Materials System Specification

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Materials System Specification

34-SAMSS-716 30 March 2005

Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service
Instrumentation Standards Committee Members
Al-Awami. L.H., Chairman
Tuin, R.R., Vice Chairman
Al-Dakhil, T.K.
Al-Dhafeeri, F.T.
Al-Khalifa, A.H.
Al-Madhi, F.A.
Alqaffas, S.A.
Bogusz, Z.J.
Ell, S.T.
Fadley, G.L.
Falkenberg, A.R.
Gawargy, N.E.
Grainger, J.F.
Jumah, Y.A.
Mahmood, B.
Qarni, M.A.
Trembley, R.J.

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 General Requirements................................... 3
5 Environmental Conditions.............................. 4
6 Design Requirements.................................... 5
7 Technical Requirements................................ 7
8 Testing and Inspections............................... 10
9 Documentation............................................. 11
10 Identification................................................. 11

Previous Issue: 31 March 2003 Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 12
Primary contact: Patrick S. Flanders on 873-0222
Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

1 Scope

This Specification together with the appropriate Instrument Specification Sheet(s),

Form 8020-716-ENG defines the minimum technical requirements for Pneumatic
Actuators for ON-OFF service.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this specification and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer's Representative through the
Manager, Process and Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or
Buyer's Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Process and Control Systems
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

3 References

Material or equipment supplied to this specification shall comply with the latest edition
of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a
Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design Data
SAES-A-301 Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Corrosion

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

21-SAMSS-010 Fireproofing for Valve Actuators Box and Blanket
System Enclosures
34-SAMSS-634 Local ZV Shutdown Cabinets and Smart ZV

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

Form 175-341000 Pneumatic Actuators ON-OFF Service

Saudi Aramco Forms and Data Sheets

NMR-7928 Nonmaterial Requirements for Pneumatic-
Powered Valve Actuators
8020-716-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet - Pneumatic
Actuators (ON-OFF Service)
8020-827-ENG Instrument Specification Sheet - Solenoid
Operated Valves

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American National Standards Institute

ANSI B1.20.1 Pipe Threads General Purpose (Inch)
ANSI C84.1 Electrical Power Systems and Equipment -
Voltage Ratings (60 Hertz)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings
ASME SEC VIII D1 Pressure Vessels

American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A269 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel
Tubing for General Service

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment
(1000 Volts Maximum)
NEMA ICS 6 Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems

National Fire Protection Association

NFPA 70 National Electrical Code (NEC)

4 General Requirements

4.1 All dimensions and measurements shall be in the "International System of

Units" (SI), and may be followed by the equivalent value in English
(conventional) units between brackets. When not critical, the equivalent
dimensions may be rounded off to their nearest practical value.

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

This requirement does not apply to the vendor's standard documentation.

4.2 Equivalent Materials

Specification of or reference to materials by brand names or proprietary names

is not intended to exclude equivalent materials that may be offered by other
suppliers. Items of comparable type, quality, and performance characteristics
may be proposed.

4.3 Vendor Responsibility

Vendor compliance with the provisions of this SAMSS does not relieve Vendor
from the responsibility to furnish equipment of proper design to meet the
specified environmental, electrical, application, service, and operating

When the actuator is ordered with its related valve, the valve manufacturer shall
be responsible for the complete actuator-valve combination.

5 Environmental Conditions

Actuators and associated control components shall operate continuously under the
following ambient temperature, humidity, and air quality conditions without any
degradation of the manufacturer's guaranteed performance.

