INT Group WL Group Effect Group x
outcomes* sizeand size Time effect
95% CI and
95% CI
BDI total score 19.54 ± 18.61 ± 16.91 ± 16.56 ± 0.35 16.05 ± 16.78 ± -0.73 0.870,
(0–63) 9.39 9.37 7.84 10.39 (-5.12– 7.73 10.00 (-6.30– 0.868,
5.82) 4.84) 0.857
quality of life
Physical 31.21 ± 29.59 ± 30.55 ± 29.41 ± 1.14 30.49 ± 28.65 ± 1.84 0.962,
Summary Scale 8.95 10.46 8.17 11.08 (-4.65– 7.90 9.09 (-3.44– 0.950,
of the SF-12v2 6.93) 7.12) 0.930
Mental Summary 40.58 ± 40.94 ± 40.74 ± 39.07 ± 1.67 40.75 ± 37.59 ± 3.16 0.444,
Scale of the SF- 11.39 9.00 8.42 11.28 (-4.25– 10.49 9.76 (-3.08– 0.450,
12v2 (0–100) 7.59) 9.40) 0.505
Significant group differences were also found in the measure of patients’ overall perceptions
of pain relief. The proportion of patients reporting 50% pain relief between T0 and T1 was
significantly higher in the INT Group (36.4%; 8/22) than in the WL Group (12.0%; 3/25) (OR:
4.19; 95% CI: 0.95 to 18.53; P = .049). Three months later (T2), one third (33.3%; 7/21) of the
patients in the INT Group reported 50% pain relief compared to only 4.3% (1/23) in the WL
Group (OR: 11.00; 95% CI: 1.22 to 99.25; P = .013). Once the WL Group completed the PAS-
SAGE Program, 23.5% (4/17) of them reported 50% pain relief, and this percentage re-
mained the same 3 months later.
Fig 3. Percentage of patients in the Intervention and Waitlist Groups who reported that their pain, functioning and quality of life improved (slightly,
greatly, or considerably) at T1 compared to baseline (T0) on the Patient Global Impression of Change Scales.
Fig 4. Percentage of patients in the Intervention Group who reported that their condition (pain, functioning and quality of life) continued to
improve or remained stable 3 months after the intervention (T2) compared to the Waitlist Group on the Patient Global Impression of Change
Fig 5. Mean scores and their Standard Errors in the Intervention Group at baseline (T0), at the end of the intervention (T1), and at 3, 6, and 12
months thereafter (T2, T3, T4). NRS = Numerical Rating Scale (higher scores indicate greater pain intensity); FIQ = Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire
(higher scores indicate greater FMS severity); CSQ = Coping Strategies Questionnaire (higher scores indicate greater use of the strategy/coping efforts);
PCS = Pain Catastrophizing Scale (higher scores reflect greater pain catastrophizing).
that some clinical benefits of the intervention were maintained on the long-term on certain
specific outcome measures, the results of the post-hoc analyses revealed statistically significant
differences between the baseline scores (T0) and those at 12 months post-intervention (T4)
only for the Reinterpreting Pain Sensations subscale of the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (Ef-
fect size: 1.83; CI:0.79 to 2.87) and the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (Effect size: -6.89; CI: -10.38
to -3.39).
On the global outcome measures, a good proportion of patients continued to report im-
provements or remained stable as revealed by their scores on the PGIC scales (pain, function-
ing, and QOL) at 6 (T3) and 12 months post-intervention (T4). In fact, at T3, 33.3 to 47.6% of
the patients still reported improvements as experienced in the preceding 3 months while 23.8
to 38.1% reported being stable. Twelve months post-intervention (T4), 11.1 to 16.7% of patients
reported improvements as experienced in the preceding 3 months while 16.7 to 38.0% reported
stable levels. When asked about the percentage of pain relief experienced in the past 3 months,
more than one quarter (28.6%) of the participants reported 50% pain relief at follow-up 6
months (T3) while 5.6% did so at follow-up 12 months (T4).
Qualitative Results
Results of the thematic analysis of verbatim highlighted three major themes. The first one was
UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE. All participants reported having greatly appreciated the
intervention. Many of their comments were directed towards the facilitators—i.e., their uncon-
ditional acceptance, understanding, open-mindedness, kindness, availability and warm ap-
proach. For instance, some participants stated “We felt understood; they know the disease”,
“Just a look, and they knew what was wrong” and “I felt I was really important during the meet-
ings”. The majority of the participants stressed the difference between the PASSAGE Program
and the care they usually receive where they do not feel supported by their healthcare provid-
ers: “Our doctors don’t believe in our pain, we don’t know where to go and to whom to talk
about FMS”. All interviewed participants said they would partake in the intervention again and
would recommend it to other FMS patients.
