Updated Guidebook ON Biogas Development: United Nations

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No. 27

The designations employed and the presentation of
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concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The mention of any firm or licensed process does

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All references to dollars and cents are to United
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Bangkok, Thailand

No. 27

r '. ~

New York, 1984


Sales No. : E.84.II.F.14

Price: $US 17.50


The first edition of this publication was brought out in 1980 to serve
as a guidebook on the practical aspects of small-scale biogas development
suitable for use in rural areas in developing countries, especially those of the
ESCAP region. This publication is the second and revised version of the
original guidebook and contains additional information on some aspects not
covered earlier.
The publication is based on the recommendations of the Expert
Group Meeting on Biogas Development held at Bangkok from 20 to 26 June
1978, with the financial assistance of the Government of Australia. Informa-
tion on biogas technology in China made available by the Chinese authorities
and collected by an ESCAP staff member during the Interregional Biogas
Study Tour in China organized by the United Nations from 1 to 21
September 1979 was also included in the publication. The secretariat ob-
tained the assistance of Mr. John Finlay of the Development and Consulting
Services, Butwal, Nepal, in the compiling and technical editing of the first
edition of the guidebook. Mr. R.V. Misra, Senior Scientist, Indian Farmers
Fertiliser Co-operative Limited, New Delhi, assisted the secretariat in bring-
ing out the present publication.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to the Government of Australia

for providing funds for the Meeting and the publication of the book, to the
Chinese authorities and to organizations dealing with biogas in ESCAP mem-
ber countries, in particular the Khadi and Village Industries Commission
(KVIC) in India, the Development and Consulting Services (DCS) in Nepal
and FAO/UNDP Regional Project on Improving Soil Fertility through
Organic Recycling, for making their technical and design information avail-
able to the secretariat, and the Government of Japan for its financial support
of the Workshop on Uniformity of Information Reporting for Biomethanation
Systems held at Bangkok from 2 to 6 May 1983.




A. Energy needs in developing countries 2
B. Household energy requirements 2
C. Fuel eneTgy sources in Tural areas 2
D. Biogas through anaerobic fermentation of rural organic wastes 2
E. Advantages and disadvantages of biogas 4
A. General 6
B. Asian and the Pacific region 6
1. Afghanistan 6
2. Bangladesh 6
3. Burma 6
4. China 7
5. India 7
6. Indonesia 9
7. Iran 9
8. Japan 10
9. Lao People's Democratic Republic 10
10. Malaysia 10
11. Nepal 10
12. Pakistan 10
13. Papua New Guinea 10
14. The Philippines 11
15. Republic of Korea 11
16. Singapore 12
17. Sri Lanka 12
18. Thailand 12
19. Viet Nam 12
C. Latin American region
1. Argentina 12
2. Brazil 12
3. Chile 12
4. Colombia 12
5. Costa Rica 13
6. Guatemala 13
7. Mexico 13
8. Peru 13
9. Trinidad and Tobago 13
D. European and other countries 13
1. Austria 13
2. Belgium 13
3. Czechoslovakia 13
4. Denmark 13

5. France 13
6. German Democratic Republic 13
7. Germany, Federal Republic of 14
8. Hungary 14
9. Italy 14
10. Poland 14
11. Spain 14
12. Switzerland 14
13. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 15
14. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 15
15. United States of America 15


A. Biogas process 16
B. Methane formation 16
C. Metabolism of complex organic compounds 17
D. Anaerobic degradation of cellulose 18
E. Metabolism of hemi-cellulose, pectin-gel and starch 18
F. Metabolism of lipids 18
G. Metabolism of proteins 18
A. Biogas micro-organisms 19
B. Non-methane producing micro-organisms 19
C. Amount of non-methane producing micro-organisms 20
D. Action of non-methane producing micro-organisms 20
E. Methane producing micro-organism 20
F. Morphology and classification of methane producing micro-organisms 20
G. Amount of methane producing bacteria 21
A. Social factors 22
1. The benefits of a biogas plant 22
2. The national characteristics of farmers 22
B. Factors affecting the design 22
1. Availability of building materials 22
2. The level of the water-table 22
3. Input material to be used 22
4. The amount of gas required for different applications 22
5. Gas production from different input materials 23
6. The amount of fertilizer expected out of the gas plant 24
7. The amount of dung that can be collected per animal, bird or human 24
8. Other feed materials 25
C. Factors affecting the operation 25
1. The amount of water needed 25
2. The use of sea water or brackish water 25
3. Additional input material 25
4. The expected life of a gas plant 25
5. The effect of scum formation in a continuous-type digester 25


A. Fixed dome 26
B. Flexible bag 28
C. Floating gas holder 28
D. Floating gas holder with water seal 30
E. Separate gas holder 30
F. Gas removing systems 32
G. Gas holder support systems 33
A. Design selection 35
B. Size selection 35
C. Site selection 39
A. Materials needed 41
B. Digester with floating gas holder 42
C. Flexible bag type digester 45
D. Fixed-dome type digester 45


A. Gas holder 54
1. Materials for construction of the gas holder 54
2. Pressure of gas in gas holder 55
3. Gas holder support 55
B. Gas pipe and its accessories 55
1. Type of gas pipe 55
2. Gas taps 56
3. Condensate drains 56
4. Hame arrester 57
5. Manometer and safety valve combined 59
6. Gas pipe size selection 59
7. Testing for leaks 60


A. Cooking 62
1. Designing a biogas stove 62
2. Commercially made biogas stoves 62
3. Village-made stoves (burners) 64
4. Adjustment and care of stoves 65
B. Lighting 65
1. Commercially made biogas lamps 65
2. Village-made lamps 66
3. Operation of lamps 67
4. Maintenance of lamps 67


A Starting the plant 68
1. Digester with floating gas holder 68


2. Bag type digester 70

3. Fixed-dome digester 70
B. Operating a gas plant 71
1. Slurry input 72
2. Stirring the slurry 73
C. Operational problems and their remedies 74
1. Starting problems 74
2. General problems 74
3. Stoves 75
4. Lamps 76
5. Slurry inlet/outlet 77


A. Servicing 78
1. Gas holder painting 78
2. Scum removal 78
3. Removing sludge from a fixed dome digester 78
4. Repairing masonry work in a digester 78
5. Condensate removal 78
6. Stiff taps 79
7. Stoves 79
8. Lamps 79
9. Removal of dried slurry 79
10. Water seal 79
11. Flexible pipe 79
12. Rubber gas pipes 79
13. Leak test of main gas pipe 79
14. Repairing steel gas holders 79
15. Check of gas pressure 79
16. Measurement of gas production 80
B. Safety 80
1. General consideration 80
2. Fixed-dome type digester 81


A. Thermal methods 82
1. Insulation 82
2. Heating of input slurry 82
3. "Glass" house 82
4. Solar heating of digester 82
5. Thatched roof for gas holder 83
6. Reflecting surfaces 83
7. Composting around the digester wall 83
B. Chemical and microbiological methods 83
1. C/N ratio and pH 83
2. Feeding bacteria 83
C. Mechanical methods • 83
1. Mixing (stirring) 83
2. Recycling of slurry 84


A. Refrigerators . . . .' 85


B. Incubators 85
C. Welding 85
D. Treatment to eliminate undesired gas components 85
E. Storage and bottling of gas 86
F. Engines for motive power 87
G. Electricity generation 91


A. Effluent value 92
B. Nitrogen effectiveness 92
C. Other effluent features 92
D. Crop response to effluent 92
E. Effluent uses 92
F. Health aspects of effluent 93
A. Publicity 95
B. Promotion 95
C. Training 97
D. National biogas centre 97
A. Background 98
B. Sociological considerations 98
C. Management considerations 98
D. Technical considerations 98
A. Evaluating a project 100
B. Value of gas 101
C. Value of fertilizer 101
D. Example of biogas evaluation — farmers' view 101

I. Properties of biogas 103

II. Factors affecting the biogas process 103
III.. Effect of selected parameters on gas production 104
IV.. Fixed-dome type biogas plants 107
V. Bag type biogas plants 112
VI. Floating gas holder type biogas plants 112
VII.. Night Soil biogas plant 129
VIII. Socio-economic assessment of biogas technology 129
IX. Methods of analysis 136
X. Report of the Workshop on Uniformity of Information Reportingfor Biomethanation Systems .... 153
XI. Institutions involved in biogas research and development 171
XII. Conversion factors and useful equations 176
XIII. Glossary of terms 177
References 178


1. Biogas generation potential of livestock dung and its energy value 4

2. Classification of methanobacteria 21
3. Biogas yield of some input materials 24
4. Gas production of various types of dung 24
5. Proportions of different materials to be put into the digester 73
6. Amount of nitrogen in cow dung ; ... 92
7. Calorific value of fuels 100
8. Cost of equivalent effective heat 102
9. Costs and benefits of using biogas 102
10. The value of the annuity factor "a" 102


1. Floating gas holder type biogas plant (India and Nepal) 3

2. Fixed dome biogas plant (China) 3
3. Separate gas holder Jar type digester (Thailand) 5
4. Biogas fermentation process 16
5. Methane formation 17
6. Metabolism of complex organic compounds 17
7. Anaerobic degradation of glucose 17
8. Involvement of different microbial population groups in biogas fermentation 19
9. Morphology of methanobacteria 21
10. Possible applications of biogas 23
11. Common circular fixed-dome digester (China) 27
12. Square fixed-dome digester (China) '. 27
13. Flexible bag type combined digester/gas holder 28
14. Common circular digester with floating gas holder and no water seal (India) 28
15. Horizontal flow digester with floating gas holder (India) 29
16. Taper digester with floating gasholder (Nepal) 30
17. Oil drum digester (Indonesia) '. 30
18. Two-chamber rectangular digester with floating gas holder (Philippines) 30
19. Two-chamber rectangular digester with floating gas holder and water seal (Philippines) 31
20. Digester with floating gas holder and water seal (Pakistan) 31
21. Jar digester with separate gas holder (Thailand) 31
22. Fixed-dome digester with a separate gas holder (Sichuan, China) 32
23. Gas removing system through a flexible pipe 32
24. Gas removing system through a hooked pipe 33
25. Gas removing system through a centre guide 33
26. Gas holder internal guide system 33
27a. Gas holder external guide system fixed to the earth (for large sizes) 33
27b. Gas holder external guide system fixed to digester wall 33
28. Gas holder with wheel guide system 34
29. Gas holder with counterbalance system 34
30. Example 1, flat type 39
31. Example 2, Steep slope down towards north 40
32. Example 3, the rule of "three-in-one" (China) 40
33. Methods of joining precast concrete rings 41
34. Construction of digester floor 42
35. Construction of side walls under ground level •. 42
36. Construction of side walls above ground level 42
37. Construction of deflector ledge into digester concrete wall 43
38. Digester height relative to deflector ledge 43
39. Construction of centre guide 43
40. Construction of inlet (mixing) pit 43
41. Inlet/outlet pipes 44
42. Slurry-mixing machine 44
43. Setting of the beater 44
44. Excavation of a trench for flexible bag type digester 45


45. Laying out digester tank 47

46. Fixing the centre line of the digester 48
47. Construction of the walls using a movable arm-gauge 48
48. Construction of the dome support 49
49. The mouldless arch method of constructing the dome 49
50. The use of an S-shaped clip for holding the bricks 49
51. Excavation work of a ring of trench 50
52. Casting of digester dome 51
53. Excavation of bottom according to numbers 51
54. Overall excavation with cast dome on timber (bamboo) support 52
55. Casting of dome according to numbers 52
56. Details of the fixed dome digester 52
57. Central pole used in excavation work for fixed dome type digester 52
58. Construction of the manhole cover 53
59. Details of gas holder support 55
60. Types of gas taps 56
61. Tee-type condensate drain 57
62. Bottle type condensate drain 57
63. "U" pipe drain 57
64. Syphon type drain 57
65. Diagram of water outlet device 58
66. Flame arresters 58
67. Manometer and safety valve combined 58
68. Diagram for quick determination of adequate gas pipe diameter 59
69. Attachments for leak detection test 60
70. Method of checking for leaks 61
71. Normal biogas stoves "450 //h" (India) 63
72. Biogas stove with turnable grate "450 //h" (Nepal) 63
73. Adaptation of wood-burning stoves '. 64
74. Clay burners (China) 64
75. Single mantle lamps 65
76. Double mantle lamps 65
77. Biogas table lamp (Pakistan) 66
78. Simple biogas lamp (China) 66
79. Clay biogas lamp (China) 67
80. Correct shape of needle 67
81. The hydrometer and its utilization 68
82. Chicken wire reinforcing for repairing cracks in masonry work 78
83. Manometer 79
84. Measurement of gas production 80
85. Graph of gas production/hour against time of day air temperature and cloudiness 80
86. Insulated digester 82
87. Solar-heated digester 82
88. Diesel engine running on dual fuel 89
89. Different devices for connecting the biogas pipe to the intake 90
90. Carburettor for 10 bhp petrol engine running on biogas 90
91. Gas production as a function of slurry temperature 105
92. Rate of gas production as a function of retention time (Republic of Korea) 105
93. Total gas production as a function of retention time (Republic of Korea) 106
94. Gas production from cow dung as a function of the percentage of solids (India) 106


95. Fixed dome digester of 6, 8, 10 and 12 m 3 capacity constructed mainly of brick (China) 108
96. Fixed dome digester of 6, 8, 10 and 12 m 3 capacity constructed of concrete, lime concrete and lime clay
(China) 109
97. Fixed dome digester of 50 m 3 capacity constructed of concrete, lime concrete and lime clay (China) 110
98. Details of manhole and displacement tank covers Ill
99. General arrangement of cylindrical type 112
100. Floating gas holder digester of 2.8 m3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal) 113
101. Floating gas holder digester of 5.7 and 10 m 3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal) 114
102. Floating gas holder of the taper type of 10 m3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal) 115
103. Gas holder for DCS digesters of 2.8 and 5.7 m3 gas per day (Nepal) 116
104. Gas holder for DCS digesters of 10 m 3 gas per day (Nepal) 117
105. Floating gas holder digeseter of 2 and 3 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) 119
106. Floating gas holder digester of 5 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) 122
107. Floating gas holdeT digester of 10 m gas per day, KVIC design (India) 125
108. Volume of various segment 129

1. Marking the site for the digester (Chinese fixed-dome) 45

2. The digester pit, inlet and outlet 46
3. Laying the bricks to raise the digester wall 46
4. Adjustment of outlet pipe 47
5. The finished digester wall 47
6. Starting the construction of dome 47
7. Dome construction in progress 48
8. Wetting of bricks 48
9. Sealing of the dome 48
10. The completed dome 50
11. The dome covered with backfill 50
12. Inside view of the digester 51
13. Cement coating of the digester from inside 51
14. Cooking burners made of fired clay and scrap metal (China) 64
15. Biogas compressing unit 86
16. Biogas stored in plastic bags 88
17. Plastic bag container for biogas mounted on vehicle top 88
18. Truck run on biogas 88
19. Fuel mixer adapted to run on biogas and diesel oil 89


Over the last few years the Economic and Social Biogas Development was held in June 1978 and 33 experts
Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has been from countries in and outside the ESCAP region partici-
giving special attention to meeting the need for energy in pated in the Meeting. The discussion concentrated on the
rural areas, with emphasis on the use of local resources and design, construction, operation and maintenance of various
skills. This was in response to decisions taken at recent types of biogas plants, uses of gas, including design and
sessions of the General Assembly and the Commission. At operational requirements for their use in domestic applica-
its seventh special session, the General Assembly em- tion such as lighting and cooking and as a fuel for prime
phasized the need to develop scientific and technological movers, and various ways in which the effluent could be
co-operation and to ensure the application of science and used as a fertilizer, including an input to compost-making.
technology to development. At its thirty-first session, the Non-technological requirements, such as those in the
Commission emphasized the urgency of intensifying fields of education or public relations, which might assist
regional co-operation in all sectors of economic and social in achieving the overall objective, were also considered.
activity. It also recommended that the developing coun-
A practical guidebook based on the deliberations
tries increasingly utilize the technologies developed by
of the Expert Group Meeting, covering most of the aspects
them and suited to their needs, "through genuine techno-
of biogas was first brought out in 1980. It has been thought
logical co-operation".
desirable to improve the contents of the guidebook through
In the rural energy programme, workshops on biogas incorporation of new information and updating. The
technology and use were held at New Delhi and Manila in present publication is the revised and updated version of
1975, an expert working group meeting on solar and wind the original publication and includes additional chapters
energy at Bangkok in 1976, a workshop on biogas and on prospects of meeting fuel energy needs through biogas,
other rural energy resources, particularly for Pacific island a review of biogas development, biogas fermentation
countries, at Suva in 1977, and a roving seminar on rural process, and the microbiology of biogas fermentation.
energy development in Indonesia, Iran, the Philippines and In the annex additional information on common methods
Thailand, also in 1977. In spite of these meetings on biogas, of analysis, the report of the Workshop on Uniformity
each of which has made a very useful contribution to the of Information Reporting for Biomethanation Systems,
understanding and development of biogas technology, and case studies on cost benefit analysis of biogas technology,
in spite of the increasing amount of published material on and a list of institutions engaged in biogas research and
the subject, there was still a general lack of simple development, has been provided.
published material suitable for use by those involved in
rural extension programmes, or by individuals who wished It is hoped that those responsible for developing the
to develop their own biogas plants. use of biogas in rural areas as well as individuals who
wish to build their own biogas plant will find the informa-
With this need in view, the Expert Group Meeting on tion in this book useful.

A. Energy needs in developing countries In the rural areas of Asia, substantial parts of the
energy requirements of a household are for cooking. In
Increasing population and depleting non-renewable India, 91.4 per cent of the total energy consumed in the
energy resources are posing a serious threat to the low- household sector is for cooking, and in Bangladesh 93 per
income developing world in the endeavour to attain better cent.
standards of life. Living standards are correlated with
energy consumption. Most of the developing countries of C. Fuel energy sources in rural areas
the world appear to be below the subsistence threshold in Considerable portions of energy demand for cooking
terms of commercial energy consumption. A study con- are met through the use of fuelwood. About 86 per cent
ducted by the Overseas Development Council of the of all wood consumed in developing countries is in the form
United States of America has revealed that a threefold of fuelwood. Of the various fuels used, fuelwood accounts
increase of the present per capita energy consumption for 30 per cent in Northern India, 70-75 per cent in Indo-
would be required for the developing countries to ensure a nesia, 87 per cent in Nepal and 60 per cent in Sri Lanka.
more socially acceptable living standard.
The increased use of fuelwood resulting from growing
population and fuel energy needs is leading to rapid defore-
Conventional energy supply systems have resulted in
station. At the present rate of consumption, it is estimated,
the creation of urban islands of energy affluence amid vast
the fuelwood reserves in India will last only another 24
oceans of energy-deficient rural areas, and have more often
years. An annual deficit of 1,150 million m3 of fuel-
than not proved inadequate to meet the needs of the rural
wood is estimated for the world after another 20 years
population. A system based largely on non-renewable
based on the current consumption level. The shortage of
energy sources will not be in a position to meet the vast
fuelwood is leading to the diversion of plant nutrient
requirements of the rural sector in the future. Developing
resources like cow-dung and crop residues to utilization as
countries will find it increasingly difficult to obtain their
a fuel energy source.
fossil fuel requirements through imports. It is evident there-
fore that, if growth is to be maintained, given the limited Animal dung meets 70 per cent of the cooking energy
availability of fossil fuel resources, renewable energy needs in rural areas of India. Out of the 780 million tons
alternatives should be explored, particularly with a view to of cattle dung (wet) available in the country, 26 per cent
satisfying rural energy needs. is used in the preparation of dungcakes for direct burning,
which is considered as an inefficient way of fuel utiliza-
Energy demand in rural areas comes from four sectors, tion (8). For India, energy and plant nutrient losses resulting
viz. domestic, agricultural, basic amenities and small-scale through this faulty pattern of animal dung utilization are
industry. In most of the developing countries, none of these estimated as 31,107.2 m 3 of biogas and 0.74 x 10 6 tons of
sectors get their full requirement of energy. In some cases plant nutrients.
even basic amenities are non-existent, and the growth of
agriculture and small-scale industries is severly restricted. D. Biogas through anaerobic fermentation of rural
The availability of even small amounts of energy for the
organic wastes
rural areas is of critical value and can bring about a con-
siderable impact. The natural process of decay of organic materials in the
absence of air, resulting in the production of inflammable
B. Household energy requirements gas (biogas), can be used to the great benefit of rural popu-
lation as it produces not only fuel but also an excellent
Two thirds of total energy demands in rural areas manure and soil conditioner, and in addition it destroys
comes from the household sector. Non-commercial fuels pathogens and parasites.
account for 95 per cent of household energy consumption.
A survey carried out by the National Council of Applied The experience gained from its use and social response
and Economic Research in Northern India has revealed to biogas technology reveal it to be appropriate for wide-
that per capita energy consumption of firewood, dung-cake scale application in rural areas in most developing countries.
and vegetable wastes is 120, 158 and 95 kg respectively. Biogas plants set up in villages can utilize animal excreta,
I. Meeting fuel energy needs through biogas in developing countries

Hondle (loan?°sholder)

Gos holder

Compost pit Water outlet device

Figure 1. Floating gas holder type biogas plant (India and Nepal)

Displacement tank
(this tank fills OS gas
pressure increases)

Outlet pipe

Figure 2. Fixed dome biogas plant (China)

and farm and human wastes, thus enhancing village sanita- For Asia, it is estimated that routing of animal dung
tion. The technology has inherent advantages like simplici- alone through biogas systems can result in availability of
ty, low cost, and capacity to produce a good quality 109 x 109 m 3 of biogas per annum with an energy content
fuel without any deterioration in fertilizing properties of of 931 x 10 12 kcal. A country wise account is given in
the natural resources used as feedstock. table 1.
Updated guidebook on biogas development

Table 1. Biogas generation potential of dung available a comparison, e.g. gas compared with burning dung, fire-
through livestock and its energy value (per wood or kerosene.
annum) ^
The advantages and disadvantages also depend on the
Biogas generation Energy value viewpoint taken e.g. the individual family, the community
Country area
potential of biogas or the nation. Bearing these factors in mind, the following
(million m^) (109kcal) points can be considered.

Afghanistan 2611 14 360 At the family level the advantages are:

Bangladesh 8 464 46 552 (a) Clean fast cooking fuel;
Bhutan 67 368
(b) Better lighting;
Burma 2 376 13 068
China 48 798 269 379 (c) Improved health (particularly of eyes and lungs)
Cyprus 73 401 as a result of eliminating smoky fuels;
Democratic Kampuchea 300 1 650 (d) Improved sanitation (resulting in better health),
Democratic Yemen 191 1050 particularly if a toilet is attached;
Democratic People's
Republic of Korea 344 1 892 (e) Better fertilizer and soil conditioner from effluent,
resulting in improved crops;
Hong Kong 26
India 63 888 351 384 (0 Less time-consuming than traditional fuels as
Indonesia 2 893 15911 there is no need to collect firewood or make of cowdung
Iran 4 557 25 063 cakes.
Iraq 1 583 8 706 The disadvantages at this level include:
Israel 88 484
(a) High initial capital outlay;
Japan 1 421 7815
Jordan 80 440 (b) Requirement to have enough livestock to give
Lao People's Democra- sufficient dung for the size of plant installed;
tic Republic 542 2 981
(c) Requires water, which sometimes is not readily
Lebanon 56 308 available;
Malaysia 246 1 353
Mangolia 2 077 11 423 (d) Reduced gas production during the cold months.
Nepal 2 850 15 675 At the community level the advantages are:
Oman 53 291
(a) Reduction in pollution from animal and human
Pakistan 9511 52 310
waste, resulting in improved community health;
Philippines 1 647 9 058
Republic of Korea 482 2 651 (b) Creation of employment in biogas plant construc-
Saudi Arabia 374 2 057 tion and related industries;
Sri Lanka 611 3 360 (c) Possible power source for village industry;
Syrian Arab Republic 651 3 580
(d) Improved facilities in the village encourages
Thailand 2 748 15 114
bright young people to stay in the community and not to
Turkey 7 231 39 770 migrate to the towns and cities.
Viet nam 1 401 7 705
One of the disadvantages at this level is that rich
Yemen 946 5 203
farmers are often helped more than poor ones without
Asia 169 186 931 505 cattle, thus possibly windening the gap between the rich
and poor.
E. Advantages and disadvantages of biogas At the national level the advantages are:
The advantages and disadvantages of biogas are hard (a) A saving in foreign currency normally spent on
to quantify and depend on what current practice is used as kerosene and fertilizer;
I. Meeting fuel energy needs through biogas in developing countries

Figure 3. Separate gas holder jar type digester (Thailand)

(b) A reduction in the need for expensive distribution (d) Minimizing of environmental pollution by utiliz-
of energy in rural areas and a saving in non-renewable ing a cleaner energy source.
energy resources;
One disadvantage is that foreign currency is required
(c) Conservation of forests, thus preventing soil ero- for any biogas plant, if construction materials are not
sion, flash floods, landslides and river silting in the plains; available in the country.

A. General International organizations like the Economic and

Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP),
Van Helmont (1630) was the first person to recognise the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
the inflammable gas evolving through putrefaction of Nations (FAO), the United Nations Industrial Develop-
organic mass. Shirley (1667) also made mention of marsh ment Organization (UNIDO), the World Health Organiza-
gas. Volta (1776) concluded as the result of a series of tion (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Pro-
observations that the evolution of marsh gas is a function gramme (UNEP) have done considerable work in disseminat-
of the decay of organic matter. Dalton, in 1804, derived ing and developing biogas technology.
the chemical formula for the inflammable gas, methane.
B. Asian and the Pacific region
Bunsen (1856), Hoppe Seyler (1886), Becham (1868),
Tappeiner (1882) and Gayon (1884) did work on the
microbiological aspects of biogas production. Pasteur 1. Afghanistan
(1884) presented the experimental findings of Gayon at Biogas development has been initiated through a
the Academy of Sciences in Paris. In 1875, Popoff demons- UNDP-supported biogas demonstration project. It has
trated the production of hydrogen and methane from the been proposed that demonstration plants be set up in each
fermentation of cellulosic material added to river silt. agro-ecological zone. Based on the experience obtained
Traub, in 1877, envisaged the process as the transfer of with the demonstration projects, extension programmes
oxygen from one part of a sugar molecule to another. will be undertaken.
The use of gas obtained from septic tanks for lighting
was demonstrated by Cameron in 1895 in the United 2. Bangladesh
Kingdom. A methane digester was installed in Bombay in Although research and development work on biogas
1897 to treat wastes and the gas so produced was used has been undertaken since 1973 by the Agricultural Univer-
for lighting. Since then work on biogas development sities, little headway has been made in implementation of
has continued in India. the programme at the field level. A few demonstration
plants have been installed. Bangaladesh Agricultural Univer-
The morphological characteristics of the methano-
sity organized a training course at Mymensingh during
bacterium were described by Schengon in 1901. A strain
1981 with the assistance of UNESCO. Many of the plants
of methanobacteria was isolated by Omelianskii in 1916.
so far set up are of KVIC design. However, experiments
The early 1930s saw the intensification of biochemical
are being carried with fixed dome models. A comprehensive
studies on anaerobic fermentation. In China, biogas was
developmental plan, which would involve UNEP assistance,
successfully produced and used in 1930. Zhou Peiyuan
has been drawn up.
designed and built a biogas digester in 1936 in Jiangsu
province. The technique for calculating the number of
methanobacteria was also reported in 1936 by Heukele- 3. Burma
kian and Heinemann. Even though Burma is self-sufficient in fossil fuel and
In 1950, Hungate established the anaerobic technique fuelwood resources, deforestation, inadequate transporta-
developed by Bryant. Further in 1967, Bryant purified tion infrastructure in certain areas and the anticipated
Methanobacillus omelianskii. Recent work by Wolfe, increase in the demand of energy sources have necessited
Zeikus, McCarty and Woose have further added to our taking up measures for the development of alternative and
knowledge on the subject. renewable fuel energy sources. Research on various aspects
of biogas technology has been conducted by the Central
Most countries became aware of the biogas technolo- Research Organization for the last 10 years. The Agricul-
gy by the middle of the twentieth century. However, ture Mechanization Department of the Ministry of Agricul-
real interest in biogas was aroused from 1973 onwards ture and Forestry is one of the main institutions involved
with the onset of energy crises, which drew general atten- in the development of a programme. The Department has
tion to the depletion of fossil fuel energy resources and developed a semi-industrial type biogas digester with a
the need to develop renewable sources of energy such as capacity of 50 m 3 /day. In 1981 six continuous floating
biogas. The importance of biogas as an efficient, non- drum type digesters were constructed on co-operative
polluting fuel energy source is now well recognized. and meat producing farms. About 40 floating drum
II. Biogas development - a review

digesters were constructed in 1982 in model village No. 1, varies from category A, with a serious shortage of fuel-
near Rangoon. Biogas technology research is being carried wood, abundant biogas resources and economically well-off
out by the Agriculture Corporation. The Ministry of to category E, with no shortage of fuelwood, limited biogas
Agriculture and Forestry has established a project for resources and poor economic conditions.
biogas production and utilisation. During 1983/84, it is
planned to cover 500 villages in 10 states under the biogas Under the Government's policy of promoting the
development project. biogas programme, commune members have to pay only
for the materials used in building the digesters, while labour
4. China expenses are borne by the brigade. The cost of training
technical personnel at county, commune or brigade level
The first biogas plant was designed and built by Zhou and carrying out experiments is borne by the State. The
Peiyuan in Jiangsu province in 1936. A movement to popu- people's communes also provide a considerable amount
larize the use of biogas in other provinces was initiated in of labour and capital to help commune members to develop
1950. However, the movement did not gain full momentum. biogas. Thus, the financing of biogas digesters in China
In 1968, efforts were made to revive the programme comes mostly from three sources: (a) the farmers' own
especially by commune members in the Sichuan province. income, which covers 20-50 per cent of the total cost;
A remarkable development was achieved by the late 1970s (b) the investment funds of the team, brigade or commune,
with the necessary support of the Government. which cover from 20-50 per cent; (c) Central Government
funds as subsidies, which range from 30-40 per cent.
China now has more than 7 million family-size fixed-
Banks also grant low interest loans to commune members
dome biogas plants of 8-10 m3 capacity in rural areas,
to build digesters. Agencies have been identified by the
benefiting about 30 million peasants. In addition, more
Government to make arrangements for the supply of
than 36,000 large-scale plants have been built in recent
materials, equipment and needed apparatus.
years. Biogas produced from these plants is used for a num-
ber of operations such as driving internal-combustion The Chinese success in developing such a large biogas
engines, pumping water for irrigation, processing grains, programme is mainly attributed to: (a) strong support
cutting chaff, drying agricultural produce and generating organizations to provide training and advisory services;
electricity. The largest biogas unit set up is of 2,960 m3 (b) a growing research system to back up development
capacity in Rongxian county of Sichuan province. More work; and (c) the vast capacity of the organizational
than 700 small biogas motive power stations capable of system of rural China (commune, brigade, team and
generating power equivalent to 9,200 hp and 600 small individual households) to mobilize financial and labour
biogas electricity stations with 5,000 kW capacity have resources which would be difficult under individual farm-
been established. Anaerobic digesters for treating sewage ing systems.
sludge and night soil have been built in cities in Guang-
dong, Shandong, Shanxi and Jiangsu provinces. By the Two international training courses, sponsored by FAO
year 2000, the number of biogas plants is expected to and ESCAP organized recently for Asian and Pacific coun-
reach 30 million. tries at the Research and Training Centre, Chengdu, have
further helped in the dissemination of technology in the
A national office for biogas development and exten- region.
sion entrusted with the responsibility of policy formula-
tion, planning, extension research and training has been In Taiwan province, biogas development began in the
set up. Administrative units provided at the provincial, 1960s. As early as 1973, 7500 family-size biogas plants
municipal, prefecture and county levels help in the effec- had been established in the province. There are two
tive implementation of the programme. A number of prevalent designs, viz., a single compartment, double-
institutions are engaged in biogas research. walled digester, and a two-compartment digester. Bag
digesters made of 0.55 mm hypalon laminated with
Applied research work on aspects related to biogas neoprene and reinforced with nylon sheet and PVC inlet
technology, such as water hyacinth utilization, operation and outlet have been developed.
under cold weather, fermentation technology, and large-
scale operation, is in progress at various institutions.
5. India
A scientific classification of the country, based on
mean monthly temperatures, firewood shortage, resource The possibilities of generating methane from the
availability for biogas production, and economic condi- anaerobic digestion of organic wastes have been explored
tions has been attempted. Using these criteria, the classifica- since 1897 when a methane digester was installed at
tion in terms of priority into different district divisions Matinga Leper Asylum in Bombay. Around 1920, the
8 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, investigated the for processing agricultural wastes are being further worked
feasibility of generating methane through the anaerobic out.
fermentation of banana skins and waste paper. At about
the same time experiments were conducted at the Univer- The Khadi and Village Industries Commission initiated
sity College of Science and Technology, Calcutta, on its a biogas development programme in 1961/62. It adopted
utilization of water hyacinth for methane production. Patels' design for the programme. The Commission provides
incentives for promoting plants in the form of grants and
The sewage purification plant set up in Bombay in loans. Most of the plants established initially were in
1930 made use of the methane gas it generated for various Gujarat State. The experience obtained with these plants
purposes like lighting and also for driving motors. Scien- revealed certain bottle-necks such as high recurring and
tists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) non-recurring costs, technical problems relating to welding
visited the plant in 1938 and, thereafter, detailed studies on of gas holders, choking of inlet and outlet pipes. It was
the production and generation of methane through anearo- considered that the cost of the plant needed to be brought
bic digestion of organic materials were initiated at the down further, especially by replacing the steel parts.
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, in
1939. The first small-scale biogas digester using cow dung The Planning Research and Action Division of the
as a feedstock was built in 1941. A modified design was State Government of Uttar Pradesh established a small
evolved in 1946. research station in 1961, which later on developed as the
Gobar Gas Research Station, Ajitmal. The Research Station
Meanwhile attempts were being made at other institu- concentrated on the design and development of continuous-
tions, like Khadi Pratisthan, Calcutta, and by the West feed and batch-feed biogas digesters. The work was inten-
Bengal Government to evolve low-cost designs. Experiments sified further in 1973. The Station developed a low-cost
were carried out with digesters made from oil drums and biogas-digester based on a Chinese design, which eliminated
also with bamboo thatch cylinders. However, the attempts use of steel parts. The design was named "Janta Biogas
to use bamboo were not successful owing to leakage Design". More than 1,000 plants of this design have been
problems and destruction of bamboo by rats, other small constructed since 1980. The Government is currently
animals and insects. extending financial incentives for the construction of this
type of plant. Efforts are being made to develop suitable
The Government's interest in the propagation of bio- designs for large-size community biogas plants. A communi-
gas programme had increased by 1955. About 500 plants ty biogas plant has been established by the Research Sta-
of IARI design were installed with government support. tion at Fateh Singh Ka Purwa in the Etawah district of
However, the programme was not very successful since Uttar Pradesh.
many of the plants stopped functioning mostly because of
a lack of maintenance and supervision, and faulty designs. A number of other institutions like the Maharashtra
Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, the Structural
A design named "Gram Laxmi" with a digester and gas Engineering Research Centre, Roorkee, the Indian Institute
holder combined in one unit was evolved by J.J. Patel in of Science, Bangalore, the Department of Physics, Lucknow
1951. The plant had many new features such as under- University, and the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhia-
ground construction of the digester, daily loadings, automa- na are engaged in biogas research and development work.
tic overflow of the digester slurry when new slurry was The Maharashtra Association for the Cultivation of Sciences
fed in and provision for breaking the scum layer through is conducting research on micro-biological aspects such
rotation of gas holder. The first digester of this type was as the isolation and identification of microbes from raw
installed in 1950 at Osmania University, Hyderabad. It materials and slurry, physiological activities of microbes,
was this design which was popularized all over the country effect of microbial loadings on biogas production, the use
by the Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC). of dry dung cakes for biogas production and so on.

The National Sugar Institute, Kanpur undertook some The Indian Institute of Sciences is carrying out studies
work on the production of biogas and biomanure from on the performance of conventional plants, optimization
agricultural wastes utilizing the Hungarian semi-wet process. of plant dimensions, reduction of heat losses from gas
A pilot plant was set up at the Institute in 1960. Another holders, heating of plant by external resources and so on.
plant was established at Arrey Colony, Bombay. The The Institute has designed a new type of biogas plant
experience gained with these plants revealed that a plant which incorporates a solar water heater and solar still.
consisting of underground fermenters, similar to the biogas
fermenters using cow dung, could successfully make use The Department of Physics, Lucknow University is
of sugarcane wastes. Designs of such underground fermenters carrying out studies in regard to burning velocity, blow
II. Biogas development - a review

off conditions, limits of inflammability of a biogas-air family-size biogas plants were built during the year 1982/83.
mixture and designing of burners for optimum perfor- It is planned to set up 400,000 plants during the period
mance. 1981-1985. Along with small family-size plants, it is also
planned to set up 100 community biogas plants in the
The Punjab Agricultural University has evolved a Sixth Five Year Ran period, 1981-1985. Efforts are being
family-size continuous-fermentation plant using house- made to strengthen monitoring and maintenance services.
hold wastes. The plant is being further tested. The main components of the centrally sponsored project
relate to subsidies, core staff to State Governments, service
IARI, which has been engaged in biogas research work
charges and provision of turn-key jobs, training of masons
since 1938, is continuing further studies on factors affect-
and extension workers and the establishment of a national
ing gas output. Research on the utilization of various
research and development centre for biogas technology.
cellulosic waste materials, stimulation of gas production
through use of inoculum and materials like calcium am- The FAO/UNDP regional project on improving soil
monium nitrate, urea and molasses is being conducted. fertility through organic recycling located in India has
Techniques for production and maintenance of enriched played a major catalytic role in disseminating biogas
cultures of methanobacteria are being developed and technology.
6. Indonesia
The Structural Engineering Research Centre is engaged
in the development of economic designs for family-size The biogas development programme in Indonesia is
biogas plants. The use of ferro-cement in place of steel for in the initial stages. Only a small number of plants exist,
the biogas holders is a major step in this direction. Other the reason being fuelwood's is plentifully available in most
aspects such as the optimum retention period and rate of areas.
feed are also being investigated. The Bandung Institute of Technology, its Bogor
Biological Institute and other governmental institutions
The Cotton Research Laboratory, Bombay, is explor-
are engaged in research and development work. Efforts
ing the feasibility of producing biogas from willow dust.
are being made to evolve an efficient model through suita-
Willow is a waste cotton material that is produced in large
ble modification of existing Indonesian and Chinese
quantities. The material resembles in many ways cattle
manure in its chemical composition. It is intended to use
this material for the production of biogas through anaerobic Some demonstration units have been set up at places
digestion. like Denpasar, Petung, Atuag, Bogor, Baruajak and Bali.
The units are made of oil drums with floating gas holders.
The National Environmental Engineering Research There is opposition to the use of pig dung as a feed stock
Institute, Nagpur, has been engaged in evolvement of by the Muslim population.
suitable night soil digesters. General experience with
digesters using just night soil is not encouraging. The main The Indonesian Board of Voluntary Services is promot-
difficulty is that night soil in the digesters either settles to ing the biogas programme by putting on demonstrations
the bottom or if highly fatty, floats: it is difficult to keep at the village level to convince villagers and village leaders.
it in suspension. The Institute has developed a digester The Bogor Biological Institute is also launching a biogas
which homogenizes the night soil into a slurry of about programme based on the use of agricultural wastes as a
5-8 per cent solids prior to its feeding into the digester. feedstock.

The Department of Science and Technology and the In 1981 the FAO/TCP biogas project was initiated in
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, joined by other Indonesia with the objective of setting up a few demon-
research institutions, have sponsored biogas research and stration units, providing training and preparing a com-
development programmes. Under the first phase of the prehensive programme for incorporation of biogas
co-ordinated multi-institutional project, investigations on technology in the integrated rural development programme.
cost reduction, plant design, types of feed material, opera- The Government is planning to formulate a national biogas
tional parameters, microbiological aspects, fermentation development programme, with Bali as the focal develop-
kinetics, designs of gas appliances, and socio-economic ment centre.
aspects have been carried out. In its second phase, the
project has initiated work on community biogas plants. 7. Iran

Under the national project on biogas development, The Centre for Endogenous Development Studies is
initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture, about 58,000 engaged in propagating a biogas development programme
10 Updated guidebook on biogas development

in western Iran. Trials are being carried out at Niazabad Many biogas plants have been installed for reasons of
with KVIC-design plants. sanitation rather than energy production. Some oil palm
plantations digest the waste materials as treatment be-
8. Japan fore disposal. However, the gas produced, is not collected.
In Japan, anaerobic fermentation research and devel- Research developments in biogas technology are co-
opment was viewed more as an anti-pollution measure, ordinated by the National Institute of Scientific and
rather than as an energy alternative. Since 1973, nation- Industrial Research.
wide efforts have been made to reduce pollution problems
resulting from animal, human and industrial wastes. Several 11. Nepal
institutions like the National Institute of Animal Industry,
Chiba, the Public Works Research Institutes, Fermentation The country has no proven resources of oil, coal or
Research Institute, Anage, Hitachi Plant Construction, the natural gas and therefore, commercial energy resources
Ministry of Agriculture, and the Agency for Industrial have to be imported. The search for cheap alternatives
Science and Technology have been working on anaerobic is being continued. Biogas is regarded as an important
fermentation of organic wastes. alternative source.

Big digesters to treat industrial wastes, particularly The first biogas plant was built in 1963 using oil
from alcohol distilleries have been set up. High temperature drums. The Development and Consultancy Services of
digestion in thermophilic range, especially for industrial the Butwal Technical Institute, the Department of Agricul-
wastes, is being adopted. There are no differences in the ture and the Energy Research and Development Group
quantity of gas produced in thermophilic and mesophilic (ERDG) of Tribhuvan University are engaged in research
digestion procedures. However, thermophilic digestion has and development of biogas technology. Subjects like
plant design modifications to suit various conditions, cost
the advantage that it allows for the reduction of the reten-
reduction, alternative construction materials, and pressure
tion period to five-seven days and makes possible higher
control devices are being actively investigated. There are
loading rates (2.5 times), thus increasing the scope for
more than 1,200 biogas plants, mostly, in the capacity
reduction in digester size.
range of 1-3 m 3 /day. A few community plants have also
In 1974, the Sun Shine Project was initiated with the been set up.
objective of developing new energy technology. Among
other subjects the Project includes investigations into 12. Pakistan
anaerobic digestion of animal, human and solid urban
wastes. The Federal Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Re-
sources, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the
Interest in small digesters has again been renewed. Appropriate Technology Development Organisation are
Small digesters, using a steel tank with an agitator and a engaged in biogas development. More than 100 plants of
water coil for heating the slurry, have been developed. the floating gas-holder type had been set up by 1975.
The digester has a double wall for insulation against low It was planned to set up 1,000 plants during 1981. The
temperatures. Government is providing incentives to the beneficiaries
for the plants in the form of free appliances and gas-holders.
9. Lao People's Democratic Republic The Ministry of Natural Resources has plans to create
alternative energy sources in 50 selected villages mainly
A number of demonstration units have been set up through the establishment of biogas plants. Some 35 bio-
with the assistance of FAO, most of them of the Chinese gas plants have been established by the Appropriate
fixed-dome design. A training course on biogas technology Technology Development Organization.
has also been organized.
Attention is being given to the development and
10. Malaysia establishment of fixed-dome design plants because of
their lower costs and the non-requirement for steel in their
Biogas technology is new for Malaysia. Even though construction.
there are ample supplies of oil and natural gas, the Govern-
ment has been giving attention to reducing dependence on 13. Papua New Guinea
conventional energy sources, especially on the part of
small land-holders. One of the main hindrances to the Work on integrated biogas systems, which include
propagation of biogas is the religious tradition which pro- necessary provisions for the utilization of effluent for
hibits the handling of animal wastes, especially of swine. growing algae and acquatic plants, pisciculture and fertilizer
II. Biogas development - a review 11

has been in progress since 1970. A bag-digester type of 8.9 million metric tonnes per year, indicating a biogas
plant, much cheaper than the conventional design, is production potential of 502 million m3 per year. The
also being developed. The digester is made of 0.55 mm Indian design with a floating gas-holder is more popular.
thick hypalon laminated with neoprene and reinforced Recently, 10 digesters with a fixed-dome design have
with nylon sheet. been established.

14. The Philippines The National Institute of Science and Technology

(NIST), University of Philippines, Central Luzon State
Interest in biogas development grew with encouraging University and Maya Farms are the institutions actively
reports of the official mission of the Philippine Coconut engaged in research. Various aspects such as optimum
Administration after its return from a European tour in requirements for biogas production, loading rates, feed-
1965. stocks and their suitability, and microbiology are being
investigated. Ten methanogenic isolates to be used as
In earlier days, the main interest in biogas stemmed starter culture have been developed by NIST. Integrated
from its pollution prevention and public health aspects biogas systems which involve cultivation of algae, fish and
rather than from its fuel energy generation potential as rice as components of the system are being developed
firewood was plentifully available. Now biogas is con- at the University of Philippines.
sidered as the most feasible form of renewable energy
resource for rural areas. A variety of feedstock consisting
of domestic urban wastes, agricultural and animal wastes 15. Republic of Korea
and food processing, distillary and industrial wastes are
available for biogas generation. The Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Utiliza-
tion, the Rural Guidance Bureau of the Office of Rural
Maya Farms owned by Liberty Flour Mills has been Development (ORD) and the College of Agriculture under-
the pioneer in the development of biogas technology since take research, development and extension. The Rural
1972. In order to obtain the necessary experience and to Guidance Bureau provides technical assistance and financial
assess the suitability of different types of plants, demons- loans to farmers. However, there is no regular loan system
tration models of Indian, Chinese and European types and a 33-50 per cent governmental grant system has been
were set up. The models were later modified and used as discontinued. Most of the biogas development programme
pilot plants. A farm workers' dormitory night soil biogas is being undertaken by the farmers themselves.
digester has also been designed. Biogas produced at the
farm meets 40 per cent of the total power requirement of Rapid urbanization and the shortage of animal wastes
the farm and is used for home applications, cooking vats slowed down the construction of family units in rural
in the canning plant, operation of an alcohol still, fuelling areas. The emphasis has shifted to the establishment of
of burners for heating retorts and gasoline engines, running village-size units, gas storage and purification, and power
a feed mill, operating a 60-kVA electric generator and generation.
running farm vehicles.
Many of the plants are not operated during the cold
The organizations engaged in extension of biogas months, viz. December - March, when temperatures
technology are the National Housing Authority, the drop as low as -17°C. Various attempts to maintain the
Engineering Battalion of the Military, and the Depart- temperature of the gas-holders through the provision of
ment of Community Development. The Development protective covers of straw or vinyl did not meet with
Bank of the Philippines grants loans to farmers at low much success. Provision of heating for the smaller plants
interest rates. was not justified. Conditions are more amenable in the
southern part of the country which remains comparatively
As a part of the development efforts, a "crash pro- warmer during winter months.
gramme" aimed at establishing plants in every region,
province, town and locality, was initiated as early as 1976. ORD has helped install more than 30,000 small plants
More recently, the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) in the country by 1975. Farmers are not totally dependent
in co-operation with the Energy Development Board, on biogas for their energy needs. It supplies only 3-6 per
launched the Biogas ng Barangay programme in 1980. cent of home heating, and less than half of the cooking
Loans are made available to livestock owners through needs. Each farming family has a cooking fire in addition
financial institutions. Demonstration projects at the to an unmodified LPG burner for biogas. The change of
regional and provincial levels have been established by emphasis to large village-sized plants is intended to provide
BAI. About 450 plants have been established under the for most of the heating, cooking and power needs. Cow
programme. Fresh pig manure availability is estimated at and pig excreta are the main feedstocks.
12 Updated guidebook on biogas development

ORD is engaged in the development of village-scale Economics, the Department of Agriculture, the Applied
digesters. A 40-family, 155 m3 digester is operated at Scientific Research Corporation, Mahidol University and
the Livestock Experiment Station, Suweon established Kasetsart University are now engaged in the development
under the Korea-UK Farm Machinery Project. The plant and promotion of biogas technology. There are 4,500
utilizes 2.4 tonnes of dung obtained from poultry and biogas plants in operation in Thailand. A large biogas
170 cattle and has a retention time of about 40 days. development programme has been drawn up by the Govern-
Part of the gas is used to heat the digester to maintain the ment and it is planned to set up 50 plants every year.
optimum temperature. Many more such units are being Agricultural banks provide loans for digester construction.
set up. Experiments are continuing on the use of biogas Research and development work is in progress at many
in kerosene engine applications and home heating. The institutions.
Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Utilization is
experimenting with PVC and concrete fixed-dome digesters. 19. Viet Nam
The College of Agriculture, Suweon, is working on a two- Tuliem Agricultural Station and the Institute for
stage digester of reinforced plastic insulated with paddy Electricals and New Energies, Hanoi, are involved in biogas
husk. Use of night soil in biogas plants is also receiving research. Aspects like use of local construction materials,
attention. A plant using night soil as a feed-stock is operat- design of clay burners, and the use of different feedstocks
ing in Kyong Jushi. and their mixtures are being investigated. A few demonstra-
tion units in different regions have been established. Two
16. Singapore technicians have been trained in India under the FAO/
UNDP programme. A national biogas development pro-
There is not much scope for small-scale biogas plants
gramme is being considered by the Government.
in Singapore. Biogas produced at the sewage treatment
works is used for operation of dual-fuel engines to generate
electricity. C. Latin American region

17. Sri Lanka Very little information on biogas development is

available for this region. The available information for'
Of the total energy consumed, 60 per cent derived various countries of the region is summarized below.
from fuelwood. Softie 80 per cent of the fuelwood is used
in the rural areas. The forest reserves are being depleted 1. Argentina
and the availability of fuelwood is declining. Interest in
various non-conventional energy sources, e.g. wind, bio- A field extension programme is yet to be taken up.
gas and waste materials, is developing. Prototypes of digesters are being developed at some insti-
tutions. The National Agricultural Technology Institute
A demonstration plant was established by the Indus- and the National University, Tucuman, are engaged in
trial Development Board as early as 1974. Further research biogas technology research.
work is being carried out at the Peradeniya and Katubedda
Universities. Biogas digesters are being established in a rural 2. Brazil
village under the Asian Rural Energy Project with the
assistance of UNDP. Recently, two technicians underwent The National Technology Institute has established
training in biogas technology in China. An integrated prototype biogas digesters. Experimental plants to examine
farming system with biogas as a component is being the feasibility of generating biogas from urban and indus-
developed at the In-service Training Institute at Gannoruwa. trial wastes have been established in Sao Paulo. Compania
de Desenvolveimento Technologico and Centrais Electricas
Brasilerras S.A. are conducting research on various aspects
18. Thailand of biogas technology.
Thailand obtains 74 per cent of its energy requirement
from imported petroleum and so development of new and 3. Chile
alternative energy resources is receiving attention. Besides A few prototype biogas digesters have been established
energy considerations, sanitation is one of the important and various aspects of the technology are being investigated.
aspects responsible for biogas promotion. In earlier days,
it was only the Department of Health that engaged in 4. Colombia
biogas development with the objective of controlling
disease carriers like fruit and house flies. A number of other The National University and the research and develop-
government agencies such as the Division of Agricultural ment unit, Regional Ecosystems, are engaged in
II. Biogas development — a review 13

development of prototype digesters. A prototype anaerobic (30-75 m 3 ) were in operation in 1952. The Government
digester for coffee pulp has been developed. laid some stress on biogas development during the period
1949-1952. Interest in biogas technology declined after
5. Costa Rica the 1950s mainly due to its having been found uneconomic
Research and development work is being undertaken at in Belgian situations.
the Institute Technologjco de Costa Rica. Biogas digesters 3. Czechoslovakia
developed by the Institute are being tested further.
A 100 m3 digester was reported to be in operation in
6. Guatemala Levocskych Lu'Kach in 1955. Attempts were made to
improve and mechanize some French designs. Interest in
The first biogas plant was constructed in 1953 at the the technology, however, seems to have waned away
University of San Carlos de Borromeo. By 1958, technolo- subsequently.
gical advances in regard to the utilization of biogas for
operation of gas ranges, generators and automobiles had 4. Denmark
been made. Anaerobic digesters for processing coffee pulp,
sugarcane bagasse and sawdust have been evolved. The Based on the experience of the Federal Republic of
Mesoamerican Appropriate Technology Centre and the Germany, a few digesters were reported to have been set
Central American Industrial Research and Technology up in Denmark in 1952. The operation of these plants was
Institute have developed prototypes for use on a com- however, not found to be very satisfactory. The invest-
mercial scale. ment costs were also considered to be high. Therefore,
not much progress could be made.
7. Mexico
5. France
Prototype digesters for demonstration and experimen-
In 1883, Gayon, a pupil of Pasteur demonstrated
tation have been established by institutions like the Metro-
that energy can be generated through anaerobic fermenta-
politan Autonomous University, Xochimilco, Michoacan
tion of organic substances. Dubaquie in 1931 suggested
University, San Nicolas Hidalgo, and the Electric Research
digester designs for biogas production. In 1938, Isman
Institute. A community biogas plant with 35 m3 capacity
and Ducellier started their work at the Ecole Nationale
has been established. Institutions like Ecodevelopment
d'Agriculture in Algeria. Patents for digester designs evolved
systems and Bioconservacion S.A. are also engaged in
by them were applied for in 1941 and 1942 in France.
biogas research.
Both of them worked on the feasibility of using various
8. Peru
vegetative wastes, the microbiology of the process and
the digestion of manure and vineyard stalks. By 1948,
Biogas technology has not received much attention a number of commercial firms had become active in the
so far. construction of digesters. There were between 500 and
1,000 digesters in France in 1949. Meanwhile work relating
9. Trinidad and Tobago to cost reduction was being conducted by the Socie'te'
Centrale d'Approvisionnements aux Agriculteurs de France
The Government of Trinidad and the University of (SCAAF). Prefabricated elements and reinforced concerete
West Indies (Chemical Engineering Department) are con- were used for the construction of digesters. Another firm,
ducting biogas research. Efforts are being made to develop Salubra was also active in building digesters. The Provincial
a suitable anaerobic digester for sugarcane bagasse. Department of Agriculture (Le Ge'nie Rural) granted 50
per cent subsidy towards the cost of installations during
D. European and other countries 1951-1952. The Suez crisis provided an opportunity for
focusing national attention on measures for self-sufficiency
1. Austria in energy. Therefore, a mission was sent to the Federal
Republic of Germany in 1958 to investigate the prospects
Not much information is available in regard to biogas of energy generation through anaerobic fermentation but
technology. A few plants based on the Darmstadt design made no optimistic conclusions. In recent years there have
were set up. However, they did not function properly. not been many developments in regard to the extension of
the technology.
2. Belgium
6. German Democratic Republic
The State Agricultural Research Institute, Gembloux,
initiated biogas research in 1942. Some large size digesters Progress in biogas development have followed the
14 Updated guidebook on biogas development

developments in the Federal Republic of Germany. How- at the Institute of Heat Transfer at Budapest. In 1958,
ever, not many plants have been set up. At the University research and development work was taken up at the
of Jena it was found that in thermophilic digestion, the Agricultural University, Szekers, the Research Institute
hygienic properties of manure improve further, digestion for Soil Science and Agro Chemistry, and the State Design
is quicker and extra heating costs are compensated for Office of Civil Engineering. Many aspects, such as the ferti-
better. In the 1950s the Technical University, Dresden, lizer value of digested manure, optimum conditions for
undertook research and development work on biogas digestion and techno-economical feasibility of various
technology, Various modifications of the Allerhop design designs, were investigated. However, not many of the
were tried to assess their suitability. Cost reduction and gas anaerobic digesters set up in Hungary seem to be in opera-
storage studies were made. A gas storage system consisting tion.
of a gas sack made of cotton and rubber with pressure
devices was developed. However, by the end of the 1950s 9. Italy
less emphasis was placed on the programme mainly owing
Interest in methane generation started from 1910.
to its having been found uneconomic.
In that year, biogas was used to run a motor pump. An
indigenous plant design was developed in 1941.
7. Federal Republic of Germany

There has been much interest in the development of Although the technology has been developed, owing
biogas technology from 1945 onwards. A symposium was to practical and economic problems, not many digesters
held in May 1947 at Ludwigsburg. Initial work on the were installed during the Second World War period. Many
generation of biogas through sewage treatment was taken digesters, mostly of large size, were reported to have
up by Imhoff and Popel. Later, it was realized that the been set up during the period 1950-1955 for such institu-
experience obtained with sewage sludge digestion was of tions as schools, universities and monastries. These large
little use when agricultural wastes were to be used for installations were provided with cranes for loading and
digestion. A number of institutions like the Technical unloading. Some commercial biogas manufacturing con-
University, Berlin, the Technical University, Darmstadt, the cerns, like Biogas and Pergas, were established. Turin and
Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Milan Universities have been carrying out biogas research.
Gttttingen, Hohenheim University, Miinchen University, As in other parts of Europe, interest in anaerobic digesters
the Technical University, Hanover, the Federal Research at the farm level diminished after 1958.
Institute for Agriculture, Volkenrode, and the Kuratorium
fur Technik in der Landwirtschaft, Frankfurt, are engaged 10. Poland
in research and development work. Many types of designs
like "Darmstadt", "Berlin" and "Hanover" were evolved Some work was taken up in 1955, starting with investi-
for small-scale application, 'Munchen', "Hohenheim" and gations concerning the reduction of nutrient losses,
"Untersontheim" were for medium-scale application and especially nitrogen, in processing manures. A few pilot
"AJlerhop" for large-scale use. Most of the designs had plants were set up in Skierniewicach around 1960 to
some provision for heating the digester contents. All the investigate the kinetics of digestion at different tempera-
designs except "Allerhop" proved to be very sophisticated. tures and solid concentrations, along with manure quality.
The designs were displayed from time to time for the
information of the general public and farmers but did not
11. Spain
generate much interest. In terms of energy production
an anaerobic digester was not an economical proposition Interest in anaerobic digestion developed much later
especially on a small scale. than in other parts of Europe. The National Agricultural
Research Institute, Madrid, has conducted biogas research.
The large-scale "Allerhop" design was the most success- A few batch type digesters based on a French design
ful one and was produced as an effective way of processing were established. However, not much information is availa-
manure in liquid form at minimum labour costs. Gas ble on their performance.
collection was considered a secondary objective. Around
50 digesters with an annual gas production capacity of
18,000-300,000 m3 were reported to have been set up. 12. Switzerland
In most cases, gas production is used only for heating the A design for a biogas plant was developed in 1943.
digesters and driving central motor pumps. However, not very many digesters have been installed. The
8. Hungary Swiss State Agricultural Research Institute has been work-
ing on the technology. Anaerobic digesters have been
Work on biogas technology started in the year 1956 found to be uneconomical in Switzerland.
II. Biogas development - a review 15

13. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics obtained with these plants has not been very encouraging.
In a joint report prepared by the representatives of the
The first digester seems to have been set up in Georgia Rothamsted Experimental Station, the National Agricul-
in 1948. During the 1950s, biogas research work was taken tural Advisory Service and the Agricultural Land Service
up at institutions like the All-Union Research Institute of in 1958, it was concluded that though the process was
Fertilisers, Agronomy and Soil Science, Moscow. A large- technically sound, it was not economical, Similar conclu-
size experimental plant has been in operation in Tulskoi sions were drawn in another report prepared by the
since 1957. The digester design is similar to the "Allerhop" National Institute of Agricultural Engineering in 1961.
or "Dresden" designs. Between 30 and 60 per cent of the
gas produced is used for heating the digester. Five large-scale 15. United States of America
biogas digesters are known to have been in operation in
1958. However, these installations were found uneconomic There has not been much interest in the development
later. of small-scale biogas plants mainly because of the ready
availability of commercial energy sources. However,
research was motivated on account of several of factors
14. United Kingdom of Great Britain and particularly concerning pollution control. Institutions
Northern Ireland like the State Water Survey Division, Illinois, the United
States Department of Agriculture; the Biological Waste
As early as 1929, a plant was developed and installed
Laboratory, Beltsvelle, and the Iowa State University have
at Rothamsted. The plant had a large 300 m3 digester using
been involved in basic biogas research. Many important
straw and manure as feedstock. No other reports on work-
contributions regarding the theory of anaerobic fermenta-
ing of large-scale digesters are available and it is considered
tion, and the digestive properties of organic wastes have
that setting up large-scale digesters was found to be not
been made. Interest in biogas generation through anaerobic
fermentation declined as it was found to be too expensive
A small-scale digester was developed in 1954 by Tolle to compete with other kinds of fuel. In the early 1960s,
Mache. At the same time British Organic Products devel- interest was revived but the emphasis was on anaerobic
oped another small-scale design. However, the experience digestion of animal wastes generated at large animal farms.