5.1 Environmental Conditions

5.1.1 Temperature

Instruments and control systems shall operate continuously under the

following ambient air temperatures without any degradation of the
manufacturer's guaranteed performance:

Indoor Air Outdoor Outdoor

Conditioned (2) Sheltered (1)(2)(3) Unsheltered (2)(3)
35°C 55°C 65°C
Maximum (95°F) (131°F) (149°F)
10°C 0°C 0°C
Minimum (50°F) (32°F) (32°F)
1) "Sheltered" refers to permanent, ventilated enclosures or buildings, or permanently fixed
sunshades with a top and three sides.
2) For instruments which dissipate internal heat and are installed in custom engineered
enclosures (e.g., enclosures not included in the original manufacturer's temperature
certification), an additional 15°C shall be added to the above maximum temperatures. An
example, for "indoor air conditioned" installation, the equipment must perform at 35 + 15 =
50°C. Similarly, for the "outdoor unsheltered" case, the equipment shall be designed for a
maximum operating temperature of 65 + 15 = 80°C.

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

3) For the outdoor installations only, the designer can take credit for forced or passive cooling to
eliminate or reduce the 15°C heat rise. For example, if vortex coolers are used, the heat
removal capacity of the coolers may be subtracted from the generated heat. No more than
15°C reduction in temperature will be given as credit. The designer shall substantiate his
claim by providing the support data and calculations.

5.1.2 Contaminants

Installations shall be designed for operation in an environment with

contaminant levels as defined in the Ambient Air Quality Section of

5.1.3 Humidity

Indoor humidity design basis shall be 20% to 80% relative humidity.

Outdoor design basis shall be 5% to 95% relative humidity (non-


5.2 Equipment that is located offshore or nearshore (i.e., within 0.5 km from
shoreline), shall be protected against corrosion and operational failure due to
wind-borne sea water spray and the accumulation of wetted salt (NaCl).

6 Design Requirements

6.1 Mechanical Requirements

a) All threaded pipe connections shall comply with ANSI B1.20.1.
b) All flanged pipe connections shall comply with ASME B16.5.
c) Aluminum instrument enclosures shall contain not more than 0.5% copper.
d) All pressure containing tanks (15 psig and above) supplied with the
operator shall be designed, fabricated, and stamped in accordance with the
requirements of ASME SEC VIII D1.
e) All pressure retaining components used shall be capable of withstanding
pressures of 1.5 times the maximum operating pressure.
f) Materials of construction, including all bolt-on components and
accessories, shall be suitable for long-term exposure to the environment.
g) All parts exposed to sour gas (H2S) shall conform to SAES-A-301.

6.2 Electrical Requirements

6.2.1 Certification

Electrical components or devices which are intended for operation in

locations classified as hazardous shall comply with the requirements of

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, Article 500, and shall be third party
certified (labeled) as suitable for the intended area.

Labeling, listing or certification of all equipment shall be by at least one

of the following: For conduit seals:

USA -Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) -Labeled or listed
USA -Factory Mutual Research Corp. (FM) -Certified
Canada -Canadian Standards Assn. (CSA) -Certified For equipment other than conduit seals:

USA -Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) -Labeled or listed
USA -Factory Mutual Research Corp. (FM) -Certified
Canada -Canadian Standards Assn. (CSA) -Certified
UK -British Approvals Services -Certified
for Electrical Equipment in
Flammable Atmospheres (BASEEFA)
Belgium -Institute National des -Certified
Industries Extractives (INIEX)
France -Centre d'Etudes et Recherches -Certified
de Charbonnages de France (CHERCHAR)
France -Laboratoire Central des -Certified
Industries Electriques (LCIE)
Germany -Physikalisch Technische -Certified
Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Switzerland -Schweizerischer -Certified
Elektrotechnischer Verein (SEV)
Italy -Centro Elettrotecnico -Certified
Sperimentale Italiano (CESI)

Netherlands -KEMA Nederland B.V. (KEMA)

If explosion proof enclosure is not required, NEMA 4X (built

to NEMA 250 and NEMA ICS 6) shall be specified.

All enclosures shall bear labels from a third party testing

laboratory (i.e., UL, CSA, BASEEFA, KEMA, etc.) indicating
that they are designed, constructed and tested to the applicable
standards referenced within this specification.

