Toothpaste Production

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The document discusses a research project report on consumer preferences for oral healthcare. It provides context on the research topic, objectives, methodology, findings and conclusions.

The research project report is about conducting a study on consumer preference towards oral health care.

The report provides information on the certification, declaration, acknowledgment and plagiarism free certification sections. It also outlines some of the objectives and scope of the research.




Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of

Degree of Master of Business Administration

Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Submitted by


Roll no: 1712470089

MBA (Batch 2017-19), 4th Semester

Under the guidance of

Associate Professor





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Institute of Co-operative & Corporate Management, Researc

and Training
467, Sector-21, Ring Road, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226016

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467] lsDVj&21] fjax jksM] bfUnjkuxj] y[kuÅ&226016

Date: -


This is to certify that PRACHI JAISWAL, a student of Master of Business

Date: -
Administration (MBA) Programme (Batch 2017-19) at this Institute has conducted a research
CARE” under my guidance during the 4th semester. The report has been prepared towards partial
fulfillment for the award of MBA degree from Uttar Pradesh Technical University. The research
project report is the original contribution of the student.

The research project report is hereby recommended and forwarded for evaluation.


Associate Professor

(Faculty Mentor)


I PRACHI JAISWAL, a student of Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme

from the Institute of Co- operative & Corporate Management Research and Training,

Lucknow hereby declare that all the information, facts and figures used in this research


CARE” have been collected by me. I also declare that this project report has been prepared

by me and the same has never been submitted by the undersigned either in part or in full to

any other University or Institute or published earlier.

This information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


MBA (Batch 2017-19)



This is to certify that research project detailed below has been evaluated by online anti –

plagiarism software. The contained and material was found satisfactory and within the

permissible limit of control copied.

Name of the student – Prachi Jaiswal

Roll Number- 1712470089

Program and Batch –

M BA (2017-19) 4th Semester




I express my deepest sense of gratitude the God almighty for the abundant blessing without which the

study would have never seen light of the day.

I hereby acknowledge my sincere gratitude to the Uttar Pradesh Technical University and the

Management for giving me an opportunity to undergo MBA Degree Course and to undertake this

project work successfully. I express my thanks to the Director Rajeev Yadav of Institute of

Cooperative & Corporate Management, Research & Training, Lucknow, Principal Dr. Avinash D.

Parthdikar of Institute of Cooperative & Corporate Management, Research & Training, Lucknow for

extending his support.

I owe my reverential gratitude to my faculty guide Bhoomika Trehan, Associate Professor, for his

valuable guidance and suggestions rendered at each stage of the project.

Last, but not Least I would like to acknowledge the wholehearted support of my parents, faculties, and

friends who helped me at various stages in completing this work successfully.


MBA (Batch 2017-19)

Roll. No. 1712470089


In our two year degree program of M.B.A, there is a provision for doing research
work in the specialization in last semester. The essential purpose of this project is to give an
exposure and detailed outlook of the practical concepts. For this purpose I was assigned the

This has given me an altogether new experience, which I believe, would be immense help
in my days to come. The project was Informative, interesting and inspiring.

I hope the readers would find the information found in this report useful and


S.No. Topic Name Page No.












8. ANNEXURE 74-77


The concept of marketing has undergone tremendous change with the advance in science and

technology, with the vast and fast communication networks, the awareness of the consumer

about anything now is at higher state. The consumers now-a-days are quite aware of the

distinguishing characteristics among the different brands of a particular product i.e. the brand

characteristics. The marketers are also making efforts to incline and to stimulate the buyer's

motives through advertisements to corner a good share in the market. Traditionally the

concept of marketing was limited to the sales function only without any regard to the

consumer needs and satisfactions. But with the increase in competition it becomes very

difficult to achieve the sales target without much emphasis upon the actual consumer needs

and means to satisfy the need. In this regard peter drucker has rightly observed that "customer

is the purpose of business and keeps it in existence". If the purpose of business is to create

and keep customers, it is imperative and to must be the focal point of all the business

activities. Thus for attracting and retaining customers, many factors like brand name, physical

appearance, price promotional aspects all are playing a very important role. Out of that factor,

Brand plays an important role of creating identification and differentiation within products

and services for consumers (Hem and Iversen, 2003). It means that brand is reference that

consumers recognize considers in their purchase decisions; and it also provides a medium for

marketers to target and engage with their customers.

The toothpaste history in India can be tracked back from 1975. In the last few decades the

toothpaste industry in India has shown impressive growth. Now it becomes one of the

country’s largest consumer markets. Day by day it is becoming very competitive. Also day by

day the user of toothpaste is growing at a very rapid pace. Advertising is the only and most

important promotional method followed by all toothpaste companies in India. The individual

toothpaste company appeals individually in their advertising, either with any special features
like better cleaning action ability, good flavor or any special medicinal factor present in their

brand etc.

It is amazingly revealed that Indian toothpaste industries are being segmented not only on the

basis of prices and benefits but also it is characterized by heterogeneity in consumers’

response to the marketing mix into more homo-geneous submarkets. All brands of

toothpastes available in the market offer a tremendous to study the concept of brand

positioning in the market. In the context of market segmentation of toothpaste (R.I. Haley,

1968) has developed a market segment description. According to him, the toothpaste market

has four major identifiable segments namely; one particularly concerned with "tooth decay

preservation", one with "brightness of teeth", one with flavor and one with price Besides

these some toothpaste companies give importance only upon the hygienic value such as

Vicco- Vajordanti, Dabur and Neem and thus try to attract the more health sensitive people.

On the other hand, toothpastes like Close-up, Colgate and Pepsodent gives emphasis upon the

higher class people as well as self esteemed people. So, people using these brands feel higher

in status and their performance is more psychological.

Purchasing preference is stated as the behaviour that consumer display in searching for,

purchasing, using, evaluating, and disposing of products, services and ideas that they expect

will satisfy their needs. The study of consumer behaviour is concerned not only with what

consumers buy, but also with why they buy it, when and how they buy it, and how often they

buy it. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that products hold for consumers.

Consumer research takes places at every phase of consumption process, before the purchase,

during the purchase and after the purchase. According to Philip Kotler defined consumer

behaviour as “all psychological, social and physical behaviour of potential customers as they

become aware of evaluate, purchase, consume and tell other about products and services”.

The scope of consumer behaviour includes not only the actual buyer and his act of buying but

also various roles played by different individuals and the influence they exert on the final

purchase decision .Individual consumer behaviour is influenced by economic, social, cultural,

psychological, and personal factors.

Consumer is king’ –the statement carries profound truth in it. Today the success of any

firm depends upon the satisfaction of consumers. For satisfying the consumers the firm

should know about the behaviour of the consumers.

Consumer Purchase decision

A decision is the selection of an action from two or more alternative choices. Consumer

decision to purchase the goods from the available alternative choice is known as “consumer

purchase decision”. The various options of the consumer may be classified into five main

types of decisions. They are what to buy, how much to buy, where to buy, when to buy, how

to buy. The participants in the buying decisions may be classified as the initiator, influencer,

decider, buyer and users. The marketing people should initiate the participants in the purchase

decision to make the purchases of the product at different marketing strategies. There are

number of reasons why the study of consumer behaviour developed as separate discipline.

Marketers had long noted that consumer did not always act or react, as marketing theory

would suggest. The size of the consumer market in the country was vast and constantly

expanding millions of dollars were being spent on goods and services by millions of people.

Consumer preferences were changing and becoming highly diversified.


Many people in India still clean their teeth with traditional products like Neem twigs, salt,

ash, tobacco or other herbal ingredients. Average all India per capita consumption of

toothpaste is a dismal 82gms.The dentist to population ratio is a critically low 1:35000 in the

country. This results in low oral hygiene consciousness and widespread dental diseases. Less

than 15% of the Indian toothpaste users brush twice a day. Colgate and Hindustan Lever

together account for over 85% of the organized toothpaste market. Red and Black

toothpowder still accounts for 35% of the toothpowder market. In toothpowders, Colgate and

Dabur are the leading players sharing between them 75% of the market

The oral care market in India is estimated to be Rs 4,400-crore. Toothpaste, for the record is

estimated to be Rs 3,200 crore in size. Colgate Palmolive is the leader in Indian toothpaste

market having a market share of 50% in 2009. HUL follows with 28%. HUL’s brand Close-

Up has a market share of 17% and Pepsodent 11%, according to AC Nielsen data. Dabur is

enjoying 10% market share. From past few years the toothpaste market is restructuring &

market share of different players are changing. Since 2007-08, analysts said HUL has lost 8-

10% market share in oral care. Market is likely to see a few key launches in the toothpaste

segment this year. Procter & Gamble (P&G) is set to throw another gauntlet at Colgate-

Palmolive and Hindustan Unilever (HUL). The company plans to launch its global toothpaste

brand Crest at an aggressive price point this year. As and when P&G introduces Crest in

India, it will entail price competition as well as heavy brand investment in the category from

all the players, in our view. It will put the market share and margins of Colgate under

pressure. Colgate will need to sustain its higher-than-industry ad spends to protect its turf.

