Geometrical Language Description: SPRUT Technology Inc

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Geometrical Language



SPRUT Technology Inc.

contents 2
INRODUCTION .............................................................. 2-5
Designation and area of appliance ................................................................................ 2-5
Measurement units ............................................................................................................... 2-5
Definitions, applicable in the language ............................................................................ 2-6
Parameter ization of geometr ical objects........................................................................ 2-6
1.1 COMMON REGULATIONS ........................................................ 2-7
1.1.1 Creation of an operator, types of geometr ical var iables ................................. 2-7
1.1.2 Directions of lines and circles ................................................................................. 2-8
1.1.3 Assignment of a coordinate system ....................................................................... 2-8
1.2 POINT ASSIGNMENT ............................................................ 2-11
1.2.1 Point assignment by rectangular coordinates .................................................... 2-11
1.2.2 Point assignment by polar coordinates ............................................................... 2-12
1.2.3 Point assignment by increment of coordinates relatively the earlier
defined point ................................................................................................................ 2-13
1.2.5 Point, defined by polar coordinates relatively the earlier defined point ..... 2-14
1.2.6 Point, as the center of the earlier defined circle .............................................. 2-14
1.2.7 Point assignment by intersection of a line and a circle .................................. 2-15
1.2.9 Assignment of a point of the axial symmetry .................................................... 2-16
1.2.10 Point assignment by transition to a new coordinate system ........................ 2-17
1.2.11 Point assignment, lying on a circle under the defined central angle ......... 2-18
1.2.12 Point, defined by one of coordinates and lying on a line .......................... 2-19
1.2.13 Assignment of a point, lying on a line at distance from the earlier defined
point ............................................................................................................................... 2-20
1.2.14 Point, as the nodal point of a contour .............................................................. 2-20
1.2.15 Point, defined by intersection of a line and a contour ................................ 2-20
1.2.16 Point, defined by intersection of a circle and a contour ............................. 2-21
1.2.17 Point, defined by intersection of two contours ............................................... 2-22
1.2.19 Touch point of two contours in transition of one of them towards the
indicated direction until collision with the second ................................................. 2-23
1.2.20 Point, laying on a contour at the indicated distance along a contour
from the earlier defined point ................................................................................... 2-23
1.2.21 Point scaling .......................................................................................................... 2-23
1.2.22 Projection of a point on a circle ....................................................................... 2-24
1.3 LINE ASSIGNMENT ............................................................... 2-25
1.3.1 Line passing through two points defined earlier ............................................. 2-25
1.3.2 Line passing through a point under the defined angle .................................. 2-25
1.3.3 Line passing through a point, tangent to the defined circle ........................... 2-26
1.3.4 Line tangent to a circle under the defined angle ............................................. 2-27
1.3.5 Assignment of a line tangent to two circles ....................................................... 2-27
1.3.6 Assignment of a line parallel to the given one ................................................ 2-28
1.3.7 Line tangent to a contour under the defined angle ........................................ 2-29
1.3.8 Line passing through a point and tangent to a contour ................................. 2-30
1.3.9 Line as an element of the earlier defined contour .......................................... 2-30
1.3.10 Line defined by coefficients of a normal equation of a line ...................... 2-31
1.3.11 Transition of a line .............................................................................................. 2-31
1.3.12 Rotation of a line around a point to the defined angle ............................. 2-31

2 Geometrical language description

1.3.13 Line scaling ........................................................................................................... 2-31

1.4 CIRCLE ASSIGNMENT ............................................................ 2-33
1.4.1 Circle, defined by a center and a radius.......................................................... 2-33
1.4.2 Circle,symmetr ical to the initial circle relatively a line ..................................... 2-34
1.4.3 Circle, defined by displacement of the initial circle........................................... 2-34
1.4.4 Circle with the defined center, tangent to a line ............................................... 2-35
1.4.5 Circle with the defined center, tangent to another circle ................................ 2-35
1.4.6 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two lines ............................................ 2-36
1.4.7 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two circles ......................................... 2-36
1.4.8 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to the earlier defined line and
circle ............................................................................................................................... 2-37
1.4.9 Circle of the defined radius, passing through a point and tangent to a
line .................................................................................................................................. 2-38
1.4.10 Circle of the defined radius, passing through a point and tangent to a
circle ............................................................................................................................... 2-38
1.4.11 Circle of the defined radius, passing through two points ............................ 2-39
1.4.12 Circle,concentr ic to the present circle .............................................................. 2-40
1.4.13 Circle with a center in the defined point and tangent to a contour ......... 2-40
1.4.14 Circle, as an element of the earlier defined contour ..................................... 2-41
1.4.15 Rotation of a circle around a point to the defined angle .......................... 2-41
1.4.16 Circle scaling ........................................................................................................ 2-41
CONTACTS ............................................................................. 2-43
1.5.1 Circle, passing through two points and tangent to the present circle ........... 2-43
1.5.2 Circle, passing through two points and tangent to the present line .............. 2-44
1.5.3 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to two lines ........................... 2-44
1.5.4 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to two circles ......................... 2-45
1.5.5 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to a line and a circle ......... 2-45
1.5.6 Circle, tangent to two circles and a line............................................................. 2-46
1.5.7 Circle, tangent to two lines and a circle .......................................................... 2-46
1.5.8 Circle, passing through three points ..................................................................... 2-47
1.5.9 Circle, tangent to three lines .................................................................................. 2-47
1.5.10 Circle, tangent to three circles ............................................................................ 2-48
1.6 CONTOUR ........................................................................... 2-49
1.6.1 Conception of a contour ..................................................................................... 2-49
1.6.2 Formation of a contour from the defined geometr ical elements ................. 2-49
1.6.3 Rounding radius ..................................................................................................... 2-50
1.7 CONTOUR, DEFINED BY MULTITUDE OF POINTS ...................... 2-51
1.7.1 Contour – brocken line ........................................................................................ 2-51
1.7.2 Spline ........................................................................................................................ 2-51
1.7.3 Approximation by arcs ......................................................................................... 2-52
1.7.4 Spiral of Archimed .................................................................................................. 2-52
1.8 MODIFICATION OF A CONTOUR ............................................ 2-53
1.8.1 Parallel transfer ...................................................................................................... 2-53
1.8.2 Transfer – rotation ................................................................................................. 2-54
1.8.4 Transfer of a contour to the relative coordinate system ................................. 2-55
1.8.4 Assignment of a contour by the axial symmetry ............................................... 2-56
1.8.5 Creation of an equidistant contour .................................................................... 2-57
1.8.6 Multi ple rotation with joining .............................................................................. 2-57
1.8.7 Multi ple transfer with joining ............................................................................... 2-58

