Midterm Exam Deontology
Midterm Exam Deontology
Midterm Exam Deontology
Fernanda Jiménez
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................ 3
Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 4
General Objective ........................................................................................................................... 4
Specific Objectives.......................................................................................................................... 4
Research Questions ....................................................................................................................... 4
Justification ................................................................................................................................... 4
Knowledge Deficiency ................................................................................................................... 5
Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................................ 5
Definitions of Ethics ...................................................................................................................... 5
Ethical Principles .................................................................................................................... 6
Student Ethical Standars......................................................................................................... 7
Student Code........................................................................................................................... 7
The Student as an Ethical Person ................................................................................................ 8
Non-ethical Behaviors ................................................................................................................... 9
Deontology in Relation to Education ........................................................................................... 9
References ..................................................................................................................... 11
University vocational training is one of the most important stages during the
and values, therefore a quality training cannot focus exclusively on the acquisition of
knowledge and skills, but must achieve a training in values that regulates its future
professional activity.
behavior of the members of the university community within the classroom, valuing
the human resource so that they assume responsibilities, and can reflect on their
convictions, interests and motivations regarding the values they have appropriate in
themselves, others and the context in which they are immersed, promoting respect for
their classmates taking into account principles, values and norms that guide their
highlight ethical values within the classroom, since these are very important to
guarantee an effective and quality training of professionals who not only acquire and
develop new knowledge but also, they become agents of social change.
that students have different convictions and intentions from those of a few decades
ago due to changes that are the product of social conflicts and historical events.
that both the teacher and the students have interact. This generates multiple ways of
conceiving the “appropriate way of acting” for students who receive not only a
pedagogical discourse, but also various discourses with similarities and contradictions
that will influence the formulation of a life project during their academic training that
Starting from this approach, it can be pointed out that the possibility for
students to develop an analysis of their behavior from the bases provided by the
which is contrasted with their conditions of learning, life at home and the
that is linked to ethics-deontology and allows, from reflection and critical thinking, to
different conceptions about ethics-deontology in the classroom, where the subjects are
convictions interact, which must be used for the harmonious coexistence between
students and teachers to promote respect, awareness, equality, tolerance and a good
feeling in the heart by performing correct actions, taking into account human values.
General Objective
Contribute and promote the improvement of the behavior of the members of the
university community within the classroom by putting into practice the ethical-deontological
Specific Objectives
Research Questions
1. What are the ethical principles that guide the academic performance of
university students?
2. What conceptions about ethics can be found in students within the classroom?
3. What are the causes that generate unethical conduct in the university
The crisis of values that has been seen lately at a social, political and
professional level, has led to the question of what the solution to this problem could
be, so it is thought that one of the solutions could be to consider deontological ethics
as the main axis during university educational training, since it is at this stage that
Ethical values must be reinforced in order to train future professionals with the ability
to decide and act ethically, respecting others, diversity, combating racism and
Knowledge Deficiency
To develop this project would be necessary to know what are the factors that cause the
ethical and deontological values not to be applied also we need to know what are the causes
for which there is ethical and deontological absence in a particular way in the educational
Theoretical Framework
Definitions of Ethics
The word ethics is derived from the word ethos which means "dwelling",
founded on the structure of the person, for this reason it is the science of human acts
whose purpose is good. Ethics is the science of morality and morality is the object of
study of ethics (Yopasá & Ávila, s. f.). The ethics of the university student is based on
values and principles that commit him to the University and the community in
morality of human acts (VALORES DENTRO DEL AULA, s. f.). Ethics form free
transforms reality and in doing so transforms himself. Man's actions can be positive or
negative. If it is positive it builds, if it is negative it destroys, for this reason and given
the importance of human acts, ethics is studied. The individual coexists in society and
there is a social ethic, he lives in the exercise of his profession and there is a
professional ethic, in the same way there is an ethic of the university student. Ethics is
based on the fact that the subject is not born realized, it must be done, forging his
personality and giving meaning to his life. The ethics of the student starts from the
the good performance of their actions. He believed that for any duty on the list, there
People must care full weigh all duties before doing an action.
action, people should choose the duty that seems to them most important (Shaw, 2001).
