How's Your Job Going?
How's Your Job Going?
How's Your Job Going?
Civil Engineering
1. Meet Victor
1. What does Victor do?
2. Where does Victor go to college/school?
3. Where does Victor work at?
4. What is Victor’s job?
5. When does Victor work?
6. How’s Victor’s job going?
2. Find Similarities
1. I get up around 7:00.
2. I go to class on weekdays.
3. I have a snack in the afternoon.
4. I get home late.
5. I watch TV until midnight.
6. I sleep at night.
2. Practice
1. She’s a nurse.
2. He’s a waiter.
3. He’s a tour guide.
4. She’s a salesperson.
5. He’s a receptionist.
6. She’s a pilot.
7. He’s a police officer.
8. She’s a cashier.
9. She’s a teacher.
10. He’s a singer.