In the every begging praise to the Almighty God who gave us endurance and courage from the
beginning up to this phase. We are much obliged to record our sincere gratitude to our Advisor
Ato Solomon Taddese for his invaluable advice and useful suggestion.
Second we will like to appreciate the organization for giving a chance in order to develop
computer based system in a good manner. We would also like to express our heart full
appreciation to all staff working in the company that are operate with the process of collecting
different data for the purpose of the system development.
At the last but not the least special thanks for our classmates for their great help and keeping us
to reach today’s day.
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BR Business Rule
DB Database
SD Sequence Diagram
UI User Interface
UC Use Case
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This project is done with the main objective of designing an ecommerce system for fruit
supermarket. An object oriented approach is employed to achieve the main objective of the
project. Close interaction with interview backed up by observation is used to model the user
requirements in to the actual software development process.
MY SQL 2005 and DREAMWAVER are used as back end and front end tools of development
respectively. In addition to these, MS word 2007 and Edraw Max 6.3 are used as supportive
tools; for example, Edraw Max 6.3 is used to draw the UML diagram and MS Word is used for
organizing the document.
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Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
1.1 Introduction
E-Commerce (electronic commerce) is the process of buying and selling products and services
over the Internet, utilizing technologies such as the Web, electronic data interchange, e-mail,
electronic fund transfers, and smart cards. In recent years, e-commerce has exploded, and future
trends indicate that more and more businesses will connect themselves to the Internet. It is now
becoming imperative for some organizations to engage in e-commerce in order to remain
There are various reasons why e-commerce is making an impact on the computing world.
Businesses have realized that there are lower start-up and overhead expenses. Running costs are
also quite low since the order processing is automated and there is no need to employ people to
take care of this. Before the advent of e-commerce, businesses were often restricted and
expansion was difficult. Since the Internet is accessible from almost anywhere on the planet,
businesses can have global exposure. Businesses can also advertise thousands of products
without incurring huge costs. It is clear that the low cost factor plays a major role in inspiring
organizations to travel the e-commerce route.
The customer also reaps numerous benefits from e-commerce. They can shop whenever they
want, from the comfort of their homes and there is no need for them to even leave their houses.
All the hassles of driving to the store, finding parking and hunting for products, are eliminated.
After placing their orders, the customer can then sit back and wait until their goods are delivered
to their doorstep.
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Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Fruit supermarket located in arbaminch town around sikela. It was established in 1999 E.C by
local investor of great visionaries’ w/r woynishet yilma. From early beginning its vision is
providing and giving excellent service to its customers.
Currently the supermarket has 4 employees including the manager and it gives service for 250
customers in a day. The supermarket works from 2:00am-2:00pm in a day.
Supermarket provides items that are very necessary to the society at large with fair payment and
having successive business reputation, its capital increases from time to time.
Nowadays the company is becoming popular and wider in service. But the way of serving
customers is tidy, difficult to manage and inefficient in different aspects due to its low
performance and poor ability to host many costumers at a time so a better solution is required.
So e-commerce is required to create and develop new model and to optimize the relationship
between the supermarket and the customer. Changing from shopping at the supermarket to online
shopping which improve productivity by shortening supply chains, reducing overhead cost, and
enabling ‘‘just -in-time’’ service.
Fruit supermarket has currently many problems that initiated the group members to develop E-
commerce system. These problems are, lack of data storage which makes the supermarket owner
hard to hold track of stock transaction, inflexible service since the supermarket can't hold many
customers at once and it’s also hard to tell the items that are out of stock, also items soon going
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to be expired. Performance is also another problem since a customer has to wait in line while
another customer is being served; security is also one problem since there is no way of protecting
the employees from cheating. Customers also waste their time and energy waiting for service, so
E-commerce will facilitate service for customers by avoiding these mentioned problems.
Date 02 March,2012
Advisor Solomon Taddese
Table 1.1 Team composition
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The main objective of this project is to develop e-commerce system for fruit supermarket that is
reliable, secured and flexible by automating the existing system.