A. Biogas process

Biogas fermentation is a three-stage process, viz.,

hydrolysis, acid producing and gas producting, and is
accomplished by four classes of microbes. These are:
(a) Fermentative bacteria;
(b) Obligate hydrogen-producing, acetogenic bacteria; bacteria)

(c) Methanogenic bacteria;

(d) Homoacetogenic bacteria.

1. Hydrolysis

Exoenzymes, produced by the fermentative bacteria, Acetogenic

hydrolyse the organic compounds. In this step polysacha- dehydrogenation
rides are hydrolysed into monosaccharides, proteins into (Hydrogen producing
acetogenic bacteria)
peptides or amino acids and fats into glycerol and fatty
acids. The polymers, converted to individual monomers,
are fermented to various intermediates, primarily acetate, Hydrogenation
propionate and butyrate. The kind and quantity of bacteria (Homoacetogenic
in the digester undergo change with the type and quantity bacteria)

of organic materials involved.

Acetate Reductive
decarboxylation methane formation
2. Acid production (Methanogenic bacteria) (Methanogenic bacteria)

In this step higher fatty acids and aromatic amino

acids produced at the first stage undergo catabolism to
yield hydrogen and acetic acid.

3. Gas production
Simple compounds like acetic acid, hydrogen, formic
Figure 4. Biogas fermentation process.
acid and carbon dioxide are used by the methanogenic
bacteria to form methane and carbon dioxide. According to another theory developed by Buswell
and Sollo in 1948, methane can be generated directly
B. Methane formation
from the methyl group.
Van and Niel in thirteenth century proposed that
under all conditions, methane-producing organics must 14 CHjCOOH •—14CH4 + CO2
be converted to carbon dioxide and then reduced forming
Currently, it is considered that methane formation
takes place through two pathways. While on the one hand,
the methyl group of acetic acid is reduced directly to
4 H2A 4A + 8H form methane, the carboxyl group of acetic acid is first
8H + CO-, CH4 2H2O converted to carbon dioxide, and then is reduced further
to form methane.
4H2A CO2 CH4 2H2O
CH3 2° CH.
In the equation, H 2 A represents compounds capable of
being used by biogas microbes, and carbon dioxide is CH3COOH 4H
generated from substrate oxidation. CO, 2 CH 4 + 2H20
III. The process of biogas fermentation 17

Barker proposed a hypothesis based on these theories. Polysaccharides, viz., cellulose, hemi-cellulose, starch,
According to the hypothesis, under anaerobic conditions,, xylose etc., are the main materials for fermentation. Under
carbon dioxide methanols or acetates, all should be con- anaerobic conditions, polysaccharides are hydrolysed to
verted to CH3 X which can be further reduced to form glucose, which undergoes anaerobic glycolysis to form
methane. pyruvic acid. It has been suggested that in biogas fermen-
tation, glucose may metabolize through a pentose phos-
CO 2 + XH XCOOH phate pathway to form glycerol phosphate and then py-
+2H ruvic acid. Pyruvic acid, the principal intermediate may
H20 then be split into various products such as formic acid,
XCHO ethanol, lactic acid, propanic acid and acetic acid. Acetic
+ 2H acid is easily converted into methane and two thirds of
methane is formed from acetic acid.
Each molecule of glucose can produce three molecules
+ 2H of methane and three molecules of carbon dioxide.
CH3 OH + XH -H2O
6 12°6 3 2

2CH3CO COOH + 2 H 2 O - - - ~ 2 C H 3 COOH + 2CO2 + 2H 2

2CH 3 COOH — 2CH4 + 2CO2

Figure 5. Methane formation (XH = unknown carrier) CO 2 + 4H 2 — CH 4 + H2O

C. Metabolism of complex organic

compounds °6- 3CH 4 +3CO 2

During the process of anaerobic fermentation, polysac- The overall metabolic pathways of glycolysis are as
charides, proteins and fats are commonly converted into follows shown in figure 7.
acetic acids. Polysaccharides and fats may be converted
into propanic acids, which turn into acetic acid. Ultimately, Glucose
the acetic acid is converted into methane.
Polysaccharides Glucose 6-phosphate
Amino acids i
Fatty acids (long chain) Fructose 6-phosphate
! Non-methane-producing bacteria
Fructose 1, 6-phosphate
Volatile fatty acids (low MW) i
Alcohols Triose phosphate
Neutral compounds j
H 2 ,CO 2 3-phospho-gIycerate

Methane-producing bacteria and 2-phosphoenol pyrxivate

non-methane producing bacteria
Acetic acid -HCOOH
CH 4 ,CO 2 ,H 2 Pyruvate• - C H 3 CH OH

Methane-producing bacteria plus
or minus non-methane producing
bacteria CH 4 + CO 2
CH4> CO 2

Figure 6. Metabolism of complex organic compounds. Figure 7. Anaerobic degradation of glucose.

18 Updated guidebook on biogas development

D. Anaerobic degradation of cellulose F. Metabolism of lipids

Cellulose together with hemi-cellulose constitutes Fats are hydrolysed into glycerol and fatty acids. The
about 50-60 per cent of the total solids of straw and glycerol is furthur converted into dicarboxyl-phosphoace-
30-50 per cent of those of dung resources. Pure cellulose tone and thereafter to pyruvic acid.
is easily degraded by biogas microbes, while naturally
occurring ones, due to its combination with lignin etc.,
are not easily split by the microbes. 2H

Through the action of enzymes, cellulose is hydrolysed CHOH- -CHOH- CO -CH3—

into glucose. The enzymes are of two kinds, one is an CHjOH
exoenzyme dissolved in the fermenting fluid and the other
is a cell surface bonded enzyme.
Fatty acids metabolise through an oxidation pathway
In the process of fermentation, butyrate-utilizing
forming acetoacyl-coenzyme A (CH3 CO-S CoA) and then
microbes grow tremendously. When the fermentation is
acetic acid. The hydrogen released in oxidation can be
blocked, there is a marked increase in the amount of
reduced to form methane.
butyric-acid and acetic-acid-utilizing microbes which may
increase their number thousands of times. The following
splitting pathway is indicated: G. Metabolism of proteins
In biogas fermentation, proteins are hydrolysed into
glucose • - butyric - acetic- - methane
peptides or amino acids. Peptides and amino acids can be
acid acid formation
either utilized by microbes for synthesizing cellular sub-
stances or further degraded into lower molecular weight
E. Metabolism of hemi-cellulose, pectin-gel fatty acids, PLS, amines, phenols, ammonium etc.
and starch
Low molecular volatile fatty acids and amine can
Under anaerobic conditions, hemi-cellulose, pectingel further be converted to form methane. Ammonia can
and starch are hydrolysed into pentose and hexose, which either be utilized as a nitrogenous source for synthesizing
undergo further degradation as in the saccharide fermenting cellular components or forming ammonium bicarbonate
process. (NH 4 HC0A thereby the HCO" ion is increased, raising
the buffer capacity in the fermenting fluid and favouring
Some of the materials commonly used for biogas
methane formation.
fermentation contain large quantities of lignin. Pig dung
NH 3 Setc.
contains about 21 per cent lignin in its solid contents,
cow dung about 35 per cent and rice straw about 12 per proteins-—amino • -acetic—CH 4
cent. Lignin is hardly degraded by micro-organisms. acids acid



A. Biogas micro-organisms B. Non-methane producing micro-organisms

Micro-organisms involved in biogas fermentation Non-methane producing microbes convert complex

include organic material-splitting organisms commonly organic compounds into simpler compounds. This group
called non-methane producing organisms, and methane consists of the fermenting bacteria and the hydrogen
producing organisms. These microbes degrade complex producing, acetogenic bacteria. The micro-organisms
organic materials to form methane. The combined and involved in this group include anaerobes and facultative
co-ordinated metabolic activity of these microbes is essen- anaerobes. The varieties and amount of these micro-orga-
tial for the fermentation process to proceed effectively. nisms change with the variety and quantity of materials
The excess or lack of any of the groups or their activity under fermentation.
results in failure of the fermentation process.
Non-methane producing micro-organisms may be
Biogas microbes can be categorized into four trophic divided into three groups, bacteria, fungi and protozoa.
groups: Among these groups bacteria are the most important.

(a) Fermentative bacteria that hydrolyse saccharides, 1. Bacteria

proteins, and lipids;
Non-methane producing bacteria are of numerous
(b) Hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria which types and their amount is also large. However, the microbes
act upon fatty acids and neutral end products; having hydrolytic activity account for only a small group
(c) Homoacetogenic bacteria which metabolize unicar- in the overall colonies. Among the population capable of
bon compounds (e.g. H-/CO or HCOOH) besides hydrolysing organic compounds, the obligate anaerobes
hydrolysing multicarbon compounds to acetic acid; dominate and their population is 100 to 200 times that of
faculative anaerobes.
(d) Methanogenic bacteria which metabolize acetate
and unicarbon compounds to form methane. The obligate anaerobes play an important role in the
process. Included in this group are bacteria like Qostridium
butyricum, Bacillus lactum, Gram's positive cocci and a
few others.

Non-methane producing bacteria can be divided into

seven groups based on their physiological activities, viz.,
cellulose-splitting, semi-cellulose splitting, protein splitting,
fat splitting, hydrogen producing and other specific groups
such as thiovibrio- and lactic acid-utilizing.

2. Fungi

A great number of fungi and yeasts have been isolated

from anaerobic digisters. Cook isolated 36 genera of fungi.
The fungi and yeasts take part in the digestion process and
get their nutrition through the decomposition of substrate.

3. Protozoa

The main species of protozoa that have been isolated

belong to the plasmodium, flagellate and amoeba groups.
In all 18 species have been identified. However, their
Figure 8. Involvement of different microbial population quantity is small and they are supposed to play only a
groups in biogas fermentation. minor role in the digestion process.
20 Updated guidebook on biogas development

C. Amount of non-methane producing acid, acetic acid and hydrogen, has been isolated from
micro-organisms underground sludge.
Protein-splitting bacteria break down protein to
The number of bacteria in several digesters has been
amino acids, to be degraded further into organic acids,
found to be 39 x 107 - 10 9 /ml for obligate non-methane
thioalcohols, ammonium and hydrogen sulphide. These
producing bacteria, and 8 x 10 s - 1 x 10 8 /ml foraerobes
bacteria are mainly Gram's positive ones predominant
and facultative aerobes. The amount of anaerobic bacteria
with Gostridium.
is often 100 times that of aerobic ones.
The fat-splitting bacteria catabolize fats to produce
The quantities of physiological groups have been short-chain fatty acids. Vibrio has been found to be the
reported by many workers. Hungate (1950) reported a richest among the group. There are also some bacilhts,
population of 0.8 - 2.0 x 10 3 /ml anaerobic cellulose- alcaligenes and monas.
splitting bacteria in digesting sludges. The number in
domestic wastes was found to be 4 x 1 0 s / m l . The amount A number of products like alcohol, volatile salurated
of semi-cellulose-splitting bacteria was similar to that of organic acids like butyric acid and propanic acid cannot
cellulose-splitting bacteria, being 10 4 /ml or a little more. be used by methane-producing bacteria, unless they are
The amount of protein-splitting Gram's positive bacteria converted into acetic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
in sludges under digestion has been reported as 7 x 10 4 /ml. The hydrogen-producing acetogenic bacteria degrade pro-
Sulphur-reducing bacteria in digesting sludges have been pionate, long-chain fatty acids, alcohols, and aromatic
and other organic acids to produce acetate, hydrogen
found to be in the range of 3-5 x 104/ml. The population
and carbon dioxide. Chengdu Institute of Biology, China,
of lactate-utilizing bacteria in pigsty waste has been in-
has isolated 24 strains of hydrogen-producing bacteria
dicated as 3 x 10 7 /ml. The amount of aerobic protein-
from biogas digesters, belonging to Enterbacteriaceae and
splitting bacteria and aerobic fat-splitting bacteria in
Baciliaceae families.
digesters have been reported as 1-10 x 10 s /ml and 2-16
x 10 4 /ml respectively. There are a number of other bacteria which take part
in anaerobic digestion such as sulphate-reducing bacteria
D. Action of non-methane producing and lactic-acid utilizing bacteria which include Streptococ-
micro-organisms cus sp., Bacteroides sp. and Gostridium sp.

The carbohydrates, proteins and fats are catabolized

E. Methane producing micro-organisms
into soluble, simpler compounds by the non-methane
yielding micro-organisms through the liquification process. Methane producing bacteria are the key organisms
These simpler compounds undergo .further change, after in methane production. These organisms break down
entering the bacterial cells, and ultimately yield organic acetate and hydrogen to gaseous end-products. They are
acids, alcohol, ketones, carbondioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, very sensitive to oxygen and oxides and require a strict
hydrogen sulphide etc. anaerobic environment for growth.

Cellulose-splitting bacteria break cellulose into smaller Methane producing species utilize simple organic and
compounds of low molecular weight, to be utilized by inorganic compounds as substrates. Most of them require
methanogenic bacteria to yield methane. These bacteria only mineral salts with carbon dioxide, ammonia and
are similar to Bacteroides succinogenas. Under anaerobic a sulphide as extraneous minerals Acetic acid is a critical
conditions, Gostridium omelianskii, G. thermoceilum, substrate accounting for about 74 per cent of the substrates.
Cl. dissolvens and similar group members split cellulose to Amino acids or peptides are not required as nitrogen
simpler compounds. sources for growth but ammonia is essential. For their
sulphur source, some species can make use of cysteines
Another group of bacteria split semi-cellulose to instead of sulphides. Methanogens are slow in their re-
produce xylose, arabinose, galactose and mannose and are production and growth, doubling time usually ranging
known as semi-cellulose-splitting bacteria. These belong from four to six days.
to Bacteroides ruminicola.
The starch-splitting bacteria break down starch to form F. Morphology and classification of
glucose. The amount of starch-splitting bacteria is related methane producing micro-organisms
to the starch content of the fermenting material. From
pigsty wastes, bacteroides, Gram's positive cocci and According to their forms, methanobacteria can be
Bacterium butylicum were isolated. Gostridium acetobuty- divided into four groups, viz., octanococcal, bacillar,
licum, which catabolises starch to acetobutanol, butyric globular and spiral.
IV. Microbiology of biogas fermentation 21

Methanosarcina are variations in the envelops of this Methanococci have globular round or oval-shaped
group. Their shape and size are different from those of cells, which are paired or chained.
true sarcina and give an appearance of sand particles piled
together. Methanospirilla cells appear regular, curved and finally
form spiremes.
I Methanogens have been grouped into three orders,
nine families, seven genera and 13 species (see table 2).

Methanosarcina Barken Methanobacte rium

ruminantium G. Amount of Methane producing bacteria
The amounts of methanobacteria in digesters have
been reported as 106 - 10 8 /ml. In a fermenting sludge
digester, the following population has been observed:

Methanococcus Methanospirillum Formate methane producing bacteria >1 x 107/m 1

Figure 9. Morphology of methanobacteria
Methanosarcina barken >1 x 106 /m 1
Methanobacillus are bacillar, usually curved, like a Methanobacterium sp. >1 xl 0 8 /ml
chain or a long filament. However, M. arbophiccum is
short and straight. Methanococcus sp. >1 x 106 /m 1

Table 2. Classification of methanobacteria

Order Family Genus Species

Methanobacteriates Methanobacteriaceae Methanobacterium M. formicicum

M. bryantii
M. thermoautotrophicum
Methanobtevibacter M. ruminantium
M. arboriphilus
M. smithii

Methanococcates Methanococcaceae Methanococcus M. rannielii

M. voltae

Methanomicrobiates Methanomicrobiaceae Methanogenium M. caraci

M. marisnigri
Methanospirillum M. hungatei
Methanomicrobium M. mobile

Methanosarcinaceae Methanosarcina M. barkeri



There are many biogas plant designs and most work 3. Input material to be used
well. They are illustrated in the next chapter. However,
it is important to select the right type and size of plant in a Biogas can be produced from a very wide range of
particular case. One type made in various sizes may be used vegetable matter and from all types of dung. However,
in a country if conditions are fairly uniform. Examples there is only one design (fixed dome) which can digest
showing how to use the information given in this and the vegetable wasies without previously powdering them.
next chapters are included in chapter VII on design, size The majority of biogas plants are designed to work on
and site selection. either pig or cattle dung (including buffalo dung). A few
plants are designed for chicken dung or human faeces or
A. Social factors a combination of types of dung.

1. The benefits of a biogas plant When only dung is used, the gas plants are usually run
on a continuous basis. This means that every day fresh
The three main benefits are gas, fertilizer (compost) slurry is put into the plant and an equivalent amount of
and hygiene. Most people in ESCAP countries want the gas. effluent comes out of it.
The fertilizer benefit is of secondary importance. However,
as time goes by, more and more emphasis is being placed on In view of the light density of the vegetable matter
the fertilizer benefit. Hygiene is hardly considered. In China used, the material will not flow through the plant. There-
the main benefits are fertilizer, gas and hygiene. Other fore, if this type of material is used, the plant must have
benefits are the saving of firewood for other uses and an at least 70 per cent of the contents cleaned out and refilled
increase in crop yield (due to an increase in the amount and once or twice a year. This type of plant is called a batch-
improvement in the quality of fertilizer). type plant. There will be no gas while this work is being
done and until the bacteria have started to produce gas
2. The national characteristics of farmers once more. This is not a source of inconvenience when
the emphasis is on fertilizer and hygiene rather than on
Every country has its own national characteristics. In gas.
some countries the farmers, as a whole, are industrious and
ingenious. They do not mind maintaining and improving 4. The amount of gas required for
their equipment. In other countries the average farmer different applications
takes life in a much more leisurely way or does not have the
Gas is primarily used for cooking and lighting. On
materials, knowledge or initiative to look after his equip-
rare occasions it is used for running engines, refrigerators,
ment properly. These characteristics have an important
incubators, etc. The amount of gas required for these
bearing on the type of biogas plant and equipment which is
applications is given in figure 10.
appropriate to a particular country.
(a) Cooking
B. Factors affecting the design
The amount of gas per person per day needed by
1. Availability of building materials different households varies according to the following
In all countries building skills depend on the nationally factors:
(or regionally) available building materials. These may be - Type of cooking (such as frying, boiling or
stone or brick masonry, concrete, etc. The digester can be baking);
made out of many materials. If there is a shortage of steel - Type of food;
sheets, an all-plastic or all-masonry design may have to be
used. - Number of meals and snacks per day;
- Economy in fuel when cooking for a large number
2. The level of the water-table of people;
The level of the water-table is the level to which water - Skill of cook in reducing gas flame size after a pot
rises in a hole dug in the earth. When the water comes up to has been brought to the boil.
a point near the surface of the ground, this is called a "high The average figure for gas consumption for cooking
water-table". Special designs of biogas plants are available meals per person per day is 0.3 m 3 (from 0.28 to 0.42 m 3 ,
for high water-table areas. i.e., 10 to 15 cu ft).
V. Factors affecting gas plant design and operation 23

Can illuminate mantle

lamp equivalent to 60 watt
for about 7 hours

Can run 2 horse power Can cook 3 meals for

engine for one hour family of 4 persons

One m
of biogas

Can run 300 litre refrigorator Can generate 1.25 KW

for 3 hours electricity
Figure 10. Possible applications of biogas

(b) Lighting 5. Gas production from different input materials

Lighting is justifiable only if electricity is not available, Gas production from different materials depends on a
as lighting consumes gas inefficiently and regular attention number of factors. There is a great lack of reliable informa-
is required to keep lamps burning well. tion on this subject but, five main points can be considered:
One mantle lamp requires 0.11 to 0.15 m3 (4 to 5.5 (a) Temperature and retention time: these are very im-
cu ft) per hour. This is approximately equivalent to a 60 portant and interrelated; they will be discussed below;
watt electric light bulb.
(b) The plant must be operated correctly; instructions are
(c) Other applications given in chapter XII;
Because other applications are not common, they are (c) Stimulating gas production in cold weather (see
detailed separately under "commercial uses of gas". For chapter XIII);
rapid estimation the following gas consumption figures can
be used: (d) Other factors which in village situations cannot easily
be controlled. Information on this will be found in
- Refrigerators, about 0.6-1.2 m 3 per m3 (0.6-1.2 annex II;
cu ft per cu ft) of refrigerator volume per hour;
(e) Feed given to the animal and the health of the animal.
- Incubators, 0.5 to 0.7 m3 per m3 (0.5 to 0.7 cu ft
per cu ft) of incubator volume per hour; Bacteria are most active and produce most gas at a
temperature of 35°C, i.e., about the body temperature of
- Engines, 0.60 to 0.70 m3 (21 to 25 cu ft) per kWh the animals in whose gut the dung was produced. The lower
= 0.45 to 0.54 m 3 (16 to 19 cu ft) per brake horse the temperature the less active are the bacteria; all gas
power (bhp) per hour. production basically stops at about 10°C. Gas plants in
24 Updated guidebook on biogas development

villages are not heated and the temperature of the slurry Cattle dung: 32 kg per day
usually falls in the range 18° to 32°C, varying through the Pig manure: 20 kg per day
year depending on the season. Unfortunately, most research
work has been carried out at 35°C, when for realistic village Poultry manure: 12 kg per day
purposes it needs to be done at 25°-30°C. Also, it has been
done in laboratories on a batch basis rather than on a Table 4. Gas production of various types of dung
continuous feed basis. Fifty days retention time is the
average retention time for most tropical countries. If the Type of dung Gas production per kg dung
area is hot all the year round, the time could be reduced to
Cattle (cows and buffaloes) . . 22 to 40 litres
about 40 days. It is in winter that most gas is required. If it (0.8 to 1.4 cu ft)
is cold in the area, the retention time could be increased to
Pig 40 to 60 litres
at least 60 to 70 days. It is more reliable to relate the biogas (1.4 to 2.1 cuft)
production figures to the solid contents of the input
Poultry (chicken) 65.5 to 115 litres
material. The information available at present is given in
(2.3 to 4.1 cu ft)
table 3.
Human 20 to 28 litres per person
using toilet (0.7 to 1 cu ft)
Table 3. Biogas yield of some input materials Pretreated crop waste 34 to 40 litres
Water hyacinth 40 to 50 litres
Biogas yield Methane contents
(m'/ton solid contents) (per cent)
6. The amount of fertilizer expected out
Livestock manure: of the gas plant
Cattle dung 260-280 50-60
Pig dung S61 During processing in the plant some solids are broken
Horse dung 200-300 down by bacteria into water and gas. About 70 per cent of
Plant waste the total solids put in can be expected to come out. Pro-
630 70
cessing does not increase any fertilizer nutrients such as
F l u or hemp i l a l k i . . . . 369 nitrogen, phosphorus or potash. Digestion does, however,
Wheat straw 432 59 change, the form of part of the nitrogen, but the effluent
Green leaves 210-294 58 will contain almost exactly the same amount of nutrients
Rice husks 615 as were put in.
Sewage waste 640 50
Liquid waste from wine or
7. The amount of dung that can be collected
spirit-making factory . . 300-600 58
per animal, bird or human
Carbohydrates 750 49 The amount of dung that can be collected depends on
Iipids 1440 72 various factors: size of the animal, diet of the animal and
Proteins 980 50 degree of confinement, i.e., whether the animal stays in a
shed or grazes in the field for part of the day. The only
Sources: (a) Sichuan Provincial Office of Biogas Development, "Biogas technology reliable way to check this is to measure the actual amount
and utilization", Chengdu Seminar 1979, China.
for three consecutive days and take an average. For esti-
(b) A Chinese Biogas Manual, translated from the Chinese by Michael
Crook and edited by Ariane van Buren from the original by the Office of mating purposes the following figures can be used:
the Leading Group for the Propagation of Marshgas, Sichuan province,
China (London, Intermediate Technology Publications, 1979). Cows: 10 to 15 kg of dung per day
Buffaloes: 15 to 20 kg of dung per day
Pigs: 2.5 to 3.5 kg of dung per day
Some field tests have been done but they do not show Chickens: 90gof dung per day
consistent gas production figures. A village buffalo may give as little as 6 kg per day
whereas some of the largest bred buffaloes can give as much
Until better information becomes available, the figures,
as 36 kg per day. Therefore it is essential to measure the
indicated in table 4 may be used. Under average conditions
actual dung available.
(40 to 60 residency days) to produce 1 m3 (35 cu ft) of
gas per day the following amounts of dung would be Note: Often scales are not available. A standard four
required: imperial gallon (18 litres) kerosene tin can be
V. Factors affecting gas plant design and operation 25

used. When dung is well pressed down to avoid depending on the impurities and concentration of salts.
any air spaces and filled level to the top this tin Advice from a national centre should be obtained.
will hold about 19 kg of dung. If loosely filled,
it will hold about 15 kg. 3. Additional input materials

8. Other feed materials For the ordinary running of gas plants no material is
needed apart from animal dung and water (and vegetable
Other feed materials may be used but these are mostly matter where a batch-type digester is used).
employed in a batch-type plant.
4. The expected life of a gas plant
(a) Dung which is bead-like, e.g., goat. The beads have to
Biogas technology is a relatively new concept in many
be broken down before feeding into a continuous-type
countries and also a long-term investment. Most people talk
digester. If this is not done, the beads float to the
about a life of 20 or more years for the masonry work and
surface and cause a scum problem.
8 or more years for the steel gas holder, depending on how
well it is protected from rust and how well it is maintained.
(b) Coarse dung, e.g., elephant. This contains many large (The life of a steel gas holder can vary from as little as 2 to
pieces of vegetable matter which float to the surface 5 years if thin steel is used and no protection is given to as
and cause a scum problem. long as 20 years if it is regularily painted.) There are no
known figures for the life of the pipework and gas ap-
(c) Grass, straw, leaves, weeds and animal bedding, includ- pliances. These items usually account for no more than
ing sawdust. Again, because of their light density and 20 per cent of the total installation cost and much less for
the formation of scum, these materials are only recom- large plants.
mended for use in batch-type gas plants.
When deciding whether or not to install a plant,
(d) Water hyacinth. It is well known that this material is a potential customers must think of it as a long-term invest-
good gas producer. People have tried to use it in con- ment. They must consider points such as the future number
tinuous plants. The hyacinth is allowed to rot in the of animals on the farm and future uses of the gas. It may
sun for two days to break down air pockets and it is be better to install a plant which at present is too large,
then chopped into small pieces. Even after this process- but which will be necessary in a few years time.
ing it may float, causing a scum problem. A batch
digester is the appropriate type for this material. A
mixture of 50 per cent water hyacinth, 50 per cent 5. The effect of scum formation in a
cow dung gives a better gas yield and a better perform- continuous-type digester
ance in cold weather than cow dung alone. For more
Scum can be a major problem in gas plants run on a
details on the input material, see chapter XI.
continuous basis. It is formed from:

(a) Undigested vegetable matter, e.g., straw;

C. Factors affecting the operation
(b) Bedding, e.g., straw, sawdust;
1. The amount of water needed
(c) Animal "clothing", e.g., pig hairs and chicken
Usually about one litre of water per kg of dung is feathers.
Although the slurry is a thick liquid, it can nevertheless
2. The use of sea water or brackish water float upwards and make a thick layer called scum. If there
is only a small quantity it can be dispersed by mixing,
Sea water cannot be used. It will hinder bacterial providing the slurry is not too watery. When a lot of scum
generation. Brackish water can be used in some cases, collects, it is necessary to remove it.


Gas plants can easily be classified by the arrangement used for collecting the gas.

Biogas plant

A. Combined digester/ B. Floating C. Separate

gas holder gas holder gas holder

1. Fixed 2. Flexible 1. Without 2. With
dome bag water seal water seal

Al. Fixed dome digester: commonly called "Chinese" Defined by

design, as it is mainly used in China. It is usually operated Floating gas (a) Expected volume of gas pro-
on a "batch" basis but with daily small additions of dung holders duced per day (this is the
and human faeces. A long retention time is used, which and most common)
helps to kill harmful pathogens and parasites. In this type Separate gas (b) Volume of slurry contained
of plant the emphasis is more on fertilizer and removal of holder in the digester pit
pathogens and parasites. No gas is available when the (c) Volume of gas holder
sludge is removed, the new slurry is put in and until the
bacteria start producing gas again (2 to 3 weeks maximum). Throughout this guidebook the definition used, unless
otherwise stated, is "volume of digester in m 3 " in the case
A2. Flexible bag digester: usually called "bag digester",
of the fixed-dome digester and "expected volume of gas
although the bag holds both the slurry and gas. It is run on
produced per day" in the case of the floating gas holder
a continuous basis.
digester. This is a rough but meaningful description of a gas
Bl. Floating gas holder digester without water seal: com- plant size. Of course, gas production varies from day to day
monly called "Indian" or "KVIC"* design; it is run on a and from season to season.
continuous basis.
A. Fixed dome (Al)
B2. Floating gas holder digester with water seal: very clean
but more expensive than type Bl. (a) Circular type (figure 11)

C. Separate gas holder digester: still uncommon because The main features of this type are:
of its relatively high cost. Large-size digesters have been
- The digester can be made of at least four different
restricted to large commercial organizations which run a
construction materials.
series of batch plants. Some cheap new designs are finding
their way into rural areas. - The volume of the digester equals the volume of
slurry and gas combined.
All these types of gas plants are made in different sizes.
Unfortunately, the sizes are defined in different ways. - The weight of the soil on the top of the digester is
Common definitions are given below. usually as great as the upward gas pressure in the
digester, i.e., if the maximum gas pressure is 1,000
Fixed dome Al Defined by the volume of the mm water gauge, then the thickness of the soil is
and digester, i.e., the volume of the also 1,000 mm.
Flexible bag A2 slurry and gas storage combined
- For input materials consisting of plant, animal and
human waste the average gas production as re-
Khadl and Village Industries Commission is an Indian Govern- ported in Sichuan province in China is 0.1.5 to 0.2
ment agency promoting biogas. m 3 /day per m 3 of digester volume (1), but in
VI. Classification and design principles of plants 27

Gas pipe

Loose cover

Outllt pip*

Figure 11. Common circular fixed-dome digester (China)

tropical areas it can be as much as 0.3 to 0.4 m 3 / (b) Square type (figure 12)
day per m 3 of digester volume.
- Millions of such plants are operating in China, Gas pipe Slurry tank to
decrease pressure on
using plant, pig, cattle and human waste. gas holder top

(i) Advantages:
- No steel sheets required;
- Generally it runs on a batch-continuous pro-
cess, i.e., plant waste may be included;
- Its total cost is normally less than that of the v^ .
digester with floating gas holder. The cost of
construction in China is about SUS3.5 to 5
per m3 of digester volume (1); Figure 12. Square fixed-dome digester (China)
- It provides more fertilizer than the con-
tinuous type because plant waste is used.
- The digester and the gas holder are both built
below ground level, hence it is easier to This is an early and commonly reported fixed dome
insulate them in cold regions. Besides, less design from China. The plant is basically square and when
earth surface is being used for the biogas gas is collected the displaced slurry flows onto the top of
plant. the gas holder.

(ii) Disadvantages: This design has been superseded by the previously

illustrated circular design because of high stress and gas
- Normally no provision for stirring the slurry leaks at the square corners.
in the plant can be fitted through the dome;
The equalization tank on top of the gas dome is no
- The necessity of removing the sludge twice,
longer recommended. Although the gas pressure is low,
or more often, a year;
the area subjected to pressure is great and cracks can occur,
- Outside China this type has not yet become allowing the gas to escape. The tank also collects rain water,
popular in view of a lack of construction and dries out in the sun, allows flies to breed, causes odour and
plastering experience. aerates the slurry. None of these is desirable.
28 Updated guidebook on biogas development

B. Flexible bag (A2) (figure 13) (b) Disadvantages

The advantages and disadvantages of this type are given — Must be made of strong plastics resistant to
below: ultraviolet rays (usually Hypalon-Neoprene coated
fabric is used);
(a) Advantages
— Cost depends on local price of plastic material
- Portable; (if available);

- Constant gas pressure may be obtained; — Plastic can be accidentally cut during handling and
- Relatively quick to erect;
— Should be provided with safety valve for pressure
- Low capital cost. release, otherwise the bag may explode;

&as pipe

Gas R.
Inlet - Slurry —Outlet

Figure 13. Flexible bag type combined digester/gas holder

- Rodents (rats and porcupines) have been known to

.Got pipe
Mliing pit bite and destroy the plastic bag;
— No provision for removing scum;
— Stirring not possible;

- Bends in inlet and outlet may cause blockages.

C. Floating gas holder (Bl)

(a) Vertical type (figure 14)

This type has the following main features: *

— Digester made of masonry;
- Inlet and outlet are straight to facilitate clearing
of blockages;
— Many thousands are in use and fed with cattle
dung only;

- Runs on a continuous basis;

Figure 14. Common circular digester with floating * A toilet attachment can be fitted to all gas plant designs. It
holder and no water seal (India) uses a separate inlet pipe.
VI. Classification and design principles of plants 29

— For cattle dung average gas production is 0.3 to is damaged by ultraviolet rays in the sun and
0.4 m 3 /day per m3 of digester volume; for pig twisted when the drum is rotated for mixing.
dung it is 0.4 to 0.55 m 3 /day per m 3 of digester
volume. (b) Horizontal type (figure 15)
This type, which is a modification of the previous
In addition, it has the following advantages and dis-
advantages: design to suit high water-table areas and uses exactly the
same gas holder, has the following advantage and dis-
(i) Advantages advantages:

- Gas holder can be lifted off to facilitate (i) Advantage

removal of any build up of scum; - Safer and easier for workers than the deep
hole used for the vertical design.
- Constant gas pressure;
(ii) Disadvantages
- Gas holder can be rotated to give limited
stirring (mixing bars are fitted inside the gas - Requires reinforced cement concrete roof;
holder). - 20 to 30 per cent more expensive than the
vertical type.
(ii) Disadvantages
(c) Taper type (figure 16)
- Steel gas holders are the most commonly
used, but they are expensive, usually being 35 This is another high water-table digester. It has the
to 40 per cent of the total cost of a plant; following features:

- The cost of the construction materials in India - Uses same amount of bricks and material as the
is about SUS20 to 30/m3 of digester volume; straight design;

- The exterior of the sides of the gas holder - Cost is the same as the straight design;
rusts badly as it moves in and out of the - Small amount of gas leak from taper wall (not
slurry. Ideally the sides should be sandblasted sufficient to give noticeable gas reduction);
and painted with epoxy paint (see chapter
IX); - Uses exactly the same gasholder;
- The flexible pipe joining the gas holder to the - Safer and easier for workers than the deep hole
main gas pipe is a major maintenance item. It used for the straight design.

Mixing pit

Outlet pipe. • Inlet pipe


X re
X re

I'- ' ' ' •

Section A-A

Figure 15. Horizontal flow digester with floating gas holder (India)
30 Updated guidebook on biogas development
Gos pipe
(d) Oil drum type (figure 17)
pit This digester, which is made from old oil drums, pro-
Outlet duces very little gas because of its small size; it is generally
used only for research purposes. The oil drums tend to rust
LZI Got hoidtr
out within a few years.

LZJ (e) Two-chamber rectangular digester (figure 18)

nzi This type of digester can be built without a water seal
(figure 18) or with a water seal (figure 19). Both types are
rectangular with a cube-shaped gas holder. The primary
chamber is insulated with a concrete slab. Serious clogging
problems have been experienced in the operation of this
S I u - r
type of plant. This design is therefore not recommended
r y
until the clogging problem can be overcome.

D. Floating gas holder with water seal (B2)

(figure 20)
UU,CTXXI..L.LJ...i. J-
This type has the following advantages and dis-
Figure 16. Taper digester with floating gas holder (Nepal)

(a) Advantages

- Water seal can be attached to any of the digesters

mentioned in section 3 above;
- Ensures all gas is collected in gas holder;
- Reduced corrosion of gasholder, particularly if oil
film is maintained on the water seal;

- Eliminates any smell generally produced in gas

plants using human faeces;

- Square designs using this principle are also used;

- Offers a possibility for heating slurry by using
Figure 17. Oil drum digester (Indonesia) solar energy to heat water in the water seal.

(b) Disadvantages
Fluiblt hoit - More expensive;
Mixing device
- Provision of mixing bars could be more difficult as
radial struts cannot be attached to sides;
- Maintaining water level and oil film is an addi-
tional operation.

E. Separate gas holder (C)

In this system from two to four digesters are usually
connected to one gas holder. This system has been used
Figure 18. Two-chamber rectangular digester with by large industrial plants, and recently simple cheap
floating gas holder (Philippines) systems have been introduced in the rural areas in China
and Thailand.
VI. Classification and design principles of plants 31

(a) Jar digester with separate gas holder (figure 21)

This system has the following advantages:


- Less expensive than the floating gas holder


— Construction, maintenance and repairs are easier

than in the other two types (A and B);
- It allows a batch system with a continuous gas
— The digesters can be completely insulated; Figure 19. Two-chamber rectangular digester with
floating gas holder and water seal (Philippines)
It has the following drawbacks:
- Separate mixing device is needed for each digester; Exttrnol wottr teol

— In spite of its potential it has not yet been widely

(b) Fixed dome digester with separate gas holder
(figure 22)
This system, which has not been yet widely tested, has
the following advantages:
- The digester dome is subjected to little pressure
(determined by the weight of the gas holder);
hence it is easy and cheap to construct the

— The gas pressure is constant; hence appliances and

engines may be designed and used at their opti- Figure 20. Digester with floating gas holder
mum working conditions; and water seal (Pakistan)

I—Cement inlet pipe

i—Brick wall
- C l o y for sealing
-Water for leak detection

- Perforated steel pipe

Outlet cement — Plastic pipes -Gas holder guide

pipe - Gos holder

4 cement
water jars \ri— Woter for
1.2-1.5m 3 sealing

L Reinforced concrete base

-Steel pipe

Figure 21. Jar digester with separate gas holder (Thailand)

No steel sheets or reinforcing steel bars are needed It has the following drawback:
for the gas holder and it is therefore cheaper than
the floating gas holder in the designs described - Additional work and cost in building the water
earlier. tank and the gas holder.
32 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Gas pipe —i

qos holder Inlet - Removable manhole cover
sealed with clay
r Loose cover

Figure 22. Fixed dome digester with separate gas holder (Sichuan, China)

F. Gas removing systems

Rubbtr hose pipt
There are a number of ways of removing the gas from
—Goivoniied iron pipt (G. I.)
the gas holder. They all relate specifically to B-type plants.

(a) Flexible pipe (figure 23)

This is probably the most common design, but a
flexible pipe is often a serious maintenance problem in a gas
plant. It has the following disadvantages:

- Rubber hose pipe deteriorates and needs replace-

ment (good quality hose pipe is often not available
in rural areas);
•Wottr rtmovol
- Leaks at either end of flexible pipe can be a

- Pipe gets twisted up and flattens in places, espe-

cially if plastic pipe is used;
- When soft pipe is used, it sags and condensate
collects in the low points and requires daily
- Centre support pipe rusts and breaks at times.

(b) Hooked underside (figure 24)

This system has few of the drawbacks of the flexible

pipe system but still has the following disadvantages:

- Prevents gas holder being rotated as it interferes

with internal braces (usually 4 or more struts are
Figure 23. Gas removing system through aflexiblepipe used so the gas holder can rotate 90° only);
VI. Classification and design principles of plants 33

G. Gas holder support system

There are various ways of supporting the gas holder,
which all relate to B-type plants; they can be used for any

(a) Internal centre guide (figure 26)

This system has many advantages and can be recom-

mended. The gas holder can be rotated for mixing.
i !

Figure 24. Gas removing system through a hooked pipe

- Easily damaged from being hit by struts;

- If the gas pipe is not long enough, slurry enters Centre guide rod
it and blocks it;
Frame with 4 arm*
- The gas pipe is low in the ground for condensate filled into the walls

removal (this can be overcome by using the water

Figure 26. Gas holder internal guide system
removal device shown in chapter K ) .
(c) Centre guide system (b) External (overhead) centre guide
(figures 27a and b)
h This system has the following features:
- The gas holder can be rotated for mixing.
- In the single cross bar structure (figure 27b), the
60s holder
gas holder can tilt and rub on cement walls. This

Guide pipe 75 mm

•Centre guide and

gos pipe 5 0 m m #
Cr oss support for
centre guide
tocUIWt M a n l l u
Main gas valve

C*fn*nt ~-— — — ' '••

ondensats concr«tt /

removol tap /

' /

Figure 25. Gas removing system through a centre guide

This system, which has a gas pipe low in the ground .
for condensate removal, is commonly used in certain
countries. It allows the gas holder to rotate freely for -i i • i- i- +<

mixing purposes. Besides, by covering the centre support,

the rust problem in this location is eliminated. In view of Figure 27 a. Gas holder ex- Figure 27 b. Gas holder ex-
these advantages and in spite of its higher cost this system ternal guide system fixed to ternal guide system fixed to
can be recommended. the earth (for large sizes) digester wall
34 Updated guidebook on biogas development

can remove paint and also affect gas pressure. It (d) Counterbalance system (figure 29)
can be improved by having two guide eyes one
spaced a bit above the other as illustrated in
(figure 27a). This is always necessary for big units. Pulley—(S
- The guide bars should be dismantled if gas holder
needs to be removed.
(c) Wheel system (figure 28)

Figure 29. Gas holder with counter balance system

This system was suggested years ago because it was

believed that by adding weights to reduce the gas pressure
more gas would be produced. Although a correlation was
Figure 28. Gas holder with wheel guide system found recently between the gas pressure and the gas
production rate (1), the utilization of that system has to be
This system has the following features: justified, as it has the following disadvantages:

- Unless wheels can be easily retracted, the gas - Very unstable, as weights go out of balance
holder cannot be rotated; extremely easily causing the gas holder to tilt, the
gas to escape and the gas holder to jam;
- Wheels need replacing from time to time;
- Weights must be removed from buckets and
- Wheels can get clogged with slurry and stop added to the top of the gas holder when gas is
turning; needed;
- Mainly used for ferrocement gas holders. - Gas holder cannot be rotated for mixing.


In this chapter the information given in chapters V and that the type of plant has ever been built or that it has
VI is consolidated. been proven over a period of time. Care should be taken in
adopting these designs. Almost any design will work well
A. Design selection for 6 to 12 months but it is only after that time that faults
(e.g., blocked inlet/outlet pipes, scum removal problems)
Five main design types were illustrated in chapter VI. become evident.
Full working drawings of standard sizes of these plants are
given in annexes III to VI. Normally the most appropriate It is only after a similar period that conditions settle
of these should be accepted, with minor alterations to suit down completely and an accurate gas production figure can
local conditions. Chapter VIII on digester construction be obtained. It is all too common to hear people say they
illustrates design features which need to be considered do not get as much gas (especially during winter) as the
when a new design is contemplated. designer claims should be produced.
When selecting a design the following points need to
be considered:
B. Size selection
(a) Availability of construction materials (especially steel
(a) Gas plant size
sheets) and skills;
Common sizes of gas plant are:
(b) Cost of materials;
- 2 m 3 (70 cu ft) gas production per day. (This size
(c) Feed materials to be used; is not always economical. The next larger size is
(d) Type of soil; only slightly more expensive but produces 50
per cent more gas.) The corresponding size of
(e) Knowledge and experience of the organization or the fixed dome digester is about 10m 3 .
person promoting the gas plant.
- 3 m 3 (105 cu ft) gas production per day. The
Examples: corresponding size of the fixed dome digester
is about 15m 3 .
1. If a fixed dome digester is to be used, good plas-
tering skills are needed. If this cannot be arranged, - 5 m 3 (175 cu ft) gas production per day. (This is
a steel gas holder or flexible bag digester will probably the most common size built.) The
probably be more suitable. corresponding size of the fixed dome digester is
about 25 m 3 .
2. If vegetable matter is to be used, a batch system
is needed and a fixed dome digester is indicated. - 10 m 3 (350 cu ft) gas production per day. The
If plastering skills are not available, it may be corresponding size of the fixed dome digester
possible to line the inside of the gas dome with is about 50 m 3 .
metallic sheets or to fit a plastic membrane
sandwiched between two layers of masonry. (For The size of a gas plant for any site must be individually
more details about labour training to acquire selected. It depends on the amount of gas required and the
plastering and other skills in the construction of amount of dung available.
the fixed dome digester, see chapter XVI.)
Note: The sizes given above are the expected volume of
3. If the materials and skills for the construction gas produced per day for the floating gas holder
work are not available, but the proper quality of type digester and the corresponding sizes of the
plastic sheets are available at low cost, if dung fixed dome type digester.
only is to be used and the year-round tempera-
ture is high, then a flexible bag type digester may (b) Digester size
be considered.
The volume of the digester may need alteration to suit
Many gas plant designs can be found in various publica- the temperature of the area and the type of input material
tions. The fact that the design is in print does not mean used. The following are only rough guides:
36 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(i) Cattle dung (iv) Pigs

Let us assume that 36 litres of gas is produced by 1 kg We assume that 45 litres of gas is produced by 1 kg of
of cattle dung in 50 days when the slurry temperature is pig dung in 40 days when the slurry temperature is 27°C
27°C and 1 litre of water is mixed with each kg of dung. In and one litre of water is mixed with each kg of dung.
other words, for a daily production of 36 litres of gas we
need to use daily 1 kg of dung (12). If 1 m3 of gas is required per day, then

If 1 m 3 of gas is required per day, then 1,000 . . . . , ,

45 = 22 kg of dung is required per day, i.e.,
about 9 pigs.
-irg- = 28 kg of dung is required per day, i.e.,
Assuming that 1 kg dung = 1 litre volume, then the
about 2 head of cattle.
volume of digester to produce 1 m3 of gas per
If we assume that 1 kg dung = 1 litre volume, then the day = (22 +22) x 40 = 1.76m 3 .
volume of digester to produce 1 m3 of gas per day =
(28 + 28) x 50= 2.8 m 3 . (v) A mixture of plant, animal and human waste

It is always wise to make the digester a bit larger As mentioned earlier, the digester capable of ferment-
because a certain amount of material may settle at the ing such a mixture of input materials, including plant waste,
bottom of the digester, thus reducing the effective digester is the fixed dome digester, which usually operates on a
volume. batch-continuous basis.

The above figures are typically accepted figures for Accordingly, the present example is based on the
cattle dung in Asian countries, except the very hot and very normal practice of feeding the digester in Sichuan Province.
cold areas, where the volume would be smaller or greater China (1), (7). A recommended mixture of human, animal
respectively. and plant waste is 10 per cent human excreta (including the
liquid fraction), 40 per cent animal and plant waste and 50
(ii) Poultry per cent water. With this mixture, it was found that 10 per
We will assume that 44 litres of gas are produced by 1 cent of the gas was produced from human waste, 40 per
cent from animal waste and 50 per cent from plant waste.
kg of poultry dung in 30 days when the slurry temperature
is 27°C and 1 litre of water is mixed with each kg of dung Assuming that in the fixed dome digester:
24 litres of gas are produced by 1 kg of human
If 1 m3 of gas is required per day, then excreta,

' = 23 kg of dung is required per day, i.e., 34 litres of gas are produced by 1 kg of pig dung,
about 260 chickens.
30 to 40 litres of gas are produced by 1 kg of
If we assume that 1 kg dung = 1 litre volume, then the composted plant waste,
volume of digester to produce 1 m 3 of gas per day =
then for producing 1 m3 of gas we shall need:
(23 + 2 3 ) x 3 0 = 1 . 3 8 m 3 .
(iii) Human a. = 4.2 kg/day of human waste. Assuming
We will assume that 200 g (or 200 ml) of night soil, that each person produces a total of 1.3 kg/day of
800 ml urine and 1 litre of flush water per person, with a waste (see note 2 below), the number of people to
slurry temperature of 27°C in 60 days gives 24 litres of gas 42
per person using the toilet. produce 4.2 kg/day of human waste is - 1 - = 3.5

If 1 m3 of gas is required per day, then persons, i.e., about three adults and one child.
' . = 42 persons per day need to use the toilet. b. = 11.8 kg/day of pig dung. Assuming that
each pig produces a total of 6 kg/day of dung (see note
The volume of digester to produce 2 below), the number of pigs to produce 11.8 kg/day
1 m 3 of gas per day = 2 litres x 42 persons x 60 • 11.8
days= 5.04 m 3 . of dung is —r~ = 2 pigs.
VII. Design, size and site selection 37

1,000x0.5 6. Gas production can be greatly affected by correct

c — = 16.7 kg/day of plant waste. In practice, or incorrect operation of the plant, e.g., the correct water/
however, the plant waste is added twice a year, whereas dung ratio (see chapter XIV).
the human and animal waste is added daily.
7. The diet and condition (health) of animals can
Hence, in order to produce 1 m 3 of gas per day affect the dung and also the gas production.
we need 16.7 x 180 = 3,000 kg of composted plant
(c) Gas holder size
waste each six months, plus a daily input of the waste
of a family of three adults and one child and of two The gas holder collects and stores the gas when it is not
pigs. in use. If the gas is only used for a refrigerator, which is
constantly in use, then a very small gas storage capacity is
In Sichuan (latitude about 30°), the annual
needed. At the other extreme, if all the gas is used to run
average gas production of this type of digester is 0.15
an engine for 3 hours a day, then the gas holder must be
m 3 /day per m 3 of digester volume (see note 4 below).
Hence the size of digester needed to produce 1 m3 able to store — (= 88 per cent) of the daily gas produc-
tion. Most plants are used to provide gas for cooking and
of gas per day is = 6.7m 3 . lighting. From experience a gas holder which can store 60
per cent of the daily gas production is a good choice of
Notes: size for this purpose.

A wide margin should be provided in applying the In the fixed dome digesters, the gas accumulates in the
above figures. They may be used as a guide until more space under the dome, which should never become less than
reliable information becomes available. As stated in chapter 20 per cent of the total volume of the digester.
V there is a serious lack of facts on this aspect of biogas
technology. The following points should be also taken into (d) Examples of gas plant and digester
Example 1. A farmer has:
1. Most designers are optimists and tend to give 2 bullocks, each produces
higher figures for gas production than are generally ob- about 10 kg/day = 20
tained in villages (i.e., they quote figures obtained under
particularly favourable conditions such as hot weather). 1 cow, which produces
about 10 kg/day = 10
2. The amount of waste per unit of animal or human
given by Chinese sources is usually a little more than the 3 buffaloes, each produces
same amount given by other countries, mainly because the about 16 kg/day = 48
general practice in China is to collect and weigh both the Total 78 kg dung
solid and liquid fractions. per day
3. A better temperature for gas production tests is 78 kg x 37 litres/kg = 2.88 m3 gas per day
25°C as this is known to be the mid-point temperature for
most plants in villages in Asia. He has plenty of water (for 78 kg dung he will need a
minimum of 78 litres per day.)
4. In Sichuan (latitude about 30°N), the average He has to cook for his family of 6 people and he wants
temperature is 22 to 26°C and in winter the temperature is one lamp for 3 hours per day. He will accept reduced gas in
in the range 10 to 16°C. Accordingly, the gas production winter and will use other fuels if necessary. He does not
rate is low, 0.1 to 0.3 m 3 /day per m 3 of digester volume. anticipate any change in family size or animal population
For countries of tropical climate such as south China, the for the next few years.
gas production rate could be as high as 0.4 to 0.5 m3/day
per m 3 of digester volume. Gas required for cooking
6 people: 6 x 3 3 0 litres = 1.98 m3
5. Many people do not know how much gas is pro-
duced or how to measure gas production (details of how to One light for 3 hours:
do this are given in chapter XIV). They give a figure told 1 x 3 hours x 150 litres = .45 m3
to them by someone, which is often very inaccurate. 2.43 m3 per day
38 Updated guidebook on biogas development

In this case a standard 3 m 3 gas plant would be re- digester volume to produce the gas from cow dung would
commended. The volume of digester (slurry) = 3 m 3 x 2.8 be 1.5 x 2.8 = 4.2 m3 and assuming that 3.5 m3 of gas is
m 3 /m 3 gas per day = 8.4 m 3 . The farmer may not have produced from pig dung, the part of the digester volume to
enough dung so the residency time of the slurry in the produce the gas from pig dung would be 3.5 x 1.8 = 6.3
digester will have to be increased. m
In the cold months gas production will be less and the The volume of digester required would therefore be
fanner may be a bit short of gas. 10.5 m 3 .

A farmer should not depend on dung supplied by a In actual practice it is often easier not to change the
neighbour to run his gas plant. The neighbour may build digester (slurry) volume because frequent changes confuse
a plant himself and need all the dung himself! He might see the builders and also any savings do not amount to much.
the value of the dung and start selling it instead of giving it The larger volume should always be selected. In this
away. example 14 m3 would be used. Again in actual practice
most countries specialize in either pigs or cattle. Outside
Example 2. A farmer has: China it is not often that mixed dung is used. Mixed dung
works very well in gas plants and each type seems to help
26 pigs* producing (26 x 3) kg the other to produce more gas.
x 50 litres gas/kg = 3.9 m 3 per day
4 cows producing (4 x 10) kg
x 37 litre gas/kg = 1.5 m 3 per day Example 3.
5.4 m 3 gas per day A farmer has a family of 5 persons, he has 3 pigs and
a lot of crop waste. He wants to use the human, animal and
He has plenty of water.
crop waste in producing enough fuel for cooking and light-
He has to cook for his household of 5, which he ing and effluent for land. He would prefer a fixed dome
expects to increase to 7 in the foreseeable future. He wants type digester.
3 lights, one for 3 hours per day, one for 4 hours per day
The average gas need per capita is 0.3 m 3 per day,
and one for 2 hours per day.
hence 5 persons will need 5 x 0.3 = 1.5 m3 per day. This
Gas required: cooking for 7 (maximum number with
should be produced by the excreta of 5 persons, the dung
maximum efficiency)
of 3 pigs and a certain amount of plant waste.
7 x 300 litres = 2.10 m3 per day
(i) Amount of gas produced by 5 persons: assuming that
Total lighting hours
each person produces 1.3 kg per day of excreta, 5
(3 + 4 + 2) x 150 litres = 1.35 m 3 per day persons will produce 5 x 1 . 3 = 6.5 kg per day; assum-
3.45 m3 per day ing further that the gas produced per kg of human
excreta in the fixed dome digester is 24 litres, then 5
Standard sizes of plant available are 3 m3 or 5 m 3 /day persons will produce 6.5 x 24 = 156 litres per day.
If money is a problem, it would be better for him to (ii) Amount of gas produced by 3 pigs: assuming that each
accept the smaller size plant and use alternative fuel as pig produces 6 kg of dung per day, 3 pigs will produce
necessary. 6 x 3 = 18 kg of dung per day; assuming further that
the gas produced per kg of pig dung in the fixed dome
If he can afford it, he could have a 5 m3 per day plant. type digester is 34 litres, then 3 pigs will produce
He would then be assured of sufficient gas supplies even 1 8 x 3 4 = 612 litres per day.
during the winter months.
The total amount of gas produced daily from the
Assuming he decides to install a 5 m3 per day plant: waste of 5 persons and 3 pigs= 156 + 612 = 768 litres.
(i) The volume of the digester (slurry) required, if The amount of gas that should be produced daily
the plant was run on cow dung only, would be 5 x 2.8 = 14 by crop waste = 1,500 - 768 = 732 litres.
m 3 . (ii) The volume of the digester (slurry) required, if the
plant was run on pig dung only, would be 5 x 1.8 = 9 m 3 . (iii) Amount of crop waste needed to produce 732 litres of
(iii) If the plant was run on mixed dung, and assuming that biogas per day: we assume that 1 kg of crop waste
1.5 m3 of gas is produced from cow dung, the part of the produces 30 litres of gas in six months. The amount
of crop waste needed to produce 732 litres ^ ^ s 25
This number fluctuates between 20 and 30. • J
VII. Design, size and site selection 39

kg per day. As crop waste addition takes place every (c) It should be close to the place where effluent can
six months, partly because of its long fermentation be stored (e.g., compost pits) so that the effluent can flow
period, the total amount of crop waste which should into the storage pit without any handling;
be added every six months to generate 732 litres of
(d) It should be 10 to 15 metres from any shallow
gas/day = 25 x 180 = 4,500 kg. Assuming that the
wells — to prevent contamination;
digester will produce 0.15 m 3 of gas/day per m 3 of
digester volume (7), the volume of digester needed (e) It should be free from any intrusion of bamboo
or big tree roots, which may creep into the digester and
will be — j - = 10 m 3 . cause damage;

(f) It should be in the sun - to keep the plant warm.

