Consolidating Spare Parts For Asset Maintenance With Additive Manufacturing
Consolidating Spare Parts For Asset Maintenance With Additive Manufacturing
Consolidating Spare Parts For Asset Maintenance With Additive Manufacturing
Corresponding author. Tel.: +31534896515. E-mail addresses: (N.Knofius), (M.C. van der Heijden), (W.H.M. Zijm).
1 Introduction
The lifecycle of expensive capital goods, such as manufacturing equipment for high-tech
industries or health care and defense systems, often spans several decades. To remain oper-
ational during this period, a well-thought out maintenance and logistic support strategy is
essential. In particular, spare parts are required to replace deteriorated and failed compo-
nents. When system downtime has serious consequences, e.g. in case of a grounded aircraft
or a stopped production line, short response times are essential. This condition necessi-
tates that spare parts are available quickly, either by locating them close to the installed
base or by means of emergency shipments. Both scenarios typically involve high costs.
For instance, decentralized stocking of spare parts eliminates scale effects, and emergency
arises through the high variety of spare parts which are required to maintain a system.
Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands spare parts used by a single company are
not uncommon. As a consequence, in many applications, costs related to the spare part
management of capital goods significantly exceed their acquisition costs (Öner et al., 2007).
This prospect stimulated academia to propose models to optimize spare parts management
and hence support decisions regarding how many spare parts to stock at which location in
the supply chain, cf. Sherbrooke (2004), Muckstadt (2005) and Van Houtum and Kranen-
burg (2015). The emergence of additive manufacturing (AM) technology, however, might
processes - materials are added layer upon layer to manufacture complete parts. This
approach allows a substantial reduction of tooling requirements and setup costs, and thus
enables more flexible production of various parts with the same machinery. Based on this
characteristic, the production of parts close to the customer sites may become economically
reasonable as well (Mellor et al., 2014). Another characteristic is that manufacturing costs
are independent of the geometric complexity of the produced part (Hague, 2006). Therefore,
design options that were previously infeasible due to Design for Manufacturing (DFM)
conventions now become feasible and may allow a usage-driven design. Likewise, the use of
raw materials might become more efficient compared to subtractive production processes.
These novel process characteristics have led to high expectations for the application
of AM technology. For instance, a survey of the industry showed that about 60% of all
technology within 3 to 5 years (PwC, 2014). This expectation might also be a consequence
cheaper, safer, more reliable, and environmentally friendly (Gibson et al., 2010).
The low-volume, high-variety spare parts business is often identified as a potential ben-
eficiary of AM technology. For example, Walter et al. (2004) describe how AM technology
may increase the responsiveness of spare part supply chains. They elaborate how safety
stock costs can be reduced while response times are kept short by producing spare parts on
demand. Additionally, the obsolescence risk of stored spare parts decreases. In the same
publication, Walter et al. discuss the concept of producing spare parts close to the customer
site. They explain that this concept may offer an alternative to decentralized stocking and
emergency shipments. In the latter case, the investment in the required infrastructure is
justified by the flexibility of being able to produce different parts with the same AM ma-
chinery. Also relevant for the spare parts business might be the option to repair parts with
AM technology. For instance, consider a worn out spare part that can be repaired with
AM. This may increase the usage period considerably and thus may offer substantial cost
savings. The potential is demonstrated by means of a burner tip used in gas turbines at
Siemens. Siemens (2014) was able to reduce the repair lead time by 90% and the associated
The spare part management, however, might also be affected by new spare part designs
that become feasible with AM technology. According to the Wohlers Associates (2014),
the most promising application of the new design freedom for operations is the integration
of parts, i.e. the redesign of an assembled component with fewer, but therefore more
complex parts. This concept is referred to as consolidation. Next to reducing the number
of assembly steps, and thereby production lead time and costs, consolidation may improve
the reliability of assembled components, see Johnson and Kirchain (2009) and Wits et al.
(2016). For instance, couplings between parts, and thus the cause for several failure modes,
can be removed. Furthermore, the performance of the consolidated part may be improved.
In this context, performance refers to aspects like reduced weight while fulfilling the same
functionality, less flow resistance or improved heat dissipation. Moreover, the supply chain
might be simplified because the number of distinct parts that need to be sourced, tracked and
inspected decreases. Hence, operational complexities and long lead times are reduced (Yang
et al., 2015). Finally, the general benefits of AM technology apply, which we elaborated on
earlier. In Appendix 1, we illustrate a typical case of consolidation that was realized with
AM technology.
tion is always preferable. Instead, it is unclear under which conditions a consolidated part is
more valuable than its CM and assembled counterpart. This is due to several potential dis-
advantages of consolidation. For instance, consolidation might remove the option to repair
the entire component. This constraint may lead to additional acquisition costs and stock-
ing of more complex parts compared to the assembly case. Similarly, possible commonality
effects are lost because of the higher customization of the consolidated part. Consider for
example commonality effects that can be achieved by stock pooling among low level parts.
