Master of Business Administration: Summer Internship Programm Report ON

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Sawangi Meghe, Wardha.

[15/05/2020 TO 15/07/2020]

Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur (M.S.)

Ms. Poonam A. Kapse


Dr. Shailesh Kediya

…… ……….





Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha.
Off: 07152 -287893, 287894, Principal Office : 07152-287891. Fax 07152-287892
E-mail : Principal _dmietr@yahoo.Com, Web site :

Department of Business Management

This is to certify that Ms.POONAM A. KAPSE a bonafide student of M.B.A. Semester III
from Department of Business Management, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology
and Research, Wardha for the Session 2020-21, has completed her Summer Internship
Programme at Biomedical Engineer Department, Acharya Vinobha Bhave Rural Hospital
Sawangi(Meghe),Wardha under the guidance of Dr. Shailesh Kediya , Faculty Department of
Business Management, DMIETR, Wardha and under the guidance of Mr. Bipin Mokal sir,
HOD (BMED) ,Acharya Vinobha Bhave Rural Hospital Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha.

This is bonafide work done by him in the session as per the initiative of Department of
Business Management, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering Technology & Research,
Salod(Hirapur), Wardha.

Dr. Shailesh O. Kediya Mr. Bipin Mokal

DMIETR, Wardha AVBRH, Sawangi,Wardha

Dr. Shailesh O. Kediya Dr. Prasanna Zade

(HOD-MBA) Principal
DMIETR, Wardha DMIETR, Wardha

Date :16/07/2020
Place :Wardha.

There is always a sense of gratitude towards the people who have helped me in Summer
Internship. I am indebted to all who have directly & indirectly helped me in completing the
Summer Internship. I am thankful to our institute for giving me this marvelous opportunity.

I am sincerely grateful to Mr. Bipin Mokal sir Biomedical Engineer Department, Acharya
Vinobha Bhave Rural Hospital Sawangi(Meghe),Wardha gave me opportunity to work in this
organization. I take this opportunity to thanks to all technical officers for imparting valuable

I also take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to to Dr. Prasanna Zade, Principle
of Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering Technology and Research, Salod, Wardha for making
all facilities available for my work.

I am thankful to Dr. Shailesh Kediya, Head of Department of Business Management (MBA)

and to thank my Guide Dr. Shailesh Kediya, Training and Placement Coordinator for their
guidance and encouragement and support to shape this work in a systematic way.

I also like to express my gratitude to my colleagues, parents, faculties & others who have directly
& indirectly help me in many ways to make this project possible.


( MBA 2nd YEAR )


I here by declare that the SUMMER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM with AVBRH Sawangi, Wardha
is original work done by me.

The content of this report are based on the information collected by me from various sources, under the
guidance of my industrial Guide Mr. Bipin Mokal sir.(HOD,BMED),Sawangi(Meghe).

The Project is being submitted for the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree
of MBA (Master of Business Administration) from R.T.M Nagpur University, at Department of Business
Management, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering Technology and Research, Salod (Hirapur), Wardha.

Date: Poonam Ashok Kapse

Place: Wardha

Sr.No Chapter Page no.

Certificate of Project Guide 1

Acknowledgement 2

Declaration 3

Introduction 4
1.1 Company Profile

2 Summer Internship Programme Objectives & Duration 5

3 Work Experience
3.1 Work Profile given by company
3.2 Work Performed by Intern 6 to 16
3.3. Analysis of Summer Internship Programme
3.4 Inventory Management

4 Learning from Summer Internship Programme 17

5 Conclusions 18

6 Certificate of SIP 19

1.1 Company Profile:

Acharya Vinoba Bhave Rural Hospital (AVBRH),Sawangi(Meghe) is a 1500 bedded fully
equipped teaching hospital attached to the medical college with state of the art facilities. It also
acts as the teaching hospital for the Dental, Nursing and Physiotherapy colleges which are located
in the same campus.

Its motto is “cure with care” .

It is certainly living up to the same with the help of its dedicated team of highly qualified, skilled
and experienced doctors and technicians. In spite of it being located away from a major city.

It offers super specialty treatment in the form of advanced surgeries such as renal transplant ,
joint replacement, corneal transplant, endoscopies and laparoscopic surgeries, neuro and spinal
surgeries , maxillofacial and plastic surgeries as well as Onco-surgery to name a few.

It is backed by the latest medical, imaging and diagnostic equipments such as color Doppler,
CT scan,MRI, high precision monitors, which are upgraded periodically to keep pace with the
latest advancements in the field of medicine.

