Phy-Proj-Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Phy-Proj-Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Phy-Proj-Obstacle Avoiding Robot
A Synopsis Submitted
As part of the Term work Requirement
In the Course
Engineering Physics I
Of the
Bachelor of Engineering
Program under
University of Mumbai
April – 2021
We proposed a robot that avoids the obstacle which comes in its path this robot
is introduced because in many of the industries we have seen that many heavy
components which they must move for one place to another place which is not
possible without the help of machines. With this we got idea and we introduce
the robot named as Obstacle avoidance robot using Arduino. Obstacle avoidance
robot is design to allow robot to navigate in unknown environment by avoiding
collisions. Obstacle avoiding robot senses obstacles in the path, avoids it and
resumes its running. We have made use of sensors to achieve this objective. We
have used four D.C. MOTORS i.e., battery operated motors. The construction
of the robot circuit is easy and small. The main component behind this robot is
Arduino UNO which is a brain of this robot. The best part of our project is that
if any obstacle is encountered by the robot the robot automatically stops.
Arduino is the main processing unit of the robot. Out of the 14 available digital
I/O pins, 7 pins are used in this project design.
The ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins: Vcc, Trig, Echo and Gnd. Vcc and Gnd are
connected to the +5v and GND pins of the Arduino. Trig (Trigger) is connected
to the 9th pin and Echo is connected to 8th pin of the Arduino UNO,
A Servo Motor is used to rotate the Ultrasonic Sensor to scan for obstacles. It has
three pins namely Control, VCC and GND. The Servo Control Pin is connected
to pin 11 of Arduino while the VCC and GND are connected to +5Vand GND.
L293D is a 16 pin IC. Pins 1 and 9 are the enable pins. These pins are connected
to +5V. Pins 2 and 7 are control inputs from microcontroller for firstmotor. They
are connected to pins 6 and 7 of Arduino, respectively.
Similarly, pins 10 and 15 are control inputs from microcontroller for second
motor. They are connected to pins 5 and 4 of Arduino. Pins 4, 5, 12 and 13 of
L293D are ground pins and are connected to Gnd.
First motor (consider this as the motor for left wheel) is connected across thepins
3 and 6 of L293D. The second motor, which acts as the right wheel motor, is
connected to 11 and 14 pins of L293D.
The 16th pin of L293D is Vcc1. This is connected to +5V. The 8th pins areVcc2.
This is the motor supply voltage. This can be connected anywhere.
between 4.7V and 36V. In this project, pin 8 if L293D is connected to +5V
When the robot is powered on, both the motors of the robot will run normally, and
the robot moves forward. During this time, the ultrasonic sensor continuously
calculates the distance between the robot and the reflective surface.
This information is processed by the Arduino. If the distance between the robot and
the obstacle is less than 15cm, the Robot stops and scans in left and right directions
for new distance using Servo Motor and Ultrasonic Sensor. If the distance towards
the left side is more than that of the right side, the robot will prepare for a left turn.
But first, it backs up a little bit and then activates the Left Wheel Motor in reversed
in direction.
Similarly, if the right distance is more than that of the left distance, the Robot
prepares right rotation. This process continues forever, and the robot keeps on
moving without hitting any obstacle.
4. Dc power Switch 70
7. Wheels (4x) 70
8. Acrylic board 0
9. Batteries (2x) 40
total 1280
5. Plan of Work