Also, higher purchasing costs are likely because of more specific parts as well as the general
novelty of industrial AM processes. Weller et al. (2015) point out that the latter may also
increase the number of required productions steps. For instance, current AM processes typi-
cally require support materials which have to be removed in separate production steps. The
same holds true for post-processing steps which are required to increase the surface quality
or to reduce residual stress. Finally, consolidation may change spare part characteristics
negatively. For example, metal based AM technologies often result in parts that suffer from
because pores act as a possible origin for cracks. In conclusion, it is not surprising that
Thomas (2016) criticizes that studies about consolidation tend to adopt a perspective that
Opportunities Drawbacks
+ Less assembly steps - No replacement of sub-components
+ Shorter lead times - Lost commonality effects
+ Simplified supply chain - Potentially higher purchasing costs
+ Potentially higher reliability - Potentially lower reliability
+ Performance improvements - Stocking of more complex parts
+ Reduced tooling and setup effort - Post-processing
+ Lower raw material usage
ogy is advisable from an economic perspective. Therefore, we identify and study the root
causes which are responsible for the economic value of consolidation with AM technology
using existing methods for spare part optimization. The remainder of the paper is organized
as follows:
In Section 2, we discuss related literature and elaborate the contribution of this paper. We
continue with an overview how consolidation may influence the lifecycle costs of capital
goods in Section 3. In Section 4, we explain the model and clarify our assumptions. Af-
consolidation. The results reveal under which conditions consolidation appears profitable.
We conclude with Section 6, where we summarize the results and provide guidelines as to
2 Literature review
In this section, we discuss two streams of literature. First, we consider theories for the
optimization of spare part inventories in order to set the ground for the methodology applied
in this paper. Second, we review literature that quantifies possible effects of AM technology
on supply chains.
A seminal paper in the field of spare part management has been written by Sherbrooke
(1968) who introduces the METRIC methodology. In this paper, Sherbrooke considers a
multi-item, two-echelon distribution network, which he evaluates with an approximation
for the number of items in resupply. Based on convexity properties, Sherbrooke developed
a marginal approach to optimize the inventory positions of each item. Later, this work
was extended to more complex network structures and more accurate approximations for
the number of items in resupply. A first contribution on spare part stocking decisions for
assemblies was made by Sherbrooke (1971), who introduced the indenture level concept. The
spare part, more or less similar to a Bill of Material structure: a first indenture level
part consists of second indenture level parts, etc. This categorization is used to organize
the optimization of inventories across different product or system hierarchy levels. A key
assumption is that a failed first indenture level part can be repaired by detecting the failed
second indenture level part(s), and either replacing them or continuing to search for the
cause on the third level, etc. Sherbrooke’s work was extended by Muckstadt (1973) to
on the approach of Graves (1985), Sherbrooke (1986) improved the MOD-METRIC model
with a more accurate two-moment approximation for the number of items in resupply. The
indenture systems with backordering. We base our analysis on the VARI-METRIC approach
by Sherbrooke. For a more extensive overview on this stream of literature, we would like
to refer to Sherbrooke (2004), Muckstadt (2005) and Van Houtum and Kranenburg (2015).
The consequences of AM technology for the supply chain are not well understood yet (Holm-
ström et al., 2016). Accordingly, we mostly find conceptual and visionary considerations
for the use of AM technology in supply chains, e.g. Pérès and Noyes (2006), Holmström
et al. (2010), Waller and Fawcett (2014), Sasson and Johnson (2016). Here, we review the
quantitative results.
Barz et al. (2016) study the impact of a more efficient raw material utilization of AM
technology on the supply chain layout using mixed-integer programming to analyze a two-
stage supply network. In the first stage, raw materials are delivered to production sites.
In the second stage, the finished product is delivered to customer sites. Decision variables
are the location of the production sites, the production site/customer site relations and the
transportation quantities. They find that transportation costs decrease with the use of AM
technology. This result is explained by a lower requirement of raw materials and thus less
transportation costs from the raw material source to the production site. Also, production
sites tend to be located closer to customer sites due to this property. As a final observation
they report that the number of opened production sites is rather independent of the raw
material utilization. It needs to be mentioned, however, that some crucial assumptions are
capacity costs are independent of the production technology and no inventory is allowed.
Also, it would be interesting to obtain insights about the consequences of a more uniform
requirement of raw material with AM technology which is not addressed in their paper.
Liu et al. (2014) analyze the effect of using AM technology instead of CM for a spare
parts supply chain of aircrafts. They compare central and decentral deployment of AM
equipment with different demand characteristics and service level requirements. The spare
part design is considered to be identical for both production methods. In all experiments,
the safety stock requirements are lower with AM technology and exemplify the benefit of
AM technology of being able to produce on demand. Furthermore, they find that a central
deployment of AM capacity is favorable for slow moving spare parts, with high demand
technology appears favorable. The investment costs for AM equipment or personnel costs
are not considered and therefore bias the analysis in favor of a decentralized deployment.