It is also equipped with an ultra modern operation theatre complex with attached ICU, ICCU,
Surgical ICU, Pediatric ICU, Medicine ICU, Cathlab ICU, CVTS ICU and Neonatal ICUs having
all the necessary equipments as Multipara monitors, Central monitoring system, Pulse oximeter,
Bipap machine, ECG Machine, x- ray machine and Ventilators for providing the best possible
treatment to the patient and also gives the best environment to the aspiring doctors to excel in their

Another feather has been added to its cap with the inauguration of the ‘Cardiac Centre’ on the 5th of
April 2010 which offers all surgeries related to the heart including angioplasty, open heart surgery,
by-pass surgery etc.

This showcases the talent and expertise of this Deemed University. This comprehensive tertiary

level hospital is fast developing into a referral centre of central India.

This is the first of its kind in Wardha and is benefitting thousands of patients of Wardha and
neighboring districts.

 To provide a database for planning.

 To provide the highest possible quality of medical and nursing care for an
admitted patient.
 To make provision for essential equipments, drugs and all other items
required for patient care in an organization manner.
 To provide most comfortable and desirable environment on temporary
substitution for home.
 To facilitate the visit of attendants and visitors.
 To perform epidemiologic research.
 The main objectives of these guidelines is to prevent the health care workers
and the environment from the transmission of infections.
 Facilities, equipment and procedure necessary to implement standard
 Cleaning, disinfecting and reprocessing of reusable equipment.
 To provide the atmosphere and facilities for highest degree of job
satisfaction of nursing and medical staff and high level patient satisfaction.
 Another important objective was to approach people from nearby different
areas and find out their preferences of hospital and their reason for such
 To find out whether any improvement required in AVBRH hospitals in
terms of schemes or healthcare packages as well as in treatment of facilities
provided by AVBRH hospital.

My summer internship program was conducted for two month. My SIP was
from 15 may to 15 July. There I was working under Mr. Bipin Mokal sir.

3.1 Work experience given by company

Biomedical Engineering Department :

The goal of biomedical equipment management is to provide electrically safe, calibrated

and well-functioning equipment with the purpose of delivering best healthcare for patients
and to present the best cost effective manner of maintaining equipment in a hospital. The
more effective the management is, the less the chances of inconveniences caused by
malfunctioning of equipment will occur. Similarly, the better a hospitals equipment are
taken care of, it presents a logical solution from the point of financial, technical and
customer-centric feasibility. A biomedical engineer, basically, is an equipment manager,
whose job is to provide the end-users or clinical staff with medical equipment.

The inventory of medical equipment is used in conjunction with inventories of additional

supportive assets, such as consumables, spare parts, and testing and safety tools and
equipment. Inclusion of equipment in an inventory is decided through a risk-based analysis
in order to ensure appropriate time and resource allocation, and to eliminate unnecessary
work. The health-care facility decides on the level of detail of data to be included in its
inventory, in order to satisfy its own requirements and according to its own capabilities.
Medical equipment management programme, such as planning preventive maintenance
activities and tracking work orders; and to plan the stock of spare parts and consumables.
The inventory may also be used to support equipment needs assessment within the health-
care facility and to record the purchase, receipt, retirement and discarding of equipment.
Facility risk analysis and mitigation, and emergency and disaster planning, are also
supported by an inventory.

Biomedical Equipments :
Role of the Biomedical Engineering Department:

The role of the Biomedical Engineering Department in a hospital is to manage the

hospital’s medical equipment accessories. Inventory of medical equipment spare evaluates
the equipment that is present in a hospital, and also, provides with details such as model
and quantity etc. of medical equipment. Mostly, medical equipment inventories are
managed at the organizational level. Small facilities, like healthcare clinics might update
the inventories less frequently because in these facilities, the quantity of medical equipment
accessories is lesser than what would be expected of a full-fledged hospital.

Managing medical equipments spare and accessories properly and efficiently, ultimately
ensures that health care services are presented in a secured and successful manner. For this
purpose primarily, it is important to create an inventory for managing medical equipment’s.
Inventory is basically a working document that is inspected and updated at regular time
intervals in order to provide precise information about the said medical asset.

The type of inventory applied depends on the type, size and culture of an organization. An
inventory’s length is based on information inserted in it and the role it plays for department
as well as the users of the particular facility. There are various medical equipment that need
consumables and accessories depending upon the service to be performed. To keep a record
of all these items, facilities have a separate inventory.