The consumer products arm of Johnson & Johnson (J&J) may launch toothpaste under the

Listerine umbrella, while GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare may relaunch its

Aquafresh brand, phased out a few years earlier. GSK had launched Sensodyne toothpaste

last year. A mass-market toothpaste product is what is missing at the moment, which GSK

will plug with the relaunch of Aquafresh. Kishore Biyani's Future Group is also entering the

fray with its private label.


Ever wonder where toothpaste and mouthwash came from? Have you ever thought

about what people used for toothpaste before the invention of Crest, Colgate or Aquafresh?

Below are some interesting, point form facts and recipes that may help satisfy your curiosity -

or spur it on!!


The activity of keeping the mouth clean dates all the way back to the religious figure

Buddha. It has been recorded that he would use a "tooth stick" from the God Sake as part of

his personal hygiene regimen.

In 23 - 79 AD the practice of oral hygiene included:

 Drinking goats milk for sweet breath

 Ashes from burnt mice heads, rabbit’s heads, wolves’ heads, ox heels and goats

feet were thought to benefit the gums. (This probably wouldn't go over very well


 Picking the bones out of wolves’ excrement and wearing them (maybe in the

form of a necklace?) was considered to be a form of protection against


 Washing your teeth with the blood from a tortoise three times a year was a sure

bet against toothaches as well.

 Mouthwashes were known to consist of pure white wine, or (get ready for this

one) old urine kept especially for this purpose.


The earliest record of actual toothpaste was in 1780 and included scrubbing the

teeth with a formula containing burnt bread. (A common North American breakfast)

Other toothpastes around this time called for:

 1 1/2 oz. dragons blood (So that's where they all went!!)

 1 1/2 oz. cinnamon

 1 oz. burnt alum

Beat the above ingredients together and use every second day.

The 19th Century:-

 In the 19th century, charcoal became very popular for teeth cleaning purposes.

 Most toothpaste at this time was in the form of a powder.

 The purpose of the tooth powder was not only to clean the teeth, but to give fresh

breath. (Hmmm....that idea isn't so outdated!!)

 The succulent strawberry (still available today) was considered to be a "natural"

solution for preventing tartar and giving fresh breath.

 In 1855, the Farmer’s Almanac included this recipe for an appropriate toothpaste:

 1 oz. myrrh (fine powder)

 2 spoonfuls of your best honey (This does not refer to your significant


 A pinch of green sage

 Mix together and use every night on wet teeth.

 Another toothpaste included:

 2 oz. cuttlefish bone

 1 oz. cream of tartar

 2 drachms drop lake

 15 drops clover oil

 Powder, mix, and sift.

The 20th Century:-

 Liquid cleansers (mouth rinses) and pastes became more popular, often

containing chlorophyll to give a fresh green colour.

 Bleeding gums became a concern as well as aching teeth.

 In 1915 leaves from certain trees in South East Asia (Eucalyptus) were

beginning to be used in mouthwash formulas.

So.....what's in the toothpaste of the 90s?

 sodium mono fluoro phosphate (not to be confused with MSG)

 colour

 flavouring

 fluoride

 foaming agents

 detergents

 humectants (prevent the paste from hardening)

 Herbal toothpastes have gained popularity for people looking for “natural”

toothpaste or for those who don't want fluoride in their dental cleansers. Some

herbal toothpastes contain:

 peppermint oil

 myrrh

 plant extract (strawberry extract)

 special oils and cleansing agents

Hey, didn't we see these ingredients in the toothpastes of the early 19th century

The 21st Century-

Your guess is as good as ours!! If the trends of the 20th century continue we should

see more toothpaste that whiten and brighten the teeth, are canker sore friendly, and give you

the ultimate brushing or rinsing experience.

The more things change, the more they stay the same!

The Ancient Egyptian Recipe For Toothpaste:-

The world's oldest-known formula for toothpaste, used more than 1,500 years before

Colgate began marketing the first commercial brand in 1873, has been discovered on a piece

of dusty papyrus in the basement of a Viennese museum.

In faded black ink made of soot and gum Arabic mixed with water, an ancient

Egyptian scribe has carefully described what he calls a "powder for white and perfect teeth".

When mixed with saliva in the mouth, it forms a "clean tooth paste".

According to the document, written in the fourth century AD, the ingredients needed

for the perfect smile are one drachma of rock salt - a measure equal to one hundredth of an

ounce - two drachmas of mint, one drachma of dried iris flower and 20 grains of pepper, all

of them crushed and mixed together.

The result is a pungent paste which one Austrian dentist who tried it said made his

gums bleed but was a "big improvement" on some toothpaste formulae used as recently as a

century ago.

There are various Brands of Toothpaste in the market. Some Brands of

Toothpaste are given below:-















The Balsara Group's manufacturing facilities effectively support the domestic and

international market demand for oral care products, insect repellents, air fresheners and

household cleaners. The group's toothpaste manufacturing capacity (46,500 metric tons

annually) is the largest in the country.

Through a systematic process of backward integrated manufacturing, the Balsara

Group is a high capacity and low cost producer of natural, herbal, fluoride, baking soda,

tartar-control, gel, sensitive teeth and children's toothpaste formulations. Balsara's toothpaste

manufacturing facilities have been inspected and approved by the British Dental Health

Foundation (BDHF).

The high volume manufacturing of product ingredients by companies within the

Balsara Group, combined with India's low production input costs, allows Balsara to provide

superior quality branded products and Private Label products to the Indian and international

markets at extremely competitive rates.

The Balsara group, manufactures herbal extracts and complexes for some of the

world's leading natural cosmetics manufacturers such as The Body Shop, Boots, Neutrogena,

Avon and Cosmetic Lab of America.


Balsara's new generation herbal extracts of Indian medicinal plants are widely used

for skin and hair application in cosmetics, toiletries, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Our herbal extracts and complexes are developed by expert technologists to make

them cost effective and compatible in cosmetic formulations. We adhere to strict GMP in our

processes resulting in superior product quality and longer shelf life.

Leading multinational companies worldwide stay ahead of their

competition using Balsara's extracts. We supply to the Body Shop, Boots, Cosmetic Lab of

America, Colgate Palmolive, The Unilever group, International Flavours and Fragrances (I)

Ltd, CPL Aromas, J.K.Helen Curtis Ltd., Godrej Soaps, Marico Industries, etc.

Oral Care Brands of “BALSARA GROUP” are as Follows:-

 Babool.

 Promise.

 Meswak.


Babool Toothpaste is natural toothpaste containing the ayurvedic and medicinal

benefits of the Babul tree, 'Acacia Arabica'. The Babul herbal extract in Babool Toothpaste

helps prevent swelling & bleeding of gums, keeping gums healthy and teeth strong.


Promise Toothpaste is unique toothpaste containing natural and time-tested clove oil.

The scientifically proven antiseptic and bactericidal properties of clove oil help keep teeth

strong and gums healthy.

Promise toothpaste was awarded Le Monde World Selection Gold Medals in London and

Amsterdam for superiority in product quality. Promise became India's first toothpaste to

receive international accreditation from the British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF).


Meswak is scientifically formulated, Ayurvedic toothpaste, from pure extract of the

Meswak plant, 'Salvadore Persica' - the famous 'Toothbrush Tree' used for centuries. The

astringent and bactericidal properties of Meswak help reduce tooth decay, fight plaque and

prevent gum disease.

