Wah Yan (New MA)

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MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION or WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED #L- RRS AR AA Incorporated the 17th day of November, 2004 ‘Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo Solicitors & Notaries Hong Kong Regcaty Boag Kong ra e400 MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED eC -RREARAA Incorporated the 17th day of November, 2004. ‘Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo Solleitors& Notaries Hong Kong re 254080 Registration No. 934044 THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 32) ‘SPECIAL RESOLUTION oF WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED Passed on Lath dy of September, 2007 ‘At an exaorinry genera mesting of te Conpany duly convened and held at The Sport Cb, ‘i, Sout China Building. 1 Wyadhar Stree, Catal Hong Kong on Fay, 4 September 2007 117500 pi, the fellowing special rsa ofthe Company wa daly pasted ‘SPECIAL RESOLUTION “THAT che regulations contained inthe dosent masked “A” has been produced to the mesg snd forth purpose of ideation signe by the Chalman ofthe iesing, be end are ere ‘oped a the new Arles of Association ofthe Foundation in substation forand tothe exclusion ofthe existing AticsofAssciton ofthe Fundton, (4) Me Rew. Fe. Alfio Deana Mr Rev Fr. Alfed Begran (Chsinnan of th meting) No. 934244 at (copy) COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 32) FRAMED 2H CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION mee {hereby cortity that AAR WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED #L-RESARAA J this day incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance, and that eR OA FRR HTT HR HRS thie company le limited am gas Issued by the undersigned on 17 November 2004. AR ERAOOMET-A+L ARE: (Sa) MISS R. CHEUNG (cane eEoR) ‘THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 32) ‘Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a Share Capital MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION oF WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED #(- ES ARMA A FiusThe name of te Company fe“ WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED a= SKE AIRAR (herinter refered to 05 "the Fourdaton’). Second The register offi ofthe Foundation willbe stated in Hoag Kong. ‘ThirdThe objects fer which he Foundtion i estbished ae (0) To raie the gine standard of eduction in Hong Kong and to provide students in Ho, ong (i parsula, sudens of Wan Yan College, Hong Kong and Wah Yan Coleg, ‘Kowloon wih quality education Goth academically and in extacurclaracvies) (@) Te pant donstons, scholarships, nae or mati assistance, including payment of pasages, ves, lvieg llowances and ota Inldetlexpeses, nd to subscribe nds f0 Tpdividuls and intone forthe futherance o etuoment of any ofthe oes ofthe Foundation in partelaf stunts of Weh Yan Collge, Hong Kong ané Wah Yan Coleg, Keooon, @)__Toorpais, promote, paricipte and ear out the flowing activities (@)_eleFofsuterngs ofthe poo, the aged the dsable, he sick, weaktings or hile; (©) vocational, sine, tenia! and other educational programmes for chariable purposes, (2 provision of books, equpmests and stalent facile to sshools, calegss and (_socil survey and research projet for estional purposes; (©) liso sets forthe worship of diy let vietins of fe, Hood, ein, war, peslenee or oter alts. (To subsite or contibue to set up, estblish, conduct and cary on nonprofit making retearch inettions and orgniaton, bsp schools, universes and paces of easing, ‘hres ofl Kinds ad eseriptons (6) To gant pesons and grates to any employees or employees of he Foundatian othe relatives Or dpandans of any Sich petons, ed to esublish