Ishara Literature
Ishara Literature
Ishara Literature
0) Objective
Recent plastic water tank industry in Sri Lanka have been failed to accomplish the demand of the
tanks in the market. Problems arise within the local market is mainly due to malfunctioning of
production process and existing plants. The effort of the project is either introduces or improves the
water tank industry with new technological aspects and reliable methods to overcome the
difficulties within the plants and to make fulfill the market demand.
(2.0) Introduction
Rotational molding, known also as rotomolding or rotocasting is the process of manufacturing hollow
plastic products by adding plastic powder to a shell-like mold and rotating the mold about two axes
while heating it and the powder. Rotational molding is best known for the manufacturing of tanks but
it also can be used to make complex medical products, toys, leisure craft, and highly aesthetic point of
sale products. Currently even in the Sri Lankan market rotational molding industry is in exciting stage
due to its technical advances, new types of machines, molds, availability of materials etc.
The main object of the project literature survey is to find out how the mold and plant design carried
out as fulfilled the given target of tanks. Before go through the basic design concepts there are some
more basic considerations needed to be concern like selecting suitable material, total process survey,
location analyze for the plant, environmental and safety considerations etc. Through out the literature
survey all these considerations are observed carefully and make an optimum decision prior to starting
the design.
The literature survey is started with full observation upon the rotational molding process. Although the
process seems simple there are many differences and concerns than other plastic processing methods
could be seen while the observation of the process. As example the heating system is supplied by
either in an oven or electric method. So that runs into deep while it apply on two layer water tank like
criteria. The observation and analyze of the process would be very helpful when starting the design to
achieve the object.The material selection can be indicated as another very important point of the
project. Basically two types of material selections are observed and discussed through the literature
survey. First the charge material selection and mold material selection and both selections are
depended on our requirement of the project. In material selection some general and necessary
properties were considered separately and focused on how they can be used as to get a quality and
optimum product in a reliable way. According to the requirement and the general purposes, selecting
of additives was further necessary through out the literature survey period.
The literature survey upon the plant design for the production is mainly focused as it helps to minimize
the problems in available plants in the local industry and achieved the main object that is annum target
in a trustworthy way. Especially here it concerned the environment and safety issues as it become a
major consideration in a good quality standard product.
(3.0) Rotational molding process
The principle of rotational molding process is simple than any other plastic processing methods like
injection molding, thermoforming, blow molding etc. Basically the process consists of introducing a
known amount of plastic in powder, granular, or viscous liquid form into a hollow, shell-like mold.
The mold is rotated and/or rocked about two principal axes at relatively low speeds as it is heated so
that the plastic enclosed in the mold adheres to, and forms a layer against, the mold surface. The mold
rotation continues during the cooling phase so that the plastic retains its desired shape as it solidifies.
When the plastic is sufficiently rigid, the cooling and mold rotation is stopped to allow the removal of
the plastic product from the mold. At this stage, the cyclic process may be repeated.
In concisely rotational molding process consist of,
De molding.
(3.1) Charging:
The pre measured plastic resin amount is loaded at the charging step. The quantity may be varying for
item to item. It is better to preheat resins to minimize the defects of the products, also the material and
its physical state (powder, granule, viscous liquid) is depend upon the final product and its application.
Before carried out the charging pre measuring is the most important thing. If the calculations are quite
a correct when charging the raw materials most probably it would be very helpful to get a uniform
final product. Actually in two layer water tank case this is further complicated because the charging of
materials have to be done twice in different conditions.
(3.2 )Heating:
The rotational molding process is unique among molding methods for plastics in that the plastic at
room temperature is placed in a mold at approximately room temperature and the whole assembly is
heated up to the melting temperature for the plastic. Both the mold and the plastic are then cooled back
to room temperature. Normally, the only controls on the process are the oven temperature, the time in
the oven, and the rate of cooling. Each of these variables has a major effect on the properties of the
end product.
The entire heating and cooling cycle is normally carried out in a near-isothermal hot air oven
environment. The length of the time the mold is hold in the oven is critical. Too long time may affect
for the degradation of polymer and reducing the impact strength.
If the holding time is too little the polymer melting may be incomplete and cause to make bubbles like
defects in the product. Basically the heating is divided into five steps which are,
As the above shows each step has a consideration with the polymer powder and to get a quality finish
the parameters are set up in an optimum way. In recent factories all these parameters are maintain
through a control system of the rotational molding machines.
Electrically generated infrared heat has been used as a primary heating method, but by far the most
common method of heating is by means of gas combustion. The key to improved energy efficiency
lies in adequate insulation of the oven, optimum burner design, and energy conservation during
mold ingress and egress.
As like as the heating concepts here it is been divided the cooling cycle into few steps and also each
steps has a major consideration. Follow shows those each steps and the concerning factors.
Initial cooling: Characteristics of cooling melt
Recrystallization: Recrystallization temperature, rate of crystallization, rate of cooling
Final cooling: Shrinkage during and after crystallization, separation from mold surface
Cooling parameters are also needed to be pre-known and should be maintaining in a control system for
a typical rotational molding plant.