Biomedical Equipment Inventory:

3.2 Work performed by inter:

In Biomedical engineering department my work has been signed by Mr. Bipin Mokal sir.
My work time is 9 am to 5 pm (Mon to Fri). Mr. Bipin Mokal sir given duty to check
medical equipment inventory and inventory for numbers of equipment. I have to figure out
various issue related to each medical equipment inventory. My duty is to check medical
equipment accessaries. But generally biomedical department equipment inventory shortest
is very rarer. But some medical equipment have issue for inventory. They have issue like
company inventory shortest problem, requirement problem, transport problem, store
process problem, technology problem, fearless problem, new implantation problem,
duration time for requirement.
For example, for one day there is 15 equipment inventory complaints in biomedical
department and 12 inventory complaint solved and 3 complaint not solved. But in some
case there will be 3 complaint not solved. They have reason like equipment inventory.

3.3 Analysis of Summer Internship Programme:

The survey performed just to know the reasons behind fall in medical equipment inventory.
Schemes as well as other healthcare packages, its benefits and usefulness were studied
during survey.
I have observed all the important department of AVBRH in a separate group. I also
have observed Technicision, Engineers, staff & Doctors as well. I have interacted with
many patients in informal way. I have also seen premises of AVBRH I found that there is
no speck of dust i.e. clean premises. I also found that many patients come from the village
area / remote area.
There were 11 main departments. Number of questionnaires was prepared to know
the feedbacks of Technicision, Engineers, staff & doctors as well.
On the daily basis I have check various department for the requirement of equipment
inventory. I analysis each inventory in details. I get reason behind for required inventory.
Then I analysis issue related to each equipment inventory and solve easily.
3.4 Inventory Managemrnt

Inventory of medical equipment accessries evaluates the equipment that is present in a

hospital, and also, provides with details such as model and quantity etc. of medical
equipment. Mostly, medical equipment inventories are managed at the organizational
level. Small facilities, like healthcare clinics might update the inventories less frequently
because in these facilities, the quantity of medical equipment is lesser than what would be
expected of a full-fledged hospital .

Managing Medical Equipment Spares & Accessories inventory:

Table 1: A sample of the equipment inventory in Biomedical Engineering Department.
Included in inventory Explanation
Equipment Identification number Specific number for each equipment from which it is
identified labeled by organization
Item/Equipment type Describes the item/equipment. For example ECG
machine, MRI machine etc.
Equipment Description Brief definition and function of medical equipment
is inserted
Item/Equipment model number Specific identification model of medical equipment.
For example, Aplio 400 and Aplio 500 are two
different models of ultrasound machine
Equipment Manufacturer Manufacturer’s name, contact details and address are
added in inventory as required by facility
Serial Number Identification number of a medical equipment
assigned by manufacturer
Location of medical equipment Location of each medical equipment is specified to
show where it is kept in facility
Current status of medical equipment This column of inventory shows the current state of
medical equipment like under service, out of service,
waiting for spare parts, beyond repair etc.
Inventory’s update record These dates show when, why and what was updated
in inventory last time
Power Needs Each equipment is having its own needs for power.
In the column, power needs are specified.
For example 110V, 220V, 380V and 3 phase

Operating costs of medical equipment can be classified as follows:

1. Consumables costs (related to spares parts, consumables such as ECG paper and Gel),

a. biomedical spare parts and accessories, which includes main board, chassis parts,
monitor parts,
b. biomedical consumables, which include gels, solutions, printer rolls etc.

2. Service and maintenance costs (such as AMC, calibration etc.) and

3. Other costs like condemnation/ disposal costs.
 Spare Image & Detail:

• X-Ray: Collimator bulb, lead apron

• C-arm: hose pipes, castor wheels, control switch
• Ultrasound machine: Gel, thermal printer paper, Probes
• Ventilators: flow sensors, Patient circuit, O2 sensor, test lung, bacteria filter
• Anesthesia machine: Drugs (isoflurane, sevoflurane etc.), Patient circuit, Bain circuit,
etco2 sensor, O2 sensor, flow sensor, soda lime, test lung
• Defibrillator: Gel, ECG electrodes, ECG cables, printer roll, batteries
• ECG: ECG gel, ECG electrodes, ECG cable, clamps, ECG printer paper
• Patient monitors : saturation probe, NIBP cuff, ECG cable, SPO2 probe, ECG lead-sets,
ECG Extensions, NIBP cuff connectors, NIBP hose, Temperature sensor, IBP Cable,
Batteries, Rubber bulb, control valve, rubber bag, cloth bag for BP apparatus
• Fumigator: Carbon brush, fumigation liquid
• Autoclaves: Heater coil, silicon gasket
• Infant Warmer: Skin temperature probe, air temperature probe, heater coil
• Phototherapy: LED/ CFL Bulbs
• Diathermy: Grounding pad, palm heating pad, cable, gel, foot-switch, unipolar & bipolar
 Graphical Representation Technology:

On the basis of technology complexity, purchase cost and service-maintenance

requirements of medical equipment, we can divide all equipment / devices in four groups/
levels as follows:
1. High technology – Radiotherapy, Diagnostic Radiology Devices etc.,
2. Medium technology – Anesthesia, Ventilator, Dialysis Systems, etc. This group needs
continuous maintenance and certain parts replacement by only specialized technical staff.
3. Low-technology – Vitals monitoring and measurement equipment such as ECG, Patient
monitors, etc.,
4. Simple technology – nebulizers, aspirators, oxygen therapy devices, etc. that can be
even used at home by non-medical people.