If the digester is to be built in a tropical country,
This, however, is not essential. Some research indicates that
the gas produced per day per m 3 of digester volume
constant temperature (i.e., in the shade) gives better gas
may be as high as 0.3 m3 or even higher, hence a
production than fluctuating temperatures (i.e., in the sun);
smaller digester will suffice. The high temperature in
the tropical country will also speed up the fermenta- (g) It should be away from low areas that could be
tion process of crop waste, thus shortening its easily submerged by water and buffeted by cold prevailing
retention time. Accordingly, sludge removal and winds — to prevent heat loss;
addition of plant waste may take place three times a
year, or more often, instead of twice. (h) It should have suitable foundation conditions.

It is usually necessary to compost the plant waste Slurry should be put in irrigation water (in season)
for at least ten days before feeding it to the digester. using buckets and dried at other times in pits. Floors
Details on the way to do this are given in chapter XI. should be washed letting dung, urine and water flow to the
mixing pit. If a lot of water is used, then excess water
C. Site selection should be removed from the mixing pit and used to irrigate
maize and vegetables.
At every house where a gas plant is to be built a careful
selection of the best site for the plant must be made (see
In China (1), (14), the rule "three-in-one" has been
figure 30 and 31). The factors which influence the decision
widely adopted in the countryside. This means connecting
the digester, the pigsty and the toilet together at the
(a) It should be close to where the gas will be used - digester inlet (figure 32). This is convenient in feeding the
gas pipes are expensive; input materials and in cleaning toilet and pigsty, as human
and animal waste can flow by gravity into the digester.
(b) It should be close to the supply of input material Besides, the gas pipe can be taken a short way to the
(dung) - to save carrying it; rooms along the walls without supports.

o Well

No cold prevailing wind

I Cows I in any direction



Figure 30. Example 1, flat type

40 Updated guidebook on biogas development


Figure 31. Example 2, steep slope down towards north

Digester tank—
Digester tonk

Inlet Outlet —


Figure 32. Example 3, the rule of "three-in-one" (China)



Digesters and associated masonry work can be made (i) Lime concrete. This is one of the Chinese traditional
out of any of the usual building materials except unburnt building materials. It is composed by volume of one part
bricks and mud mortar, which are not satisfactory as both of lime, 3 parts sand and 6 parts of crushed stones or
of these deteriorate over time. Choice is normally a matter bricks. It should be well tamped layer by layer in building
of what is available at the lowest cost. the walls and the digester top (16).

(j) Lime clay. This is another traditional Chinese building

A. Materials needed
material. It has poor strength at an early stage, but becomes
(a) Bricks. They must be burnt. hard and strong gradually after a few chemical reactions.
Usually a mixture by weight of one part lime to 9 to 19
(b) Stones. They must be clean. Walls tend to be thicker parts clay is used. The optimum moisture content is 20
when stones are used and require more cement. to 24 per cent (16).
(c) Sand. It must be free from vegetable matter and mud, (k) Pre-cast concrete rings (figure 33). In some places
etc. To test for cleanliness, fill a bottle 1/3 with sand these are used for wells and are easily obtainable at a
and 2/3 with water; shake it. Allow to settle until the water reasonable cost. They are very suitable. Where they are of
is clear. This may mean leaving it overnight unless some salt large enough diameter and free from voids, joints should be
is added, which makes the impurities settle more quickly. cemented. If the rings are heavy, it may well be necessary
If the impurities (mud. etc.) form a layer more than 6 per to use lifting equipment to set them into position.
cent of the total height of the sand, the sand must be
washed. If this is not done, the mortar will be weak. If the
sand is very fine, it takes a higher cement to sand ratio to
give a similar strength to the mortar. Poor quality sand is
a common problem in certain areas and causes weak
masonry work, which only lasts a short time before

(d) Cement. Ordinary Portland cement is satisfactory.

Additives are not necessary. If it is stale, i.e., lumpy, then
a richer mortar mixture is necessary (cement is usually
sold in 50 kg bags = 0.04 m 3 ).
Concave-convex joint Lap joint
(e) Gravel, broken stones. These should be free from
vegetable matter and soil, etc.
Figure 33. Methods of joining precast concrete rings
(f) Cement mortar. The mortar should be the same
strength as the bricks or stones it binds together. The ratio (1) Pre-cast concrete sections. Those may be appropriate
of sand to cement depends on the quality of these mater- where concrete is not expensive and many similar plants
ials. Typical ratios are 1:9 for good quality cement and are required (making the forms can be expensive). It is
sand right down to 1:4 for poor quality cement and sand. unlikely to be economic for irregularly shaped plants such
The materials are normally measured in villages by volume. as taper or horizontal plants. Sections should be made of
such a size that they can be placed in position without
(g) Mud mortar. This is not recommended for general use. lifting equipment. Sections are usually bolted together.
However, when stone walls are used, these tend to be wide Joints should be cemented to close any gaps.
and use a lot of mortar. Using cement mortar for at least
150-250 mm (6-9 in) from the inside face of the digester (m) Ferrocement. Ferrocement is a composite material
wall and mud mortar from there outwards could be tried. consisting of thin wire mesh impregnated with rich cement
mortars. In other words, it is a reinforced mortar, but
(h) Concrete. Occasionally this is one of the cheapest unlike reinforced concrete it has high resistance to cracking.
methods of construction and it works well provided it is It seems to have excellent possibilities and should be
compacted to eliminate air pockets (5 per cent air voids cheaper as fewer building materials are needed and a
in concrete = 50 per cent less in strength). A typical mix- smaller hole needs to be dug, but it has not been tried in
ture of cement, sand and gravel would be 1:3:6. many countries.
42 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(n) Additives for increasing water impermeability. Some Normally digester walls rise not more than 30-35 cm
people use these in cement but they are not generally (12-14 in) above ground level (figure 36). In certain cases
needed. it is necessary to build more than this above ground level
and this can be done within reason. A big disadvantage is
B. Digester with floating gas holder that the dung and water have to be lifted up to be put into
a plant built above ground level.
(a) Floors. Common materials are concrete and masonry.
Concrete should only be used where it is cheaper or where
the ground condition is very bad, thus making it essential.
Usually it is much cheaper and simpler to use masonry
materials. If the bottom of the hole for the gas plant is G I pipe (ths pipa should bt
ytrtlcol ond could b» W»f4
muddy or soft sand, a layer of broken bricks or stones must
be pounded in until the ground is firm. The floor should be
reasonably level. Bricks for the floor, including wall Mtosurlng orm mod* from
6 mm 4 tod ««ld«d Oft 20mm
Digeitft pit *a t o c M t ( notchtt mork r»ducsd
brick? laid on fact -Two row* of bflekt dlometar for got dsflector Uog«)
inutual . O | ttt on thtlr *l4t*

Floor-full or 1/2 brick*

N_6_ All loy.r, of ttt on iK«ir lidcitagood
digctttr wollbrtckj plOCftO HI* Up bfOktft Bockfllllng wtli romfntdot ptacs
arc laid m simitar 1/2 Drkks)
way It ii not
neccttcfy to lay
brick* crotswne One row of bricks
o« their aid**

Figure 35. Construction of side walls under ground level

3 mm rfwrs tightened round rh« outsids

oftntprlcksontvtry sscund brick.
Wirt should b» ploctd ol the csntr*
th« bricks.
Soil or sond minimum I m
thick at l»v«l of gat
dtf lector tsdgr Th» toll
•hould b* w*ll rammed
and spongy toll should
J>« avoldtd.

Figure 36. Construction of side walls above ground level

Figure 34. Construction of digester floor
(c) Partition walls. These are commonly used in larger
foundations, are set on their edge (not on their face). This plants producing more than 3 m 3 (100 cu ft) gas per day.
method gives sufficient strength, except in the case of in- The theory is that they control the flow of the slurry. This
stallations built above ground level, because the weight of theory is being challenged by another theory that all the
the walls is not significantly greater than the weight of the contents, new and old slurry, should be mixed together. So
soil removed. The bricks are laid out as illustrated in figure far, insufficient proof has been given and the traditional
34. This method spreads the load of the walls over a greater method is commonly used. The wall only controls the
area to give added strength. flow of the slurry and requires no structural strength. A
half brick wall (5 to 7 cm) is adequate. It is built up to
(b) Side walls. Where concrete is used, a square or rec- the level of the top surface of the deflector ledge.
tangular design will probably be cheapest. However, for
bricks or stone work it is best to use a circular design as this (d) Deflector ledge. This is essential if water sealing is not
requires less materials, is stronger and quicker to construct, provided. It deflects gas forming on the sides of the plant
using the gauge illustrated in figure 35 than a square design. into the gas holder. Failure to provide this can mean a 10
per cent gas loss and much more in the case of the horizon-
It is essential to backfill between the walls and the tal or taper-type design (plants with water seal do not need
sides of the holes after every 30 cm (one foot) has been it). The ledge is made to protrude about 100 mm (4 in)
added to the walls. Sand is best. Otherwise, use dug-out inside the gas holder circumference. If concrete rings or
material. Ram it into place thoroughly with a piece of concrete sections are used, then thought must be given
wood and add water to help compact the soil. The digester how to fit a ledge. One way is to put a series of pegs into
walls are not retainer walls and must have a firm support. the sides and tie two rod rings onto these. Chicken wire is
Failure to do this job properly is a major reason for gas attached to this and then plastered (figure 37). An alter-
plant walls breaking. native is to lay bricks on the rod rings and then plaster.
VIII. Construction of digester 43

- Cflrp«nt. but insufficient time has been allowed for the old slurry
Concrete dlg*9t«r wall to flow out and there is a thick scum on the surface - an
extremely unlikely set of circumstances. This feature is
Chlcttan wlr* and cament platter
important because when a flexible gas or hooked underside
Soil , gas pipe is used, if any slurry enters the pipe, it can block
mm 4 steal rod rings
the flow of gas and be quite difficult to remove. (This is
12 mm 4 steel rod rings not a problem when a centre guide gas pipe is used.) The
level is not lower as for most of the time it would be
impossible to extract all the gas from the gas holder as
Figure 37. Construction of deflector ledge into the slurry level would be too low.
digester concrete wall (e) Centre guide. This must be vertical, otherwise the
gas holder may not move up and down freely. A gap of
This structure is not designed to take any load. There-
50 mm (2 in) is normal between the gas holder and the
fore the gas holder should be made to rest on the supports
walls (figure 39).
for the central guide or alternatively the number of pegs
driven into the sides to support the steel rings should be -Measuring rod
Length • rod Jut
doubled. of got holder*
90 lotn- radlu*
of centre guide

The deflector ledge should be level on its top surface.

It can then be used as a convenient datum for measuring.
The following dimensions apply to all sizes of plant (figure
38). r*
From* to support .
c*ntr« gulda

Figure 39. Construction of centre guide

( 0 Inlet (or mixing) tank. It is usual to mix the dung

and water in this tank. It is most convenient if it is designed
to hold the correct amount of daily slurry, plus a margin
of about 100-150 mm (4-6 in) in the height to prevent
the slurry being spilt when it is being mixed. There must
be no obstruction from any side wall of the mixing pit
Figure 38. Digester height relative to deflector ledge which would prevent a pole being pushed down the inlet
pipe to clear any blockages.
(i) From the ledge top surface to the top of the The floor should have a distinct slope away from the
digester pit walls: this is normally the height of the inlet pipe (figure 40). A hole and plug need to be fitted at
sides of the gas holder plus 50-150 mm (2-6 in); the lowest point. This is to collect any gravel, sand or earth
(ii) From the ledge top surface to the mouth of the
inlet pipe: the height of the sides of the gas holder
plus 150-300 mm (6-12 in);
(iii) From the ledge top surface to the mouth of the
outlet pipe: the height of the sides of the gas holder 4 0 to 50 mm hole
fitted with wooden plug
minus 50-80 mm (2-3 in).
When the slurry enters the plant daily, the level of the
slurry in the digester rises. It lowers slowly as the effluent
comes out of the plant. With this design, the only time
the slurry can possibly touch the roof is when the gas
holder is completely empty and fresh slurry has been fed in, Figure 40. Construction of inlet (mixing) pit
44 Updated guidebook on biogas development

and prevent it entering the gas plant. It also facilitates the to the bottom of the notch equals the height of the gas
washing out of the inlet tank as no extra water should holder minus 50 to 75 mm (2-3 in). The notch is not less
enter the digester. A removable sieve can be fitted to the than 150 mm (6 in) wide as slurry tends to dry and effec-
inlet to prevent lumps of dung going into the plant. When tively reduce the width of the notch.
the slurry is being mixed, a plug (e.g., a stone wrapped in a
bag) must be fitted over the inlet pipe. The inlet tank Pipe outlets usually have some bricks around the
should not be built on backfilled ground as this may sink in mouth to prevent accidental damage or breakage of the
time and break the inlet pipe. pipe.

(g) Inlet/outlet pipes. From experience 100 mm (4 in)

diameter is the best size for inlet/outlet pipes, regardless of
the plant size. Pipes smaller than that tend to have frequent
blockages. Larger sizes add unnecessary expense. Any
low-cost pipe can be used, e.g., asbestos, cement, concrete,
burnt clay pipes. It is essential that there are no bends in
the pipes as these cause blockages. This is a common cause
of plant failure. This point cannot be stressed too much.

The lower end of the inlet is placed in about the centre

of the compartment. This position is not vital, but what is
important is that the fresh slurry moves all the old slurry
from the bottom and dead patches of unmoving slurry are
not allowed to form. Figure 42. Slurry-mixing machine
The mouth of the pipe is set about 300-350 mm (12-14
in) above the floor of the digester (figure 41). This facilit-
ates any rodding (clearing blockages) of the inlet pipe and Ltvfl with
c«ntr* lint of baour _.
also provides some volume in case stones, sand, etc. get
inside the plant and collect over a period of years. The
lower end of the outlet pipe (if used) is constructed in a
similar way. The only difference is that the mouth of the
pipe is set about 250-300 mm (10-12 in) above the floor as '•—- Anglf iron Uor bruiklnQ uptlurry)

it is not so likely that stones, sand, etc. will come down

this pipe. Figure 43. Setting of the beater
Both notch and pipe outlets usually have a channel
running from them to compost pits or slurry-collecting
Inlet pipe

(i) Mixing machine. This is usually only justified for

larger plants of 10 m 3 (350 cu ft) per day and more. The
mixing machine (figure 42) is normally designed so that it
holds all, 1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 of the daily input filled up to the
Dlgester wall level of the top of the slope beside the beater. Too much
or too little slurry will make the machine difficult to
operate well. If the radius at the front of the beater is not
correctly adjusted, then the slurry in the machine will not
circulate easily.

A piece of wood should be attached to one blade

protruding 25 mm (1 in) and used as a measure (figure 43).
—Support pillar
Covers are usually fitted over the beater to avoid splashing.
Figure 41. Inlet/outlet pipes For the collection and removal of gravel, sand, etc., a
channel can be made in the floor near the inlet pipe to the
(h) Outlet. In small plants where no centre dividing digester (the lowest point). This is run to the wall. In the
(partition) wall is used, a notch in the top of the digester wall a hole 40 to 50 mm diameter is made and a wooden
wall forms the outlet. The height from the deflector ledge plug fitted.

Annex V

L.v.llad /&' ^ *— \ I 5 O own appro*.

ln|«T —-

Layer of about 70 mm of
compacted backfill

Figure 93. General arrangement of cylindrical type

(a) The Development and Consulting Services (DCS) plants*

m3 The drawings attached include the following designs:

5 3000 mm 1500 mm (i) Digester for 2.8 m 3 gas per day straight type plant
10 3700 mm 1850 mm (figure 100)
30 5400 mm 2700 mm
(ii) Digester for 5.7 m 3 gas per day straight type plant
(figure 101)
Material: Hypalon-Neoprene coated fabric (Nylon)
0.55 ± 0.05 thick. (iii) Digester for 10 m3 gas per day straight type plant
(figure 101)
Other sizes: 15 m 3 (cylindrical)
50 m 3 (rectangular block) (iv) Digester for 10 m 3 gas per day taper type plant
100 m 3 (rectangular block) (figure 102)
The size of all bag digesters listed is the total volume of (v) Gas holder for 2.8 and 5.7 m 3 gas per day plant
the digester, including gas storage chamber. (It is not the (figure 103)
gas production per day - see chapter VII for expected gas
production depending on type of input) (vi) Gas holder for 10 m 3 gas per day plant (figure
Annex VI
*These designs were provided by the Development and Con-
The designs included in this annex are of two types. sulting Services, Butwal, Nepal.
Annex 111

600 600

80l fa -Lifting hondlct-

Ga> t u b *

\1 i ISO

Manhole cover Displacement tank cover

Opening of displacement tank

Opening for manhole cover

I Covers are made of # 1 5 0 concrete or slabs

2. Gas tubes are of steel, plastic or bamboo
about 25 mm inside 6, 500 mm long
3. Inlet pipes and their connections are made of concrtte

Not to scale

Dimensions in mm

Figure 98. Details of manhole and displacement tank covers

VIII. Construction of digester 45

(j) Water seal. This has to be made accurately so that the material which will not puncture the bag (figure 44). The
gas holder does not rub on the masonry work. It should trench is then lined with ordinary plastic sheets for extra
not be wider than necessary, otherwise more water will protection.
evaporate. It must be well plastered on the inside to prevent
water leaks. Any cement which falls down during plastering The trench should be made a bit too long so that the
must be removed. inlet and outlet pipes can be put in place. It can be filled
in after the bag is inflated and the right shape. Before
(k) Compost pits or slurry-collecting tanks. These can be installing the digester, seal the inlet and outlet pipes
dug in the ground or lined with masonry. The latter (basket-ball bladders work well) and close the gas pipe tap.
prevents weeds growing into the compost but is not Inflate the bag (use motorized knapsack sprayer air pump)
essential. For the sake of safety it is suggested that compost and check for leaks. A special repair kit must be bought
pits are not more than 80 cm (2 ft 8 in) deep. The volume from the bag manufacturers. Having repaired any leaks,
should be sufficient to receive the amount of slurry put in install the bag in the trench and backfill carefully around
per day multiplied by the number of days between empty- the inlet and outlet pipes using fine backfill.
ing pits. The slurry volume will reduce as water evaporates
and this can accommodate any compost materials (e.g., D. Fixed-dome type digester
animal bedding) which may be added.
This is usually an underground, circular, small and
If the masonry work has been done well then there is shallow digester.
no need to plaster the inside of the digester. Some people
do "paint" the inside of the digester with a cement/water The advantages of placing the digester underground
wash. (If a thick plaster is used, this will significantly are:
reduce the volume of the digester.) The slurry level will (i) Saving of farmland;
always be higher than ground water level: therefore, any
water movement will be from the digester outwards. The (ii) Making use of earth formwork in construction;
solid matter in the slurry will seal any very small holes (not
large ones). It is quite common to put a thin plaster on the (iii) Providing better thermal insulation, thus avoid-
exposed masonry work. This is only for decorative pur- ing the cracking of digester tank walls, which may
poses. occur in view of uneven temperature and moisture
C. Flexible bag type digester
(iv) Facilitating the connection of the pigsty and
Although these digesters come as complete units, they toilet to the digester inlet.
must be installed properly. A fiat site is needed. Half of the
cylindrical bag digester is set in the ground (figure 13) and On the other hand, underground digesters need more
excavation work and present some difficulties in high
needs to be protected with 7.5 cm (3 in) of selected fine
water-table areas.

End of template
on levelled surface

i) Template for excavation


Layer of compacted
fine bocKfill frte of
any sharp stones trc

ii) Cross-section of the excovoflon

Figure 44. Excavation of a trench for flexible Plate 1

bag type digester Marking the site for the digester (Chinese fixed-dome)
46 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(i) If the soil is formed of clay, which expands and

contracts easily as the moisture content of the soil
increases and decreases, the following actions should
be taken:
a. Construction work can be promoted;
b. No disturbance to the primitive soil should be
c. Precautions against excess or loss of water should
be taken;
d. Special attention should be paid to the drainage
of surface water.
(ii) If the digester has to be built on two different
kinds of adjacent soils, e.g., partly on rock and partly
Plate 2 on another kind of soft soil, the following actions
The digester pit. Inlet (1) and outlet (2) are also seen should be taken to prevent possible cracks of the
digester due to uneven settlement:

a. A uniform kind of soil under the digester should

be provided;
b. If this is not possible, a portion of the soft stratum
should be removed and lime, concrete and rubble
inserted in its place;
c. A part of the rock may be cut and medium and
coarse sand, cinders, clay or clay with gravel may
be laid as a mattress of about 30 to 50 cm thick
under the entire tank of the digester.
(iii) If the water-table is high, the following actions
should be taken:
a. An attempt should be made to build the digester
Plate 3 in the low water season;
Laying the bricks to raise the digester wall b. A trench should be dug around the digester to
collect the water, which should be pumped out
The main advantage of having a circular digester is the occasionally;
uniformity of stress on the cylindrical shells (forming
the walls) and spherical shells (forming the top and the c. The ground water should be diverted to other
bottom). places if possible (e.g., to well points);

The small digester (6, 8, 10 and 12 m 3 ) is suitable for d. The thickness of the backfilling over the digester
families of 3 to 7 persons with a relatively small gas con- tank should be increased to counteract the
sumption (0.2 to 0.3 m 3 per capita per day). Finally, the buoyancy force, which tries to lift the digester.
shallow digester needs less excavation work and is ad-
(b) Construction technique of brick digesters
vantageous in high water-table areas. Besides, experiments
. have shown (16) that more gas is produced from the same The bottom is usually constructed of concrete but the
volume of digester the larger the surface area of the walls and dome are constructed of bricks.
fermented slurry and the lower the pressure above its
surface. (i) Lay-out

(a) Pre-construction actions a. Draw a circle, e.g., with lime powder, of diameter
D = external diameter of digester + twice the
The soil should be well examined first and the follow- thickness of the backfilling, which is 15 to 20 cm
ing measures and precautions considered: thick;
VIII. Construction of digester 47

b. Determine the centre of the digester, e.g., by c. A bed of pebbles of 15 to 20 cm in thickness

placing wooden stakes in the ground at one metre should then be laid and tightly packed;
distant from the circle (figure 45). The centre of
the digester is the intersection of these diagonal d. The concrete may then be poured, plastered and
lines. rammed.
(iv) Wall construction
(ii) Excavation work
a. Locate the centre line using a central pole
An over-all excavation is made. The pit should be (figure 46);
round and the walls straight and vertical. No
b. Fix a movable arm-gauge to assist in the con-
explosives should be used in the excavation work.
struction of the walls (figure 47);
String of fixed length

Wooden pole i-

Plumb bob

Wooden pole

Plate 5
Figure 45. Laying out digester tank
The finished digester wall

Plate 4 Plate 6
Adjustment of outlet pipe Starting the construction of dome. The first rows
of bricks being placed on the slant
(iii) Bottom construction
a. The bottom should be shaped according to the
dimensions given in the drawings; c. When the bottom has attained a certain strength,
start constructing the walls after soaking the
b. The earth should be well rammed; bricks in water;
48 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Pulling rope Pulling rope

Wooden pole* •} Wooden pole




Figure 47. Construction of the walls using a

Figure 46. Fixing the centre line of the digester movable arm-gauge

Plate 7 Plate 9
Dome construction in progress Sealing of the dome from outside with coment and sand mix
d. The horizontal bricks should be laid flat, and the
vertical ones straight with a full application of

e. The mortar lines should be properly cleaned on

both sides of the wall;

f. The wall should be sprinkled with water for

(v) Back filling
a. The water content in the earth used for back-
filling should be in the range of 20 to 25 per

Plate 8 b. Broken bricks and tiles, pebbles or gravel should

Wetting of bricks be added to form 30 per cent of the total
VIII. Construction of digester 49

volume. If clay is used for backfilling, its density ~Ston« blocks with mortar or
concrttt with cobbU ttont*
should not be less than 1,800 kg/m 3 ;
c. The backfilling should be tamped evenly and
symmetrically each time a layer of about 15 cm
Natural toil
is added;

d. The construction and the backfilling work of the

inlet and outlet should be carried out at the same Backfill
time (and at the same elevation) as the construc-
tion of the digester tank.
(vi) The construction of the dome support Figure 48. Construction of the dome support
a. The ring beam (figure 48) should be poured and
String goug« for MttinQ
tamped in sections using two pieces of wooden tht rodiu* of cwvatvrt
arch boards placed and held normally at both
sides of the wall for pouring the low-flow-ability -Circular CMcrtt* b*om

b. Stone blocks with mortar (or cobble concrete) Backfill

should be placed between the ring beam and the
primitive soil to transmit the thrust uniformly
to the primitive soil;

c. If reinforced concrete is used in the construction -B«d of • o p i b b U i

of the ring beam, there will be no need to con- Figure 49. The mouldless arch method of
struct the cobble concrete. constructing the dome
(vii) Construction of the dome
The mouldless arch method is described here
5 - mop.d clip
(figure 49).

a. Bricks of regular shapes should be chosen, soaked

in water and kept wet on the inside but dry on
the outside, thus capable of absorbing more

b. Masonry mortar with good bonding properties

Dlgttttr vott
should be used. For example, cement, lime and
sand could be mixed in the ratio 1:1:4 respec-
tively (7);
Figure 50. The use of an S-shaped clip for
c. Bricks must be laid in interlacing courses with holding the bricks
sufficient mortar;

d. A string gauge should be set with the radius of g. When 3 or 4 brick courses are laid, backfilling
curvature to help fixing the bricks; should follow to facilitate the work later and to
increase the stability of the shell structure;
e. When laying the bricks a wooden pole (figure 49)
or an S-shaped clip (figure 50) may be used to h. Bricks cut in halves should be used for the course
keep the bricks in their positions. It is also next to the central opening of the dome (man-
possible just to hold them by hand; hole).
f. When each circle of bricks is laid flat, pebbles (viii) Plastering the internal surfaces
should be pressed into the gaps between the
bricks. This gives the dome the form of a round All the interior of the digester tank, outlet, inlet and
shell and achieves a certain integral strength; the movable cover should have a layer of sealing coat.
50 Updated guidebook on biogas development

also 5 mm. It should be pressed and smoothed

twice with a towel. The surface must be flat and
smooth with no protruding grains of sand;

e. Surface coating: an amount of iron oxide

(Fe O 3 ) equal to 0.7 to 1 per cent weight of the
cement should be added to the mortar. Then the
whole surface should be brushed two or three
times with the mixture.
(c) Construction technique of concrete digesters

This method is suitable for concrete, lime concrete or

lime clay digesters. It has the following advantages over the
previous method:

Plate 10. (i) The strength of the materials can be used to a

greater extent;
The completed dome, yet to be plastered
(ii) Sealing is better;

(iii) The walls have better adhesion with the primitive

soil, thus a.lot of backfilling work is saved.
These are the main steps in constructing a concrete
(i) A ring of trench as shown in figure 51 has to be
excavated and well rammed.
(ii) A thin layer of coal ash or fine sand should be
sprinkled on all the surfaces.

(iii) The wall has first to be poured and well rammed;

then the dome has to be cast.
(iv) For large digesters the earth formwork may be
Plate 11. reinforced using timber rods or bamboo mat (figure
52) before the dome is cast. This is done by digging a
The dome covered with backfill cavity half the diameter of the digester tank.

a. Base coating: all bits of hose concrete and mortar

should be removed and the surface should be
cleaned with water, then brushed with a layer of
cement and lime in the ratio of 5:1;
b. Plastering of the bottom layer: a layer of cement,
lime and sand in the proportion of 5:1:15 of 5
mm thickness should be plastered, then pressed
Figure 5 1 . Excavation work of a ring of trench
hard with a towel after 2 to 3 hours (when it is
still half-dry);
(v) A backfilling of at least 30 cm is tamped, the
c. Plastering of the middle layer: the same steps mat is laid over it, then a layer of fine sand of 1 to 3
(plastering the bottom layer) should be repeated mm may be added to act as a parting agent.
once more to form the middle layer;
(vi) When the strength of the dome develops to a
d. Plastering of the surface layer: the cement, lime certain extent, the core earth may be removed through
and sand in this layer should have the proportion the manhole, starting from the top downwards. The
of 5:2:15. The thickness of the layer should be removed earth can be used as formwork on the dome.
VIII. Construction of digester 51

- 3 mm ttikfc parting ogvni of fm« »ond

•omp»d bocMUingJOO mm ot tiast In thlc
(vii) If the soil at the bottom is found to be rather
lamboo mot solid, it may suffice to ram it well. However, if it is

Darn* radiut. arth form NOrkondrrififns*rd*ct
a t dttlgn«d
.Ground t > v l
loose and soft, then it should be tamped with concrete,
lime concrete or lime clay.

Th» width Vd«p«ntf« (viii) It is preferable to excavate the bottom in the

On •oUcoAdrtlon.uiuoly
order indicated in figure 53 and to place bricks under
the wall to balance and support the wall.

Steontf txcovotiori
(th« portion untacavotfd at firtt
Snap but dug hitt bvfort pouring Blaring blocks
of bottom)

Figure 52. Casting of digester dome

Figure S3. Excavation of bottom according to numbers

(ix) The bottom is then poured.

(x) The plastering technique described above for the
brick digester may be applied here too.
(d) Construction technique of cast-in-place and precast
This method is used for either a precast or a cast-in-
place digester, using low grade concrete or concrete made
Plate 12 of clinker-free cement. The method of over-all excavation
is applied. The bottom is laid first, then the wall is built
Inside view of the digester which will be given
next and finally the dome is cast. It is preferable to cast the
wetting, and thereafter sealed
bottom and top and to use precast walls.

(i) The lay-out, excavation and bottom construc-

tion are the same as in the brick digester.
(ii) Precast concrete slabs, stone slabs or masonry
slabs may be used to construct the wall. The slabs
should be fitted firmly into place so that they cannot
move at all.

(iii) Each ring of slabs should be completed to the

right measurements before beginning the next ring.
(iv) A space should be left at the sides and bottom of
each slab and filled with suitable mortar (e.g., 1
cement: 1 lime: 4 sand for concrete or brick slabs and
1 lime: 2 sand for stone slabs).
(v) If the wall too is to be cast-in-place, then an
outer mould should be used to work the primitive soil
Plate 13 to form. As an inner mould, either a brick-laying or a
Cement coating of the digester from inside wooden arch mould may be used.
52 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(vi) The dome is cast on backfilling earth formwork,

which rests on an umbrella-shaped support made of
bamboo or wood (figure 54).
(vii) The casting of the dome should be done conti-
nually layer by layer and in strips, according to the
order given in figure 55 to facilitate pouring work.
(viii) The plastering technique described above for the
brick digester may be applied here too.

1-3 mm porting oQtnt of flmtond

Tomptd backfill 300 mm ot l«o«tlnthlckn«i
lamboo 'bronenet) mat
Moln support Otsmtmttrs r«ttin90Atfiwi for Figure 56. Improved design of the fixed dome digester.
convtnlanct of rsmovol)
Ground !•«•! (Notice the modification in inlet pipe design to minimize
gas escape through inlet and the increase in volume of
displacement tank.)
ISO mm backfill

Vertical central pole

Rope to act os measure

Rope to give for floor radius
Stolon A-A side wall radius
•upport | rtotn «ood
f o r bamboo
f— C r o n m i m b t r i j

Boot.Ming C«ntr« tiid togtttitr

with wlr*t
Figure 57. Central pole used in excavation work
Masonry wall Sho« In wgfl
for fixed dome type digester

Figure 54. Overall excavation with cast dome

on timber (bamboo) support (e) Other construction details
(i) Inlet

It should be straight to feed without clogging.

It may lead approximately to the middle of the diges-
ter; i.e., the opening at the lower end is about halfway
down the digester wall so that a certain degree of
stirring can be achieved, e.g., by a bamboo stick when
the digester is filled (figure 56). Normally, no mixing
pit is used and the inlet pipe is about 250 mm in

(ii) Outlet pipe

This type of plant usually has human faeces put

into it. As pathogens and parasites in faeces are known
to stay in the lower third of the digester and die in
time, the outlet pipe is about half way down the
digester wall. It is usually 200 mm in diameter. The
place connecting the pipe to the digester tank should
Figure 55. Casting of dome according to numbers be strengthened with concrete or cement plaster.
VIII. Construction of digester 53


Clay paste on a sheet-

of plastic or popar to
ensure airtightness

(i) Flanged cover (ii) Conical cover

Figure 58. Construction of manhole cover

(iii) Displacement tank and minimize stress concentration, although it can also
be flat. A central pole is usually erected at the very
This can be made of the same material as the
centre of the digester tank to control its curvature
digester. Its volume is about half the volume of the gas
with a string gauge as radius (figure 57).
produced per day. A lid is fitted for safety to prevent
evaporation or rain water getting in. (v) Manhole cover
This usually of conical or flange type and is made
(iv) Digester bottom of concrete or lime clay. It should be well sealed to
The floor is usually curved to avoid sharp corners ensure airtightness (figure 58).


A. Gas holder life expectancy of about 5 years. If properly painted and

maintained it, like mild steel, should give many years of
The volume of the gas holder depends on how much good service.
gas must be stored before it is used. For family cooking
and lighting use, a figure of 60 per cent of the rated daily (c) Ferrocement and bamboocement. This is a relatively
gas production is commonly used. It should always be new technology.
remembered that in the fixed dome digester the slurry
should never occupy more than 75-80 per cent of the
volume of the digester tank. The rest should be kept Ferrocement is a composite material consisting of
for the gas. thin wire mesh impregnated with rich cement mortar.
In other words, it is a reinforced mortar, but unlike
1. Materials for construction of the gas holder
reinforced concrete it has a high resistance to cracking.
Ferrocement can be cast into sections as thin as 1 cm
The principal materials for construction of the gas and is therefore suitable for precast products because
holder are: of the resulting low weight of the components. Ferro-
cement gas holders are cheaper than mild steel gas holders
(a) Mild steel. In most countries this is the material which of the same capacity, have lower thermal conductivity
costs least. Its disadvantage is that it rusts, especially on and a high resistance to corrosion, and they can be fabric-
the outside, where it dtps in and out of the slurry. Gas ated in the rural areas using local moderate-skill labour. For
holders must be tested for leaks, before the joints are manufacturing ferrocement gas holders on a large scale,
painted, by filling them with water. process equipment (10) can be used for casting ferrocement
cylindrical units. In this case better control of the thickness
Usually it is only possible to wirebrush or sandpaper and a higher degree of compactness may be achieved.
the steel to remove rust prior to painting. Preferably the
steel should be sand- or grit-blasted to remove all rust
and millseals (the dark blue or black colour) on the steel In bamboocement gas holders the wire mesh is re-
prior to painting. If this is done properly, the life of the placed by bamboo mesh, which is cheaper, lighter and
paint will be about three times more than the life of the usually more available in rural areas. Suitable coatings
same paint applied on wirebrushed steel. should be applied to the inside and outside surfaces of
both ferro- and bamboocement gas holders to improve
The best paints seem to be: their impermeability to gas. It has been reported from
India (10) that bituminous surface coatings have given
Low cost: Red oxide primer (1 coat) followed by
satisfactory results. Ferro- and bamboocement gas holders
normal paint (2 coats);
should be tested for leakage before they are used and
Medium cost: Anti-saline primer (1 coat) followed by occasionally during their operation. How to do this is
high-build black bitumen (2 coats); explained in chapter IX.

High cost: Epoxy primer (1 coat) followed by epoxy

paint (2 coats). This paint should only be used Where there are existing ferrocement skills, this type of
on sand- or grit-blasted steel. gas holder can be tried. Otherwise it is wise to learn the
art first of all on items where wall thickness, weight and
Mild steel is often used for gas holders. Its life would porosity are less important, e.g., water tanks.
be extended greatly if people would only paint it regularly
or whenever rust appears. (d) Plastic. Many common plastics, e.g., polyethelene,
HDPE and PVC are badly damaged by the ultraviolet rays
(b) Galvanized iron (G.I.). This is a low-cost material in
some countries. of sunlight. Various organizations have tried these materials
without success. Even 3 mm black PVC, which is supposed
Joints should be soldered as mastic dries out and the to be the best of the three types listed above, lasted less
gas leaks. Paint does not easily stick to new galvanized than one year before it cracked and leaked. These plastics
iron, unless it is pretreated with a special preparation are not recommended when they are exposed to the sun.
obtainable from large paint firms. If not painted it has a Plastics are also expensive.
IX. Gas holder and gas pipe 55

2. Pressure of gas in gas holder If weights totalling 54 kg are added to the gas holder,
then the gas pressure will be 85 mm water gauge.
To force the gas through the gas pipe and out of the
gas appliance pressure is required in the gas holder. 3. Gas holder support
Normally a pressure of 75 to 90 mm (3-3.5 in) water gauge
is needed. This pressure is provided by the weight of the gas Where an internal or external (overhead) centre guide
holder pressing on the area it covers. is used, the length of the guide is normally 1.5 times the
height of the gas holder.
Sometimes the gas holder is too light and weights need
to be added to it to give the correct pressure. For gas plant sizes up to 5 m 3 (175 cu ft) daily gas
production, it is usual to use a standard 50 mm (2 in)
The method of measuring gas pressure is given in galvanized iron (G.I.) or black pipe. A standard 75 mm
chapter XII. When a new gas holder is designed, the pres- (3 in) galvanized iron or black pipe is fitted inside the
sure it will give should be calculated before manufacture. gas holder. For a 10 m 3 (350 cu ft) size plant the pipe
In the fixed dome digester this is not necessary as the sizes are 75 mm (3 in) and 100 mm (4 in). It is important
pressure of the gas varies normally up to 400 or 500 mm that the difference in size is not less than 25 mm (1 in),
water gauge. otherwise the dung dries up in the narrow gap and prevents
the free movement of the gas holder.
Example: To calculate the gas pressure given by a floating
gas holder 2.5 m in diameter.
Guldt support plpt
The weight of the gas holder must be known. Usually Socut oaUM on (rappto not u<«S
it is not practical to weigh it. The weight can be quite in COM Intarnol thraods git «omog«d
during nondllng)
accurately worked out by listing all the materials used.
Standard engineering handbooks will give the weight per
I—G. I. plptjtnlt conmovt vpor
unit area or length. fawn to glv* tht corrtct itopo
totht pips)

Slop* I IOO Section B-B
Assuming that the weight is 363 kg.

Pressure = kg/cm2 B B

area 2
d Figure 59. Details of gas holder support

When the recommended centre guide system for gas

The pressure in mm water gauge is removal is used, it is usual to make the pipe fitted to the
gas holder 50 mm (2 in) longer than the height of the
1 kg/cm2 = 10,000 mm water gauge
support. The method of attaching the gas pipe to the
363 x 10,000 gas holder support is illustrated in figure 59.
pressure =
The slope for the roof of the gas holder should be
^ x 250x250 1:12.
= 74 mm water gauge. B. Gas pipe and its accessories
This pressure is a bit on the low side. A pressure of 85 Biogas contains moisture, which condenses and must
mm water gauge would be better. What weight should be be drained from the pipes. This can be moved to give the
added to the gas holder to increase the gas pressure to 85 correct slope to the gas pipe, especially the pipes nearest
mm water gauge? The increase in pressure required is 85 — the gas plant. The pipes must slope towards a drain. The
74 = 11 mm water gauge. recommended slope is 1:100. Failure to see that this is so
weight is a common fault. Where fixed dome gas holders are used
Pressure = the gas pressure may go up to 1,000 mm (about 40 in)
area water gauge. For this type of plant the gas piping must be
therefore weight = area x pressure of a high standard to avoid any leaks.
11 1. Type of gas pipe
4 * 10,000
(a) Plastic pipe. This must be laid deeply and properly in
= 54 kg. sand, otherwise rodents (e.g., rats and porcupines) eat it or
56 Updated guidebook on biogas development

it can be cut during agricultural operations or damaged by

heavy vehicles passing over it. Care must be taken, especial-
ly with small pipes, that the pipe is laid flat in the ground
and not in waves because water collects in each hollow
causing serious blockage problems. If the pipe is above
ground there is the danger, unless it is protected, of damage
from the ultraviolet rays of the sun, which causes cracks,
and of mechanical damage, e.g., being hit. Care must be i) Full way valve ii) Main got top iii) Go* cock to «ult rubbir tube
taken that the pipe does not sag between supports.
Figure 60. Types of gas taps
(b) Galvanized iron pipes. They are commonly used, al-
though they are a little more expensive than the best best solution is a proper 1 /4 turn main gas valve. They are
quality plastic pipes. They can rust badly if the soil is usually cheaper. Gas taps should have a spring to hold them
very acid and they are not protected with paint or tar. together as this automatically takes up any wear, whereas
Joints must be covered carefully with jute fibre and still a nut does not.
paint or other jointing compound. If some red lead powder
is added to the jointing material it will turn black if there is Brass used for taps must not contain any lead as the
a leak. This is helpful when looking for leaks but is not hydrogen sulphide in the gas attacks the lead and quickly
essential. destroys the tap.

(c) Flexible pipe joining gas holder to main gas pipe (if Stiff taps can be oiled, by pulling the gas tap handle
used). This is commonly the most troublesome main- against the spring and pouring lubricating oil around the
tenance problem in connection with floating gas holders. handle and into the hole. Then pressure should be applied
Where available, 5 ply rubber hose should be used. on the handle, then released, and the tap should be turned
on and off a few times. This may be repeated as necessary
Commonly available black plastic water pipe is hope- until the tap turns easily. Lubricating oil is best. Animal fat,
less as it readily cracks or breaks when the gas holder is including butter, can be used. Vegetable oils (e.g., mustard
turned daily for mixing the slurry. It is also difficult to seed, linseed, sunflower seed) should not be used. They
make a joint gas-tight with the steel pipe. (Normally it has become sticky in time and make things worse rather than
to be heated until it becomes soft.) Clear plastic pipe is better.
better than the black plastic pipe and is usually much more
readily available than 5 ply rubber hose. In the course of Location of main gas tap. A main gas tap should be located
time it becomes black, hardens and cracks longitudinally as near as possible to the gas holder. This will shut off the
(like knife-cuts) from the effect of the ultraviolet rays in gas supply completely; this is a safety feature and is also
sunlight. It tends to go flat in places but this can be over- essential when any work is to be done to the gas pipe, e.g.,
come by sliding a sleeve of a large plastic pipe over the flat replacing of flexible pipe joining the gas holder to the main
section. The expected life in the tropics of this type of pipe gas pipe.
is 8 to 12 months. The pipe needs to be cleared of con-
densate daily, or as often as is found necessary, by lifting When a flexible pipe is used it is usual to attach the
one end and allowing the water to run down into the gas main gas tap to the gas holder itself. In all other cases the
holder. tap is put as close as possible to the digester.

(d) Bag type digesters. The gas piping at the digester must 3. Condensate drains
be so arranged that it supports the gas outlet part of the
bag. This is to prevent the gas outlet getting into the slurry There are many designs of condensate drain,
(and blocking the pipe) under conditions of high gas usage.
(a) Tee drain (figure 61)
2. Gas taps (figure 60) Where the gas pipe is above ground or shallow in the
ground this system works well. However, if the gas pipe is
Full way valve water taps can be used for shutting off
set deep in the ground, tee drains are not popular as the
the gas at the plant or for condensate drains. Ordinary
hole they are put in tends to fill with earth, water, etc., and
water taps with a leather or plastic washer will not work
can be a hiding place for snakes and scorpions. Any water
as the gas pressure is insufficient to operate it.
lying around this device must be removed before any at-
Farmers who have never used a tap before tend to tempt is made to release the condensate, otherwise more
overtighten full way valves and break the spindle. The water may go inside instead of coming out.
DC. Gas holder and gas pipe 57

——Pipe slope 1:100 Pipe slope 1:100 • (b) Bottle drain (figure 62)
Gas pipe
This design requires no regular attention provided it is
protected from excessive evaporation or flooding.

Where it is set deep into the ground, a rainstorm may
cause the water to rise above the level of the main gas pipe
by more than the gas pressure and the water will flow into
Hand valve - the gas pipe and block it.
(c) "U" pipe drain (figure 63)
Figure 61. Tee-type condensate drain
In hot dry areas the water can evaporate faster than it
Loose lid for
is replaced by condensate and so cause gas leaks. Other
Slot for hose /-protection points are the same as for (b) above.
Ground surfoce
(d) Syphon (figure 64)
Commercial syphons are available. They work on the
same principle as (b) and can have the same problem caused
Bottle filled with water by flooding. They are usually expensive.

Open to allow
(e) Water outlet device
surplus woter ^-Gulde to support Tee
to drain at correct depth This system (figure 65) avoids all the problems of the
above types of condensate drain but increases the cost. It
Figure 62. Bottle type condensate drain is recommended for gas plants using the hooked underside
and central guide system for gas removal because the gas
pipe from the gas plant in this case is usually deep in the

Each new plant requires about 1.4 litres of water

X > gas pressure poured down the dipper pipe to form a water seal. Any
excess water can be removed by following the instructions
given below. Condensate will collect in the bottom "U"
because the gas pipes slope down towards the device. To
remove condensate:
Figure 63. "U" pipe drain
The cover of the dipper pipe should be unscrewed and
Plug for initial filling the dipper should be lifted out and emptied. This
of syphon with water should be repeated until the water container no longer
fills. The dipper should be stored inside the dipper
pipe. Then the cover should be screwed on. The cover
Gas pipe Gas pipe does not need to be sealed as there is a water seal at
the bottom of the pipe, which prevents gas leaking out.

4. Flame arrester

A flame arrester is a safety device that should be in-

corporated into every gas line. It is commonly placed either
^Difference in
water level - just after the main gas valve near the digester, or just before
gas pressure a gas stove or lamp. It is safer to have one in both places. Its
purpose is, in case of an accidental back-fire, to prevent the
flame from running down the gas pipe into the collecting
drum and causing an explosion.

The arrester can be a ball or roll of fine mesh copper

Figure 64. Syphon type drain wire (preferably unferrous, which will not rust away)
58 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Main go5 valve (usually 3 0 0 mm

obova ground level)



(keep injide dipper

pipe when not in use)

150 mm -Conloiner for lifting

out woter

Figure 65. Diagram of water outlet device

— Flamo arrestor — F l o m e arrester

L — Reducing bushos
Gas pipe . .v
I— Union
Gas pipe ( j j j

Figure 66. Flame arresters

Bottle ' B
) .. 1 ' ' '' —— Gat from plant


Figure 67. Manometer and safety valve combined

IX. Gas holder and gas pipe 59

inserted into the gas pipe (figure 66). It is sometimes not 6. Gas pipe size selection
realized that this necessarily forms an obstruction to the
free and full flow of gas. It is therefore recommended that The size of gas pipe required depends on two factors:
the flame arrester be placed in a length of pipe of slightly the length of pipe and the amount of gas required per hour.
larger diameter than the gas pipe, especially if it is placed If a small pipe is used where a large one is needed, then the
near the main valve. For a 13 mm (0.5 in) main gas pipe gas pressure will be reduced owing to factional losses. Too
use a 19 mm (0.75 in) arrester, for a 25 mm (1 in) pipe a large a pipe causes unnecessary expense. Figure 68 gives the
32 mm (1.25 in) arrester. correct size of pipe required for normal size installations.

An arrester can also be made by brazing a copper wire The diagram is based on an approximate fall of 5 mm
disc at each end of a short bit of pipe, e.g., a nipple joined (3/16 in) water gauge per metre of ordinary low pressure
into the pipe line. gas supply.
Note: The size of pipe is the bore size.
5. Manometer and safety valve combined
The following examples show how the diagram should
This device is used with fixed dome type digesters and
can be used with flexible bag type digesters. be used.

Example 1.
The manometer (figure 67) is filled in the normal way
with coloured water. It shows the gas pressure and there- A house has:
fore the amount of gas available as well. If the pressure
increases too much, the water is forced into bottle "B". 2 stoves at
Gas can escape through the long pipe in the bottle, but the 460 litres/hour = 920 1/hr (maximum)
water cannot spill. When the pressure reduces, the water
3 burners at
flows back into the manometer. This device prevents the
140 litres/hour = 420 1/hr (maximum)
pressure increasing too much and cracking the dome of
the digester. Excess gas must be discharged outside the Maximum gas demand = 1,340 1/hr = 1.34 m 3 /h
house for safety.
The pipe needed should be 25 m long (to cover the
Note: In floating gas holders such a pressure safety distance between the digester and the appliances).
device is not necessary. If excess gas is generated,
it lifts the gas holder sufficiently high to bubble Refer to the diagram and locate 1.38 m 3 gas demand
out from under the side. per hour and 23 m feet length of pipe. The joining point is
marked Xj. It will be seen that 12 mm (0.5 in) piping is
100 adequate.

Example 2.

A house has:
3 lamps at
0.45 m3/hour = 1.35 m 3 /hour (maximum)

1 burner at
0.23m 3 /hour = 0.23 m 3 /hour (maximum)
4 lamps at
0.15 m 3 /hour = 0.60 m 3 /hour (maximum)
Maximum gas demand = 2.18m 3 /hour

Length of pipe is 15 metres.

I 2 3
Ran of go« (low (mVh) Refer to the diagram and locate 2.18 m 3 /hour gas
demand per hour and 15 m length of pipe. The joining
Figure 68. Diagram for quick determination of point is marked X 2 . It will be seen that 19 mm (0.75 in) is
adequate gas pipe diameter needed. This does not mean that the whole pipe must be
60 Updated guidebook on biogas development

19 mm. It does mean that 19 mm pipe should be used to too, then blow through the rubber pipe slowly until there
the point where the burners are located (assuming that is a 150 mm (6 in) height difference in the water level in
they are grouped together). Branch pipes to individual the two legs of the "U" in the transparent plastic pipe.
fittings, e.g., lamps, can be 13 mm (0.5 in) pipe. Tap "A" should be then closed but not tap "B".

In view of the relatively high pressure of the gas in the The water levels should be watched. If they do not
fixed dome digester, pipes of diameter around 12 mm were alter, there is no leak. If the water levels out quickly, then
found adequate and are widely used in China (7). there is a big leak. In that case it is usually easier to close
gas tap "B", open the main gas valve and use the gas pres-
7. Testing for leaks sure alone to check for a large leak (explained below).
When the leak has been repaired, the above pressure test
This procedure is set out for gas plants using a gas procedure should be repeated.
holder which takes the p s through the central guide pipe
and a water outlet device as illustrated in figure 65. The If the water levels out slowly, then there is one or more
procedures can be modified to suit other types of gas small leak. One person must hold the plastic pipe and keep
holder and piping. the water level at 150 mm (6 in) apart while another
inspects for leaks.
First, it is necessary to get the correct amount of water
in the water outlet device. Using the dipper provided, all Soapy water may be put on gas taps, gas cocks, joints
possible condensate should be removed. Now a known and fittings to check for leaks. Bubbles will form if there is
amount of water is in the "U" section of the water outlet a leak. If the leak is in a gas tap, cock or valve and is large,
device. Seventy-five ml (0.5 glass) water may now be i.e., bubbles form quickly, then the defective part must be
poured down the dipper pipe. The water is now at the replaced. If there is a large leak at a joint, the joint should
correct level to carry out the test. be taken apart and properly fitted again. Make sure that
the leak is not coming out of the dipper pipe in the water
The main gas valve, all gas taps for burners and all gas outlet. Small leaks at joints can sometimes be repaired by
cocks for lamps should be closed. A 13 mm (0.5 in) bore thick paint pasted over the leak.
diameter transparent plastic pipe 1.5 metres long (5 feet)
should be attached to one burner gas tap and a rubber pipe Temporary repairs can be made using soap as a paste
should be also attached to another burner tap (figure 69). and then binding the soap onto the pipe with a piece of

When the leaks are repaired, the water in the open end
of the transparent pipe "B" should remain 150 mm (6 in)
higher than the other end. If the level reduces by 35 mm
(1.5 in) in 60 seconds, then the total gas escaping per day
is about 30 litres, assuming an average plant with about
35 metres of 13 mm (0.5 in) galvanized iron piping. (If
there is about 70 metres of 13 mm (0.5 in) galvanized iron
piping, then the loss will be about 60 litres per day).

To check for leaks in the gas holder, weights should

first be put on the gas holder to increase the pressure.
Then soapy water should be applied to any suspected
leaks and especially any spots of rust and welded joints.
For ferro- and bamboocement gas holders soapy water
is poured on the surface of the gas holder. All the points
of leakage should be sealed using a suitable surface coating,
e.g., bitumen. After the coating has dried the test should
Figure 69. Attachments for leak detection test be repeated until no leakage is noticed.

To check for leaks in the water outlet device below

ground level, it is first necessary to dig the soil away and
Water should be poured into pipe "B" until it reaches
then check using soapy water.
about 60 cm (24 in); it should be held in the "U" position
shown. The open end of the plastic pipe should not be When a higher gas pressure (as in a fixed dome digester)
closed. Then tap "B" should be opened. Open tap "A" is used, a longer transparent pipe "B" is necessary. The
IX. Gas holder and gas pipe 61

Rubber pipe T o c l o s e i t
fold over and tip

If there are leaks then Transparent

check first it is not here plastic pipe


Rubber plug
(as used in chemistry)

Short metal pipe

Figure 70. Method of checking for leaks

water level difference in this pipe must be greater than the Therefore it is suggested that it is worth checking for leaks
maximum pressure of gas which is to pass through the during installation, especially if there are many joints.
pipes. Figure 70 shows how pressure can be made in the gas pipe
It is a big job to dismantle pipes if one joint is leaking. during installation.


The principal uses of biogas are^cooking and lighting. (g) For corrosion resistance properties cast iron is better
For these purposes it is not necessary to clean the gas. than mild steel.

A. Cooking For a typical 0.45 m 3 (16 cu ft) per hour stove, which
is a popular family size, the dimensions should be ap-
This is the best use for the gas. It is: proximately:
* clean: it does not make dirty cooking vessels, clothes Jet size: 2.25 mm diameter
or kitchen; Area of jet: 3.98 mm2
* fast: it produces immediate heat; Flame port size: 6.0 mm diameter
* healthy: it does not produce smoke to irritate eyes or Number of ports: 20
* efficient: if proper stoves are used. Total area of ports: 565 mm2

About 0.28 to 0.42 m3 (10 to 15 cu ft) of gas is required Ratio of jet area to flame port area: 1:142
per person per day.
Length of gas mixing pipe: 20 mm
Biogas can be used like any other gas-mains supply,
Diameter of gas mixing pipe: 20 mm
LPG (bottled) or natural. All gases have different charac-
teristics and correctly designed stoves are needed for each 2. Commercially made biogas stoves
type of gas so that they work efficiently and well.
Two types are available, the normal type (figure 71)
1. Designing a biogas stove and the adaptable type (figure 72).
It is a scientific task to design a gas stove properly. (a) Normal type
However, if a few rules are observed, satisfactory stoves can
be made. (i) Both utility and deluxe stoves have exactly the
same burning efficiency and life expectancy;
(a) Air must be thoroughly mixed with the gas before it
reaches the flame ports. This air (called primary air) should (ii) They give roughly the same amount of heat as
flow in near the gas jet, ideally with a venturi. If sufficient a family kitchen size kerosene pressure stove;
air is not supplied, there will be a slight smell from the (iii) Both can be supplied with gas taps attached to
burning gas. This smell will stop immediately if the amount the stove, or to the main gas pipe. The latter
of primary air is increased. system is recommended because if the rubber
(b) The total area of the flame ports should be between pipe leaks or is pulled off, the gas will pour into
the room until it is refitted or a gas tap in the
80 and 200 times the area of the gas jet.
main gas pipe is closed. This tap is an extra
(c) The distance from the flame ports to the surface of the expense;
cooking pot should be 25 to 30 mm (1-1.25 in). This as-
sumes a gas pressure of 75-90 mm (3-3.5 in) water gauge. (iv) Air adjustment is by means of a knurled nut;
(For obtaining the correct gas pressure, see chapter XII.)
(v) Robust and efficient.
(d) Supports for cooking pots must not prevent air (called (b) Adaptable type
secondary air) from getting at the flames.
The features of this type are:
(e) To allow cross lighting from one flame port to the
next, the distance between flame ports should not be more (i) The legs are spread apart for greater stability of
than 20 mm (0.75 in). large size cooking pots;
(f) To prevent backfiring, the thickness of material at the (ii) Cooking pot support is reversible to suit either
flame port should be about 10 mm (3/s in). flat-bottomed or rounded-bottom cooking pots.
X. Household gas appliances and their usage 63

Flame ports

Gas mixing pipe -

Air adjuster • L
Gos jet
(i) Utility quality

(ii) Deluxe quality

Figure 71. Normal biogas stoves "450//h" (India)

Shown with grate turned for pots with Shown with grate turned for pots with
round bottom flat bottom
Co It iron - . *- FJot ,ron 5 * IB ""»
\ 1 /

A - A Section/grote detail
Cast iron / 6 mm thick

Cast iron
20 holes 5 mm 4

Figure 72. Biogas stove with turnable grate "450//h" (Nepal)

64 Updated guidebook on biogas development

The distance from the flame port to the bottom of

the cooking pot is correct for either type of
cooking pot;
(iii) Removable flame port cap for ease of cleaning any
split foods from flame ports;
(iv) Easy and quick air adjustment by means of a
%-turn lever;

(v) Robust and efficient.