Colgate-Palmolive (India) Ltd

The Company was incorporated on 23rd September, 1937, as a private limited

company. The Company Manufacture and market dental care products (dental cream and

tooth powder), hair care products (hair oils, shampoos, brilliantine) and other personal care

products such as shaving creams, and lotions, face creams, baby powder, talcum powder, etc.

The products are marketed under the trade marks "Colgate". "Palmolive", "Halo" and

"Charmis". - A distribution set up was also developed on an all-India basis with warehouse

facilities in Mumbai, Chennai and Calcutta.

Colgate-Palmolive Company, U.S.A. supplemented this reinvestment by providing,

technical assistance, new product information and its worldwide developments in quality

dental care and other personal care products. The Company has its own research and

development facilities.

The Company launched new Colgate Gel Toothpaste, Palmolive Extra Care and new

Palmolive soap and relaunched a high quality Colgate Plus and other toothbrushes in 1991.

The corporate has launched the `Colgate Double Protection', `Colgate Total' and

`Colgate Sensation' in 1999.

Colgate-Palmolive unveils Colgate Active Salt toothpaste in 2005.

A name synonymous with the Indian oral care industry, Colgate, is the undisputed

market leader in toothpastes with over 45% share in the Rs 21 bn (90,000 TPA) oral care

segment. The company’s parent has a presence in over 200 countries worldwide. In India,

Colgate ranks No.1 in top of the mind recall in many consumer surveys. Let’s take a look at

the company’s journey over the years and what’s in for it in the future.

As a world leader in Oral Care, Colgate has been at the forefront of initiatives that

improve the oral health condition in India.

Every year Colgate earmarks a month as Oral Health Month, dedicated to spreading

themessage of oral health and hygiene. This year, October is the Oral Health Month in India

with a mission to move towards ‘Zero Tooth Decay’.


Promoted by Colgate-Palmolive USA, the parent operates through its 51% subsidiary

and has a presence in India since last 50 years. The company’s flagship product, Colgate

Dental Cream is the largest selling toothpaste in India, with an estimated market share of over

30%. The company acquired Hindustan Ciba Geigy (Cibaca) in the year 1994, which helped

it increase its market share. The company also has a significant market share in the toothbrush

category. This and shaving brushes accounted for 10% of its FY04 revenues.

Colgate is considerably backward integrated. It has captive manufacturing facilities for flavor

and other ingredients, which yield significant cost savings. It has also set up a world-class

facility for manufacture of Di-calcium Phosphate, a key ingredient in toothpaste.

The journey over the years…

(Rs m) FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 CAGR 9mFY15

Sales 10,896 11,769 11,609 9,474 9,392 -4% 7,242

Other Income 228.9 295 310 358 299 7% 217

Expenditure 10,231 10,801 10,544 8,170 7,928 -6% 5,995

EBDIT 665 968 1,065 1,304 1,464 22% 1,247

OPM % 6.1% 8.2% 9.2% 13.8% 15.6% ~ 17.2%

Net profit after tax(loss) 518 625 698 887 1,080 20% 809

From the above table, we infer that although topline has shown degrowth of 4% on a

compounded basis over the 5 year period, bottom-line has grown at a good 20% rate in the

same period. The company has been able to curtail its expenditure, which went down by 6%

during the period under consideration. Operating margins have been increasing YoY and in

9mFY05 touched a peak of 17%.

The key reason for a significant improvement in operating margins over the years is

the reduction of advertising expenditure (see chart).

The company has lost significant market share in toothpaste that had peaked at 65% in

FY95, as compared to 45% plus today. Most of this has been lost to HLL and smaller players

like Dabur and Anchor

The Potential

As per our estimates, 12.2% of the total world population lives in rural India.

Currently, only a small portion (about 15%-20%) of region has been tapped. Although,

expansion in rural areas requires huge investments, it is a market that cannot be overlooked

and has huge potential. To put things in perspective, the per capita consumption of toothpaste

in India is only 82 gms, as compared to 262 gms for Thailand, 376 gms for Mexico and 518

gms for USA (Source: Colgate, Equity master Research). In India, urban per capita

consumption is 153 Gms whereas rural consumption is a mere 38 Gms.


The company has been facing immense competition from organized as well as

unorganized players. HLL is the closet rival of Colgate with a share of 34% with its

Pepsodent and Close-up (gel where it has a lion’s share) brands.

The latest entrant in the organized sector is LG that has ventured into the FMCG

market and launched premium consumer products across 8 categories including toothpastes,

shampoos, soaps, detergents, etc. Also, there has been speculation from sometime now that

P&G (its worldwide rival) would debut its billion-dollar-plus toothpaste brand Crest in India.

This could intensify competition in the segment.


The company has high reliance on a single category (Oral Care), which accounts for

94% of its sales and 98% of its profits (FY04). A large part of the company’s product folio

consists of premium products, which do not have a large potential market in India. This is

evident as new launches by the parent in India have been much lower than other markets. In

the last couple of years, the company’s top line has stopped growing and in order to achieve

growth, Colgate cut prices of its products by an average 17% in April 2003 (Source:

Company Annual Report). The company has been able to increase its margins by

continuously cutting advertising expenses, which cannot go below a certain point, owing to

its single product dependence.



 Its light foaming action makes brushing more effective and fun for kids.

 The sparkling gel comes in two exciting variants- Bright Pick gel (Tweety), and

Bright Blue gel (Bugs Bunny) with the same yummy Bubble Fruit flavor.

 The Fruit bubble gum flavor will make kids want to brush longer in the morning and

at night, thereby developing good oral care habits.

Related Kids’ Products:-

 Colgate Super Junior Flexible.

 Colgate Kids (Battery Operated).

 Colgate Super Child Flexible.


Trusted by thousands of people nationwide and abroad, the Ajanta Oral Care

Products provide complete, refreshing oral cleansing. Ajanta Oral Care Products include

white toothpaste, gel and toothbrushes catering to the need of all ages.

Ajanta's products have made their presence felt in the market within a very short

span. With its unmatchable product quality, Ajanta products are emerging as a popular

household brand in their own right.

Quality Assurance:-

Quality is the result of intelligent effort. We in Ajanta know the Cost of Quality and

at the same time we know The Value for Money. The quality of toothpaste can be tested on

various ways like Freshness, Taste, Germ Fighting Capability, Foaming Capability,

protection of teeth and enamel and many more. In each and every quality dimension Ajanta

DentoWhite has proved its superiority.


 It is 100% Vegetarian.

 It has 100% Natural Flavour.

 It does not contain Synthetic flavour.

 Its Glycerin Base resists it from Dryness.


Fresh Breath, Great Smile!!

Glister Multi-Action Toothpaste comes with the advantage of Sylodent, a polishing

agent unique to glister. Sylodent particles are a combination of flat surfaces and contour

which safely yet effectively polish the teeth without excessive abrasion on the enamel.


 Contains Sylodent, a polishing agent unique to Glister.

 Contains Fluoride.

 Has a refreshing mint flavour..


 Safely Cleans - Glister Multi-Action Toothpaste is the only toothpaste that contains

Sylodent, a polishing agent which effectively polishes your teeth without excessive

abrasion which could damage your enamel.

 Whitens Teeth - The effective polishing agent Sylodent also whitens teeth by

removing stains such as caused by tea, coffee and smoking.

 Fights Cavities - The fluoride in Glister Multi-Action toothpaste strengthens your

teeth enamel thus helping prevent cavities

 Removes Plaque - The unique formulation of Glister Multi-Action Toothpaste has

been clinically tested to remove plaque with regular brushing.

 Freshens Breath - The refreshing mint flavor of Glister Multi-Action toothpaste keeps

your breath smelling fresh longer giving you the confidence for those close moments.


Apply a small amount of toothpaste on the bristles of the toothbrush. Gently brush

teeth as recommended by your dentist. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water, use twice a day

for daily hygiene.

Sizes and MRP

Currently Available in: 100 gm:( SKU No:200760IDD)


Hindustan Unilever Limited

Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is India's largest fast moving consumer goods

company, with leadership in Home & Personal Care Products and Foods & Beverages. HUL's

brands, spread across 20 distinct consumer categories, touch the lives of two out of three

Indians. They endow the company with a scale of combined volumes of about 4 million tones

and sales of Rs.10,000 cores.

The mission that inspires HUL's over 15,000 employees is to "add vitality to life".

With 35 Power Brands, HUL meets every day needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care

with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of life.

