From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Process Duct Work
From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Process Duct Work
From Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Process Duct Work
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Process duct work conveys large volumes of hot, dusty air from processing equipment to mills, baghouses to
other process equipment. Process duct work may be round or rectangular. Although round duct work costs
more to fabricate than rectangular duct work, it requires fewer stiffeners and is favored in many applications
over rectangular ductwork.
The air in process duct work may be at ambient conditions or may operate at up to 900 °F (482 °C). Process
ductwork varies in size from 2 ft diameter to 20 ft diameter or to perhaps 20 ft by 40 ft rectangular.
Large process ductwork may fill with dust, depending on slope, to up to 30% of cross section, which can
weigh 2 to 4 tons per linear foot.
Round ductwork is subject to duct suction collapse, and requires stiffeners to minimize this, but is more
efficient in material than rectangular duct work.
There are no comprehensive, design references for process duct work design. The ASCE reference for the
design of power plant duct design gives some general guidance on duct design, but does not specifically give
designers sufficient information to design process duct work.
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equipment. The design of this ductwork requires an understanding of the interaction of heat softening of
metals, potential effects of dust buildup in large ductwork, and structural design principles. There are two
basic shapes for structural process ductwork: rectangular and round. Rectangular ductwork is covered by the
ASCE "The Structural Design of Air & Gas Ducts for Process Power Stations and Industrial Applications".
In the practical design of primarily round structural process ductwork in the cement, lime and lead industries,
the duct size involved ranges from 18 inches (45 cm) to 30 feet (10 m). The air temperature may vary from
ambient to 1000 °F (515 °C). Process ductwork is subject to large loads due to dust buildup, fan suction
pressure, wind, and earthquake forces. As of 2009 30 ft diameter process ductwork may cost $7,000 per ton.
Failure to properly integrate design forces may lead to catastrophic duct collapse. Overdesign of ductwork is
The structural design of ductwork plate is based on buckling of the plate element. Round ductwork plate
design is based on diameter to duct plate thickness ratios, and the allowable stresses are contained in multiple
references such as US Steel Plate, ASME/ANSI STS-1,SMNACA, Tubular Steel Structures, and other
references. In actuality round ductwork bent in bending is approximately 30% stronger than a similar shape
in compression, however one uses the same allowable stresses in bending as we do for compression.
Round ducts require typical stiffeners at roughly 3 diameter spacing, or roughly 20 ft. O.C. for wind ovaling
and fabrication and truck shipping requirements. Round ducts, larger than 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m) in
diameter (1/4" plate) require support ring stiffeners. Smaller-diameter ducts may not require support ring
stiffeners, but may be designed with saddle supports. When stiffener rings are required they are traditionally
designed based on "Roark", although this reference is quite conservative.
Round duct elbow allowable stresses are lower than the allowable stresses for straight duct by a K factor =
1.65/(h 2/3power) where [h = t (duct) * R (elbow) /(r(duct)*r (duct). This equation, or similar equations is
found in Tubular Steel Structures section 9.9.
Rectangular ductwork design properties is based on width-to-thickness ratios. This is simplified, normally to
width=t/16, from corner elements or corner angle stiffeners, although in reality, the entire duct top & side
plate does participate, somewhat in duct section properties.
Duct logic
Duct logic is the process of planning for duct thermal movement, combined with planning to minimize duct
dust dropout.
Ducts move with changes in internal temperature. Ducts are assumed to have the same temperature as their
internal gasses, which may be up to 900 °F. If the internal duct temperature exceeds 1000 °F, refractory lining
is used to minimize the duct surface temperature. At 1000 °F, ducts may grow approximately 5/8 inch per 10
feet of length. This movement must be carefully planned for, with cloth (or metal) expansion joints at each
equipment flange, and one joint per each straight section of ductwork.
Sloping ductwork at or above the duct dust angle of repose will minimize dust buildup. Therefore, many
ducts carrying high dust loads slope at 30 degrees, or steeper.