3. Village-made stoves (burners)

(a) Tins
Stoves have been made from tins with holes punched
in the top and a gas pipe attached near the bottom. They PLATE 14
are not so efficient and the flame temperature is not so high Cooking burners, made of fired clay and scrap
as properly designed burners. They tend to rust out quick- metal (China)
ly. Both the efficiency and temperature could probably be
increased by making holes in the bottom of the tin to let in (i) Shower head burner (figure 74 i)
air and putting some stones inside to help mix the gas and
This type of burner has a concentrated flame. It
is normally made of potter's clay. The diameter of the
(b) Wood-burning stove adaptation shower head varies from 4 to 8 cm. The diameter of
the base is about twice that of the top. About 50 holes
This stove is an adaptation of a common type of village for flames each 1.5 to 2 mm in diameter are made in
wood-burning stove. A pipe is inserted and the stove is three or four rows. The air inlet is about 10 mm long
filled with stones as shown in figure 73. Air can be con- and 5 mm wide. The gas/air ratio is usually changed by
trolled with a piece of wood placed over the front hole. varying the position of the gas nozzle relative to the
air inlet.

Flame ports

Gat mixing chamber

Air inlet
Got inltt

(i) Shower head burner

Flams ports
Flame ports
Figure 73. Adaptation of wood-burning stoves

(c) Clay or cement

Stoves can also be made from burnt clay or cement.

—Gas/air inlet
These are low-cost but can break from heating, cooking
and spilt liquids. Mixing some salt water and burnt rice (ii) Drum burner
husks or fine coal will help clay stoves to withstand heat
Figure 74. Clay burners (China)
and prevent cracking.
X. Household gas appliances and their usage 65

(ii) Drum burner (figure 74 ii) Or-off gos lock

The drum burner is similar to the shower head
burner except that it can be made from any other
material easily available. It is always better to drill the
holes from the inside outwards.
A metal gas pipe with nozzle is placed in the gas/air
inlet. A metal cover is fitted as an air control. Combustion Openi

in this burner is efficient as the gas can be mixed well in

the mixing chamber before burning.

4. Adjustment and care of stoves

After connecting the stove to the gas tap, using the
rubber tube, the air adjuster should be closed fully. A
lighted match should first be applied to the flame ports
and then the gas tap can be opened fully. A cooking vessel
may now be placed on the stove. The flames will be weak
and long and rise over the sides of the vessel. This burning
is bad and inefficient, and the air adjuster should be opened
to admit some air to the point when the burning gas will
create a noise. The adjuster may then be closed a little, but
only a little, so that the noise of burning subsides and the
flames are about 25 to 30 mm (1-1.25 in) high. The upper
cone of the flame should touch the cooking vessel. This is
very efficient burning.

Note: Burners can only be adjusted for maximum efficiency

when there is a cooking vessel on the burner. (ii) Outside type

The flame ports should be cleaned out when necessary. Figure 75. Single mantle lamps (India)
Where a removable flame port cap is not fitted, either hold
the stove upside-down to prevent any dirt falling inside or
O n - o f f Got loch -
make sure any dirt which does fall inside is removed.

B. Lighting
There is a big demand for biogas lamps in unelectrified Vtnturl \\i\>% (b»iijr)

rural areas. The light is not as good as an electric light.

Lamps are expensive, use gas inefficiently, require regular
servicing and need a good supply of mantles. Electricity,
when available, is cheaper, simpler and better. Type A
and B lamps illustrated below are designed for a gas
pressure of 70 to 85 mm (2.75-3.25 in) water gauge. Low
gas pressure gives a poor light and a high gas pressure breaks (i) Inside type (ii) Outside type
the mantles quickly. They all are about 100 candle power
Figure 76. Double mantle lamps (India)
and use 0.11 to 0.15 m3 (4 to 5.5 cu ft) gas. per hour.
These lamps work well and are well made. The mantles
1. Commercially made biogas lamps are the soft type (used for pressure kerosene type lamps)
(a) Single mantle lamps (figure 75) and do not cost much.

(i) Inside type with simple cover: 100 candle power = (b) Double mantle lamps (figure 76)
60 watt electric bulb. (i) Inside type, 2 mantles, 100 candle power with
(ii) Outside type with cover to protect it from wind simple cover. The ranging model is illustrated in
and rain: 100 candle power = 60 watt electric figure 76 but it is also available as a table model
bulb. (see figure 77) and as a wall-mounted model.
66 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Honqer, thin wire

Gloss tube, 0/1 mm o" , heiqht

odjustoble .deoendmq on
D«tochobltcovtr qos oressure


2 hoses,5 mm |J for honqer

Mefo! fube.G I i<V:6 mm 4

holes, 6 mm ^ for air mixture

— Diffuser of burned cioy

N o u l e O 6 mm 4

Mantle,eq lo*er halt (only)

of Kerosene pressure lamp mantle
I *- Bioqot imitt
i) Section elevation of the lamp assembly

Figure 77. Biogas table lamp (Pakistan) ALUMINIUM


(ii) Outside type, 2 mantles, 100 candle power with
cover to protect it from wind and rain.
These are well made and work quite well. However, the
outside type is very hard to dismantle for servicing. Mantles
are preformed and expensive. An adaptor can be made to
suit the soft type of mantle.

The inside type has a large hole in the base of the glass
globe, which allows insects to fly inside. These insects
break the mantles.

2. Village-made lamps
ii) Details of lamp parts
The design shown in figure 78 comes from China. It is
rather simple. It appears to require a high gas pressure as Figure 78. Simple biogas lamp (China)
tests at 75 mm (3 in) water gauge were not satisfactory.
It consists of only four parts: an aluminium tube, a gas material, shape and size. The reflector fits at the bottom
diffuser, to which the mantle is attached, a disc reflector of the aluminium tube just above the diffuser. A more
with glass globe, and a slim glass or plastic tube that acts as simplified construction is shown in figure 79. Here, the
a nozzle. tube and the gas diffuser are made in one piece from clay.
The reflector is also made of clay to reduce the cost. This
The aluminium tube is about 100 mm long and 15 mm lamp costs in China only SUS 0.3 and has given entire
in diameter. A little below the top of the tube there are satisfaction.
four air holes of 3 to 4 mm. The glass (or plastic) tube is
about 12 cm long and looks like a very small pipette. This 3. Operation of lamps
tube slips into the aluminium tube. Its top end is con- (a) Single mantle
nected through a plastic pipe to the gas mains. The top of
the aluminium tube is open. Its bottom end holds the The lamp is opened and the clay nozzle fitted (some-
diffuser, which is very similar to the Indian diffusers in times called a "venturi" or "carborundum"). The mantle
X. Household gas appliances and their usage 67

r Th* noizl* (utually oi plaailc)

glass globe and reflector should be washed with soap (or
ash) and water, whenever necessary, and left to dry com-
pletely before the lamp is lit; otherwise the glass may crack
Air intot obowt 10 mm long
end 3 mm and the surface of the reflector may go dull.

(b) Double mantle type

i n * grot id t u t t - d l f t u u r
of 120 mm m Itngih and
7 mm inter no I d«m*1tr
The lamp should be opened and the nozzle screwed
into place. The gas cock may then be opened and the gas
Dttachablt rtilftctor
of eloy about 140 mm In dlam«t«r lit. The gas regulator should be adjusted until the flame is
4 hol«« each about B mm
65 mm (2.5 in) long from the tip of the nozzle to the end
Id dlamtUr lor h«at t i c a p t
Croov* for
of the flame.
filing mtmontlt

The air regulator should be adjusted to make the flame

nonluminous, i.e., bluish. The gas cock should then be
closed. The mantle may now be taken out of the box, held
About 4 0 holes «ach
1.5 mm in diamittr
by a leg, without touching the fabric and fitted to the
Figure 79. Clay biogas lamp (China) nozzle. The mantle can then be lit to burn up the coating
without turning on the gas.
/-Hol« 'A'

When lighting the lamp, a match should first be applied

Blunt point
close to the mantle, either through the hole in the bottom
Sotltfocfory of the glass globe or by opening the reflector in the case of
Figure 80 Correct shape of needle outside lamps. Then turn the gas on. If this sequence is
reversed, there will be a minor explosion, which may break
should be opened to form a hollow ball, then tied to the the mantle.
venturi. The gas cock and gas regulator may be opened The lamp usually takes a few minutes to heat up and
fully, then the mantle should be lit and allowed to burn. will then give a good steady light.
Once the mantle is burning well, the lamp can be closed.
Sometimes a lamp is found to give a better light with
The lamp should be allowed to heat up until it makes
a perforated clay disc fitted inside the nozzle. There is no
a noise. Then the gas regulator should be adjusted so that fixed rule and it is a matter of experiment.
the mantle is at its brightest. It is usually unnecessary to
adjust the gas again until the mantle is changed.
4. Maintenance of lamps
To turn off the lamp, only the gas cock should be
closed. The most common reason for properly adjusted lamps
not working well is dirt, especially insects' nests, inside
To relight the lamp, first a match should be applied the venturi tube. The method of cleaning this out was
close to the mantle, either through the hole in the bottom described above.
of the glass globe or by opening the reflector. Then the
gas is turned on. If this sequence is reversed, there will be The second main reason is a defective needle in the
a minor explosion, which may break the mantle. The lamp gas regulator (this device is not found usually in Chinese
must heat up until it makes a noise, after which it will give lamps). This must be long, thin and have a fine point
a good steady light. (figure 80). It must come down low enough to protrude
through the jet and close it off.
Before a new mantle is fitted, the clay nozzle should be
removed and the venturi tube thoroughly cleaned out of If the needle does not come down low enough, then
any insects, cobwebs, carbon or dirt. A piece of cloth file hole A and make a slot so that it can come down far
wrapped around a pencil or small stick may be used. The enough. The gas regulator lever fits into this hole.


A. Starting the plant (iii) Sawdust or peat moss. These are impossible to
remove once mixed with the slurry and cause very
It is now assumed that the gas plant has been built, all serious clogging and scum problems.
the pipe-work has been completed and the appliances have
been fitted. The next job is to fill the digester and fit the (iv) Oil, soap or detergent. These will kill the bacteria
gas holder. and stop all gas production.

1. Digester with floating gas holder Dung and water can be mixed with hands or feet or a
piece of wood, or in a mixing machine (if fitted), until
(a) Pre-treatment of the digester there are no lumps. This is essential. If there are lumps, the
gas production will be reduced.
No pre-treatment is required where a cement mortar or
a lime mortar painted with cement has been used. Where The consistency of the mixed slurry should be like
lime mortar or lime concrete have been used, it is best to thick pea soup. Add more water or dung if necessary to get
treat the lime. Otherwise the pH of the slurry and thus gas the correct consistency.
production will be affected. Either of two things can be
done: (c) Checking of slurry consistency

(i) A weak solution of hydrochloric acid can be The best way to check the consistency is to use a
brushed on. Care must be taken to protect the hydrometer designed for the range 1.000 to 1.200 specific
worker's skin, and his eyes must be protected with gravity (1.000 = water), or 0-30 Baume (0 = water).
goggles. Any acid contacting the skin must be
As can be seen from figure 81, the relationship
washed off quickly using soap and water;
between the percentage of cow dung total solids and the
(ii) The digester may be filled with plain water for 2 hydrometer reading is not a straight line.
to 3 weeks.
(b) Slurry concentration and mixing
41 1. 4 0

For all plants, with the exception of the fixed dome 38 1 36 1

type, slurry is a mixture of only dung and water. /
A concentration of 7 to 9 per cent dry matter in water
is generally found to work best. The moisture content of

1 32

1 28
Hydrometer reodlng

dung depends on the type of animal, health and climate. It

28 .24
is usually 18 to 25 per cent dry matter when fresh. It
usually takes about three quarters to one and a half litres
of water per kg of fresh dung to make the slurry. (i) Hydrometer
24 .20
20 .16
When mixing the slurry care should be taken to make /
IS .12
sure that none of the following materials get into the 1

(i) Earth or sand (mixed with the dung). It will fill 5 04 > /
up the bottom of the digester pit and cause
0 .00
problems. 2 4 6 8 10 12
Total solidt %

(ii) Straw of grass etc. If any does get in, it can be n i! Sift Pprr

removed from the slurry by using one's fingers or a plotted against hydrometer reading
sieve, before letting the slurry go into the digester Figure 81. The hydrometer and its utilization
pit. If it is not removed, it will float to the surface
of the digester pit and both reduce the gas pro- Nevertheless, if the hydrometer reading falls in the
duction and restrict the free movement of the gas range 1.045 to 1.190 (6 - 24 Baume) it will be found that
holder. the slurry consistency is satisfactory.
XI. Starting and operating a gas plant 69

After making slurry a number of times it is quite easy The type of bacteria added to the input material
to see by eye if the slurry consistency is correct or not. If depends on the type of dung used.
too thin a slurry is used, it tends to separate out into three
layers inside the gas plant: heavy solids at the bottom, (i) Cattle dung
water in the middle and floating vegetable matter on the Some bacteria, which form methane gas, exist in
top. If too thick a slurry is used, the gas fails to pass all cattle dung. Therefore no special starter is needed.
through the slurry. In both cases the gas production is In cold weather the bacteria may take several weeks to
noticeably reduced.
multiply enough to produce gas. This can be speeded
(d) Filling the digester and adding bacteria up by adding some pig dung and mixing it with the
cattle dung slurry.
The filling should be done as quickly as possible. Dung
(ii) Pig dung
can be collected for up to about 10 days prior to the start
of the first filling. It must not be allowed to dry and The best starter for these plants is effluent from an
become hard during this time because it is impossible to existing plant. Up to about 6 per cent of the digester
mix properly in that condition. volume may be used. There are some methane-produc-
ing bacteria in pig dung. If no starter is available, then,
The procedure is as follows: given time, the existing bacteria will multiply and
(i) The inlet pipe should be blocked with a piece of start giving gas. In some countries, concentrated starter
wood or a stone wrapped in sack cloth; bacteria for pig dung are available from government
(ii) The slurry should be made up as described above; (iii) Chicken dung
(iii) The plug should be removed from the inlet pipe,
There is relatively little information available on
and care should be taken that the plug does not
this dung. It produces more gas per kg than any other
slip down the inlet pipe! (A sieve, e.g., chicken
type, but it seems to need a starter more than any
wire, can be fitted over the inlet pipe to prevent
straw, lumps of dung, stones, etc. going into the other type of dung. The starter can be from another
digester); chicken dung plant or from a cattle or pig dung plant.
Up to about 6 per cent of the digester volume may
(iv) While filling a digester with a centre dividing wall be used.
for the first time, care must be taken to fill both (iv) Human sewerage
the compartments equally, otherwise the centre
dividing wall will collapse because of uneven Starter from an existing plant or animal dung
pressure. plant is required. At least 6 per cent of the digester
volume may be used.
If there is water lying in the bottom of the digester
before the pit is filled with slurry, this will not matter. The In all biogas plants starter bacteria can be added at
slurry should be made thicker than usual, until the mixture any time. It is recommended that they be added when the
in the digester pit is correct. Then the remaining slurry can digester is about 1/4 full. This ensures that they mix well
be made to the standard consistency. with all the slurry.
Note: Feeding should be stopped once the digester has
Note: To make a slurry thick, it must be mixed with
been filled. No more slurry should be added until
some water and all lumps broken down to a
three full tanks of burnable gas have been pro-
uniform consistency before it is put into the duced, or after 15 days, whichever is longer.
This is essential. Failure to do this is a com-
When the gas plant is full of slurry there will be no
mon cause of low or no gas production or gas
leaks of water into the digester because the pressure of the which does not burn (too much CO 2 ). With
slurry in the digester is greater than the pressure of the human sewerage plants this point needs to be
water trying to get in. planned for, i.e., how to dispose of the daily
The slurry will not leak out through any small cracks sewerage during the time it cannot be put in
in the brickwork because the solid matter will block them the digester.
(e) Fitting of the gas holder
Slurry is put in until it starts to overflow through the
outlet. The digester must first be filled with slurry.
70 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Before the gas holder is fitted, a check should be made time when the gas holder is put on or after the gas holder
for scratches in the paintwork. If there are any, they should has filled completely a third time, whichever is longer.
be painted over. The sides, in particular, should have a final
coat of paint before the gas holder is put in place. The gas 2. Bag type digester
holder is lifted into position and located with the central The bag type digester is filled in the same way as a
guide. floating gas holder type digester. The bag is inflated before
In the case of gas holders with a main gas valve at- the slurry is put in order to get it into the correct shape.
tached, the main gas valve should be opened and air allowed Air must therefore be released as the slurry is put in to
to escape until the gas holder rests on the gas deflecting avoid undue pressure. Air should be released gradually so
ledge (or other support provided). The main gas valve is that the bag does not sag too much. When the inlet and
then closed. outlet pipe are covered by the slurry, air can be released
through the gas pipe.
For gas holders taking gas from the central guide pipe,
the main gas valve on the main gas pipe close to the digester Gas pressure is given by putting sufficient weights on
and also the gas taps for the stoves should be opened to let the top of the bag. Sand bags evenly spaced over the top are
all the air escape. (If a water outlet device is used, some best. They should be put near the gas outlet pipe as they
water should first be poured down the dipper pipe.) After cause a strain on the gas pipe and its support. Other types
this the main gas valve and the gas taps for burners are of weights can be used but anything with sharp edges or
closed. which will give concentrated loads should be avoided. The
amount of weights can be worked out by trial and error.
Patience is usually needed in waiting until the gas The method of checking the gas pressure is given in the
holder is full of gas. This usually takes about 7 to 20 days. next chapter. When the bag is filled to over-flowing with
slurry, all the air in the gas storage volume should be
Note: The first gas holderful of gas must not be used. allowed to escape and this volume allowed to refill with gas.
The first gas can have air in it and therefore can
be explosive and dangerous. (It could also be non-
3. Fixed-dome digester
combustible because of too high a percentage of
CO2.) The first gas holderful of gas should all (a) Checking the digester tank for water tightness
be allowed to escape as explained above.
(i) The valve of the gas outlet pipe should be opened
Note: There should be no smoking or naked lights and the water digester tank filled with water to
nearby while the gas is escaping. The gas holder about half of the inlet and outlet compartment.
should be completely filled a second time and even
the second gas holderful of gas may not burn well. (ii) It should be left for three to five hours until the
tank walls have become saturated with water, then
Where used, the flexible pipe should be fitted to the the water level should be marked.
gas holder as shown in Chapter VI and tightened with pipe
(iii) If there is any significant.drop in water level after
clips. All gas taps for stoves and gas cocks for lamps and
one day this will mean that the walls or the
condensate taps need to be checked to see that they are
bottom leak.
closed. The main gas valve is now opened. A gas tap for
a stove is opened and all the air allowed to escape until (iv) When the water level stops dropping, a mark
there is a definite smell of gas. It is then turned off again. should be made. This shows that the leakage takes
place between the initial level and the lower, final
The same procedure is applied to all gas taps for stoves
and gas cocks for lamps. A stove is now attached to the
gas tap and the stove's air adjuster is fully closed. (v) An attempt should be made to locate these leaks.
A match is lit and applied to the holes in the stove and Cracks should be chiselled wide open, the edges
then the gas is turned on. The gas should burn with a blue roughened and filled with a mixture of cement
flame. (It is difficult to see the flame in sunlight.) and sand (ratio 1:1). Any plaster flaking off in
the digester tank should be cleaned and new
Stoves and lamps should be adjusted as explained in plaster applied.
chapter X.
(vi) If no cracks can be detected it is a good idea
The daily feeding of the correct amount of slurry into to plaster over the walls up to and including
the gas plant should only commence after 15 days from the the level at which the leakage no longer occurred.
XI. Starting and operating a gas plant 71

(vii) When this plaster is almost dry, wet spots, patches (i) In the first, the weeds, stalks and leaves are
or lines should be searched for. Any places needing crushed or chopped into small pieces, then sac-
attention should be marked and repaired. charified using a suitable enzyme, e.g., cellulase
and finally fed into the digester.
(b) Checking the digester for gas leakage
(ii) The second method is called "pile composting"
(i) When the bottom and walls are watertight, a and is common in the rural areas of China. Here,
manometer may be connected to the gas pipe and the plant wastes are cut into small pieces, piled up
the manhole closed and sealed. in layers, each layer about 50 cm thick. A little
(ii) More water should be added to increase the air limewater, human and animal waste or waste water
pressure inside, or air may be blown into the is added. Then, the surface may be caked over
digester dome. with clay. When the average ambient temperature
is about 30cC this piling and composting should
(iii) When a pressure of about 400 mm water gauge last from 7 to 10 days, whereas in an average
has built up (the pressure should not be allowed to temperature of about 20°C it should last for one
increase over 1,000 mm water gauge), no more month.
water or air should be added. The digester should
then be left for 24 hours. (d) Starting of the digester
(iv) If the change in the height of the water column is
(i) First put in the composted plant waste (stalks,
nil or very small, i.e., 1 to 2 cm, the digester dome
grass, weeds, etc.).
is shown to be airtight. However, if the change in
the height of the water column is noticeable, the (ii) Human and animal waste may be then added
dome is not airtight. through both the inlet and outlet compartments.
(v) A smoke test may be carried out to locate leaks. (iii) Cow and horse dung should first be mixed with
This is done by putting a bowl containing a smoke water and then poured in through the inlet com-
producing material, e.g., green grass sulphur partment.
powder, through the outlet opening so that the
smoke rises into the dome (gas holder). The water (iv) The gas pipe should be disconnected or the
level should then be quickly raised to seal off the safety valves, if any, opened during filling so as to
inlet and outlet openings. The pressure should be avoid a build-up of pressure in the gas holder.
brought, by adding more water, to the pressure
(v) The digester tank should not be filled more than
for which the pit is to be tested. This method
75-80 per cent of its volume, thus allowing volume
shows the rough position of a leak in the cover of
for the storage of gas.
digester dome.

(vi) Where a gas leak has not been clearly located, the (vi) During the first few days the gas stored will be
gas tank should be washed clean and a coat or two impure and incombustible, and should be allowed
of pure cement or cement and sand mix (ratio 1:1 to escape a few times.
or 1:2) should be applied. (vii) About two weeks after the initial filling of the
(vii) If there is a leak at the point where the gas pipe digester tank new material may be added. General-
goes through the cover of the manhole, the inter- ly, in the fixed dome digester the composted plant
face between the pipe and the cover may be waste is added once every six months, whereas
chiselled open round it, and the pipe cemented in human and animal waste is added on a continuous
basis (every day or every second day). It is also
possible to add a new charge of composted plant
(c) Pre-treatment of plant waste waste and human and animal materials every two
weeks, after removing an equal amount of the
The fixed dome digester is the one in which plant fermented material through the outlet.
waste can be fermented and used to produce biogas.
Generally plant waste is formed of linear molecules firmly B. Operating a gas plant
connected and wrapped round the surface with a layer of
wax. For this reason it is difficult for the bacteria to des- Surveys show that in various countries many biogas
troy and digest them. A pre-treatment is therefore necessa- plants do not produce as much as they should and some
ry. There are two methods for pre-treatment: have gone out of use. Although they were properly
72 Updated guidebook on biogas development

constructed and sufficient feed material is available, the If it is found that, during a period of time, too much,
reason for this is faulty operation and/or poor maintenance. too little, too thick or too thin a slurry has been used, then
This section is aimed at giving information which, if fol- it must be corrected. If it is a big change, 100 per cent
lowed, will prevent this happening. correction should not be made at one time. A partial cor-
rection can be made and after about two weeks a further
1. Slurry input
correction made. If a major correction is made too quickly,
it will have an adverse effect on the bacteria and instead
The daily mixing of the correct amount of dung with of increasing gas production, there can be a temporary
the correct amount of water to obtain the correct slurry reduction of gas production.
consistency is extremely important. Methane bacteria do
not like changes. People with little or no schooling find it Under no circumstances should more than the re-
difficult to understand the importance of controlling the commended maximum daily amount of dung be used
input. For example, a new farm labourer starts operating during the cold season. Extra dung will not increase gas
the plant. He makes too much or too little slurry. Perhaps production, in fact it may reduce gas production because
he makes it too thick or too thin or makes it correctly but the dung is forced out of the plant before it has given off
spoils the effect by washing out the inlet tank with an extra most of its gas.
bucket of water and letting this run down the inlet pipe
into the digester! When the slurry has been mixed, the cover over the
inlet pipe is removed and the slurry is allowed to flow
The following instructions need to be understood and into the plant. It flows in quickly and the slurry level in
followed. From chapter V we saw that for 1 m 3 (35 cu ft) the digester rises. It will go down again as used slurry slowly
of gas per day about 32 kg cattle dung per day, 20 kg pig comes out of the outlet.
dung, 12 kg poultry or human faeces or urine from 40
people is required. We also saw that about 1 litre water For continuous feeding in fixed dome digesters the
per kg dung is required. The amount of water is not as recommendations given above can be applied.
important as obtaining the correct specific gravity (see
chapter XI).
After the plant has been started up, any human faeces,
urine, food waste, animal dung and vegetable matter,
Example: What should the daily input of slurry be for a including animal bedding, can be added daily, provided
5 m 3 (175 cu ft) gas plant using cattle dung? that they are mixed in accordance with C/N (carbon/
(5 m 3 = daily gas production) cattle dung nitrogen) ratio, not in excess of the recommended daily
= 5 x 3 2 = 1 6 0 kg input as calculated for the size of plant being used, and
= 160 litres (1 kg dung equals approximately that the concentration of solid materials is controlled.
1 litre volume)
In the operation of the fixed dome digester one of
water 1:1 ratio = 160 litres
the most important factors for normal fermentation is
Daily slurry input = 320 litres the C/N ratio in the material used. The optimum C/N ratio
is around 20 to 25/1 (see annex I). Different materials have
To calculate the volume of slurry being fed in each day different ratios and even the same material may have
proceed as follows. Measure the length and breadth of the different ratios under different conditions. It is, therefore,
inside of the mixing pit. Mix the slurry. Measure the depth important at the time the slurry is put in not only to have
of the slurry. All dimensions in centimetres. a definite quantity of input material but also to pay due
attention to the ratio of the various input material in the
digester, especially with materials of high fibre content
Volume such as plant waste and materials of high nitrogen content
_ length (cm) x breadth (cm) x depth (cm) such as human waste. The proportions and quantities of
mixing various input materials as recommended by the
Sichuan Provincial Office of Biogas Development (7)
The answer gives the volume in litres. are given in table 5.

Measuring the volume of slurry fed into a plant per In the operation of the fixed dome digester it is
day and also its specific gravity gives a very good indication recommended that fresh slurry should be added every 3
of whether or not the correct amount of dung is being fed to 5 days to about 4 per cent of the total capacity of the
in daily. digester, after removing the same amount from the outlet.
XI. Starting and operating a gas plant 73

Table 5. Proportions of different materials

to be put into the digester

Material Properties

Fresh human waste/dry straw (wheat stalks) 1.75:1

Fresh pig waste/dry straw (wheat stalks) 4.55:1
Fresh human waste/dry rice stalks 1.4:1
Fresh pig waste/dry rice stalks 3.65:1
Fresh human waste/corn stalks 1.13:1
Fresh pig waste/corn stalks 2.95:1
Fresh human waste/fallen leaves 0.85:1
Fresh pig waste/fallen leaves 2.22:1
Fresh human waste/soya bean stalks 0.45:1
Fresh pig waste/soya bean stalks 1.1 :1
Fresh human waste/wild green grass, including 1 :10
water weeds
Fresh pig waste/wild green grass, including water 1 :25
Fresh human waste/fresh pig waste/dry rice 1: 1:1
Fresh human waste/fresh pig waste/dry wheat 1: 2:1
Fresh human waste/fresh pig waste/dry corn 3: 4:4
Fresh human waste/fresh pig waste/green grass, 1:10:180
including weeds
Source: Information made available by the Chinese authorities
to the members of the Interregional Biogas Study
Tour in China from 1 to 21 September 1979, orga-
nized by the United Nations.
Note: The C/N ratios of sheep, cow and horse dung fall in
the optimum range (20 to 25:1), hence they may be
digested alone or with any of the above material mix.

2. Stirring the slurry cooking when the gas holder is low in the slurry. Do this
for 3 minutes in the morning and 3 minutes in the evening.
It is very beneficial to stir the contents of the digester
as this increases the gas production. The stirring device Square type floating gas holders cannot be turned to
(sometimes called a mixing device) should also break up the mix the slurry but sometimes have separate mixers at-
scum layer which tends to form on the surface and which tached. These should be turned daily for 3 minutes in the
reduces gas production. In floating type circular gas holders morning and the evening.
fitted with stirring bars proceed as follows.
In the fixed dome and bag type digesters it is not com-
mon to fit special mixers. Therefore the only mixing which
Turn the gas holder 360° in one direction, then back can be done is by moving plungers up and down the inlet
360° in the opposite direction. This should be done after and outlet Unfortunately, this is not very effective.
74 Updated guidebook on biogas development

C. Operational problems and their remedies

1. Starting problems

Defect Possible cause Remedy

Gas holder does not rise a) Very few bacteria About 20 litres of slurry from an existing
(floating type) plant should be put down the inlet; then one
lot of new slurry should be added to the

bag does not inflate (flexible Gas holder should be rotated daily.
bag type)
pressure does not rise (fixed b) Lack of time In cold weather it could take 3 weeks to fill
dome type) the gas holder for the first time. Have

c) Feeding in slurry while waiting This is a common fault. No slurry should be

for gas holder to fill fed until the third gas holder of burnable gas
has been produced.

d) No water in water outlet device About 0.25 litre of water should be poured
into the dipper pipe, and then any excess be
removed by means of the water container
(see chapter IX).

e) Leak in gas holder or gas pipe It should be located and repaired.

f) Gas tap or cock or condensate tap It should be closed.


First gas produced will not a) Wrong kind of gas The first gas should not be burned. It may
burn have air mixed with it and could explode.
Particularly in cold weather, when the first
gas is produced slowly, it frequently has a
high percentage of CO2 and so does not
burn. The second gas holderful of gas should

b) Air in the gas pipe The air should be allowed to escape until
there is a definite smell of gas.

2. General problems

Gas holder or bag (or pressure a) Condensate water outlet tap open"
in fixed dome type plant) (if fitted)
goes down very quickly once b) Gas tap for burner open Close it or them.
main gas valve is opened
c) Gas cock for lamp open

d) No water in water outlet device About 0.25 litre of water should be poured
into the water outlet device and any excess
removed by means of the water container.
XI. Starting and operating a gas plant 75

Defect Possible cause Remedy

syphon Water should be added until it overflows.

e) Major leak in pipework It should be located and repaired.

Gas holder, bag or pressure in a) Temperature too low Gas production is always reduced in cold
fixed dome type plant rises weather. Ideas to improve gas production
very slowly are given in chapter XIII.

b) Thick scum on top of slurry Gas holder (if fitted) and also the layer of
scum should be removed. The drum should
be agitated daily, and no straw or grass, etc.
should get into gas plant.
c) Too much slurry put in daily,
Correct amount should be added daily. It
will correct itself in a few weeks.
d) Too little slurry put in daily
e) Slurry mixture suddenly changed Slurry mixture should not be altered too
a lot much at one time.

f) Putting chemicals, oil, soap or Daily feed with dung and water only to be
detergent into slurry continued. After 2 to 6 weeks it should
correct itself.
g) Gas leak Leak should be located and repaired.

h) Slurry mixture too thick or too Slurry to be made with the right consis-
thin tency.

0 Washing out mixing tank with No extra water should get into the digester.
extra water and allowing it to go
into the digester

Gas won't burn a) Air in gas pipe Air should be allowed to escape until there is
a definite smell of gas.

b) Wrong kind of gas (probably too Gas should be allowed to escape and the
muchCO 2 ) correct slurry fed in. It may take as long as
a few weeks for the gas plant to correct
i) Due to putting in too much itself.
slurry per day
ii) Due to putting in too much
urine per day

HI) Due to putting in excess

chemicals per day

3. Stoves

Flames are long and weak | a) Incorrect air supply Cooking vessel to be on stove and air supply
Flame starts far from the I to be adjusted.
flame ports or does not stay f b) Gas pressure incorrect Correct pressure of about 75 to 85 mm
alight J (3-3.5 in) water gauge should be used.
76 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Defect Possible cause Remedy

Flame small a) Gas jet in stove partially blocked See "No gas at stove" below.

b) Insufficient gas pressure Check whether it is due to the gasholder not

being turned daily to mix the slurry or
whether it is due to thick scum, which needs
to be removed.

Soft plastic flexible pipe (if fitted) has gone

flat in places. Sleeves of ordinary black
plastic water pipe should be fitted over these
places to bring pipe back into shape. If
necessary weights may be added to gas

c) Flame ports partially blocked They should be cleaned out.

Flame pulsates a) Condensate lying in the main Condensate should be removed. If the flame
gas pipe still continues to pulsate, there is still water
lying in the pipe, which cannot be drained
out. The builder should relay the pipe at a
slope of 1 in 100 or fit an extra water out-
let tap if necessary.

b) Condensate lying inside stove The stove should be turned upsidedown and
the condensate poured out.

No gas at stove a) Main gas valve closed The valve should be opened.
b) Condensate completely blocking
main gas pipe
c) Gas jet in stove blocked The stove should be disconnected, and a
check should be made to see that the gas is
getting that far. The stove gas jet should be
cleaned with split bamboo or a needle. The
jet hole should not be damaged or enlarged.

4. Lamps

Light is poor a) Gas regulator and/or air regulator Adjust.

(if fitted) require adjusting

b) Gas pressure too low Correct gas pressure to be used for lamps.
(About 75 mm (3 in) water gauge). A check
should first be made whether it is due to the
gasholder not being turned daily to mix the
slurry, or due to thick scum, which needs
to be removed. Pressure should be increased
if necessary, by adding weights to the gas

c) Obstruction in lamp between gas Venturi should be removed and cleaned out
regulator and venturi thoroughly. This is quite a common fault.
XI. Starting and operating a gas plant 77

Defect Possible cause Remedy

Mantles break frequently a) Gas pressure too high Correct gas pressure to be used for lamps.
About 75 mm (3 in) water gauge.

Jet nozzle should be set further from the

diffuser in case of a Chinese plant.

b) Wrong type of mantle Correct type should be used.

No gas at lamp «) Gas jet in lamp blocked Gas regulator should be operated to clear
the jet.

5. Slurry inlet/outlet

Slurry does not flow into gas a) Sieve (if fitted) clogged It should be cleaned and refitted.
b) Inlet pipe blocked It should be cleaned by putting a pole down
the inlet and moving it up and down.

Digester pit over-flows a) Outlet pipe blocked It should be cleaned by putting a pole down
the outlet and moving it up and down.

b) Slurry too thick to flow easily It should be adjusted to correct consistency.

c) Slope away from outlet too little Slope should be increased or level of outlet
causing a build-up in the slurry lowered.
level at the outlet

d) Outlet too high Level of outlet should be lowered.



A. Servicing need to be painted. However, if there is any rust, it should

be repainted and the paint allowed to dry before the gas
1. Gas holder painting holder is replaced.
The gas holder normally needs to be painted annually, (e) The gas holder can now be replaced on the digester.
but only on the outside. There is no oxygen on the inside It is essential to let all the air escape. The gas holder must
and rust rarely occurs there. It will be found that the lowest settle down to the maximum possible depth in the slurry.
part of the outside of the gas holder is also generally free (Gas mixed with air in certain proportions is explosive.)
from rust.
The procedures for painting the gas holder are given (f) The pipes must also be cleared of any air. How to do
below: this is explained in chapter XI.

(a) Any weights should be removed from the gas holder. 3. Removing sludge from a fixed dome digester
The main gas valve should be closed and the gas holder
allowed to fill completely until gas bubbles out from under Approximately every six months the contents of the
the side. digester tank are removed. The manhole cover is lifted
out and the contents, especially the scum, are removed
(b) All dung should be cleaned off using water. by buckets. The gas plant is recharged with fresh materials
and the manhole cover replaced and sealed with clay. It
(c) All rust should be thoroughly scraped off using a steel is usual to do this shortly before the winter as maximum
scrapper; then the surface should be thoroughly cleaned gas will be produced after the plant is recharged.
with a wire brush.

(d) The whole drum should be washed with clean water 4. Repairing masonry work in a digester
and allowed to dry completely. If proper materials are used as set out in this book and
(e) All badly rusted areas should be painted with a first the gap between the digester walls and the sides of the hole
coat, then the whole drum can be painted. in the ground is properly backfilled and rammed, repairs
are not usually necessary. However, they may be necessary
(f) The gas should not be used for 24 hours allowing the on occasion. If the damage is serious, the wall has to be
paint to dry. rebuilt. Where it is less serious it can be repaired by cleaning
the wall around the crack and attaching 2 to 3 layers of
chicken wire to the wall at least 30 cm (1 ft) either side
2. Scum removal
of the crack using many nails (figure 82). Plaster (cement
The frequency with which this process is performed sand ratio 1:3) at least 13 mm (0.5 in) thick should be
depends on how free the slurry is from straw and grass, applied.
etc. At a carelessly operated plant it could be every six
months, at a well run plant it may not be necessary even
after two years. The procedure is as follows.

(a) The main valve is closed and the gas holder is allowed
to come up to its maximum height. There should be no
smoking, no matches and no lamps in the area.

(b) The gas holder is lifted out of the slurry using the
handles at its top over the centre guide and put to the
side of the digester.

(c) The scum should be removed from the top of the Figure 82. Chicken wire reinforcing for repairing
digester pit. cracks in masonry work

(d) While the gas holder is off, its inside should be cleaned 5. Condensate removal
with water and a brush. A check can also be made whether Where a flexible pipe joins the gas holder to the main
the paint is in good condition. The inside usually does not gas pipe, the flexible pipe should be lifted near the main
XII. Servicing and safety 79

gas pipe so that any condensate (water) flows to the gas IS. Check of gas pressure
holder end and down through the open main gas valve into
the gas holder. This job usually needs to be done every For lamps a gas pressure of 70-85 mm (2.75-3.25 in)
one to seven days. water gauge is usually required. For stoves the recom-
mended pressure is 75-90 mm (3-3.25 in) water gauge,
For removing condensate from traps, see the instruc- although there can be a greater variation.
tions given in chapter IX.
Gas pressure is influenced by two things:
6. Stiff taps
(a) Pressure in the gas holder;
Lubricate any stiff gas taps. See chapter IX.
(b) Pressure losses due to friction in the pipe.
7. Stoves Pressure losses in the gas pipe have to be considered
Clean out flame ports. See chapter X. when a gas plant is being installed. That is why some pipes
are 0.75 in or even 1 in instead of the normal 0.5 in pipe.
8. Lamps
Gas pressure in the gas holder can be increased by
Maintenance is described in chapter X. putting weights (e.g., bricks) on top of the gas holder.
Weights should be placed symmetrically on the gas holder
9. Removal of dried slurry and not all on one side. Weights should be raised from the
surface of the paint (i.e., placed on small strips of wood);
Any cakes of dried slurry should be removed from the otherwise the gas holder tends to rust underneath them.
sides of the mixing pit, outlet and top of the digester pit It should never be necessary to decrease the pressure more
between the wall and the gasholder. than by removing any weights from the top of the gas
10. Water seal
The water level should be maintained to avoid gas If too high a gas pressure is used, the gas will escape
leakage. An oil film should be maintained on the surface from condensate outlets, which use water to provide a
gas seal, and mantles for lamps will break frequently.
to prevent mosquitos from breeding.

11. Flexible pipe

The flexible pipe, if fitted, joining the gas holder to
the main gas pipe needs to be checked for any cracks or
leaks and replaced if necessary. When a new flexible pipe
is fitted, care should be taken to ensure that gas does Rubber tube
not leak from either end. Soapy water should be used. attached to
gas supply
12. Rubber gas pipes
Glass tube filled
The rubber pipes joining gas taps to stoves need to be with coloured water
checked for any leaks or cracks. Bad ends should be cut
off or the complete pipe replaced if necessary.
13. Leak test of main gas pipe
All pipe work should be tested for leaks. How to do Figure 83. Manometer
this is explained in chapter IX. The gas pressure can be measured by means of a
14. Repairing steel gas holders manometer (figure 83). It is attached to a gas tap using a
rubber tube. It is not always necessary or usual to have a
This is only necessary if the steel is not painted regular- manometer permanently attached to the gas plant (see
ly. Where it is badly rusted and there are many holes, the chapter IX). If a manometer is not available, the gas
whole gas holder has to be replaced. pressure can be checked in the following way.
Pieces can be cut out and new bits welded on. For A rubber tube is attached to a gas tap and put straight
small holes, clean thoroughly and repair using epoxy resin, down into a container of water to a depth of at least 150
e.g., "Araldite". mm (6 in). The gas tap is turned fully on and the pipe is
80 Updated guidebook on biogas development

lifted out of the water until bubbles just start to come out V=j 1502 x 57 cm3
of the rubber pipe. The water level on the rubber pipe can
be marked with your finger. (To do this accurately, the ISO2 x 57
pipe must be just in far enough to stop any bubbles coming X litres
%" 1,000
out.) The gas should then be turned off. The pipe is with-
drawn and the distance from your finger to the end of Volume = 1,010 litres = 1 m 3
the pipe is measured. This gives the pressure in mm or
inches of water gauge. in 8 hours
1,010 litres (= 1 m 3 ) = 36 cu ft gas is produced
then in 1 hour
16. Measurement of gas production
126 litres = 4.5 cu ft gas is produced
Gas is usually measured by a flow meter. However, the
and in 1 day
moisture and hydrogen sulphide in biogas corrode and
3 m3 = 108 cu ft gas is produced
quickly put out of action all normal types of meter. Special
scientific wet type meters can be used but these are ex- Tests carried out over a period of less than 8 hours are
tremely expensive. inaccurate. The graph in figure 85 gives the figures obtained
during an actual test to illustrate the possible hourly varia-
Gas production can easily be measured when a gas
tion in gas production. The highest point was at the time
holder floating in the slurry is used (figure 84).
when fresh slurry was fed into the plant and the gas holder
was revolved to mix the slurry.

• £

i»s r

/ \
Slurry \ /
142 3
\ \
83 3 \
sr 2
Figure 84. Measurement of gas production
28 1

0 0
Any scum should be removed from the surface of the » d ft Tlm«of lor
slurry between the wall and the gas holder. This is im-
portant. Care should be taken to ensure that the gas holder
is low in the slurry; otherwise there will not be room for Figure 85. Graph of gas production/hour against time
the gas which is to be measured. The height from the.slurry of day, air temperature and cloudiness
surface (not the masonry) to the top corner of the gas Gas expands with increased temperature and vice versa.
holder (X) is measured. After at least 8 hours, X should be
This is at least part of the reason for the apparent reduction
measured again. If any gas escapes from under the side of
in gas production when it started raining.
the gas holder, the result will not be accurate. This rarely
happens in 8 hours. There will always be a peak of gas production during
the first three months of operation of a new gas plant while
Example: Diameter of gasholder d = 150 cm the large amount of dung put in initially produces gas and
until the bacteria in the plant are stabilized. Therefore it
At start of test X, = 8 cm is better to carry out gas production tests after this time.
At end of test X2 = 65 cm B. Safety
Time period 8 hours
1. General considerations
Volume of gas = V = ^ A h Biogas, when used as instructed, is safer than other
gases used in houses. It can only explode when there is
h = X2 - X, = 65 - 8 = 57 cm 6 to 25 per cent biogas mixed with air. If all the air is
XII. Servicing and safety 81

removed from the gas holder and pipes before use, as ex- will continue to be produced. It could easily burn, but it is
plained in chapter XI, the gas plant cannot explode. not likely to explode because there is a large entrance for
any flame (which would be huge) to come out. The flame
After the gas holder has been removed (or opened) and in itself is dangerous and can cause serious burns to anyone
then replaced (or closed), it is essential to let all the air in standing in the way. The gas is not poisonous, but if a per-
the gas holder escape, by ensuring that the gas holder son breathes only gas he gets no oxygen and cannot live. If
settles down to the maximum possible depth in the slurry, any worker needs to enter the plant before it is empty, the
or the bag is deflated or the first gas is allowed to escape following procedures should be followed.
from a fixed dome type digester.
Once the gas plant is completely empty there is likely
Once the gas holder has filled with gas again, the pipes to be CO2 gas lying at the bottom of the digester. It should
must be cleared of air. The procedure for doing this is given be lifted out by buckets and poured away from the plant
in chapter XI. After repairing pipes or even checking for so that it cannot re-enter via the inlet or outlet or manhole.
leaks, care must be taken to remove any air from the pipes If possible, blow air into the plant to ventilate it. The gas
before the gas is used again. hose should first be detached from the gas outlet pipe and
the manhole cover should be left open for several days.
Care must also be taken if there is a gas leak. If there
Bellows, a winnowing machine or some machine to raise
is a leak, the following procedure may be followed. If there
wind should be used to force air into the digester tank. If
is a serious leak, there will be a smell of unburnt gas. The
none of these is available, buckets may be used to lift the
doors and windows should be opened to let the gas dissip-
gases, particularly CO 2 , lying at the bottom of the digester.
ate and fresh air come in.
Before anyone enters the digester tank it is best to
There should be no smoking, no candles, no fires, no
make a check with an animal. A frog, chicken or rabbit
matches, no lamps or other open flame until the smell of
should be lowered into the digester tank and brought up
gas has gone.
again after a few minutes. If the animal seems to behave
The main gas valve should be closed. If you are looking normally, this indicates that there is enough air in the
for the leak in daylight, care should be taken to ensure that digester tank, and one may enter it to work. If anything
all gas taps for burners and all gas cocks for lamps are unusual happens to the animal, if it faints or loses con-
closed. The main gas valve is then opened and attempts sciousness, this indicates a lack of air. In this case air cir-
are made to find the leak by trying to smell where the gas is culation should be continued.
coming from. Leaks can be detected by putting soapy water
over suspected leaks (often at joints). If bubbles appear, A worker going into the pit should breathe through a
then it is certain that there is a leak. long piece of pipe or hose with one end attached some-
where outside the digester tank. There should be a second
The full procedure for finding gas leaks and repairing person to pull him out if he is accidently overcome with
them is given in chapter IX. the gas.

2. Fixed-dome type digester If a worker feels dizzy while working inside the diges-
ter tank or finds it hard to breathe or in any way uncom-
Care must be taken if this type of digester is opened up fortable, be should leave the tank immediately and rest in
for any reason. While there is any slurry in the digester, gas a place where there is good air circulation.


In village situations there are some things which can be which can lose heat to the surrounding ground. If care is
done to increase gas production. Only a few are econ- taken in heating the input slurry gradually and avoiding
omically justifiable. The most important thing is to operate excessive temperature, which will kill the bacteria in the
the plant properly. Daily feeding of the correct amount of slurry, the solar heating of the fresh slurry may help to
slurry of the correct specific gravity and daily mixing of bring its temperature, which is usually low in view of the
the slurry are extremely important. fact that the dung is mixed with cold water, to that of the
slurry in the digester.
A. Thermal methods
3. "Glass" house
There is no doubt that gas production is significantly
increased when the temperature of the slurry is raised. The A tent made of plastic sheets can be erected over the
optimum temperature for the type of plant discussed in this gas plant. This gives a glass house effect, provided the
book is about 35°C. In most places this will never be joints are made airtight. In case any gas has collected
reached without heating and insulation. Temperatures need inside the tent, care must be taken to avoid an explosion
to be kept constant + 1°C (± 2°F) for the sake of the (i.e., no smoking or direct lights should be allowed in the
bacteria (see annex II). The effect of the means of heating tent, and means should be provided for any accumulated
and insulating the digester listed below is still to be proved. gas to escape). Ultraviolet rays in sunlight destroy the
sheets in time. The longest-lasting sheets are PVC. Clear
1. Insulation material is most efficient but black sheets will last longer.
The sheets should be removed after winter and stored
The whole plant is insulated, including the gas holder.
for the' next winter. It has been reported that this scheme
This means that all the walls must be strong enough to
increases gas production by 50 per cent.
withstand the hydraulic pressure (assuming the insulation
has no compressive strength) and must be waterproof. The
4. Solar heating of digester
insulating materials, such as straw, must be kept dry. The
gas holder roof is insulated with straw or similar material Attempts to incorporate a solar water heater and
(figure 86). The thickness of the insulation is usually about heating coil in the digester have been made. This is expen-
5 to 8 cm. sive because the coil is lower than the heating panel and
therefore the water must be pumped through the coil.
It is neither practical nor economic for general use in

Research is progressing and appears to offer con-

siderable potential, provided there is plenty of sunshine
during the colder time of the year.


Figure 86. Insulated digester

2. Heating of input slurry

Solar energy may be used to heat the input slurry. As

the daily input of slurry is only about 2 to 4 per cent of the
total volume, it will have to take effect on the total mass, Figure 87. Solar-heated digester
XIII. Improving gas plant performance 83

The water jacket is more efficient than a coil as it (a) Nitrogen

gives better uniformity of temperature throughout the
plant (figure 87). It is claimed that more gas per kg of dung (i) Urine. This will increase gas production provided
is produced in a shorter time because the plant operates at not too much is added per day. One litre per 1.4 m 3
an elevated temperature. digester volume can be added per day, e.g., if the diges-
ter volume is 7 m 3 , then 5 litres per day can be added.
The specific gravity of the slurry can be increased by
10 per cent. Thus a smaller digester is needed and this (//) Urea fertilizer. This also stimulates gas production
saving of cost compensates for the cost of the solar heater. but not enough work has been done to recommend a
This design is currently made entirely from steel, but it is fixed amount to be added per day. It could be as low
possible that in future other materials, including ferroce- one level teaspoon per day per 3 m 3 digester volume.
ment, could be used. The development in this direction
(b) Carbon
is important as it may be economically justifiable and
operationally suitable for village use in the course of time. Molasses or sugar waste products, powdered straw or
bajra leaves. When the material has to be bought or it takes
5. Thatched roof for gas holder a lot of time to powder, it is doubtful whether it is econ-
omically justifiable. Insufficient research has been done
The idea is to prevent heat loss through the gas holder. with these materials, but it appears that about 70 grams
It should not cost much and it can be tried. per m 3 of digester volume can be added per day.

6. Reflecting surfaces Note: If straw or bajra leaves are used and are not pow-
dered properly, they will float to the surface and
A curved wall located and painted to reflect the sun cause scum problems.
onto the still digester has been used. Enough information
on this method is still not available. (c) Enzymes

In the West enzymes have been used to reactivate

7. Composting around the digester wall
septic tanks. They have been tested on biogas plants and
Aerobic composting generates a lot of heat. The idea is found to increase gas production, notably methane. The
to make several composting pits around and against the only known sources of supply are in Switzerland and the
side of the digester and to use and empty them in turn so United States of America. This method is extremely expen-
that continuous heat is given to the gas plant. This has not sive and still not economic unfortunately.
been fully tested yet, but there appears to be no reason
(d) Water hyacinths
why this should not work well. The main thing is the dis-
cipline to empty and refill the compost pits regularly in This water weed produces gas well. It cannot easily be
rotation, so as to maintain a constant temperature in the used in a continuous type gas plant because it readily floats
slurry in the digester. If this is not done, the temperature to the top and causes scum problems. See chapter V.
of the slurry will fluctuate and the gas production may be
less than without composting. (e) Algae
Water containing algae has been found to give a signifi-
B. Chemical and microbiological methods
cant increase iri gas production in plants using pig manure.
Tests using algae have not been reported for gas plants using
1. C/N ratio and pH other types of manure.

If the gas plant using cow dung is operated as in- C. Mechanical methods
structed, especially regarding stopping feeding once the
digester is filled and until proper gas production starts, There are two different types of bacteria. "Active"
these factors will find their own satisfactory levels. bacteria move to food and away from their poisonous
residue toxins and "passive" bacteria depend on food
2. Feeding bacteria coming to them and their residue toxins being removed.
The bacteria can be stimulated to give better gas 1. Mixing (stirring)
production, by supplying readily accessible food. If too
much is added, it may produce a toxin (poison), which in It is well known that mixing is an effective way of
time will kill all the bacteria. increasing gas production. A few minutes of mixing several
84 Updated guidebook on biogas development

times a day is best, although most villagers only do it once For cylindrical gas holders some people suggest
or twice per day. attaching mixing rods inside, which reach down to the
bottom of the digester. If the internal guide system is
All commonly used circular gas holders floating in the
slurry are fitted with mixing bars at various radii so that by used, these rods will prevent the gas holder rotating more
turning the gas holder a limited amount of mixing is ac- than 90°. Where the external guide system is used and
complished. Square gas holders have to have a separate a central wall is incorporated, the movement will be 180°.
mixing device fitted at the top or alternatively a frame is Modifications to overcome these limitations have been
attached to the gas holder, and this mixes the slurry a suggested, e.g., old motor cycle chains or ropes with a
little as it moves up and down with the gas holder. It is not weight on the end. Care must be taken to ensure that these
possible to mix the contents of the fixed dome and bag do not get wrapped around the internal centre guide or
type digesters effectively, unless a special mixing device that the rope does not fray.
is incorporated. A little mixing is caused when the gas
plant is fed. For this reason some people feed their digester
(with a proportion of the. daily input) more than once 2. Recycling of slurry
per day.
The principle is to add a little of the old slurry to the
Mixing also helps to break up any scum and to dis- fresh slurry in order to seed it with bacteria. Not enough
sipate a bit of it. It also releases trapped gas bubbles. research has been done on this, but it appears that for
Scum causes reduced gas production. When scum forms a every 100 litres of fresh slurry about 2 litres of old slurry
thick layer, the only thing to do is to lift off the gas holder can be added. This will speed up and increase gas produc-
or gain access by other means and remove the scum. tion.


