Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
8 413
2 authors, including:
Johnson Agbinya
Melbourne Institute of Technology
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All content following this page was uploaded by Johnson Agbinya on 13 May 2016.
WiMAX and LTE Link Budget
106 Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
a) the transmitter
b) the receiver
c) the channel (medium) between them. The medium introduces
losses causing a resuction in the received power.
The link budget (Figure 4.1) equation therefore can be written either as in
equation (4.2) to show the path loss or in terms of the receiver power to be:
PR = PT + GT − LP + GR − AM (4.2)
This equation assumes that all the signal gains and losses are expressed in
decibels. The units for these are as follows:
AM (dB), (LT + LR in equation (4.2)) represents all the attenuation losses such
as feeder loss, link margin, diffraction losses, losses due to mobility (Doppler),
and the effects of rain, trees and obstacles in the signal path.
GT (dBi) is the transmitter antenna gain
GR (dBi) is the receiver antenna gain
PR (dBm) is the received power at the receiver
PT (dBm) is the transmitted power
LP (dB) is the path loss in the physical medium between the transmitter and
4.1 Propagation Regimes 107
Antenna Gain
Base Station
4.2 Transmitter
A WiMAX base station normally employs some form of MIMO system and
the early implementations used 2 × 2 MIMO antennas. The base station also
used adaptive antenna systems. The transmitter antenna boosts the data signal
power before launching it into the channel.
The antenna creates an effective isotropically radiated power (EIRP) and
outputs (radiates) it into the channel (medium), where EIRP = ERP + 2.15 dBi.
Notice that the gain of the antenna is in dBi, while ERP is in dB. This con-
version is essential. Due to the connectors and cables (Figure 4.3) used in the
transmitter circuit, power losses are made as in Figure 4.4.
The antenna EIRP is reduced as follows
Antenna Gain Path Loss
Implementation margin
Base Station
−102dBm Noise Figure
Fig. 4.4 Received signal power level after passing through the channel.
For a 2 × 2 MIMO base station case, the following power losses were
recorded in [2].
The parameters for a set of customer premises equipment for both fixed
and mobile cases are given in Table 4.2.
The received signal power irrespective of the path loss and shadowing
must be greater than the WiMAX receiver sensitivity (RSS ). The signal to
noise ratio at the transmitter for a 2 × 2 MIMO base station is
FS Nused
SNR = PR + 102 − 10 log10 (4.4)
This expression assumes that the implementation margin is 7 dB and noise
figure is 5 dB. The effects of the channel and all other degradation sources
must result to the received signal power level to be at least equal to or greater
than the receiver sensitivity PR ≥ RSS .
Signal degradation has always been a disturbing factor in telecommunica-
tions, and much more so in cellular communications. There are three princi-
pal sources of degradation in a cellular environment: noise (inter-modulation
noise, additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)), multiple access interference
(MAI) and fading. Noise is mainly contributed by the environment and the
equipment in use. MAI is a result of sharing bandwidth and communication
channel. Multiple access interference refers to inter-cell interference, intra-
cell interference, co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference.
Inter cell interference exists between two or more cells because of shared
frequencies and frequency reuse. Intra-cell interference exists within a cell.
Co-channel interference occurs between two users using the same channel.
We have dealt with MAI in Chapter 3. The present chapter is dedicated to the
third type of impairment in cellular systems — fading.
Fading is of two forms, large-scale and small-scale fading. Large-scale
fading is mostly mean signal attenuation as a function of distance and signal
variation around its mean value. Small-scale fading is of two forms, time
spreading (which is composed of flat fading and frequency selective fading)
and time variance of channel (which is composed of fast fading and slow
fading). Figure 4.5 categorises these degradation sources.
4.3 Signal Fading 111
fd = cos θ (4.5)
where θ is the angle made by the signal path to the base station and the ground
plane as shown in Figure 4.6. In this expression, velocity v is measured in
meters/second, wavelength λ in meters and frequency fd in Hertz. In the time
domain, Doppler frequency shift leads to coherence time. Coherence time is
the time duration over which two signals have strong potential for amplitude
correlation. Coherence time can be approximated by the expression:
Tc = (4.6)
θ d θ
The first two fading are caused by multipath delay spread and the last two by
Doppler spread. Table 4.4 is a summary of the conditions that exist with each
type of fading.
Small-scale fading may be corrected by using adaptive equalisers or
through the use of modulation techniques such as spread spectrum and error
d hr
2ht hr
= (hr + ht )2 + d 2 − (ht − hr )2 + d 2 ≈ (4.9)
In practice, destructive earth reflections are avoided by imposing the criteria:
Electromagnetic wave fronts are often divided into zones of concentric cir-
cles (separated by half a wavelength) called Fresnel zones. The zones define
propagation break points. In the first Fresnel zone (no reflection) occurs and
n = 1 so that hr ht > λd/4. The first breakpoint, do is called the first Fresnel
zone and occurs at a distance do = 4hr ht /λ. Until this point, the propagation is
assumed to be free space. These two propagation models are useful for system
design. The two models are used to predict microcell and indoor coverage. In
many applications the distance between the transmitter and receiver is smaller
than the first breakpoint, and for such cases, the Fresnel point does not help
with the design.