contents 2
1.8.8 Contour defined by transfer of the initial contour to the defined direction
up to the collision with another one ........................................................................ 2-58
1.8.9 Change of a direction of rounding ................................................................... 2-59
1.8.10 Joining of contours ............................................................................................. 2-59
1.8.11 Contour defined by scaling of the initial contour ......................................... 2-59
1.8.12 Selection of a contour, as a sub-multitude of the initial contour ................ 2-60
1.8.13 Rounding in the nodal point of the initial contour ........................................ 2-60
1.9 GEOMETRICA2L FUNCTIONS .................................................. 2-61
1.9.1 Functions of transformation of geometr ical elements parameters into
the real data types ...................................................................................................... 2-61
1.9.2 Functions of transformation of geometr ical elements` mutual location
parameters into the real data types ........................................................................ 2-61
1.9.3 Functions of calculation of the ortogonal distance between two points
by axes “X” and “Y” .................................................................................................... 2-62

2 Geometrical language description

Introduction 2

Designation and area of appliance

Geometrical processor is designed to execute geometrical calculations,

concerned with determination of geometrical objects on a plane, calculation
of parameters of their mutual location and modifications of these objects.
The language of the geometrical processor is used in the planar creation
mode. The geometrical processor operates with the following data types:
• Point
• Straight Line (hereinafter referred to as LINE)
• Circle
• Contour
• Coordinate system
The presence of the listed data types allows operating with geometrical
Geometrical processor can be used in solution of a wide range of problems,
concerned with geometrical calculations.

Measurement units

In the language of monitor, it is common to define:

• Linear measurements in millimeters
• Angles in degrees, with decimal portions, i.e. decimal number.
An angle is positive, if counted out from the positive direction of the “X”
axis counter-clockwise. An angle is negative, if counted out from the positive
direction of the “X” axis clockwise.

2 Geometrical language description

Definitions, applicable in the language

Identifiers of types of geometrical objects have the following designations:

O1, O2, O3…On - coordinate systems;
O1, P2, P3…Pn - points:
L1, L2, L3…Ln - line lines;
LX, LY - coordinate axes of the initial system;
C1, C2, C3…Cn - circles;
K1, K2, K3…Kn - contours.
Identifiers of geometrical functions have the following designations:
X, Y- coordinates;
A – angle;
M - distance;
R – radius;
D – diameter;
N – number or amount.
When writing operators the difference between capital and small letters
does not matter.

Parameterization of geometrical objects

In any operator of geometrical language instead of any numerical value, a

variable or an arithmetical expression can be used.
At that, the variable separates from an identifier by a blank space or a dot.
An arithmetical expression encloses in oval brackets.

Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.1.1 Creation of an operator, types of geometrical variables

Assignment of geometrical elements in the language is performed by means

of calculation operators and giving value to variables of “point”, “line”,
“circle”, “coordinate system” types. In the left part of the operator there is
a variable which identifies a being assigned geometrical object, and in the
right part – one of multitude of acceptable methods of the object’s definition.
By a type of a variable defines its possible values, operations of the variable
definition, and its use. There is a strict mnemonic connection between the
type of a variable and its designation. For instance, all variables of “line”
type have designation “L” with an identification number. Therefore,
designations of variables are included into the Language dictionary and
are the subordinate words.
In common view the operator of a geometrical object assignment has the
following format:

Identifier of a type with a number = a list of

parameters in the assignment method format.


Identifier of a type with a number [a list of parameters

in the assignment method format].

The parameters can be geometrical functions, identifiers of earlier defined

geometrical elements or enclosed operators of geometrical element
assignment. Formats of assignment methods are described in the present
topic. If a method of assignment envisages indication of coordinates by
two axes, then it is possible to omit identifiers “X” and “Y”. At that, the first
number is interpretated as a coordinate on the “X” axis, and the second,
as a coordinate on the “Y” axis.

If an element is used in assignment of a contour or another element, it can

be re-defined, by assigning a new element with similar identifier. Exploitation
and re-definition within one operator is acceptable.

Example: L20=L20, M50

/ \
being defined line earlier defined line

2 Geometrical language description

1.1.2 Directions of lines and circles

Being defined geometrical elements as default locate in the horizontal

plane “XOY”. Assignment is performed in the right rectangular coordinate
Positive direction of a line is defined in its assigning, and do not change
further. For instance, if a line is defined by two points, then positive is
direction from the first point to the second; and if a line is defined as
parallel to the earlier defined one, then positive directions of the lines
Positive direction of a line is the direction counter-clockwise. All defined
circles has positive direction independently from their direction when were

1.1.3 Assignment of a coordinate system

The initial coordinate system accepts as default and is primary. All assigned
coordinate systems are relative and lie in the initial. Parameters of all
geometrical elements, being defined in the relative system, automatically
recalculates in the primary coordinate system

n Assignment of a new system by coordinates of a center and the rotation angle

relatively the primal system.