About 95 per cent of all the gas plants in Asia are of For estimating purposes allow 0.5 to 0.7 m 3 gas per
10 m3 (350 cu ft) size. It is reasonable to assume that at hour per m 3 incubator capacity (0.5 to 0.7 cu ft per cu ft).
the most only 5 per cent of Asian gas plants are used for
any other purpose than cooking or lighting. Some com- Example. How much gas will be required per day for an
mercial uses of gas are given below. incubator which measures 50 cm x 50 cm x 30 cm inside?
., . 50 x 50 x 30 ,. t
Volume = btres =
A. Refrigerators
= 75 litres = 0.075 m 3
Absorption type refrigerators can be run on biogas.
The flame needs to give the correct amount of heat, not Gas required per day = 0.075 x 0.7 x 24 = 1.26 m 3
too much, not too little. Commercially made biogas burners
for refrigerators are not available. However, a Telcu or C. Welding
Bunsen burner can be modified and used. The Telcu burner
is easier to adjust and is preferable. The following modifica- The temperature of an oxy-methane flame is about
tions may be required: 3,000°C, i.e., 250°C lower than an oxy-acetylene flame. An
oxy-biogas flame temperature would be lower still, the ac-
(a) A piece of metal gauze (preferably non-ferrous) should tual temperature depending on the percentage of CH4 in
be put over the flame port to prevent the flame lifting off; the gas. The lower temperature means that oxy-biogas is
unsuitable for ferrous welding but could be used for brazing
(b) The jet size should be altered to get the right amount (hard soldering). If uncleaned gas is used, a manometer
of heat (done by trial and error); should be used instead of a normal pressure gauge. The
HjS and moisture in the gas could damage a sensitive gauge.
(c) The air port should be altered to get an efficient flame
and not a long "lazy" flame;
D. Treatment to eliminate undesired
(d) The barrel size should be altered. This may need to be gas components
increased in diameter to reduce the flame speed and thus
avoid flame lift off. Some users of biogas in engines claim that it is necessa-
ry to clean the hydrogen sulphide (H2S) out of the gas
The amount of gas required for a refrigerator will
before using it. It is essential to clean it of H 2 S and carbon
depend on its size, room temperature, refrigerator tempera-
dioxide (CO,) if the gas is to be bottled. Biogas used for
ture and the condition of the refrigerator. For estimating
cooking or lighting does not need to be cleaned.
purposes, a figure of 0.6-1.2 m 3 per hour per m 3 refrigera-
tor capacity (0.6-1.2 cu ft per cu ft) can be used. (a) Removing H2S
Example. How much gas will be required per day for a Iron filings may be used to absorb H 2 S. It is not easy
small refrigerator of 125 litres (0.125 m 3 ) capacity? to calculate the absorption capacity of iron filings as they
get a sticky sludge on the surface from the action of the
Gas required per hour = 1.2 x 0.125 m 3
H 2 S, which prevents the gas getting at the filings on the
Gas required per day = inside. Once this sludge has formed on the whole surface it
1.2x0.125x24= 3.6m 3 (127cuft). is time to replace the filings. In one experiment in running
a petrol engine the gas passes through a 200 litre drum full
For this application a large gas holder is not required as the of iron filings, which is replaced every six months. Iron
gas is used uniformly throughout the day. filinjgs or ferric oxide (rust) of about 2.5 kg will absorb
1 m 3 of H 2 S, i.e., will clean 100 m 3 of biogas assuming it
contains no more than 1 per cent H.S.
B. Incubators
(b) Removing CO2
Incubators which are designed for operation with kero-
sene or commercially available gas can be modified to suit CO2 is usually removed by bubbling the gas through
biogas. Modified Telcu or Bunsen burners can be used (see lime water. Lime water is a mixture of 1.8 kg burnt lime in
section 1 above). 1,000 litres of water. One thousand litres of lime water will
86 Updated guidebook on biogas development

remove 560 litres of CO,- Therefore assuming there is 35 should also be cleaned of CO2 as there is no advantage in
per cent CO2 in the biogas, 625 litres of lime water will be compressing this. About 20 per cent of the energy available
needed to purify 1 m 3 biogas. lime water becomes a milky in the methane is required to compress the gas.
colour as it absorbs CO, and then it starts clearing a little
again as it becomes saturated. This shows when it needs to A typical steel storage bottle would be about 1.6m
be replaced. long x 0.27 m in diameter; capacity 54 litres, weight 63 kg.
It would hold 12 m3 (420 cu ft) of cleaned methane gas,
These figures illustrate the fact that large amounts of which is the equivalent to 18.5 m 3 (650 cu ft) biogas, as-
lime water are required for removing CO 2 . The lime sludge suming the biogas is 65 per cent methane. The gas pressure
which comes out of the solution can be removed, if it is used is about 20 MN/m2 (210 kgf/cm2). This is equivalent
given time to settle. The water can then be re-used with to about 16 litres of petrol or 14.5 litres of kerosene.
fresh burnt lime. The dried lime sludge sometimes has a
commercial value to chemical industries. Sodium hydroxide (b) Principles for compression of biogas in metal cylinders
(NaOH) mixed in water also absorbs CO2- It requires much The following basic points should be kept into con-
less water but is not so easily available and is more ex- sideration, while compressing the gas into cylinders:
pensive. Eleven and a half kg NaOH is mixed with 1,000
litres water and this will absorb 3,200 litres of CO2- (a) Complete removal of air from the cylinder;

Assuming there is 35 per cent CO2 in the biogas 1 m 3 (b) In initial stages compressor should be fed at
biogas requires only 11 litres of solution for purification. atmospheric pressure;
(c) The cylinder should be placed in cold water
Sodium hydroxide is caustic and can cause burns to while filling and the temperature should be properly con-
the skin. Great care must be taken when handling it. trolled;
E. Storage and bottling of biogas (d) The compression should be done in three stages:
(i) From atmospheric to about 1 MN m"2
In general, biogas produced from the digesters is stored (150 psi);
only temporarily in the gas holder attached to or integrated
(ii) From 1 MN m"2 to about 3 MN m'2
with the digester. However, apart from cooking and light-
(450 psi);
ing, biogas can also be used for running engines, irrigation
pumps, tractors and transport vehicles. For these purposes (iii) From 3 MN m"2 to about 14-20 MN m"2
it becomes necessary to store the gas in a portable container (2000-3000 psi);
and carry it to the place of application. Liquification of
biogas in cylinders is not considered feasible for technical
and economic reasons and therefore attention has also to
be given to flexible inflatable bags as portable containers.

Storage of biogas at producation sites requires either

technically efficient floating gas holders which are expen-
sive, unsightly and space taking or the underground, less
expensive, fixed-dome holders, considered as less efficient
and prone to leakage. Flexible bag systems are generally
expensive, difficult to construct and unsatisfactory for
many reasons.

Carbon dioxide, which forms about one third of biogas

needs additional storage space. If it is feasible economically
to remove carbon dioxide, it will be a good proposition to
remove the gas through purification measures. • PLATE IS
Biogas compressing unit
(a) Compression in metal cylinders
(e) Allow cooling between each stage;
Methane gas is unlike commercially available bottled
butane or propane gas, which liquifies at about 1.75 MN/m2 (f) It is possible to compress the biogas at 25 m3
(18 kg f/cm2). A pressure of about 34.5 MN/m2 (350 kgf/ per hour under a compression of 20 MN m"2 (200 atm);
cm 2 ) is required to liquify methane. Biogas must be cleaned (g) Biogas can be stored at pressures of 20-35 MN
of all H 2 S as this would corrode the storage bottles. It m"2 (200-350 atm);
XIV. Commercial uses of gas 87

(h) At this pressure biogas occupies about 5 times Digesters made from plastics
less volume than when under medium pressure;
Small-scale digesters made with vinyl chloride plastic
(i) A medium compression of 4 MN m"2 (40 atm) is are used in Republic of Korea. Plastic containers are placed
sufficient for purposes like running a tractor and at the in concrete boxes and are lagged with small stones or straw
same time is less costly. to reduce heat loss; the entire unit is then covered with a
plastic tent.
(c) Storage in flexible bags
Flexible bags can be made of a variety of materials In Bangladesh, a flexible biogas digester made from
such as rubber, PVC and polythene. A simple compressor PVC plastic sheet has been designed. A trench, 1 meter
can be used to fill the bags. deep, is dug in the soil and lined with a sheet of PVC
plastic. The fermentation material is placed in the trench
Rubber tubings of vehicle have also been used as biogas and is covered with a PVC plastic sheet with its sides dip-
storage containers. The inner tubes can be inter-connected ping below the slurry and attached to the trench walls by
with T pieces and the desired pressure can be obtained by tying to pegs. A piece of PVC tubing is inserted in the top
placing weight on the top of the tubes. to serve as gas outlet. The plastic cover inflates with the
Balloons have been used in China for storage of bio- production of biogas. However, the system has not proved
gas. Such balloons are made of 0.28 mm PVC film. Cost durable as the PVC deteriorates in sun light.
of two such balloons is Yuan 900 (SUS540) each with a
capacity of 120 m 3 .
Use of red-mud plastic
Flexible biogas storage bags made of rubberized
The residual material obtained from extraction of
fabric material are marketed in India by a commercial
aluminium oxide from bauxite, using sodium hydro-oxide
firm, Kirloskar. The bags are made available in two sizes
as an extractant, is known as red-mud. Typical analysis of
viz. 1.8 m3 and 3.6 m 3 costing about $ 55 and $ 75 re- the mud is SiC>2 14.6 per cent, A L 0 3 22.6 per cent
spectively. Fe 2 O 3 35.6 per cent, TiO2 7.2 per cent and Na20 9.1 per
cent on a dry weight basis. The PVC is blended with old
(d) Storage of biogas at production sites waste engine oil and red-mud at a temperature of about
Biogas at production sites is stored in three ways: (a) in 453 K (180°C). The final product which is obtained is
floating dome gas holders, (b) in fixed-dome gas holders, known as red-mud plastic and resembles rubber in ap-
and (c) in separate gas holders attached to fixed dome pearance and texture. The material is said to be highly
digesters. Recently use has also been made of flexible bags resistant to ultraviolet light, salts, acids and alkalies. Bags
for storing gas at production sites. While the first three made of red-mud plastic are used in Taiwan province and
methods have been dealt with earlier, storage in flexible can withstand internal pressures upto 4 KN m'2 (40 cm
gas holders is described below. water/column).

F. Engines for motive power

Biogas is an excellent fuel for both petrol and diesel
engines. The power obtained will be less than that obtained
when using liquid fuel alone. Engines using biogas run
hotter than on liquid fuel. Therefore the cooling system
needs to be in good repair.

Petrol engines can run on 100 per cent methane gas.

It is common, however, to use a little petrol for starting up.

In diesel engines the temperature at the end of the

compression stroke is usually not over 700° C, whereas the
ignition temperature of methane/air mixture is 814°C.
Hence the injection of a little diesel fuel just before the end
of the compression stroke, to ignite the gas mixture, can
Biogas stored in plastic bags ensure the normal running of the engine.
88 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Note 2: The engine is rated at 5 kW. However, if a lesser

amount than the maximum power is being used, the
amount of fuel will also be reduced, e.g., if only 3 kW
power is being used the fuel required will be about 10 x | =
6 m3 (210cuft)

Below about 50 per cent of the nominal power output

rating there will be no significant further fuel savings. This
is a characteristic of internal combustion engines irrespec-
tive of what fuel is used.

Example 2. How much gas is required to run a 5 hp

engine for nine hours per day?
(0.50 m 3 /hp/hr) x 9 hours x 7 hp
PLATE 17 = 31.5 m3 (1,112 cu ft)
Plastic bag biogas container for running engines Note: The gas plant to produce this gas must produce
mounted on vehicle top | | ^ =1.31 per hour. In nine hours it will produce 11.80
m 3 . Therefore the gas holder must have a minimum capaci-
ty of 31.5 - 11.80 = 19.7 m 3 . It would be wiser to make it a
bit larger, anything up to 25 m 3 (900 cu ft). This would be
an extremely large gas holder, both bulky and heavy.

Stationary engines located near a gas plant can be an

economical and practical proposition. If the engine is water-
cooled, the waste heat can be used to heat a water jacket
around the gas plant. This should not be done, however, if
the periods during which the engine runs would cause the
water jacket temperature (and hence the slurry tempera-
ture) to fluctuate a lot as this would affect the bacteria and
might reduce gas production instead of increasing it.

Engines running on gas require a large volume of gas

and hence a large gas plant. In general, it is recommended
that people gain experience with smaller plants using the
Truck run on biogas gas for such things as cooking and lighting before taking on
a large project such as this.
Engines require about
(a) Diesel engines
0.45 to 0.54 m 3 /h (16 to 19cuft)perhp .
= 0.60 to 0.70 m 3 /h (21 to 25 cu ft) per kW Engines designed to run on dual fuel (biogas/diesel
oil) or diesel fuel only (should the biogas run out) are now
Gas pressure used = 25 to 100 (1-4 in) water gauge manufactured in India.
Example 1. How much gas is required to run a 5kW Existing diesel engines can be modified to run on dual
generator for three hours each evening? fuel while still retaining the ability to use diesel fuel only.
By supplying only the correct amount of gas and making
(0.65 m3/kW/h) x 3 hours x 5 kW no modifications to the engine it is possible to save at
= 10 m3 (350cuft) least 60 per cent diesel oil.
Note 1: All this gas is required in a three-hour period. The When modifying a diesel engine the following points
gas holder must be able to store this amount, which might need to be carefully considered:
be the gas plant's total gas production per day. (Normally
(i) Compression ratio
gas holders are designed to hold only about 60 per cent of
the daily gas production as the gas is used at different times Some users have noticed that diesel engines run more
throughout the day.) smoothly on dual fuel when the compression ratio is
XIV. Commercial uses of gas 89

Gas inlet devices are designed to suit different engine

designs land inlet pipes and in order to give the proper
biogas/air mixture.

(iii) Starting

Diesel fuel only is used for starting. The starting pro-

cedure is the same with the engine unconverted.
(iv) Operation

After the engine has been running with diesel fuel for a
while, the biogas valve may be opened slowly. This will
automatically reduce the diesel fuel supply in view of the
action of the speed governor. It is important to let the
engine just warm up, then open the biogas valve gradually,
otherwise the engine may fail to take on load, emit smoke
PLATE 19 or even stop altogether. As the engine is operating, the
Fuel mixer adapted to run on biogas biogas valve should be opened or closed in response to the
and diesel oil change in engine speed or load, in order to ensure smooth
running and better fuel consumption. For this reason it is
lowered. As the compression ratio is lowered, the rated more economic and convenient to operate the engine on as
power will fall too. Starting will be also difficult in view steady a speed as possible when it runs on biogas.
of the drop in the temperature of the compressed gases.
On the other hand, biogas has good anti-detonation pro- When there is an ample supply of biogas, the load is
perties. Detonation caused by pre-ignition of biogas does steady and the engine is operating properly the percentage
not usually take place, except if the engine is overheated of saving of diesel fuel is 75 to 95 per cent.
because it is sucking too rich a biogas mixture with the air.
Besides, all types of diesel engines are normally set with In order to stop the engine the biogas valve should be
an advance injection angle. This will ensure the normal closed first and then the throttle valve.
running of the engine both on dual fuel and on diesel oil
alone. (v) Maintenance

For these reasons, it is recommended that the original There is no significant difference in maintenance when
compression ratio should be kept and that the advance the engine is run on biogas.
injection angle should not be changed. Retaining the
original features of the engine will also facilitate its main- (b) Petrol engines
tenance and repair. These are not so commonly used as stationary engines
(ii) Modification of the intake as the fuel is more expensive than diesel. They can run on
100 per cent biogas.
The main idea in the modification of the intake is to
provide the biogas after the air filter in the inlet pipe The air intake can be the same as that used for diesel
(figure 88). Some of the designs suggested for the introduc- engines. One alternative design is given in figure 90.
tion of biogas into the intake are shown in figure 89.
On low engines (less than 10 hp) it is sometimes found
advantageous to provide a plastic bag near the gas inlet so
• Diesel fuel injector that the engine can suck in gas more easily.
Inlet pipe . Exhaust pipe
For starting purposes it is important that the amount
of gas that can be supplied is greater than that required for
Biogas - normal running. After starting and warming up, the flow of
gas is reduced and controlled by means of a gas tap. It is
often easier to start the engine with petrol and then change
Air over to biogas.
Maintenance tends to be lower when gas is used as a
Figure 88. Diesel engine running on dual fuel fuel. Valves, plugs, etc. remain clean and the sump oil needs
90 Updated guidebook on biogas development

u Inlet pipe
1-.Cross pipe
Blogos —

(i) Direct connection of biogas pipe

to inlet pipe (China) (ii) Cross flow connection (China)

, Venturi in ado from

,• G I sheot

(iii) Gas ventuii (Pakistan)

Figure 89. Different devices for connecting the biogas

pipe to the intake

air control Control
spring 25

60 i
125 SflllSl Fittvd to engln*

6 0 * nire
netting balls
valve D=f^
Dimensions in mm

Gas inlet

Figure 90. Carburettor for 10 bhp petrol engine

running on biogas
XIV. Commercial uses of gas 91

less frequent changing. The engines tend to run a bit hotter G. Electricity generation
and the cooling system must be in good condition. One user
of a petrol engine running on biogas states that after 9 Generating electricity is a much more efficient use of
months of using uncleaned gas the pistons burnt out. Since gas than using gas lights. To generate 1 kWh of electricity
0.70 m 3 gas is required; this would be sufficient for 16 or
then the engine has been running trouble-free on cleaned
17 electric bulbs, each 60 watt, for one hour.
The same 0.70 m3 of gas would only be sufficient for
(c) Kerosene engines
5 gas lamps, each of 100 candle power (about 60 W) for
Kerosene engines can be run on biogas in the same way one hour. A 100 candle power gas light is supposed to give
as petrol engines. They are started up in the normal manner about the same amount of light as a 60 watt electric bulb.
and when warmed up they can be switched over to biogas. For the user, electric light fittings cost less and are cheaper
to maintain than gas lights.
(d) Gas engines
If the engine is designed to work on biogas, everything The disadvantage is the high cost of the engine and
is straight-forward and is explained by the manufacturer. generator, and also the distribution wires, if the houses
When a gas engine is designed for any other type of gas, it is are not close together.
necessary to adjust the carburettor. The quantity of gas
needs to be adjusted so that it has the same heating value Asynchronous generators of say 3, 5.5 or 7.5 kW are
as the original flow and type of gas for which the engine recommended, in view of their simple structure operation
was designed. After adjustment, the carburettor air intake and maintenance, for coupling with small internal combus-
needs to be adjusted accordingly. The gas to air ratio is 1:8. tion engines running on biogas.


A. Effluent value C. Other effluent features

The value of the effluent can be of even greater benefit Like all compost materials biogas adds humus and sup-
than the value of the gas. This is not usually emphasized ports the microbiological activity in the ground: it increases
enough. A biogas plant does not, however, produce more the soils porosity and water-holding properties, all of which
fertilizer nutrients than are put in initially. add up to increased crops. Unlike chemical fertilizer, it is
effective over a period of about 3 years. This is known as
What is true is:
the residual effect. Effluent also has minute quantities of
(a) The phosphorus and potash put into a gas plant come different elements all essential for healthy soils and plants.
out with very little if any reduction. Chemical fertilizers do not have these.
(b) There is a small loss of nitrogen into the gas. Some of
D. Crop response to effluent
the nitrogen (various sources say 20 per cent at least)
which enters the plant as organic nitrogen is changed into Different crops are more or less responsive to applica-
an ammoniacal form, which is more readily absorbed by tions of farmyard manure. The same response can be ex-
plants. Much of this ammoniacal nitrogen is lost if the pected from the effluent from the gas plant.
slurry is dried.
Responsive Less responsive
(c) Some of the dung put into the plant is broken down by
the bacteria into gas and water. The digested slurry solids Vegetable crops especially: Cereal crops:
coming out of the plant are usually about 70 per cent of Potatos Jowar
the input. Therefore the specific gravity (i.e., percentage Tomatos Bajra
solids) at the outlet will always be lower than the input. Sweet potatos Wheat
(d) The volume of manure after processing will be greater Water melons Ragi
than if the same dung had been put in a farmyard manure Radishes Barley
pit, assuming it is measured at the same moisture content. Carrots Oats
Cauliflowers Oilseed crops:
(e) The gas plant effluent will have more nutrients than Turnips Groundnuts
farmyard manure because there is less leaching. Much nitro- Onions Linseed
gen is lost in farmyard manure owing to volatilization Garlic etc. Sesame
(evaporation), which is increased when it is exposed to and Fruit trees and vines such as Castor beans
heated by the sun. Orange Coconut
Grape Other crops including:
B. Nitrogen effectiveness
Apple Cotton
Tests done on the nitrogen effectiveness of cattle dung Guava
following different field practices gave the following results. Mango etc.
Other crops including:
Table 6. Amount of nitrogen in cow dung Sugarcane
Field practice effectiveness
(per cent)
E. Effluent uses

Dung spread and ploughed in immediately 100

Much has been written about "total integrated systems".
In this system, the slurry is used to feed algae ponds and
Dung piled for 2 days before spreading and ploughing 80
fish ponds and to fertilize fields. The food thus produced is
Dung piled for 14 days before spreading and ploughing 55 used to feed humans and animals and their waste is used to
Dung piled for 30 days before spreading and ploughing 50 produce more gas and so the cycle continues. This has been
Effluent from gas plant introduced immediately into done. It is not easy. It requires a good technical knowledge
in a large number of disciplines, careful control of all parts
irrigation water 100
of the system and capital. Where any of these have been
Dried biogas plant effluent spread and ploughed . . . . 85
lacking, the scheme has not been successful.
XV. Effluent and its uses 93

Although attractive, it is not a practical scheme for an The pits must be large enough to hold all the
average village. However, it is practical to use elements of compost until it can be put on the fields.
the system. The elements chosen will depend on local
farming skills. Assuming that:
a. the compost is put on the fields twice a year;
(a) Algae production: This is difficult; it needs good tech-
nical knowledge, very careful control and substantial b. the water which was added evaporates, thus
capital. The algae produced can be used as a pig feed sup- reducing the volume by at least 50 per cent;
plement. Specialized advice should be obtained before c. the reduction in the volume of dung (25 to
attempting to produce algae on a big scale. 30 per cent of the solids in the dung are broken
down into gas and water), due to the digestion
(b) Animal feed: Slurry dried and processed to free it from
process in the gas plant, is made up by the
all parasites and pathogens. Used to replace a pro-
addition of compost materials;
portion of standard feed for pigs. Needs capital and
control. Probably only suitable for big installations. then the volume of the pits must equal the volume
of dung added per day multiplied by the collecting
(c) Fish ponds: Easy, no processing, small capital required. time.
Control simple. Only requires a small amount of slurry.
Advice can be obtained from national fishery departments. Example:
(Nitrogen in the slurry encourages algae to grow. This in A biogas plant has 120 kg (= 120 litres approx-
turn absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere. Oxygen is es- imately) of pig dung added per day. The compost
sential for the fish.) pit is emptied after 7 months (maximum time).
(d) Fertilizer: Straightforward. What area of compost pits is needed assuming they
are 80 cm deep?
(i) Liquid form. This can be taken in buckets and
put on vegetable gardens and around fruit trees. The volume of compost collected in 7 month =
To convince people of its benefit it is well worth
doing different parts of the same crop with and 120 litres x 7 months x 31 days per month 3

without slurry. The difference can be quite no- l,0001itres/m3 = 2 6 m

If the depth is 80 cm, then the area required
(ii) Diluted form. This is carried by irrigation water
to the fields. It is important that it is spread over =| | =33 m2 (350 sq ft)
all the fields and not on one field only. One field
could be overfertilized and cause a poor crop. Therefore three pits 2.5 m x 4.5 m should be suffi-
cient. The pits do not have to be bricklined but it
(iii) Composted. This is a commonly used method. The is better if they are as this keeps the weeds from
slurry is an excellent composting material as it is growing into the compost.
full of bacteria, which break down vegetable
matter very well. Two or three pits are dug about Where there is a very high water-table it is
80 cm deep (2 ft 8 in). This allows the sluny to occasionally necessary to lift the compost out of
dry a bit and is not hazardous to animals, which the pits and put it on the ground to dry sufficient-
might walk into it. ly to make it convenient to transport to the fields.
First a layer of straw, animal bedding, leaves
or other vegetable matter is put in and then a layer (iv) Semi-dried. This is similar to composting but no
of slurry is poured on top. Another layer of veget- additional composting materials are added. The
able matter is added, followed by more slurry. slurry is run into shallow pits and allowed to dry
Alternative layers are added until the pit is full. In partially in the sun. It is then dug out and stored
the fixed-dome digester the slurry is used directly in piles until it is time to spread it on the fields. It
in the field. The sludge obtained twice a year when can be fully dried in the sun if so desired.
the digester is emptied is usually composted as
described above, as it is the most polluted layer in F. Health aspects of effluent
the digester.
Concern is sometimes expressed regarding (a) the heavy
The compost is put on the fields in the normal metal content (b) disease-carrying organisms in the effluent.
manner. It should be ploughed in quickly. The former is not a problem in village plants using animal
94 Updated guidebook on biogas development

or human waste or vegetable matter. (It could be a problem freer from disease-carrying organisms than the input mate-
if industrial waste is used.) rial. Further improvements take place if the effluent is
subsequently composted. The biogas process is much more
It is impossible to give exact figures of the reduction of hygienic than commonly practised village methods of
disease-carrying organisms (especially those in human human faeces disposal. In view of the absence of oxygen,
waste) because it depends on several factors. the presence of ammonia, the subjection to high tem-
(a) Input material: type and amount of disease- perature, and other factors in the digester, the pathogenic
carrying organisms in the waste used; organisms and parasitic ova cannot normally survive for
long, or develop and multiply. For this reason alone certain
(b) Temperature: a high temperature gives a greater governments are actively encouraging the construction
kill rate; and use of biogas plants as a means of promoting better
village health. It is not the ultimate hygienic standard,
(c) Residency time: a longer time gives a greater kill but it is a realistic and greatly improved standard, which
rate. can be paid for and maintained by a village. It is only
suitable where people are willing to keep the toilet clean.
One thing that is certain is that the effluent is much


A. Publicity been carried out, along with good promotion and technical
support, biogas schemes have been successful.
There is no question that the best publicity is to see a
full-size gas plant working. This could be at a community In some countries large numbers of plants were in-
institution such as a school, health centre or agricultural stalled but failed because of various reasons such as:
centre. Even better is a village house used by an "average" (i) Inappropriate design;
(rather than an "exceptionally rich") farmer. People can see
how the plant is operated and the benefits of gas, fertilizer (ii) Too strong a campaign to install plants at
and improved hygiene. A demonstration plant at a private subsidized prices before people were genuinely
interested and had a realized need for them.
farm is demanding on the farmer, who will probably have
People did not operate or maintain their plants
lots of visitors. Such a farmer must have full technical sup-
port. If the plant breaks down and he cannot get it repaired
quickly adverse publicity will ensue. (iii) Lack of technical support.
Good publicity can also be given by well informed 2. Financial aid
village workers and also over the radio. Newspapers and
television are not generally available in villages and are It is clear from experience that direct subsidies, while
therefore not effective. causing many plants to be built quickly, usually result in
many of these plants going out of use within a few years.
Portable demonstration units can be used at public This is especially true if technical support is lacking, which
gatherings such as fairs. is unfortunately all too often the case. Another alternative is
Progressive schools can be encouraged to include biogas to take things more slowly, to let the farmer pay the full
technology in their syllabuses. The chemistry of fermenta- price of the gas plant and to subsidize the cost indirectly by
tion, the fertilizer benefits for crops, the fuel and fertilizer giving low interest loans. This subsidy can be compared to
needs of the community, etc., can all be investigated. This the financial assistance given to other rural services such as
helps to bring confidence to farmers if their children are be- electricity or drinking water supplies.
ing taught about the new technology and are working with
If a government decides to give financial aid, which is
it at school.
usually limited, it is normally given to people living in areas
It is very important that women are well informed of most need. Typically these areas have one or more of the
about biogas. It affects them directly. They usually do the following problems:
cooking and provide the fuel. They may have to operate the
gas plant themselves or supervise servants doing it. - High cost of fuel;
- High cost of fertilizer;
B. Promotion - Dung burnt as fuel;

1. General
- Bad sanitation;
- Undesirable deforestation due to use of firewood as
A biogas scheme can only be promoted once the fol- fuel.
lowing are known:
Before starting a programme to help these people they
(a) The advantages and disadvantages to the must have three facilities, otherwise biogas is unsuitable:
- Sufficient suitable input materials;
(b) The advantages and disadvantages to the
- Sufficient water;
- Reasonably high temperatures throughout the year.
(c) The advantages and disadvantages to the in-
dividual family. 3. Promotion campaign
(a) Examples
Possible benefits are listed in chapter I. These benefits
have to be measured against the alternative uses of the In China promotion work is carried out in different
resources available. Where careful preparatory work has areas in series. Usually a model suitable to the geological
96 Updated guidebook on biogas development

and climatic conditions is constructed using local materials. i. Appropriate good quality plants were built. A
The inhabitants have to copy the model using the technical one-year guarantee was given on everything. The
and financial assistance provided by the government or the digester and gas holder were guaranteed for a
commune. period not less than the payback period for the
loans (probably 5 to 10 years). These two items
An example of how biogas was promoted in Nepal accounted for about 70 per cent of the total cost
over a period of four years is given below. It may seem a of the gas plant. To do this the development
slow and demanding programme but it is proving to be very organization had to collect sufficient money to
successful. Not only is there a good demand for new gas pay for its own staff to visit the gas plant and
plants, but most existing plants are continuing to run suc- paint the gas holder at regular intervals throughout
cessfully. the guarantee period. All plants were visited three
Year One times in the first year and a technical report was
made. After the first year an annual visit and
a. A study was made of existing available designs. report on every gas plant were made for a period
The best one was selected to suit local needs and of 20 years. At the time of this visit free technical
was modified as necessary. advice was given and an on-the-spot estimate for
any repairs or modifications needed.
b. A small portable demonstration plant was shown
at fairs, etc. j. Financial help was given in the form of reduced
interest or interest-free loans. No direct subsidies
c. A few plants were built at a fixed price on the were given at all.
basis that if it did not work there would be no
charge. A one-year guarantee was given together k. Research and development is continuing. Any new
with regular, good technical support. ideas are thoroughly tested before general use.
Standards are established for gas plants, gas
Year two holder designs and protective coatings, fittings
and appliances.
d. Low-interest loans were made available from the
national agricultural development bank. Publicity This programme is continuing as detailed for year four.
and information were given over the radio.
(b) Technical after-sales service
e. Twenty to fifty plants are built in a restricted
area (for case of control). A guarantee and techni- The difficulty lies in giving good technical aftersales
cal support are also given. service. Rural development officers and extension workers
often have other pressures of work and perhaps other things
f. Plants were revisited at intervals to see that plants
in which they are more interested. For this reason, there are
were operated properly and that there were no
considerable advantages in having a private biogas company,
technical problems. The guarantee was honoured.
and also the lending bank as a business partner. Company
A technical questionnaire was filled in every six
staff have only one objective to concentrate their efforts
on. If existing plants do not work well, word will get around
and staff will not be able to secure new orders. In this way
Year three
management can see what is happening and can take action.
In the light of information gained in f above,
designs and specifications for materials were The bank, being a shareholder, is interested in giving
modified as necessary and the building and servic- loans. If any farmer, at the time of repaying his gas plant
ing of plants continued. loan or at any other time, lodges a complaint about his
plant, the bank can pass this on to the company directly.
Year four The bank can make sure action is taken. This is effective as
the management knows that the bank will not give new
h. With the confidence gained from the work already loans if the service to existing plants is not satisfactory.
done, a private non-profit-making company was
formed. The shareholders were the national agri- (c) Measuring campaign effectiveness
cultural development bank, one appropriate
government agency and a building organization. Building plants in this way with no subsidies either
This company was to work in the whole country for materials or service means a higher cost. The signi-
(or in one state, province or island as appropriate). ficant thing is that orders continue to come in and existing
XVI. Gas plant development programmes 97

plants continue in use. The programme is only four years himself under the guidance of an instructor. By the time he
old but over 350 plants have already been built. has done this he should be quite competent for all normal
work and only need assistance in exceptional circum-
A recent survey of 95 plants carried out in Thailand, stances. In India, such people can be registered as qualified
where organized biogas activity does not exist, showed biogas supervisors after doing this course. They are then
that less than 50 per cent of the gas plants built were paid a fee for each new installation built, working effective-
still in operation. ly as a private entrepreneur. The difficulty with this is that
an incentive is necessary for servicing existing gas plants.
A survey of 167 plants carried out in India, where a
long established organized biogas activity exists, showed 3. Manufacturers of gas holders, pipe fitters and masons
that 76 per cent of the plants were working. Of these, 10
per cent were temporarily nonoperating and required These people basically only need "on-the-job" training,
minor repairs and only 14 per cent were completely non- i.e., to do the job under an instructor a few times, and they
operating. will grasp it quickly. A little classroom instruction to ex-
plain a little about biogas is good, but not essential.
It cannot be stressed too much that successful pro-
motion means both building new gas plants of the right Training courses are organized in China for technicians
size and in the right places and giving good technical service from several villages. During the two-week course the
so that these gas plants keep working. teacher constructs several digesters with the trainers, then
each trainer constructs alone at least one digester under the
C. Training supervision of the teacher. After that the trainers return to
their villages to teach others.
If a gas plant programme is to be successful, it is
essential that staff are properly trained. Biogas technology D. National biogas centre
is not a difficult subject to grasp sufficiently well to ensure
the successful building of plants. However, people in dif- Biogas development in a country tends to be started by
ferent positions need different types of training. various organizations and individuals. It is helpful to have a
national biogas reference centre in a country. This centre is
1. Senior rural development officers, scientific officers, usually run by a government or semi-governmental organi-
agricultural engineers etc. zation. It coordinates rather than controls all aspects of
biogas including:
The main need of these staff is classroom instruction.
Visits to see plants working, being built and serviced are - Information collection and dissemination;
also essential. One week's training is normally sufficient. A - Research and development;
manual or set of papers on biogas technology should be - Designs and standards for fittings and appliances;
- List of approved manufacturers of biogas equip-
2. Government extension workers, biogas company ment;
supervisors etc. - List of approved biogas builders and service engi-
These people usually do not have as high an academic
schooling as group (a) above. When a plant is being built or - Procurement service for specialized items (e.g.,
it gives trouble, these people are usually called. Therefore stoves, lamps, gas taps and spare parts), if neces-
they need both a good theoretical and practical knowledge. sary.
The classroom work needs to be illustrated by practical A committee drawn from people working in all aspects
work, i.e., seeing a gas plant in all stages of construction of biogas gives guidance to this centre.
and the full servicing of the plant. The basic training can be
given in a week to 10 days. These people need to be suppli- In China, research institutes for biogas development
ed with a technical manual. After this, each person who is have been established in several provinces. They carry out
to work full time with biogas will benefit greatly by super- technical, biological, environmental, social and economic
vising the installation of three plants under the guidance of studies in biogas technology. National conferences and
an instructor. Also he should service a number of plants seminars on biogas are organized every two years.


A. Background effluent. The volume will change depending on

the amount of water added during mixing,
A great number of articles and papers have been decomposition (digestion) of the waste material
written over the years saying that community plants should in the gas plant and later on to water evapora-
be used in villages. They are more economic than individual tion;
plants and could be of help for those people with too few
livestock or too little space for their own plant. The fact is (iv) The person who will operate the plant. The vil-
that very few community plants have been built outside lage administration may build the plant and lease
China and, of those which have, only some are still work- it to a resident;
(v) The person who will carry out repairs and pay
Although there are some minor technical difficulties, for them;
this is mainly due to the following sociological and man-
agerial problems. (vi) The priority of distributing the available gas if
there is not enough of it;
B. Sociological considerations (vii) Availability of sufficient dung for the plant of
the type or types which are socially acceptable
(i) The priority the community gives to a biogas by the whole community;
plant over other projects (e.g., school or health
post); (viii) Availability of sufficient water in the dry season;
(ii) Community co-operation or lack of it; (ix) Availability of sufficient money to build a plant.
(iii) The main reason the community wants the
biogas plant (cooking - is there plenty of forest
nearby? Lights - is there electricity in the vil- D. Technical considerations
(i) The distances between the houses
(iv) Whether the gas plant can be incorporated into
If houses are far apart, long pipe$ with a large diameter
an integrated rural development programme with
will be required. This is very expensive and could easily add
other benefits, e.g., fish farming or power for a
30 per cent or more to the cost of the plant. In this case it-
rural industry.
might be more economic to have several plants in different
parts of the village. The plants could be interlinked using
C. Management considerations small pipes to provide some gas should one plant be closed
down for any reason or give poor gas production temporari-
(i) The way the farmers will get credit for the dung ly, thus giving a better security of supply.
they supply;
(ii) The practical size of the plant in the village.
(ii) The way of distributing the gas. Turning the gas
on and off at certain times of the day is dangerous Standard designs are available up to about 28 m3
as a tap could be left open and remain open after (1,000 cu ft) gas production per day size. Plants above
the supply was resumed. There are no known this size are a major undertaking.
low-cost meters which are suitable for biogas
(normal gas meters corrode and seize up in a
short time because of the moisture and hydrogen Note: A 28 m3 gas plant will require about 900 kg of
sulphide in the gas). If each farmer had his own cattle dung and 1,000 litres of water per day. Assuming a
gas holder, this could be the answer, but it would gas holder of 4,115 mm (13 ft 6 in) diameter, the weight of
be expensive. Gas can be charged for on the basis it will be about one ton. It will require lifting equipment
of the number, type and size of appliances in the both when it is first put in place and again when it has to be
household; removed for servicing the plant (e.g., scum removal). This
size of plant will provide gas for the cooking and lighting
(iii) The way of fairly distributing the gas plant needs of a maximum of 70 people.
XVII. Community plants 99

It has been suggested that gas pipes be used as water It is obviously essential that yearly schemes are tried in
pipes for part of the day. This is not recommended. The progressive, co-operating villages with a good local admin-
gas would flavour the water and all water would have to be istration. There will probably be a better chance of success
drained from the pipes before the gas service was resumed. if the biogas plant is an essential part of an integrated rural
If solutions can be found to the above listed problems development programme (i.e., a programme which includes
(and any other local problems), there is no reason why a other things such as better animals, composting, fish farm-
successful community plant should not be installed. ing, local agricultural-based industry, electric light, etc.)

A. Evaluating a project (c) Technical factors

Generally the investor is an individual, corporation, (i) Construction, maintenance and repairs of biogas
community or State. In each case a separate economic plant;
analysis affected by a different group of factors may be (ii) Availability of materials required;
considered. Some of the factors that may be considered are
(iii) Suitability of local materials.
listed below:
(a) Economic factors (d) Environmental factors
(i) Interest on loan for biogas plant; (i) The utilization of a cleaner source of energy (in
(ii) Current/future cost of alternative fuel; comparison with firewood and dung cakes for
(iii) Current/future cost of chemical fertilizer;
(iv) Current/future cost of materials needed for (ii) Conservation of forests, thus preventing soil
biogas plant construction; erosion, flash floods, etc.

(v) Savings of foreign currency in view of biogas

It is clear that a comprehensive economic study taking
all these factors into account is beyond the scope of this
(vi) Current/future labour cost; guidebook. The analyses for the different investor levels of
(vii) Inflation rate. individual, corporation, community and State cannot be
discussed here. Instead, the way in which a farmer may
(b) Social factors evaluate a biogas plant will be discussed in some detail, to-
gether with an illustrative example.
(i) The effect on the health of the farmers and on
their health bills;
However, it may be mentioned that economists will
(ii) The advantage of having cleaner villages, especial-
find ways to include all the economic factors listed in (a)
ly if toilets are attached;
for carrying out analyses for governments, communities or
(iii) Employment created in biogas construction and States (b). It will be more difficult to evaluate the environ-
related industries; mental and social factors mentioned in (b) and (c). Few
(iv) Better lighting; methods were introduced to accommodate these factors.
To take an example, the environmental factors were accom-
(v) Less time consumed on food-making (no collec- modated by adding to the capital costs the costs of the de-
tion of firewood or cow dung cakes is needed); vices, etc. needed in the case of conventional plants in order
(vi) Improving facilities in villages, thus encouraging to obtain the same environmental conditions prevailing for
bright young people to stay in the community. the use of biogas plants.

Table 7. Calorific values of fuels

Efficiency of Effective
Fuel Unit Calorific value Stove Bove Effective heat equivalent heat
MJ (kcal) (per cent) MJ fkcal) to lm3 biogas

Biogas ma 20 (4700) biogas stove 60 11.8 (2830) lm3

Electricity kWh 5.6 (860) hot plate 70 2 J (600) 4.70 kWh
Kerosene litre 38(9100) pressure stove JO 19(4560) 0.62 litre
Charcoal kg 29(6900) open fire 28 8.1(1940) 1.46 kg
Firewood* kg 20(4700) open fire 17 3.4 (810) 3.47 kg
Butane kg 46(10900) butane stove 60 27.3 (6530) 0.43 kg
Cattle dung cakes kg 8.8(2100) open fire 11 0.96(230) 12.30 kg

The figures for firewood are taken as examples. They do vary, e.g., depending on the type and dryness of the firewood.
XVIII. Economics 101

B. Value of gas The loan is to be paid off in equal amounts. The annual
payment may be calculated from the formula: where C c
Biogas has no commercial value. It is compared here is the capital cost and a is the annuity factor, which depends
with fuels which do. on the interest rate and the repayment period and can be
It is worth noting that 12.3 kg dried cattle dung cakes determined with the help of the formula or the figures
is equivalent to 61.5 kg wet dung, assuming 20 per cent given in table 10.
solids in the wet dung. If this dung were processed in a gas For 6 per cent rate of interest and seven years repayment
plant, it would be expected to produce 2 m 3 of gas, which period, the annuity factor is:
is double the amount of heat obtained from the dung cakes
and there is the further direct advantage of the subsequent a = 5.58
fertilizer value.
Annual payment = j ^ = $97
C. Value of fertilizer
This depends on the initial fertilizer value of fresh dung The total cost of the loan, including interest, is
and how it is used (see chapter XV). 97 x 7 s $680
We will assume that (a) all elements except nitrogen (b) Annual cost
(N) remain constant no matter how they are used; (b)
the fresh dung (cattle) has initially 0.12 per cent N; (c) Assuming that the life of the gas plant is 20 years and
for each m 3 of biogas produced 32 kg of cattle dung is the gas holder is painted yearly the following items may be
used per day, i.e., 11,700 kg per year. estimated as follows:
To put a value on the fertilizer, it is a case of seeing (i) Capital and interest on loan
how much nitrogen is in the original dung and how much
The average cost per year of the loan spread over
effective nitrogen is gained by the soil. This depends on
field practice. In 11,700 kg cattle dung at 0.12 per cent 20 years = ^ = $34.
N there is 14.1 kg N. This is equivalent to about 31 kg of
urea fertilizer, which is normally about 46 per cent N. If (ii) Repairs and maintenance. These are minimal
the current practice is to pile dung for 30 days before use, except for the yearly repainting of the gas holder.
then the amount of nitrogen =14.1 X 50 per cent = 7 kg. Two per cent of the capital cost should be suffi-
If the new practice is to dry the effluent, then the amount cient to allow the annual repair and maintenance.
of nitrogen = 14.1 kg X 85 per cent = 12 kg. This is about $10 per year.
For percentages, see table 6, chapter XV. (iii) Time required to operate gas plant. Many people
D. Example of biogas evaluation - do not consider this because it can be compared
farmer's view with the time saved in not having to collect
A farmer considers installing a 3 m 3 per day biogas firewood or buy kerosene. Also cooking takes
plant using cattle dung. This is the correct size of gas a shorter time. In cases where the farmer decides
plant for his needs 70 per cent of the gas will be used to include it, a usual rate is 7 to 10 minutes per
instead of wood for cooking and 30 per cent instead of day per m 3 of digester volume. For a 3 m3 size
kerosene for lighting. He has sufficient cattle dung. Water is plant 30 minutes may be allowed per day = Vi
easily available and does not represent a cost to him. He hour x 365 days = 183 hours per year. Labour
currently piles the dung for more than a month and then cost (in the developing countries of the region)
uses it. He plans to dry the slurry and use this in the future. = $0.05 per hour. Therefore the labour cost s
$9 per year. The total annual cost = 3 4 + 1 0 + 9
Will the farmer benefit financially from installing the = $53. $53 per year = 14.5 cents per day. There-
plant? fore the value of 3 m 3 of gas = 14.5 cents and 1
m 3 of gas = 4.85 cents.
(a) Total capital cost (including interest)
(c) Comparison of energy costs
The inclusive cost of the gas plant with all fittings,
etc. is assumed to be $US 540.00 (in Nepal). The farmer Expanding on table 7 and assuming the given costs of
obtains a government loan at 6 per cent interest to be fuel, it is possible to obtain the cost of equivalent effective
repaid over seven years (at a special low interest rate of- heat as in table 8. Table 8 shows that biogas in this exam-
fered by the Government to encourage the building of ple is a fuel costing less than any other, ignoring all side
biogas plants). effects such as taxes or subsidies.
102 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Table 8. Cost of equivalent effective heat Table 9. Costs and benefits of using biogas

Cost of Annually Daily

Effective equivalent (dollar) (cents)
Market cost equivalent effective
Fuel per unit energy using heat using
(cents) 1 mbiogas 1 m 3 biogas Total costs 53.0 14.5
Biogas 4.75/m 3 lm3 4.75
70 per cent equivalent wood for cooking 48.5 13.3
Electricity . '. . . 4.17/kWh 4.70 kWh 19.6
Kerosene 20.8 /litre 0.62 litre 12.9 3 m x 6.33 cents x 70 per cent
Charcoal 6.67/kg 1.46 kg 9.74 30 per cent equivalent kerosene for lights 42.5 11.6
Firewood 1.83/kg 3.47 kg 6.35 3
3 m x 12.92 cents x 30 per cent
Butane 40.0 /kg 0.43 kg 17.37
Increased N fertilizer value 6.5 1.8
Cattle dung cakes 0.42/kg 12.30 kg 5.17
Total benefits 97.5 26.7

(d) Comparison ofN costs

be e fitS
Note: Benefit cost ratio = c" s = 1.84/1.00
The following is a comparison of N costs in manure
following different field practices and urea.
Using the proposed method of making manure the
If urea costs about 20 cents per kg and is 46 per cent value of N = 18.6 x 85 per cent:
N then 1 kg N = 44 cents. From the above it follows = $15.8 per year.
The improved N value of manure = 15.8 - 9.3
The value of N in fresh cattle dung for the = $6.5 per year.
3 m3 size plant = 14.1 kg x 3 x 0.44
= $18.6 per year. (e) Costs and benefits
Using the current method of making farmyard manure In the example below the direct benefits are attrac-
the value of N = 18.6 x 50 per cent tive. However, all indirect advantages and disadvantages
= S9.3 per year. must be considered before a final decision is reached.

Table 10. The values of the annuity factor a


Payment period Rate of interest i (per cent)i

in years
n 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

5 4.58 4.45 4.33 4.21 4.10 3.99 3.89 3.79 3.70 3.60 3.52 3.43
6 5.42 5.24 5.08 4.92 4.77 4.62 4.49 4.36 4.23 4.11 4.00 3.89
7 —— 6.23 6.00 5.79 3-58 5.39 5.21 5.03 4.87 4.71 4.56 4.42 4.29
8 7.02 6.73 6.46 6.21 5.97 5.75 5.53 5.33 5.15 4.97 4.80 4.64
9 7.79 7.44 7.11 6.80 6.52 6.25 6.00 5.76 5.54 5.33 5.13 4.95
10 8.53 8.11 7.72 7.36 7.02 6.71 6.42 6.14 5.89 5.65 5.43 5.22
11 9.25 8.76 8.31 7.89 7.50 7.14 6.81 6.50 6.21 5.94 5.69 5.45
12 9.95 9.39 8.86 8.38 7.94 7.54 7.16 6.81 6.49 6.19 5.92 5.66
13 10.63 9.99 9.39 8.85 8.36 7.90 7.49 7.10 6.75 6.42 6.12 5.84
14 11.30 10.56 9.90 9.29 8.75 8.24 7.79 7.37 6.98 6.63 6.30 6.00
15 11.94 11.12 10.38 9.71 9.11 8-56 8.06 7.61 7.19 6.81 6.46 6.14
16 12-56 11.65 10.84 10.11 9.45 8.85 8.31 7.82 7.38 6.97 6.60 6.27
17 13.17 12.17 11.27 10.48 9.76 9.12 8.54 8.02 7.55 7.12 6.73 6.37
18 13.75 12.66 11.69 10.83 10.06 9.37 8.76 8.20 7.75 7.25 6.84 6.47
19 14.32 13.13 12.09 11.16 10.34 9.60 8.95 8.36 7.84 7J7 6.94 6.55
20 14.88 13.59 12.46 11.47 10.59 ' 9.82 9.13 8-51 7.96 7.47 7.02 6.62
25 17.41 15.62 14.09 12.78 11.65 10.67 9.82 9.08 8.42 7.84 7.33 6.87

N o t ? : A r t o w i refer t o the e x a m p l e given o n page 1 0 1 .



Annex I Flame speed factor: 11.1. This is a low figure and

therefore the flame will tend to
PROPERTIES OF BIOGAS "lift o f f burners which are not
Biogas is a mixture of gases. The principal ones affect- properly designed.
ing gas plants are: Inflammability in air: Six to 25 per cent biogas mixed
Methane (CH 4 ): in air will burn. More or less
usually 60-70 per cent biogas will not burn. (This is a
relatively narrow range and there-
Carbon dioxide (CO2): fore biogas is safer than other
usually 30-40 per cent commonly used household gases.)
Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S): The amount of air required for complete combustion
usually less than 1 per cent. depends on the percentage of methane in biogas.

Other gases present in very small amounts and which For 60 per cent CH4 per 1 m3 biogas, use 8 m3 air.
are normally ignored include: Usually burners use a ratio of 1:9 or 1:10.

Nitrogen (N 2 ) Annex II
Carbon monoxide (CO)
There are many factors which affect the biogas process.
Oxygen (O 2 ) Those which can easily be controlled in a village (e.g. mixing
the slurry correctly) are covered in the main part of this
Methane is the gas which is wanted. The percentage of book. Those which need to be understood in the designing
methane is affected by the biological process and the type and planning of a gas plant are included here. Often there is
of dung or vegetable matter used in the gas plant. Most very little one can do about these factors in a village but
people have no means of checking the percentage of they should at least be understood.
methane content but this does not matter. If the plant is
working well then the gas will burn well. If the plant is (a) Temperature. Methane-producing bacteria are greatly
overfed with fresh slurry (particularly during starting up - affected by temperature. The ideal temperature is about
see chapter XI), the carbon dioxide content increases and 35°C, just about blood temperature. When the slurry tem-
the gas may not burn. perature is low the gas production is greatly reduced. At
10°C it more or less stops. The common range of slurry
Hydrogen sulphide (sometimes called "rotten egg gas" temperature in Asia is 18 to 32°C. A 35°C temperature is
because of its unpleasant smell) has both advantages and not usually possible in an unheated plant.
disadvantages. Its smell warns people if there is a leak. It
forms an acid when mixed with water and this is mildly The bacteria cannot tolerate fluctuating temperatures,
corrosive (it is very diluted and therefore weak). i.e., hot during the day, cold at night. This will reduce gas
production. Plants built in the ground tend to have stable
Biogas is a wet gas because it picks up water vapour temperatures and keep within the daily allowable fluctua-
from the slurry. This vapour condenses in the pipes and has tion of + 1 °C.
to be removed.
(b) Retention time. Retention time is temperature depen-
Because the composition of biogas varies, so do its dent. The higher the temperature the faster the bacteria use
various properties. Therefore the following figures (13) can the food in the slurry and the sooner it needs replacing. It
only be taken as approximations. is in winter, when the temperatures are lowest, that most
gas is usually wanted. The theoretical retention time is the
Calorific value: 20-25 MJ/m3 (4,700-6,000 kcal/m3) volume of the digester divided by the daily input. In practice
the effective volume is reduced by a build-up of solids at
Specific gravity: 0.86 (air = 1.00)
the bottom of the digester or by scum and therefore the
Wobbe No: 732 effective retention time is shorter.
104 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(c) Air. Methane-producing bacteria are anaerobic. There- Annex table 1 shows that the contents of C and N and
fore air should be excluded. the C/N ratio of each raw material are quite different. The
C/N ratio can be ignored only in villages which use cattle,
(d) Bacteria. Bacteriology is a highly specialized science. sheep or horse dung as raw material as the C/N ratio of
Normally bacteria multiply and the type depends on the these materials is rather near the optimum ratio.
sort of dung and the temperature level. A few strains of
methane-producing bacteria have been isolated in labora- (f) pH. Given time bacteria will find their own pH level.
tories and put into gas plants which are at the same tem- This is usually 7.0 to 8.0 but can go up or down a further
perature as the sample. However, there are some methane- 0.5; pH is not likely .to present any problems provided the
producing bacteria in all dung. If the temperature of the plant is started up properly (see chapter XI) and not overfed
gas plant changes just a little (say more than 2°C). One strain with fresh slurry.
of bacteria is superceded by another and any benefit from
the strain supplied by the laboratory is lost. The gas plant operator should notice a fall-off in gas
production before he notices a change in the pH. A change
It is thought that all gas plants contain several different in the pH says what has happened but too late.
strains of methane-producing bacteria. In a village situation
there is no practical control of the bacteria. The pH can be simply checked using narrow band
indicator paper.
(e) Carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N). To guarantee the normal
biogas production, it is very important to mix the raw (g) Volatile acids. These are more important than pH as
materials in accordance with the C/N ratio. they give the actual situation inside a plant. They are not
easily measured and this has to be left to researchers.
The carbon to nitrogen ratio of biogas digestion raw
materials represents the proportion of the two elements. (h) Solid contents. The suitable solid contents (dry matter
The elements of carbon (in the form of carbohydrates) and concentration) of raw materials is 7 to 9 per cent. In actual
nitrogen (as protein, nitrates, ammonia, etc.) are the chief rural situations, the dry matter concentration of raw mate-
nutrients of anaerobic bacteria. Carbon is utilized for energy rials is changed with the change of season. It is lowered in
and nitrogen for the building of the cell structures. These summer. When the gas production is high, and increased in
bacteria use up carbon about 25 to 30 times faster than winter.
they use nitrogen. Experiments have shown that a C/N ratio
(i) Toxic substances. Industrial effluent can contain toxic
of 25 to 30:1 will permit digestion to proceed at an optimum
substances, which will kill methane-producing bacteria. This
rate, if other conditions are favourable. If there is too much
does not apply to village situations. Some animals are given
carbon in the raw materials, nitrogen will be used first,
special feeds and medicines. For practical purposes these
with carbon left over; this will slow down the digestion.
can be ignored as they will not (or only very slightly) affect
gas production.
Annex table 1. The C/N ratio of different raw
materials (approximate value) Annex HI
Carbon Nitrogen
Raw materials {percentage Ipercentage C/N ratio
by weight) by weight)

Although much has been written about all aspects of
Wheat straw 46
biogas by many people, much still remains to be learned.
0.53 87:1
Rice straw 42 0.63 67 1 There is relatively little well researched and documented
Corn stalks 40 0.75 53:1 information about how much gas can be expected from
Fallen leaves 41 1.00 41:1 various types of dung under conditions found in villages.
Soybean stalks 41 1.30 32 1
Weeds 14
Three of the most important variables appear to be
0.54 27:1
Peanut stalks and leaves 11
temperature, retention time and the percentage of solids
0.59 19:1
(specific gravity). The graphs in figures 92 to 94 illustrate
these variables. These graphs were produced by various
Sheep 16 0.55 29:1
research bodies in different countries. Some conditions
Cattle 73 0.29 25:1
are not normal for village conditions (e.g., in figures 92
Horse 10 0.42 24:1
and 93 the temperature is 35°C). However, until better
Pig 7.8 0.65 13:1
information becomes available, they serve the purpose of
Human faeces 2.5 0.85 2.9:1
showing the trends caused by changes in different varibles.
Annex 105


100 -

Ordinary n o n - heoted plant



Solar heated plant

20 32 36 Teroperofure ° c

Retention time i 55 days o Figures reported f r o m India ( A j i t m a l )

Retention time of solar heated plant-15 18 days Figures reported f r o m Nepoi
Percentage of total Solids = 8 1 0 % * Figure reported from United States of America

Figure 91. Gas production as a function of slurry temperature


Avars*)* t«r mtntorio* t«mp«rotur« * 33 °C

2 % total tolMi
laifiolly Inoc^ofvtf w4th 5 % octlv* material

70 Rattntlofi tlmt
Figure 92. Rate of gas production as a function of retention time
(Republic of Korea)
106 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Poultry dung(35°C)

Pig dung (35°C)

0 8 -


0.6 -

0 4 • owdung < 3 5 ° C )



20 50 60 70 Retention time
For gos production equaling 75 6 5 % of the maximum value, the corresponding
retention times ore as follows (regton'a'on the curves) :—
2 2 ... 29 days for poultry dung
2 0 . 2 5 doys for pig dung
33 . 39 days for cow dung

Figure 93. Total gas production as a function of retention time (Republic of Korea)




116 Pironlag* of tolldt

Figure 94. Gas production from cow dung as a function of the percentage of solids
Annex 107

Annex IV In all designs shown the inlet opening and displacement

part are made from lime clay. The constructional details of
FIXED - DOME TYPE BIOGAS PLANTS five sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 50 m 3 are given in figures 95,96,
97 and 98. The variable dimensions of these sizes using dif-
The designs given are made from bricks, #30 concrete ferent construction materials are given in annex tables 2,3
(compression strength in a test sample = 30 kg/cm2 #100 = and 4.
100 kg/cm2) lime concrete and lime clay. The materials and
mixing ratios for the latter two are given in chapter VIII. These designs were provided by the Sichuan Provincial
Different materials can be used for different parts of the Institute of Industrial Buildings Design, China (16) and re-
same digester. The thickness must be appropriate for the commended by the South West Engineering Institute in
material used. Beijing (15).
Annex table 2. Variable dimensions of brick digester
of 6,8,10 and 12 m 3 capacity
(in millimetres)

Sizem3 L B H D
h R
2 f2
6 4700 3080 2550 2600 1410 870 2760 330
8 4900 3280 2630 2800 1510 930 2980 350
10 5200 3580 2760 3100 1680 1030 3300 380
12 5400 3780 2870 3300 1790 1100 3510 410

Annex table 3. Variable dimensions of digester of 6,8,10 and 12 m capacity constructed from
concrete, lime concrete and lime day
(in millimetres)

Material Sizem3 L B H D R
l h R
2 *l '2 f t4
Concrete No. 30 . . 6 4580 2880 2440 2400 1740 480 2550 300 60 60 30 60
8 4880 3180 2540 2700 1960 540 2860 340 60 60 30 60
10 5180 3480 2640 3000 2180 600 3180 380 60 60 30 60
12 5380 3780 2700 3200 2320 640 3400 400 60 60 30 60
Lime concrete . . . 6 4580 2960 2480 2400 1740 480 2550 300 100 100 50 100
8 4880 3260 2580 2700 1960 540 2860 340 100 100 50 100
10 5180 3560 2680 3000 2180 600 3180 380 100 100 50 100
12 5380 3760 2740 3200 2320 640 3400 400 100 100 50 100

Lime clay 6 4580 3060 2530 2400 1740 480 2550 300 150 250 70 125
8 4880 3360 2630 2700 1960 540 2860 340 150 250 70 125
10 5180 3660 2730 3000 2180 600 3180 380 150 250 70 125
12 5380 3860 3790 3200 2320 640 3400 400 150 250 70 125

Annex table 4. Variable dimensions of digesters of 50 m capacity constructed

from concrete, lime concrete and lime clay
(in millimetres)

Material Size m R

Concrete No. 30 50 3620 5380 100 120 55 110

Lime concrete bottom made from
No. 30 concrete 50 3620 5380 180 180 96 100
Lime clay bottom made from
No. 30 concrete 50 3620 5380 300 300 176 320

Nota : Dome and wall are mad* of bricks,
bottom of concrete.



