3.1.3 Halogens: Trend in Melting Point and Boiling Point
3.1.3 Halogens: Trend in Melting Point and Boiling Point
3.1.3 Halogens: Trend in Melting Point and Boiling Point
3 Halogens
Fluorine (F2): very pale yellow gas. It is highly reactive
All halogens exist as Chlorine : (Cl2) greenish, reactive gas, poisonous in high concentrations
diatomic molecules Bromine (Br2) : red liquid, that gives off dense brown/orange poisonous fumes
Iodine (I2) : shiny grey solid sublimes to purple gas.
A halogen that is more reactive will displace The reactivity of the halogens decreases down the group
a halogen that has a lower reactivity from one as the atoms get bigger with more shielding so they less
of its compounds easily attract and accept electrons. They therefore form -1
ions less easily down the group
know these
Chlorine will displace both bromide and iodide ions; bromine will displace iodide ions
observations !
Chlorine (aq) Bromine (aq) Iodine (aq) The colour of the solution in
the test tube shows which free
potassium Very pale green Yellow solution, no Brown solution, halogen is present in solution.
chloride (aq) solution, no reaction no reaction Chlorine =very pale green
reaction solution (often colourless),
potassium Yellow solution, Cl Yellow solution, no Brown solution, Bromine = yellow solution
bromide (aq) has displaced Br reaction no reaction Iodine = brown solution
(sometimes black solid
potassium Brown solution, Cl Brown Solution, Br Brown Solution,
iodide (aq) has displaced I has displaced I no reaction
Explanation of reactivity
Chlorine is more reactive than bromine because it will Cl2(aq) + 2Br – (aq) 2Cl – (aq) + Br2(aq)
gain an electron and form a negative ion more easily than
bromine. The is because an atom of chlorine is smaller Cl2(aq) + 2I – (aq) 2Cl – (aq) + I2(aq)
than bromine and the outermost shell of chlorine is less Br2(aq) + 2I – (aq) 2Br – (aq) + I2(aq)
shielded than bromine so the electron to be gained is
attracted more strongly to the nucleus in chlorine than
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2. The disproportionation reactions of chlorine.
Chlorine is used in water treatment to kill bacteria. It has been used to treat drinking water and the water in
swimming pools. The benefits to health of water treatment by chlorine by its killing of bacteria outweigh its
risks of toxic effects and possible risks from formation of chlorinated hydrocarbons .
Cl2,(and Br2, I2) in aqueous solutions will react with cold sodium hydroxide. The chlorine is reacting by
disproportionation. The colour of the halogen solution will fade to colourless
The mixture of NaCl and NaClO (sodium chlorate (I)) is used as Bleach and to disinfect/ kill bacteria
This reaction is used as a test to identify which halide ion The role of nitric acid is to react with any carbonates
is present. The test solution is made acidic with nitric present to prevent formation of the precipitate
acid, and then Silver nitrate solution is added drop Ag2CO3. This would mask the desired observations
wise. 2 HNO3 + Na2CO3 2 NaNO3 + H2O + CO2
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