It is a mission HUL shares with its parent company, Unilever, which holds 51.55% of

the equity. A Fortune 500 transnational, Unilever sells Foods and Home and Personal Care

brands in about 100 countries worldwide.

If Hindustan Unilever straddles the Indian corporate world, it is because of being

single-minded in identifying itself with Indian aspirations and needs in every walk of life.

Oral Care products of HUL are:

 Pepsodent

 Close-up


Pepsodent, launched in 1993, was the first toothpaste with a unique anti-bacterial

agent to address the consumer need of checking germs even hours after brushing.

Pepsodent packs included a Germ Indicator in February-May 2002, which allowed

consumers to see the efficacy in fighting germs for themselves. As a follow-up, in October

2002, Pepsodent offered Dental Insurance to all its consumers to demonstrate the confidence

the company has in the technical superiority of the product.

Pepsodent connects directly with kids and their parents. Pepsodent has always worked

in the direction of an overall awareness of dental health. The re-launch campaign in October

2003 widened the context to "sweet and sticky" food and leveraged the truth that children do

not rinse their mouths every time they eat, demonstrating that this makes their teeth

vulnerable to germ attack.

Pepsodent most recent campaign aims at educating consumers on the need for germ

protection through the night.

Pepsodent also includes a range of toothbrushes.


Close-up is the original youth brand of India.

The first brand targeting youth in the oral care market, with an edgy and youthful

image which stays relevant till date. Ever since its launch in 1975, Close-up has broken every

rule in the book on how toothpastes should behave!

Close-up was the first gel toothpaste to be launched in India and has led the gel

toothpaste segment ever since.

In 2004, Close-up was re-launched with a bang. And this time it was packed with the

power of Vitamin Fluoride System – a powerful mix of Vitamins, Fluoride, Mouthwash and

Micro whiteners, the perfect combination of ingredients for fresher breath and stronger,

whiter teeth. Close-up became the first Gel toothpaste with Fluoride in the Indian Market!

The brand umbrella also includes Close-up Lemon Mint, gel toothpaste with the

whitening benefits of lemon.

The latest entry in the Close-up stable is Close-up Milk Calcium – revolutionary new

toothpaste with the goodness of milk calcium in an industry-first core-in-sheath format, with

white milk calcium nutrient on the inside and a refreshing blue gel on the outside.


Dant Kanti toothpaste is a product by Patanjali Ayurveda Haridwar. This is an herbal dental

cream that has been based on the principle laid by ancient Ayurvedic Gurus and sages. Divya

Dant Kanti has been a pioneer in dental care industry as it has brought great relief to patient

with dental problems. The unique combination of herbs gives this tooth paste some wonderful

properties that help in providing one of the best results that is required for well-being.

Divya Dant kanti is purely an herbal preparation powered by Swami Ram Dev’sdivya

pharmacy. This dental cream does not possess any chemicals or synthetic compounds that

may have negative effects on our body. This dental formula helps in building up strong,

white, healthy teeth and gums. This is a precious formulation composed of natural ingredients

that helps in providing complete and lasting protection to your gums and teeth. The herbal

ingredients supports this tooth paste to help to perform the best benefits for which this tooth

paste is made for.

The Ingredients of Divya Dant Kanti Toothpaste are:
Vajradanti – Vajrdanti extract helps in providing strength to the gums so that teeth are well

placed in their position and does not gets affected by any infections easily.

Pilu - Strengthens the gums and teeth making them string and white.

Bakul – helpful in providing natural nourishment to the teeth at tooth root level.

Babool – One of the most famous oral cavity support herb This herb helps in eradicating

infections from the oral cavity and makes teeth strong. It does not allow cavity formation thus

making teeth disease free. It also removes plaque formations from the teeth.

Akarkara Extract – provides extra strength to gums and jaws so that they can hold the teeth

to the optimum strength.

Majuphal - Another wonderful Ayurvedic herb that not only supports teeth and gums but

also rectifies false smells from the joint and makes mouth flavor perfect.

Karpur – This herb has wonderful action on oral cavity. It helps in increasing blood flow in

oral cavity thus providing nourishment and extra nutrition to gums and tooth root. It is also

helpful in stopping bleeding in the gums.

Vidang Extract – This famous Ayurvedic herb is helpful in eradicating all types of

infections and pathogens from the teeth and teeth joints. It makes the mouth fresh.

Nimb or Neem Extract – No need to describe this pious and sacred herb. This is a natural

antibiotic that not only helps in eradicating bacterial and fungal infection but also helps in

changing the mouth taste.

Lavang Extract – lavang or loung provides flavor to the tooth paste and is improves salivary

secretion in mouth.


Consumer behaviour is quite complex phenomenon itself and one can never be certain about

his liking and disliking. Despite of that more and more efforts are being made to understand

the consumer behaviour so that one can predict their behaviour in some possible extent. A

number of studies have been conducted both in India and abroad over the period to determine

the consumer behaviour.

Marketing literature is replete with cases of how marketers influence consumers to reduce

their choices using advertising and promotions, loyalty rewarding, public relations, customer

listening posts, corporate partnerships and sponsorships and other marketing mix


Kotler (1994). According to psychologists, any human activity is directed towards meeting

certain needs. These needs have been categorized in different ways by different


Maslow(1954), believe that a hierarchy of needs exists and that new, higher order needs

emerge as lower order needs are fulfilled.

A researcher Hunt (1944), have explored the nature of the goals that individuals set for

themselves. He concluded that individuals who successfully achieve their goals usually set

new and higher goals for themselves, that is, they raise their level of aspirations. Clelland

(1965) have focused on achievement need. Individuals with a strong achievement often

regard personal accomplishment as an end in itself. Some other studies of Consumer

behaviour on motivational theories, Brehm (1989) revealed that sometimes people become

motivationally aroused by a threat to or elimination of a behavioural freedom. This

motivational state is called psychological reactance and is usually manifested by a negative

Consumer response the behaviorist school Weingberg & Gottwaldi (1982), considers

motivation to be a mechanical process; behaviour isseen as the response to a stimulus, and

elements of conscious thought areignored. Example of this stimulus response theory of

motivation is theimpulse buying situation. According to this theory, the consumer’scognitive

control is limited; he or she does not act, but reacts to stimuliin the market place.

Francisco Nicosia (1966), an expert in consumer motivation and behaviour, putforward a

model of buyer behaviour which tries to establish the linkbetween a firm and its consumers.

How the activities of the firminfluence the consumers and result in his decision to buy. The

messagesfrom the firm first influences the pre disposition of the consumertowards the

product. It may lead to a search for the product or anevaluation of the product. If these steps

have a positive impact on him, itmay result in a decision to buy. This is the sum and

substances of theactivity explanations in the Nicosia model.Studies on Personality theories,

Faber & Chritenson (1995) suggests that self –gifting, impulse buying, and compulsive

buying may be used by some consumers as a way to influence or manage their moods i.e. the

act of purchasing may alter a negative mood to a more positive one [e.g. I am depressed, I’ll

go out shopping and I’ll feel better].

.A Study Goleman (1995) suggests that the brain automatically and unconsciously “tags’’ all

perceptions with a value either positive or negative, thus the evaluation added to the

perception in the first microsecond of cognition tends to remain unless further information is


Settle, Aheck and Corkle (1994) StudyTeper (1994) suggests that people’s perceptions of

their ages are more important in determining behaviour than theirchronological ages (i.e. no.

of years lived). Singh (1990) revealed thatnegative word of mouth is less common when

consumers perceive theseller to be responsive to consumer complaints. Prashant Peres,

Kamolika Gupta (1991) had concluded by saying that for Indian consumers ‘global’ does

connote “better”. The impact of ethnicity or foreignness in consumer choice is likely to differ

across categories from the study it is concluded that the most important factor in brand value

is the customer’s perception. An attitude is the acquired mental position that we hold in

regard to a brand. Thus the difference between habit and attitude lies in the while the former

is behavioural response the latter is mental. A person actually wants something when he is in

a state of felt deprivation and when his goal is to get out of that state. Some studies on

Attitude theories Cohen & Arien (1991) revealed that emotional states might enhance or

amplify positive or negative experiences and that later collections of such experiences may

affect what comes to mind and how the individual acts.