Figure 95. Fixed dome digester of 6, 8,10 and 12 m3 capacity constructed mainly of brick (China) P.
(see annex table 2) 2.


* 100 concrcr


'»: 1. Dome, woll, bottom are of # 3 0 concrete
when dome is mode of #100concrete
(see details ( A ) )

2. Inlet opening ond displacement tank

are of lime clay

Not to scale

Dimensions in mm


Figure 96. Fixed dome digester of 6,8,10 and 12 m3 capacity constructed of concrete, lime concrete
and lime clay (China) (see annex table 3)


Notes: I. Dome, wall, bottom are of • 3 0 concrete

when dome and bottom are mode of • 100
concrete (see details ( A ) (§))
2. Inlet opening ond displacement tank CL
are of lime clay

Not to scale 8
Dimensions in mm

Figure 97. Fixed dome digester of 50 m3 capacity constructed of concrete, lime concrete and &
lime clay (China) (see annex table 4) •a
Annex 113

W - ^ M . w w ^ ^ r - -j— •

> no "f

Figure 100. Floating gas holder digester of 2.8 m3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal)
114 Updated guidebook on biogas development


Section A - A

£ f

J ' "'(JQOtulll 4TS0 4 4 0 0 J « 0 2t9O 2000 1700 2 4 ( 0 4T0 410 410 4tOO 4400 TOO
10 » ' t J 3 0 « « t t ) 3043 4«»S SSSO 32»O 2«0O 2300 1060 1295 350 390 3000 4900 1000

Figure 101. Floating gas holder digester of 5.7 and 10 in3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal)
Annex 115

attention if
necessary to
keep total
height constant

Got pipi
to kitchen
Slop* down"

.• y J / ., y U-l)jr rr " 111 n 11 n 11 p r FT n 1111 i 111 T T n j ^ ^ j f «

Figure 102. Floating gas holder of the taper type of 10 m3 gas per day, DCS design (Nepal)
. Mi.*...

MO in

V>* N

Dimtnsiont in mm

«« • C • I P f H* V« • (t

.100 .000 > iO0 «W .100 ><> IT ^IT, ,« I O

110 .120 toS tOCO .IM fMO •«• 11 J'lTt MM '««•

&r • •l71i
7 { t H ( ))
»" <no .»ro i t S i m I M J M " •

Figure 103. Gas holder for DCS digesters of 2.8 and 5.7 m3 gas per day (Nepal)

*1t ( 7 ) H— - to «M <*»«ct tta»*
• C * • * * . 1311 fl
I C O M 'V* 33 >•«• l*Mi «>*i - 1 , - 1 , -



X 1

• C M 1:19 MB 0 / 0 1
III no
> ••»
•t •r»
•a it'

Figure 104. Gas holder for DCS digester of 10 m3 gas per day (Nepal)
118 Updated guidebook on biogas development

The specifications of the DCS plants are given below:

Expected gas production

using cattle dung: 2.8 m'/day 5.7 m'/day lOm'/day
(lOOcuft) (lOOcuft) (35Ocuft)
straignt and
taper designs

Digester volume: 7.1m' 13 m 3 24.3 m 3

Gas holder volume: 1.7 m 3.4 m ' 6 m3
Bricks 9 x 4% x 3: 3,000 5,000 7,500
Cement (50 kg bags): 12 17 21
Sand (old cement bags)
(holding 1.25 cu ft): 70 110 130
Motar mix 1:6 for brick work
1:4 for plaster work. Plaster exposed brickwork (only for decoration)
100 mm diameter pipe: 3.8 m 9.4 m 9.9 m straight
6.1 m taper

(b) The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) (ii) Digester, gas holder and gas holder guide for a
plants** plant of 5 m 3 gas per day (figure 106);

The drawings attached include the following designs: (iii) Digester, gas holder and gas holder guide for
straight and horizontal plants of 10 m 3 gas
(i) Digester, gas holder and gas holder guide for a per day (figure 107).
plant of 2 and 3 m 3 gas per day (figure 105);
Volume of spherical segment = (cf. figure 108b)

**These designs were provided by the Khadi and Village +

Industries Commission, Irla Road, Vile Parle (West), Bombay 8 6
400 056, India (used for design of dome roofs and floors)
Annex 119

Six* m74ay D L a b c d c t 4 h i i K

2 1550 2500 1750 500 £50 •JOOO 380 100 355 405 430 380 400
3 1600 J000 I9C0 750 300 4500 450 150 380 525 380 750 too

•150, i lisa
k ISO 450

SO / G l.pip* 1850 long

Ground l«y«l [ \ /[

1000 ^-100 4 pip* 9 0 0 lonij

100 t pip? 4 long

230 thicn b r i o wall

230 i ^ C o n e r t t t foundation

— 25 4 halt

Not to scale

Dimensions in mm

Figure 105a. Floating gas holder digester of 2 and 3 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India)
120 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Bottom ring mode from 35 x 35 x 5 mm or 4 mm

angle welded to vertical and bottom
horizontal braces

Bottom flange welded to central pipe and

bottom horizontal braces Keeping the pipe open
flange dia 2 5 0 mm and 6 mm thick

4 bottom horizontal braces made from

35 x 35 x 5 mm or 4 mm angle and welded to bottom
ring, flange and central pipe

4 flats of 4 0 x 6 mm each welded to top to

sloping braces.at bottom to horizontal
braces,at distance of 150 mm A, 300 mm B,
4 0 0 mm C and 5 0 0 mm D from central pipe for
2 mVday gas plant The corresponding distances for
3 mVday plant are 2 5 0 , 4 0 0 , 4 5 0 and 5 5 0 mm

Frame to be covered by 14 (12 for 3 mVdaygas plant)

SWG. M.S. sheet

Vertical side braces mode from 35 x 35 x 5 mm

or 35 x 35 x 4 mm angle welded at top to roof
braces and ring and at bottom to ring

Roof ring made from 35 x 35 x 5 mm or 4 mm

angle welded to vertical and roof braces

Note :
CROSS SECTIONAL ELEVATION Four rings to be fixed on top ring of
gas holder ( handles)

Central pipe 65 mm dia. 1150 mm long welded

to upper and lower flanges roof and bottom
horizontal braces

6 2 5 mm ( 7 5 0 mm for 3 m/day plant) dia. circle for

gas outlet flange to be welded with roof plate anywhere
on circumference of the circle

2 5 0 mm dia.6mm thick flange welded to central

pipe and roof braces Keeping the pipe open

Not to scale
Roof plote Weld
Dimensions in mm

Size mVdoy d L h
2 1250 1100 100
Figure 105 b. Gas holder for 2 and 3 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)
Annex 121

5 0 mmd G. I. pipe •
11 'T '

18 50
I—Angles Angles
Flange plate
2 5 0 x 2 5 0 x 6 mm th
a 35 x35 x 5 or 4 mm

300 r^^
35x35x 4or 5mm



• J L L — 111—

300 Angles


1 -it--it-
•14 mm 4 bolt holes


PLAN Not to scale

Dimension in mm

50 mm 4
14 mm 4 bolt holes
Size mVday A B
2 1810 880
3 2060 1005

FLANGE PLATE 250 x 250 x 6mm

Figure 105 c. Gas holder for 2 and 3 m 3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)
122 Updated guidebook on biogas development


Outlet tank

G. I. pipe —
2 150 long

Support 230 x 230 x 9 0 0

concrete foudation 1:3:6 —


150 ,150



Inlet tank

PLAN Dimensions in mm

Figure 106 a. Floating gas holder digester of 5 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India)
Annex 123

Bottom flange welded to central pipe and bottom

horizontal braces Keeping the pipe open,flange
3 0 0 mm 4 and 6 mm thick

6 bottom horizontal braces made from

3 5 x 3 5 x 6 mm angle iron and welded to bottom ring
flange and central pipe

Bottom ring made from 35 x 35 x 6 mm angle iron

welded to vertical and bottom horizontal braces

3 flats of 4 0 x 6 mm each welded at top to sloping

braces and at bottom to horizontal braces at
a distance of 3 0 0 mm at'A 1 , 4 5 0 mm a t ' B'and
6 0 0 mm ot 'c' from central pipe

6 vertical side braces made from 35 x 3 5 x 6 mm

angle welded at roof braces and ring, and at
bottom of ring
1250 10<
Roof ring made from 35 x 35 x 6 mm angle Iron
welded to vertical and roof braces

Frame to be covered by 12 SWG. M.S. sheet


Roof flange welded to central pipe roof braces

keeping pipe open 3 0 0 mm 4 and 6 mm thick

Central pipe lOOmmjJ internal 1250 mm long

welded to upper and lower flanges, roof and bottom
horizontal braces

1000 mm circle for gas outlet flange to be welded

with roof plate anywhere on circumference of
the circle

Note : .
Four rings to be fixed on top ring of gas holder
( f o r handles)


Not to scale
Weld Roof plate
Dimensions in mm



Figure 106 b. Floating gas holder for 5 m 3 gas per day, KVTC design (India) (continued)
124 Updated guidebook on biogas development

rm rrrt
G . I . p i p e —.--
8 0 mm i G. I. pipe •

2 I 50

I 190 -Angle iron braces Angles

35 x 3 5 x6mm 35 x 35 x 6 mm
Flange plate —
'300x300x6mm Midway braces

2 460



I 190

1 3( 0
„ _ Angles
35 x 35 x 6 mm


SO 3 0

^—-^ 14 mm 4 bolt holes


80 mm

Not to scale

14 mm 4 bolt holes Dimensions in mm

FLANGE PLATE 300x300x6 mm

Figure 106 c. Gas holder guide for 5 m 3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)
Annex 125

100 Int i —
G.I. pipe
2 200 long

150 thick concrete cement

foundation 1 : 3 : 6



Dimensions in mm

Figure 107 a. Floating gas holds: digester of 10 m3 gas per day, KVIC design (India)

Note: The same design is used for straight and horizontal plants.
126 Updated guidebook oh biogas development

2 750


Ground level // ,

100 4 pipe — w / I 4Q0

3 400 long /' '—Concrete
280 2 290

300 300 2 2 70
2 900 '22
Reinforced 12 )0
concrete slob Af-- 350«350l Brlc« w o l l -

Concrete 1 : 3 : 6


ISO 900 15
Reinforcement details for roof
Oia. of bars Space C/C
Main steel 12 100
Dist. steol 10 200

Note : Slope of gat plant

= 60 per metre

4-.- •4-

Outlet pipe 230 below top
of digester pit wall ._ ._!_.
E^4- Not to scale
150.400 ISO
• — PLAN Dimensions in mm

I 400
300 • 2J0thc»
\A partii ion wall
Support-» P a r t i t i o n i-
I 370 pillar I 3C0 -'J
i l'i •v-' 0

^ •[. ILUJ J_l _ ' K'2£ I ,'l

1 23O~ ~"F7S6 2"pO 230 z'750 2S0
Figure 107 b. Floating gas holder digester of 10 m 3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)

Note: The same design is used for straight and horizontal plants.
Annex 127

Bottom f larnge welded to central pipe and bottom

horizontal braces keeping the pipe open flange
3 0 0 o" and 6 thick

6 Bottom horizontal braces made from

35 x 35 x 6 angle iron and welded to bottom ring
flange and central pipe

Bottom ring made from 35 x 35 x 6 angle iron

welded to vertical and bottom horizontal braces

3 flats of 4 0 x 6 each welded at top to sloping

braces and at bottom to horizontal braces at
o distance of 3 0 0 at 'A 1 ,600 a t ' B' and 9 0 at 'c'
from central pipe

6 vertical side braces mode from 3 5 x 3 5 x 6

angle welded at roof braces and ring, and at
i s >o bottom to ring

Roof ring made from 3 5 x 3 5 x 6 angle iron welded

to vertical and roof braces

Frame to be covered by 3.175 thick (10 SWG) sheets


Roof flange welded to central pipe roof braces

keeping pipe open 3 0 0 4 and 6 thick

Central pipe 125 intsrnol d 1500 long welded to

upper and lower flonges, roof and bottom horizontal

I 3 0 0 i circle for gas cutlet flange to be welded

with roof plate anywhere on circumference of
the circle

Note :
Four rings to be fixed on fop ring of gas holder
(for handles)

Not to scale

Dimensions in mm


Figure 107 c. Floating gas holder digester of 10 m 3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)
Note: The same design is used for straight and horizontal plants.
128 Updated guidebook on biagas development

ii ;;_'.

G. I. pipe

> Angles
2 21
Angle iron brace
Flange plate-
300x300x6 Midway flange




3210 — Angles —
so 35x35x6


14 4 bolt holes
50 i 50 i


14 6 bolt holes Not to scale

Dimensions in mm

FLANGE PLATE 3 0 0 x 3 0 0 x 6 mm
Figure 107 d. Floating gas holder digester of 10 m 3 gas per day, KVIC design (India) (continued)
Note: The same design is used for straight and horizontal plants.
Annex 129

Brickwork per m 3 of brickwork Bricks 9" x 4W x 3 " screening through a 2.5 cm mesh screen. The organic load-
ing in the digester is about 0.8-2.2 kg, 5 kg of slaked lime is
Mortar imix 1:8 added in the beginning for acceleration of gas production.
Bricks 500 The retention time is 20 days. Gas production ranges from
Cement 50 kg
4.2-5.6 m 3 /day. The digested sludge from the night soil
Sand 0.28 m3
digester is withdrawn on to a sludge drying bed, for dewa-
Mortar imix 1:6 (cement: sand) tering and drying. Supernatants obtained from the digester
Bricks 500 are treated further in stabilization ponds.
Cement 65 kg
Sand 0.26 m 3
Annex VIII

i-mixed concrete per m 3 concrete SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF

Mix 1:2 :4 (cement :sand: stone)
Cement 320 kg A few case studies based on cost-benefit analysis are
Sand 0.45 m 3 given below to illustrate the advantages of biogas tech-
Broken stone nology.
(12 to 25 mm size) 0.90 m 3
Case study I:
Mix 1:3:6 (Parikh, 1979)
Cement 220 kg
Sand 0.46 m 3 The following table is a comparison of the economics
Broken stone of four alternatives for obtaining the same amount of fuel
(12 to 25 mm size) 0.92 m 3 and fertilizer, viz.

Plaster work thickness 12 mm per 10 m 3 (a) Set up a biogas plant;

Mortar mix 1:4 (cement: sand) (b) Burn dung for cooking and heat; purchase fer-
Cement 55 kg tilizers and kerosene (for lighting);
Sand 0.16 m 3
(c) Use dung for fertilizer; purchase additional dung
and kerosene to burn;
(d) Purchase coal, kerosene and fertilizers.
Economic comparison of family biogas plants in India
(Amounts per year)

ll (b} (c) (d)

Install Burn dung Use dung for Purchase
1.8 m 3 Id purchase fertilizer; coat.
Items fertilizer purchase kerosene
biogas plant
to provide and kerosene end and
gas and kerotene supplementary fertilizer!
fertilizer fertilizers
(i) (•>)
Figure 108. Volume of various segments depreciation and mainten-
ance costs** (S) 3i
Amount of biogas generated
Annex VII (m J ) 660
Effective energy yield (giga-
joules) 7.92 5.42
Fertilizer produced (kg of N) 52.6
A night soil biogas plant has been evolved by the Kerosene (kg) 25 25 25
Dung cakes (t) 1.50 5.15
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Fertiliser (kg of N) 52.6 22.7 52.6
Coal (t) 3J
Nagpur, India. The plant is a masonry structure, partly
Total costd ($) 31 34.8 41.4
above ground, with a floating gas dome at the top to collect 76

the gas. There is provision in the digester to feed the night (a) For a private owner of five animals with an annual output of dry dung of 3.65 tons.
soil slurry and withdraw the digested slurry. Night soil (b) Based on interest rate of 12 per cent on an initial investment of S200, life of plant of 15
years and cost of painting the drum of S5 per year.
and water in the ratio 1:0.5 is fed into the digester after (c) fijscd on the following tsjumptions:
130 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Calorific Efficiency Net energy N = Number of animals required per plant

value of burning output
percentage W = Wet dung processed per plant per year = 365
Dung 3200 k d / k g 11 355 kcal/kg Nd(kg)
(13.3 MJ/kg) 11 (1.48 MJ/kg)

Biogas 4770 kcal/m3 60 2860 kcal/ra3

D = Dry dung available per year from dung of equiv-
(20.0 MJ/m3) (l2.0MJ/ra 3 ) alent quantity as processed in a gas plant (kg)
<ii) Cooking energy needs imount to 1.77 Deal (7.40 GJ) x 103 kcal/a and o n be met G = Methane gas produced per plant per year = 365
from either 615 m 3 of biogai or 5.15 t of dung cakes; K(cu ft)
(iii) Either 25 kg of kerosene or 46 m 3 of biogas are required for lighting;
Mj = Farmyard manure obtained per year from dung
(iv) An amount of 1 kg of dung when composted gives 0.56 kg of compost with 1.5 per
cent N. Through a biogas plant it yields 0.72 kg of dry sludge with 2.0 per cent N. of equivalent quantity as processed in a gas
(d) Based on these prices: kerosene, J0.12/kg; dung cakes, S5-S/ion; fertilizer, S0.45/ton (N);
plant (kg)
coal (delivered), $15/ton.
M2 = Gobar gas manure obtained per plant per year
The results for (a) and (c) indicate that for a person (kg)
using dung for composting the return on investment in a c = Efficiency of gas production (varying from 0 to
biogas plant is higher under the existing price structure. 1)
(In these calculations, the subsidy of $50 given by the f = Proportion of cow dung used as fuel in the
Indian Government for setting up a biogas plant is not existing system (varying from 0 to 1)
taken into account.)
1-f = Proportion of cow dung used for making
When case (a) is compared with case (b), it can be seen manure in the existing system
that only a few net dollars can be gained per year from a A = Gross return per year from cow dung gas plant
biogas plant. The cost of dung is not assumed to be zero, from value of methane gas and gobar-gas
which is another reason why the gain does not seem very manure (Rs)
B = Gross return from existing practice from value
If (a) is compared with (d), however, the benefits are of dung fuel and farmyard manure (Rs)
substantial. Besides, since the analysis is done from the E = Recurring maintenance expenditure per plant
consumer's viewpoint, the national investments in mining per year (Rs)
and transporting coal and their opportunity costs are not
considered. For countries where there is no coal and oil has R = Net return per plant per year over existing
to be purchased in foreign exchange, the costs would be usage from the investment in a gas plant (Rs)
even higher than indicated in (d). = (A-B-E)

Case study II i = Rate of interest (per rupee per annum)

(ICAR, 1976) n = Economic life of the plant in years

The economics of cow dung gas plants has been studied Pj = Price of methane gas in Rs per cu ft
using the usual capital budgeting techniques employed in P2 Price of dung fuel in Rs per kg
cost-benefit analysis. Having in mind one small-sized gas P 3 = Price of farmyard manure in Rs per kg
plant, one medium-sized farm-plant and the two most com-
monly occurring sizes of family plants, the study has been P4 = Price of gobar-gas manure in Rs per kg
confined to the following types of gas plants.

Design of gas plant Size (eft/day) Equations in the model

KVIC 60,100,200,500 A = Pi(c)G P4M2
IARI 100 B = P 2 (f)D P3OOM,,
PRAI 100
E K_
The following notations have been used to specify the 2
model: R = (A-B-E)

K = Capacity of the cow dung gas plant (cu ft/day) NPV = net present value
I = Investment in the gas plant (Rs) n -I
d = Dung produced per animal per day (kg) — 2 (1 + i ) 1 .
Annex 131

t = 1 derived from traditional usages of cattle dung, for 18 dif-

ferent situations are presented in table A.
R-I The following conclusions may be derived from
table A.
where r = 1 + i First, the NPV values, for any given situation, increase
rapidly with plant size. Hence, there are definite economies
It may be noted that the multiplier of R is the usual of scale in the additional benefits derived from cow dung
present worth factor, and its reciprocal is known as the gas plants.
capital recovery factor.
Secondly, for any given plant size, the NPV of addi-
tional returns from cow dung gas plants increases; (a) as
Results of cost-benefit analysis 'c', the efficiency of gas generation, increases; (b) as f', the
fraction of cattle dung burnt as fuel increases; and (c) as
The results in this section have been presented under Pj the price of cow dung gas/cu ft increases.
four different heads, net present value, cost-benefit ratios,
pay-back period and internal rate of return. While (a) and (c) are obvious, the analysis shows that
the burning of dung-cakes as fuel is a most wasteful pro-
The net present values or net discounted values (at cess, the existing returns (values of B in our notation)
current rates of interest) of the additional benefits accruing being the minimum when f = 1, i.e., when the entire dung is
from the use of cow dung gas plants, over and above those burnt as fuel.
Table A. Net present values of investments in cow dung gas plants for different situations
(rounded to the nearest Rs. 10)
Design Net present values (Rs)
Plant size K(cu ft) KVIC 1ARI PRAI
60 100 200 500 100 100
c f
0.5 0 t 2 040 3 570 8 930 23 820 4 570 4 170
0.5 0 g 1 850 3 080 7 040 17 910 3 540 3 370
0.5 0 s 1 150 2 070 5 950 16 360 3 070 2 670
0.5 0.3 t 2 470 4 240 10 290 27 130 5 240 4 840
0.5 0.3 g 2 270 3 760 8 390 21 220 4 220 4 050
0.5 0.3 s 1 570 2 750 7310 19 670 3 750 3 350
0.5 1 t 3 460 5 830 13 460 34 850 6 830 6 430
0.5 1 g 3 260 5 350 11 560 28 940 5 800 5 640
0.5 1 s 2 560 4 340 10 470 27 390 5 340 4 940
0.67 0 t 2 620 4 530 10 860 28 630 5 530 5 130
0.67 0 g 2 360 3 890 8 330 20 760 4 160 4 070
0.67 0 s 1430 2 540 6 880 18 690 3 540 3 140
0.67 0.3 t 3 040 5 210 12 220 31 940 6 210 5 810
0.67 0.3 g 2 780 4 570 9 690 24 070 4 840 4 750
0.67 0.3 s 1 850 3 220 8 240 22 000 4 220 3 820
0.67 1 t 4 030 6 790 15 380 39 660 7 790 7 390
0.67 1 g 3 770 6 150 12 860 31 790 6 420 6 340
0.67 1 s 2 840 4 800 11410 29 720 5 800 5 400
Note. Symbols t, g, and s refer to thermal, generation and social costs of cow dung gas.
132 Updated guidebook on biogas development

It may further be inferred that the maximum value of As may be expected, due to economies of scale, the
NPV occurs in the situation where •> pay-back period decreases as the size of the gas plant
c = 0.67, f= 1 ^ =0.0186
and its minimum value in the situation where The pay-back period also decreases with an increase
in the unit price of gas. Thus, for the KVIC gas plant of
c = 0.50, f = 0 , P t =0.009.
size 100 cu ft/day, and the price of gas at the rate of
For any given plant size, the other values of NPV are Rs 9, Rs 15.50 and Rs 18.60 per 1,000 cu ft, the pay-back
intermediate between the values for these two limiting period comes to six, five and four years, respectively.
It may further be concluded that the investment in a
The benefit-cost ratios for the investment in cow dung 100 cu ft gas plant can be recovered in a period of four to
gas plants may be worked out simply from the formulae six years. This period becomes smaller for gas plants of
already given for NPV (= benefits - costs) for all the 18 larger size.
situations. Since this ratio is proportional to R, the trend is
exactly parallel to that of the NPV values. The internal rate of return (IRR) is that rate of interest
on capital which equalizes the returns and costs (on the
As an illustration we consider a typical situation where basis of present values) over the life-span of the project.
The values of IRR for the investment in cow dung gas
c = 0.67, f = 0.3, P, = social cost of gas (i.e., Rs
plants of different designs and sizes for situation under
9/1,000 cu ft) consideration have been worked out as an illustration and
The benefit-cost ratios for this situation have been are presented in table D.
presented in table B.
Table D.
Table B.
Plant-size (cu ft) 60 100 200 500 100 100
Plant-size (cu ft) 60 100 200 500 100 100
IRR percentage 22.2 24.0 34.7 42.1 36.5 30.3
Benefit-cost ratios 1.92 2.07 2.96 3.59 3.11 2.59

Table B shows that every rupee invested in, for exam- IRR is seen to increase with the size of gas plant. It
ple, a 100 cu ft/day gas plant gives a return of Rs 2 to Rs 3 can also be shown that, for a given size of gas plant, IRR
depending upon the particular design adopted. The invest- increases with the value of NPV.
ment becomes more and more remunerative with an in- It may be concluded that for a 100 cu ft/day gas
crease in the size of the gas plant. The benefit-cost ratios plant, the rate of return on the capital investment ranges
would be higher still with an increase in the unit price of from 24 to 36 per cent. It would be higher still with a
gas. higher unit price of gas than what has been considered
The pay-back period 'm' or the number of years neces- here.
sary to wait in which the discounted value of the annual
returns becomes equal to the initial capital investment, may Private cost-benefit analysis
also be worked out from the above data. It can be easily It will be observed that the results discussed so far
shown that Vn' decreases with an increase in plant size, and
refer to cost-benefit analysis from the commercial point
'm' decreases with an increase in NPV, so that the minimum
of view, as the dung fuel, the manure and the cow dung
value of *m' corresponds to the maximum value of NPV,
gas have all been ascribed a cash value. It may, however, be
and vice versa.
argued that for an individual farmer, no monetary transac-
Values of the pay-back period for the typical situation tions are involved in the use of dung fuel or gas. The
considered earlier, have been presented in table C. additional comforts and the saving in fuel costs from
the use of gas are also, for the most part, non-monetized.
Table C. We are, therefore, left only with the comparative returns
from the manure obtained by the two methods, viz., by
Design KVIC IARI PRAI the traditional method or by passing the dung through the
cow dung gas plant, in order to judge their relative merits.
Plajit-size (cu ft) 60 100 200 500 100 100
This difference in returns from farmyard manure and gobar
Pay-back period 7 6 4 3 4 5 gas manure represents the net saving in monetary terms
Annex 133

which accrues to the farmer in his cash purchases of fertil- Gas holder and frame Rs 701.00
izer for his crops. Hence, in order that the farmers may Piping and stoves Rs 260.00
regard the cow dung gas plant as an economically feasible
proposition, it follows that the differential returns from Civil construction Rs 1 576.00
manure must cover the annual costs (including maintenance Total Rs 2 537.00
and labour costs) associated with the investment in the gas
plant. (b) Annual expenditure
Using the same notation and assumptions as given Per year
earlier, we consider the average situation, f = 0.3, i.e., when
The interest on investment at 9 per
30 per cent of the available dung is diverted to making
cent Rs 228.33
dung cakes for use as fuel and the rest is converted into
manure. The life-span of the gas plant is taken as 20 years Depreciation on gas holder and frame
and the annual rate of interest as 10 per cent. The capital at 10 per cent Rs 70.10
investment and other costs associated with the gas plant Depreciation on piping and stoves at
are taken to be the same as before. It follows that 5 per cent Rs 15.00
P4M2-P3(l-f)M1 Depreciation on structure at 3 per
must exceed the annual cost of the cow dung gas plant. cent Rs 47.28
Add cost of painting every year Rs 50.00
The cost-benefit analysis, worked out on the above
basis for individual fanner is presented in table E. Total Rs 408.71

Table E. Private cost-benefit analysis for different say Rs 409.00

designs and sizes of cow dung gas plants
(c) A nnual income

Design KVIC IARI PRAI Gas 3 m3 per day Rs 10 per 29 m 3

Plant size (cu ft) 60 100 200 500 100 100 (1000 cu ft) Rs 377.58
Manure (pure gobar manure 7 tonnes
Value of manure but composted with refuse) 16
from gas plant 666 1 066 2 132 5 196 1 066 1066 tonnes at Rs 30 per tonne Rs 480.00
Value of farm-
yard manure 256 409 818 1993 409 409 Rs 857.58
Differential return 410 657 1 314 3 203 657 657 say Rs 858.00
Annual cost of Now if the dung is converted to
gas plant 329 510 808 1784 392 439 farmyard manure the income
will be 11 carts at Rs 15 per
It may be seen from table E that in each case the cart Rs 165.00
differential returns are greater than the annual cost of the If it is burnt in the form of cakes the Rs 337.50
cow dung gas plant. We may, thus, conclude that from the value will be 62.5 quintals at Rs
individual fanner's point of view also, the cow dung gas 5.40 per quintal (say) Rs 338.00
plant is an economically viable proposition.
Thus the surplus in the case of use
only as manure Rs (858-165) Rs 693.00
Case study III:
(KVIC, India) and in case of use as fuel is Rs (858-
538) Rs 520.00
The economics of a 3 m 3 gas plant in India have been Against this the cost of depreciation,
worked out by the Khadi and Village Industries Com-
interest and maintenance is only Rs 409.00
mission as follows:
In the above calculations the 9 per cent interest rate is
(a) Investment
taken into account while the loan from Commission is
Cost of installation of the gas plant and manure pits interest-free. Moreover the subsidy given by Commission
at current increased prices will be about Rs 2537 which for a gas plant is also included in capital on which interest
break down as under: is calculated.
134 Updated guidebook on biogas development

No labour cost is shown because in all cases labour Financial analysis:

is involved and is common to all these uses.
(a) Capital investment
Thus it will be seen that construction of a gas plant is
actually profitable, quite apart from the incidental advant- (i) For pollution control or for pollution
age of hygienic operation, absence of smoke and soot, control and biogas
convenience in burning and richness of manure.
a) Biogas plant P 155,000
Case study IV: b) Sludge treatment unit P 55,000
(Maya Farms, The Philippines)
Total P 210,000
Data on a biogas works for a 5000 pig farm at the
Maya farms are presented below:
(ii) For pollution control, biogas and
Economics of biogas works for a 5,000 pig farm: fertilizer
Basic data: a) Biogas plant P 155,000
Type of digesters Continuous feed, 4 rows b) Sludge conditioning unit P 65,000
Total digester capacity 528 m 3
Total P 220,000
Total gas holder capacity 150 m 3
Retention time 25 days (iii) | For pollution control, biogas and
Manure input feeds
7,500 kg/day
Manure water:ratio 1:1.5 by volume a) Biogas plant P 155,000
Product output - biogas 450 m b) Sludge conditioning unit P 65,000
Dry sludge 1 55,000 m3/year
c) Feed processing unit P 35,000
Liquid sludge 5,370 m3/year
(b) Operating expenses:
Cost evaluation:
(i) For pollution control only, or
(a) Biogas pollution control and biogas
Biogas produced per annum 155,000 m 3 labour P 9,400
Values substituted by biogas 1 m 3
biogas = Interest 17.0 per cent P 35,700

(i) LPG(= 0.5 kg at 2 peso/kg) P 155,000 Depreciation 10.0 per cent P 21,000

(ii) Gasoline (=0.54 litre at PI.50/litre) P 125,000 Repair and maintenance P 3,000

(iii) Diesel fuel ( = 0.52 litre at PI.20/ Administrative P 12,000

litre) P 96,720 Total P 81,100
(iv) Electricity
a) In urban areas (ii) For pollution control biogas,
(=1.5kWhatPO.35kWh) P 81,375 fertiliser and feeds

b) In rural area Labour P 23,500

(=1.5kWhatP0.50kWh) P 116,250
Interest P 43,500
(b) Dry sludge
Depreciation P 25,500
(i) As feed material, 274 tons x P 600 P 164,400
Repair and maintenance P 8,000
(ii) as fertiliser 274 tons x P 100 P 27,400
Administrative P 12,000
(c) Liquid sludge as fertilizer
Total P 112,350
5,370 m3 xP5.14/m 3 P 27,600
Annex 135

(c) Net operating savings and return on investment: 2. The capital costs have been assumed as Rs 1500, 2500,
and 41,000 respectively.
(i) Biogas works for pollution control and biogas
utilization: 3. A life span of 30 years has been assumed. This is the
value suggested by Parikh. This appears reasonable if
Net operating Investment the plant is made of cement and steel and is painted
savings recovery period regularly.
4. 10 per cent interest has been assumed and is reasonable
a) LPG substitution P 73,900 2.8 years for this type of investment.
b) Gasoline P 44,450 4.7 years
5. The plant is expected to be painted once in two years.
c) Diesel P 15,620 14.4 years This will cost approximately Rs 1 /2 per cu ft of the
d) Electricity plant.
i) Suburban P 275 6. An operator is necessary for loading the dung and
clearing the slurry into drying beds. It is assumed that
ii) Rural P 35,150 6.0 years
one full-time operator would be necessary for operat-
(ii) Biogas works for pollution control, biogas and ing a 1,000 cu ft plant. In Karnataka, village wages
fertilizer utilization: are about Rs 3 per day for unskilled labour.
7. A 10 per cent down time has been assumed for the
Net operating Investment
savings recovery period plant.
8. The sale of fertilizer from the plant will more than off-
a) LPG substitution P 120,500 1.8 years
set the cost of dung collection.
b) Gasoline P 91,050 2.4 years
Annual capital cost has been worked out using the
c) Diesel oil P 62,220 3.5 years formula:
d) Electricity
i) Suburban P 46,875 4.7 years C = I e
ii) Rural P 81,750 2.7 years

(iii) Biogas works for pollution control, biogas, fer- Where C = annual cost
tilizer and feed utilization: I = Investment
i = Interest rate
Net operating Investment
savings recovery period ne = Life span

LPG substitution P 234,650 1.1 years Annual maintenance cost has been worked out using
the formula
b) Gasoline P 205,200 1.2 years
c) Diesel Oil P 176,370 1.4 years M= S
d) Electricity
i) Suburban P 161,025 1.6 years Where S is the sum to be accrued at the end of m11
years for painting
ii) Rural P 195,900 1.3 years
Annual labour cost, L = n^ x W x 365
It is concluded that biogas works installed at Maya
Farms are financially viable. Where n = number of men required to operate the
Case study V: W = daily wage
(Reddy and others 1973)
Net annual energy capacity/cu ft of gas
Assumptions: E = (135 kcals/cu ft) x (1.163 x 10 - 3 kWh/kcal)
1. The costs have been computed for three sizes of the x 365 days) x (0.9 operating duration)
plant: 60,100 and 5,000 cu ft/day. = 51.60kWh/cuft
136 Updated guidebook on biogas development

( C - M - L - ) x 100 . ..„_ , drying oven. Choose a sample volume that will yield a
e= i ——- paise/kWh where minimum residue of 25 mg to 250 mg. Estimate the volume
Q = capacity. from the conductivity. If necessary, add successive portions
of sample to the same dish. When evaporating in a drying
The costs in Rs have been tabulated in the table below: oven lower the temperature to approximately 98°C to
60 cu ft/day 100 a i ft/day 5000 cu ft/day prevent boiling and splattering.
Initial c n t i 1500.00 2500.00 4 10W.W (d) Dry the evaporated sample for at least 1 hour at
Annual costs:
Capital 160.00 266X10 4360J00 103°tol05°C.
Maintenance cost 28.62 46.62 2381.00
Labour cost 65 JO 109 JO 5475.00 (e) Cool the dish in a desiccator and weigh.
Sub-total 254.42 423.12 1 2216/10
Energy con paisc (kWh) 8J5 8.2 42.74 (f) Repeat the cycle of drying at 103° to 105°C,
Ktroarae coat (Ra 101 /litre, equal burning cooling, desiccating and weighing until a constant weight
fffideiKy)(paiac/kWh) IOJS -
Electricity rale (national average) _ 11 is obtained or until loss of weight is less than 4 per cent
of the previous weight, or 0.5 mg., which-ever is less.
Annex IX
METHODS OF ANALYSIS ., , . (A-B)x 1,000
total residue = i / -.—
ml sample
1. Total residue dried at 103-105°C
where A - weight of sample + dish and B= weight of dish.
2. Total nonfiltrable residue dried at 103° - 105°C
(a) Evaporating dishes of 100 ml capacity made of the (total suspended matter)
following materials:
(i) Porcelain, 90 mm diameter
All of the apparatus needed for "Total residue" above
(ii) Platinum — generally satisfactory for all purposes and in addition:

(iii) Vycor* (a) Glass fibre filter disks** without organic binder
(b) Muffle furnace for operation at 550° ±50°C (b) Filtration apparatus suitable for the type of filter
disk selected
(c) Steam bath
(i) Filter holder: Gooch crucible adapter or
(d) Drying oven, equipped with a thermostatic control membrane filter funnel
capable of maintaining the temperature within a 2°C range (ii) Gooch cruicible, 25 ml capacity, for 2.2 cm
(e) Desiccator, provided with a desiccant containing a size glass fibre filter
colour indicator of moisture concentration
(c) Suction flask, 500 ml capacity
(f) Analytical balance, 200 g capacity, capable of
weighing to 0.1 mg Procedure
(a) Preparation of glass fibre filter disk: Place the disk
either on the membrane filter apparatus or the bottom of a
(a) Ignite the clean evaporating dish at 550 ±50°C for suitable Gooch crucible. Apply vacuum and wash the disk
1 hour in a muffle furnace. with three successive 20 ml portions of distilled water.
Continue suction to remove all traces of water from the
(b) Cool, desiccate, weigh and store the dish in a disk and discard the washings. Remove the filter from the
desiccator until ready for use. membrane filter apparatus and transfer to an aluminium
or stainless steel planchat as a support. Remove the crucible
(c) Transfer the measured sample to the preweighed and filter combination if a Gooch crucible is used. Dry in
dish and evaporate to dryness in a steam bath or in a an oven at 103° to 105°C for 1 hour. Store in desiccator
until needed. Weigh immediately before use.

* A product of Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y. ** Reeve Angel type 934 A, 984 H; Gclman type A; or equivalent
Annex 137

(b) Sample treatment: Since excessive residue on the Procedure

filter may entrap water and extend the drying time, take
for analysis a sample that will yield no more than 200 mg Ignite the residue produced by method 1 to constant
total nonfilterable residue. Under vacuum, filter a 100 ml weight in a muffle furnace at a temperature of 550° +
(or a larger volume if total nonfilterable residue is low) well 50°C. Heat the furnace to required temperature before in-
mixed sample. Carefully remove the filter from the mem- serting the sample. (Usually, 15 to 20 minutes of ignition
brane filter funnel assembly, and transfer to an aluminium are required.) Allow the dish to cool partially in air until
or stainless steel planchat as a support. Remove the crucible most of the heat has been dissipated and transfer to a
and filter combination from crucible adapter if a Gooch desiccator for final cooling in dry atmosphere. Do not
crucible is used. Dry for at least 1 hour at 103° to 105°C, overload the desiccator. Weigh the dish as soon as it has
cool in a desiccator, and weigh. Repeat the drying cycle cooled completely. Report the loss of weight on ignition
until a constant weight is attained or until weight loss is as total volatile residue and the weighed residue as total
less than 0.5 mg. fixed residue.

Calculation Calculation
, _, LI (A-B)x 1,000 „ . .. .. (A-B)x 1,000
mg/1 total nonfiltrable residue = mg/1 volatile residue = :—
ml sample ml sample

where A = weight of filter + residue and B = weight of filter. ,,. . ., (B-C)x 1,000
mg/1 fixed residue = - —
ml sample
3. Total volatile and fixed residue at 550°C where A = weight of residue + dish before ignition, B =
weight of residue + dish after ignition, and C = weight of
(a) Evaporating dishes: Dishes of 100-ml capacity
made of the following materials: 4. Nitrogen
(i) Porcelain, 90 mm diameter The forms of nitrogen of greatest interest are, in order
of decreasing oxidation state are nitrate, nitrite, ammonia,
(ii) Platinum - Generally satisfactory for all pur- and organic nitrogen. Organic nitrogen is defined function-
poses ally as organically bound nitrogen in the oxidation trinega-
(iii) Vycor tive state. It does not include all organic nitrogen
compounds. Analytically, organic nitrogen and ammonia
(b) Muffle Furnace for operation at 550° ±50°C can be determined together and have been referred to as
"total nitrogen", a term that reflects the technique used
(c) Steam bath in their determination.
(d) Drying oven, equipped with a thermostatic control (a) Nitrogen (ammonia)
capable of maintaining the temperature within a 2°C range
The two major factors that influence the selection of
(e) Desiccator, provided with a desiccant containing the method to determine ammonia are the concentration
a color indicator of moisture concentration and the presence of interferences. In general, direct deter-
(f) Analytical balance, 200 g capacity, capable of mination of low concentrations of ammonia is confined to
weighing to 0.1 mg drinking waters, clean surface water, and good-quality
wastewater effluent. In other instances and where greater
(g) Glass fibre filter disks, without organic binder precision is necessary a preliminary distillation step is
required. For high ammonia concentrations a distillation
z (h) Filtration apparatus suitable for the type of filter and titration technique is preferred.
disk selected:
(i) Preliminary distillation step
(i) Filter holder: Gooch crucible adapater or
membrane filter funnel Apparatus
(ii) Gooch crucible, 25 ml capacity, for 2.2 cm
size glass fibre filter (a) Distillation apparatus: Arrange a pyrex flask of
800-2,000 ml capacity attached to a vertical condenser so
(i) Suction flask, 500 ml capacity that the outlet tip may be submerged in the receiving boric
138 Updated guidebook on biogas development

acid solution. Use an all pyrex apparatus or one with Na 2 S 2 O 3 *5H2O in ammonia-free water and dilute to 1 1.
condensing units constructed of block tin or aluminium
(e) Neutralization agent: Prepare with ammonia-free
(b) pH meter.
(i) Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, 1N
(ii) Sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , IN.
(a) Ammonia-free water: Prepare by ion-exchange or
distillation methods. (f) Absorbent solution: Dissolve 20g'H 3 BO 3 in am-
(i) Ion exchange: Prepare ammonia-free water by monia-free water and dilute to 1 1.
passing distilled water through an • ion-exchange column
containing a strongly acidic cation-exchange resin mixed Procedure
with a strongly basic anion-exchange resin. Select resins
that will remove organic compounds that subsequently (a) Preparation of equipment: Add 500 ml ammonia-
interfere with the ammonia determination. Regenerate the free water, 20 ml borate buffer, and adjust pH to 9.5 with
column according to the instructions of the manufacturer. 6N NaOH solution. Add a few glass beads or boiling chips
and use this mixture to steam out the distillation apparatus
(ii) Distillation: Eliminate traces of ammonia in until the distillate shows no traces of ammonia.
distilled water by adding 0.1 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 to 1
1 distilled water and redistilling. Alternatively, treat dis- (b) Sample preparation: Use a 500-ml sample or a
tilled water with sufficient bromine or chlorine water to portion diluted to 500 ml with ammonia-free water. When
produce a free halogen residual of 2 to 5 mg/1 and redistill the ammonia nitrogen content is less than 100 (ig/l use a
after standing at least 1 hour. Discard the first 100 ml sample volume of 1,000 ml. Remove the residual chlorine
distillate. Check the redistilled water for the possibility of a in the sample by adding dechlorinating agent equivalent
high blank. to the chlorine residual. If necessary, neutralize the sample
to approximately pH 7 with the dilute acid or base, using a
Since it is virtually impossible to store ammonia-free pH meter.
water in the laboratory without contamination from am-
monia fumes, prepare fresh for each batch of samples. Pre- (c) Add 25 ml borate buffer and adjust pH to 9.5
pare all reagents with ammonia free water. with 6N NaOH using a pH meter or short-range pH paper.
(d) Distillation: To minimize contamination, leave the
(b) Borate buffer solution: Add 88 ml 0.1 N NaOH entire distillation apparatus assembled after the steaming
solution to 500 ml 0.025 M sodium tetraborate (Na 2 B 4 O 7 ) out process until just before starting the sample distillation.
solution (5.0 g Na 2 B 4 O 7 or 9.5 g Na 2 B 4 O 7 10H 2 0/l) and Disconnect the steaming-out flask and immediately transfer
dilute to 1 1. the sample flask to the distillation apparatus. Distil at a rate
of 6 to 10 ml/min with the tip o.f delivery tube submerged.
(c) Sodium hydroxide, 6N: Dissolve 240 g NaOH in 1
Collect the distillate in a 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask contain-
1 ammonia-free distilled water.
ing 50 ml boric acid. Collect at least 300 ml distillate.
(d) Dechlorinating agent, N/70 Use 1 ml of any of the Lower the collected distillate free of contact with the
following reagents to remove 1 mg/1 of residual chlorine in delivery tube and continue distillation during the last
500 ml sample. Prepare the unstable thiosulphate and sul- minute or two to cleanse the condenser and delivery tube.
phite solutions fresh. Dilute to 500 ml with ammonia-free water.
(i) Phenylarsine oxide- Dissolve 1.2 g C 6 H 5 As0 in
200 ml 0.3 N NaOH solution, filter if necessary, and dilute (e) Determine the ammonia by the nesslerization
to 1 1 with ammonia-free water. (Caution: Toxic — take method; the phenate method, or acidimetric method.
care to avoid ingestion.)
(ii) Nesslerization method (direct and following distillation)
(ii) Sodium arsenite - Dissolve 1.0 g Na AsO2 in
ammonia-free water and dilute to 1 1. (Caution: Toxic - Apparatus
take care to avoid ingestion.)
(a) Colorimetric equipment: one of the following is
(iii) Sodium sulphite- Dissolve 0.9 g Na2 SO3 in required:
ammonia-free water and dilute to 1 1.
(i) Spectrophotometer, for use at 400 to 500
(iv) Sodium thiosulphate - Dissolve 3.5 g nm and providing a light path of 1 cm or longer.
Annex 139

(ii) Filter photometer, providing a light path of (i) Potassium chloroplatinate solution: Dissolve
1 cm or longer and equipped with a violet filter having 2.0 g K 2 Pt Cl6 in 300 to 400 ml distilled water; add 100
maximum transmittance at 400 to 425 nm. A blue filter ml concentrated HC1 and dilute t o l l .
can be used for higher ammonia nitrogen concentrations.
(ii) Cobaltous chloride solution: Dissolve 12.0 g
(iii) Nessler tubes, matched, 50 ml, tall form, CoCl 2 .6H 2 O in 200 ml distilled water. Add 100 ml
concentrated HC1 and dilute to 1 1.
(b) pH meter, equipped with a high pH electrode.
(a) Treatment of undistilled samples: If necessary,
All the reagents listed under "Preliminary distillation", remove the residual chlorine of the sample with an equiv-
except the borate buffer and absorbent solution are re- alent amount of N/70 dechlorineting agent. Add 1 ml
quired, plus the following (prepare all reagents with am- ZnSO 4 solution to 100 ml sample and mix thoroughly. Add
monia-free water): 0.4 to 0.5 ml NaOH solution to obtain a pH of 10.5, as
determined with a pH meter and a high-pH glass electrode
(a) Zinc sulphate solution: Dissolve 100 g ZnSO4 and mix thoroughly. Let the treated sample stand for a few
,7H 2 O and dilute to 1 1. minutes, whereupon a heavy flocculent precipitate should
fall, leaving a clear and colourless supernate. Clarify by
(b) Stabilizer reagent: Use either EDTA or Rochelle
centrifusion or filtering. Pretest any filter paper used to
salt to prevent calcium or magnesium precipitation in un-
be sure no ammonia is present as a contaminant. Do this
distilled samples following the addition of the alkaline
by running ammonia-free water through and testing the
nessler reagent.
filtrate by nesslerization. Filter the sample, discarding the
(i) EDTA reagent: dissolve 50 g disodium ethyl- first 25 ml filtrate.
enediamine tetracetate dihydrate, also called (ethylene-
dinitrilo) tetracetic acid disodium salt, in 60 ml water (b) Colour development:
containing 10 g NaOH. If necessary apply gentle heat to
(i) Undistilled samples: Use 50.0 ml sample or a
complete disolution. Cool to room temperature and dilute
portion diluted to 50.0 ml with ammonia-free water. If
to 100 ml.
the undistilled portion contains sufficient concentrations
(ii) Rochelle salt solution: dissolve 50 g potassium of calcium, magnesium, or other ions that produce a tur-
sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, KNaC 4 H 4 O 6 .4H 2 O, in 100 bidity or precipitate with nessler reagent, add 1 drop
ml water. Remove ammonia usually present in the salt by (0.05 ml) EDTA reagent or 1 to 2 drops (0.05 to 0.1 ml)
boiling off 30 ml of solution. After cooling, dilute to Rochelle salt solution. Mix well. Add 2.0 ml nessler reagent
100 ml. if EDTA reagent is used, or 1.0 ml nessler reagent if Ro-
(c) Nessler reagent: Dissolve 100 g Hgl2 and 70 g KI chelle salt is used.
in a small quantity of water and add this mixture slowly, (ii) Distilled samples — Neutralize the boric acid
stirring, to a cool solution of 160 g NaOH in 500 ml water. used for absorbing the ammonia distillate in one of two
Dilute to 1 1. Store in rubber-stoppered pyrex glass-ware ways. Add 2 ml nessler reagent, an excess that raises the
and out of sunlight to maintain reagent stability for periods alkalinity to the desired high level. Alternatively, neutralize
up to one year under normal laboratory conditions. Check the boric acid with NaOH before adding 1 ml nessler rea-
the reagent to make sure that it yields the characteristic gent.
color with 100-/ig/l ammonia nitrogen within 10 minutes
after addition and does not produce a precipitate with small (iii) Mix the samples by capping the nessler tubes
amounts of ammonia within two hours. (Caution: Toxic - with clean rubber stoppers (which have been washed
take care to avoid ingestion.) thoroughly with ammonia-free water) and then inverting
the tubes at least six times. Keep such experimental con-
(d) Stock ammonium solution: Dissolve 3.819 g ditions as temperature and reaction time the same in the
anhydrous NH4C1, dried at 100 C, in water, and dilute to blank, samples and standards. Let the reaction proceed
1,000 ml; 1.00 ml= 1.00 mg N=1.22mgNH 3 . for at least 10 minutes after addition of the nessler reagent.
Read the colour in the sample and in the standards. If the
(e) Standard ammonium solution: Dilute 10.00 ml
ammonia nitrogen is very low use a 30-minute contact
stock ammonium solution to 1,000 ml with water; 1.00 ml
time for sample, blank and standards. Measure the colour
= 10.0jzgN=12.2/ig NH 3 .
either photometrically or visually as directed in (c) or
(f) Permanent colour solutions: (d) below:
140 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(c) Photometric measurement: Measure the absorb- (i) Spectrophotometer, for use at 630 nm with
ance or transmittance in a spectrophotometer or a filter a light path of approximately 1 cm.
photometer. Prepare the calibration curve at the same
temperature and reaction time used for the samples. Make (ii) Filter photometer, equipped with a red-
the transmittance readings against a reagent blank and run orange filter having a maximum transmittance near 630
parallel checks frequently against standards in the nitrogen nm and providing a light path of approximately 1 cm.
range of the samples. Redetermine the complete calibration
(b) Magnetic stirrer.
curve for each new batch of nessler reagent. For distilled
samples, prepare the standard curve under the same con-
ditions as the samples. Distil the reagent blank and appro- Reagents
priate standards - each diluted to 500 ml — in the same
manner as the samples. Treat the 300 ml distillate and (a) Ammonia-free water: Prepare as directed in
50 ml in the same manner as the samples. Bring the 300 "Preliminary distillation."
ml distillate and 50 ml boric acid absorbant to 500 ml and
take a 50-ml portion for nesslerization. (b) Hypochlorous acid reagent: To 40 ml distilled
water add 10 ml 5 per cent commercial bleach. Adjust
(d) Visual comparison: Compare the colours produced pH to 6.5 to 7.0 with HC1. Prepare this unstable reagent
in the sample against those of the ammonia standards. weekly.
Prepare temporary or permanent standards as directed (c) Manganese sulphate solution. 0.003 M: Dissolve
below: 50 mg MnSO4 .H 2 O, in 100 ml distilled water.
(i) Temporary standards: Prepare a series of
(d) Phenate reagent: Dissolve 2.5 g NaOH and 10 g
visual standards in nessler tubes by adding the following
phenol, C 6 H 5 OH, in 100 ml ammonia-free water. Because
volumes of standard NH4C1 solution and diluting to 50 ml
this reagent darkens on standing, prepare weekly.
with ammonia-free water; 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4, 1.7, 2.0,
2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 and 6.0 ml. Nesslerize the (e) Stock ammonium solution: Dissolve 381.9 mg
standards and the portions of distillate by adding 1.0 anhydrous NH4C1, dried at 100 C, in ammonia-free water
ml nessler reagent to each tube and mixing well. and dilute to 1,000 ml; 1.00 ml= 100 ng N= 122 /xg NH3.
(ii) Permanent standards can be prepared using (f) Standard ammonium solution: Dilute 5.00 ml
potassium chloroplatinate and cobaltous chloride solution. stock ammonium solution to 1,000 ml with ammonia-free
water; 1.00ml =0.500/jgN=0.610/jg NH 3 .
(a) Deduct the amount of nitrogen in the ammonia- Procedure
free water used for diluting the original sample before
computing the final nitrogen value. To a 10.0-ml sample in a 50-ml beaker, add 1 drop
(.05 ml) MnSO4 solution. Place on a magnetic stirrer and
(b) Deduct also the reagent blank for the volume of add 0.5 ml hypochlorous acid solution. Immediately add,
borate buffer and 6N NaOH solutions used with the sample. a drop at a time, 0.6 ml phenate reagent. Add the reagent
without delay using a bulb pipet for convenient delivery.
(c) Compute the total ammonia nitrogen by the Mark the pipet for hypochlorous acid at the 0.5 ml level
following equation. and deliver the phenate reagent from a pipet that has been
B calibrated by counting the number of drops previously
mg/1 ammonia N = x
ml Sample "c found to be equivalent to 0.6 ml. Stir vigorously during
addition of the reagents. Because the colour intensity is
where A = /ig N found colorimetrically, B = total distillate affected somewhat by the age of the reagents, carry a blank
collected, including the acid absorbent and C = ml distillate and a standard through the procedure along with each
taken for nesslerization. The ratio B/C applies only to the batch of unknowns. Measure absorbance using the reagent
distilled samples and should be ignored in direct nessleriza- blank to zero the spectrophotometer. Colour formation is
tion. complete in 10 minutes and is stable for at least 24 hour.
(iii) Phenate method Although the blue colour has a maximum absorbance at
630 nm, satisfactory measurements can be made in the
Apparatus 600-660 nm region. Prepare a calibration curve in the
(a) Colorimetric equipment: one of the following is ammonia nitrogen range of 0.1 to 5 pig, treating the
required: standards exactly as the sample throughout the procedure.
Annex 141

Calculation (d) Blank: Carry a blank through all the steps of the
procedure and apply the necessary correction to the results.
Beer's law governs. Calculate the ammonia concentra-
tion as follows:
n • M A x B D „ . (A-B) x 280
mg/1 ammonia N =
mg/1 ammonia N = x — ml sample
C x S E
where A = ml H 2 SO 4 titration sample and B = ml H 2 SO 4
where: A = absorbance of sample, B = pg ammonia nitrogen
titration blank.
in standard taken, and C = Absorbance of standard, S= ml
unknown water sample used. D = total distillate collected,
including the acid absorbent and E = ml distillate used for 5. Phosphate
colour development.
(a) Preliminary digestion steps for total phosphorus
The ratio D/E applies only to the distilled samples,
(i) Perchloric acid digestion
(iv) Acidimetric method
Apparatus Distillation apparatus as per section 4 (a) (i) Apparatus
(a) Hot plate: A 30 x 50 cm heating surface is
Reagents adequate.

(a) Mixed indicator solution: Dissolve 200 mg methyl (b) Safety shield
red indicator in 100 ml 95 per cent methyl or isopropyl
(c) Safety goggles
alcohol. Dissolve 100 mg methylene blue in 50 ml 95 per
cent ethyl or isopropyl alcohol. Combine the two solutions. (d) Conical flasks, 125 ml, acid-washed and rinsed
Prepare monthly. with distilled water.
(b) Indicating boric acid solution: Dissolve 20 g (e) Porcelain evaporating dishes, acid-washed and
H3BO3 in ammonia-free distilled water, add 10 ml mixed rinsed in distilled water.
indicator solution and dilute to 1 1. Prepare monthly.
(c) Standard sulphuric acid titrant: 0.02N: Dilute Reagents
200.00 ml 0.1000N standard acid to 1000 ml with distilled
or deionized water. Standardize by potentiometric titration (a) Nitric acid, HN0 3 concentrate.
of 15.00 ml 0.05 N Na 2 CO 3 . For greatest accuracy,
(b) Perchloric acid, HC1O4. 2H 2 O, purchased as 70 to
standardize the titrant against an amount of sodium car-
72 per cent HC1O4, reagent grade.
bonate that has been incorporated in the indicating boric
acid solution to reproduce the actual conditions of the (c) Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, 6N.
sample titration. If the acid is 0.0200N, 1.00 ml = 280
Mg/1- (d) Methyl orange indicator solution.