This critique is confirmed by the findings of Khajavi et al. (2014). They show that a
decentralized layout only becomes attractive if the acquisition cost of AM equipment can
to reduce the required personnel cost in a decentralized AM supply chain. Finally, they
short customer order lead times are demanded. Long production lead times would enforce
inventories and thus would gradually reduce one of the key benefits of AM technology.
Sirichakwal and Conner (2016) study the consequences of reduced holding costs and
replenishment lead times for spare parts which result from the application of AM technol-
ogy. For this purpose, they assume a single stock point where they apply a continuous
review base stock policy with emergency shipments. In general, they find that holding costs
and replenishment lead time reductions have positive effects on the total inventory costs.
Furthermore, they argue that holding costs reductions decrease the stock-out probability
because companies are incentivized to keep more stock. In particular, this finding holds for
parts with low demand rates. Apart from differences in holding costs and replenishment lead
times, however, they assume that the AM and CM part are identical. As a result, potential
differences in failure behavior or different spare part configurations are not regarded.
Westerweel et al. (2017) investigates under which conditions an AM part yields lower
total lifecycle costs than the CM version. Therefore, they model a single stock point that
follows a continuous review base stock policy with emergency shipments. Their model
reveals that even if the reliability of the AM part is lower than that of the CM part,
the AM version yields lower total costs under the assumption that the production costs
of both design options are identical. Conversely, if the production costs are different but
the MTBF identical, the AM version is still preferable for cases with higher production
costs. These findings are a consequence of the key assumption that AM always requires
a shorter production lead time. Furthermore, they provide insights into the consequences
of a large installed base size and the lifecycle length. In case AM technology requires
higher investment costs which cannot be offset by performance improvements, this may be
ameliorated by spreading out the cost over a large installed base size and long lifecycle.
Effects arising from consolidation are assumed to be known upfront and serve as an input
to the model.
Overall, we find that literature in this field does not quantify the consequences of con-
technology for operations (Wohlers Associates, 2014). Instead, it is assumed that no design
changes occur or that the effects of design changes are known a priori. This type of assump-
tion is problematic for three reasons: First, design changes are imposed by AM technology
cf. Wits et al. (2016) and Lindemann et al. (2015). Second, the value of consolidation tends
lifecycle costs of capital goods (cf. Section 1). These aspects motivate the study in this
During the lifecycle of expensive capital goods, different cost factors must be considered.
Elmakis and Lisnianski (2006) differentiate between following cost categories: development
costs, production costs, operation and service costs, and disposal costs. In this section,
we describe how consolidation with AM may change these cost categories and explain how
Both the development and the production cost category are largely influenced by the
manufacturing processes. Thus, the decision to use AM for the purpose of consolidation is
likely to affect these cost categories. We justify this claim by the following observations: AM
parts typically do not require tooling and less setup activities compared to CM. Additionally,
assembly steps are fewer and in most cases we require less raw materials for the production
of AM parts. The latter aspect decreases sourcing costs and supply chain complexity. On
the other hand, industrial AM processes have not matured yet. Hence, the acquisition of
AM machinery represents an expensive and risky investment which may lead to high piece
rework of parts produced with AM, which increases the production costs. We encapsulate
these considerations with the difference in purchasing costs between the AM part and the
CM assembly. Note that depending on the supply chain layout, one may interpret the
Often the operation and service cost category is the main contributor to the total lifecycle
costs of expensive capital goods (Öner et al., 2007). We subdivide this cost category into
operational costs, maintenance costs, and downtime costs. Operational costs arise during
the direct usage of the capital good. Typical representatives of this category are electricity,
personnel and fuel costs. Some of these cost factors may be affected by consolidation.
For example, consider the burner tip business case as specified in Appendix 1. In this
case, GE achieved a weight reduction through consolidation, and thus was able to reduce
fuel consumption, which ultimately led to operational costs savings. However, in general
these cost savings heavily depend on the specific business case and are not suitable for a
generic assessment of the effects of consolidation with AM. Consequently, we will exclude
the operational costs from the analysis. Nevertheless, note that it is possible to incorporate
Maintenance costs arise due to preventive and corrective maintenance activities and are
required for the upkeep of capital goods. Maintenance activities and associated support
functions like spare part management are likely to be affected by consolidation. As men-
tioned in Section 1, the failure behavior of consolidated and printed parts usually differs
from CM parts. Therefore, the frequency of maintenance activities varies, and the required
stock levels of the associated spare parts are different. Also, we often observe shorter replen-
ishment lead times for printed parts, which is a consequence of having less complex supply
chains and fewer assembly steps. Hence, we may encounter lower stock levels. Conversely,
consolidation of parts constrains the repair options. For instance, repair by replacement of
sub-components is no longer possible, and thus may lead to higher repair costs. In order
to capture the described differences in maintenance costs, we consider the different failure
Downtime costs arise if the capital good is non-operational; they are typically difficult
to quantify because they relate to soft factors such as customer satisfaction and company
image. We express the downtime costs in terms of an availability target for the system. This
decision is justified by two observations: First, there exists a relation between downtime
costs and target availability, that is, higher downtime costs induce a higher target availabil-
ity (Houtum and Zijm, 2000). Second, the target availability is typically easier to assess
intuitively and thus is more often specified in service contracts or functional specification
documents than downtime costs. We therefore compare the total life cycle costs of the AM
part with the CM assembly, subject to a mutual availability constraint in our analysis.