To achieve the general objective mentioned above the following are specific objective:
To design user friendly system
Analysis of the system
To develop a database to keep the overall records associated with the
management process.
Design cart to add items from product catalog
Create an interface for users to create their own account
Implement and Test the system
The system will operate on any operating systems which have apache installed. Therefore the
system will operate in any kind of platforms .so the entire team member expects the system to be
operationally feasible.
The system will be developed using the object oriented development technique, since the team
member have the knowhow of the methodologies and the tools to develop this system, the
project is expected to be technically feasible.
This project will not cost much more and also the materials to implement the system will not cost
great amount of money.
For the project we are working on, we have the following benefits and costs:-
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A. Tangible Benefits:
In the project going to be computerized there will be reduction of cost for materials used for
manual operation such as: pen, paper, human power, space needed to keep data record, and save
data storage and time that we are induced or brought in during manual system.
The team calculated the corresponding tangible benefits based on the technique called the time
value of money (TVM).
Cost reduction for labor:-To calculate cost the following things will be considered
Labor cost for the current system
Numbers and Monthly salary Yearly salary for each Total salary per a year
responsibility of employees
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Difference between before and after deployment money required for payment
Cost reduction for labor =4045 birr-777.5 birr=3267.50
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B. Intangible Benefits
Increase speed of activity
Save the loss of documents
Increase flexibility
On time information
Increase security
This is for the budget invested to develop the system or total development cost of the system
through life of project.
Tangible costs
The tangible costs to be incurred in developing the system are:-
Hardware development cost
Software development cost
Hardware cost
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Software cost
Item Total price(Birr)
SQL server 2005 1000 birr
Microsoft Windows XP 1400 birr
Microsoft office 2007 160 birr
Visio 100 birr
Total Birr 2660 birr
Intangible cost
Work satisfaction
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First the owner of the system is most benefited from the system because it creates easy
atmosphere to manage and control the shopping system and also benefit from the business role
since it can easily have many customers.
Secondly the customers are benefited since they save their time, energy and can simply order
items of their choice by just visiting the site and creating an account.
The customers are benefited from this system since they save the time they take to purchase from
the supermarket by simply ordering items of their choice just by visiting the site and order also
perform payment online.
The other benefited party is the government because it easily gets the items price and the tax
value associated with those items which ease the tax collecting process for it.
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To gather data from the customers and manager the team will use the following techniques.
Those are:
Interview:-to get the basic information about the existing supermarket system, the team will
interview the supermarket manager and some customers about the services that are given to
them, and the problems associated with that environment.
Practical Observation: after we finish the interview, we will also use the other methodology of
data collection that is called practical observation. During this time we will directly enter in to
the internal activities of the supermarket to view what things are done? And what are the
limitations and strength of the supermarket? The essentiality of this method is that, to be
confident with the data that we will collect using an interview method because nowadays the
reliability of peoples decreases time to time.
Document analysis:-to get more information about the fruit supermarket we will refer to some
documents in the supermarket.
The team plan to use the object oriented design methodology for the development of the system
among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to construct, manage and assemble
objects that are implemented in our system. Object oriented design methodology has two
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA): During this phase the team will look at the problem domain
and with the aim of producing a conceptual model of the information that exists in the area
which will be analyzed. And this model the functions of the system (use case modeling),
identifying the business objects, organize the objects and also the relationship between them and
finally model the behavior of the objects.
Object Oriented Design (OOD): During this phase the model interactions and behaviors that
support the use case scenario, and finally update object model to reflect the implementation
environment. And also transforms the conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis to
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take account of the constraints imposed to our system format, so that we will use this phase to
refine the use case model to reflect the implementation environment.
1.13 Risk
We identify and manage the risks to protect the project from danger or harm. Some of the risks
are followed below
Failure of the computer
Power failure
Some virus attack
Sickness among member of the project team
Availability of critical resource.