Normal heating and cooling parameters are could be change in liquid rotational molding process. The
other important factor affected upon the process cycles is the rotating speed. Normally mold rotating
speeds are rather slow in rotational molding, typically its 4 - 20 revs/min. It is necessary to be known
these things for varies item to item. So in two layer water tank case it should be calculated as the
defects minimize in the production.
The most popular cooling media are water and air, into which the mold assembly is immersed. Most
commercial rotational molding machines are equipped with both and many have options such as water
spray, water mist/fog, etc.
(4.0) Polymer selection
Of the millions of tons of plastics used in the world every year, about 80% are thermoplastics and 20% are
thermosettings. The rotational molding technology mainly carried out on several thermoplastics. Through
the literature survey the material selection has been basically focused on how the materials selection
carried for the two layer water tank and about the incoming material evaluation.
High-density polyethylene (HDPE), also known as linear polyethylene or low-pressure polyethylene is the
preferred polyethylene for plastic containers of all sizes, primarily due to its exception environmental
stress crack resistance and also it has excellent stiffness from room temperature to the boiling point of
water. Furthermore the properties variations with the density of polyethylene could be considered for
material selection for the various applications. That can be understood as follows.
Property Changes with Increasing Polyethylene Density
Barrier properties: Increasing Impact strength: Decreasing
Chemical resistance: Increasing Optical properties: Decreasing
Creep resistance: Increasing Shrinkage: Increasing
Ductility: Decreasing Stiffness: Increasing
Hardness: Increasing Tensile strength: Increasing
Heat deflection: Increasing Weatherability: No trend
When considering these properties variations, high density polyethylene can be chosen as the most
suitable material for the object requirement. Most cases in water tank industries tend to be used
crosslink polyethylene as the incoming raw material. But the problem is that could not be recyclable.
(4.1)In-coming material evaluation.
In-coming material evaluation is also important if effective quality control is to be maintained.
Periodical testing carried out on incoming materials has been considered in that type of evaluation.
Some of most important testing has been describe as follows.
Melt index and melt flow index.
For most polymers, increasing molecular weight means increasing melt viscosity. And for most
polymers, increasing molecular weight means improved properties such as impact strength and
toughness. The M.F.I for incoming raw material can be evaluated by using extrusion plastometer
(ASTM D-1238) in normal lab condition.
Sieving is necessary as it directly affected to the powder properties of the materials (ASTM D-1921).
Powder characteristics are critical in heating cycle as well as for the quality of the final product. The
typical screen size distribution is -35 mesh to +200 mesh, although -35 mesh to +150 mesh is
sometimes requested.
(4.2)Additives used in rotomolding
UV stabilizers: carbon black, anti oxidanr
In the rotational molding industry, the vast majority of molds are made from metal. Molds made from
fiberglass or other types of composite are used for some specialist applications, but most commercial
molds are made from sheet steel, nickel, or cast aluminum. The molds are relatively thin shell-like
structures because, unlike injection or blow molding, the forces on the mold are small and heat must
be transferred quickly to and from the mold.
The heat transfer through the wall and withstand the wall under mold pressure is significant.
Designing a mold for rotomolding an equivalent thermal thickness and equivalent mechanical
thickness has to be negotiated through some standard datasheets for different materials. These
equivalent thicknesses are normally taken with respect to another material. As example if a 10mm
thick alluminium mold is equivalent to 7mm thick sheet steel in equivalent mechanical thickness.
When the charged material rotates in the mold while it heating, a pressure will arise on inner wall
thickness of mold. So this can be higher when the charged weight is high, it would be fair select the
mold material according to our charge weight calculation
(5.2)Mold frame
Normally in practice mold halves are mounted on a frame to ensure that all the forces acting against the
frame not the mold shell while processing, assemble and demolding. If more attachment places present
in the mold to frame that means more secure the mold halves. Unfortunately, each attachment point
represents a heat sink during mold assembly heating and a hot spot during cooling. One compromise is
to provide many attachment points with dimensions as small as possible, particularly where the
attachments contact the mold surface. Another possibility is to provide attachment points on peripheral
portions of the parting line flanges, where there is little additional chance of altering the heat transfer to
the sintering powder or cooling melt. Angle iron, H-channel, rectangular channel, and hollow square
section tube steel are the common shapes used for mold frame construction.
(5.3)Parting line design
Most rotomolding machines are consist with two separate pieces. The integrity of the parting line is
important to rotational molding. Mold sections must remain mated without in-plane or vertical shifting
during the heating and cooling cycle. Even minute amounts of differential shifting can cause blowholes
in the part along the parting line. And this integrity must remain integral throughout the life of the mold
part. There are three common parting line designs for conventional rotational molds and one for
pressurized molds.
Butt joint
Lap joint
Tongue and groove
The mold halves must be clamped closed to minimize differential shifting due to thermal expansion. In
order to minimize parting line damage that can occur when clamping bolts are aggressively tightened,
molds are typically spring-mounted to the mold frame, with spring compression adjusted with a threaded
bolt that is cast or welded into a noncritical section of the mold body.