To minimize pressure loss in duct elbows, the typical elbow radius is 1 1/2 times the duct diameter. In cases
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where this elbow radius is not feasible, turning vanes are added to the duct.
Process ductwork is often large (6-foot diameter to 18-foot diameter), carrying large volumes of hot dirty
gasses, at velocities of 3000 to 4500 feet per minute. The fans used to move these gasses are also large, 250
to 4000 horsepower. Therefore minimizing duct pressure drop by minimizing turbulence at elbows and
transitions is of importance. Duct elbow radius is usually 1 1/2 to 2 times the duct size. The side slopes of
transitions are typically 10 to 30 degrees.
Note: the duct gas velocity is chosen to minimize duct dust dropout. Cement and lime plant duct velocity at
normal operations is 3000 to 3200 foot per minute, lead plant velocities are 4000 to 4500 foot per minute, as
the dust is heavier. Other industries, such as grain have lower gas velocities. Higher duct gas velocity may
require more powerful fans than lower duct velocities.
Fixed supports typically are designed to resist lateral movement of the duct. Depending on the support
geometry, fixed supports may also resist rotation of the duct art the support.
Sliding supports are typically supported on Teflon, (or other material) pads, isolated from the duct so
that temperature and dust does not damage the sliding surface.
Link supports are often "bents", or braced frames down from the duct support ring (frame) to a
foundation or support plane. if the bent is long enough, hinges are not required to allow for duct
thermal growth.
Rod or hanger supports are similar to link supports, but due to the flexibility of the rod supports, that
are easier to design and detail.
Guide supports: Often rings inside a structural frame, with angle guides, that allow the duct to grow
vertically while restraining the duct laterally for wind loads.
Unusual "support" conditions (details):
Hinges at expansion joints
Tension ties across dual fixed supports
Designs that allowing duct elbows to flex under unusual support conditions
Other unusual design models.
For cement plant and Lime plant process ductwork, duct loads are a combination of:
1. Duct dead loads: are often simplified (in Cement plant usage) by using duct plate weight, multiplied by
1.15 as a stiffener allowance, as duct stiffeners usually weigh less than 15% times the duct plate
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weight. Duct stiffener allowance for rectangular power plants ductwork may be 50% to 100% of the
duct plate weight.
2. Duct internal dust loads (bottom of duct): which vary considerably with duct slope. These loads need to
be approved by the client, but are often used as follows:
For duct sloping 0 degrees to 30 degrees, duct internal dust is 25% of duct cross section. For duct sloping 30
degrees to 45 degrees duct dust loads are reduced to 15% of cross section, plus internal duct coating loads.
For ducts sloping 45 degrees to 85 degrees, duct internal dust is 5% of duct cross section, plus internal duct
coating loads. For ducts sloping over 85 degrees. Because of the potential for high dust loading, most process
ductwork is run at a 30 to 45 degree slope.
2a) Duct dust loading in non-process ducts (2-foot diameter and smaller), such as conveyor venting ducts are
sometimes run horizontally and can be filled to 100% of cross section.
2b) Power plant internal duct dust loads are coordinated with the client, and are sometimes used at 1 to 2 foot
of internal ash loadings.
3) Duct internal, coating dust loads, which sometimes are used as a 2" (50 mm) coating of dust on the internal
4) Duct suction pressure loads. Most process duct loads have design pressures of 25 inches (600 mm) to 40
inches (1000 mm) of water pressure. This suction pressure operates to cause suction pressure collapse on the
duct side walls. Also this pressure operates perpendicular to the duct "expansion joints" to create an
additional load on the duct supports that adds to dead, and live loads. Please note: duct pressure loads vary
with temperature, as the gas density varies with temperature. A duct pressure of 25 inches of H2O, at room
temperature may become 12 inches to 6 inches at duct operating pressures.
7) Duct Snow loads, normally inconsequential, as snow will melt quickly unless the plant is in shutdown
8) Top of duct dust loads, often used as zero, since plant dust generation is much less now, than in the past.