A study Muehling (1987) reveals that attitudes towards ad in general seem to have little

impact on the attitude toward a specific advertisement. However, the attitude toward a

specific type of advertising may have some impact on the attitude toward a specific



Customers are the people who are going to purchase and use that product.

CONSUMERS VALUE :- Consumers delivered value is the difference between total

consumers value and total consumers cost. Total consumers value is the bundle of benefits

consumers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the product or

service .

CONSUMERS STATISFACTION :―Satisfaction is a person‘s feelings of Pleasure

of disappointment resulting from comparing products perceived performance (or outcome) in

relation to his or her expectations‖. At this definition makes clear, satisfaction is a function of

perceived performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the

consumer is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the consumers are

satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations, the consumer is highly satisfied or

delighted. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because consumers who are just

satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly

satisfied are much less to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with

the brand, not just, a rational preference. The result is high consumer‘s loyalty. From past

buying experience, friends and associates advice, and marketer‘s and competitor‘s

information and promises. The key to generating high consumer‘s loyalty is to deliver high

consumers value.

According to Michael Lanning, in high delivering profitable value; a company must develop

a competitively superior value proposition and a superior value delivery system. A

company‘s value proposition is much more than it‘s positioning on a single attribute, it is a

statement about the resulting experience consumers will have from the offering and their

relationship with the supplier. The brand must represent a promise about the total resulting

experience that consumers can expect. Whether the promise is kept depends upon the

company‘s ability to manage its value -delivery system includes all the communications and

channel experiences the consumers will have on the way to obtaining the offering.

Consumer Personality Factors

There are two factors mainly influencing the consumers for decision making: Risk aversion

and innovativeness. Risk aversion is a measure of how much consumers need to be certain

and sure of what they are purchasing (Donthu and Gilliland, 1996).Highly risk adverse

consumers need to be very certain about what they are buying. Whereas less risk adverse

consumers can tolerate some risk and uncertainty in their purchases. The second variable,

innovativeness, is a global measure which captures the degree to which consumers are willing

to take chances and experiment with new ways of doing things (Donthu and Gilliand,

1996).The shopping motivation literature is abound with various measures of individual

characteristics (e.g., innovative, venturesome, cosmopolitan, variety seeking), therefore,

innovativeness and risk aversion were included in this study to capture several of these traits.

Measures by Donthu and Gilliland (1996) were used to measure innovativeness and risk


Product Type

Past research indicates that consumers purchase and channel decisions might be influenced

by the type of product being investigated (Cox and Rich 1964:Lumpkin and Hawes

1985;Morrison and Roberts 1998:Papadopoulos 1980:Prasad 1975:Sheth 1983: Thompson

1971).In particular ,these authors stated certain products might be more appropriate for one

channel or another, which ultimately influences consumers channel preference and choice.

Product Class knowledge

Product class knowledge is a measure of consumers perceptions of how much they

know about a specific class of products (eg. cars) This type of measure is consistent with

what Brucks(1985) called subjective knowledge, that is, consumers. Self-perceptions of

knowledge levels. This is often contrasted with objective knowledge, which is what

consumers actually know. Park and Lessing (1981) proposed that subjective knowledge

provides a better understanding of consumers decision making processes because consumers

level of confidence in their search and decision making behavior, independent of their

objective knowledge.


It is our aim to provide the best product for the consumer and we believe that if the

products have quality the consumer will pay the price, says Amal pramanic, regional business

director Oral-B.


Perception is a mental process, whereby an individual selects data or

information from the environment, organizes it and then draws significance or meaning from

it. Perceived fit is an attitudinal measure of how appropriate a certain channel of distribution

is for a specific product .Morrison and Roberts (1998) found that consumer's perception of

the fit between a service/product and a channel is very influential in determining whether

they will consider using that channel for a specific service. In fact, perceived fit was found to

be more important than consumer's preferences for the distribution method or service.


Packaging establishes a direct link with the consumers at the point of purchase as

it can very well change the perceptions they have for a particular brand. A product has to

draw the attention of the consumers through an outstanding packaging design. Earlier

packaging was considered only a container to put a product in, but today, research in to the

right packaging is beginning at the product development stage itself. Packaging innovation

has been at the heart of Dabur's attempt to rap with the urban consumers. It spends large sums

annually on packaging research.-"We have been laying emphasis on aesthetics, shelf appeal

and convenience for consumer'" says Deepak Manchandra, manager packaging development

Familiarity withA Channel

Consumer's familiarity with a channel is a measure of the general experience

they have with purchasing products through specific channels (i.e.. catalog, internet, and

bricks and- mortar retailer). Through frequent use consumers should become accustomed to

using the channel, which reduces their apprehension and anxiety in purchasing products

through the channel.

Brand Awareness

According to Rossiter and Prey (1987), brand awareness precedes all other steps

in the buying process. A brand attitude cannot be performed, unless a consumer is aware of

the brand. In memory theory, brand awareness is positioned as a vital first.step in building the

bundle of associations which are attached to the brand in memory (Stokes, 1985).

Family Influence

A family exerts a complex influence on the behaviors of its members. Prior family

influence research has focused on intergenerational rather than intergenerational influence in

consumer generationalisation. As has been compellingly demonstrated, parents influence

children (Moore, Wilkie, and Lutz2002; Moschis 1987).Yet, consumption domains clearly

exist where sibling efforts may also be exerted.


It is defined as the process by which an individual selects, organizes and interprets stimuli

into a meaningful and coherent of the world. It is how we see the world around us‘. Two

persons subject to the same stimulus under the same conditions will react differently. A

stimulus is any unit of input to any of the senses. The study of perception is largely the study

of what we subconsciously add to or subtract from raw sensory to produce our own private

picture of the world.

Consumer Behaviour:- The study of consumers helps firms and organizations

improve their marketing strategies by understanding issues such as how consumers think,

feel, reason, and select between different alternatives (e.g., brands, products); The

psychology of how the consumer is influenced by his or her environment (e.g., culture,

family, signs, media); The behavior of consumers while shopping or making other marketing

decisions; Limitations in consumer knowledge or information processing abilities influence

decisions and marketing outcome; How consumer motivation and decision strategies differ

between products that differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the

consumer; and how marketers can adapt and improve their marketing campaigns and

marketing strategies to more effectively reach the consumer.

Consumer behavior involves the use and disposal of products as well as the study of how they

are purchased. Product use is often of great interest to the marketer, because this may

influence how a product is best positioned or how we can encourage increased consumption.

Since many environmental problems result from product. Understanding these issues helps in

adapting strategies by taking the consumer into consideration. For example, by understanding

that a number of different messages compete for our potential customers‘ attention, one

learns that to be effective, advertisements must usually be repeated extensively. It is also

learnt that consumers will sometimes be persuaded more by logical arguments, but at other

times will be persuaded more by emotional or symbolic appeals. By understanding the

consumer, the company will be able to make a more informed decision as to which strategy

to employ.


Primary Research Objective:

To determine the Consumer preferences while buying toothpastes.

Secondary Research Objectives:

 To determine the various factors affecting the purchase of toothpastes.

 To determine the brand preferences for toothpastes in the age group.

 To determine the type of toothpastes preferred by consumers.

 To determine the positioning of various brands in the minds of



Research refers to “a search for knowledge". It can be defined as a scientific and systematic

search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested

solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deduction and reaching

conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the

formulating hypothesis – Clifford Wood.

It is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as science of

studying how research is done scientifically. In it we study the various steps that are generally

adopted by the researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them.

In general methodology is an optional framework within which the facts are placed so that

the meaning may be seen more clearly. The sources of data shown that designing of a

research plan calls for decision on the data sources are research approaches (primary and

secondary data) research instruments (observation survey experiment) sampling plan and

contact methods(personal interviews).


A research design is the determination and statement of the general research approach or

strategy adopted for the particular project. It is the heart of the planning. If the design adheres

to the research objectives, it will ensure that the client need will be served.

Research design is a plan structured and strategies of investigation. It is the arrangement of

condition and analysis of data in a manner to combine relevance to the research purpose with

economy in procedure.

In order to achieve the objective it was necessary to talk to the suppliers and public to draws

the conclusions regarding the objective.

For visiting the suppliers and publics to collect the relevant information; a questionnaire has

to be designed. The questionnaire was designed in such a manner to achieve the objective of

the research. The sample size taken is 360 respondents.