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Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Chapter 2
The existing system of Fruit supermarket provides product selling and buying process to its
customers and form supplier but mainly concern on selling products. The current system has
three employees and one manger, the employee works cooperatively with each other with good
approach. The customer on the other hand must physically appear and buy the products from the
As the team tried to mention in the previous chapter, our system have many back side
advancement over the existing system in many ways. The existing system is not securely
supported system since it is manual; it needs number of employee to manage the overall function
of the system and it is not effective and clear. The existing system incorporates high number of
employee as compared with proposed system. That means a number of different actors can be
incorporated in the existing system. So the actors in the current system are:-
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2.3 Major Functions/Activities in the Existing System like inputs, processes &
The inputs in the supermarket are the items that are brought or purchased by the owner of the
supermarket from Addis Ababa and here in Arbaminch. The owner of the supermarket does not
have his own distributor to get its resources constantly, but he purchase from the place where he
can get the items that he want with proper, stable and appropriate cost.
The new items will be registered on the manual file of the supermarket.
Ordering the items that are out of the stock
Reporting all the activities that are done to the manager
The main output of the supermarket is making the items ready to the customers of arbaminch
society with clear and fair price.
When an item is purchased, the employee should have to fill all necessary information required
from him on the receipt after that the original receipt will be given to the customers and the copy
of the original receipt is left for the business unit and this receipt helps both the customers and
the owner of the business unit for the privacy purposes or else to certify either the customer or
the owner would purchase with an appropriate or exact price of the items or not because almost
all items has some time guaranties given by the business unit.
The customer can be buying only on cash not using any other system. The customer and also the
seller have no full guarantee for fault item and delay payment.
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In order to control and manage over all activities of the supermarket report must be generated.
To achieve its objective it has different reports about its past activities. These reports are
generates day to day but are generated in a very routine and boring manner.
These reports are the indicators for the performance and profitability of the supermarket and are
used to change how the organization works to improve its profitability.
These reports are generated by the employee to the manager of the supermarket; they use the
following data to generate the reports.
The daily purchased items in each categories
The number of new items
Attendance of employee
There are a number of forms and documents which are used by the existing system. The forms
are used during the period of selling process such as receipt forms and also for the employee to
control input output items. The uses of these forms are to assure the correctness of their activity
and to generate reports. In addition to this, these forms are used to increase the relationship with
customers in such a way that customers can believe the cost of each materials of the organization
if they can get receipt form for each material to which they have purchased from the
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As the team explained in chapter one, the existing system has many problems, which initiated the
team to develop a new computerized system to the supermarket. These problems can be
explained in terms of PIECES framework:
The performance of the existing system can be evaluated by the time duration of the items
waiting to be purchased by the customers and the number of customers served at a time, and this
depend on the number of customers and the number of employees who give the service. If the
numbers of the customers are a lot, the items will no more stay in the supermarket which will
profit the supermarket.
All the above statements are full filled if the employees can handle all the customers effectively
and quickly, but the existing system has a problem like:
The numbers of employees needed to handle the customers are limited.
It takes lot of time to calculate price of each items and serve many customer at
the same time.
Therefore these stated problems make the performance of the existing system low.
Regarding to the information, the current system or the existing system has lack of the
information in terms of timeliness, accuracy and format. The team sees this section in terms of
input and output.
Loss of items information
Fragmentation of information’s in different files
In terms of producing report information to the manager
In terms of getting remained item information.
Regarding economic benefit its directly connected to the performance, as performance increases
number of customers also increases which will increase the economical benefit of the
supermarket but the existing system performance is low and this will make users unsatisfied and
brings loss of customers and also loss of income, so the existing system has economic drawback.
This tells the control and security of the existing system in terms of the documents of the stock
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The existing system has a great problem in terms of controlling and managing all documents of
the registered new items and the daily and monthly report of the business perfectly, as days
increase, the items and the customers will increase and the documents also increase so it will be
out of control to manage the documents.