(5.5)Pry points
Prying is one of the most common methods of opening molds. It is also one of the most common
methods of damaging mold parting lines and mold edge finishes. Pry points welded to the mold frame
sections minimize this type of damage. Special mechanical jacks, similar to car jacks, should be used to
improve mold opening efficiency. These are either permanently mounted to the mold frame or are
manually inserted between pry points during mold servicing.
According to the nature of the plant rotational mold industry can be categorized into repetitive-process
industry, which means an industry where the product is processed in lots. In this type of industry a
variety of operations may be involved, but the nature of the materials can not be as rigidly controlled.
Other than theses general factors, the affect of community should be considered. Some of those
considerations as follow,
Health and welfare: satisfactory medical services available, sanitary laws etc.
Community business climate: well diversified in industry, other such organizations present etc.
Considering about all these major factors or at least 80% when proposing the factory will make the
production uncomplicated. After proposing the location then the plant layout has to be arranged.
(6.2)Plant layout
A plant layout has been arranged to plan of, or the act of planning, an optimum arrangement of industrial
facilities, including personal operating equipment, storage space, material handling equipment and all the
other supporting services along with the design structure to contain these facilities. Through the plant
layout the production process and material handling should be easy and the production coast hast to be
(6.3)Production process flow:
Providing and efficient flow of the product through a plant is fundamental. Material handling and process
identification are very useful when it’s come to the production flow because it will directly affect to the
cost of product. The flow should be running along from raw material handling to finished good storage.
For the most part, raw materials are stored within the plant building itself. Work in process materials
storage better to be centralized as it make easy to feed the rotational molding machines. Raw materials
preheating before the feeding would be minimized the defect arising on the final product.
In recent rotomolding factories there are many types of machine are used and among those clamshell
machine, vertical machine and Fixed-Arm Carousel Machine are seen in common.
(6.4)Man power determination.
Human resource management is a necessary requirement in the management structure.
Expected machine hours and expected outcomes are the basic parameters considered while design
the man power. Labor power can be determine by the total, marginary and average product
Marginal and average product curves
Average product curve
Marginal product curve
(6.5)Safety consideration.
While the processing and rest of times concentration on safety is a major thing. Safety shoes and helmet
supply pay special attention on workers who work with ovens, fire precautions, display boards are more
common safety precautions can be found in many factories.
(6.6)Environmental consideration.
Environmental consideration has become a major consideration on industrial aspect. Following practices
can be used to maintain environmental healthy nature in the plant.
Increasing the efficiency of energy utilization reduces the free heat release to the
Proper balancing of rotating members reduces vibrations by this it can be prevent the
noise pollution.
Implement proper waste management system and remove waste in proper manner
which are not naturally degradable.
(7.0)Expected outcomes.
The project ramifies into wide areas of design and production methodologies. The primary era of the
project include process analyze and mold design. A broad knowledge on plastic processing, especially
about water tank industry and typical mold design technique would be grabbed through the project. The
problems arise when proceeding a project and how to make decision to overcome such difficulties are
expected as another outcome of the project.
As a vast and demanded scope the plant and layout design betakes us into deep and knowledge rich
observation. A typical knowledge about starting, continuing and maintaining of a production plant and
methodologies could be taken to achieve the target of the production, work improvement methods can be
used, economy approach of a production are several outcomes would be expected through the project.
(8.0)Proposed methodology.
2. Author, Bawiskar S. and White J.L (1998), Simulation of Heat Transfer and Melting in
Rotational Molding: pp. 62-67.
3. Author, Hentrich R. (1995). Mold Making Handbook for the Plastics Engineer: pp. 148-
5. Author, Chanda, M. and Roy, S.K. (1993). Plastics technology handbook; pp 370-
379,107-138,253-337. Marcel Dekker, Inc
6. Author,Ress,H.(2002).Moldengineering;pp14,15,109-117,279-294,393,394,583-
586,591,653 ,654. Hanaser Publishers, Munich.
11. Wytkin A. (1998 jan). Composite Mold Upgrades Rotomolding Process Control Mod.
Plastics : pp. 2-3
13. C.-H. Chen and J.L. White(1988). Guide to Warpage and Shrinkage of
Rotationally Molded Parts,paper presented at ARM Fall Meeting,
14. Crawford R.J. (1999)The Importance of Venting in Rotational Moulding,
Rotation: pp. 20-22
1.0 Objective 1
2.0 Introduction 1
3.0 Rotational Molding process. 2
3.1 Charging 2
3.2 Heating 2
3.3 Cooling 3
4.0 Polymer selecting 4
4.1 Incoming material evaluation 4
4.2 Additives used in Rotational molding 4
5.0 Mold design 5
5.1 Mold material selection 5
5.2 Mold frame 5
5.3 Parting line design 6
5.4 clamping design 6
5.5 Pry joints 6
5.6 Charge weight calculation 7
5.7 Mold surface finish 7
5.8 Mold release 7
6.0 Rotational molding Plant Design 8
6.1 Plant location analyze 8
6.2 Plant layout 8
6.3 Production process flow 8
6.4 Man power design 9
6.5 Safety consideration 9
6.6 Environmental Consideration 9
7.0 Expected Outcomes 10
8.0 Proposed methodology 10
9.0 References 11