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

6.2.2 Voltage and Frequency Variations

Vendor supplied electrical equipment shall be suitable for operation

within the allowable voltage range variations specified in ANSI C84.1,
Table 1.

6.2.3 Color Coding

AC power source wiring shall be as follows:

Live Black
Neutral White or Natural Gray
Ground Green or Green with Yellow Strip

DC power source wiring shall be as follows:

Positive Red or Red sleeve over any color except green
Negative Black or Black sleeve over any color except green

6.3 Instrument Air Requirements

6.3.1 Instrument Air Supply

Vendor supplied pneumatic equipment shall be suitable for operation

within the following instrument air supply pressures:
Minimum, gauge: 415 kPa (60 psi)
Maximum, gauge: 860 kPa (125 psi)

6.3.2 Filter-Regulator

When so specified, Vendor shall supply air filter and regulator. The
filter shall remove all particulate matter of 10 micrometers in size, or

7 Technical Requirements

The following technical requirements together with those in the documents cited as
references in Section 2 of this Specification, and with the specific data per the
referenced Instrument Specification Sheet(s) shall constitute the minimum technical
requirements for the specified instruments. Vendor shall fully comply with these
requirements in his quotations for and supply of such instruments.

7.1 Operating Requirements

The actuator shall be designed to smoothly stroke the specified valve from the

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Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

wide open position to the fully closed position and vice versa, under the worst
process operating conditions (breakaway, running, seating) as specified on Form
8020-716-ENG. Smooth operation shall be guaranteed also when the related
valve has been in one position for an extended time.

Actuation for "powered operation" may be performed locally by means of a

manual operating device or remotely by means of solenoid valves or other
method as specified on Form 8020-716-ENG.

7.1.1 Type

The actuator type shall be as specified on Form 8020-716-ENG.

7.1.2 Manual Operation

When specified, the actuator shall have provisions for local manual
operation (integral hand wheel or hand pump).
Commentary Note:

An integral hand wheel or hand pump is required for all pneumatic

actuators when used in ZV service.

7.1.3 Speed Control

Single or dual speed control shall be provided as specified on Form


7.1.4 Fail Safe System

Components and circuits shall be chosen so that the valve will be driven
to the fail safe position in the event of air supply, control power supply
and/or components failure. The fail safe position (open, closed, or fail-
steady) shall be specified on Saudi Aramco Form 8020-716-ENG.

7.1.5 Emergency Shut Down Service

Double-acting Emergency Isolation Valve (ZV) actuators within fire

hazardous zones shall be fireproofed per 21-SAMSS-010. Fire proofing
is not required on Single acting (spring-to-close) ZV actuators even
when located within fire hazardous zones.

Local ZV controls shall comply with requirements in 34-SAMSS-634.

7.2 Construction

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Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

7.2.1 General

The actuator shall be of enclosed weatherproof construction, NEMA 4X

with no outside moving parts or exposed sliding surfaces.

Enclosures of electrical accessories shall be certified for the specified

area classification.

All pressure containing tanks (15 psig and above) supplied with the
operator shall be designed, fabricated, and stamped in accordance with
the requirements of ASME SEC VIII D1.

7.2.2 Seals

All dynamic actuator seals in pneumatic service shall be made of Viton

and shall be field replaceable.

7.2.3 Pneumatic Connections

All pneumatic connections on the actuator body and ancillaries shall be

NPT threaded per ANSI B1.20.1.

Interconnecting tubing, shall be ASTM A269, Type 316L stainless steel,

minimum size ¼ inch with wall thickness suitable for the temperature
and pressure specified.

Tube fittings shall be ASTM A269, Type 316L stainless steel

compression type design, made by Swagelok, Parker CPI or equal.

7.2.4 Actuator-Valve Mounting

The actuator vendor shall be responsible for fully adapting the actuator
to the valve referred to on Form 8020-716-ENG, which shall include the
supply of all necessary parts (bolting, gaskets, brackets, fittings, special
tools, etc.) to adapt the actuator to the specified valve.