The last cost category are the disposal costs which arise during the phase out of the cap-
ital good. Consolidation may influence these costs due to differences in over- and underage
costs. Overage costs refer to costs that arise if too many spare parts remain unused at the
end of the lifecycle. Often this situation leads to a depreciation of the value of the remaining
stock. Consolidation may worsen this effect, as parts are more complex and specific, and
hence more valuable. Underage costs arise due to insufficient stock during the final phase
of the product or system when regular resupply is discontinued. This condition leads to
downtime costs or additional charges to purchase spare parts during this final phase. Here,
consolidation with AM technology may decrease the underage costs given that replenish-
ment lead times are typically short and setup costs are low. As a consequence, the impact of
phase which of the two effects will eventually have a more significant impact, as aspects
like decreasing demand and learning effects during the lifecycle are difficult to foresee. Fur-
thermore, potential over- or underage costs heavily depend on operational decisions, such
as how to deplete the stock levels at the end of the lifecycle of the capital good. For these
reasons, we decided to exclude the disposal costs from the analysis. In an actual case where
this insight is available however, one may include disposal cost differences between the AM
4 Model
In this section, we present the model that we will use to quantify the effects of consolida-
tion. Therefore, we first present an outline of the model. Afterwards, we list the resulting
assumptions before we construct the mathematical model in the next sub-section. We close
this section with the description of the model evaluation and optimization.
Consider a single stock point which serves an installed base of systems with a critical
component, i.e. once the component of a particular system fails, the entire system has to
stop operation. The component is a multi-indenture item and may appear multiple times
in each system. For ease of presentation, however, we assume that each component occurs
only once in each system. Upon failure, the entire component is replaced by a stocked
spare part to keep the downtime of the system short. In case no stock is available, demand
is backordered until a spare part becomes available. The failed component enters a repair
process (if possible), which always results in a ready-for-use spare part with a similar failure
pattern as an entirely new item. Inventories are controlled according to a base stock policy.
uration A represents the design with the highest segmentation. That is, no consolidation
of parts took place. In Configuration B, Parts 6 and 7 are consolidated with AM tech-
nology which results in a Part I with a specific failure rate, average replenishment lead
time, holding and replenishment costs rate. Also, consolidation across indenture-levels is
possible. This situation occurs for Configuration C where the functions of Parts 5, 6, 7
and 2 are replaced by Part II. Finally, each component configuration may demand different
replenishment processes. For instance, a consolidated part, like Part I and II in Figure 1,
purchase takes place to obtain a substitute for Part I and II. In contrast, a failure of Part
5 5
2 2 II
6 I
1 3 1 3 1 3
4 4 4
The goal of the model is to evaluate which component configuration minimizes the total
costs subject to an availability constraint. Therefore, we jointly optimize the base stock
4.2 Assumptions
1. The critical component we study is used only once in each system. Also, each part
3. Failures of parts occur according to a stationary Poisson process and are caused by a
4. The configuration of the component does not influence the failure rate of the lowest
indenture parts.
5. Each part in the multi-indenture structure is critical, i.e. the entire component does
not function if one part is defective and thus leads to a non-operational system.
7. Each component is repaired by replacement of a lower indenture part, except for the
lowest indenture parts; they are discarded upon failure, and a new part is purchased.
8. Lead times are independent and identically distributed for each part.
9. The repair lead time does not depend on lower-indenture parts. Thus, it captures the
11. Holding costs are encountered during the repair and ordering process.
In this paragraph, we explain the mathematical model. Notations are introduced in the text
and summarized in Table 2. For the evaluation of functions introduced in this sub-section,
parts Zk . For example, the set of parts of Configuration C in Figure 1 is represented by
ZC = {1, II, 3, 4}. Indenture levels are specified with i, i = 1, 2, . . . I, where the set of parts
at indenture level i is denoted by Zki ⊆ Zk . Thus ZC2 = {II, 3, 4}. The set of children
is denoted by Ψk (z) (note that since we assume that each component occurs only once per
system, Ψk (z) consists of a single element, but we keep the set notation for the purpose of
generalization). The failure rate of the lowest indenture part z ∈ ZkI is described by λz .