118 Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
Over ideal ground or the so-called specular ground, the received power is
given by the modified free-space power:
4π ht hr 2
Pr = PFS [(1 − exp(j 2π /λ))]2 ≈ PFS (4.11)
h2r h2t
Pr = Pt Gt Gr (4.12)
As a result of the distance dependence in this expression, every time we
double the distance, we lose 12 dB of signal energy. This shows that frequency
reuse should be done at shorter distances. The path loss exponent varies from
terrain to terrain as shown in Table 4.5.
Pt Pr
Gt Gr
of direct line of sight and a ground reflected paths. In this model the heights
of the transmitting and receiving antennae feature prominently in the propa-
gation loss expression. Provided the heights of the antennas are less than the
separation between the transmitter and receiver (hb and hr ), the propagation
loss expression can be shown to be
station antenna heights greater than 30m. As such, the model is applicable
to mobile phone applications below 1500 MHz. The modified Hata-Okamura
model extends this range to around 2 GHz [7]. This is the so-called COST 231
model. Although the model targeted 2G systems in the 900 and 1800 MHz
range, it has application to systems around 2 GHz (eg., DCS1800) provided
lower base station antenna heights, hilly or moderate-to-heavy wooded terrains
are not involved. Corrections for these limitations were applied to cover most
terrain conditions applicable to the US. The body of study for savannah, and
dense forest regions in Africa and other regions need to be understood. Path
loss regimes are divided into three broad categories A, B and C:
The median path loss at 1.9 GHz for a distance do from a base station is
given by:
n = (a − b hb + c/hb ) (4.18)
depends on the terrain and tree density type. Correction terms are used to
account for antenna height and frequency region. For the model to apply to
frequencies outside the range of specification (2 GHz), and for receive antenna
heights between 2 m and 10 m, correction terms are specified. The coarse form
of the path loss model (in dB) has three correction terms as:
and Lf (in dB) is the frequency correction term given by the expression.
The frequency correction term is given by the expression
The frequency f is MHz, and is positive for frequencies higher than 2 GHz.
The correction term for antenna height is:
0 dB for suburban urban
Cm = (4.23)
3 dB for dense urban
hb = base station height (m), 30–200 m
hm = mobile height (m), 1–10 m
f = frequency (MHz), 1500–2000 MHz
d = distance (km), 1–20 km
It has been shown that the COST 231 Walfish–Ikegami (W-I) model pro-
vides a close match for extensive experimental data from suburban and urban
areas and that the Category C in the Hata-Okamura model is in good agree-
ment with the cost 231 W-I model. It also provides continuity between the two
models. The COST 231 W-I model agrees well with measured data from urban
areas, provided appropriate rooftop heights and building spaces are used.
There are no correction terms in this case and it applies directly to a LOS
WiMAX situation.
For an urban canyon with line of sight the suggested propagation model is
The frequency f is measured in MHz and the distance in km. The rooftop
diffraction model is given by the expression
Lori = −10 + 0.354ϕ f or 0 ≤ ϕ < 35
= 2.5 + 0.075(ϕ − 35) f or 35 ≤ ϕ < 55 (4.30a)
= 4 − 0.114(ϕ − 55) f or 55 ≤ ϕ < 90
4.6 Walfisch–Ikegami Model 125
k0 = 0,
kd = 18 − 15(dhb /hroof )
ka = 54 − 0.8dhb and
kf = −4 + 1.5 (f/925) − 1
For the non line of sight case in a metropolitan area with the following
parameters, the median loss model becomes
L̃P = −65.9 + 38 log10 (d) + 24.5 + log10 (f ) (4.31)
126 Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
Table 4.7
Parameter Variable Value
Height of base station hb 12.5 m
Building height hbd 12 m
Building-to-building distance d 50 m
Building width w 25 m
Height of mobile station hm 1.5 m
Orientation of all paths ϕ 30◦
The Erceg loss formula models instantaneous path loss as a sum of a median
loss term and a shadow fade value given by the expression
LP = L̃P + X = A + 10α log10 +X (4.32)
Where X is the shadow fades and A is the free space path loss over a distance
d0 = 100 m and at a frequency f.
4πf d0
A = 20 log10 (4.33)
4.7 Erceg Model 127
A − Bhb + Ch−1
b (4.34)
α = A − Bhb + Ch−1
b + xσα (4.35)
Where x is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance.
The standard deviation of the distribution of the path loss exponent is σα . The
parameters of the Erceg model are given below for the different terrain types.
The base model applies only at 1.9 Hz and for MS with omnidirectional
antenna at a height of 2 meters and for base stations of heights 10 to 80 m.
