ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) : The Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Programme

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The Zero Discharge of

Hazardous Chemicals Programme
ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


1. What is the purpose of the Wastewater Guidelines? ............................................... 3

2. Are the Wastewater Guidelines only for use by ZDHC Contributors?.................... 3

3. What is the impact of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines for: .................................. 3

a. Brands? .................................................................................................................................. 3
b. Factories?............................................................................................................................... 3
c. The Chemical Industry? ........................................................................................................ 4

4. Why has leather been excluded from the scope of the Wastewater Guidelines? . 4

5. Why has the production of raw materials been excluded from the scope of the
Wastewater Guidelines? ............................................................................................. 4

6. Are there any legal implications from the Wastewater Guidelines? ....................... 4

7. Some of the limit values are comparable to drinking water standards. Why is
ZDHC asking suppliers to treat their wastewater to such high standards? .......... 5

8. Which experts has ZDHC contacted to ensure the Wastewater Guidelines are
implementable?............................................................................................................ 5

9. How did ZDHC determine the limit values for: .......................................................... 5

a. Conventional Parameters...................................................................................................... 5
b. MRSL Parameters .................................................................................................................. 6

10. The Wastewater Guidelines cover a wide range of different facilities which
cannot necessarily be compared by wastewater types. Why do the Wastewater
Guidelines not differentiate according to the manufacturing process?................. 6

11. Is it possible to only use the part on conventional wastewater parameters?........ 6

12. Why has sludge been included in the scope of these Wastewater Guidelines? ... 6

13. Why are there no limit values set for sludge testing? .............................................. 7

14. When will sludge limit values be set? ........................................................................ 7

15. Do factories who already test their raw wastewater also need to test sludge?..... 7

16. What will be the cost associated with the testing of the water? ............................. 8

17. Who will pay for the testing cost? .............................................................................. 8

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

18. Will other brands accept wastewater test reports done in accordance with the
guidance? ..................................................................................................................... 8

19. What happens if a facility fails to meet the minimum requirements?..................... 8

20. Will ZDHC provide training on the Wastewater Guidelines? ................................... 8

21. Who can I contact for support if I want to improve my wastewater treatment
system?......................................................................................................................... 8

22. Why is ZDHC asking for testing of conventional wastewater parameters for
indirect discharge? ...................................................................................................... 9

23. A company is already uploading wastewater test reports on the IPE platform.
Does this company have to upload now to two platforms? .................................... 9

24. How do the Wastewater Guidelines relate to the Higg Index of the Sustainable
Apparel Coalition (SAC)? ............................................................................................ 9

25. When will the Wastewater Guidelines next be updated? ......................................... 9

26. What happens if a supplier does not agree to do the testing?................................ 9

27. Which laboratories can be used for the testing? .................................................... 10

28. Will the laboratories automatically upload the test results on the ZDHC Data &
Disclosure Platform? ................................................................................................. 10

29. How can I become a ZDHC accepted laboratory for the purpose of testing
wastewater?................................................................................................................ 10

30. In my country/region there is no accepted laboratory. What should I do? .......... 10

31. Why are the reporting limits for the ZDHC MRSL parameters in the Wastewater
Guideline not zero if the goal is to strive for zero discharge of hazardous
chemicals?.................................................................................................................. 10

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is the purpose of the Wastewater Guidelines?

The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines set a unified expectation on wastewater

quality for the textile and footwear industry – including reporting limits for
traditional and hazardous chemical parameters, and the frequency for
sampling and reporting. By doing so, the Wastewater Guidelines aim to
reduce the workload and cost faced by suppliers to satisfy multiple brand-
specific testing requirements.

2. Are the Wastewater Guidelines only for use by ZDHC Contributors?

The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines are freely available from the ZDHC
website and every actor within the textile and footwear value chain is
welcome to use it free of charge. To enable widespread industry adoption,
ZDHC encourages its contributors to adopt the Wastewater Guidelines within
their organisations.

ZDHC is also currently in discussion with the Sustainable Apparel Coalition,

the China National Textile & Apparel Coalition, the Institute of Public &
Environmental Affairs, the American Apparel and Footwear Association
(AAFA), as well as other brand consortia and environmental organisations to
adopt it.

3. What is the impact of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines for:

a. Brands?