The failure rate of a higher indenture level part z ∈ Zk \ ZkI is equal to the accumulated
failure rate of its children. If component configuration k ∈ K is an assembly, i.e. |Zk | > 1,
the component can be repaired by replacing the failed part z ∈ Zk1 with rz being the cost
rate of replacement. In case Γk (z) 6= ∅, the part z ∈ Zk1 can be repaired by replacing the
failed child y ∈ Γk (z) with ry being the cost rate of replacement, etc.
Otherwise, if part z ∈ Zk has no children, i.e. Γk (z) = ∅, we discard the failed part and
order a new part at a purchasing costs rate pz . The holding costs per period (e.g. per year)
of part z ∈ Zk are a fraction κ of the total piece price Pk (z). In case we consider a part
z ∈ ZkI on the lowest hierarchy level the total piece price is equal to the purchasing costs
rate. For a part u ∈ Zk \ ZkI on a higher hierarchy level the total piece price is equal to
the assembly costs rate az plus the total piece price of all its lower level parts included in
denoted by lz .
Notation Explanation
IB Installed base size
K Set of feasible configurations
k Specific component configuration
Zk Set of parts in configuration k
i Indenture level, where I denotes the lowest hierarchy level
Zki Set of parts in configuration k at indenture level i
Γk (z) Set of children of part z in configuration k
Ψk (z) Parents of part z in configuration k
λz Failure rate of a lowest indenture part zZkI
rz Replacement cost rate of part zZk
pz Purchasing cost rate of a lowest indenture part zZkI
az Assembly cost rate of a higher indenture level part zZk \ ZkI
Pk (z) Total piece price of part z in configuration k
κ Holding costs fraction
lz Average replenishment lead time/repair lead time of part z
xk Binary variable which indicates if configuration k is used
Sk Vector describing all base stock levels for configuration k
sk (z) Base stock level of part z in configuration k
T Ck (Sk ) Average total costs of configuration k given Sk
à Target availability of the installed base
Ak (Sk ) Average availability for configuration k given Sk
mk (z) Demand rate of part z
EBO(.) Expected number of backorders
V BO(.) Variance of backorders
Rk (z) Parts in replenishment of part z in configuration k
if configuration k is used
xk for ∀k ∈ K, where xk =
Sk = {sk (z)|∀z ∈ Zk } for ∀k ∈ K, where sk (z) denotes the base stock level of part
z ∈ Zk .
The average total costs of configuration k ∈ K, given Sk , are denoted by T Ck (Sk ). The
target availability for the installed base is given by Ã, while the average availability for a
order to find the minimum cost configuration. The evaluation of the functions in the
optimization problem is discussed in the next sub-section.
minimize xk T Ck (Sk )
xk ,sk (z)
subject to xk = 1
Ak (Sk ) ≥ Ã
sk (z) ∈ N0
xk ∈ {0, 1}
In this section, we will review the essential steps for our problem setting:
To compute Ak (Sk ), we must derive the demand rate for each part z ∈ Zk first. We
begin with computing the demand rate for each lowest indenture level part z ∈ ZkI with
mk (z) = IBλz . For a higher indenture part u ∈ Zk \ ZkI , we use mk (u) = z∈Γk (u) mk (z).
Next, we determine for part z ∈ Zk the expected number of backorders EBO(sk (z), .) and
the variance of backorders V BO(sk (z), .). At the lowest indenture-level, we obtain these
measures using a single site model, cf. Sherbrooke (2004). Next, we determine the mean
and variance of the number of parts in the replenishment process Rk (y) for part y ∈ Ψk (z):
E[Rk (y)] = mk (y)ly + EBO(sk (z)) (2)
z∈Γk (z)
V ar[Rk (y)] = mk (y)ly + V BO(sk (z)) (3)
z∈Γk (z)
To obtain the expected number of backorders EBO(sk (y), .) and the variance of the
backorders V BO(sk (y), .) for part y ∈ Ψk (z), we use a two moment approximation. That
is, we fit a negative binominal distribution to the mean and the variance of Ry as given
above. Analogously, we proceed with the higher indenture level parts until the expected
number of backorders of the first indenture level part EBO(Sk ) is obtained. Finally, to
derive the average availability Ak (Sk ), we use the following approximation:
EBO(Sk )
Ak (Sk ) ≈ M ax{1 − , 0}. (4)
In order to compute T Ck (Sk ) we determine the total piece price Pk (z) for every part
z ∈ Zk first. For the lowest indenture part z ∈ ZkI , we have Pk (z) = pz . For a higher
indenture part u ∈ Zk \ ZkI we use Pk (u) = au + y∈Γk (u) Pk (y). Next, we determine
Cz (sk (z)), i.e. the average total costs for each part z ∈ Zk1 and all its lower indenture
parts. We have:
mk (z)(rz + pz ) + sk (z)κpz ,
if Γk (z) = ∅ or |Zk | = 1;
Cz (sk (z)) = (5)
mk (z)rz + sk (z)κPk (z) + y∈Γ (z) Cy (sk (y)), otherwise.