9) Duct suction pressure loads, act perpendicular to end of duct cross section, and can be significant. For a
duct designed for 25" of water at a startup temperature of 70 degree F, on an 8 foot in diameter duct, this is
equal to 8000 pounds at each end of the duct.
Round ductwork
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The majority of cement plant process ductwork is round. This is because the round duct shape does not bend
between circumferential stiffeners. Therefore bending stiffeners are not required, and round ductwork
requires fewer and lighter intermediate stiffeners than rectangular ductwork. Round cement plant duct
stiffeners are sometimes about 5% duct plate weight. Rectangular cement plant duct stiffeners are 15 to 20%
times duct plate weight. Power plant ductwork is often larger. Power plant ductwork is usually rectangular,
with stiffener weights of 50% (or more) times duct plate weight. (this is based on personal experience, and
my vary with loads, duct size, and industry standards)
Large, round process ductwork is usually fabricated from 1/4-inch (6 mm) mild steel plate, with ovaling
stiffening rings at 15 to 20 ft (5 to 6 M) on center, regardless of diameter. These lengths allow for resistance
to wind ovaling and resistance to out of round when shipping by truck. This also works well with fabricator
The typical intermediate rings are designed for wind bending stresses, reduced as required by the yield stress
reduction at working temperatures. The typical rings are fabricated from rolled steel plate, angles or tee's
welded together to create the ring cross section required. Rings are fabricated from any combination of plate,
tee or W shape that the shop can roll. Rings are usually mild carbon steel, ASTM A36 plate, or equivalent.
The location of ring butt welds should preferably be offset 15 degrees(+/-)from point of maximum stress to
minimize the effect of weld porosity on weld allowable stress.
See US Steel Plate, volume II for empirical ring spacing, and wind bending stress: Spacing = Ls = 60 sqrt
[Do (ft) * t plate (in) /wind pressure (psf)] Section = p * L (spacing, ft) * Do (ft) * Do (ft)/Fb (20,000 at
ambient T) This reference is older, but a good starting point for duct design.
SMACNA, (2ND Edition) chapter 4 has many useful formulas for round ducts, allowable stresses, ring
spacing, effect of dust, ice, and live loads. The basic factor of safety for SMACNA, 3, is larger than typically
used on typical structural engineering projects, of 1.6. Under SMACNA the critical ring spacing for rings is L
= 1.25 * D (ft) sqrt (D(ft)/t(inches)), which is similar to tubular steel structures, L = 3.13 * R sqrt (R/t). In
effect, using Spacing = 60 sqrt [Do (ft) * t plate (in) /wind pressure (psf)] is conservative.
Allowable bending and compression stress in ducts can come from several sources.
See Tubular Steel structures, chapter 2, 9 & 12 for the allowable stresses for thin, round ducts, their allowable
stresses, elbows, elbow softening coefficients, and some procedures for the design of duct support rings.
These allowable stresses can be verified with select review of chapters of US Steel Plate, Blodgett Design of
plate structures, Roark & Young, or API 650.
Round duct support rings are spaced, often at three diameters, or as require at up to about 50 ft centers (14
m). At this spacing the main support rings are designed for the sum of suction pressure stresses & support
bending moments.
Round ductwork allowable compressive stress is = 662 /(d/t) +339 * Fy (tubular steel structures, chapter 2).
Other reference use similar equations.
Ductwork typical cement plant pressure drops are: 60% to 80% of high temperature process duct work
pressure drop occurs in the process equipment, baghouses, mills and cyclones. Since motor 1 (one)
horsepower cost roughly $1000/year (US$) (2005), duct efficiency is important. Minimizing duct pressure
drop can reduce plan operating costs. most ductwork, non-equipment pressure drop occurs at transitions and
changes of directions (elbows). The bests way to minimize duct pressure drop or to minimize plant operating
costs, is to use elbows with an elbow radius to duct radius exceeding 1.5. (For a 15-foot duct, the elbow
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Process duct pressure drops (US practice) are usually measured in inches of water. A typical duct operates at
about - 25 inches (160 psf.) total suction pressure, with roughly 75% of the pressure loss in the bag house,
and 10% of pressure lost in duct friction, and 15% (nominal)lost in elbow turbulence. A major consideration
of duct design is to minimize duct pressure losses, turbulence, as poor duct geometry, increases turbulence,
and increases plant electrical usage.