(a) Proceed as described in the "Preliminary distilla-
tion" step using indicating boric acid solution as an ab- (a) Caution: Heated mixtures of HC1O4 and organic
sorbent for the distillate. matter may explode violently. Avoid this hazards by taking
the following precautions:
(b) Sludge or sediment samples: Rapidly weigh to (i) Do not add HCIO4 to a hot solution that may
within i 1 per cent a wet sample containing approximately contain organic matter; (ii) Always pretreat samples con-
lg dry solids, in a weighing bottle or crucible. Wash the taining organic matter with HNO3 before addition of
sample into a 500 ml Kjeldahl flask with ammonia-free HC1O4; (iii) Use a mixture of HNO 3 and HC1O4 in starting
distilled water and dilute to 250 ml. Proceed as in (a) but the digestion step; (iv) Avoid repeated fumings with per-
add a piece of paraffin wax to the distillation flask and chloric acid in ordinary hoods. For routine operations,
collect only 100 ml distillate. use hoods of all-stone or asbestoscement. For occasional
(c) Titrate the ammonia in the distillate with standard work with HC104, connect a water pump to a glass fume
0.02N H2SO4 titrant until the indicator turns a pale eradicator; (v) Never let samples being digested with HC1O4
lavender. evaporate to dryness.
142 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(b) Measure out a sample containing the desired containing the desired amount of phosphate (this is deter-
amount of phosphate (this will be determined by the mined by the method used for the colorimetric finish). Add
method to be used for the colorimetric finish). Acidify 1 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 and 5 ml concentrated HNO,.
to methyl orange with concentrated HNO3, add another
5 ml concentrated HNO3, and evaporate on a steam bath (b) Digest the sample to a volume of 1 ml and then
or hot plate to 15 to 20 ml, covering the vessel with a continue the digestion until the solution becomes colourless
watch glass when necessary to avoid loss of material by in order to remove HNO,.
spattering. Place an infrared lamp over the sample to
(c) Cool and add approximately 20 ml distilled water,
hasten evaporation if desired.
1 drop phenolphthalein indicator, and as much 1N NaOH
(c) Transfer the evaporated sample to a 125 ml solution as required to produce a faint pink tinge in the
conical flask using 5 ml concentrated HN0 3 and 10 ml 70 solution. Transfer the neutralized solution, filtering if
to 72 per cent HC1O4. After adding a few boiling chips, necessary to remove particulate material or turbidity,
heat on a hot plate and evaporate gently until dense white into a 100-ml volumetric flask. Add the filter washings
fumes of HC1O4 just appear. If the solution is not clear at to the flask and adjust the sample volume to 100 ml with
this point, cover the neck of the flask with a watch glass distilled water.
and keep the solution just barely boiling until it clears. If
necessary, add 10 ml more HNO3 to aid the oxidation. (d) Determine the phosphorus present by either of the
methods given below for which a separate calibration curve
(d) Cool the digested solution and add 1 drop aqueous has been constructed by carrying standards through the
phenolphthalein solution. Neutralize with 6N NaOH solu- acid digestion procedure described above.
tion. If necessary, filter the neutralized solution, washing
the filter liberally with distilled water. Make up to 100 ml (iii) Persulphate digestion
with distilled water.
(e) Determine the orthophosphate of the treated
(a) Hot plate: A 30 x 50-cm heating surface is
sample by either of the methods given below.
(f) Prepare a calibration curve by carrying a series of
standards containing orthophosphate (see methods given (b) Autoclave: An autoclave or pressure cooker cap-
below) through the digestion step. Do not use orthophos- able of developing 1 to 1.4 kg/cm2 (15 to 20 psi) may be
phate standards without treatment, because the salts added used in place of a hot plate.
in digestion cause an increase in the colour intensity in (c) Glass scoop: To hold approximately 0.4 g ammo-
some methods. nium persulphate.
(ii) Sulphuric acid-nitric acid digestion Reagents
Apparatus (a) Phenolphthalein indicator solution.
(a) Digestion rack: An electrically or gas-heated diges- (b) Sulphuric acid solution: Carefully add 300 ml
tion rack with provision for withdrawal of fumes is re- concentrated H-SO. to approximately 600 ml distilled
commended. Digestion racks typical of those used for water and then dilute to 1 1 with distilled water.
micro-Kjeldahl digestions are suitable.
(c) Ammonium persulphate, solid.
(b) Micro-Kjeldahl flasks.
(d) Sodium hydroxide, Na OH, 1 N.
(a) Sulphuric acid, H-SO. concentrate
(a) Use 50 ml or a suitable portion of thoroughly
(b) Nitric acid, HNO, concentrate mixed sample. Add 1 drop (0.05 ml) phenolphthalein
(c) Phenolphthalein indicator solution indicator solution. If a red colour develops, add H2SO4
solution dropwise the colour is just discharged. Then add
(d) Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, IN 1 ml H 2 SO 4 solution and 0.4 g solid ammonium per-
(b) Boil gently on a preheated hot plate for 30 to 40
(a) Into a micro-Kjeldahl flask, measure a sample minutes or until a final volume of 10 ml is reached. Cool,
Annex 143

dilute to 30 ml with distilled water, add 1 drop (0.05 ml) wash it and keep it filled with water until needed. If this is
phenolphthalein indicator solution, and neutralize to a done, the acid treatment is required only occasionally.
faint pink colour with NaOH solution. Alternatively, heat
for 30 minutes in an autoclave or pressure cooker at 1.0 Reagents
to 1.4 kg/cm2 (15 to 20 psi). Cool, add 1 drop (0.05 ml) (a) Phenolphthalein indicator solution.
phenolphthalein indicator solution and neutralize to a faint
pink colour with NaOH solution. Make up to 100 ml with (b) Hydrochloric acid, HC1, concentrated.
distilled water. In some samples a precipitate may form at
this stage. Do not filter. For any subdividing of the sample (c) Activated carbon.
after this stage, shake the sample well. The precipitate (d) Vanadate-molybdate reagent:
(which is possibly a calcium phosphate) will redissolve
under the acid conditions of the colorimetric phosphate (i) Solution A: Dissolve 25 g ammonium molyb-
test. Determine the phosphate present by either of the date, (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 2 4 . 4H 2 O in 400 ml distilled water.
methods for which a separate calibration curve has been
constructed by carrying the standards through the per- (ii) Solution B: Dissolve 1.25 g ammonium
sulphate digestion procedure. metavanadate, NH 4 VO 3 by heating to boiling in 300 ml
distilled water. Cool and add 330 ml concentrated HC1.
(b) Vanadomolybdophosphoric add colorimetric method Cool Solution B to room temperature, pour Solution A
into solution B, and dilute to 1 1.
Note: H 2 SO 4 , HC1O4, or HN0 3 may be substituted for
(a) Colorimetric equipment: Visual comparison in HC1. The acid concentration in the determination is not
nessler tubes is not recommended because the sensitivity critical but a final sample concentration of 0.5 N is recom-
of the method is dependent on the wavelength used. One mended.
of the following is required.
(e) Standard phosphate solution: Dissolve in distilled
(i) Spectrophotometer, for use at approximately water 219.5 mg anhydrous potassium dihydrogen phos-
400 to 470 nm. phate, KH 2 PO 4 , and dilute to 1,000 ml; 1.00 ml = 50.0 Mg
PO4 - P.
(ii) Filter photometer, provided with a blue or
violet filter exhibiting maximum transmittance between Procedure
400 to 470 nm.
(a) Sample pH adjustment: If the pH of the sample is
The wavelength at which colour intensity is measured between 4 and 10, no adjustment is necessary. If the pH is
depends on the sensitivity desired, because the sensitivity less than 4, dilute 50 ml to 100 ml in a volumetric flask
varies tenfold with wavelengths from 400 to 490 nm. with distilled water and mix thoroughly. Use this dilute
Ferric iron causes interference at low wavelengths, parti- sample in the following steps. If the pH is greater than 10,
cularly at 400 nm. A wavelength of 470 nm is usually used. add 1 drop phenolphthalein indicator to 50.0 ml sample
Concentration ranges for different wavelengths are: and discharge the red colour with concentrated HC1 before
diluting to 100 ml. (Dilution also is useful when concentra-
Range mg/lP Wavelength nm tions greater than 15 mg PO 4 -P/1 are present. When
dilutions are made, correctly interpret "ml sample" in the
1.0-5.0 400 calculation as the volume of original (undiluted) sample
2.0- 10 420 contained in the portion taken for the colour development
4.0- 18 470 (step (c) below).

(b) Colour removal from sample: Remove any exces-

(b) Acid-washed glassware: Use acid-washed glassware sive colour present in the sample by shaking about 50 ml
for determining low concentrations of phosphate. Phos- sample with 200 mg activated carbon in an Erlenmeyer
phate contamination is common because of its adsorption flask for five minutes, then filtering the sample through
on glass surfaces. Avoid using commercial detergents con- filter paper to remove the carbon. Check each batch of
taining phosphate. Clean all glassware with hot dilute HC1 carbon for phosphate because some batches produce high
and rinse well with distilled water. Alternatively, fill the reagent blanks.
glassware with concentreted H 2 SO 4 , let stand overnight
and then rinse thoroughly, preferably reserve the glassware (c) Colour development in sample. Place 35 ml or less
only for the determination of phosphate, and after use of the sample, containing 50 to 1,000 /ug P, in a 50 ml
144 Updated guidebook on biogas development

volumetric flask. Add 10 ml vanadate-molybdate reagent (f) Reagents for extraction:

and dilute to the mark with distilled water. Prepare a blank
in which 35 ml distilled water is substituted for the sample. (i) Benzene-isobutanol solvent: Mix equal vol-
Ten minutes or more after adding the vanadate-molybdate umes of benzene and isobutyl alcohol. (Caution: This sol-
reagent, measure the transmittance of the sample versus vent is highly flammable)
the blank at a wavelength of 400 to 490 nm, depending (ii) Ammonium molybdate reagent II: Dissolve
on the sensitivity desired. The colour is stable for days 40.1 g (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 2 4 .4H 2 O in approximately 500 ml
and its intensity is unaffected by variations in room tem- distilled water. Slowly add 396 ml molybdate reagent I.
perature. Cool and dilute to 1 1.
(d) Preparation of calibration graph: Prepare a calibra- (iii) Alcoholic sulphuric acid solution: Cautiously
tion curve by using suitable volumes of standard phosphate add 20 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 to 980 ml methyl alcohol
solution and proceeding as in (c). When the ferric level is with continuous mixing.
low enough not to interfere, plot a family of calibration (iv) Dilute stannous chloride reagent II: Mix 8 ml
curves of one series of standard solutions for various stannous chloride reagent I with 50 ml glycerol. This
wavelengths. This permits a wide latitude of concentra- reagent is stable for at least six months.
tions in one series of determinations. Analyse at least one
standard with each set of samples. Procedure
Calculation (a) Preliminary sample treatment: To a 100-ml sample
m g P x l ,000 containing not more than 0.2 mg P and free from colour
= —; ;— and turbidity, add 0.05 ml (1 drop) phenolphthalein in-
dicator. If the sample turns pink, add strong acid solution
ml sample dropwise to discharge the colour. If more than 0.25 ml
(5 drops) is required, take a smaller sample and dilute to
(c) Stannous chloride method 100 ml with distilled water after first discharging the pink
colour with acid.
(b) Colour development: Add, with thorough mixing
The same apparatus is required as for the previous after each addition, 4.0 ml molybdate reagent I and 0.5 ml
method, except when the extraction step is used, in which (10 drops) stannous chloride reagent I. The rate of colour
case a safety aspirator also is required. Set the spectro- development and the intensity of colour depend on the
photometer at 625 nm in the measurement of benzene- temperature of the final solution each 1°C increase pro-
isobutanol extracts, and at 690 nm for aqueous solutions. ducing about 1 per cent increase in colour. Hence, samples,
Use a wavelength of 650 nm for the aqueous solutions, standards, and reagents should be within 2°C of one
with somewhat reduced sensitivity and precision, if the another and in the temperature range between 20° and
instrument is not equipped to read at 690 nm. 30°C.
(c) Colour measurement: After 10 minutes but before
(a) Phenolphthalein indicator solution.
12 minutes, using the same specific interval for all deter-
(b) Strong acid solution: Slowly add 300 ml concent- minations, measure the colour photometrically at 690 nm
rated H 2 SO 4 to about 600 ml distilled water. When cool, and compare with a calibration curve, using a distilled water
add 4.0 ml concentrated HN0 3 and dilute to 1 1. blank. Light path lengths suitable for various concentration
ranges are as follows.
(c) Ammonium molybdate reagent I: Dissolve 25 g
(NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 O 2 4.4H 2 O in 175 ml distilled water. Cautious-
ly add 280 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 to 400 ml distilled Approximate P range Light path
water. Cool, add the molybdate solution, and dilute to 1 1. cm

(d) Stannous chloride reagent I: Dissolve 2.5 g of fresh 0.3 - 2 0.5

SnCl 2 .2H 2 O in 100 ml glycerol. Heat in a water bath and
stir with a glass rod to hasten dissolution. This reagent is 0.1 - 1 2
stable and requires neither preservatives nor special storage. 0.007 - 0.2 10

(e) Standard phosphate solution: As in the previous Always run a blank on the reagents and distilled water.
method. Inasmuch as the colour at first develops progressively and
Annex 145

later fades, maintain equal timing conditions for samples as (b) Potassium antimonyl tartrate solution: Dissolve
for standards. Prepare at least one standard with each set of 1.3715 g K (SbO) C 4 H 4 O 6 .l/2 H 2 O in 400 ml distilled
samples or once each day the tests are made. The calibra- water in a 500 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume.
tion curve may deviate from a straight line at the upper Store in a glass-stoppered bottle.
concentrations of the 300-2,000-/ug/l range.
(c) Ammonium molybdate solution. Dissolve 20 g
(d) Extraction: When increased sensitivity is desired or (NH 4 ) 6 Mo 7 0 2 4.4H 2 0 in 500 ml distilled water. Store in a
interferences must be overcome, extract the phosphate as plastic bottle at 4°C.
follows: Pipet a suitable portion into a 100 ml graduated
(d) Ascorbic acid, 0.1M: Dissolve 1.76 g ascorbic acid
extraction cylinder and dilute, if necessary, to 40 ml with
in 100 ml distilled water. The solution is stable for about
distilled water. Add 50.0 ml benzene-isobutanol solvent and
1 wk at 4°C.
15.0 ml molybdate reagent II. Close container at once and
shake vigorously for exactly 15 seconds. If polyphosphate (e) Combined reagent: Mix the above reagents in the
is present, any delay will increase the amount of it that will following proportions for 100 ml of the combined reagent:
be included in the orthophosphate value. Remove the 50 ml 5N H 2 SO 4 , 5 ml potassium antimonyl tartrate solu-
stopper and withdraw 25.0 ml of separated organic layer, tion, 15 ml ammonium molybdate solution, and 30 ml
using a pipet and a safety aspirator. Transfer to a 50-ml ascorbic acid solution. Mix after addition of each reagent.
volumetric flask, and 15 to 16 ml alcoholic sulphuric acid All reagents must reach room temperature before they
solution, swirl, add 0.50 ml (10 drops) dilute stannous are mixed and must be mixed in the order given. If turbidi-
chloride reagent II, swirl, and dilute to the mark with ty forms in the combined reagent, shake and let it stand for
alcoholic sulphuric acid, Mix thoroughly. After 10 minutes a few minutes until the turbidity disappears before pro-
but before 30 minutes read against the blank at 625 nm. ceeding. The reagent is stable for four hours.
Prepare the blank by carrying 40 ml distilled water through
the same procedure used for the sample. Read the PO4 (f) Stock phosphate solution: See "Vanadomolybdo-
concentration from a calibration curve prepared by taking phosphoric method".
known phosphate standards through the same procedural (g) Standard phosphate solution: Dilute 50.0 ml
steps used for the samples. stock phosphate solution to 1,000 ml with distilled water;
Calculate the results from the direct and the extraction
procedures by the following equation: (a) Treatment of sample: Pipet 50.0 ml sample into a
clean dry test tube or 125 ml Erlenmeyer flask. Add 1 drop
mg P x 1,000 phenolphthalein indicator. If a red colour develops add 5N
mg/1 P =
ml sample H 2 SO 4 solution dropwise so the colour is just discharged.
Add 8.0 ml combined reagent and mix thoroughly. After
(d) Ascorbic acid method at least 10 minutes but no longer than 30 minutes, measure
the colour absorbance of each sample at 880 nm, using
Apparatus the reagent blank as the reference solution.
(a) Colorimetric equipment: one of the following is (b) Correction for turbidity or interfering colour: The
required: natural colour of water generally does not interfere at the
high wavelength used. In the case of highly coloured or
(i) Spectrophotometer, with infrared phototube
turbid waters, prepare a blank by adding all the reagents
for use at 880 nm. providing a light path of 2.5 cm (1 in.)
except ascorbic acid and antimonyl potassium tartrate to
or longer. the sample. Subtract the absorbance of the blank from the
(ii) Filter photometer, equipped with a red colour absorbance of each of the unknown samples.
filter and a light path of 0.5 cm or longer. (c) Preparation of calibration curve: Prepare indivi-
(b) Acid-washed glassware: See "Vanado molybdo- dual calibration graphs from a series of six standards within
phosphoric colorimetric method". the expected phosphate ranges. Use a distilled water blank
with the combined reagent to make the photometric
readings for the calibration curve. Plot absorbance vs
phosphate concentration to give a straight line passing
(a) Sulphuric acid solution 5N: Dilute 70 ml concent- through the origin. Test at least one phosphate standard
rated H 2 SO 4 with distilled water to 500 ml. with each set of samples.
146 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Calculation Titrate the distillate with 0.1 N NaOH, using phenolph-

mgP x 1,000 thalein indicator.
mg/1 p =
ml sample

mg/1 volatile acids ml NaOH x 6,000

6. Steam distillation method for volatile acids
as acetic acid ml sample
7. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
(a) Steam generator: 11 capacity, with a safety tube
and a steam bypass valve. Apparatus
(b) Distillation flask, 1 1. (a) Incubation bottles, of 250-300 ml capacity with
ground-glass stoppers. Clean bottles with a good detergent,
(c) Condenser, at least 76 cm (30 in.) long. rinse thoroughly, and drain before use. As a precaution
against drawing air into the dilution bottle during incuba-
(d) Receiving flask, provided with a soda-lime tube to
protect the distillate from air. tion, use a water seal. Satisfactory water seals are obtained
by inverting the bottles in a water bath or adding water to
(e) Buchner funnel, 14 cm (5.5 in.), with suction. the flared mouth of special BOD bottles.

(b) Air incubator or water bath, thermostatically

Reagents controlled at 20°C - 1 °C, to exclude all light to prevent
(a) Sulphuric acid, H 2 SO 4 , 1 + 1, formation of DO by algae in the sample.

(b) Ferric chloride solution: Dissolve 82.5 g FeCl 3 . Reagents

6H 2 O in 1 1 distilled water. (a) Distilled water: Use only high quality water dis-
(c) Diatomaceous-silica filter aid. tilled from a block tin or all-glass still. Alternatively, use
deionized water. The water must contain less than 0.01
(d) Magnesium sulphate: Mg SO 4 . 7H2O. mg/1 copper, and be free of chlorine chloramines, casutic
alkalinity, organic material, or acids.
(e) Standard sodium hydroxide titrant, 0.1 /N
(b) Phosphate buffer solution: Dissolve 8.5 g potas-
(f) Phenolphthalein indicator solution. sium dihydrogen phosphate KH2PO4; 21.75 g dipotassium
hydrogen phosphate, K 2 HPO 4 ; 33.4 g disodium hydrogen
Procedure phosphate heptahydrate, Na 2 HPO 4 .7H 2 O ; and 1.7 g
ammonium chloride, NH4C1, in about 500 ml distilled
Adjust a sample, 200 to 1,000 ml, to pH 3.5 with 1 + 1
water and dilute to 1 1. The pH of this buffer should be
H 2 SO 4 - Add_6 ml FeCl3 solution/1 sample (equivalent to
7.2 without further adjustment. Discard the reagent (or
500 mg 1); add 50 g filter aid/1. Mix well. Filter by suction,
any of the following reagents) if there is any sign of
using a Buchner funnel containing a filter paper freshly
biological growth in the stock bottle.
coated with a thin layer of filter aid. Wash the residue
thoroughly three or four times with water and adjust the (c) Magnesium sulphate solution: Dissolve 22.5 g Mg
filtrate to pH 11 with NaOH solution. Concentrate by SO 4 .7H 2 O in distilled water and dilute to 1 1.
evaporation to 150 ml and cool in a refrigerator.
(d) Calcium chloride solution: Dissolve 27.5 g an-
Adjust the cooled filtrate to pH 4 with 1 + 1 H 2 SO 4 hydrous CaCl2 in distilled water and dilute to 1 1.
and add it quantitatively and quickly to the distilling flask.
Add MgSO4 to slight excess of saturation. Apply heat with (e) Ferric chloride solution: Dissolve 0.25 g Fe
a small flame to the flask until rapid evolution of volatile Cl 3 .6H 2 O in distilled water and dilute to 1 1.
acids commences. This will prevent excessive increase in
(f) Acid and alkali solutions, 1N: For neutralization
the volume of the mixture. Steam distil slowly so that
of caustic or acidic waste samples.
about 200 ml of distillate will be collected in 25 minutes.
Increase the rate of distillation and continue until a total (g) Sodium sulphite solution, 0.025 N; Dissolve
of 600 ml is collected. By careful control of the steam 1.575 g anhydrous Na2SO3 in 1,000 ml distilled water.
rate, excessive foaming can be prevented readily. This solution is not stable; prepare daily.
Annex 147

(h) Seeding: The purpose of seeding is to introduce pH of the seeded dilution water should not be changed
into the sample a biological population capable of oxidizing by the preparation of the lowest dilution of sample.
the organic matter in the waste-water. Where such micro-
(ii) Samples containing residual chlorine com-
organisms are already present, as in domestic waste-water
pounds. If the samples stand for one to two hour the
or unchlorinated effluents and surface waters, seeding is
residual chlorine often will be dissipated. Prepare BOD
unnecessary and should not be used.
dilutions with properly seeded standard dilution water.
When the sample contains very few micro-organisms, Destroy higher chlorine residuals in neutralized samples
as a result, for example, of chlorination, high temperature, by adding Na 2 SO 3 . Determine the appropriate quantity
or extreme pH, seed the dilution water. The standard seed of sodium sulphite solution on a 100 to 1,000 ml portion
material is settled domestic waste-water that has been of the sample by adding 10 ml of 1 +1 acetic acid or 1 + 50
stored at 20°C for 24 to 36 hour. Use sufficient seed to H 2 SO 4 , followed by 10 ml KI solution (10 g/100 ml) and
produce a seed correction of at least 0.6 mg/1. titrating with 0.025 N Na 2 SO 3 solution to the starch iodide
end point. Add to a volume of sample the quantity of
Some samples, for example, certain industrial wastes, Na 2 SO 3 solution determined by the above test, mix, and
may require seeding because of low microbial population, after 10 to 20 minutes test a sample for residual chlorine to
but they contain organic compounds that are not readily check the treatment. Prepare BOD dilutions with seeded
oxidized by domestic wastewater seed. In order to evaluate standard dilution water.
the effect of such a waste in a treatment system, it is better
to use specialized seed material containing organisms (iii) Samples containing other toxic substances.
adapted to the use of the organic compounds present. Samples such as those from industrial wastes, for example,
Obtain such adapted seed from the effluent of a biological toxic metals derived from plating wastes, frequently require
treatment process receiving the waste in question. When special study and treatment.
these sources are not available develop adapted seed in
the laboratory by continuously aerating a large sample of (iv) Samples supersaturated with DO. Samples
water and feed it with small daily increments of the parti- containing more than 9 mg/1 DO at 20°C may be encount-
cular waste, until a satisfactory microbial population has ered during winter months or in localities where algae are
developed. The special circumstances that call for the use growing actively. To prevent loss of oxygen during incuba-
of adapted seed also may require a seed concentration tion of these samples, reduce the DO to saturation by
higher than the standard 1 to 2 ml/1. Decide on the kind bringing the sample to about 20°C in a partly filled bottle
and amount of seed required for such special purpose and agitating it by vigorous shaking or by aerating with
studies on the basis of prior experience with the particular compressed air.
waste and the purpose for which the determination is
being made. (d) Dilution technique: Make several dilutions of the
prepared sample to obtain the required depletions. The
following dilutions are suggested: 0.1 to 1.0 per cent
Procedure for strong trade wastes, 1 to 5 per cent for raw and
settled sewage, 5 to 25 per cent for oxidized effluents,
(a) Preparation of dilution water: Before use, store and 25 to 100 per cent for polluted river waters.
the distilled water in cotton-plugged bottles long enough
for it to become saturated with DO; or, if such storage is (i) Carefully siphon standard dilution water,
not practical, saturate the water by shaking the partially seeded if necessary, into a graduated cylinder of 1,000
filled bottle or by aerating with a supply of clean com- to 2,000 ml capacity, half filling the cylinder without
pressed air. Use distilled water at 20°±l°C. Place the entrainment of air. Add the quantity of carefully mixed
desired volume of distilled water in a suitable bottle and sample to make the desired dilution and dilute to the
add 1 ml each of phosphate buffer, MgSO4, and FeCl3 appropriate level with dilution water. Mix well with
solutions/1 of water. If dilution water is to be stored in a plunger type mixing rod, avoiding entrainment of air.
the incubator, add the phosphate buffer just before using Siphon the mixed dilution into two BOD bottles, one
the dilution water. for incubation and the other for determination of the
initial DO in the mixture; stopper tightly and incubate
(b) Seeding: If the dilution water is seeded, use it the
for five days at 20°C. Water-seal the BOD bottles by
same day it is prepared.
inverting in a tray of water in the incubator or by
(c) Pretreatment: using a special water-seal bottle. Prepare succeeding
(i) Caustic, alkaline or acidic samples. Neutra- dilutions of lower concentration in the same manner
lize to about pH 7.0 with IN H 2 SO 4 or NaOH, using a pH or by adding dilution water to the unused portion of
meter or bromthymol blue as an outside indicator. The the preceeding dilution.
148 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(ii) The dilution technique may be greatly sim- often copper - and some sewage seeds are relatively inac-
plified when suitable amounts of sample are measured tive. The results obtained with such waters are always
directly into bottles of known capacity with a large-tip low.
volumetric pipet and the bottles are filled with sufficient
dilution water to permit insertion of the stopper without The quality of the dilution water, the effectiveness of
leaving air bubbles. Make dilutions greater than 1:100 by the seed, and the technique of the analyst should be
diluting the waste in a volumetric flask before adding it to checked periodically by using pure organic compounds
the incubation bottles for final dilution. having known or determinable BOD. If a particular organic
compound is known to be present in a given waste, it may
(e) Determination of DO. If the sample represents well serve as a control on the seed used. For general BOB
1 per cent or more of the lowest BOD dilution, determine work, a mixture of glucose and glutamic acid (150 mg/1 of
DO on the undiluted sample. This determination is usually each) has certain advantages. Glucose has an exceptionally
omitted on sewage and settled effluents known to have a high and variable oxidation rate with relatively simple
DO content of practically zero. With samples having an seeds. When it is used with glutamic acid, the oxidation
immediate oxygen demand use a calculated initial DO, in rate is stablized and is similar to that obtained with many
as much as such a demand represents a load on the re- municipal wastes (0.16 to 0.19 exponential rate). In excep-
ceiving water. tional cases, a given component of a particular waste may
be the best choice to test the efficacy of a particular seed.
(f) Incubation. Incubate the blank dilution water and
the diluted samples for five days in the dark at 20°C. Then
determine the DO in the incubated samples and the blank To check the dilution water, the seed material, and the
using the azide modification of the iodimetric method or technique of the analyst, prepare a standard solution con-
a membrane electrode. Unless the membrane electrode taining 150 mg/1 each of reagent-grade glucose and glutamic
is used, use the slum flocculation method for incubated acid that have been dried at 103°C for one hour. Pipet
samples of muds and the copper sulphate-sulphamic acid 5.0 ml of this solution into calibrated incubation bottles,
method for activated sludges. In special cases, other mo- fill with seeded dilution water, and incubate with seed
difications may be necessary. Those dilutions showing a control at 20°C for five days. On the basis of a mixed
residual DO of at least 1 mg/1 and a depletion of at least primary standard containing 150 mg/1 each of glucose and
2 mg/1 are most reliable. glutamic acid, the five-day BOD varies in magnitude ac-
cording to the type of seed, and precision varies with the
(g) Seed correction. If the dilution water is seeded, quality of seed.
determine the oxygen depletion of the seed by setting up
a separate series of seed dilutions and selecting those (j) Immediate dissolved oxygen demand. Substances
resulting in 40 to 70 per cent oxygen depletions in five oxidizable by molecular oxygen, such as ferrous iron, sul-
days. Use one of these depletions to calculate the cor- phite, sulphide, and aldehyde, impose a load on the receiv-
rection due to the small amount of seed in the dilution ing water and must be taken into consideration. The total
water. Do not use the seeded blank for seed correction oxygen demand of such a substrate may be determined by
because the five days seeded dilution water blank is subject using a calculated initial DO or by using the sum of the
to erratic oxidation due to the very high dilution of seed, immediate dissolved oxygen demand (IDOD) and the
which is not characteristic of the seeded sample. five-day BOD. Where a diffentiation of the two components
is desired, determine the IDOD. The IDOD does not ne-
(h) Dilution water control. Fill two BOD bottles cessarily represent the immediate oxidation by molecular
with unseeded dilution water. Stopper and water-seal DO but may represent an oxidation by the iodine liberated
one of these for incubation. Determine the DO before in the acidification step of the iodometric method.
incubation in the other bottle. Use the DO results on
these two bottles as a rough check on the quality of the
unseeded dilution water. Do not use the depletion obtained The depletion of DO in a standard water dilution of
as a blank correction. It should not be more than 0.2 mg/1 the sample in 15 minutes has been arbitrarily selected as the
and preferably not more than 0.1 mg/1. IDOD. To determine the IDOD, separately measure the DO
of the sample (which in most cases is zero) and the DO of
(i) Glucose-glutamic acid check. The BOD test is a the dilution water. Prepare an appropriate dilution of the
bioassay procedure consequently, the results obtained are sample and dilution water and determine the DO after 15
influenced greatly by the presence of toxic substances or minutes. The calculated DO of the sample dilution minus
the use of a poor seeding material. Distilled waters fre- the observed DO after 15 minutes is the IDOD in milli-
quently are contaminated with toxic substances - most grams per litre of the sample.
Annex 149

Calculation incubation. If the dilution water is unsatisfactory, proper

corrections are difficult and the results are questionable.
(a) Definitions:
Do = DO of original dilution water 8. Oxygen demand (chemical)
Dj = DO of diluted sample 15 minutes after prepara-
D 2 = DO of diluted sample after incubation Reflux apparatus, consisting of 500 ml or 250 ml
Erlenmeyer flasks, with ground-glass 24/40 neck, and 300
S = DO of original undiluted sample mm jacket Leibig, West, or equivalent condensers with
D c = DO available in dilution at zero time 24/40 ground-glass joint, and a hot plate having sufficient
= Dop + SP power to produce at least 1.4W/cm2 (9 W/in2) of heating
surface or equivalent, to insure adequate boiling of the
P = decimal fraction of dilution water used contents of the refluxing flask.
P = decimal fraction of sample used
Bj = DO of dilution of seed control before incuba-
tion (a) Standard potassium dichromate solution, O.25ON.
B 2 = DO of dilution of seed control after incubation Dissolve 12.259 g K 2 Cr 2 0 7 , primary standard grade, pre-
viously dried at 103°C for two hour in distilled water
f = ratio of seed in sample to seed in control
and dilute to 1,000 ml.
percentage of seed in Dj
(b) Sulphuric acid reagent. Concentrated H 2 SO 4
percentage of seed in Bj containing 22 g silver sulphate, Ag 2 SO 4 , per 4 kg (9 lb)
bottle (1 to 2 days required for dissolution).
Seed correction = (Bj - B2)f.
(c) Standard ferrous ammonium sulphate titrant,
(b) Biochemical oxygen demand: 0.1N: Dissolve 39 g Fe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 )2.6H 2 O in distilled
When seeding is not required water. Add 20 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 , cool and dilute to
1,000 ml. Standardize this solution daily against the
standard K 2 Cr 2 0 7 solution.
mg/1 BOD = Standardization. Dilute 10.0 ml standard K 2 Cr 2 0 7
solution to about 100 ml. Add 30 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4
and cool. Titrate with the ferrous ammonium sulphate
When using seeded dilution water, titrant, using two to three drops (0.10 to 0.15 ml) ferroin
ml K 2 Cr 2 0 7 x 0.25
Normality =
ml Fe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2
Including IDOD if small or not determined.
(d) Ferroin indicator solution. Dissolve 1.485 g 1, 10-
phenanthroline monohydrate, together with 695 mg
mg/1 BOD = FeSO 4 ,7H 2 O in water and dilute to 100 ml. This indicator
solution may be purchased already prepared.
(c) Immediate dissolved oxygen demand: (e) Mercuric sulphate, HgSO4 crystals.

(f) Sulphamic acid. Required only if the interference

mg/1 DOD = of nitrites is to be eliminated.

The DO determined on the unseeded dilution water
after incubation is not used in the BOD calculations (a) Treatment of samples with COD values over 50
because this practice would overcorrect for the dilution mg/1, Place 50.0 ml sample or a smaller sample portion
water. In all the above calculations, corrections are not diluted to 50.0 ml in 500-ml refluxing flask. Add lg
made for small losses of DO in the dilution water during HgSO4, several boiling chips, and 5.0 ml H 2 SO 4 . Add the
150 Updated guidebook on biogas development

H 2 SO 4 very slowly, with mixing to dissolve the HgSO 4 . concentration also increase and more HgSO4 is required.
Cool while mixing to avoid possible loss of volatile
materials in the sample. Add 25.0 ml 0.250 N K 2 Cr 2 0 7 (c) Determination of standard solution: Evaluate the
solution and again mix. Attach the flask to the condenser technique and quality of reagents with a standard solution
and start the cooling water. Add the remaining acid reagent of either glucose or potassium acid phthalate.
(70 ml) through the open end of the condenser. Continue
swirling and mixing while the acid is being added. Mix the Calculation
reflux mixture thoroughly before heat is applied; if this is ( a - b ) N x 8,000
not done, local heating occurs in the bottom of the flask mg/I COD =
and the mixture may be blown out of the condenser. ml sample
Alternatively, use sample volumes from 10.0 ml to 50.0 ml where COD = chemical oxygen demand from dichromate,
and adjust volumes, weights and normalities accordingly.
a = ml Fe(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 used for blank, b = ml Fe
(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 used for sample, and N = normality of Fe
Use 1 g HgSO4 with a 50.0 ml sample to complex
(NH 4 ) 2 (SO 4 ) 2 .
100 mg chloride (2,000 mg/1). For smaller volume samples
use less HgSO4, according to the chloride concentration.
Maintain a 10:1 ratio of HgSO4:Cl. A slight precipitate 9. Sludge digester gas
does not affect the determination adversely. As a general
rule, COD cannot be measured accurately in samples (a) Selection of method
containing more than 2,000 mg/1 chloride. Two different procedures are described for gas analysis,
Reflux the mixture for two hour or use a shorter the volumetric method and the gas chromatographic
period for particular wastes if it has been found to give method. Volumetric analysis is suitable for the determina-
maximum COD. Cover the open and of the condenser tion of carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, and oxygen,
with a small beaker to prevent foreign material from Nitrogen is estimated indirectly by difference. Although
entering the refluxing mixture. Cool and wash down the the method is time-consuming the equipment is relatively
condenser with distilled water. simple. Because no calibration is needed before use, the
procedure is particularly appropriate when analyses are
Dilute the mixture to about twice its volume with conducted on an infrequent basis.
distilled water, cool to room temperature, and titrate
The principal advantage of gas chromatography is
the excess dichromate with standard ferrous ammonium
sulfate, using ferroin indicator. Generally, use two or three speed. Commercial equipment is specifically designed for
drops (0.10 or 0.15 ml) indicator. Although the quantity of ambient-temperature gas analysis and permits the routine
ferroin is not critical, use a constant volume. Take as the separation and measurement of carbon dioxide, nitrogen
end point the sharp colour change from blue-green to oxygen and methane in less than five minutes. The require-
raddish-brown, even though the blue-green may reappear ment for a recorder, pressure regulated bottles of carrier
within minutes. gas, and certified standard gas mixtures for calibration
raise costs to the point where infrequent analyses by this
Reflux in the same manner a blank consisting of method may be uneconomical. The advantages of this
distilled water, equal in volume to that of the sample, system are freedom from the cumulative errors found in
together with the reagents. sequential volumetric measurements, adaptability to other
gas component analyses, adaptability to intermittent on-
(b) Alternate procedure for low-COD samples. Follow
line sampling and analysis, and the use of samples of
the standard procedure, with two exceptions, (i) Use
1 ml or less.
0.025 N standard K 2 Cr 2 0 7 and (ii) back-titrate with
0.10 ferrous ammonium sulphate. Exercise extreme care (b) Sample collection
with this procedure because even a trace of organic matter
in the glassware or the atmosphere may cause a gross error. When the source of gas is some distance from the
If a further increase in sensitivity is required, reduce a larger apparatus used for analysis, collect samples in sealed
sample to 20 ml (final total volume 60 ml) by boiling in the containers and bring to the instrument. Displacement
refluxing flask on a hot plate in the presence of all reagents. collectors are the most suitable containers. Long glass
Carry a blank through the same procedure. This technique tubes with three-way glass stopcoks at each end, are
has the advantage of concentrating the sample without particularly useful. These also are available with centrally
significant loss of easily digested volatile materials. Hard- located ports provided with septa for syringe transfer-of
to-digest volatile materials such as volatile acids are lost, samples. Connect one end of the collector to the gas
but an improvement is gained over ordinary evaporative source and vent the three-way stopcock to the atmosphere.
Annex 151

Gear the line of air by passing 10 to 15 volumes of gas pipet make sure that the gas in the burette is under a slight
through the tube. If the gas supply is limited, fill the positive pressure to prevent reagent in the pipet from con-
tube with a liquid that is displaced with gas. Use either taminating the stopcock or manifold. After absorption of
mercury solution or an acidified salt solution. The latter CO 2 , transfer the sample to the burette and measure its
solution is easier and less expensive to use, but dissolves volume. Record as V 2 .
gases to some extent. Therefore, fill the collection tube
completely with the gas and seal off from any contact with (c) Oxygen absorption. Remove O 2 by passing the
the displacement fluid during temporary storage. When sample through the O 2 absorption pipet charged with
transferring gas to the gas-analysing apparatus do not alkaline pyrogallol reagent until the volume of the sample
transfer any fluid. remains constant. Measure the volume accurately and
record as V 3 . In the case of a digester gas sample, continue
(c) Volumetric method as directed in (d). For methane in water, store the gas in
the CO2 pipet and proceed to (e).
Orsat-type gas-analysis apparatus, consisting of at least (d) Hydrogen oxidation. Remove the H2 by passing
(a) a water-jacketed gas burette with leveling bulb; (b) a the sample through the CuO assembly maintained at a
carbon dioxide-absorption pipet; (c) an oxygen absorption temperature in the range of 290° to 300°C. When a
pipet (d) a cupric oxide-hydrogen oxidation assembly; (e) constant volume has been obtained, transfer the sample
a shielded catalytic methane-oxidation assembly or slow- back to the burette, cool and measure its volume accurate-
combustion pipet assembly; and (f) a leveling bulb. If the ly. Record as V 4 . Waste to the atmosphere all but 20 to
slow-combustion pipet is used, use a controlled source of 25 ml of the remaining gas. Measure the volume accurately
current to heat the platinum filament electrically. Mercury and record as V 5 . Store temporarily in the CO2 absorption
is recommended as the displacement fluid. Aqueous sodium pipet.
Na2SO4—H2SO4 solution for sample collection also has
(e) Methane oxidation. Purge the inlet connections to
been used successfully. Use any commercially available gas
the burette with oxygen by drawing 5 to 10 ml into the
analyzer having these units.
burette and expelling to the atmosphere. Oxidize the
methane by either the catalytic oxidation process for
Reagents digester gas and the gas phase of water samples or the
(a) Potassium hydroxide solution. Dissolve 500 g slow-combustion process for the gas phase of water
KOH in distilled water and dilute to 1 1. samples.
(b) Alkaline pyrogallol reagent. Dissolve 30 g py- (i) Catalytic oxidation process. For catalytic
rogallol (also called pyrogallic acid) in distilled water and oxidation of digester gas and the gas phase of water sam-
make up to 100 ml. Add 500 ml KOH solution. ples, transfer 65 to 70 ml 0 2 to the burette and measure
accurately. Record this volume as V 6 . Pass the 0 2 into
(c) Oxygen gas. Use approximately 100 ml for each the CO 2 absorption pipet so that it will mix with the
gas sample analyzed. sample stored there. Bring this mixture back to the
burette and measure its volume accurately. Record as
(d) Displacement liquid. Mercury, or 200 g Na2SO4
V 7 . This volume should closely equal V 5 plus V 6 . Pass
plus 30 ml concentrated H 2 SO 4 /800 ml water.
the 0 2 sample mixture through the catalytic oxidation
Procedure assembly, which should be heated in accordance with
directions from the manufacturer. Keep rate of passage
(a) Sample introduction. Transfer 5 to 10 ml gas less than 30 ml/min. After the first pass, transfer the
sample into the gas burette through a capillary-tube connec- mixture back and forth through the assembly between the
tion to the collector. Expel this sample to the atmosphere burette and the reservior at a rate not faster than 60 ml/min
to purge the system. Transfer up to 100 ml gas sample to until a constant volume is obtained. Record as Vg.
the buret. Bring the sample in the burette to atmospheric or
reference pressure by adjusting the levelling bulb. Measure (ii) Slow-combustion process. For slow com-
the volume accurately and record as Vj. bustion of the gas phase of the water samples, transfer
35 to 40 ml 0 2 to the burette and measure accurately.
(b) Carbon dioxide absorption. Remove CO2 from the Record this volume as V 6 . Transfer the 0 2 to the slow-
sample by passing it through CO 2 -absorption pipet combustion pipet and then transfer the sample from the
charged with the KOH solution. Pass the gas back and forth CO2 absorption pipet to the burette. Heat the platinum
until the sample volume remains constant. Before opening coil in the combustion pipet to yellow heat while controll-
the stopcocks between the burette and any absorption ing the temperature by adjusting the current. Reduce the
152 Updated guidebook on biogas development

presure of 0 2 in the pipet to somewhat less than atmos- Results from the calculations for methane by the three
pheric pressure by means of the levelling bulb attached to equations should be in reasonable agreement. If not,
the pipet. Pass the sample into the slow-combustion pipet repeat the analysis after checking the apparatus for sources
at the rate of approximately 10 ml/min. After the first of error, such as leaking stop-cocks and connections. Other
pass, transfer the sample and oxygen mixture back and combustible gases, such as ethane, butane, or pentane, will
forth between the pipet and burette several times at faster cause a lack of agreement among the calculations; however,
rate, allowing the mercury in the pipet to rise to a point the possibility that digester gas contains a significant
just below the heated coil. Collect the sample in the com- amount of any of these is remote.
bustion pipet, turn off the coil, and cool pipet and sample
to room temperature with a jet of compressed air. Transfer (d) Gas chromatographic method
the sample to the burette and measure its volume. Record
asV 8 . Apparatus
(f) Measurement of carbon dioxide produced. Deter- (a) Gas chrorhatograph. Use any commercially avail-
mine the amount of CO2 formed in the reaction by passing able instrument equipped with a thermal conductivity
the sample through the CO2 absorption pipet until the detector. With some column packings, ovens and tempera-
volume remains constant. Record the volume as V 9 . ture controls are necessary. A unit with a gas sampling valve
is desirable.
Check the accuracy of the determination by absorbing
the residual oxygen from the sample. After this absorption, (b) Recorder. Use a 10 mV full-span strip chart re-
record the final volume as V 1 0 . corder for the gas chromatograph. When minor components
such as hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide are to be detected,
Calculation a 1 mV full span recorder is preferable.
(a) Methane and hydrogen are usually the only com-
bustible gases present in sludge digester gas. When this is (c) Column packing. Some commercially available
the case, determine the percentage by volume of each gas column packings useful for separating sludge gas com-
as follows: ponents are listed below alongwith the routine separations
possible at room temperature:
= (V,-V2)xl00
Percentage i
(i) Silica gel at room temperature. H 2 , air
( O 2 + N 2 ) , CH 4 ,(CO 2 slow).
(ii) Molecular sieve 13 x H 2 , O 2 , N 2 , CH 4 .
Percentage 0 2 =
(iii) HMPA (bexamethylphosphoramide) 30 per
cent on chromosorb P: CO2 from (O 2 , N 2 , H 2 , CH4).
Percentage H 2 = • (iv) DEHS (Di-2-ethylhexylsefacate) 30 per cent
on chromosorb P: CO2 from (O 2 , N 2 , H 2 , CH 4 ).

V4x(V8-V9)xl00 Combinations of columns (i) and (ii), (iii) and (ii)

Percentage CH4 = or (iv), and (ii) when properly sized and used in the se-
VixV5 quence first column, detector, second column, detector,
will readily separate H 2 , O 2 , N 2 , CH4 and CO 2 . Commer-
Percentage N 2 = 100-(percentage CO2 + percentage O 2 + cial equipment specifically designed for such operations is
percentage H 2 + percentage CH 4 ) available.

(b) Alternatively, calculate methane by either of the (d) Sample introduction apparatus. Preferably use an
two following equations: instrument equipped with gas-sampling valves designed to
V4x(V6+V10-V9)xl00 permit automatic injection of a specific sample volume into
Percentage CH4 = - the chromatograph. If such an instrument is not available,
2 x Vx x V 5
introduce samples with a 2 ml syringe fitted with a 27
V4x(V7-V8)xl00 gauge hypodermic needle. Reduce escape of gas by greasing
Percentage CH4 = the plunger lightly with mineral oil or by using a special
2 x Vj x V5 gas-tight syringe.
Annex 153

Reagents closed by a rubber or silicon septum. To take a sample for

analysis, expel air from the barrel of the syringe by depress-
(a) Carrier gas. Use helium for separating digester ing the plunger and force the needle through the septum.
gases. If hydrogen is to be determined, use argon as a Withdraw the plunger to take the gas volume desired, pull
carrier gas to increase the sensitivity greatly. the needle from the collection container and inject the
(b) Calibration gases. Use pure samples of methane, sample rapidly into the chxomatograph.
carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, or mixtures of known com- When samples are to be injected through a gas-sampling
position, for calibration. Also use samples of oxygen, valve, connect the sample collection container to the inlet
hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide if these gases are to be tube. Permit gas to flow from the collection tube through
measured. the valve to purge the dead air space and fill the sample
tube. About 15 ml are normally sufficient to clear the lines
and to provide a sample of 1 to 2 ml. Transfer the sample
(a) Preparation of gas chromatograph. Adjust the from the loop into the carrier gas stream by following the
carrier gas flow rate to 60 to 80 ml/min. Turn on the oven manufacturer's directions. Bring samples to atmospheric
heaters, if used, and the detector current and adjust to the pressure before injection.
desired values. The instrument is ready for use when the
When calibration curves have been prepared with
recorder yields a stable base line. Silica gel and molecular
synthetic mixture, use the same sample volume as that used
sieve columns gradually will loss activity because of ab-
during calibration. When calibration curves are prepared by
sorbed moisture or materials permanently absorbed at room
the procedure using varying volumes of pure gases, inject
temperature. If insufficient separations occur, reactivate by
any convenient gas sample volume up to about 2 ml.
heating or repacking.
(b) Calibration. For accurate results, prepare a calibra- Calculation
tion curve for each gas to be measured because different (a) When calibration curves have been prepared with
gas components do not give equivalent detector reponses synthetic mixtures and the volume of the sample analysed
on either a weight or a molar basis. Calibrate with synthetic is the same as that used in calibration, read the volume
mixtures or with pure gases. percentage of each component directly from the calibration
(i) Synthetic mixtures. Use purchased gas mix- curve after the detector response for that component is
tures of known composition or prepare in the laboratory. computed.
Inject a standard volume of each mixture into the gas (b) When calibration curves are prepared with varying
chromatograph and note the response for each gas. Com- volumes of pure gases, calculate the percentage of each gas
pute the detector response, either as the area under a in the mixture as follows:
peak or as the height of the peak, after correcting for A
attenuation. Read peak heights accurately and correlate Volume percentage = -g- x 100
with concentration of the component in the sample.
Reproduce operating preameters exactly from one analysis where A = partial volume of component (read from calibra-
to the next. If sufficient reproducibility cannot be obtained tion curve) and B = volume sample injected.
by this producure, use peak areas for calibration. Prepare (c) Where standard mixtures are run with the samples
the calibration curve by plotting either peak area or peak and instrument response is linear from zero to the con-
height against volume per cent for each component. centration range of interest:

(ii) Pure gases. Introduce pure gases into the c

Volume percentage = Vol percentage (std) x —
chromatograph individually with a syringe. Inject sample
volumes of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 ml etc., and plot the detector
where C = recorder value of sample and D = recorder value
response, correct for attenuation, against the gas volume. of standard.
When the analysis system yields a linear detector Annex X
response with increasing gas component concentration from REPORT OF THE WORKSHOP ON
zero to the range of interest, run standard mixtures along- UNIFORMITY OF INFORMATION
with samples. If the same Sample size is used, calculate gas REPORTING FOR BIOMETHANATION
concentration by direct proportions. SYSTEMS
(c) Sample analysis. If samples are to be injected with The Workshop on Uniformity of Information Report-
a syringe, equip the sample collection container with a port ing for Biomethanation Systems was held at Bangkok from
154 Updated guidebook on biogas development

2 to 6 May 1983. The Workshop was organized by Equity Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and United
Policy Centre (EPOC) and ESCAP with the financial Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
support of the Government of Japan, the Commonwealth (UNESCO).
Science Council and the United States Agency for Interna-
Process design and construction
The Workshop had its origin in the growing concern
among specialists in the development and application of Specialists dealing with biomethanation technology
renewable-energy technologies about the difficulty they were urged to characterize the systems used by reporting
were experiencing in benefiting from the experience of a thorough description of the design, the design parameters
others and applying reported results to their own situations. and any ancillary equipment used with the system. The
That difficulty had been particularly serious with regard to description was to include the type, geometry, dimensions
biomethanation (biogas). and materials of construction of the digester and gas
holder, and the specifications of ancillary equipment. It
Although biomethanation systems had been in use for
was important that the cost of constructing the digester
many years in many parts of the world, the lack of a syste-
(and gas holder) be reported in detail, including the cost
matic way of reporting the results of experiementation
and specifications of the materials and the cost of labour,
with and the use of such systems had made comparisons
with the latter disaggregated to the number of man-hours
among them and their relative evaluation extremely diffi-
required and the cost per man-hour for each of the dif-
cult. The problem arose from the lack of agreement on
ferent skills required.
parameters and variables to be measured, the conditions
of measurement, and even the units of measurement. Only by possessing such information would specia-
Compounding the confusion was the fact that there lists in other regions or countries be able to benefit from
existed no basis for cost comparisons because different the results and experience of others in planning their own
direct costs were usually reported, and many important designs.
indirect costs, such as taxes and subsidies, were frequently
not taken into account. The situation had deteriorated to Operating conditions, analytical measurements and
the point where there were even disagreements over monitoring
whether or not a given system "worked". Thus, the task of The Workshop recommended that measurements
the policy-maker in establishing programmatic budget of a minimum number of parameters associated with
priorities in energy systems had been made particularly operation of a biomethanation plant be reported in a
uniform way, using international units, so that results of
In an effort to set in motion a process that would help a biomethanation experiement, whatever the scale and
accelerate the useful application of biomethanation tech- wherever performed, could be understood and used by
niques, a survey had been conducted among experts by people in other locations. To facilitate the gathering of
EPOC, on behalf of USAID. As a result of the uniformly data, operators in the field should be provided with cen-
positive response from those surveyed that a meeting trally-managed, mobile laboratories to monitor minimum
was needed to address the issue, EPOC (on behalf of system parameters. In addition to such measurements,
USAID), ESCAP (with the assistance of the Government measurement of other parameters was recommended as
of Japan), and the Commonwealth Science Council co- useful, or even necessary in some cases, for the analysis
operated to organize the Workshop. of the feedstock and for characterizing the end uses of
the biomethanation system and its products (such as
The Workshop was attended by experts from Burma, the use of gas for energy and of residue for fertilizer, the
China, Indonesia and Thailand. Also participating were treatment of wastes, or improving public health and sanita-
experts representing OLADE, the Commonwealth Science tion), or for assessing or monitoring digester performance.
Council/African Energy Programme, the Commission The Workshop recommended a uniform way of expressing
of the European Communities, the International Reference measurement results in terms of concentrations, rates and
Centre for Waste Disposal, the National Research Centre, yields. It noted precautions to be taken while sampling or
Cairo, and others attending in their individual capacity. performing analyses to insure the integrity of results.

United Nations bodies and specialized agencies re- The panel also recommended methods for collecting
presented at the meeting were: Food and Agriculture data in the field where little or no instrumentation or
Annex 155

laboratory facilities were available, and suggested the economy was the lack of statistical information on current
development of others, where necessary. use of that technology. Governments generally collected
information only on systems installed under government
Use of the products, public health and sanitation, and programmes. The Workshop therefore recommended that
socio-economic issues national Governments include information on biomethana-
tion systems in statistics gathered on a national basis. Such
Biomethanation systems were accepted and used only information should include the number in use, the aggre-
to the extent that .their products met a need and that both gate energy produced, the aggregate fertilizer produced,
the systems and their products met certain socio-economic the kinds of uses of the energy, and the increased crop
criteria. The Workshop recommended a list of parameters production attributable to the use of the fertilizer.
the measurements of which were needed to enable compa-
risons to be made among similar uses for the products Follow-up task force
(gas and liquid/solid effluent) and the systems. Recom-
mendations were also made for the system of units in which The Workshop recommended that a task force be
those measurements should be reported. formed by ESCAP and EPOC to follow-up its recommen-
dations. The primary concern of the task free should be the
The Workshop stressed, however, the overriding identification of institutions and field projects with which
importance of the socio-economic issues in arriving at to co-operate in testing the approach recommended by the
realistic choices of biomethanation systems that would be Workshop. Such tests should be designed to span at least a
accepted and used by the people for whom they were year of operation, and the results should be presented to a
intended. The Workshop noted that initial decisions and follow-up meeting.
choices were generally made on the basis of technical
criteria alone, with information that heretofore had usually Circulation for professional comment
been insufficient for an adequate basis for comparison.
Even with the improved data base that would be established Practical considerations had received limited attentions
by adoption of its technical recommendations, the Work- in the Workshop owing to the relatively small number of
shop noted that the consideration not only of an economic participants. Therefore, the Workshop recommended that
analysis but also of the many tangible and intangible its report be circulated for comment to a representative
social and ecological costs and benefits that could not group of recognized experts and professional organizations
be quantified in conventional analyses would be more for professional comment.
significant in the decision-making process. Such an analysis
should be based on a checklist at least as inclusive as the The Workshop urged that its report be translated into
suggestions made in the report. Spanish, French and other appropriate languages to enable
widespread dissemination and use, particularly in the devel-
oping countries.
National statistics
A major part of the difficulty in evaluating the actual
or potential usefulness of biomethanation to a national The Workshop adopted its report on 6 May 1983.