In terms of the security the existing system have no any privilege to the employee of the
supermarket like protecting the documents of the cashier from other employee. In other word, the
documents are not protected from any unauthorized access. In addition, if there is a natural
disaster or other thing that can damage the documents, there is no means of getting the
documents back. So the security of the supermarket is in danger.
The efficiency of the existing system could be evaluated in terms of the profitability of the
supermarket that comes from all the items which are sold to the customers and by increasing the
number of customers by satisfying their market approach. But as we explained in above
problems, the overall efficiency of the existing system is not stable or as a general it is not
Because supermarket is using the manual system there is a problem in giving the service to the
customers. To mention some of the problems of the existing system,
Need of high energy and time for selling products because of its low ability to serve
many customers at a time.
In saving the customer’s time because they have to wait long time until the employee
calculate the price of each item that they have purchased.
Inability to give the service to more than two customers at a time.
Although the teams have mentioned that the supermarket has problems that constraint its fast
way of profitability, there is also other important side that must be included in the proposed
systems that is the list of the preserved practices from the existing system stated below.
The way of attracting the customer towards the market with good approach.
It takes part of the workers day to day activities in the supermarket to be self
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Controlling and registering the items when they come into the store
System procedure
After the team has identified the real problem of the existing system which is in a manual
system, the team suggests an alternative option to overcome the problem.
Solving the problem of the supermarket by developing a system that work on web based
environment. In doing this the team need one client machine and a server that gives services to
the clients.
The team has analyzed all of the alternative options based on the ability of performance,
information flow and service to the customer and efficiency. This analysis has enforced to select
the web base system.
The system that the team is planning to develop, ecommerce system for fruit supermarket, is a
system that will provide the supermarket with a modern system, which will improve the
problems of the current system by developing the new developed system. The team intended to
do this by computerizing the current system and making it readily available to both users and
employees alike.
2.10.1Functional Requirement
The new computerized system is expected to provide all ecommerce related services and
functionalities, like online selling the product.
The new system is expected to provide the following functionalities:
Registering of the new items based on their category
Generating report
Selling the product using visa card
Generating the remaining items in the store
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The non functional requirements deals with the quality of the application systems needed to be
developed from different evaluation point of view like the response time of the application to a
given user queries, the user friendliness of the application and these requirements do not directly
affect the performance of the system but they are nonetheless important.
Be user friendly
Run on windows professional
User interface
Ease of learning and use
Backup and recovery
Help support
Quality issue
Security issue
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Chapter 3
System Analysis
3.1 Introduction
This section consists of the modeling of the proposed system using object oriented methodology
by applying unified modeling language (UML). All the activities performed by the actors (such
as the customer, salesperson and the administrator) are analyzed by using different modeling
diagrams. These diagrams include use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram, and
conceptual diagram.
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Update customer: - the customer can request to update their customer information. Customer
information includes the relative information of customer such as username, password, address,
etc. the system will display the current customer information to the customer. The customer
updates the customer information and the system will store the updated customer information in
the system database. After one successful purchase, the payment information is also stored in
customer information.
Browse product: - the customer requests to view the products in a product category. The system
will display the product information of the selected category
Order product:-A document rose by a customer specifying one or more products that have been
purchased. The order specifies the quantity of each product, tax and shipping charges. Orders are
passed to the salesperson.
Add item to cart: - when the customer finds the products he wants, he adds them to the
shopping cart. The system will store and keep track the information of the products that have
been added into shopping cart.
Remove item from cart: - the customer remove product already added in the shopping cart
Add product to catalog: - the store manager add products to the catalog.
Remove product from catalog: - the store manager remove product from the catalog.
Payment: - The customer pays the total amount by electronic transfer into a bank account of the
merchant. The ordered goods will be shipped after incoming payment.
Create new user:-the system administrator create new accounts for the users with appropriate
Delete user:-the system administrator remove the user account from the database.
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Fig 3.1 use case diagram for ecommerce system for fruit supermarket
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Post condition The customer logged in to the system, main window for the appropriate user will be
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Post condition The customer Details will be deleted from the system.