Round duct work suction pressure collapse, in ducts over 6 feet in diameter, is prevented with rings at
supports, and roughly 3 diameter centers.
Round duct support rings are traditionally designed from the formula's found in Roark & Young. However
this reference is based on point loads on rings, while actual duct ring loads are based on almost uniform
bottom dust. Therefore, these formulars can be shown with Ram, or other analysis methods to have
conservatism factor of roughly 2 above the stresses given In Roark. The duct ring force dead, live and dust
forces need to be combined with suction pressure stresses. Suction pressure forces concentrate on the rings,
as they are the stiffest element present.
Round ductwork elbow allowable stresses are reduced due to the elbow curvature. Various references give
similar results for this reduction. Tubular steel structures, Section 9.9 gives the (Beskin) reduction factor of
K= 1.65/(h (2/3 power)) where h= t (plate) *R(elbow)/ r (duct) (where suction pressures are smaller). This K
reduces the I factor of the duct I effective = I/K.
Round duct rings are fabricated from rolled tees, angles, or plates, welded into the shape required. Typically
these are designed with ASTM A-36 properties.
Factors of safety
Typical duct round plate factor of safety (traditional factor of safety) should be 1.6, because duct plate
bending, and buckling is mostly controlled by typical intermediate ring design.
Typical intermediate ring factor of safety should be 1.6, because there is ample evidence in various codes,
(API 360, etc.) that intermediate rings designed for wind ovaling and suction pressure combinations are safe.
Typical main support ring factor of safety, if designed by "Roark" formulas should be 1.6, (If constructed to
the Roark normal 1% out of round standard tolerance) because it can be shown by various methods that these
formulas are at least a factor of two, above three D duct ring analysis results etc..
Typical duct elbow factor of safety should be above 1.6, because it can be difficult to show that shipping out
of round for elbows corresponds to the normal 1% out of round standard tolerance. (various code and
reference notes).
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Rectangular ductwork
Rectangular cement plant ductwork is often 1/4" (6 mm) duct plate, with stiffeners spaced at about 2'-6",
depending on suction pressure and temperature. Thinner plate requires a closer stiffener spacing. The
stiffeners are usually considered pinned end. Power plant ductwork can be 5/16" thick duct plate, with "fixed
end" W stiffeners at roughly 2'-5" spacing. Because rectangular duct plate bends, stiffeners are required at
reasonably close spacing. Duct plate 3/16", or thinner, may dishpan, or make noise, and should be avoided.
Rectangular duct section properties are calculated from the distance between the upper to lower duct corners
of the ductwork The flanges areas are based on the size of corner angles plus duct plate width based on the
plate thickness ratio of 16*t. (see AISC structural duct design below) For section properties the "web" plate is
The typical stiffener spacing for cement plant duct work is usually based on duct plate bending M = W * L *
L / 8. This is because using a fixed-fixed condition requires difficult to design plate attachments. Power plant,
and other larger ductwork, usually goes thru the expense of creating "fixed End" corner moment. all stiffeners
for rectangular ductwork requires consideration of lateral torsional bracing stiffeners.
For ductwork operating above 800 degrees F, duct plate material should resist warping. Either Core-ten or
ASTM A304 stainless steel may be used for duct plate between 800 °F and 1200 °F, Core-ten plate is less
expensive than stainless steel.
Corten steels have essentially the same yield stress ratios as Corten through 700 °F. At 900 °F, the yield stress
ratio is 63%. At 1100 °F, the yield stress ratio is 58% (AISC tables). Corten steels should not be used above
1100 °F.
Unless the duct and its stiffeners are insulated, the stiffeners can be designed in ASTM A36 steels, even at a
duct temperature of 1000 °F. This is because the stiffener temperature is cooler than the duct gas temperature
by several hundred degrees (F). Duct stiffener temperatures are assumed to drop about 100 °F per inch of
depth (when uninsulated) (no reference available).