or suppor assclaos, © o © o co) a « ay a as 6) a as 09) @) a insttuions clubs, finds and tts which maybe considered as being cele o Genet ny ich perans or oes vane the purposes ofthe Foundation. “Toundertskeandexeeute any rst which may seem desinble or onducve tothe objets of the Foundation, “To accept dorations fm ay person, corporation or Inston i the advancement or towards theater ofthe above objet or any of them. ‘crcl to subscibe oF guaran money for any carbo cbjst or for any charitable ‘pas ln ay ay consesed with he porpeses of te Feundatonoclculated to further is Soe “To esubish and spport and aid inthe establishment and support of, any fhe charitable {Sablchiments ation oned fr al or any ft objets Fis Foundation. ‘To acquire accept leases of, purchase ke, develop, or otherwise hold and enjoy any tends, Iviuiggs messonges or tenement of whatocver ne Kind and wheresoever situate fora ‘eany a th objeto the Feunaton, “To aur, by purchase or otherwise, goods and cartels of whatsoever nature oF Kind foal cr any ofthe objects of te Foun. For the purposes of the Foundation, to invest moneys on deposit in any bank, financial [nition long Korg or eee: i the wer rin ay government bonds or morgage ‘ofa lands, bling tessugerorenement in Hong Kong ocsewber inthe word oF fr dobenyes, debenice stock oct, Tunds, amas, bods, shares or secures of ny oportion or compar carrying on bases in Hong Kongo esewhereia the word, Such invests may tan tie be vate lands, billings, mssuages oF a witha view fo the promotion “To sel let morgage, oars tm to acount all of eyes of wtaenever ras or Kind and wheresoever ofits objets. “To dispose of or tm to account any gods ane chattels of whatsoever nature or Kind witha ‘wf the pomation fs abet For the puposes of the Foundtion, w daw, make, accep, endo, discount, negate, nc, and iste bil of exchange promissory ots, and eer regotaleoriresfrable Fer the puposes ofthe Founda, to Borow and aise money and to sect o discharge any {sivorsblgaion the Foundation y the ious of debentures, bonds, mortgages or any eter ‘Scurir upon such enn an ondons as maybe thought bythe Foundation, Forth purposes ofthe Foundation to acer deposits and py nese thereon, or the purposes of tie Foun and for charitable purposes, 10 fend money (8) is bonefclaies or ate: chartblenstations wheter secure or ustereé ad wgon suc ems End sonton s maybe thought it by the Foundation, or (2) a areasonbl awestent for “To appoint any agents ad thie any employes to hol, administer and manage alr any Ta te propery and asets of the Foundation on soch tems as to remuneration oF tere ae may be ough ‘To iagemafy any mentor ofthe Foundation in respect of ny billy cured by ht in ay {tion in connetion with he frderaeeof the objects ofthe Foundation “Todo al such ter lawful things as ar nigel er onde tthe atainment ofthe above objects, Proved hat (©) meas the Foundation shall tke or bold any property which maybe subject oan ts, the Foundation shal ony dea with o invest the ame soe) manne ae alwed by aw ving regard to such st, (i) Te gor se fort in the Sevesth Schedule of he Compan Ordinance (Cap. 32 halt ply tthe Found. Fourh-The income and propery ofthe Foundation, whencesover dived stall be applied solely ‘omeds the premrtion of heaters ofthe euncaton ast Foch in his Memorandum of Aszcison: tnd no potion thereof shal be paid or insted direst or incre, by way of iden, hon oF ‘herve howsoever by way of profi othe members of the Fondation, Provided that nothing erin shall prevent te payment In good fh of reasonable and proper remuneration 0 ny fie svat of the Foundation, tary member of the Foundan, ret for any sevice neal rendered tthe Foundation, or preven the payment of interest a rate nl exceding 2ier cet shove