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Pre condition
No precondition
step1. The customer requests to step2. The system will display the
view the products in a product Product information
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description The customer adds the items to the shopping cart and orders those items.
Pre condition The customer should have the items in shopping cart.
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description The Customer can remove items from the shopping cart.
step1. Customer selects item to remove step2. System display item in the
from shopping cart. shopping cart.
step3. customer selects ‘Remove item’
step5. The customer confirms the step4. The system asks the user for the
removal confirmation.
step6. The system removes the item
from the customer shopping cart.
Alternative course of If The user not confirms to remove the item
action The use case continues to step 2
Post condition 1.A product will be removed from the customer ‘s shopping cart
2. The shopping cart content is updated.
Table 3.7 use case for Remove item from shopping cart
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description This activity is carried out when the Customer want to add items to the shopping
Pre condition The customer browses the products.
Post condition 1.A product will be added to the customer ‘s shopping cart
2. The contents of the carts are displayed.
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description This activity is carried out when the store manager want to add new products to the
Pre condition The store manager is logged on to the system.
step1. The store manager select add step2. The system displays the product
product home page. home page.
step3. The store manager enters the step4. The system validates the input
product information. data for the product
step5. The system asks the store
step6. The store manager confirms that manager to confirm that the new
the new product should be added. product should be added to the catalog.
step7. The system adds the new product
to the catalog.
step8. The system displays the success
message to the store manager.
Alternative course of If the product information invalid
action Display data is not valid message
Go to step 3
If the store manager confirms the new product should not be added
Go to step 4
Post condition A new product will be added to the catalog.
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description This activity is done when the store manager want to delete products from the
Pre condition The store manager should log on the system
step1.The store manager selects delete step2. The system displays the delete
product home page product home page.
step3. The store manager enters the step4. The system displays the product
product identifier. details. manager delete item step6.The system ask Store manger to
step7. The store manager confirms the confirm deletion
deletion. step8. The system deletes the product
from the catalog.
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description Customers will do the payment for the products he/she have ordered.
Pre condition Customer must be registered with the system.
The customer must order products
Basic course of action Actor Action System response
step1. The Customer selects step2. System display payment page
payment page
step3.customer enters detail step4. System validates payment
information about payment information
step5.system asks for confirmation
step7. System takes the payment and
step6.customer confirms deducts that much amount from the
payment process visa card account.
step8. System displays success
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description This activity is performed when the administrator want to create a new user.
step1. The administrator select create new step2. The system displays new user
user home page. home page.
step3. The administrator enters the user step4.system validates the information
information (user name, password & provided
name of user). step5. The system creates a new user
step6. The system displays success
message for the administrator.
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description This activity is performed when the administrator want to delete an existing user.
step1 .the administrator select delete step2. The system displays delete user
user account home page. account home page.
step3. The administrator enters the user step4. The system displays the user
account to be deleted details.
step5.administrator deletes the account step6.system asks for confirmation
step7. The administrator confirms the step8. The system deletes the user’s
deletion. account.
step9. the system displays the user is
deleted successfully message
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Fig 3.20 activity diagram for Remove item from shopping cart
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Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Identifier: BR1
Description: the system should be used only by authorized persons, since there is sensitive data
that should not be altered by anybody. Therefore, only users having valid username and
password can login to a system.
Name: The customer should have to fill all necessary information to be registered and to be a
customer of supermarket.
Identifier: BR2
Description: during registration the customer should fill all required information in order to be
registered and to get services from the supermarket.
Identifier: BR3
Description: for the removal of data redundancy which leads to wastage of storage memory, it is
necessary to remove redundancy whenever necessary.
Identifier:-BR 4
Description:-it is not allowed to leave a field empty before performing any operation.
Identifier:-BR 5
Description:-it is not allowed to see all reports unless he/she is the Administrator
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Identifier:-BR 6
Description:-updating the users’ information is not allowed for all other than the Administrator.