As reducing the loss of heat at plants has changed over the years, ductwork now connects more pieces of
equipment than ever before. Care needs to be taken to avoid condensation of moisture in plant ductwork.
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become corrosive on low carbon steel. Methods to avoid this problem may include
1. Duct insulation
2. specialty steels, such as COR-10 steels or A304 SS or A316L SS,
3. Duct internal coatings. Duct internal coatings are expensive, and may cost more than the stack plate
they protect. Uncoated stacks cement plant stacks, with condensation, have been noted to last less than
two years.
Sulfuric acid attack may require stainless steel ducts, fiberglass ducts, etc.
Wear resistance
Many plant exhaust gasses contain dusts with high wear potential. Typically wear resistant steels are not
useful in resisting duct wear, particularly at higher temperatures. Wear resistant steel ducts are hard to
fabricate, and refractory coatings are usually less expensive than wear resistant steel ductwork. Each industry
may have different approaches to resist duct wear.
Cement plant clinker dust is more abrasive than sand. In high temperature ducts, or ducts with wear potential,
2 1/2-inch refractory, is often anchored to the duct plate with V anchors at 6" O.C. (+/-) to resist a)
temperature, or b) wear at elbows or a combination of these effects. Occasionally ceramic tiles or ceramic
mortars are anchored to ductwork to resist temperature and wear.
Grain plant hulls are also very abrasive. Sometimes plastic liners are used to resist wear in grain facilities,
where temperatures are lower than in mineral processing facilities.
fabric expansion duct forces are assumed to be 0 #/inch. Metal expansion joint forces for metal joints a 24-
inch diameter duct are on the order of 850#/ inch of movement for axial spring rate, and 32,500 #/inch for
lateral movement. These coefficients will vary with duct size, joint thickness, and becomes larger for
rectangular ducts (based on one recent job).
Fabric expansion joint life is about 5 years under field conditions. Many plants prefer access platforms near
the joints for replacing the joint fabric.
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It is easy to draw ducts in 3D without correct dimensioning. Drawings should be laid out with:
Duct details
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Ducts are shipped from fabricating facility to job sites on trucks, by rail, or on barges in lengths
accommodating the mode of transport, often in 20 foot sections. These sections are connected with flanges,
or weld straps. Flanges are provided at expansion joints, or to join low stress duct sections. Flanges may be
difficult to design for the duct plate forces. Flange gaskets add flexibility to the flanges that make their ability
to carry forces problematic. Therefore, weld straps (short steel straps) are commonly used for higher stress
duct plate connections.
See above photo of round duct elbows, transitions, and stiffeners. The duct elbow radius is from 1 1/2 to 2
times the duct diameter. The round duct has ovaling, and shipping rings at 20 foot nominal spacing, and
larger support rings at supports. The Y split has suction stiffeners at the duct intersection. Note the 3000 HP
fan inlet transition and stack inlet transition also shown in this photo.
The adjacent photo also shows several principles of process ductwork. It shows a large baghouse inlet
ductwork. The inlet duct is tapered to minimize dust dropout. A shallow taper such at this also reduces
pressure losses when changing duct diameters. Note the rectangular duct ring spacing is roughly 2'-6" on
center. The round duct is stiffened near each branch duct.
There are several references for process duct work. These references are worked together to review duct
design processes. Other references are often used for duct design, but they give similar results. Finite element
design of process duct work is possible, but a requirement of design theory and allowable stresses is required
to properly interpret the finite element model.
ASCE - Structural Design of Air & Gas Ducts for Power Stations and Industrial Boiler Applications
Roark & Young. Formulas for stress & Strain, various editions
US Steel Plate, Plate Structures, Volume I & II
US Steel Plate, Steels for Elevated Service Temperatures 1974
AISC, On Line steel temperature versus Yield, and steel temperature versus Young's modulus charts.