As a result of having one harmonised set of wastewater parameters, limit

values and test methods, brands and suppliers will be working to the same
set of expectations. This means brands can become more productive from
an environmental sustainability perspective by sharing the workload to
manage shared suppliers and by spending more time on environmental
performance improvements.

b. Factories?

An aligned standard by brands for wastewater means that suppliers can use
one guidance document. The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines eliminate the
need for overlapping requirements and reduces the need for multiple tests
for various brands.

Following the three-level foundational, progressive, aspirational limits

approach, suppliers will also be able to demonstrate progress over time. By
aligning the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines to the ZDHC Manufacturing
Restricted Substances List (MRSL), the tests will inform the status of the

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

elimination of hazardous substances in input chemistry and manufacturing


c. The Chemical Industry?

The chemical industry will be challenged to supply process chemicals which

are free from ZDHC MRSL chemicals in order to meet the ambitious limit
values of the Wastewater Guidelines.

4. Why has leather been excluded from the scope of the Wastewater

The processing of leather requires different chemicals than the processing of

other materials used in the textile and footwear industry. Therefore, ZDHC
will be working with the leather industry on a leather specific version of these

5. Why has the production of raw materials been excluded from the scope of the
Wastewater Guidelines?

The processes and chemicals used for the production of raw materials (for
example polyester) varies widely depending on the raw material type. To
include a diverse set of raw materials would have resulted in a very broad
and complex set of guidelines.

The intent of the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines was to focus on parts of the
value chain that have the most immediate need for improvement. ZDHC may
consider issuing raw material specific guidance materials at a later stage.

6. Are there any legal implications from the Wastewater Guidelines?

The Wastewater Guidelines do not replace or supersede legislation. It is

each suppliers’ responsibility to ensure full compliance with local legislation.
Instead, the Wastewater Guidelines go beyond legal requirements,
especially as they pertain to the hazardous chemical section.

ZDHC will not inform any regulatory authority on failures. However, as the
facilities are always expected to be in legal compliance, if data is reported
that doesn’t meet these requirements, each facility should take action to
correct the problem and inform the relevant authorities.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

7. Some of the limit values are comparable to drinking water standards. Why is
ZDHC asking suppliers to treat their wastewater to such high standards?

ZDHC was founded on the mission to eliminate the use of hazardous

chemicals from the manufacturing processes within the textile and footwear

Even though low limits of those chemicals may be acceptable in wastewater

locally, many of those chemicals are persistent in the environment and
consequently build up over time. This building up of background
concentration may have a negative effect on the surrounding environment
and even human health. Therefore, ZDHC aims to replace those chemicals
with safer alternatives.

8. Which experts has ZDHC contacted to ensure the Wastewater Guidelines are

The Wastewater Guidelines were developed by ZDHC in conjunction with

external experts from the International Finance Corporation (IFC); bluesign
technologies; Dongua University Shanghai; Intertek Testing Services; Carollo
Engineers; and MWH Global.

As part of a public consultation period, over 300 comments were received

from organisations ranging from NGOs to industry associations to
international test-houses. These comments are available to view on the
ZDHC website.

9. How did ZDHC determine the limit values for:

a. Conventional Parameters

The limits for conventional wastewater parameters were mainly determined

by evaluating over 1000 wastewater test reports from the textile and footwear
industry. Foundational limit values were met by 90% of those test reports,
progressive limits by 50% of these test reports and aspirational limits by

Recognising that suppliers have the opportunity to improve the treatment

efficiencies of their wastewater treatment systems by training of personnel,
data collection and analysis, and possibly minor capital improvements,
ZDHC believes all suppliers have the potential to meet or exceed the limits
defined in the Wastewater Guidelines.

It is recommended that suppliers begin their journey toward aspirational

goals by focusing on the capacity of those they hire to operate and maintain
their wastewater treatment systems, and to collect the appropriate data

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

necessary to optimise those systems. It is expected that capital

improvements are a last resort.

b. MRSL Parameters

The MRSL or hazardous chemicals parameters were taken from the ZDHC
MRSL, a peer reviewed list of hazardous chemicals which can be eliminated
or replaced easily by existing alternative chemistry.

The reporting limits were provided by a consortium of four global test-houses

with experience in wastewater testing, namely Bureau Veritas, Intertek
Testing Services, SGS, and UL.