In this project, Descriptive Research has been used.

Descriptive Research- This is a kind of research structure which is concerned with

describing the characteristics of the problem. In this way the main purpose of such a research

design is to present a descriptive picture about the marketing problem on the basis of actual

facts. For this it is important to obtain the complete and actual information about the subjects.


Quantitative type of research has been used. As all the data was based on numerical figures

obtained in the survey.


The entire questionnaire was standardized and formalized.


As all the data found in the survey are totally numerical so the type of analysis was statistical.



The data which is collected fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be the original one

characteristic is called primary data.


The data which is already collected by someone else and which have been passed through the

statistical process is known as the secondary data.


Interview Method

In this project I have taken the questionnaire method for collecting necessary information. In

this method a questionnaire is given to the person concerned with question to answers the

question and return the questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of number of questions

printed in a definite order on a form or a set of forms.


This is one of the most important steps of a research design procedure. Generally in most of

the marketing studies on sample or most of the sub group of the total population pertaining to

the subject is included on place of the universe.

The following things are primarily considered in the sample:-

Sample Size

The sample size of the population was 360 respondents.

Sample Area


Sampling Methods

The sampling method for this survey was Simple random sampling. Simple Random

sampling suggest a way of sample selection where in any item of the population is likely to

be selected in a sample as any other item it means that all items of the population have equal

probability of being selected in the sample.

Simple random sampling method, it is assumed that each and every unit in the population has

equal chance of occurrence or equal probability of occurrence. In other words the sampling

units are selected randomly. An unbiased random selection of individuals is important so that

in the long run, the sample represents the population. However, this does not guarantee that a

particular sample is a perfect representation of the population


The report mainly consists of data from the primary source gathered through the schedule of

questions and from other sources of websites,journals etc.


 Project Research Type: Descriptive Research

 Data Sources: Primary Data

 Research Approach: Survey Method

 Research Instrument: Questionnaire

 Data Analysis:
Logical analysis (Pie chart, Bar

chart )

 Sampling Procedure: Simple Random Sampling

 Sample Size: 360 Respondents

 Geographical Coverage: Lucknow


The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire. And it has been analzed and

interpreted with the help of tables along with relevant descriptions. Appropriate treatment has

been done to the raw data and logical conclusions are drawn based on the findings

Analysis of data means computation of certain indices or measures along with searching of

patterns for relationship that exist among the data group. Interpretation of data refers to the

task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/or experimental


Data analysis and interpretation is one of the most interesting and challenging tasks of

the research study. It facilitates in finding out the outcome from the data or information those

have been collected from the field survey.

The significant parameters of the study have been analysed as under :

TABLE 1 : Demographic Variable

Demographic Variable Number of respondents Percentage

1.Age (Years)
 0 – 10 Years 36 10
 11 – 20 Years 72 20
 21 – 25 Years 144 40
 26 – 30 Years 108 30

2. Gender 60
 Male 144 40
 Female

3. Educational qualification
 Matriculation 36 10
 HSSC 54 15
 Bachelors 126 35
 Masters 144 40

4. Occupation
 Student 144 40
 Businessman 10
 Profession 30
 Housewife 20

5. Monthly income
 Below 10,000 36 20
 10,000 – 15,000 54 45
 15,000 – 20,000 126 25
 Above 20,000 108


The respondents selected for the study were chosen on the basisof demographic variables

like age, income, profession, gender and education (refers table 1). The main reason for

choosing these variables was to get overall representation of the population.

1. From the survey it is found that the percentage of male respondents is 60%.& 40% of the

female respondent units.

2. Although, people of all age groups opt for this survey, the above table clearly show that

the majority (40%) of the respondents were from the age group of ‘21–25 years’.

Secondly, 30% of the respondents were from the age group of ‘26–30 years’& 20%

respondents were from the age group of ‘11–20 years’& rest of respondent 0-10 years.

3. From the above table it is found that the 40% of the respondents are masters, 35% is

bachelors and others are HSSC (15%) & rest of them matriculate qualified.

4. From the above table it is also found that the majority (40%) of the respondents are

student, 30% is profession and 20% are housewife and rest of them are businessman in


5. From the above table it found that the monthly income of the respondent is 45% 15000-

20000, 20% above 20,000 and 20% 10.000-15,000 and rest of them (10%) is below the

10,000 of respondent monthly income.

TABLE 2 : Toothpaste Usage Rate

Usage rate Number of Respondents Percentage

YES 306 85%

NO 54 15%

Toothpaste Usage Rate




With a view to find the usage of toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 2.

Based on this survey 85% of the respondents using toothpaste in Lucknow city and 15%

using like toothpowder and mouthwash etc

TABLE 3: Type of Toothpaste Preference

Type of Toothpaste Number of Respondents Percentage

Paste 234 65

Liquid 36 10

Powder 72 20

Others 18 5

Preference of Toothpaste Type




With a view to find the preference of toothpaste type, the data pertaining to this is presented

in table 3. Based on this survey 65% of the respondents using paste, 10% of the respondent

using liquid, 20% of respondent using powder in Lucknow city and 5% using like


TABLE 4: Consumer Brushing Pattern (in a day)

Brushing Frequency Number of Respondents Percentage

Once 216 60

Twice 108 30

More than two 36 10

Consumer Brushing Pattern



INTERPRETATION–With a view to find the brushing frequency of consumer, the data

pertaining to this is presented in table 4. Based on survey of the data reveals that 60% of the

consumers brushing once, 30% of the consumers brushing twice, and 10%brushing more than

two times in a day. So the frequency of brushing was less in Lucknow city, but as per the

dentist advice 2 times brushing is compulsory for avoiding dental problem. Normally Indian

people are not giving much importance to oral care, so the share of oral care industry is less

in India when compare to developed countries.

TABLE 5: Frequency of Purchase (in a month)

Purchase Frequency Number of Respondents Percentage

Once 108 30

Twice 54 15

As when require 198 55

Frequency of Purchase


55% ONCE

15% As When Require


By having a view to find that frequency of purchasing toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is

presented in the table 5. An analysis of the table reveals that most of the consumers buying

toothpaste once in a month, two times in a month, and as when requirein a month. Of the

respondents 30% of them purchase once, 15% of the respondents purchase twice and 55% of

purchase as when require of toothpaste ina month of Lucknow city

TABLE 6: Place of Purchasing
Purchasing Place Number of Respondents Percentage

Department store 36 10

General store 180 50

90 25
Medical store
54 15

Place of Purchasing

Department store
General store
50% Medical store


By having a view to find that frequency place of purchasing toothpaste, the data pertaining to

this is presented in the table 6. An analysis of the table reveals that most of the consumers

buying toothpaste from departmental store, general store, medical store, others. Most of the

respondents (50%) of them purchase general store, 25% of the respondents purchase medical

store and 10% of purchase department store and 15% of the respondent use other mode of

purchasing toothpaste in Lucknow city.

TABLE 7: Awareness of Brands

Brand Number of Respondents Percentage

Colgate 126 35

Close up, Pepsodent 27 7.5

Dabur 36 10

Dant kanti 99 27.5

Glister 54 15

Anchor, Ved Shakti 18 5

Awareness of Brands


Close up, Pepsodent

28% Dabur

7% Dant Kanti
10% Glister

Anchor , Ved Shakti


With a view to find that awareness of toothpaste brand, the data pertaining to

this is presented in table 7. Based on survey of the data reveals that most of the people aware

of Colgate, Close-up, Pepsodent, Dabur, Dantkanti, Glister, Anchor and Ajanta. Before some

time Colgate was the generic name for toothpaste, this is the main reason, most of the

respondents (35%) aware of Colgate. 27.5% of respondent aware of Dant kanti.7.5%

respondents aware of Close-up and Pepsodent (HLL company),Dabur, Anchor & Ajanta is a

Indian based company have awareness level of 10%,5%,&15% and respondents aware

Glister brands of toothpaste in Lucknow city.

TABLE 8: Use of Toothpaste Brands (In a day)

Usage of Brand so far Number of Respondents Percentage

Once 108 30

Two 198 55

More than two 54 15

Usage of Toothpaste Brands


More than Two


To identify the usage of different brand, the data pertaining to that is presented in the table

8.An examination of the table reveals that most of the consumers used one brands, two

brands, and more than 2 brands. Of the respondents 55% of them used more than brands,

15% of the respondents used 2 brands, and 30% of them used one brand of toothpaste.