Oi = Xx, Yy, Aa

Oi – new coordinate system;

Xx – coordinates of center;
Aa – rotation angle.

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
n Assignment of a new coordinate system by indicating an identifier of the earlier
defined point, in which the center is located, and by the rotation angle relatively
the primal system.

Oi = Pj, Aa

Pj –point of the center

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2 Geometrical language description

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.2.1 Point assignment by rectangular coordinates

n Point assignment by coordinates in the primal system

Pi = Xx, Yy

n Determination of a point by coordinates in the defined system, different from the


Pi = Xx, Yy, Oi

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2 Geometrical language description

1.2.2 Point assignment by polar coordinates

n Relatively the beginning of coordinates

Pi = Mm, Aa

Mm – length of a vector, which connects the defined point with the beginning
of coordinates
Aa – an angle between a vector and the positive direction of the “X” axis

n Relatively the point defined earlier

Pi = Mm, Aa, Pj

Mm – length of a vector connecting the defined point and the earlier defined
Aa – an angle between a vector and the positive direction of the “X” axis
Pj – the earlier defined point

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
n In the relative coordinate system

Pj = Mm, Aa, Oi

Mm – length of a vector connecting the defined point and the earlier defined
Aa – an angle between a vector and the positive direction of the “X” axis
Oi – the earlier defined coordinate system

1.2.3 Point assignment by increment of coordinates relatively the earlier

defined point

Pi = Pj, Xx, Yy

Pj – the earlier defined point

Xx, Yy – transition by X and Y coordinates accordingly

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2 Geometrical language description

1.2.4 Point assignment by intersection of two lines

Pi = Li, Lk

Li and Lk – earlier defined lines

1.2.5 Point, defined by polar coordinates relatively the earlier defined point


Pj – the earlier defined point

Pk – a point, the distance to which from the Pj point is the length of a
Aa – an angle between vectors and the positive direction of the “X” system

Example: for i=3 to 12 do p.i=p[0,0],p[-60,0],a(i*10)

1.2.6 Point, as the center of the earlier defined circle

Pi = Cj

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.2.7 Point assignment by intersection of a line and a circle

A line and a circle usually intersect in two points. In order to determine the
number of a point of intersection, it is necessary to look along a line at
that direction, at which the line enters into the point assignment operator.
Thus, one of point can be selected by indicating a corresponding sign of a
line in the point assignment operator. Positive direction of a line accepts
in the operator as default. To indicate a negative direction it is necessary
to put the “-” symbol before the identifier of a line.

Pi = Lj, Ck

Lj – the earlier defined line

Ck – the earlier defined circle

1.2.8 Point assignment by intersection of two circles

Two circles, usually intersects in two points. In order to select a required

point, it is necessary to define a number of an intersection. To do so,
connect in one’s mind centers of circles of a line (auxillary line), direct
view along this line in direction coinciding with the order of indicating of
circles in the operator, i.e. from the first indicated circle to the second.
The being assigned point will be located on the left. Thus, the order of
recording of circles in the point assignment operator defines by locating of
centers of circles on the auxillary line.

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2 Geometrical language description

Pi = Cj, Ck

Cj and Ck – earlier defined circles

1.2.9 Assignment of a point of the axial symmetry

This method allows to define a point, located symmetrically to the earlier

defined point relatively an arbitrary defined line, coinciding with one of
coordinate axes.

n A point symmetrical to the present point relatively an arbitrary line.

Pi = Pj, Lk <parameters>

Pj – the earlier defined point

Lk – the earlier defined line

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
n A point symmetrical to the present point relatively one of coordinte axes

Pi = Pj, LX
Pi = Pj, LY

LX – the axis “X” of the primal coordinate system

LY – the axis “Y” of the primal coordinate system

1.2.10 Point assignment by transition to a new coordinate system

Two possible ways:

n A being assigned point is located in a new coordinate system likewise the initial
point in the primal

Pi = Oi, Pk

Pj – the earlier defined point

Oi – the earlier defined coordinate system

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2 Geometrical language description

n A being assigned point is located in a new coordinate system likewise the initial
point in the indicated defined system

Pi = Oj, Pk, On

Oi – the system where the assigned point is located

On – the system where the initial point is located

1.2.11 Point assignment, lying on a circle under the defined central angle

Pi = Ci, Aa

C – the earlier defined circle

Aa – an angle of a vector, connecting the center of a circle and the defined

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.2.12 Point, defined by one of coordinates and lying on a line

n With the defined “X” coordinate

Pi = Xx, Li

Xx - a “X” coordinate
Li – the earlier defined line

n With the defined “Y” coordinate

Pi = Yy, Lia

Yy- an “Y” coordinate

Li - the earlier defined line

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2 Geometrical language description

1.2.13 Assignment of a point, lying on a line at distance from the earlier defined

Pi = Lj, Mm, Pk

Li – the earlier defined line

Mm – distance
Pk – the earlier defined point

1.2.14 Point, as the nodal point of a contour

An operator allows to define a point, as a point of intersection of two

consequent elements of contour

Pi = Kj, Nn

Kj – the earlier defined contour

Nn – number of a point in the contour

1.2.15 Point, defined by intersection of a line and a contour

To select one point from the points of intersection, One should indicate
the number of a sought point in direction of a line. When counting points of
intersection, it is necessary to consider the following rules:
· If one of sections of a contour belongs to a line, then points of
intersection are the first and the final points of the section
· If a line passes through the point of intersection of two adjoining
elements of a contour, then only one point is counted
· If a line passes through a point of intersection of two not adjoining
elements of a contour, then both points are counted