10. The Wastewater Guidelines cover a wide range of different facilities which
cannot necessarily be compared by wastewater types. Why do the
Wastewater Guidelines not differentiate according to the manufacturing

ZDHC acknowledges that processes in the textile and footwear industry can
sometimes differ and that therefore it is more difficult to meet the limit values
for some types of production (for example, residual antimony from polyester

Nevertheless, ZDHC believes that with effective training of personnel;

implementation of good operations and maintenance practices; and the
proper use of commercially-available technology, all processes in scope of
the Wastewater Guidelines can meet the limit values.

The limit values will be reviewed periodically to ensure practical

implementation is feasible, but also with the clear aim to prevent damage to
the environment and/or human health.

11. Is it possible to only use the part on conventional wastewater parameters?

Facilities who wish to start implementing the Wastewater Guidelines with

conventional wastewater parameters first are welcome to do so.

12. Why has sludge been included in the scope of these Wastewater Guidelines?

Sludge is a by-product of many types of wastewater treatment systems and it

was therefore determined to be an important parameter to sample and
test. By including sludge in the scope of the Wastewater Guidelines, ZDHC
can assist to ensure there is zero discharge of hazardous chemicals from the
key pathways out of the wastewater treatment system.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

In addition, as almost all facilities generating sludge from their wastewater

treatment systems are currently required by law or permit to sample and test
the sludge to determine if it classifies as hazardous or non-hazardous prior to
disposal, testing sludge for the ZDHC MRSL chemistries is not expected to
be a significant burden.

13. Why are there no limit values set for sludge testing?

Unlike wastewater testing, where ZDHC could draw from a large number of
existing test reports, there are not enough test reports on MRSL parameters
in sludge currently available to allow for a representative sample that could
be evaluated to set limit values.

Sludge was added as a response to a process of public consultation, and

therefore adequate time was not given to set appropriate limit values without
further research.

14. When will sludge limit values be set?

The development of meaningful, realistic and also scientifically accurate

sludge limit values will be a priority for 2017.

With the inclusion of sludge testing in the scope of the Wastewater

Guideline, the focus area aims to create a representative sample of sludge
test reports which can help with the setting of sludge limit values at a later

15. Do factories who already test their raw wastewater also need to test sludge?

The inclusion of sludge in the scope of the Wastewater Guideline was a

reaction to public comments that ZDHC MRSL restricted chemicals could be
removed from the wastewater during wastewater treatment via the sludge.

ZDHC’s Technical Advisory Committee confirmed that this is indeed a likely

scenario. Therefore, the ZDHC focus area has agreed on two options to
avoid missing MRSL chemicals in the testing program:
Scenario A: Testing of raw wastewater
Scenario B: Testing of sludge

Facilities who are already testing raw wastewater will not be required to test
sludge as well. However, ZDHC encourages facilities to engage in sludge
testing in order to receive a complete picture of the potential discharge of
hazardous chemicals via sludge and also to support the development of
respective limit values for sludge.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

16. What will be the cost associated with the testing of the water?

For facilities which produce materials for more than one ZDHC contributor,
the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines align the sampling and testing of all ZDHC
contributors, and eliminate the need for brand-specific testing. It is expected
that this will result in a net savings for these shared facilities.

17. Who will pay for the testing cost?

The facility producing the material.

18. Will other brands accept wastewater test reports done in accordance with the

It is the explicit goal and expectation of ZDHC and its contributors that they
will accept the tests done in accordance with the ZDHC Wastewater
Guidelines instead of asking for individual and customised sampling and
testing methods, and reporting limits.

19. What happens if a facility fails to meet the minimum requirements?

The facility will have the chance to take corrective measures and apply for
re-testing. If the re-testing is also failing the minimum requirements, the
facility is expected to inform their customers and upload a corrective action
plan to the ZDHC portal.

20. Will ZDHC provide training on the Wastewater Guidelines?

ZDHC is working with training providers to provide training materials to

support the Wastewater Guidelines. However, those materials may not be
available immediately after the release of the guidance document.