T Ck (Sk ) = Cz (sk (z)). (6)
To optimize the formulated model, we follow the marginal analysis of Sherbrooke, cf. Sher-
successively increasing the stock level of the most cost effective item, where cost effective-
ness is captured by the backorder reduction per unit of capital (e.g per dollar) invested.
This procedure leads to a convex EBO-costs curve. Algorithm 1 formalizes this approach
Algorithm 1: Marginal analysis for component configuration k ∈ K
Set sk (z) := 0, z ∈ Zk and define ez as a |Zk |-dimensional unit vector
Set Sknew := Sk + ez ;
EBO(Sk )−EBO(Sknew )
Calculate ∆z = T Ck (Sknew )−T Ck (Sk ) , ∀z ;
Evaluate Ak (Sk );
curves. The convexity property allows us to easily find the convex frontier of the EBO-costs
curves, for example with the Graham scan (Graham, 1972). As a result, we can approximate
which configuration leads to the most cost-efficient results given a desired availability Ã.
5 Experimental section
In this section, we will conduct numerical experiments in order to gain insights about the
effects of consolidation with AM. For this purpose, we will consider two setups: consol-
idation at the same indenture level (I = 1), and consolidation over two indenture levels
1. The percentage of instances where Configuration B has lower average total costs than
2. The average costs savings with consolidation in case Configuration B has lower average
T CB (SB )−T CA (SA )
total costs ∆T C[B] = T CA (SA ) , where the average of ∆T C[B] over several
3. The log difference between the total costs of both configurations, defined as ln TT CB (SB )
CA (SA ) ,
see Törnqvist et al. (1985). This measure has the advantage of being symmetric, i.e.
ln(a/b) = − ln(b/a). Thus, the average log difference is a suitable indicator of the
relative costs difference over several instances. We denote the average by ∆ln(TC).
figuration A represents the CM manufactured component which consist of |ZA | parts. Con-
figuration B is produced with AM and fulfills the same function with one part only.
1 ... | ZA | I
To simplify the presentation of the model input and results, we relate the characteristics
of parts in Configuration A to the characteristics of Part I. Thus, we derive the average re-
plenishment lead time of Part I from the weighted average replenishment lead time incurred
mA (z)
with Configuration A, i.e. ˜lA = z∈ZA m
A (A)
lz , with mA (A) = z∈ZA mA (z). The mea-
sure ˜lA has the useful property of returning the same average replenishment lead time for
both configurations if it holds that lI = ˜lA . To experiment with differences in the average
replenishment lead times as well, we introduce the factor α and define lI = α˜lA . Follow-
ing the same logic, we use the average failure rate experienced with Configuration A (i.e.
λA = z∈ZA λz ) to compute the average failure rate of Part I and therefore have λI = βλA ,
with β describing the ratio between the average failure rates of both configurations. The
purchasing costs rate of Part I is related to the purchasing costs rate of Configuration A
(i.e. pA = z∈ZA pz ) with pI = γpA , where γ models the ratio between the purchasing
costs rate of both configurations. Therefore, if either of the factors (α, β, γ) is smaller than
In Table 3 we list the parameter values of the first experiment, where U [a, b] represents
a continuous uniform distribution between the values a and b. Given that we can model
arbitrary demand rates with λz , we set the installed base size equal to 1 (i.e. IB = 1). For
each parameter combination, we sample 25 values from the uniform distributions, which
Parameters Values
lz U [0.2, 1]
λz U [0.2/|Zk |, 5/|Zk |]
pz U [100/|Zk |, 20000/Zk ]
κ 0.15, 0.3
à 0.95, 0.995
|ZA | 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
α 0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4
β 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6
γ 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6
As a first step, we study the significance and the effect of changing input parameters
with linear regression. As the dependent variable we use ∆ln(T C). The regression analysis
Based on a t-test, each of the applied predictors is significant with a confidence level of
more than 99%. Furthermore, the predictors are not significantly correlated. Therefore, the
costs fraction (κ), the target availability (Ã), the weighted average replenishment lead time
(˜lA ) and the purchasing costs rate of Configuration A (pA ) have a positive effect on the cost
saving potential with consolidation (i.e. ∆ln(T C) decreases). On the contrary, an increase
of the other factor reduces the costs saving potential with consolidation. Also, it appears
that β and γ have a considerably higher effect on ∆ln(T C) than α. Finally, the number of
integrated parts (|ZA |) is the most important predictor for the value of consolidation. We
In Table 4 we present the effect of differences in replenishment lead time, failure rate
and purchasing costs rate by varying α, β and γ. Overall, we find that the costs saving
potential with consolidation is limited in the evaluated parameter range. Accordingly, the
performance indicator ∆ln(T C) is positive for most parameter values in Table 4. Neverthe-
less, the results for ∆T C[B]% clarify that, in specific instances, the cost saving potentials
of consolidation are high. For example, consider the scenario where the purchasing costs
rate is 1.6 higher for Configuration B than for Configuration A (γ = 1.6). On average,
the higher purchasing costs rate leads to significantly higher total costs with consolidation
(∆ln(T C) = 1.22). However, for the few instances where Configuration B is preferable
(B% = 1%), consolidation offers major costs savings on average (∆T C[B]% = −11%).