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

Pi = Kj, Lt, Nn

Kj – the defined contour

Lt – the earlier defined line
Nn – number of point of intersection

1.2.16 Point, defined by intersection of a circle and a contour

To select one of points of intersection One should indicate the number of

a sought point in rounding a counter. When counting points of intersection
it is necessary to consider the following rules:
· If one of arcs of contour belongs to a circle, then points of
intersection are the first and the final points of the arc
· If a circle passes through a point of intersection of two adjoining
elements of a contour, then only one point is counted
· If a circle passes through a point of intersection of two not
adjoining elements of a contour, then both points are counted

Pi = Kj, Ct, Nn

Ct – the defined circle

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2 Geometrical language description

1.2.17 Point, defined by intersection of two contours

To select one of points of intersection one should indicate the number of

sought point in rounding by first of defined contours. When counting points
of intersection it is necessary to consider the following rules:
· If one of elements of a contour belongs, coincides or overlaps
with an element of another contour, points of intersection are the
first and the final points of elements, belonging to both contours.
· If an element passes through the point of intersection of two
adjoining elements of another contour,then one point is counted
· If an element passes through the point of intersection of two not
adjoining elements of another contour, then two points are

Pi = Kj, Kt, Nn

Kj, Kt – defined contours

Nn – number of a point of intersection

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.2.19 Touch point of two contours in transition of one of them towards the
indicated direction until collision with the second

Pi = Kj,Kk,Aa

Kj, Kk - the earlier defined contours

Aa – an angle of direction of a contour transition Kj

1.2.20 Point, laying on a contour at the indicated distance along a contour from
the earlier defined point

P(i) = K(k),P(j),Mm

m – a distance along a contour from the Pj point

in negative sense – the distance against the direction of a contour

1.2.21 Point scaling


Pj – the initial point

Pk – a point of the center of scaling
Mm – a scaled coefficient

Example: p1= p2[0,0],p3[20,0],m5

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2 Geometrical language description

1.2.22 Projection of a point on a circle


Pj – the initial point

Ck – a circle on which point Pj is projected
If before “Ck” there is the sign “-“, then the furthest point will be found,
otherwise – closest.

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.3.1 Line passing through two points defined earlier

Li = Pi, Pk

Pi, Pk – earlier defined points

1.3.2 Line passing through a point under the defined angle

If an identifier of the “A” angle enters an operator with the “-“ symbol, then
the angle counts out clockwise.

n A line passing through a point under the defined angle to the “X” axis

Li = Pi, Aa

Aa – an angle between the defined point and the “X” axis

Pi – the earlier defined point

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2 Geometrical language description

n A line passing through a point, defined by coordinates under the defined angle
to the “X” axis, in the relative coordinate system

Li = Xx, Yy, Aa, Ok

Ok – a coordinate system defined earlier

Xx, Yy – coordinates of a point in the “Ok” system
Aa – an angle between the defined line and the “X” axis of the “Ok”
coordinate system
If in an operator instead of coordinates one enters the earlier defined point,
then definitions of its coordinates will be interpretated in the “Ok” system

1.3.3 Line passing through a point, tangent to the defined circle

Usually only two lines pass through a point and are tangent to a circle. In
order to select one of them, it is necessary to define with which sign the
identifier of the circle should enter an operator. Sign “+” is not compulsory.
A circle has the sign ”+” if in the point of touching with a line, the positive
direction of a circle coincides with direction of the line. At that, the direction
of the line is from the first element to the second.
A circle has “-“ sign, if in the point of touching with the defined line directions
are diverse.

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

Li = Pj, Ck
Li = Ck, Pj

Pj – the defined point

Ck – the defined circle

1.3.4 Line tangent to a circle under the defined angle

Two lines tangent to a circle under the defined angle are possible. To
select one of them it is necessary to define the sign of the circle, analogically
to the previous paragraph.

Li = Cj, Aa

Cj – the earlier defined circle

Aa – an angle between the positive direction of the ”X” axis and the defined

1.3.5 Assignment of a line tangent to two circles

Usually, exist only four lines tangent to two circles. Selection of one of
them can be done by specification of signs of circles and the order of their
inclusion into an operator. To define the order of specification of circles in
the operator, it is necessary to look along the positive direction of a line.
The order of touch points corresponds to the order of specification of circles
in the operator.

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2 Geometrical language description

Li = Cj, Ck

Cj ,Ck – earlier defined circles

1.3.6 Assignment of a line parallel to the given one

The “M” parameter is the distance between lines. ”M” is positive, if a being
defined line is on the left from the initial line, in coincidence of a view and
the direction of a line. “M” is negative, if a being defined line is on the right
from the initial line, in coincidence of a view and the direction of a line.

n A line, parallel to one of coordinate axes, passing to the defined distance from
the axis.

Li = Lx, Mm
Li = Ly, Mm

Lx – the “X” axis of the primal coordinate system

Ly – the “Y” axis of the primal coordinate system
Mm – the distance

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
n A line, parallel to an arbitrary defined plane, passing to the defined distance

Li = Lj, Mm

Lj – the earlier defined line

1.3.7 Line tangent to a contour under the defined angle

Two lines, tangent to a contour under the defined angle are possible. To
select one of them it is necessary to define the sign of a contour in the
The sign is positive, if a being defined line is on the left from a contour, in
coincidence of a view and a positively directed being defined line
The sign is negative, if a being defined line is on the right from a contour,
in coincidence of a view and a positively directed being defined line.

Li = Kj, Aa

Kj – the earlier defined contour

Aa – an angle between the positive direction of the “X” axis and the defined

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2 Geometrical language description

1.3.8 Line passing through a point and tangent to a contour

Two lines passing through a point and tangent to a contour are possible.
To select one of them it is necessary to define a sign of a contour in the
The sign is positive, if a being defined line is on the left from a contour,
when looking from a point to he contour.
The sign is negative, if a being defined line is on the right from a contour,
when looking from a point to the contour.