Lincoln Arc Welding, Design of Welded Structures, Omar Blodgett, chapter 6, Section 6.6
Lincoln Arc Welding, Tubular Steel Structures, by Troitsky
Cold Formed Steel Structures
ASHRE, for the design of pressure drop, elbows and fans
API 560, contains references to minimize wind ovaling
SMNACA can also be use as a reference
Process Vendor, 2005, Process Ducting Loads
Similar Design Reference, out of print, Gaylord & Gaylord, Design of Bins.
Cement, lime and lead industry accepted dust loads (for structural loading) are: Process ductwork is intended
to convey large volumes of dust. some of this dust will settle to the bottom of the duct during power outages
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The percentage of duct cross section filled with dust is often assumed to be as follows:
To minimize the buildup of dust, each material has a minimum carrying velocity, lime = about 2800 fpm.,
cement about 3200 fpm, and lead dust about 4200 fpm.
Dust density depends on industry, Normally these are: cement dust density = 94 pcf, lime industry = 50 pcf,
lead oxide dust = 200 pcf.
Duct Wear: High temperature ductwork often carries large volumes of hot abrasive dust. Often the design
temperature of the duct, or the abrasiveness of the dust, prevents the use of abrasive resisting steels. In these
cases refractory can be anchored inside the duct, or abrasive resisting tiles, with weld nuts, are welded to the
inside of the ductwork.
Duct steels expand with temperature. Each type of steel may have a different coefficient of thermal
expansion, typical mild carbon steels expand with the coefficient of 0.0000065 (See AISC).
Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
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Sensible heat
Stack effect
Thermal comfort
Thermal destratification
Thermal mass
Vapour pressure of water
Absorption refrigerator
Air barrier
Air conditioning
Automobile air conditioning
Autonomous building
Building insulation materials
Central heating
Central solar heating
Chilled beam
Chilled water
Constant air volume (CAV)
Dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS)
Deep water source cooling
Demand-controlled ventilation (DCV)
Displacement ventilation
District cooling
District heating
Electric heating
Technology Energy recovery ventilation (ERV)
Forced-air gas
Free cooling
Heat recovery ventilation (HRV)
Hybrid heat
Ice storage air conditioning
Kitchen ventilation
Mixed-mode ventilation
Natural ventilation
Passive cooling
Passive house
Radiant heating and cooling system
Radiant cooling
Radiant heating
Radon mitigation
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Renewable heat
Room air distribution
Solar air heat
Solar combisystem
Solar cooling
Solar heating
Thermal insulation
Underfloor air distribution
Underfloor heating
Vapor barrier
Vapor-compression refrigeration (VCRS)
Variable air volume (VAV)
Variable refrigerant flow (VRF)
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Fireplace insert
Freeze stat
Fume hood
Furnace room
Gas compressor
Gas heater
Gasoline heater
Geothermal heat pump
Grease duct
Ground-coupled heat exchanger
Heat exchanger
Heat pipe
Heat pump
Heating film
Heating system
High efficiency glandless circulating pump
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
High pressure cut off switch
Infrared heater
Inverter compressor
Kerosene heater
Mechanical fan
Mechanical room
Oil heater
Packaged terminal air conditioner
Plenum space
Pressurisation ductwork
Process duct work
Radiator reflector
Reversing valve
Run-around coil
Scroll compressor
Solar chimney
Solar-assisted heat pump
Space heater
Smoke exhaust ductwork
Thermal expansion valve
Thermal wheel
Thermostatic radiator valve
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Trickle vent
Trombe wall
Turning vanes
Ultra-low particulate air (ULPA)
Whole-house fan
Wood-burning stove
Architectural acoustics
Architectural engineering
Architectural technologist
Building services engineering
Building information modeling (BIM)
Deep energy retrofit
Professions, Duct leakage testing
trades, Environmental engineering
and services Hydronic balancing
Kitchen exhaust cleaning
Mechanical engineering
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
Mold growth, assessment, and remediation
Refrigerant reclamation
Testing, adjusting, balancing
Industry AHRI
organizations AMCA
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Institute of Refrigeration
ASHRAE Handbook
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