Diy Lab Project
Diy Lab Project
Diy Lab Project
• Jatin Gupta(22IM10018)
• Dipanwita Mandal
❖Team ID - 18
Speed:.09s/ 60°(4.8V)
⮚ 1
3. Motor Driver ⮚ Datasheet: L293D
❖ Growing demand of home delivery and increasing rate of road accident are faced by
common people. So automation is required which can be done by this project.
❖ It uses ultrasonic sensors for its movement. There will be motors connected to motor
driver . Whenever the robot is going on the desired path the ultrasonic sensor
transmits the ultrasonic waves continuously from its sensor head. Whenever an
obstacle comes ahead of it the ultrasonic waves are reflected from an object and
that information is passed to the microcontroller. The microcontroller controls the
motors left, right, back, front, based on ultrasonic signals.
❖ When ultrasonic sensor detect the object which is kept inside the path it will send
the signal toward the Arduino uno and according to that it will rotate the motor.
❖ Motor 3 & motor 4 in forward direction and rotate the motor motor 1 & motor 2 in
reverse direction such way that the car get moving in left direction.
❖ Similarly in every time when ever an obstacle in found to be in path of car it will
detect it and rotate the car in left direction to avoid the obstacle.
The salient features of the code for this project include:
Ultrasonic Sensor Initialization -> Motor Control Initialization -> Ultrasonic Distance Measurement ->
Obstacle Detection -> Obstacle Avoidance -> Motor Control -> Servo Motor Control -> Looping
Building an obstacle-avoiding vehicle using an ultrasonic sensor is a great learning experience for
us. Here are the key concepts involved in this project:
1.Understanding the ultrasonic sensor: An ultrasonic sensor emits high-frequency sound waves
and measures the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce back after hitting an object. This
information is used to calculate the distance to the obstacle.
2.Hardware setup: We have used an Arduino board, an ultrasonic sensor ( HC-SR04), a motor
driver board or motor shield, and DC motors for the vehicle's movement.
3.Wiring: We have connected ultrasonic sensor to the appropriate pins on the microcontroller
board, and connect the motor driver board or motor shield to control the motors.
4.Programming: A code to control the vehicle's behavior based on the sensor readings has been
Throughout this project, we learnt about sensor integration, motor control, programming concepts,
and problem-solving. It's a great opportunity to experiment and iterate to work on such a project.
We would like to express my sincere gratitude to our team members for their
commitment and hard work. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to our
professors for the guidance. mentorship and valuable insights.
•International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)