Li = Pk,Kj

Kj – the earlier defined contour

Pk - the earlier defined point

1.3.9 Line as an element of the earlier defined contour

Li = Kj, Nn

Kj – the earlier defined contour

Nn – a contour element number

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.3.10 Line defined by coefficients of a normal equation of a line

Li = a, b, c

a, b, c – coefficients of a normal equalization of a line

1.3.11 Transition of a line


Lj – the earlier defined line

Xx, Yy – displacement by X and Y coordinates

Eample: l2=l1[-0.7,0.5,10],X50,Y20

1.3.12 Rotation of a line around a point to the defined angle


Lj – the initial circle

Pk – the center of rotation
Aa – an angle of rotation

Example: l1=l3[ly,m0],p1[0,0],a20

1.3.13 Line scaling


Lj – the initial circle

Pk – a point of the center of scaling
Mm – a scaled coefficient

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2 Geometrical language description

Example: l1=l3[lx,m50],p1[0,0],m2

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.4.1 Circle, defined by a center and a radius

n A circle defined by coordinates of a center and a radius

Ci = Xx, Yy, Rr

Xx, Yy – coordinates of a center

Rr – a radius

n A circle defined by a point and a radius

Ci = Pj, Rr

Pj – the earlier defined point

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2 Geometrical language description

1.4.2 Circle, symmetrical to the initial circle relatively a line

Ci = Cj, Lk

Cj – the earlier defined circle

Lk – the earlier defined line

1.4.3 Circle, defined by displacement of the initial circle

Ci = Cj, Mm, Aa

Cj – the earlier defined circle

Mm – length of the transference vector
Aa – an angle of the transference vector

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.4.4 Circle with the defined center, tangent to a line

Ci = Pj, Lk
Ci = Xx, Yy, Lk

Pj – the earlier defined point

Lk – the earlier defined line
Xx, Yy – point coordinates

1.4.5 Circle with the defined center, tangent to another circle

Usually, exist only two of such circles. In the present variant, a being
defined circle has external touch with an earlier assigned, in another –
internal. To select the external touch it is necessary to define the “-“ sign
for the initial circle in the operator.

Ñi = Pj, Ck

Ck – the earlier defined circle

Pj – the earlier defined point

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2 Geometrical language description

1.4.6 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two lines

The order of recording of lines is not important. Signs of lines in the circle-
defining operator are the indications of coincidence or not coincidence of
direction of a line and a being defined circle in the touch point. If in the
touch point directions do not coincide, then the line has the “-“ sign.

Ñi = Lj, Lk, Rr

Lj, Lk – defined lines

1.4.7 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two circles

To select a required variant it is necessary to define in the operator the

order of assignment of the initial circles, and its signs. The order defines
as follows:
· Centers of the initial circles, in one’s mind are connected with a
· Direction of a view along the line must be selected in such a way,
so that the center of a being defined circle is on the right
· The order of indication of circles in the operator must coincide
with the order of disposition of centers of those circles on the
Signs, with which the initial circles enter the operator, indicate on
coincidence or not coincidence of directions in the touch point with a
being defined circle. In not coincidence of directions, a circle enters the
operator with the “-“ sign.

2 - 38
Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

Ñi = Cj, Ck, Rr

Ci, Ck – earlier defined circles

1.4.8 Circle of the defined radius, tangent to the earlier defined line and circle

To define the order of recording of elements in the operator, it is necessary

do the following;
· Imagine a line as an arc of a circle with an endless radius with a
center on the left from the line. (a view must coincide with the
positive direction of the line)
· In one’s mind connect by a segment the center of the imagined
arc with the center of the defined circle
· Direction of a view on the section should be chosen in such a
way, so that the being defined circle is on the left
The order of recording of elements in the operator must correspond to
dislocation of centers of the initial elements on the imagined section in
the direction of a view.
Definition of a sign of a line (reference in the paragraph “Circle of the
defined radius, tangent to two lines”), sign of a circle (reference in the
paragraph “Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two circles”).

Ci = Lj, Ck, Rr
Ci = Ck, Lj, Rr

Ck – the earlier defined circle

Lj – the earlier defined line

2 - 39
2 Geometrical language description

1.4.9 Circle of the defined radius, passing through a point and tangent to a line

To define the order of recording of elements in the operator, it is necessary

do the following;
· Imagine a line as an arc of a circle with an endless radius with a
center on the left from the line. (a view must coincide with the
positive direction of the line)
· In one’s mind connect by a segment the center of the imagined
arc with the center of the defined circle
· Direction of a view on the section should be chosen in such a
way, so that the center of the being defined circle is on the left
The order of recording of elements in the operator must correspond to the
sequence of their dislocation on the imagined section
The rule of defining of a sign of a line (reference in the paragraph “Circle of
the defined radius, tangent to two lines’).