TABLE 9: Factor Which Makes Consumer to Buy Toothpaste

Factor Number of Respondents Percentage

Price 90 25

Quality 27 7.5
Brand 81 22.5
Taste, Flavour 27 7.5
36 10
36 10
45 12.5
18 5

Factor Which Makes Consumer To Buy Toothpaste


12% 25%
10% Quality
Taste, Flavour
7% 22%


With a view to find the reasons to buy toothpaste, the data pertaining to this is presented in
table 9. An analysis of the table reveals that, consumers are influenced by the price,
availability and Packaging ,quality, brands, advertisement taste etc.of the total respondents
20% of them influenced by the price, 7.5% influenced by the quality,22.5 of influenced by
brand, 10% influenced by the packaging, 7.5% influenced by taste &flavour and 10%
influenced by availability ,5% influenced by other factors of the respondent in Lucknow city.

When the respondents were asked to mention the factors which motivate them to buy a
particular brand of toothpaste their replies are mostly price and brand .

TABLE 10: Preference of an Attribute

Attribute Number of Respondents Percentage

Whiteness 108 30
Healthy tooth & gums 54 15
Long lasting freshness 36 10
Prevention of tooth decay 45 12.5
Prevention of Bad Breath 72 20

Use of natural Herbs 45 12.5

Preference of an Attribute

13% 30%
20% Healthy tooth & gums
Long lasting freshness
12% Prevention of tooth decay
10% 15%
Prevention of Bad Breath
Use of natural Herbs


With a view to find the reasons to buy a toothpaste based on attribute, the data pertaining to
this is presented in table 10.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers
preferred healthy tooth & gums, prevention of decay, natural herbs, whiteness, freshness, and
foam. The above table clearly shows that 30% of the respondent’s preferred whiteness of
teeth, 12% respondents preferred prevention of tooth decay, 15% preferred of healthy tooth
and gums, 10% preferred freshness, and 20% preferred prevention of bad breath and 13%
respondents preferred natural herbs.

TABLE 11: Persons who influenced to Consumer to Purchase Toothpaste
Attribute Number of Respondents Percentage

Self 54 15
Friends 72 20
Kids 36 10
Spouse 108 30
Dentist Recommendations 90 25

Persons Who influenced to Consumer to

Purchase Toothpaste

20% Self
Dentist Recommendations


With a view to find the persons who influenced consumer to purchase toothpaste, the data

pertaining to this is presented in table 11. An examination of the table reveal that, the people

who influenced more are, parents, friends, spouse, kids and self-decision and dentist

recommendation. Based on the above data, 5% decide them self,20% friends and 10% kids

are influencing the buying particular brand, spouse are the main deciding authority for

buying toothpaste(30%) followed by 25% of dentist recommendation of respondent in

Lucknow city.

TABLE 12: To Which Mode of Promotion Consumer gets attached

Mode of Promotion Number of Respondents Percentage

Advertisement 162 45

Celebrity Endorsement 90 25

Publicity 72 20

Others 36 10

Mode Of Promotion


Celebrity Endorsment
25% Others

INTERPRETATION–with a view to find out which mode of promotion consumer gets

attracted, the data pertaining to this is presented in table 12.An examination of the table,
reveals that, most of the consumers preferred advertisement, celebrity, publicity and
others.Majority of the respondents 45% preferred advertisements, 25% of the respondents
preferred celebrity endorsements, 20% preferred publicity, and 10% preferred other mode of
promotion. Advertisement creates attention and stimulates the consumer to buy a particular

TABLE 13: Factor Which Make Consumer to Buy Toothpaste

Promotion Tool Number of Respondents Percentage

Gift 126 35
72 20
Extra quantity
90 25
Price off
54 15
18 5

Factor Which Make Consumer to Buy

25% Extra quantity
Price off


By having a view to find the promotion tools preferred by consumer, the data pertaining to
this is presented in table 13. An examination of the above data reveals that, most of the
consumers preferred gift, extra quantity, discount, price off. Above table indicates that, gift
attracted more respondents(35%) 25% of the respondents preferred extra quantity,20%
preferred discounts,15% preferred price off and 5% preferred other tools. Sales promotion
tool especially gift attracted more respondents

TABLE 14: Switching to Other Brand

Resaons For Switching Number of Respondents Percentage

Impact of packaging 36 10
Price rise of current brand
63 17.5
Scheme of brands
72 20
Advertisement impact
54 15
Consumer brand is not available
54 15
To try new option
45 12.5
Influence by other
36 10

Switching to Other Brands of Toothpaste

15% 15%




Percentage of


With a view to find the reasons for switching to other brand , the data pertaining to this is
presented in table 14.An examination of the table reveals that, most of the consumers
switches to other brand due to strong advertisement impact; next factor was scheme available
with product like discount, free gift, price off etc. Due to sudden increase in price also makes
the respondents to switch; some consumers always have mind-sets like laggards to try new
options available in the market. Kids also influencing the parents to buy a particular brand,
not only kids and also friends, relatives, wife etc. sometimes consumers are attracted by
packaging to switch. Non availability of brand is one more reason to brand switching. In this
analysis 15% respondents changed to other brand due to advertisement impact, 20%
respondents due to scheme (offer), 17.5% respondents changed due to price rise, 12.5%
respondents switched to other brand to try new options, 12% respondents due to the influence
of others, while other 12% respondents switched to other brand due to better packaging, and
15% respondents changed non-availability of product in the market.

TABLE 15: Offer Influence to Purchase to other Brand of Toothpaste
Offers Number of Respondents Percentage

Locality point 27 7.5

Coupons 54 15

Price reduction 90 25

Buy 1 get 1 free 108 30

None of the above 81 22.5

Offers Which Make Consumer to Buy another

Brand of Toothpaste

Loyality point
Price reduction
30% Buy 1 get 1 free
None of the above


To identify the offer which make consumer to purchase another brand of tooth paste the data
pertaining to that is presented in the table 15.An analysis of the table reveals that most of the
consumers influence by BUY 1 Get 1 offer(30%), 25% are influenced by price reduction,
15% are influenced by coupons, 7% are influenced by loyalty points & 23% having no idea.

1. I found that 85% of the respondent using toothpaste & rest are using toothpowder,

Mouthwash & In which most of them are using in paste form rather than Liquid,

powder & others.

2. I found that most of the respondents purchasetoothpasteas when they require in &

30% of once and rest of them purchase twice ina month of Lucknow city.

3. I found that mostly consumer brushing once in a day where others are brushing twice

or more in a day.

4. Mostly consumers 55% of purchase as when they require of toothpaste,30% of them

purchase once, 15% of the respondents purchase twice a in a month.

5. I found that price is the main factor which influence to buying the toothpaste 25%,
7.5% influenced by the quality,22.5 of influenced by brand, 10% influenced by the
packaging, 7.5% influenced by taste &flavour and 10% influenced by availability ,5%
influenced by other factors to buying the toothpaste.

6. I found that Before some time Colgate was the generic name for toothpaste, this is the

main reason, most of the respondents (35%) aware of Colgate. 27.5% of respondent

aware of Dant kanti.7.5% respondents aware of Close-up and Pepsodent (HLL

company), Dabur, Anchor, & Ajanta is a Indian based company have awareness level

of 10%,5%,&15% and respondents aware Glister brands of toothpaste in Lucknow


7. Most of the respondents (50%) of them purchase general store, 25% of the

respondents purchase medical store and 10% of purchase department store and 15%

of the respondent use other mode of purchasing toothpaste in Lucknow city.

8. Majority of the respondents 45% preferred advertisements, 25% of the respondents
preferred celebrity endorsements, 20% preferred publicity, and 10% preferred other
mode of promotion. Advertisement creates attention and stimulates the consumer to
buy a particular brand.

9. I found that Most of the consumers influence by BUY 1 Get 1 offer,, some are

influenced by coupons, some of them are influenced by loyalty points & others having

no idea.

10. In case of celebrity behaviours make the product more efficient and focused.

11. Due to variety it is easier for the respondents to choose because of small size


12. There are many schemes given by the toothpaste industry on various sizes to make

sales and attracts them to meet the particular brand ambassador.