 For most of the equipment preventive maintenance needs to be done twice-a-year.

 In case of critical care equipment like ventilators and anesthesia machine thrice-a-
year is recommended. Yearly calibration or quality assurance checks must be done
for most of the low/medium/high technology level items.
 Hence the cost of AMC/CMC and calibration services must be accordingly
assumed for each of the equipment.

 Most commonly required spares & accessories

 Maximum consumables and accessories requirements come from the Critical Care
equipment falling in the medium/low technology categories.
Biomedical Engineering Department in AVBRH HOSPITAL :

The role of Biomedical Engineering Department in a hospital is to manage the medical

equipment. Biomedical engineering department of AVBRH Hospital provides in-house facilities
and services. Biomedical engineering department is directly connected to patients via medical
equipment that favor in diagnostics, lifesaving and curing patients. Biomedical engineering
regulation in AVBRH Hospital is proportionate with the modern technology when it comes to
medical equipment. Management does not only refer to repair or maintenance of medical
equipment, there are certain roles given below that biomedical engineering department perform in
management of medical equipment:

 Classifying medical equipment according to complexity .

• Requesting and recommending the purchase of new equipment

• Scheduling planned preventive maintenance and calibrations of medical equipment

• Plan the life cycle and determine the life span of medical equipment

• To suggest up-gradations from time to time with the aim of keeping the equipment
up to date as compared to market

• Schedule the medical equipment’s operational and service trainings for end-users
and biomedical engineering staff

• Request for test tolls and calibration tools for maintaining the medical equipment
more efficiently

• Propose normalization of equipment to reduce the costs from maintenance and

trainings after procurement

• Decide what spare parts and accessories are to be kept in stock to be used when
required for servicing medical equipment .
There are a set of major and minor issues faced by a biomedical engineering
department in the hospital and these are discussed in more elaborate in the coming part.

1.1. Minor Problems

Often, the maintenance labels to indicate the due for service of an equipment is missed.
This, although a minor issue, accumulates to present a much larger problem in regards to
the maintenance of the highly valuable and sensitive equipment.

Another issue that is problematic is that documents that get filed wrongly. It is an issue of
documents not being kept in order and correctly by staff members and their coordination.
This issue then gives way for the other minor issue which relates to team coordination and
whether personnel are communicating with each other clearly and fulfilling each of their
duties instead of assuming that the person previous or after would be filing/labeling the
said documents for each equipment.

1.2. Major Problems

The following mentioned are larger issues that are apparent and prevalent within the
organization. Errors while managing medical equipment inventory, which is considered to
be a significant problem that can result in the equipment being damaged, used incorrectly
and causing financial and mental distress to all stakeholders.

Calibrations of equipment can also prove to be of issue due to some of the medical
equipment’s that cannot be done in a correct and timely manner due to lack of testing tools
that are particularly meant for the equipment in question.
4. Learning from Summer Internship Programme

It was quiet experience to work under BME HOD Mr. BIPIN MOKAL sir. As I
have given a research in AVBRH hospital, I have learnt many things, Discussed

 I learnt how to perform research and how to make plans for conducting
 I learnt how to make questionnaires and how to get questionnaires filled
from respondents.
 I learnt how to interact with the patients, doctors as well as staffs and to go
through their opinions, suggestions and their complaints.
 I learnt how to analyze the questionnaires and also how to store the
information in the form of excel sheet.
 I learnt how to prepare and present the report of research in the form of
graphs and how to interpret them.
 I learnt how to utilize the resources to get feedback of respondents so as to
find the root cause of the problem.

 The Biomedical Department is the most important in AVBRH Hospital.

 All the doctors & Staff in the hospital co-opetate with biomedical department.

 Biomedical Engineering Department is managing the equipment inventory on

Microsoft Excel Worksheets.

 The analysis was performed to observe where exactly the issues faced by Biomedical
Engineering Department are centered around.

 Computerized system software is the need of the hour for managing biomedical
equipment’s. This will save many man-hours and also make the system more

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