7.3 Sizing

The actuator sizing shall be adequate to provide smooth reliable operation with
the minimum air supply (6.3.1) when completed with the valve specified in
Form 8020-716-ENG.

The minimum torque/thrust output of the valve operator shall be at least 1.3
times the maximum torque/thrust required to move the valve over the range of
operation pressures specified. The maximum process pressure, differential
pressure, and shutoff differential pressure, as specified on Form 8020-716-ENG,

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Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

shall be used as a basis for actuator sizing.

7.4 Accessories

A mechanical position indicator shall be provided.

Pressure gauges shall be in English (conventional) units (psig).

Air pressure regulators shall be pressure relieving type, 1

8 inch trim size, and
provided with a manual drain.

Nitrogen pressure regulators shall be non-pressure relieving.

Pneumatic volume tanks (accumulators), if specified, shall be provided with

vent and drain connections. When emergency air storage drums are supplied
with double-acting Emergency Isolation Valve's (ZV's), they shall be sized to
accommodate three strokes of the actuating piston. A valve stroke is movement
of the valve from the open to close position or from the close to open position.
Air storage drums are not required for ZV's with spring return actuators.

Position Limit Switches: The actuator shall be fitted with a minimum of two
limit switches for valve position indication, one at each of the fully open and
fully closed positions. The switches shall be such that they are closed when the
valve is in the appropriate fully open or fully closed position. Each switch shall
operate within 3% of the valve travel from the respective open and closed limits.
The switches shall be:
a) Dust Tight
b) Adjustable at each end of travel
c) Provided as durable complete assemblies

Solenoid valves, when specified, shall comply with Form 8020-827-ENG.

7.5 Painting

Vendor standard painting shall be acceptable.

8 Testing and Inspections

8.1 Vendor Proposal

Vendor shall include his recommended testing procedures in his proposal.

8.2 Buyer Witnessing

When Buyer witnessing of tests is specified in the purchase order, Vendor shall

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Document Responsibility: Instrumentation 34-SAMSS-716
Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

provide Buyer with adequate prior notification of and opportunity to observe

such tests.

8.3 Test and Inspection Schedule

Items manufactured to this specification are subject to the minimum inspection

requirements as specified in Form 175-341000.

8.3.1 Minimum Testing and Inspection Requirements

The following tests and inspections shall be the minimum testing and
inspection requirements, and may be witnessed or executed by Buyer or
Buyer's Representative when so specified:

Actual testing shall be done at:

a) The valve manufacturer's plant with the valve if the actuator is
ordered with a specified valve;
b) The actuator manufacturer's plant if the actuator is specified
without a valve.

Actuators shall be tested for function and performance including actuator

thrust or torque, stroking speed, fail safe operation, and operation of all

The overall actuator assembly, including the actuator, consoles, controls,

and tubing, shall be leak tested for 5 minutes duration at a pressure 5 psi
above the maximum operating pressure.

9 Documentation

All documentation shall be in English and shall be per the NMR listing (Form NMR-
7928 Series) in the Purchase Order.

10 Identification

An AISI Series 300 (Austenitic) type stainless steel identification plate shall be securely
attached to the equipment with similar stainless steel fasteners. This tag shall be
marked by raised or die stamped lettering and shall be located so that the information
can be seen after the equipment is installed.

This plate shall include the following information as applicable:

a) Manufacturer
b) Model or Part Number

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Issue Date: 30 March 2005
Next Planned Update: 1 September 2007 Pneumatic Actuators On-Off Service

c) Serial Number
d) Purchase Order Number
e) Tag or Mark Number
f) Electrical Power Requirements
g) Electrical Area Certification
h) Capacity Data

Revision Summary
31 March 2003 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissued
with editorial changes.
30 March 2005 Editorial revision to replace NACE MR0175 with newly approved SAES-A-301.

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