the pam rte a8 quoted by The Hongkong aoa Shanghai Baking Corporation Li ‘tom tne to tine on money eto sonable and proper rent or premises demise or let by any member te he Foundation Bu 20 tat no member of the Dose af Decor or Governing Body af the Foundation ‘tal be ppd to any salad office ofthe Foundation, or ay oe of the Foundation pid by fees ‘and that na remuneration or eter benefit ia moaey or money's worth sll be given by the Foundation to ny member of sich Board or Governing Body except repayment of ou pocket expenses and interes at thera aferesid on mney let x rasoabl and proper et fr pense ceise ret tote Foundation. Fih-The liability ofthe member i limited (a et fort in the sinh Cause ere ‘Sbaty-Bvery meter of the Foundation unrakes to coribute othe assets ofthe Foundation in the cient of ts ing wovnd up wil he is member, or within | year afer he ceed to bea member, or payoet ofthe debs and alte ofthe Foundation contacted before he ceases fo bea eter, and oF the eas, chirps and expenses of winding up and forthe austen’ othe rights ofthe cobs ‘org enscles, such amount a ay be roqused sal notexcoed one hundred Hog Kong dais ‘Sevents-IF pon the winding up or solo ofthe Fourdatin, there remains, afr the stsfction ‘ofall its ets and iables, any property whatsoever, the same shall wo be pai oor dsbuted among the members ofthe Foundation, but sal be given or transfered fo some ote insituton or sitions havieg objets sitar tothe objects ofthe Founduon and wh shall pol the dsebuon of ot their neon aed property sinongs so thle ember loa enor at ea as grat 2 imposed on he Foundation under or by virtue of the fourth Clause hereof such instution or institions to be dtemined bythe members ofthe Foundations or tefore the tne of essltion and in defal theret by aude of the High Court of Hoog Korg Special Administrative Region baving jussiton in regu to charable Finds, and if and so far as tet canot be even tothe aforesad provision then o soe charable objets. ‘We, the sever persis hate names adress and desis ae rt acd, ar ess feng formed ios Foundation in prsane of tis Memorandum of Associ Nes Ales nd Desens of Suber: (21 Rev. Alfred Joseph Deignan S.J. REV. ALFRED JOSEPH DEIGNAN SJ. Rice’ Hl 93, Pokfulam Road, Hong Koas. Jesuit Pres (84) Gaowge Zee Chi Chung (GEORGE ZEE CHI CHUNG 22) Wah Yan Coleg, 56 Watreroo Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. sesuit Priest ‘uted he 276 day of tober, 2006 [WITNESS to th igure of Re. Alfred Jaeph Deignan SJ:~ (84) LAM WAL MING Seo, HongKong SAR WoO, KWAN, LEE LO. Slicker 271 For, eine House, 1 Comat Pes, Cea, Hong Kong Dale the 28h dy of October, 200. [WITNESS tothe signature of George Zee Ci Chung (94) LAM WALMING Solo, Hans Kong SAR WOO, KWAN, LEE&LO. Sie 27h Fo, Sadie House, 1 Connaught Place, Cera HongKong ‘We. the stvelpesans whate nan, adress and despot ets, a esis fein fomet toa Folson in purse ths Menor of Assocation. None Adress Deri of Sites (84) Ne Chi sing NG CHI SING (HR) ‘96 Mactonaell Read, Bchwood Place, 35 Poor, Flac A, Mid Level, Hong Kong (Chize Operating Oicer (82) Lin Chak Wan LIU CHAK WAN Cpa) 918, Av Amiaade, World Trade Cote, 12th Floor, Mesa Business Man Dated the 20 dy of October, 2008, | WITNESS tothe sentir of Ng Ch Sine (4) CHAN Ka YIU Buses Excutve Puta, (2, Pet Apacs, 31, Poh Stee, iowtoan Dated the 29 day of October, 2008, [WITNESS othe signature oF Liu Chak Wan (84) CHAN Ka vIU Busnes Eaeuve Fata, te, Perth Apes, 31,Part Sea, Kowocn We the several pesoos whose sanes, ates and desptans ae hereto sberibd 2 esos af bring one Forlation n pursue of his Memoranda of Asai (Sd) NeTin Hoi Stephen [NOTIN HO1 STEPHEN (<3) 2A Tatlgsr Cours, 70 Tai Hang Road, Hong Kong. Company Manager (54) Poon Fuk Hay POON FUK HAY (9 Room 