Ñi = Pj, Lk, Rr
Ci = Lk, Pj, Rr

Pj – the earlier defined point

Lk – the earlier defined line

1.4.10 Circle of the defined radius, passing through a point and tangent to a

To define the order of recording of elements, it is necessary do the following;

· In one’s mind connect by a section the center of the initial circle
and a point
· Direction of a view on the section should be chosen in such a
way, so that the center of the being assigned circle is on the left.
The order of recording of elements in the operator must correspond to the
sequence of their dislocation on the imagined section

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

Ci = Pj, Ck, Rr
Ci = Ck, Pj, Rr

Pj – the earlier defined point

Ck – the earlier defined circle

1.4.11 Circle of the defined radius, passing through two points

To define the order of recording of elements in the operator, it is necessary

do the following;
· Connect the initial points by a section
· Direction of a view on the section should be chosen in such a
way, so that the center of the being assigned circle is on the left.
The order of recording of elements in the operator must correspond to the
sequence of their dislocation on the imagined section

Ci = Pj, Pk, Rr

Pj, Pk – earlier defined points

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2 Geometrical language description

1.4.12 Circle, concentric to the present circle

The “M” parameter is a difference of radiuses of the initial circle and an

assigned. “M” is positive, if the initial circle is internal relatively the
assigned. “M” is negative, if the initial circle is external relatively the

Ci = Cj, Mm

Cj – the earlier defined circle

1.4.13 Circle with a center in the defined point and tangent to a contour

If an identifier of a contour enters the operator with the sign “+”, then the
touch is internal, otherwise – external.

Ci = Pj, Kk

Pj - the earlier defined point

Kk - the earlier defined contour

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.4.14 Circle, as an element of the earlier defined contour

Ñi = Kj, Nn

Kj - the earlier defined contour

Nn – a number of the contour’s element

1.4.15 Rotation of a circle around a point to the defined angle


Cj – the initial circle

Pk – the center of rotation
Aa – an angle of rotation

Example: c1=c3[0,40,30],p1[0,0],a20

1.4.16 Circle scaling


Cj – the initial circle

Pk – the point of the center of scaling
Mm – scaling coefficient

Example: c1=c3[50,0,30],p1[0,0],m0.5

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2 Geometrical language description

2 - 44
Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
To select one of possible circles it is necessary to define correctly signs
of parameters (if they are not points) and their sequence.
Definition of a sign of a line (ref. in the paragraph “Circle of the defined
radius, tangent to two lines”) and sign of a circle (ref. in the paragraph
“Circle of the defined radius, tangent to two circles”).
To select the correct sequence of parameters in the operator it is necessary
to enumerate them, starting from anyone, in the order of their contact with
a being defined circle in rounding counter-clockwise.

1.5.1 Circle, passing through two points and tangent to the present circle

Ci = Pj, Pk, Cn
Ci = Pj, Cn, Pk
Ci = Cn, Pj, Pk

Pj, Pk – earlier defined points

Cn – the earlier defined circle

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2 Geometrical language description

1.5.2 Circle, passing through two points and tangent to the present line

Ci = Pj, Pk, Ln
Ci = Pj, Ln, Pk
Ci = Ln, Pj, Pk

Pj, Pk – earlier defined points

Ln – the earlier defined line

1.5.3 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to two lines

Ci = Pj, Lk, Ln
Ci = Lk, Pj, Ln
Ci = Lk, Ln, Pj

Pj – the earlier defined point

Lk, Ln - earlier defined lines

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.5.4 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to two circles

Ci = Pj, Ck, Cn
Ci = Ck, Pj, Cn
Ci = Ck, Cn, Pj

Pj – the earlier defined point

Ck, Cn – earlier defined circles

1.5.5 Circle, passing through one point and tangent to a line and a circle

Ci = Pj, Ck, Ln
Ci = Ck, Pj, Ln
Ci = Ck, Ln, Pj
Ci = Pj, Ln, Ck
Ci = Ln, Pj, Ck

Pj – the earlier defined point

Ck – the earlier defined circle
Ln – the earlier defined line

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2 Geometrical language description

1.5.6 Circle, tangent to two circles and a line

Ci = Cj, Ck, Ln
Ci = Cj, Ln, Ck
Ci = Ln, Cj, Ck

Cj, Ck – earlier defined circles

Ln – the earlier defined line

1.5.7 Circle, tangent to two lines and a circle

Ci = Cj, Lk, Ln
Ci = Lk, Cj, Ln
Ci = Lk, Ln, Cj

Cj – the earlier defined circle

Lk, Ln - earlier defined lines

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.5.8 Circle, passing through three points

Ci = Pj, Pk, Pn

Pj, Pk, Pn – earlier defined points

1.5.9 Circle, tangent to three lines

Ci = Lj, Lk, Ln

Lj, Lk, Ln – earlier defined lines

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2 Geometrical language description

1.5.10 Circle, tangent to three circles

Ci = Cj, Ck, Cn
Ci = Cj, Ck, Cn, N2

Cj, Ck, Cn – earlier defined circles

There is a possible case, at which indicated conditions for selection of
one of circles is not enough. For selection of the internal circle it is
necessary to indicate the modificator #2

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.6.1 Conception of a contour

A contour in geometrical processor is a joining of segments of geometrical

elements. An assignation operator in the left part, contains identifier of a
contour – “K”, with the contour’s number. In the right part – a list of
parameters in accordance with one of acceptable methods of assignation.
For a contour exists a definition called direction of rounding. Thus, a contour
described as :
K1 = P10, L1, -C10, -L12, P3
and contour:
K2 = P3, L12, C10, -L1, P10
have opposite directions of rounding.
The amount of simultaneously defined contours is limited only by the
RAM capabilities (for every contour, in the RAM stores the adress of the
begining and the adress of the ending of a contour in the file GPS.DAT)
Re-definition of used contours, by means of conferring to an identifier a
new meaning is possible.
Accepts usage of the earlier defined contour and re-definition of a contour
with the similar identifier within one operator.

Example: K10 = K10, M5

/ \
being defined contou r earlier defined contou r

1.6.2 Formation of a contour from the defined geometrical elements

n Operator creation

At that method of assigning the right part of an operator contains

enumeration of elements of a contour in such sequence, in which they
penetrate into it. Description of a contour begins from a point, laying on
the first element (circle or a line) and finishes by a point, laying on the last
In order to describe a contour it is necessary to previously define all its
elements (otherwise enclosed operators of definition of this elements must
be as parameters), except for radiuses of rounding, which could be defined
directly in the contour definition operator (i.e. without corresponding circle).
If in a contour exists intersection of a line and a circle, then one should
define a number of intersection point, at which it is necessary to perform
a transition from one element to another. To do so, one should look along
a line in direction with which it enters a contour. The first point of transition
sets as default. To define the second point it is necessary to define the
modifier #2.