Appendix I


(Report of working group I)

A. Classification of biogas systems a. Gas stored inside ("water-pressure", e.g., Chinese type
- approximately 7 million of these digesters are in China);
There are a number of different types of biogas units
b. Gas stored outside;
and these have been classified in several ways. Classifica-
tions by scale and type are given below.a (ii) Floating cover (e.g., Indian or KVIC type),
extensively used throughout the world. Gas produced is
(a) Scale: trapped under a floating cover;

(i) Family-size; (iii) Flexible bag design. Bag digester is a cylin-

drical bag, usually of plastic. Gas is stored in the reactor
(ii) Community-size; under a flexible membrane. Gas can also be stored in a
separate gas bag;
(iii) Large-(agricultural)size;
(iv) Plug flow digester. Essentially a horizontal
(iv) Industrial-size digester in which the ratio of length to diameter is 1 and
accordingly the internal flow pattern is near to an ideal
When reporting on plants in any of the above categories
flow system;
the total volume of the digester should be given in cubic
metres (m 3 ) and the active volume should be given as a (v) Batch dry fermentation. Substrate and in-
percentage of the total volume. oculum fed to a reactor vessel. The Reactor is sealed and
fermentation proceeds for a period up to six months. Batch
(b) Type of system; digesters are well adapted to the use of agricultural residues;
(i) Batch; (vi) Anaerobic filter. A packed column, liquid
waste is passed through the column in either an upflow or
(ii) Semi-continuous with or without recycle; down-flow manner. Anaerobic organisms are attached to the
(iii) Continuous with or without recycle. packing media and digest organic matter in the feedstock.
Essentially limited to soluble wastes. In early stages of
development and use;
B. Design of biogas systems
(vii) Anaerobic baffled reactor. Over-and-under
The principal unit in a biogas system is the digester or baffled reaction tank for treating liquid wastes. In early
reaction vessel. Digester types, and detailed designs and development stage;
specifications, are given in several publications. A listing
of digester types is given below: (viii) Anaerobic contact digester. Flow diagram
similar to aerobic activated sludge process. Useful for highly
(a) Digester types: concentrated liquid wastes. High level of technology
(i) Fixed geometry:
(The batch, fixed geometry, floating-cover and bag-type
^-> See chapter VI of this publication for another classification biogas reactors are most suitable for use with the sub-
that has been widely, used the arrangement used for collecting the strates commonly found in rural areas in developing
gas. nations.)
—J Ibid. See also National Academy of Sciences, Methane
Generation from Human, Animal, and Agricultural Wastes, (b) Digester specifications. Several factors should be
(Washington D.C., National Academy of Sciences, 1977. National considered in the preparation of specifications for con-
Academy of Sciences, Food, Fuel and Fertilizers from Organic struction of digesters, as follows:
Wastes (Washington D.C., National Academy Press, 1981) and
David C. Stuckey, The Integrated Use of Anaerobic Digestion (i) Construction materials:
(Biogas) in Developing Countries: A State of the Art Review
(Oubendorf, Switzerland, World Bank, IRCWD (forth coming). a. Bricks;
Appendix I Process design and construction 157

b. Concrete; ii. Waste-heat recycle;

c. Metal; iii. Biogas;
d. Plastic;
e. Rubber; iv. Other fuel;
f. Others; b. Heat load in Joules/sec and Joules/joule gas produced
(ii) Finish of surface and inside walls: c. Type, design and efficiency of system in Joules/joule
a. Plastering; energy used.
b. Coating; (viii) Mixing: Type:
c. Painting;
d. Other; a. Mechanical power input in S.I. units;
(iii) Geometry: b. Gasrecirculationrateinm 3 /h;

a. Sphere; c. Manual;
b. Cylinder; d. Sludge recycle in m 3 /h;
c. Rectangular;
d. Tunnel; (ix) Process control and measurements:
e. Others;
a. Safety device:
(iv) Dimensions expressed in metres;
i. Pressure relief valves;
(v) Principal features: ii. Flame trap;
iii. Water trap;
a. Inlet;
b. Outlet; b. Temperature measurements control
c. Mixing facilities;
c. Flow-level control;
d. SampUng ports and devices;
e. Others; d. Sampling ports and devices
(vi) Installation:
(x) Gas storage:
a. Above ground, Insulation:
a. Gas holder:
i. Type;
i. Integrated with digester, volume in m3
ii. Thermal conductivity in S.I. units;
ii. Separate, volume in m3
iii. Thickness in metres;
b. Materials of construction;
iv. Permanent or replaceable;
c. Geometry and size;
b. Below ground :
d. Gas pressure in cm of water head;
i. Portion covered in m 2 ;
(xi) Handling and disposal of effluent:
ii. Portion not covered in m 2 , insulation:
a. Facilities for storage of effluent (if any);
Thermal conductivity in S.I. units; b. Processing effluent before disposal:
Thickness in m;
Permanent or replaceable; i. Dewatering (specific type)
ii. Post-composting
iii. Mean temperature of earth surrounding digester
in°C; iii. Drying (specify type)
iv. Enriching
(vii) External heating:
v. Others
a. Source:
(xii) Method of disposal, if land disposal
i. Solar; process used, e.g. pumping, gravity flow, hauling.
158 Updated guidebook on biogas development

C. Process design parameters (c) Loading rate, which may be different depending
on the type of the digester, the nature of the substrate and
In building a biogas system the success of performance other environmental conditions:
depends on a number of parameters which control the bio-
methanation process. Process temperature and the charac- (i) kg volatile solids fed/m3 /day;
teristics of the substrate are the prime factors influencing
the rate of gas production. Process temperatures directly (ii) kg total solids fed/m3/day;
affect process conditions by controlling microbial growth (iii) COP fed/m3/day;
rates, since the methanogenic bacteria are very sensitive to
sudden changes in temperature. Likewise, the physical and (d) Flow rate in m 3 /day;
chemical characteristics of the substrate are also important
factors, the composition of which may lead to fluctuations (e) Volume of the digester in m 3 ;
in the production of methane gas. The factors concerning (f) Detention time (theoretical) in days;
these two principal parameters are outlined below.
(g) Gas. Under this heading are included the produc-
In addition, other parameters needed include loading tion, yield, composition, purification and utilization of the
rate, flow rate, volume of digester, and detention time. gas. The gas production rate usually expressed by m3
These are also outlined below with recommendations as to gas/m3 digester/day, is needed to evaluate the gas-produc-
units of measurement for each parameter. tion efficiency of the digester. The yield of gas should also
be given in terms of m 3 per kg total solids fed and per kg
(a) Temperature: of volatile solids fed in order to understand the capability
of the system to produce gas from the organic matter.
(i) Ambient: monthly:
(i) Production rate, gas volume/digester volume,
a. diurnal range in °C;
in m 3 /m 3 /day;
b. average range in °C;
(ii) Yield of gas in m 3 /kg total solids fed and
(ii) Slurry m /kg volatile solids fed;

a. Feed in °C (iii) Composition, CH4, CO 2 , H 2 S, H 2 , in per-

centage ;
b. Digester (specify location of measurement) °C
(iv) Purification in terms CO2 and or H2S
(b) Substrate: removal;
(i) Physical characterization: (v) Utilization showing application, e.g., burners,
lamps, internal conbustion engines refrigerators, heating
a. Qualitative description (animal dung by species of
etc., and indicating type and efficiency;
animal, poultry droppings, night soil, solid waste, liquid
wastes, crop residues); (h) Residue
b. Specific gravity; (i) Rate of production in m 3 /day;
c. Particle size and distribution, Range and average in (ii) Total solids in kg/m 3 ;
(iii) Proximate analysis (N, P, K) in percentages.
d. Total volatile solids in weight/weight, expressed as a
percentage, and in weight/volume; (i) Utilization of residues: The effluent from the
biomethanation process (i.e., the residue from the diges-
(ii) Chemical characterization expressed as per- tion of the organic matter) has many applications, depend-
centage of dry weight, C, N, P, K; pH; and COD in mg/1 of ing on local conditions and needs. For example, the residue
feed slurry; may have a higher value if adapted for use as an animal
(iii) Processing: feed supplement rather than as a fertilizer. The value of the
parameters in (h) (above) can thus alter the feasibility of
a. Pretreatment, mechanical, thermal, and biochemical; the entire process, and therefore their affect should be
clearly given.
b. Feed total solids content in weight per weight, ex-
pressed as a percentage, and in weight/volume; (i) Fertilizer and soil conditioner
Appendix I Process design and construction 159

(ii) Animal feed cost for the biogas system obtained. The categories for
which costs are to be determined can be classified as
(iii) Others (algae, Fish etc.) follows:

(a) Digester;
D. Process cost estimation
(b) Gas holder;
It is difficult to list the various items pertaining to the
construction and operation of all the types of biogas (c) Ancillaries and accessories;
systems, and assign a cost against each of these uniformity, (d) Process design and supervision.
because of the dissimilarities that exist in their designs.
However, in order to compare the costs associated with the These categories along with examples of the items that
construction and operation of the different types of biogas constitute these categories are presented in table 1. Data
systems in different countries, a classification is suggested from this table could be used with any type of digester to
to group various costs under different categories, which make the required evaluation. It is important that all
are applicable uniformly for any type of biogas system. costs should be reported in local currency with a United
The costs associated with the individual items under the States dollar equivalent along with the years on which the
different categories can be summed up and the capital costs were based.

Table 1. Capital cost of a biomethanation plant

Category Unit Quantity Con per unit Man-hours Cost per man-hour Total

A. Digester

Item 1
Item 2



Transportation of materials

Other costs (itemized

B. Gasholder

Item 1
Item 2




Other costs (itemized)

C. Ancillaries


D. Process design and supervision


160 Updated guidebook on biogas development

E. Preliminary techno-economic evaluation depends on three complex considerations: the quantity and
composition of the gas; the mix of end-uses, and the price,
Based on the construction costs and the yields of gas type and burning efficiency of another substitute fuel, e.g.
and slurry, a financial analysis based on market prices can kerosene, LPG, coal, electricity. The first factor depends
be carried out. This type of analysis is useful in determining entirely on the feedstock and process design parameters.
the rates of return for a particular biogas plant and can help However, the mix of end-uses determines what fuels may be
in evaluating the various technical options available to satis- used for calculating replacement costs. Finally, since the
fy specific end-uses, e.g. cooking, lighting, power. However, price and burning efficiency of substitutable fuels varies
a financial analysis is fairly narrow in its scope since it uses considerably, this factor can radically alter the value of
market prices rather than "shadow" prices which reflect biogas from the plant.
the true economic worth to society of the inputs and out-
puts of the project. In addition, a financial analysis does The benefits from the slurry depend on whether it is
not incorporate "secondary" benefits, e.g. improved public used as a fertilizer/soil conditioner, an animal feed, a feed
health, reduced reliance on imported fossil fuels, reduced to fish ponds or to grow algae, water hyacinth etc. The
deforestation. These benefits are difficult to quantify, but value of the slurry in increasing crop yields depends strong-
nevertheless are extremely important in assessing the tech- ly on the handling procedures used and hence the fate of •
nology. These latter factors are incorporated in a social nitrogen. In some cases this increase may be equivalent to
analysis (social cost-benefit), and will be discussed in more spreading the biomass directly on the land without diges-
length later. However, it is strongly recommended that tion and hence no benefits should be claimed. If the slurry
this social analysis be used by governments to assess the is used to refeed animals then the benefits from the slurry
viability of biogas since it most accurately reflects the could be considerably greater than from the gas. Considera-
effect of the project on the fundamental objectives of the ble care should be exercised in evaluating the benefits
whole economy. from the slurry, and these should be related to an original
quantity of biomass.
The actual construction cost of a digester is relatively
easy to assess, although at some periods during the year un- Table 2. Preliminary economic appraisal of the
skilled labour costs may be virtually negligible since it is
virtually idle. Determining plant life (depreciation) is diffi- biomethanation plant
cult since there is still little information available, and
assumptions vary between 15 and 40 years. However,
depending on the discount rate, a life of more than about Investment coiti:

25 years has little impact on benefit-cost ratios. Obviously, Digester construction

different parts of the plant will have different lives, and Gai holder
Connections ind end use devices
these should be assessed accordingly.

Maintenance costs can also vary considerably depend- Total investment costs

ing on the design used. For example, a steel floating cover Annual production costi:

requires considerable attention and maintenance to prevent Cost of dung, water and other
corrosion. In contrast, the water pressure digester requires Labour required for plant opetttlon
Rent of plant site
little maintenance besides the usual biannual loading and
Repairs and maintenance
unloading of agricultural residues. Also, while land costs Depreciation:
can contribute significantly to overall costs, except in the Crvfl construction (10-20 years depending on type of digester)
most densely settled villages land can be treated as a zero Connections and end-use devices (10 years)
cost item since the quantities involved are so small. Finally, Gas holder (10 years if metalic)
Others (number of years should be selected reasonably)
the labour involved in collecting the feed, e.g. manure, agri-
cultural residues, mixing it with water and feeding it to the Total depreciation

digester has to be evaluated. However, in many cases this Others

time is minimal and is often equivalent to the labour re- Total annual production costs

quired to collect the biomass for traditional uses, e.g. as a Annual tangible benefits:

fuel or manure. Hence, in many cases this cost can be Biogas (kerosene, LPG butane gas, . . . equivalent)
Residue (fertilizer, animal feed,...)

Total annual Income

Evaluating the quantifiable benefits of a biogas plant is Profit (annual Income - annual production costs)
also fraught with many difficulties. The output of a plant Return on invested capital - Tc... ^ I H „ x !00
nt co»
consists of two streams: gas and slurry. Valuation of the gas

Appendix II



(Report of working group II)

This report contains the recommendations of the work- Accepted international units, with slight modification,
ing group on standardization of reporting data on operating for the expression of results in terms of concentrations,
conditions, analytical measurement and monitoring of rates, and yields are recommended. In the final section,
biomethanation plants. The initial section is devoted to remarks on recommendations are given on operating condi-
start-up and operating conditions and the types of informa- tions relating to sampling and analyses, and the processes
tion relating thereto which should be reported. This covers of sampling and analyses in order to provide standardized
the entire spectrum of beginning with an empty digester and meaningful results.
and continues through the establishment of a stable operat-
ing system. Operating conditions are the conditions which are
prescribed for starting and operating a digester. The operat-
Recommended data which should be reported for ing conditions to be reported are:
various purposes are listed in tabular form. Listed also are
representative methods of analysis to obtain the data, but
(a) Starting procedure and inoculum;
it is beyond the scope of this working group to compare
various analytical methods and propose specific recom- (b) Duration of the run at reported conditions (in
mended analytical procedures. days);

Table 1. Minimum parameters necessary to describe a biomethanation process

Place of measurement
Parameters Units Feedstock Digester
Solids and slurries Wastevaters

Total solids (TS) kg/kg, kg/m1 X X X

Total suspended solid (TSS) kg/m1 X X*

Volatile solids (VS), mineral matto, kg/kg, kg/m1 X X X

and ash content

Volatie suspended solids (VSS) kg/m1 xb X1

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) C

X xb x"
(at least for more dilute wastes)

Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) kg/kg, kg/m3 X X

Ammonium nitrogen (NH ?) kg/m1 X

Volatile fatty adds (VFA) (C, • C, kg/m X
to C 5 )

PH - X X X

Gas composition (percentage CH.) Percentage X X X

Gas production rate per unit volume

m J /m 3 .d X

Particle size - X

U Only for digester treating wastewatei.

^J Either one or the other.

£-/COD b the best way to express the concentration of a sib Ante became any change in COD between influent and effluent can be directly
related to the methane produced (at the exception of accumulation or lots of biomass in the digester). In addition, volatile solids determina-
tions are often unreliable*. However, COD determination of slurries and soUdsare rendered delicate by the difficulty to get a representative
sample within small amount Grinders should be used to homogenize the material before sampling and great care should be used when sampling.
At least three repetitions should be obtained before a result can be declared valid.

"-/ In effluent If measured in influent.

162 Updated guidebook on biogas development

(c) Volumetric loading rate and frequency of loading of both solid and slurry feedstocks as well as digester
(kg of volatile solids/m3/day, kg COD/m3/day) (not for contents. It is understood that in some field operations not
batch systems); all these minimum parameters will be determinable because
adequate analytical instruments are not available. When this
(d) Temperature of feed (mixed feed, water, solids) is the case, it should be clearly noted.
in °C;

(e) Mean retention time (hydraulic, solids) (symbol In the majority of cases operators of biogas systems are
0, in days); not able to collect data on the minimum parameters. It is,
therefore, recommended that operators should be provided
(f) Recycling with details (biomass, effluents); with centrally managed mobile laboratory units to monitor
the minimum biogas system parameters.
(g) Mixing method, frequency and duration, relation
to loading if semi-continuous; In addition to these minimum necessary parameters,
(h) Mixing power input if full-scale; other parameters are useful for describing all biomethana-
tion processes because they may influence their per-
(i) Physical and chemical conditions inside digester formance. With the exception of the tendency to scum
(pH, temperature, pressure); formation, they all require more or less sophisticated
laboratory facilities. These parameters are alkalinity (kg
(j) Ambient temperature (air and/or soil); HC0 3 /m), acid-soluble phosphate (kg P0 4 /m), nitrogen
(kg N/m 3 ), heavy metal and toxic compounds (kg/m3),
(k) Pressure in gas holder
Kjeldahl thermal conductivity (J/m3.m.°C), microbial
Table 1 lists the minimum parameters necessary to biomass or microbial activity (F 4 2 Q , others), scum (thick-
describe biomethanation processes. They include analyses ness, composition, hardness), gas composition (hydrogen).
Table 2. Parameters which are necessary (A) or useful for
characterization of feedstock, products and uses
Parameter Unlit Feed Uses of digestion end-products
stock Health & Fuel Agriculture Waste
Sanitation Energy Weed Fertilizer Feed treatment

Volatile fatty IPKJI kg/m' X - - - - - -

Total caibon kg/kg, kg/m 3 X - - - - - -

Cellulose, hemkeUu~ kg/kg, kg/m 3 X - X - X X -

lose tignin

Starch kg/kg, kg/m 3 X - - - - - -

5-day biological oxy-
gen demand (BODS) kgO 2 /m 3 _ _ _ _ _ xA
Sulphates kg/m X - - - - - -

Acid-soluble phosphate kg/kg, kg/m 3 X -

HjS Percentage - - X - - - -
Ca.Mg.Na kg/m 3 - - - - X - -
Total P.N.K kg/m 3 - - - _ XA - _

Pathogens, parasites viable count/

100 ml xA X xA X
Seeds viable count/
100 ml _ _ _ xA X _ _

Heavy metals, toxic kg/m 3 X X - - X X -

Protein content kg/m 3 . kg/kg xA - - - - xA -

Amino acida, nucleic . kg/m 3 , kg/kg - - - - - X -

ViKosity - - - - - X - -
Heat capacity (solid) J/kg X - - - - - -
Thermal conductivity J/m m°C X - - . - - - -
Biodegradable/non- Percentage, kg/kg - - X - X X X
biodegradable nutters

Weed control meani the inicttvition of secdi of undetireible pbnti by blomet ha nation processes.
Appendix II Plants and field operation 163

Table 2 lists data which are either necessary or useful Examples: By C0D : kg (COD)/m3/day
for feedstock characterization and different end-uses of the
By TS or B y y s : kg (TS or VS)/m3/day
products of biomethanation processes. Most of these data
would be applicable only when a laboratory is available. ry : m 3 (gas)/m3/day (65 percentage
Necessary data are designated as A. CH 4 , b for example)

Results should be reported in a consistent system of r

V.CH (CH 4 )/m 3 /day
units. The working group has adopted, with modifications,
the expression of results suggested by the International Notes:
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) and the a
International Association on Water Pollution Research Subscript V refer to volume whose symbol is V. It
(IAWPR) {Reference: R&D Programme, Recycling of means that loading rate and gas/methane production rate
Urban and Industrial Waste, Document XII/MPS/15/82- are per unit working volume.
EN, 8.9.82 Rev.2, Commission of the European Communi- b
Specify conditions, i.e. STP, temperature, pres-
ties, Brussels).
sure, wet or dry gas.

The following subscripts are to be used: Yields

o influent Yields should always indicate output over input.
e effluent "Yield" expresses the amount (fraction) of a given product
r removed or output (methane, biogas, volatile solids or COD
removed), (CH., gas, COD ) obtained from a given amount
of feedstock fed to the digester, or input (volatile or total
Concentrations solids or COD) (VSQ, TSQ, CODQ). Recommended yields
and symbols are the following:
Concentrations must be related to unit volume or
weight (if wet, specify dry weight). To avoid confusion, Symbol Name Units
recommended symbols are: Y
CH 4 /So Methane yield m 3 /kg
Symbol Name Units
or 1/g
S substrate kg/m 3 ,g/l f Conversion kg/kg
X active biomass kg/m 3 ,g/l
Examples: S o : kg (TS, VS or COD in load)/m 3 Examples: YCHJCOD0 . m3
X e : kg (TS, VS or COD in effluent) /m 3 Y
CH 4 /COD 2 : m 3 (CH4) / kg (COD2)a

Rates Y
Rates should be expressed as per unit working volume Y
and per unit time. Recommended rates and symbols are the CODr/COD0 : kg (CODr) / kg (CODQ)
following: Y
VS r /VS 0 :kg(VS r )/kg(VS 0 )
mbol Name Units
R a
Volumetric kg/m3/day ^-> Theoretical value = 0.350 interpret differences
loading or Knowledge of the operating conditions of the digester
rate is necessary in order to make any test or to draw conclu-
sions. It should be stated if the results refer to a transient or
r a
V Gas (specify m 3 /m 3 /day steady-state condition. The test procedure and results in
methane or steady-state conditions are only meaningful if the digester
content) or I/l/d conditions are held constant during the period of the test,
methane and for a period prior to the test. Any variations in key
production rate parameters (temperature feeding, pH, gas production rate
per unit volume etc.) during the test must be recorded.
164 Updated guidebook on biogas development

For convenience the time scale is the retention time of insoluble fraction or their mixture in feedstock and output
the digester. It is commonly accepted that a steady-state effluent plus gas plus mixed liquids if different from the
condition is not reached before at least two or three mean effluent. If determinations are made on solid or liquid
hydraulic retention times under the same running condi- phases, the separation method and running conditions are
tions have been established. A test should preferably be to be specified. When mean values are given, the number of
carried out over several retention times. It is suggested measurements (alternatively, continuous recording and the
that each test be carried out over a minimum of one reten- span of time) should be indicated.
tion time with daily (or more frequent) monitoring of key
parameters, and variables. Averaged values over this test In expressing results, it should be revealed that the
period should be used. methane production rate is different from the gas produc-
tion rate, the gas containing only a certain amount (often
Regarding sampling, representative samples should 50 or 65 per cent) of methane. Whenever giving the gas
be taken at all stages of the process. The methods of production rate, the methane content (percentage) should
sampling and storage, if any, and the frequency of sampling be given if possible. The presence of methane in the gas is
should be given. It is stressed that good sampling of slurries indicated if the gas burns. When giving a concentration of
is difficult since decantation occurs very rapidly; this phosphorus, it must be stated under which form this con-
leads to samples that are not always representative of centration is calculated (mg elemental phosphorus/kg, mg
feedstock or digester content. Also when small samples PO 4 /kg, ma Na 3 PO./kg). The concentration of nitrogen
of feedstock or digester contents containing particles or should be stated as the amount of nitrogen in the form of
fibrous materials are taken, the number of these particles ammonium ion, or gNHj - N/kg. If nitrogen content is
has a large influence on whether the sample is indeed given in kg/kg substrate (crop residues. . .) it should refer
representative. The use of a grinder is often necessary. to the dry weight, or the percentage of moisture, or the
percentage of total solids should be given.
The given information on sampling should be com-
plete enough to evaluate the quality of the sampling. These methods which can be used to obtain analytical
data are listed as examples. The list is not exhaustive nor
Analyses should be made on both the soluble and does it mean that the listed methods are recommended.

Data Methods

Total solids (TS) Oven: T = 105°C until constant weight

Volatile solids (VS), mineral matter and ash content Oven: T = 450°C, 12 hr or 600°C, 3 hr (not reliable
because varying losses)
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) (at least for more diluted Standard methods (with slurries, pay attention to homoge-
wastes) nization method)
Ammonium nitrogen (NHJ - N) Distillation (pH)a direct chemical measurement, electrodea
Volatile fatty acids (VFA) (C2 + C3 to C 5 ) Steam distillation and titration, chromatography (gas,
PH pH meter (pH changes due to loss of CO 2 ) a , litmus paper,
pH indicating paper
Total alkalinity Titration
Gas composition CO2 absorption, gas chromatography, I.R., mass spectro-
Particle size Sieve
Volatile or total suspended solids Centrifugation and oven (or filtration, decantation
Total organic carbon (TOC) Special apparatus (apparatus expensive ! for homogeniza-
tion, microdis-membrator)
Appendix II Plants and field operation 165

Data Methods

Cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin Van Soest or more specific (interpretation) a

Starch Hydrolysis + sugar determination
Soluble sugars Chemical or enzymatic method or chromatography
Organic nitrogen Kjeldhal (total protein content) Total organic nitrogen
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) for (wastewater) Winkler, interpretation -
Respirometry )
Bicarbonate alkalinity Titration, CO 2 elimination + back tjtration
420 Fluorescence spectrometry

Amino acids and other nynhydrin positive compounds, Ion exchange chromatography HPLC
before and after hydrolysis

Calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium Flame photometry

Total phosphorus Chemical
Microbial biomass or activity ATP (interpretation) a
Specific enzymatic activitya
Coenzymes a
Specific components8
Total protein content
Biodegradable/non-biodegradable matter Batch digestion
Compounds toxic to microorganisms Culture tests
Pathogenic and parasitic organisms Culture on specific media

Interpretation of results is difficult or method is difficult to use.

If a collection is made of all the data mentioned above 0.35 should result in the volume of methane produced
they will be extremely useful in evaluating the technical per day. If these figures do not agree within ± 10 per cent
and economic potential of the biomethanation system, and (due to the standard deviation of the COD analysis on
will enable vigorous comparisons to be made of different heterogeneous organics) then the reactor is not at steady
systems in different countries. However, due to the dif- state, and hence valid conclusions cannot be drawn about
ficulties in obtaining steady state in semi-continuous sys- performance. To preserve a redox balance this theoretical
tems, and the fact that many substrates are difficult to relationship must hold, and any deviations from it are an
analyse vigorously, it is considered advisable that the data indication of gross analytical errors or non-steady-state,
obtained be checked for internal consistency to ensure that e.g. accumulation of organics in the reactor, or washout.
the conclusions drawn are valid. There are a number of
(b) Gas composition. If the chemical composition of
ways to check for consistency;
the feed is determined, e.g. by COD, organic N, TS, organic
(a) COD balance. Based on the theoretically derived C, then the stoichiometric composition of the feed can
relationship that 0.35 litres of methane are produced at be calculated, i.e. C a H b O c N d . Using this expression the
STP per gram of COD destroyed, the difference in the COD oxidation state of the carbon can then be determined by
of the influent and effluent (in grams/day) multiplied by assuming H = +1, 0 = —2 and N = —3, with C resulting in
166 Updated guidebook on biogas development

a zero oxidation state of the overall compound. For cent then there is an air leak in the system. Also H 2 should
example, with a typical carbohy-drate, CgH 2 O , , the only be present in the gas in minute quantities, i.e. 0.1 per
oxidation state of C is 0. To produce methane and carbon cent. Quantities higher than this indicate analytical errors
dioxide from this compound the carbon is oxidized to or inhibition.
C0 2 to release 4 electrons. To maintain electro-neutrality
these electrons have to reduce a certain amount of the (c) Inorganic balance. One very simple method to
substrate C to CH.. Since the C in CCL has an oxidation determine whether the digester is at steady state is to
analyse the inorganic content of the influent and effluent.
state of O + 4, and the C in methane has an oxidation
This figure is obtained from the difference between the TS
state of - 4 , the gas produced from the carbohydrate
and VS contents of the respective streams. Since inorganics
should be approximately 50 per cent CH4 and 50 per cent
elements are conservative, is unaffected by digestion, the
CO 2 . In reality, some of the CO. is dissolved in the liquid
content of inorganics in the effluent should be the same as
phase leading to a gas composition of approximately 55
in the influent (+ the standard deviation of the respective
per cent CH4 and 45 per cent CO2- With compounds con-
methods). If they are significantly lower then there is an
taining reduced carbon, e.g. long-chain fatty acids in fats,
accumulation of mass in digester, and if they are higher
(CH2)n, the C has an oxidation state of—2. Hence three
then there is washout. In either case the digester is not at
moles of CH4 are produced per mole of CO., and the gas steady state, and some caution should be exercised in
composition from digesting fat is approximately 75 per drawing firm conclusions from the data.
cent CH4 and 25 per cent CO.. The final composition
will depend on pH and the pressure in the gas phase. Hence Finally, in order to ensure that the conclusions drawn
if the chemical composition of the feed is known the gas from the experimental data are valid, a vigorous statistical
composition can be calculated, and this should be close to analysis of the data should be carried out. This will entail
the actual measured composition. The gas should only determining the precision of the various analytical methods
contain CO2 and CH 4 , with trace quantities of H 2 S and used, and whether differences in data are statistically signi-
N 2 . If N 2 is present in quantities greater than a few per ficant.

Appendix III
(Report of working group III)

The ultimate success of biomethanation systems is their in water (or limewater). In the case of shaft (mechanical)
usefulness to people. That usefulness involves the use of power, while the time rate of consumption can be measured
the products, the uses that the system itself may serve, and, in the field, the consumption per unit power output will
most important, the socio-economic aspects of these uses, generally be inferred from the nameplate rating of the
including the tangible and intangible impacts on a com- device and estimates of its efficiency.
munity. Thus, in this report an examination of the use of
the products is made first, followed by consideration of Agriculture uses of the outputs of biomethanation
useful purposes served by the system, and a discussion of systems are listed in table 2, which also lists parameters to
socio-economic issues and impacts. be measured and the units in which to record the measure-
ments, as recommended by this working group. This table
A. Uses of the products of biomethanation is based on the assumption that all measurements are being
made on a defined effluent stream, i.e., sludge (filtrate),
In table 1, the uses of the gas as an energy source are liquid (supernatant), slurry (liquid plus suspended solids
listed, together with recommendations of the parameters after agitation of digester contents), or any combination
to be measured and the units in which these measurements of these. In addition, any treatment of this effluent stream,
should be reported. such as drying and communition, must be clearly specified
before the values of the measured parameters can be
In considering these uses, one should note that with one meaningfully interpreted by others.
or two exceptions the parameters to be measured can
generally be measured in the field, under normal conditions B. Uses of biomethanation as a system
of use. The calorific value in joules per cubic metre can not
normally be measured in the field. It can be inferred, Although consideration of the uses of the products of
however, from the methane content, which can be deter- biomethanation systems involves some health issues, as
mined precisely enough by measuring a given gas volume shown in tables 1 and 2, the system itself plays an im-
before and after the CO2 has been removed by absorption portant role in public health and sanitation.
Appendix III Utilization, health, and environmental issues 167

Table 1. Energy uses of biomethanation system outputs

Parameter Unltt

Cooking Calorific value kj/m

Methane content Percentage CH^

Rate of consumption* m 3 /h

Lighting Rate of consumption m /h

Shaft power Rate of consumption m /h,m /kWh

Refrigeration (absorption) Rate of consumption6 m 3 /h

Process heat Rale of consumption m /h

Space heating Rate of consumption* m*/h

Drying Rate of consumption m /h

i-/ Depends on efficiency of conversion.

^ Meaningful only if related to light output (lumens).

£j Light output is not a normal field measurement.

i / Includes electricity generation, transportation, milling, water lifting.

^/ Meaningful only if L T and C « e reported.

—' Includes domestic water heating.

Jj Depends on qualitative measure of comfort.

^-/ Meaningful only in conjunction with ambient temperature (°C) moisture content (percentage of water), and relative

Table 2. Agricultural uses of biomethanation system output

(All entries imply an initial definition of the effluent stream that is being considered. See text.)
Use Parameter Units

Fertilizer Rate of consumption kg/ha (dry weight)

Nutrient content (dry weight basis):

Available N.a P. K (w/w) g/kg

Trace elements (w/w) mg/kg

Toxic substances concentration

(dry weight basis):

Toxic heavy metals (w/w) mg/kg

Pesticide residues (w/w) mg/kg

Viable seeds content number /species, kg percentage germination

So3 conditioner Humut content Percentage organic matter

Rate of consumption kg/head/day

kg/ha./day (for fish)

Nutrient content (dry weight basis):

Available Ca, P, fat, protien, car-
bohydrates (w/w) mg/g or percentage
Vitamins l.U./g
Trace elements (w/w) mg/kg

Toxic substances (dry weight basis):

Toxic heavy metals (w/w) mg/kg
Pesticide residues (w/w) mg/kg
Microbiological quality:
Pathogens/parasites number/g

Livestock Seeding Microbiological quality: Numberlg


—' Includes both organic and ammona nitrogen

In table 3, the working group has attempted to deal with The last aspect of the use of biomethanation systems
this role by identifying the parameters to be measured for considered by the working group was control of weeds and
the two major aspects of this use of such systems, and disease vectors. These are listed in table 4, together with
the corresponding units for reporting these measurements. parameters to be measured and units of measurement.
168 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Table 3. Public health and sanitation aspects of many intangible non-quantifiable costs, benefits and
biomethanation systems3 impacts that a society experiences.

Use Parameter Units 1. Uses of the products of biomethanation

Residue treatment:
Conventional economic cost/benefit analyses take
Animal residues ) (Rate of production kg/day or t/day
Domestic (human) residues) (Rate of treatment kg/day or t/day
account of the tangible aspects of the use of biomethana-
Agricultural residues ) (COD conversion1" percentage" tion products by considering such things as:
Industrial residues ) (BOD conversion" percentage1'
Forest residues ) (Pathogen kill ratec log/dayc
(a) Costs of energy sources supplemented or displaced
by biogas;
Water treatment:
b (b) Cost of transporting, distributing and converting
(Removal of pollutants COD conversion percentage
by biological means) BOD conversion*" percentage" energy supplemented or displaced;
Pathogen kill rate0 log/day

Vector control Population larvae/kg (c) Cost of fertilizers supplemented or displaced by

eggsAg biomethanation residues;

(d) Cost of transporting and applying fertilizers

—' See tables 5, 6 and 7 for detailed discussion of parameters and units.
supplemented or displaced;
"-/ Conversion ratios would be measured where laboratory facflitks are
available. If only occasional monitoring of Held installations is available, (e) Cost of capital;
with no regular monitoring of the input, then measurement of BOD and
COD of the effluent may be all that is practical.
(0 Cost of labour;
~J With no laboratory available to monitor the input materials occasional
monitoring of field installations would be confined to total viable counts (g) Cost of operation and maintenance;
of pathogens and parasites per liter of effluent.

i ' Includes insects and parasites (h) Cost of end-use devices.

Generally not included, however, in the choice of a
Table 4. Use of biomethanation systems
biomethanation system to be promoted with public funds
for controlling weeds
is the not easily quantifiable value (or cost) to society of
Use Parameter Units
the impact of this alternative energy source on:
Weed control: (a) Deforestation;
Aquatic weeds ( Production rate t/ha/yr
Terrestrial weeds (Removal rate percentage (b) Watershed management;

(c) Health and sanitation;

It should be noted that table 4 refers to controlling
(d) Food preservation;
weeds by harvesting them and using them as a feedstock for
biomethanation. This is distinct from the survival of viable (e) Labour;
weed seeds in biomethanation effluents used as fertilizers.
(0 Employment
C. Socio-economic issues and social and (g) Self-sufficiency;
ecological impacts of biomethanation
systems 0) Perception of status;

The technical parameters and characteristics of biome- 0) General quality of life.

thanation systems play an important role in the acceptance
and use of such systems. The technical questions are the
first ones asked and preliminary choices are generally An attempt has been made to summarize these issues for
made on the basis of how well a particular design meets energy use in table 5, which should be read in conjunction
certain technical criteria. This is an inadequate basis for with table 1, and for agricultural uses in table 6, which
a choice, however, because more important than the should be read in conjunction with table 2. Similarly, in
technical characteristics of a system, in terms of acceptance table 7 are summarized these socio-economic issues for
and use, are the quantifiable economic costs and benefits, health and sanitation aspects of the use of biomethanation
the quantifiable impacts on an ecological system, and the systems, as a supplement to table 3.
Appendix III Utilization, health, and environmental issues 169

Table 5. Use of energy from biomethanation — socio-economic issues

Quantifiable aspects Non-for not easily) quantifiable aspects

Fuels or systems displaced (relative calorific value vs. cost): Impact on:
Firewood Food preservation (from cooking smoke and heat)
Chaicoal Insect repelling (from cooking smoke and heat)
Crop residues Space heating side effects from cooking
Dung Deforestation:
Other biomass systems: Erosion
Gasification Water control
Ethanol Water tables
Methanola Alternative use of limited labour pool
Fossil fuels: Employment generation:
Kerosene Construction
Gasoline Collection of feedstock
Diesel oil Operation and maintenance
LPG New jobs created by increased availability of energy
Electricity: Employment displaced:
Grid Jobs associated with previous uses of substrate
Local generator Jobs displaced by new energy source
Water power (mechanical) Human resource/skills:
Solar energy: Availability of manpower for technical assistance, main-
Cooking tenance
Drying Skills training needed
Photovoltaics Education
Wind Communication (public education required to encourage
Labour costs acceptance)
Operation and maintenance
Capital costs
Gas storage and distribution
Cost of end-use appliances/equipment

Methanol production is not yet a commercial practice, but it is a laboratory and pilot-plant process.
170 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Table 6. Agricultural uses of biomethanation residues — socio-economic issues

Quantifiable aspects Non-(or not easily) quantifiable aspects

Fertilizer/soil conditioner displaced (relative value vs. cost): Impact on:
Dung Self sufficiency
Crop residues Human resources/skills:
Forest residues Availability of manpower for technical assistance, main-
Chemical fertilizer tenance
Night soil Skills training needed
Effects on crop yields
Communication (education needed for acceptance and use)
Labour costs:
Equipment costs:
Habitat for pests
Soil fertility and land value
Land carrying capacity
Income generation from sale of residues Employment generation:
Energy costs: Handling, processing, storing residues
Transportation Employment displaced:
Processing Jobs associated with previous uses of feedstock
Application Safety (sanitation)
Manufacture (of displaced fertilizer)
Relative concentration of toxic substances
Fced/fooder supplemented or displaced: Impact on:
Crop residues Self sufficiency
Commercial feeds Human resources/skills:
Fooder/forage Availability of manpower for technical assistance, main-
Effect on yield/productivity tenance
Labour costs: Skills training needed
Transportation Education
Packaging/handling Communication (education needed for acceptance and use)
Storage Pollution:
Use Air
Equipment costs: Water
Transportation Employment generation:
Storage Handling, processing, storage
Income generation from sale Safety (sanitation)
Energy costs: Land carrying capacity
Manufacture Transportations (of displaced feed etc.) I
Appendix III Utilization, health, and environmental issues 171

Table 7. Public Health/Sanitation - Socio-Economic Issues

Quantifiable aspects Non-(or not easily) quantifiable aspects

Capital cost (equipment) Human resources:

Use of outputs: Availability of manpower for technical assistance, maintenance
Cost of use Skills training needed
Income generated Education
Communication (education needed for acceptance and use)
Social organization needed for successful use of systems:
Night soil/dung collection

—' Allocation of these costs must be shared among other uses for biomethanation systems, because these systems would not be
constructed solely for public health/sanitation purposes.
These are the same as listed in table 1 and table 2.

Annex XI



I. Asian and Pacific region China

Afghanistan Biogas Research Institute, Chengdu, Sichuan Province

Department of Agricultural Extension and, Training, Sichuan Provincial office for Biogas Development,
Kabul Chengdu
Ministry of Agricultural Research and Soil Studies, Sichuan Provincial Institute of Industrial Building
Kabul Designs, Chengdu
Chengdu Biological Research Institute, Chinese Acade-
Faculty of Science, Kabul University, Kabul my of Sciences
Bangladesh Sichuan Provincial Anti-parasite Research Institute
Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh Sichuan Provincial Agricultural Machinery Research
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Joydebpur Institute

Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Sichuan Provincial Academy of Agricultural Science
Research, Dhaka Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese
Institute of Fuel Research and Development, Dhaka Academy of Sciences

Bangladesh Planning Commission, Dhaka Institute of Industrial Microbiology, Shanghai

Internal Combustion Engine Institute, Shanghai
Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation
Academy of Agricultural Science Research, Shanghai
Bangladesh University of Energy & Technology, Dhaka
Tongji University, Shanghai
Environmental Pollution Control Board, Dhaka
Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou
Bu-ma Zhejiang Biogas and Solar Energy Institute, Hangzhou
Agricultural Corporation Zhejiang Provincial Machinery Research Institute
Livestock Development and Marketing Corporation Zhejiang University of Agriculture
172 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Beijing Solar Energy Institute Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

Beijing Environmental Protection Institute Bhartiya Agro-Industry Foundation, Pune
Beijing Public Utilities Research Institute Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
Beijing Teachers Training College Central Food Technology Research Institute, Mysore
Shandong Provincial Energy Research Institute Centre for Development Alternatives, Madras
Liaoning Provincial Energy Research Institute Liaoning Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute,
Henan Provincial Energy Research Institute Durgapur
Hebai Provincial Research Institute of Architecture Centre for Study of Science, Technology and Develop-
Hubai Provincial Academy of Agricultural Science ment, New Delhi
Jiangsu Provincial Biogas Research Institute Centre for Water Research, Development and Manage-
ment, Kerala
Fujian Provincial Research Institute of Microbiology
Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute,
Jiangsu Provincial Anti-schistosomo Institute
Wuhan University
Cotton Technology Research Laboratory, Bombay
Chongching South-Western Teachers Training College
Dadar Sewage Purification Plant, Bombay
Nanjing Academy of Agriculture
Directorate of Rural Development, Madras
Helongjiang Provincial Designing Institute of Archi-
tecture Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi
Xinan Biogas Research Institute G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology,
China Agricultural Engineering Design Research
Institute Microbial Research Institute, Chinese Gobar Gas Research Station, Ajitmal, Etawah
Academy of Sciences Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar
Energy Research Institute, China Economic Planning Himachal Pradesh University, Palampur
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi
Environmental Protection Institute, Ministry of Light
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Joint Commission of Rural Reconstruction, Nan Hai
Road, Taipei. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Indian Institute of Petroleum, Dehradun
Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore
Department of Agriculture, Suva
Indian Institute of Technology, Bangalore
University of South Pacific, Suva
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Fiji National Youth Council, Suva
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi
Hong Kong
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Chinese University of Hong Kong Indian Standards Institution, New Delhi
University of Hong Kong Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi
India Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu
Action for Food Production, New Delhi Khadi and Village Industries Commission, Bombay
Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimba- Lucknow University, Lucknow
tore, Tamilnadu Maharashtra Association for Cultivation of Science,
Agricultural Tools Research Centre, Bardoli, Gujarat Pune.
Appropriate Technology Development Association, Management and Development Institute, New Delhi
Lucknow Ministry of non-conventional Energy, New Delhi
Annex 173

Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi Lao People Democratic Republic
National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal Department of Agriculture, Vientiane
National Environmental Engineering Research
Institute, Nagpur Malaysia
National Sugar Institute, Kanpur ASEAN Protein Project
Punjab Agricultural University (Department of Soil Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development
Science and Department of Agricultural Engineer- Institute Serdang
ing), Ludhiana Department of Environmental Sciences, University
Resources Development Institute, Bhopal of Pertanian
Sewage Disposal Works, Okhla, New Delhi National Institute for Scientific and Industrial
C.C. Shroff Research Institute, Bombay Research, Kelang
Sircilla Cooperative Electric Supply Society, Karim- Asian Environmental Society, School of Engineering,
nagar Selangor
Small Industry Extension Training Institute, Hyderabad Sime Darby Plantations, Kuala Lumpur
Sri Parasakthi College for Women, Tirunelveli,
Temilnadu Nepal
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemis-
State Planning Institute (Planning, Ressarch and Action
Division), Lucknow try, Ministry of Agriculture

Tamilnadu Agricultural University (Department of United Mission, Development and Consulting Services,
Farm Machinery), Coimbatore Butwal
Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan
Tata Energy Research Institute, Bombay
University, Chitwan
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Indonesia Pakistan

Department of Agriculture, Jakarta College of Engineering, University of Peshawar,

Industrial Research Institute, Jakarta
National Fertilizer Development Centre, Islamabad
Padjadjaran University (Institute of Ecology), Bandung
Pakistan Agricultural Research Commission, Islambad
Soil Research Institute, Bogor
Appropriate Technology Development Organisation,
Institute of Technology, Bandung Islamabad
Appropriate Technology Group, Jalan Karto Muja Energy Resources Cell, 167, G-6/3 Islamabad
Muja, Yogyakarta
University of Agriculture, Faislabad
Papua New Guinea
Bn-Ali Sina University, Hamadan
Department of Agriculture, Konedobu
Selselah Integrated Development Project, Alashtar,
Lorestan South Pacific Appropriate Technology Foundation,
University of Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Box
Fermentation Research Institute, Tsukuba-gun 793 Lae
National Institute of Animal Industry, Tsukuba Department of Environment, Port Moresby
Agency of Industrial Science & Technology, Ministry Philippines
of International Trade & Industry, China Bureau of Agricultural Extension, Manila
Japan Environmental Sanitation Centre, Kawasaki Bureau of Animal Industry, Manila
Asian Environmental Society, Tokyo Bureau of Plant Industry, Manila
174 Updated guidebook on biogas development

Bureau of Soils, Manila Thailand

Central Luzon State University, Munoz Nunoz Ecija Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok
Maya Farms of Liberty Flour Mills Inc., Manila Department of Agricultural Engineering, Department
Energy Research and Development Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangkhen, Bangkok
of Energy, Manila Soil and Fertiliser Division, Department of Agricultural
Bureau of Energy Development, Ministry of Energy, Extension, Bangkhen
Manila Mahidol University
National Science and Technology Authority, Manila Technical Division, National Energy Administration,
Technology Resource Centre, Ministry of Human Bangkok
Settlements, Manila
Thailand Institute of Science & Technology Research,
University of Philippines, Los Banos Bangkok
Republic of Korea Applied Scientific Research & Environment Research
Departmen, Bangkhen
Institute of Agricultural Science, office of Rural
Development, Suweon Sanitation Division, Department of Health, Bang
Livestock Experimental Station, Office of Rural Viet Nam
Development, Suweon
Soil and Fertiliser Research Institute, Hanoi
Department of Rural Energy resources, Office of
Rural Development, Suweon
Research Bureau, Office of Rural Development, II. Latin America
Ministry of Science and Technology, Seoul
National Agricultural Technology Institute
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Seoul
National University of Tucuman
Seoul National University, College of Agriculture,
Suweon Brazil
Singapore National Technology Institute
International Development Research Centre Compania de Desenvolvimento Technologico
Faculty of Engineering, University of Singapore Centrais Electricas Barasileiras S.A.
Environmental Engineering Division, Ministry of
Environment Chile

Sri Lanka INTEC

Engineering Industry Group, Industrial Development Colombia

Board, Moratuwa
DER Unit-Regional Ecosystems
In-service Training Institute, Peradeniya
National University of Colombia
Department of Small Industries, Colombo
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University Guatemala
of Peradeniya
Mesoamerican Appropriate technology Centre
Agricultural Research Institute, Mahai Capalama
Central American Industrial Research and Technology
National Engineering Research and Development
Centre, E Kala Jaela Institute

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Sri Bionomic Resources Company

Lanka, Colombo
Appropriate Technology Group, Hemas Buildings,
Colombo Metropolitan Autonomous University, Xochimilco
Annex 175

Michoacan University, San Nicolas, Hidalgo Ferdinand Schmidt Deutsche - Futter Konservierungs -
Electric Research Institute Gesellschaft, Verden

Eco-development Systems Institute for Humus Research, Federation Research

Bioconservacion -S.A. Institute for Agriculture Volkenrode

Technical University, Hanover
Trinidad and Tobago
Deptt. of Chemical Engineering, University of West
Indies Institute of Heat Transfer, Budapest
Govt. of Trinidad Agricultural University, Szekeres
Research Institute for Soil Science and Agro-chemistry,
III. Europe Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Belgium State Design Office of Civil Engineering, Budapest

Association Internationale de Developpement Rural, Italy

Brussels Stazione Sperimentale dell'Ente Autonomo Acquedatto
Institute Agronomique de l'Etat, Gembloux Pe' ronnes- Pugliese
les-Binche, Henegouwen University of Milan
University of Turin
Laboratory of Applied Enzymology and Natural
Polymers, University of Louvain. Netherlands
Laboratory of General and Applied Microbial Ecology, Department of Water Pollution Control, Agricultural
University of Ghent. University, Wageningen
Denmark Spain
Carl Bros. International A/s, Malervangen 1, Glostrup Ministry of Agriculture
France Institute of Nasional de investigaciones Agronomicos,
Societe Centrale d' Approvisionnements aux Agri-
Culteurs de France (SCAAF) Switzerland
La Cooperative d' Elevage du Bassin Lyonais Swiss State Agricultural Research Institute, Bern
Le Ge'nie Rural
Academy of Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture All-Union Research Institute of Fertilizers and Agro-
nomic Soil Sciences
German Democratic Republic
United Kingdom
Technical University, Dresden
Rothamsted Experimental Station, Hertz
Germany, Federal Republic of National Agricultural Advisory Service
Technical University, Berlin Agricultural Land Service
Technical University, Darmstadt National Institute of Agricultural Engineering
Kuratorium fur Technik in der Landwirtschaft, Frank- Institution of British Agricultural Engineers
furt Microbiology Department, University College, Cardiff
Institute for soil science and Agricultural Chemistry, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering,
Gottingen University The Polytechnic of Wales, Wales
Hohenheim University Water Research Centre, Elderway, Hertfordshire
Milnchen University Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen
176 Updated guidebook on biogas development

North of Scotland College of Agriculture, Aberdeen United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Energy Technology Support Unit, Atomic Energy World Health Organisation (WHO)
Research Establishment, Oxfordshire United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Organization (UNESCO)
Technology, Imperial College, London United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
IV. Other countries United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Canada (UNIDO)
Division of Biological Sciences, National Research United Nations University (UNU)
Council of Canada, Ottawa Commonwealth Science Council (CSC)
University of Alberta, Edmonton International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg International Development Bank (IDB)
University of Western Ontario, Ontario
Brock University, Ontario
Annex XII
University of Toronto, Toronto
University of Guelph, Guelph CONVERSION FACTORS AND
Environment Canada, Burlington USEFUL EQUATIONS
University of Waterloo, Waterloo
University of British Columbia, Vancouver Area of rectangle = length x breadth
circle = n x (radius)2
New Zealand
Area of sides of a cylinder = n x diameter x height
Invermay Agricultural Research Centre, Mosgiel Volume of rectangle tank = length x breadth x height
United State of America Volume of a cylindrical tank = n x (radius)2 x height
Volume of frustrum of a cone = (cf. figure 108a) = 0.2618h
State Water Survey Division, Illinois
(D2 + D d + d 2 )
Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United State of America
(used for taper design gas plants)
Department fo Agriculture
Department of Sanitary Engineering, University of 1 metre = 39.37 in = 3.28 ft
Illinois, Urbana 1 foot = 0.305 metre = 30.5 cm
Department of Microbiology University of Illinois,
1 inch = 2.54 cm
lm J = 10.764 sq ft
Department of Bacteriology, University of Wisconsin,
Madison 1 ft = 0.0929 m2
College of Engineering, University of California 1 m3 = 1,000 litres
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Cornell 1m = 35.3 cu ft
1 litre (cubic decimetre) = 103 cm3 = 0.0353 cu ft
Agricultural Research, Science and Education Admin- 2 3
1 kgf/cm = 0.0283 m = 28.3 litres
istration, United State of America Department of
2 2
Agriculture 1 lb/in (psi) = 6.89 kN/m = 0.0703 kgf/cm2
= 27.7 in water gauge
V. International Organizations 0.06805 atmospheres

Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the 1 kg/cm2 = 14.22 lb/in2
Pacific (ESCAP) 0.9678 atmospheres
= 10,000 mm water gauge
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) 1 lb = 0.454 kg
Annex 177

lkg 2.21 lb Flame lift off: Used to describe a flame which does not
touch the flame port of the stove. It can
1 MJ 238.8 kcal = 947.9 BTU
lift off so much that the flame goes out.
(1 MJ/m3 = 26.75 BTU/ft3)
Gobar gas: Alternative name for biogas where gas is
1 BTU 1.055 kJ = 0.252 kcal formed from cow or buffalo dung (Gobar
1 BTU/ft3 37.2 kJ/m 3 = 8.894 kcal/m3 is the Hindi and Nepalese word for these
specific types of dung).
1 United States gallon = 3.785 litres
Marsh gas: Alternative name for biogas where gas is
1 British (Imperial) gallon = 4.55 litres
formed in marshes.
Lumens = Candle power x 2 TT Something which lives on a different larger
25 watt bulb = 230 lumens animal, e.g., worms living in the stomach of
40 watt bulb = 430 lumens an animal.
60 watt bulb = 730 lumens
Pathogens: Organisms which can cause disease in both
100 CP = 620 lumens animals and humans, e.g., typhoid.
Retention time
Annex XIII or residency: Time the slurry spends in the digester.
GLOSSARY OF TERMS Light material that rises to the surface of
Scum: the slurry in the digester.
Anaerobic Bacteria which do not require oxygen to The precipitate at the bottom of the
Sludge: digester formed mostly of solid substances.
bacteria: live.
Cattle: In this publication "cattle" refers to Alternative name for biogas where gas is
Sludge gas: formed in sewerage.
"cows" and "buffaloes".
C P: Candle power, a measure of light. The liquid manure that comes out of the
Digestion: The process by which complete organic gas plant. It is sometimes called effluent.
molecules are broken down into simpler Total solids: The ratio by weight of solids left after all
molecules; in this case the anaerobic the water has evaporated at about 100°C
process (fermentation), by which bacteria to the original sample of slurry.
accomplish this decomposition.
Effluent: The liquid that comes out of the gas plant Toxins: Poisons which can kill bacteria.
(see slurry). Volatile acids: Low molecular weight fatty acids.


1. A Chinese Biogas Manual. Translated from the Chinese Industrial Technology" No.5, United Nations
by Michael Crook and edited by Ariane van Buren 1979.
from the original 'oy the Office of the Leading
10. Raman N.V. and others. "Ferrocement gas holder for
Group for the Propagation of Marshgas, Sichuan
biogas plants", paper submitted to the Interna-
Province. China (London, Intermediate Technology
tional Conference on Materials of Construction for
Publications, 1979).
Developing Countries, held in Bangkok in August
2. Andrew Barnett, "Biogas technology : a social and 1978.
economic assessment", in Andrew Barnett, Leo
11. Reddy, A.K.N. ; Prasad, C.R; and Krishna Prasad, K.
Pyle and S.K. Subramanian, Biogas Technology
1973 Biogas Plants : prospects, problems and
in the Third World : A multidisciplinary Review
tasks. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore -
(Ottawa, Canada, International Development
Research Centre, 1978).
12. Srinivasan, H. "Design aspects of biogas plants", paper
3. Hesse, P.R. and R.V. Misra Prospects and problems
submitted to the Expert Group Meeting on Biogas
of energy conservation through Organic recycling
Development, held at ESCAP from 20 to 26 June
in Asia. In "Energy Conservation and Use of
Renewable Energies in the Bio-Industries", Per-
gamon Press, Oxford 1982. 13. Singh Ram Bux, Biogas Plant. Gobar Gas Research
Station, Ajitmal, Ettawah, India, 1971.
4. Hesse, P.R. Storage and Transport of Biogas. Field
Doc. 23 RAS/75/004 Food and Agriculture 14. Sichuan Provincial Institute of Industrial Buildings
Organisation of the United Nations, Rome. Design, "Construction of marsh-gas-producing
5. 'Home Made Biogas' Field Doc. 4 RAS/75/004. Food tanks (digesters) in simple ways"
& Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, 15. Simplified Biogas Digester Drawings. Compiled by
Rome. the South-west Engineering Institute, Beijing,
6. Indian Council of Agricultural Research. The Econ- 1979. (In Chinese).
omics of Cow Dung Gas Plants - A Report 1976. 16. Sichuan Provincial Office of Biogas Development,
"Bio-gas technology and utilization", Chengdu
7. Information made available by the Chinese authorities
Seminar, China, 1979.
to the members of the Interregional Bio-gas Study
Tour in China from 1 to 21 September 1979, 17. Teaching Materials UNDP-ESCAP-FAO-China Biogas
organized by the United Nations. Training Course, Chengdu Biogas Scientific
Research Institute, People's Republic of China.
8. Mahdi, S.S. and R.V. Misra Meeting the fuel energy
and fertiliser needs of the rural sector through 18. Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
biogas system. In "Organic Recycling in Agricul- Wastewater, XIV Edition, American Public Health
ture" Fertiliser Division, Ministry of Agriculture Association 1015 Eighteenth Street NW Washing-
and Irrigation, Government of India, New Delhi. ton, DC 20036.

9. Parikh, J.K. Planning of rural energy Systems : issues 19. Van Brakel, J. The Ignis Fattus of Biogas, Delft Univer-
and perspectives. In "Monographs on Appropriate sity Press, The Netherlands 1980.

RURAL ELECTRIFICATION. United Nations publication, Sales No. 54.D.F.1. Price $US 0.80. Available in English.
United Nations publication, Sales No. 62.II.F.8. Price $US 5.00. Available in English.
3. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION IN ASIA AND THE FAR EAST. United Nations publication No. ST/TAO/SER.C/63. Available in
4. PUBUC ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - A MANUAL ON MANAGEMENT. United Nations publication, Sales No. 66.II.F.3. Price
SUS 2.00. Available in English.
United Nations publication, Sales No. 66.II.F.4. Price SUS 1.50. Available in English.
6. COMPREHENSIVE ENERGY SURVEYS - AN OUTLINE OF PROCEDURE. United Nations publication, Sales No. 67.II.F.14.
Price $US 1.00. Available in English.
Sales No. 67.II.F.16. Price $US 2.00. Available in English.
8. THERMAL POWER STATIONS - A TECHNO-ECONOMIC STUDY. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.70.H.F.2. Price
SUS 1.50. AvaUable in English.
TECHNOLOGY TO POWER SYSTEM ENGINEERING PROBLEMS. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.71.II.F.14. Price
$US4.00. Available in English.
OF BOILERS. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.72.II.F.21. Price $US 1.50. Available in English.
\ POWER. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.74.II.F.14. Price $US 12.00. Available in English.
12. URBAN ELECTRIFICATION - PLANNING. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.75.H.F.6. Price $US 6.00. Available in
THE ECONOMY OF THE ESCAP REGION. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.75.II.F.7. Price $US 10.00. Available in
Sales No. E.75.II.F.13. Price SUS 4.00. Available in English.
Sales No. E.76.H.F.11. Price SUS 8.00. Available in English.
United Nations publication, Sales No. E.76.II.F.13. Price $US 9.00. Available in English.
Nations publication, Sales No. E.77.II.F.19. Price SUS 9.O0. Available in English.
| AND THEIR INTEGRATION WITH TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.78.H.F.8. Price
. SLS 10.00. Available in English.
SEMINAR ON RURAL ENERGY DEVELOPMENT. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.79.II.F.10. Price SUS 10.00. Avail-
able in English.
COMMITTEE ON NATURAL RESOURCES, FIFTH SESSION. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.79.II.F.11. Price SUS
12.00. Available in English.
21 GUIDEBOOK ON BIOGAS DEVELOPMENT. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.80.II.F.10. Price SUS 11.00. Available
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tion, Sales No. E.82.II.F.5. Price SUS 8.00. Available in English.
publication, Sales No. E.82.11.F. 10. Price SUS 11.00. Available in English.
SOURCES OF ENERGY. United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83.II.F.8. Price SUS 19.00. Available in English.
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H3A&HHH OpraHH3aunH O6tcnnHeHHLix HatiHA MOHCIIO KyriHTb B KHH>KHI>IX Mara-
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