Ethical Principles
The Principle of Good: Do good and avoid evil, is the essential ethical principle
inherent to human beings, and the one that implicitly contains all other ethical principles.
The Principle of Life: Life is the first and most important right of man.
Principle of Dignity: Every person has value for himself, the dignity of man refers to
the importance that every human being by the fact that he is a human being.
The Principle of Love: Every person needs to give and receive love. Having love is
knowing how to endure; it is to be kind; it is not to be envious, not to be conceited, not proud,
not selfish; It is not to get angry or hold a grudge; It is not rejoicing in injustices, but in the
The principle of Equality: We are all equal, no one is worth more than anyone, no
The principle of Freedom: The person by nature is a free being and for freedom.
The principle of responsibility: Every person, by virtue of being free and endowed
with reason, is responsible for their decisions, actions and the consequences derived from
The principle of Equity or Natural Justice: Equity is the basis of impartial and
objective conduct.
The Principle of Solidarity: It refers to the willingness of human beings to join forces
Principle of Education: Everyone has the duty and the right to educate themselves
Ethical standards are rules of conduct that establish moral obligations. They
are important because they convey or reflect the student's ethical values and
with the other members of the educational community based on respect, solidarity, etc
Student Code
1. It is the duty of every student to practice moral principles in their daily life.
This duty is the student's obligation to respect the dignity of all people,
without distinction.
2. Gossip, defamation, spreading false rumors, and any practice that damages the
"With good education man is a meek and divine creature; but without it, he is
the fiercest of animals. Education and teaching improve the good and make good the
Investigator. The academic training you receive should be used in the search
Persuasive. You must not doubt your capabilities, be convincing and when
Autonomous. Carrying out the activities that require it, with spontaneity,
Questioner. To the extent that you are interested in the classes and carry out a
Leader. Directing his colleagues to achieve the common benefit and managing
Persistent. Carrying a work rhythm that does not deviate him from his tasks,
Non-ethical Behaviors
This is a procedure that differs from what most believe would be more
convenient and appropriate under the circumstances. There is no doubt about the
intimate relationship between ethics and education and it is the student who must
demand adequate training for their training, however not all students assume an
objective and critical position regarding the education they are receiving and, on the
Consciousness is the most intimate and secret place of the human being. It is
environment, unethical behaviors occur frequently and in many ways, in this range are
some students who are in charge of persuading others to act improperly (yaimazg,
s. f.).
Deontology refers to the duty that people must fulfill, that is, the discipline
involved in doing a certain activity, and that works together with the moral standards
of the individual. There is a relationship with various areas, where it is applied and
has an important role, such is the case of Education where we can see that it is
increasingly necessary to impart knowledge that is related to the ethics and morals of
knowledge and personal growth, together with Deontology it promotes the values that
are essential in human behavior for behavior before society. In this activity there is
the behavior of imparting and reinforcing the knowledge acquired and which will then
among others must prevail to fulfill this much-needed work (Kumari et al., 2014).
The fundamental objective of education deals with the formation of the moral
with social values, since education is the most appropriate means for the
Codes of Ethical Student Conduct: Best Values and Responsibilities – European Framework
2020, de http://efser.eu/corporate-responsability/codes-of-ethical-student-conduct-
FUNDACIÓN SUEÑOS DE ESCRITOR. (s. f.). Código de ética del estudiante universitario.
Kumari, P., Sinha, M. N., & Prasad, B. (2014). The Role Conception of A Deontological
Code for Teachers − A Study of its Role Performance. Journal of Education and
Practice, 5.
Shaw, T. (2001). The role of identification in the privacy decisions of information system
VALORES DENTRO DEL AULA. (s. f.). Padlet. Recuperado 15 de diciembre de 2020, de
2020, de https://es.slideshare.net/yaimazg/deontologia-en-la-educacion
Yopasá, R. M., & Ávila, A. R. (s. f.). Monografía como Propuesta para la Opción de Grado