2 - 51
2 Geometrical language description

If in an operator exists intersections of two circles, the one should define

the number of intersection point at which it is necessary to perform a
transition from one circle to another. To do so, one should look along a line
connecting centers of the circles in direction from the first circle to the
second. The first point at that, will be on the left. The first point of transition
sets as default. To define the second point it is necessary to define modifier
The first and the last points can be left undefined in the operator of contour
assignment. In this case, the first point will be the point of intersection of
two initial elements, and the last point will be the point of intersection of
two final elements of a contour.

Example: K23 = P1, -L2, N2, C7, P12

1.6.3 Rounding radius

The rounding radius is an arc of a circle, conjugating intersecting

geometrical elements. Identifier, pointing on the presence of rounding,
inserts into a contour assignment operator between identifiers of
conjugating elements. At that, it is necessary to conceder the sign, with
which an arc enters a contour.
If for conjugated elements assigned a number of intersection point , then
identifier of rounding inserts after the “N” parameter.

Example: K10 = P6, L8, -R20, L10, P1

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

1.7.1 Contour – brocken line

The right part of the contour assignment operator contains enumeration of

points at that sequence, at which they should be connected by segments.

Ki = Pj, Pk,..., Pn

1.7.2 Spline

The first parameter in an operator is the “M” identifier, which indicates the
magnitude of deviation at approximation by spline sections – broken line.
After that follows the initial condition (line or circle), then enumeration of
points at that sequence, at which they should be connected at spline
interpolation – broken line. The operator finishes by definition of condition
on the end of spline - broken line (line or circle).
The first point must lie on the element, defining initial condition
The last point must lie on the element, defining final condition

Ki = Mm, Lt, Pj, Pk,..., Pn, Lq
Ki = Mm, Ct, Pj, Pk,..., Pn, Lq
Ki = Mm, Ct, Pj, Pk,..., Pn, Cq
Ki = Mm, Lt, Pj, Pk,..., Pn, Cq

2 - 53
2 Geometrical language description

1.7.3 Approximation by arcs

This method of assignment allows to define on a multitude of points a

smooth contour, elements of which are tangent arcs. There is a possible
case then in the initial data three points, laying on one line are defined one
after one. Then, corresponding arc will degenerate into a section of a line.
The first parameter in the operator is the identifier of geometrical an element
(line or circle), defining the initial condition. Further follows enumeration of
points in that sequence, in which they should be connected be arcs in

Ki = Lt, Pj, Pk,..., Pn
Ki = Ct, Pj, Pk,..., Pn

1.7.4 Spiral of Archimed

Ki = Mm, Pi, Pj, Pk

Mm – magnitude of deviation of the defined contour from theoretical spiral

of Archimed; at that a sign in operanda assigns direction of a spiral
Pi – point of the center of a spiral
Pj – the initial point
Pk – the final point of a spiral

2 - 54
Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
Geometrical processor allows to assign contours, as modification of earlier
defined contours. This feature includes the following means:
· Parallel transfer
· Transfer – rotation
· Transfer in relative coordinate system
· Assignment of a contour of an axial symmetry
· Creation of an equidistant contour
· Multiple rotation with joining
· Multiple transfer with joining
· Contour defined by transfer of the initial contour to defined
direction untill collision with another contour
· Change of direction of rounding
· Joining of contours
· Selection of a contour, as a sub-multitude of earlier defined

1.8.1 Parallel transfer

Definition of a contour by parallel transfer of the earlier defined contour can

be done by two methods:

n Assignment of parallel transfer by transferences along the “X” and “Y” axes of
the initial contour

Ki = Kj, Xx, Yy

Xx – transference by the “X” axis

Yy – transference by the “Y” axis

2 - 55
2 Geometrical language description

n Assignment of parallel transfer by a vector

Ki = Kj, Aa, Mm

Mm – length of a transition vector

Aa – an angle between the positive and negative directions of the “X” axis
and a vector

1.8.2 Transfer – rotation

To define a contour by transfer – rotation of an assigned contour enters a

definition of a point of rotation center. Transformation can be presented as
the following sequence of actions:
· Rotation of the initial contoue around the point of rotation center
· Parallel trasfer of a turned contour
Parallel transfer of turned contour assigns by combining of a point of rotation
center with the defined point

Ki = Kj, Pk, Pn, Aa

Kj – the initial contour

Pk – point of rotation center
Pn – a point, with which “Pk” combines for creation of trancfer
Aa – a rotation angle

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.8.4 Transfer of a contour to the relative coordinate system

Assigning of a contour by the transfer of the initial contour into another

coordinate system basicaly has the following formula: a being assigned
contour located in defined coordinate system is the same, as the initial
contour located in the initial coordinate system.

n Assigning of a contour by transfer of the initial contour from the primal system to
the relative

Êi = Oj, Kk

Oi – the earlier defined relative coordinate system

n Assigning of a contour by transfer of the initial contour from one relative

coordinate system, to another

Ki = Oj, Kk, On

Oj – a relative coordinate system, into which a assigned contour is to be

Kk – the initial contour
On – a relative coordinate system, in which locates the initial contour

2 - 57
2 Geometrical language description

1.8.4 Assignment of a contour by the axial symmetry

Axial symmetry allows to define a contour symmetrical to the present

relatively an arbitral line. At that, at the defined contour changes direction
of rounding relatively to the initial contour.