This finding clarifies that assessing the value of consolidation by a single characteristic like
the purchasing costs rate is not advisable. Instead, a total costs perspective is required to
Furthermore, the results presented in Table 4 replicate the findings in the regression
analysis: A short replenishment lead time (α) provides less incentive to make use of consol-
idation than a lower failure rate (β) or purchasing costs rate (γ). Accordingly, B% changes
300 0.30
Cost in thousands 250 0.25
200 0.20
150 0.15
100 0.10
50 0.05
0 0.00
.1-.25 .25-.4 .4-.55 .55-.7 .7-.85 .85-1 2 3 4 5 6
lI ZA |
Average of PB Average of HB
Fig. 3. Effect of average replenishment lead time (left) and effect of |ZA | (right)
by only 11% points if we compare α = 0.05 and α = 1.4. This effect is significantly smaller
The relation between costs and replenishment lead time allows us to deduce an ex-
planation for this finding. The average purchasing costs defined by PB = mB (I)pI are
independent of the replenishment lead time. Thus, changes in α affect the average holding
costs (HB = sB (I)κpI ) only, which limits the impact on the total costs. We illustrate this
relation in Figure 3 (left) for different values of lI . On the contrary, β and γ affect both costs
(PB and HB ) and thus have a higher influence on the value of consolidation on average.
Considering the fact that short lead times are a key benefit of AM, this finding may
partially explain why consolidation does not appear recommendable for most test instances.
Conversely, we may reason that consolidation through AM becomes more valuable in cases
where the average holding costs of a conventional configuration are high. This situation is
more likely in cases with a high target availability (Ã), a high holding costs fraction (κ),
a long weighted average lead time (˜lA ) or a high purchasing costs rate of Configuration
A (pA ). Therefore, this result also offers an interpretation for results from the regression
analysis where the negative coefficients of Ã, κ, ˜lA and pA indicate a positive correlation
Next, we investigate the negative effect of the number of parts (i.e. |ZA |) on the potential
costs saving with consolidation, which we deduced from the regression analysis. On the right
side of Figure 3, we illustrate this effect by plotting B% as a function of |ZA |. As expected
We hypothesize that this effect is related to the additional flexibility to fulfill the avail-
ability target (Ã). For instance, one may obtain the option to allocate stock unevenly
among parts which leads to costs savings eventually. Given that this flexibility increases
where we chose λ1 = 0.5 while varying λ2 . Other parameter values are chosen as they were
in the previous experiment (cf. Table 3). In Figure 4 , we show that ∆ln(T C) is close to
0% if Part 1 and Part 2 have the same failure rate (λ1 = λ2 ). The more the failure rates
deviate, the larger ∆ln(T C) becomes. The results exemplify the value of flexibility: In
case both parts have a rather similar failure rate, the benefit of allocating stock unevenly
between both parts is low. If, however, the difference is high, the benefit of allocating
stock unevenly increases. Given that such differences are more likely to occur with a higher
number of parts, |ZA | is a negative predictor for the benefit of consolidation. This hypothesis
1/1 1/4 1/7 1/10 1/13 1/16 1/19 1/22
λ1 /λ2
Fig. 4. Consequence of different failure rates
In this sub-section, we focus on the effect of consolidation over two-indenture levels. The
of the model input and results, we follow an approach comparable to the one in Section 5.1
and relate several input parameters to each other. For parameter relations that do not follow
from the explanations in Section 5.1 immediately, we give a short outline subsequently. The
0 I
1 2 ... | Z A 2 |
We chose the weighted average replenishment lead time of parts at the lowest inden-
ture level (˜lA2 ) as orientation for the average repair lead time of Part 0, where ˜lA2 =
P mA (z) P
z∈ZA2 mA (A) lz , with mA (A) = z∈ZA2 mA (z). Accordingly, we obtain the average repair
lead time for Part 0 by l0 = ξ ˜lA2 , where ξ models the relative deviation of the average repair
lead time from ˜lA2 . Likewise, we define the repair cost rate of Part 0 relative to the total
piece price of Part 0 and therefore obtain r0 = πPA (0), where π denotes the ratio between
Parameters Values
lz with z ∈ Zk2 U [0.5/|ZA2 |, 1/|ZA2 |]
λz with z ∈ Zk2 U [0.2/|ZA2 |, 5/|ZA2 |]
pz with z ∈ Zk2 U [2000/|ZA2 |, 20000/|ZA2 |]
κ 0.15, 0.3
à 0.95, 0.995
|ZA2 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
α 0.8, 1, 1.2
β 0.2, 0.6, 1
γ 0.8, 1, 1.2
ξ 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 1, 1.2
π 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2
p0 U [0, 2000]
lI α˜lA2
λI βλA
pI γPA (0)
In Table 5 we show the experimental settings. Given that we sample 25 times from each
this flexibility is lost with consolidation. To obtain further insights on this aspect we study
the effect of the repair cost rate ratio π first. Afterward, we evaluate the impact of the lead
time ratio ξ.