2007-2008, Lane Crawford Howse, 70 Queen's Road Centra, Hong Kong Physician Dated he 25 dy of Osaber, 2008 WITNESS to he sgnatoe of Ne Tn ol Stephens (4) LAM WAL MING Soir, Hong Kong SAR ‘WOO, KWAN, LEE LO. Soisore 11h Foe, Sane Howse, | Connugt Poe, Cental, Hoe Kone Dated he 27th ay of October, 2008, [WITNESS tothe signature of Poon Fuk Hay — (84) LAM WAL MING Salita, Hoag Kong SAR WoO, KWAN, LEE & 10. Solitons 20s Flos, acne House, 1 Comaugit Pe, Ce, ong Kong We, the seve pens whose rans, asses and deserpion are hao suse, ae «sos fein Tomod toe Foundalon pre of is Mert of scion Nao Ades ne Deseo Setbrs (21) Choung Hoa Kit (CHEUNG HON KIT 360) 2Tth Foor, Paul ¥. Cente, 51 Hung To Road, Kun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Merchant (82) Kwan Cheuk Yie Willa KWAN CHEUK YIN’ 26th Foot, Jardine House, {Connaught Plce, Cental, Hong Kong Salieor LIAM Gl) ated he 26th day of October, 2004 WITNESS tthe sigatice of Cheung Hon Kit Date he 28h day of October, 2008 WITNESS tthe sigatre of Kwan Cesk Vin Wilim:— (St) LAM WAL NG. Soir, Hong Kang SAR. WOO, KWAN, LEE LO, Solitons, 210 Fler, rine House, [ Ceoraugt Place, Cena, org Kon (Gd) LEE KASzE, CARMELO Sie, Hoag Kong SAR. WOO, KWAN, LEE LO, Solitons, 2h Fleer, Srin Howe, " Ceonaught Plas, Cowal, Hora Kong We te several pana whove nts addresses and eerie ae here sbsrbed re esos of eine formed aa Foundation purse of hs Maran fASsoon = Name Addis aa esos of Subsies (82) Fong Hop FONG HUP CS 98) House 16,45 sland Road, Deep Water Ba. Hong Kone, Accountant (92) Siu Hoi Ping Pau! SIU HOI PING PAUL (8) Flat B, 16h Foor, Block 2, (Cypress Cour, World-Wide Gardens, 2 Lung Pak See, Shatin, New Terres, Hong Kong Managing Diestor Date the 28h dy of October, 2008. WETNESS tose sigzature of Fong Hp (6a) LAM Wal MING Sister, Hong Korg SAR ‘WOO, KWAN, LEE LO. Solitons 274 Fao, ain Howe, 1 Caenaagh Place, Cs og Keng, ‘te he 26h day of October, 2004. [WITNESS tothe signature of St Ho Ping Pau: (92) LAM WALMING Sot, Heng Kong SAR WoO, KWAN, LEE&LO, Salta 27 Fx, Jaine Howse, Cosnaagi Pee, Centra, Hong Korg We, the several zostas whase anes, asses and designs se hart subseribed, lst tein lomed ino a Foundation prs tis Memoranda of scan ane Ades and Despina of Subribor (94) Te Karn Ming Laurence "TSE KAM MING LAURENCE (885%) 17th Fler, Centre Point, Gloucester Road, Hong Kong Merchant (64 Loh Sinn Yuk James {LOH SINN YUK JAMES cs) 17d Floor, Cenve Point Gloucester Road, Hong Kong. Merekant Dated he 27h day of October, 2008. |WITMESS to the signer of se Kam Ming Lawence:— (64) LAM WAL MING Solty Hong Kong SAR WoO, KWAN, LEE LO, Solel 270 Flor, adie House, 1 Compt Place, Cel, Hong Keng Date the 77h ay of October, 2008 [WETNESS tothe signature of Loh Sina Yuk James— (54) LAM WAL MING Solty Hong Keng SAR ‘WOO, KWAN, LEE LO. Soletors 27s Flor, Jardine House, 1 Cong Plas, Col, Hong Kong We, the sever pens whose rams, ast sd desiptons are hao serie, ar dno eteingToredins a Foundation in pusianee ofthis Memarardum of Asoation~ Nan Ades nd Deri Stebes (4) Chane Ka Leung CHUNG Ka LEUNG oat) Room 809, Leighton Cate, 77 Leight Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. Medel Dose Dated he 27h day of Over, 2004, [WITNESS tothe signature oF Ching Ka Lewig~ (84) LAM WAI MING ‘Softy, Hong Keng SAR WOO, KWAN, LEE& LO, Solitons 2s Floor, ane House, 1 Cannacght Pace, Cn Hong Kora -0- ‘THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE (CHAPTER 32) Company Limited by Guarante and not having 2 Share Cpitsl ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION oF WAH YAN ONE FAMILY FOUNDATION LIMITED HC-REEARAA General 1. tn hase presents the words staring inthe fit column of the Table ext hercnaer

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