n Symmetry relatively one of axes of the primal coordinate systam

Ki = Kj, Lx
Ki = Kj, Ly

Lx – the “X” axis

Ly – the “Y” axis

n Symmetry relatively an arbitral line

Ki = Kj, Lk

Lk – the defined line

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.8.5 Creation of an equidistant contour

This method allows to define contour, equdistant to the initial contour

Ki = Kj, Ìì {, ANG a}

Mm – a value of equidistant
a – an angle of rounding
If an angle between neighbouring elements is less than “a”, then adds an
arc of rounding

1.8.6 Multiple rotation with joining

Creation of a contour by this method can be presented as:

· Multiple rotation of the initial contour round the point of rotation
center by such a method, so that the initial point of every
following contour coinsides with the final point of the previous.
· Joining of all obtained by rotation contours into the resulting
The initial contour is a segment of the defined. The centre of rotation is
defined by a point. For correct assigning it is necessary to accomplish
the following conditions:
· The initial point of controur, final poin of contour and the point of
rotation center must not coincide

2 - 59
2 Geometrical language description

· The initial and final points of the initial contour must be equally
distanced from the point of rotation center

Ki = Kj, Pk, Nn

Pk – the defined point, the center of rotation

Nn – number of rotations

1.8.7 Multiple transfer with joining

Creation of a contour by this method can be presented as follows:

· Multiple parallel transfer of the initial contour by such a method,
so that the initial point of every following transfered contour
coinside with the final of a previous.
· Joining of all obtained by transfer contours into the resulting
The initial contour is a segment of defined. For correct assigning it is
necessary to accomplish the following condition: the initial and the final
points of the initial contour must not coinside

Ki = Kj, Nn

Nn – number of tansfers

1.8.8 Contour defined by transfer of the initial contour to the defined direction
up to the collision with another one

Ki = Kj, Kk, Aa

Kj – the initial contour

Kk – the earlier defined contour
Aa – an angle of transfer direction of the initial contour

2 - 60
Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
1.8.9 Change of a direction of rounding

This method allows to assign a contour, coinsiding with the initial and
possessing of opposite direction of rounding

Ki = - Kj

If sign ”-“ is not defined, then a being defined contour will be identical to
the initial.

1.8.10 Joining of contours

This method allows to assign a contour , as a joining of earlier described


Ki = Kj, Kk,..., Kn

For correct assigning it is necessary to accomplish the following condition:

the final point of every previous contour must coincide with the initial point
of every following contour. At a necessety, parameters of connection of
being unified by arcs contours: Ki = Kj, Rr, Kk, Rs,..., Kn, can be defined
in an operator.

1.8.11 Contour defined by scaling of the initial contour


Kj – the initial contour

Pk – the point of center of scaling
Mm – scaling coefficent

2 - 61
2 Geometrical language description

1.8.12 Selection of a contour, as a sub-multitude of the initial contour

n Selection of a sub-contour by numbers of elements

Ki = Kj, Nn, Nm

Nn – number of the initial element

Nm – number of the final element

n Selection of a sub-contour between two arbitral points, lying on the initial


Ki = Kj, Pk, Pl

Kj – the initial contour

Pk, Pl – the initial and the final points of a being selected contour

1.8.13 Rounding in the nodal point of the initial contour


Kj - the initial contour

Nn – number of a nodal point
Rr – radius of rounding

Example: k1=p[0,0],p[40,0],p[40,-50],p[-40,-50],p[-40,-70]

2 - 62
Definition operators of geometrical elements 2
Geometrical functions are meant for transformation of geometrical data
types into real data types. In the language of a dialogue monitor with a
fully loaded geometrical process, it is allowed to use geometrical functions
equally to the standard matheatical ones. (reference: description of the
language of a dialogue monitor of the SPRUT package).

1.9.1 Functions of transformation of geometrical elements parameters into real

data types

1) X[Pi] - coordinate “X” of point Pi;

2) Y[Pi] - coordinate “Y” of point Pi;
3) X[Ci] - coordinate “X” of circle center Ci;
4) Y[Ci] - coordinate “Y” of circle center Ci;
5) R[Ci] - radius of circle Ci;
6) A[Li] - an angle between the positive direction of the “X” axis and
the line Li;

1.9.2 Functions of transformation of geometrical elements` mutual location

parameters into the real data types

1) A[Li,Lk] – angle between the lines Li and Lk;

2) A[Pi] – central angle of a point (a slope angle of a line, connecting the
beginning of a coordinate system with the point Pi);
3) A[Pi,Pk] – slope angle of a line, connecting the points Pi,Pk;
4) M[Pi,Pk] – distance between the points Pi and Pk;
5) M[Pi,Lk] – shortest distance between the line Lk and the point Pi;
6) M[Li,Lk] – shortest distance between the lines Li è Lk;
7) M[Li,Ck] – shortest distance between the line Li and circle Ck;
8) M[Pi,Ck] – shortest distance between the point and circle Pi Ck;
9) M[Ci,Ck] – shortest distance between the circles Ci è Ck;
10) M[Pi,Kj] – shortest distance between the point Pi and contour Kj;
11) M[Ki,Pj,Pk] – length of a part of the contour Ki, located between the
points Pj è Pk;
12) M[Ki,Kj,Aa] – distance between the contours Ki è Kj in the direction

2 - 63
2 Geometrical language description

1.9.3 Functions of calculation of the ortogonal distance between two points by

axes “X” and “Y”

Distance has a sign corresponding to the direction fron the first point to
the second

X[Pi,Pj], Y[Pi,Pj],
X[Pi,Cj], Y[Pi,Cj],
X[Ci,Cj], Y[Ci,Cj]

Example: p1=100,100

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Definition operators of geometrical elements 2

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