The extended model modifies the base model to enable it work over larger
frequency range and with the following parameters:
hb = base station height (m), 10–80 m
hm = mobile height (m), 2–10 m
f = frequency (MHz), 1900–3500 MHz
d = distance (km), 0.1–8 km
The median path loss model for the extended Erceg model is
L̃P = A + 10γ log10 + P .Lf + P .LhMS + P .Lθ MS (4.36)
The correction terms in this equation are:
P .Lf = 6 log (4.37)
P .LhMS = −10.8 log ; for Erceg A and B (4.38)
128 Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
P .LhMS = −20 log ; for Erceg C (4.39)
θ θ
P .LθMS = 0.64 ln + 0.54 ln (4.40)
360 360
The correction term P .LθMS is called the antenna gain reduction factor
because it accounts for the fact that the angular scattering is reduced due to
the directivity of the antenna. This correction can be significant and is about
7 dB at an antenna angle of 20◦ .
Where f is the frequency and hr is the height of the antenna at the receiver.
However, in formula 4.41, A is calculated by:
4π d0
A = 20 log10 (4.45)
Where λ is the wavelength of the signal in meter. Also γ is the path loss
exponent which has different values between 2 and 5 for different environment
and depends on the height of the base station antenna hb and three constants
of a, b and c which vary with different type of environment of A, B and C [1].
γ = a − bhb + (4.46)
The path loss exponent in urban area when the LOS exists is 2, while it is
between 3 and 5 in the urban area with absence of a LOS. However the path
loss exponent will be more than 5 if the signal propagation is happening in an
indoor environment [1]. SUI model is used for planning for WiMAX in rural,
urban and suburban areas.
before the break point. The break point distance can be approximated with the
4π hT hR
db = (4.47)
hT and hR are the heights of the transmitting and receiving antennas and λ is
the wavelength of transmission. The high value of exponent for dual carriage
highway is due to ground reflections from the road surface.
frequencies used. The scattering properties of the terrain also affect the path
loss exponent. The dynamic range of α in this table is 10.95. Path losses under-
ground are therefore very high and hop distances must be chosen with this in
4.8 Path Loss Exponents 133
Receiver noise level −104 dBm −104 dBm −104 dBm −104 dBm A9 = −174 + 10 log10 (A7∗ le6)
Receiver noise level 8 dB 4 dB 8 dB 4 dB A 10
Required SNR 0.8 dB 1.8 dB 0.8 dB 1.8 dB A11: for QPSK, R 1/2 at 10% BLER in ITU
Ped. B channel
Macro diversity gain 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB A12; No macro diversity assumed
Subchannelization gain 0 dB 12 dB 0 dB 12 dB A13 = 10 log10 (A8)
Data, rate per subchannel (kbps) 151.2 34.6 151.2 34.6 A14; using QPSK, R 1/2 at 10% BLER
Receiver sensitivity (dBm) −95.2 −110.2 −95.2 −110.2 A15 = A9 + A10 + A11 + A12 − A13
Receiver antenna gain 0 dBi 18 dBi 6 dBi 18 dBi A16
System gain 156.2 dB 155.2 dBi 162.2 dB 161.2 dB A17 = A6 − A15 + A16
Shadow-fade margin 10 dB 10 dB 10 dB 10 dB A18
Building penetration loss 0 dB 0 dB 10 dB 10 dB A19; assumes single wall
Link, margin 146.2 dB 145.2 dB 142.2 dB 141.2 dB A20 = A17 − A18 − A19
Coverage range 1.06 km (0.66 miles) 0.81 km (0.51 miles) Assuming COST-231 Hata urban model
Coverage range 1.29 km (0.80 miles) 0.99 km (0.62 miles) Assuming the suburban model
References 135
loss model for indoor, out door or underground channels. The path loss model
varies, from building to building and from terrain to terrain. All path loss
models in use are approximations for only a few conditions.
[1] Josip Milanovic, Snjezana Rimac-Drlje, Krunoslav Bejuk, “Comparison of Propaga-
tion Models Accuracy for WiMAX on 3.5 GHz.” IEEE International Conference,
pp. 111–114, 2007.
[2] Mobile WiMAX Group, “Coverage of mobile WiMAX”, pp. 1-18.
[3] Rana Ezzine, Ala Al Fuqaha, Rafik Braham, Abdelfettah Belghith. “A New Generic
Model for Signal Propagation in WiFi and WiMAX Environment”. Wireless Days,
pp. 1–5, 2008.
136 Planning of WiMAX and LTE Networks
[4] Tamaz Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, Andrej Hrovat, Igor Ozimek. Software in Telecommu-
nication and Computer Networks. pp 71–75, 2006.
[5] Yan Zhang. WiMAX Network Planning and Optimization. USA: CRC Press, 2009.
[6] Johnson I Agbinya. IP Communications and Services for NGN. New York: Taylor and
Francis, 2009.
[7] Kejie Lu, Yi Qian, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Shengli Fu. “ WiMAx Networks: From Access to
Service Platform”. IEEE Computer Society, 22, pp. 38–45, May/June 2008.
[8] Johnson I Agbinya, “Design Consideration of Mohots and Wireless Chain Networks”,
Wireless Personal Communication”, © Springer 2006, Vol. 40, pp. 91–106.