In Figure 6, we depict B% and ∆T C[B]% as a function of the repair cost ratio π. The
results indicate that in case of low repair costs compared to the total piece price of Part
decreasing π. This observation relates to lower average purchasing costs with Configuration
A in case π is small.
0.5 0.00
0.4 −0.06
0.3 −0.12
0.2 −0.18
0.1 −0.24
0.0 −0.30
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
B% ∆TC[B]%
only, consolidation requires the purchase of the entire Configuration. Next to the purchasing
costs savings, the repair process may reduce the holding costs as well. This potential is
lead time ratio ξ. As we observe, the shorter the repair lead time, the less instances
lead to consolidation as the preferred configuration (B%). Also, the costs saving potential
decreases slightly (∆T C[B]%). These effects are a consequence of the possibility to resupply
0.5 0.00
0.4 −0.06
0.3 −0.12
0.2 −0.18
0.1 −0.24
0.0 −0.30
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
B% ∆TC[B]%
Fig. 7. Effect of changing repair lead time
Part 0 quickly in case ξ is small. Accordingly, one may decrease the stock level of Part 0
while fulfilling the same availability target and thus decrease the average holding costs.
consolidation is limited. In particular, this conclusion holds if the repair cost rate is low
compared to the purchasing costs of a new component and if the average repair lead time
is short.
Next, we address the question of how the number of consolidated parts at the second
indenture level influences the value of consolidation. Therefore, we illustrate the percent-
age of instances where consolidation is preferable (B%) depending on the number of sub-
components (|ZA2 |) in Figure 8 (left). We observe that B% decreases with increasing |ZA2 |.
This finding appears reasonable, as nearly the same logic as in Section 5.1 applies: The
higher the number of sub-components, the higher the flexibility to allocate stock unevenly
among the parts to fulfill the required availability of the repair shop. One particularly
noteworthy outcome can be observed when |ZA2 | is equal to 1, because in this case more
than 80% of instances favor consolidation. However, this finding further strengthens the
flexibility argument given in Section 5.1. In case |ZA2 | is equal to 1, Configuration A does
not offer additional flexibility compared to Configuration B. Therefore, the benefit of keep-
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
1 2 3 4 5 0-0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5 3-3.5 4-4.5 >5
ZA2 |
| s0 /Σ z ∈ ZA2 sz
Finally, in Figure 8 (right), we show that the allocation of stock among indenture levels
instance, in case the stock level of Part 0 is high compared to the total stock of the sub-
components (i.e. s0 / z∈ZA2 sz > 2.5), consolidation appears more interesting. As a result,
the stock allocation in a multi-indenture structure may give a first indicator for which parts
6 Conclusion
Therefore, we have quantified the total costs differences between a CM assembly and a
consolidated AM part for different scenarios. Our results show that consolidation using
AM often leads to higher total costs than the CM design. This assessment is based on the
following observations:
2. The benefit of a shorter replenishment lead time through consolidation is less valuable
than a lower price or higher reliability, whereas a shorter lead time is often pointed
out as a major advantage of AM.
3. The more parts are consolidated into a single one, the less likely consolidation is to
4. The higher the difference in part characteristics such as failure rate or purchasing
a lower benefit of consolidation, especially when the repair lead time is short and/or
tion through AM technology. We merely wish to stress the need to adopt a total costs
perspective when judging the impact of AM-based consolidation of spare parts. Should
logistics, manufacturing and repair processes and thus may lead to higher total costs even
is useful to justify consolidation in less obvious cases. For instance, we found that even if
the failure rate of a consolidated AM configuration is 1.6 times higher than that of a CM
This research is part of the project ”Sustainability Impact of New Technology on After sales
Service supply chains (SINTAS)” and has been sponsored by the Netherlands Organization
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Example of consolidation
One of the more popular business cases of consolidation is a fuel nozzle used in General
Electric’s CFM LEAP engines. Using AM technology it was possible to reduce the part
Fig. 9. Printed fuel nozzle used in CFM LEAP engines of General Electric