21. Who can I contact for support if I want to improve my wastewater treatment

There are a number of qualified service providers specialised in the

improvement of wastewater treatment systems. For ZDHC contributors, we
encourage them to contact their brand representative or main contact for an
individual list.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

22. Why is ZDHC asking for testing of conventional wastewater parameters for
indirect discharge?

ZDHC acknowledges facilities that have indirect discharge will have different
agreements with the receiving wastewater treatment plants or local
authorities on the quality of their wastewater discharges. However, ZDHC
still recognises the need for indirect dischargers to be compliant to those limit

23. A company is already uploading wastewater test reports on the IPE platform.
Does this company have to upload now to two platforms?

ZDHC is collaborating with IPE, with the aim of a collaborative exchange of

wastewater and sludge testing data going forward. Until this data
collaboration is realised, a facility providing material to ZDHC contributors
require reporting to IPE should continue to upload their test data on both
portals. (Note: the vast majority of the parameters asked for testing are
rather similar for both portals.)

24. How do the Wastewater Guidelines relate to the Higg Index of the Sustainable
Apparel Coalition (SAC)?

The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines and the SAC efforts are complementary.
The ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines will be integrated into the Higg Index
Environmental Facilities Module (Version 3.0) of the Sustainable Apparel
Coalition. The Higg 3.0 will be a method for validating whether or not a
facility has completed their testing and reporting per the ZDHC Wastewater

25. When will the Wastewater Guidelines next be updated?

ZDHC aims to update the Wastewater Guidelines after 12 months from the
date of release.

26. What happens if a supplier does not agree to do the testing?

It will be up to individual ZDHC contributors (or even outside ZDHC) to

encourage a broad coverage of their value chain to do the testing.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

27. Which laboratories can be used for the testing?

There are four global laboratory testing networks that have contributed to the
development of the Wastewater Guidelines and also confirmed their
capability to test the listed parameters. There will likely be additional
laboratory networks that are able to provide this testing. Each facility has the
option to use the laboratory of their choice as long as this laboratory meets
the minimum criteria listed in the guideline.

28. Will the laboratories automatically upload the test results on the ZDHC Data &
Disclosure Platform?

Individual laboratories will offer an automatic upload to the platform. It will be

up to the facilities to enquire prior to testing on the capability of their
laboratories to do so.

29. How can I become a ZDHC accepted laboratory for the purpose of testing

If you want to be registered as a ZDHC accepted laboratory, please contact

ZDHC directly via the ZDHC website.

30. In my country/region there is no accepted laboratory. What should I do?

If you encounter difficulties finding an accepted laboratory in your region,

please contact ZDHC directly via the ZDHC website.

31. Why are the reporting limits for the ZDHC MRSL parameters in the
Wastewater Guideline not zero if the goal is to strive for zero discharge of
hazardous chemicals?

ZDHC’s mission is to advance towards zero discharge of hazardous

chemicals in the textile and footwear value chain to improve the environment
and peoples’ well-being.
One of the largest challenges to achieve zero is the ability of laboratories
around the world to consistently measure low limits. The reporting limits for
ZDHC MRSL parameters are not zero, but are limits – developed with the
help of several analytical laboratories with a global presence – that can be
achieved and move the industry towards the goal of zero discharge.
The expectation is that as innovation and technology development result in
more sensitive analytical methods; techniques; and equipment, the reporting
limits will be revised directionally toward zero.

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ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Furthermore, certain MRSL chemicals may be contained as unintentional

impurities in process chemicals. While it is the declared target of ZDHC and
its contributors to eliminate impurities, it is also not realistic to expect
chemical companies to use pharmaceutical grade pure chemicals for
industrial purposes.

32. Why are the limits set by ZDHC referring to concentration limits and not to the
overall load of a certain pollutant? Is this not penalising facilities with high
water recycling rates?
ZDHC acknowledges that facilities with high wastewater recycling rates
concentrate the pollutants in the remaining wastewater stream. Therefore,
ZDHC has considered adding pollution load factors rather than concentration
limits into the Wastewater Guidelines.
However, the calculation of pollution loads is complex and requires good
data on water consumption and material output. The ZDHC Wastewater
Guidelines want to set a simple and unified wastewater quality expectation. It
was therefore decided to set limits based on concentrations, while at the
same time prohibiting dilution of wastewater for the purpose of lowering
concentrations of a certain pollutant.
Should individual facilities believe they are unable to meet the concentration
limits set due to their very efficient water recycling programs, ZDHC invites
those facilities to contact their ZDHC contributing representatives for further

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