P1 Define and Compare The Different Roles and Characteristics of A Leader and A Manager
P1 Define and Compare The Different Roles and Characteristics of A Leader and A Manager
P1 Define and Compare The Different Roles and Characteristics of A Leader and A Manager
A leader is the man who guides and directs a team to achieve the desired result of the
organization. Business leaders do a lot for the firm. He needs to keep all the responsibilities in
his hand that he needs to perform the best. No business can success without a hardworking and
clever leader head.
On the other side, managers are those who manage every part of their duties and make things
finished properly. A manager is the one who is responsible to administrate an organization or a
Leaders and managers are having so different fundamentals though they might be seemed similar
or close. The roles and characteristics they carry do vary and keep different motives. There can
be some chart description through which their differences can be easily shown.
Differentiating Roles
facilitation. When they get it,
they feel necessity of making
a decision.
Directing/Planning Leaders are to direct. In accordance with the
directions, these people plan
and that works as guidance to
the lower or bottom level
M1 Analyze and differentiate between the role of a leader and function of a manager by
effectively applying a range of theories and concepts.
Management by Objectives
This is a strategic management model which is aimed to improve performances of a business
organization through objectives defining. Management and employees both agree to this
improvement process. The Model is given below,
Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/669136457108596894/?lp=true
This theory is based on a belief that the employees only have physical and economic needs from
the organization. There are three major divisions in this theory. They are given below,
Scientific Administrative Bureaucratic
Management Principles Organizations
Source: Self
1. Scientific Management: F.W Taylor was the engineer of scientific model of CMT.
According to this model, each task must be designed, workers must be selected and
trained scientifically. It demands the division of labor and cooperation between the
management and employees.
2. Administrative Principles: This theory came from the investigation made by Henry Fayol,
who was a mining engineer in a company in France. There are five major functions of
this theory according to his model; Planning, coordinating, organizing, controlling and
commanding. Also, 14 principles are developed through this theory.
3. Bureaucratic Organizations: The maximum of this concept was introduced by Max
Weber. This implies a firm characterized by elaboration, rules, impersonal relations,
procedures and fairly rigid hierarchy that is of relationships came from authority
responsibilities. But the thing is bureaucracy is a paper mill. All are written on the paper
and data moves through unlimited channels resulting uncertain and unwanted delays.
Also the communication is reduced.
Behavioral Theory
This theory seeks for explaining the human behavior through the analyses of the antecedent and
consequence that are present in an individual environment. Various theories and constructs are
able to be applied to different stages of this theory model. Some elements enriched the
behavioral model that is to be described,
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Theory-of-Planned-Behaviour-Ajzen-
Contingency Theory
It is an organizing theory which acclaims that no best way is there to organize a corporation,
make decisions or to lead a company leaving contingency theory. This leadership theory was
developed by Fred Fiedler in 1958 while he was doing a research on leader effectiveness inside a
team or group. Contingency theory is made of three basic variables,
Figure: CT Variables
Source: Self