Identifier:-BR 7
Description:-addition of an item is not allowed unless the item is found in the database currently
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
4.1 Introduction
This project is designed in a manner that solves the problems of the organization by minimizing
the work load that appears on the employees because of the existing manual system. It provides
more efficient, reliable and time saving system. In this project design the team will try to show:
This design system is to involve converting the description of the proposed system into logical
and then physical design specification. We expect one can understand our new system
implementation because it gives full description about whole system. Also one can understand
easily and enable to answer how the system developed and functioned in simplified manner.
The goal of system design according to the proposed project is to manage complexity by
dividing the system into smaller, manageable pieces and to increase the system:-
Efficiency: the system doing something well and thoroughly without waste of money and
Flexibility : the system able to change to suite new condition or situation
Security: the system should be secured, i.e. not allow unauthorized users to access the
Reliability: the system should be reliable.
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Fig 4.8 state chart diagram for remove item from shopping cart
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Fig 4.11 state chart diagram for delete product from catalog
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Fig 4.20 Collaboration diagram for remove item from shopping cart
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Among these:
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Chapter 5
Coding is the process whereby the physical design specification created by the designers is
turned in to working computer code by the programmer. Modern language that used is PHP.
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Unit testing
Particularly each form and report with concerned database is tested by a specific data. In
this only the team can illustrate the output of error in a specific manipulation.
Integration testing
By combining each individual form and report with their concerned database us tested by
giving general date. From this the team can understand that how the system work using
the separate module.
code, modules. This form of testing is popularly known as Black Box testing or System tests.
5.3 Hardware Software Acquisition
To do this project the team use different hardware and software parts like that of:
Edraw max for the drawing of some diagrams like use case diagram
PHP (XAMPP) server and MYSQL to develop our data base system.
Microsoft word for any requirements like that of writing our documentation.
Macro Dreamweaver to develop the static web page of our project and to done dynamic
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
The team has prepared a user manual entitled as a help in our system navigation bar that can
guide users when they get any confusion during their usage. So, the following is the common
question most customers want to get the answer to have access to the web page application.
5.5 Training
Before giving any training on our project to the owner and manager of supermarket, this web
page must be deployed and then we can give the training without any difficulty and too many
who wants to have the knowledge of this web application if it is necessary.
We can’t install system because it is wabe based and everybody can use online.
First, before the customer access the page they must be registered as a member.
After he/she would be the member of the system, then the next step is login to
enter into the page.
Second, any user or customer can access the page without making registration or
without to be the member of the system.
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Chapter Six
6.1 Conclusion
It is known that developing a system for an organization is not easy. But the team have tried its best
and developed interesting system ecommerce system for fruit supermarket. It is flexible, accurate and
attractive with easy GUI approach. Generally, the team confidently can say that the software is
completed successfully with negligible errors. Finally the team expects the software will change the
general business atmosphere of the Organization and market it more profitable than the previous
manual system.
6.2 Recommendation
According to scope of our project the team develops web application .Because of the time constraint
we cannot do beyond to our scopes, but in the future the team believes that this system can be fully
operational by having enough time and fully information.
Finally the team would recommend that further work should done on the system in order to make the
system perform better for interested personnel’s who would like to use electronic commerce or for first
class supermarket, for those who would like to work on electronic commerce its recommended to do
more work on the functionalities such as:-
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
1 Scott w.Ambler, Object Primer, 3rd edition
2.hoffer,Jeffrey A. and Georg, Joey F and valacich,Joseph S,modern systems and design, person
education(Singapore)ptc.Ltd,india Brench,482 F.I.E patperegieng,Delhi 110092,India,2000
2. Dr. Jim Arlow, OO Analysis and Design with UML and USDP, Version 2.0
Simon Bennet, Steve McRobb and Ray Farmer: Object oriented system analysis and design
5. H.M Detail, internet and World Wide Web How to program, Second Edition 2003.
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT
Ecommerce System for Arbaminch Fruit Supermarket 2004 E.C
Arba Minch University Department Of computer Science & IT