13. Brand sickness is more.

14. The customer wants the new flavour with same brand

15. Utmost care should be taken to study the after use effects which leads to post

purchase satisfaction.

16. The various ads made by them that include special protection, whitness, oral care etc.


1. Everyone wants clean, white and protected teeth. So price is not very important

consideration for them. The study reveals that cleanness, whiteness and protection of

teeth are the prime consideration with respect to attributes. So company should take

into account these attributes while manufacturing.

2. Advertising in every possible media should increase the market share which will be

beneficial for every company to grow and the advertising should be so done in such a

way that it creates strong bondage over buying the particular company‘s brand

toothpaste and care should be taken so that it reaches the targeted and prospective


3. Respondent expect the related product along with the product as a discount, free gifts.

4. Any increase in the price must be justified by giving extra benefit to the customers.

5. Company should have efficient distribution system, so that goods are delivered via

agent- distributor, via whole seller, via retailer to customer at right time. So that

customers do not face problem for the non-availability of the product. So each retailer

should have sufficient stock.

6. Company should focus more on customer oriented and product oriented i.e. product

quality should be good and well maintained so that if the customers use that product

and he/she is satisfied then he/she will use again.

7. Company should gather feedback from the customers by giving a feedback form to

them and filled from them some relevant questions.

8. If the companies brand is not survivable in the market due to harsh competition then

company should always gather feedback from the customers so that can know the

loophole and will try to boost sales via ads. (print & electronic media), sales promotion

schemes- scratch & win, or family value pack 200g+100+Free brash.


Purchasing Preference is not exactly predicted one; somewhat it is predicted with the help

of research activity. Starting and ending of the survey ends with only one statement

‘CONSUMER IS KING’ .So the companies concentrate in analyzing the requirement of

people thoroughly to satisfy and retaining the consumer. This study revealed that consumer

awareness of toothpaste is less in Lucknow city.

Oral care market offers huge potential as penetration and per capita consumption of oral

care product is very low in India. However, rising per capita income and increasing

awareness is driving demand of oral care products, the dentist population is also low in

India. For promoting the product consumption and creating awareness government has

taken initiative like dental health camps, Manufactures have used advertising campaigns to

promote higher consumption of toothpaste. Creating the awareness is a part of social

responsibility of the company. Most of the consumers are ready to accept the suggestion of

dentist, so the government is also responsible for appointing more dentists to create the

awareness. There are some important factors considered by the consumer for decision

making. Brand image, advertising, and offer play an important role in purchasing

toothpaste, sometimes based on the offer the consumer compare with competitor product

and select the best one. Product attribute also analyzed by the consumer for deciding a

brand. Switching of one product to other company product is mainly based on

advertisement, brand name, packaging availability, and price rise, etc.

So the companies analyze all these factors and find out the best suitable tools for promoting

their toothpastes in India. The new breed is even willing to import to satisfy specific

requirement. It is difficult to classify this generation consumers by conventional

demographic factors and unless their thought process and buying behavior are fully

understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding and distribution

channels are likely to be misplaced. With the inevitability of change looming large over the

horizon, Indian companies must learn from their western counterparts; not only to identify

the sources, timing and direction of the changes likely to affect India, but also the new

competencies and perspective that will enable them to respond to these changes,

comprehensively and effectively. Companies offering Product or Services will need to

understand this new face of the customers.

The limitation contained in the primary data was that of limited sample size used for study,

thus sample cannot be correct representation of the target. Moreover consumer buying is a

complex process in which number of factors like economic factors, social status and

psychographic factors influence the buying of the consumer, those are not considered for the

study. Understanding psychographics of the consumer is an important tool to understand the

inner feelings, and attitude of the consumer. The changing demographic profile of the

population in terms of education, income, size of family and so on, are important by what

will be more substantive in days to come will be the Psychographics of customers that is how

they feel, think or behave. Marketers will have to constantly monitor and understand the

underlying Psychographics to map their respective industries are moving and decide what

needs to be done, by way of adding value that motivates customers to buy the company’s

products and influence the future industry structure. One more problem in this study was

questionnaire. Most of the questions are closed ended it limits the respondents answer.

Following are some limitations which affect -:

 The study has been conducted based on the data acquired from the respondent of

Lucknow. only and the findings may not be applicable to other cities of the world

because of socio-cultural differences.

 Sample size is very small.

 Lack of availability of resources,such as actual data.

 Some respondents were not willing to fill up the Questionnaire.

 Some respondents filled up the questionnaire unwillingly.

 Some answers in open ended question were not legible and at some places they were left

untouched so it was difficult to interpret them and at some.

There were also some limitations of the project:

 Human behaviour is very complex so it is difficult to gauge it just on the basis of


 The survey was restricted to Lucknow city only.

 There is also likelihood of responsive error: when respondents unwillingly fill up

the questionnaire.

 Time and Money were also constraints up to some extent


Journals and Books

 PHILIP KOTLER, “The principles o marketing”, Tata McGrew-Hill Publishing.(14th

edition 2013)

 Willian.D.perreault, Jr. “Basic Marketing” E.J.erome.mccarthy.(13th edition)

 C.R.KOTHARI, “Research Methodology” New age international publication, 2nd

revised edition.

 Assunçao, J.L., and Meyer, J.R., (1993): The Rational Effect of Price Promotions on

sales and Consumption, Management Science, 39(5): 517-535.

 Bawa, K., and Shoemaker. (1987): The Coupon-Prone Consumer: Some Findings

Based on PurchaseBehavior across Product Classes, Journal of Marketing, 51(4), 99-


 Bell, D.R., Chiang, J., and Padmanabhan, D. (1999): The Decomposition of

Promotional Response, Marketing Science, 18 (4): 504-526.

 Behura, KC and Panda, JK, (2012): VSRD International Journal of Business

Management research, vol2(2):65-74.







I, PRACHI JAISWAL (MBA IV semester) student is conducting a study on “A STUDY
few minutes to fill up the Questionnaire. Your cooperation is sincerely appreciated.


Email Id/ Contact no :………………………

Kindly answer the followings Questions:

1. What is your age?

 0 – 10 Years
 11 – 20 Years
 21 – 35 Years
 26 – 30 Years

2. What is your gender?

 Male
 Female

3. What is your educational Qualification?

 Matriculation
 Bachelors
 Masters
4. What is your occupation?
 Student
 Businessman
 Profession
 Housewife

5. What is your monthly income?

 Below 10,000
 10,000 – 15,000
 15,000 – 20,000
 Above 20,000

6. Do you use toothpaste?
 No

7. Which type of toothpaste do you prefer?

 Liquid
 Paste
 Powder
 Others
8. No. of times do you brush your teeth per day?
 Once
 Twice
 More than two

9. What is the frequency of purchase of tooth paste in a month?

 Once
 Twice
 As when they require
10. From Where do you buy your toothpaste?
 Department store
 General store
 Medical store
 others
11.What is your most preferred brand of toothpaste?
 Colgate
 Close up
 Pepsodent
 Dant kanti
 Glister
 Dabur
 Anchor,Ved Shakti

12.What no. of brands of toothpaste you use so far?

 One
 Two
 More than two

13.Which factor affecting you buying the toothpaste?
 Price
 Quality
 Brand
 Taste
 Flavour
 Availability
 Packaging
 Fragrance
 Advertisement
 Others

14.Which attribute is most preferable to you for selecting toothpaste?

 Whiteness
 Healthy tooth & gums
 Long lasting freshness
 Prevention of tooth decay
 Prevention of Bad Breath
 Use of natural Herbs

15.By whom are you influencers while purchasing toothpaste?

 Self
 Friends
 Parents
 Spouse
 Dentist Recommendations

16.By which mode of promotion are you gets attached?

 Advertisement
 Celebrity Endorsement
 Publicity
 Others
17. Which promotional tools make to buy toothpaste?
 Gift
 Discount
 Extra quantity
 Price off
 Others

18.For which reason if you switch to other brand?
 Impact of packaging
 Price rise of current brand
 Scheme of brands
 Advertisement impact
 Consumer brand is not available
 To try new option
 Influence by other

19. What kind of offers would you most likely make you purchase another
brand of toothpaste?
 Loyality point
 Cupons
 Price reduction
 Buy 1 get 1 free
 None of the above

20. Would you like to give your opinion about any other aspect of Toothpaste?






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