The second emerging theme was GROUP cohesion. It appeared that being part of a group
was more important than the participants expected it would be specifically in terms of the op-
portunity for: 1) sharing “She may have a trick that you didn’t think of. It helps to find new strat-
egies”; 2) support “I didn’t know that so many people suffered from FMS, now I feel less lonely”;
and 3) motivation “Motivation of others helped maintain my own motivation.”; “The effect of
the group stayed even when I was home. That is why I exercised even when I wasn’t in a mood to
do so.” and “Even if I didn’t feel like going to the meeting, I went because I knew I would feel
The last emerging theme was INCREASED EMPOWERMENT. Participants described that
the impact of the intervention went beyond the symptoms themselves in that they acquired
new knowledge and learned how to self-manage their condition. “They gave me tools to gain
control over my symptoms and to understand how to do it.”; “They helped me realize that I did
too much exercising. I learned to manage my energy.“; and “I learned how to say no and to accept
my limits.”. The intervention also brought some behavioural changes among the participants:
“Now when I talk to my friends, I am not talking only about my disease. I ask them how they are
feeling.” and “I now have leisure activities, I go out with friends.”.
Finally, the following verbatim provides a meaningful and insightful illustration of the glob-
al impact of the intervention: “At the beginning of the intervention, I realized that my pain was
like a budget. I understood that I will always have the same amount of money but I will now
manage it differently. This is really different. When you manage your pain, it is less present, less
The results of the present study suggest that the PASSAGE intervention had a positive short-
term impact on patients’ overall perceptions of their condition as revealed by their scores on
the PGIC (pain, functioning, QOL) and pain relief scales compared to the patients who were
assigned to the waitlist during this same period. Additional follow-up measures in the INT
Group also showed that patients continued to improve or remained stable at 6- and 12-months
post-intervention. For instance, at 6 months post intervention, between 57% and 85% of the
INT participants were either stable or still noticing improvements on the PGIC outcomes and
the pain relief measure. Results of the qualitative component of the study further supported the
quantitative findings by showing that the intervention was effective in helping FMS patients
gain an impression of control over their symptoms. However, no improvements were found on
the primary outcome (NRS pain intensity) and the secondary specific outcome measures. The
present study has a number of implications which are discussed below.
over a period of 10 weeks, and found a positive short-term effect on symptoms as well as a
long-term effect on well-being.
However, it is important to note that the PASSAGE Program goes further than simply edu-
cation and exercise. Above all, the principles of CBT where the role of thoughts, beliefs, and ex-
pectations are believed to have a major impact on symptoms [56–58] were followed. The
present results support the effectiveness of an intervention based on CBT principles. For in-
stance, in the qualitative interviews, the unconditional acceptance of group facilitators, the
group cohesion and the empowerment over the illness had a significant impact on patients.
Other authors (e.g., [59]) have also reported that facilitators, group membership and the shar-
ing of strategies and life changes such as attitudes and healthy behaviours can significantly in-
fluence patients' pain recognition and their sense of control over their disease. Also, being part
of an educational program appears to be helpful in reducing FMS patients' anxiety levels [60].
The present results are further in line with the 2012 Canadian Guidelines for the Diagnosis and
Management of FMS [7,8] which specifically mention that multimodal management strategies
must be used when dealing with FMS and that patients should play an active role in their care.
Some limitations to the present study should nonetheless be addressed. The sample size re-
mained relatively small and might have limited the detection of some group differences (Type
II error). Although a Bonferroni correction was applied in some analyses, the possibility of type
I error resulting from the high number of statistical tests that were conducted cannot be ex-
cluded. Also, the actual usage of the strategies taught to the patients during the intervention
was not assessed which limits our ability to determine in which way the strategies were helpful
or not. Another limitation is the self-report nature of all the measures used in the present
study. Future research should include methods such as observation-based assessments of pa-
tients' functioning [62].
Finally, although the baseline characteristics of the patients were similar to what is found in
the general population of FMS patients, it should be remembered that the present RCT had
strict selection criteria which may lead to the selection of patients that are not representative of
the general population. For example, participants in the present study had to report moderate
pain intensity ( 4/10) in the seven days prior to enrolment leading to the exclusion of a num-
ber of mild FMS patients. In fact, the recruitment of participants with pain 4/10 may explain
the limited impact of the intervention on the 0–10 intensity of pain numeric scale considering
the difficulty to improve outcomes in more severe FMS patients [13].
Supporting Information
S1 CONSORT Checklist. CONSORT Checklist.
We are grateful to all the patients who took part in the study, and to the members of the study
team, Edith Bérubé-Quesnel, Josée Boucher, Éric Chaize, Christian Cloutier, Roxanne Daoust,
Sophie Duhaime, Annie Lachapelle, Émilie Lagueux, Serge Lalonde, Sylvie Lamoureux, Marjo-
laine Landry, Niet Nguyen, Kathy Perrier, Vanessa Roy, Mario Siane from the Université de
Sherbrooke and the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue. We also wish to thank
Mr Louis Coupal (Impacts Inc.) for his helpful comments and suggestions for the statistical
analyses. Finally, thanks are due to Geneviève Lavigne PhD who helped in the preparation and
edition of the present manuscript.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: PB AL SM RCH JC IG JBS MC. Analyzed the data:
AL PB RCH MC. Wrote the paper: PB AL SM RCH JC IG JBS MC.
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