Engg & Tech Diploma
Engg & Tech Diploma
Engg & Tech Diploma
Aim: Mathematics is the backbone of engineering students. The curriculum of mathematics has
undergone changes from time to time in accordance with the need of engineering branches. The syllabus
has been designed in keeping view the emerging needs of all categories of students. Great emphasis has
been given on the application of various contents. This course will develop analytical abilities to make
exact calculations and provide a continuing educational base for the students.
Course Objectives: After the completion of the course, the students will be able to
i) apply the knowledge of Cramer's rule and matrix inversion for finding the solutions of Linear
Simultaneous Equations.
ii) apply the equations of a straight line, circle, conic section in solving the practical problems.
iii) apply the various techniques of evaluating integration and various methods of finding complete
primitive of ordinary differential equations of 1st order and second order for solving engineering problems.
iv) use the concept of partial differentiation in solving physical problems.
v) analyze the Statistics and Probability in a real situation.
Determinants & Matrices 10 Hours
1.1 Determinant: 4
1.1.1 Definition and expansion of determinants of order 2 & 3. Minors and cofactors
1.1.2 Elementary properties of Determinants (statements only) & simple problems
1.1.3 Chios Method for 4th order determinant
1.1.4 Solution of linear simultaneous equations (up to 3 unknowns) by Cramer's Rule.
1.2 Matrix:
1.2.1 Definition of Matrix and its order. 6
1.2.2 Different types of Matrices.(rectangular, square, row, column, upper triangular, lower triangular,
diagonal, scalar, identity, null)
1.2.3 Equality of two matrices
1.2.4 Addition, subtraction, multiplication of a matrix by a scalar and multiplication of two matrices
1.2.5 Transpose of a matrix, symmetric & skew symmetric matrices, simple problems
1.2.6 Singular & non-singular matrices, adjoint and inverse of a matrix of order 3
Syllabus of Mathematics-II
Co-ordinate Geometry (only 2-dimension) 13 Hours
Integral Calculus 15 Hours
Ordinary Differential Equation 10 Hours
Partial Differentiation 3 Hours
Statistics & Probability 9 Hours
6.1 Statistics 5
6.1.1 Definition & examples of frequency distribution.
6.1.2 Measure of Central Tendency (mean, median, mode) for ungrouped and grouped frequency
6.1.3 Measures of dispersion-Standard deviation, Simple problems
6.2 Probability 4
6.2.1 Definition of random experiment, sample space, event, occurrence of events & types of events (eg.
Impossible, Mutually exclusive, Exhaustive, Equally likely)
6.2.2 Classical definition of probability, simple problems
Syllabus of Mathematics-II
Examination Scheme:
1. Objective questions- 20 marks (1 mark for each question), (At least 5 questions from
each Group)
2. Subjective questions- 40 marks (At least one question of 10 marks from each Group)
Group- A contains Unit-1 & Unit-2 (At least 20 marks); Group-B contains Unit-3
(At least 20 marks); Group-C contains Unit-4 (At least 20 marks) , Group-D
contains Unit-5 & Unit-6 (At least 20 marks)
N.B.- Student will answer objective type questions of 20 marks and for subjective
questions of 40 marks, taking one question from each group of the above four groups.
1. Class Test Examination/Internal Examination: 20 marks; choose best two out of three
Class Test Examinations/ Internal Examinations
2. Class Attendance: 10 marks
3. Viva/ Quiz/Presentation/Assignment/Project/Report etc.: 10 marks
Syllabus of Mathematics-II
Sem-II(Theory), Applied Physics –II
Course Objectives
Applied Physics aims to give an understanding of this world both by observation and by prediction of the
way in which objects behave. Concrete use of physical principles and analysis in various fields of
engineering and technology are given prominence in the course content. The course will help the
diploma engineers to apply the basic concepts and principles to solve broad- based engineering
problems and to understand different technology based applications.
Course Content
Unit -1: Wave motion and its applications
Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): definition, expression for displacement, velocity, acceleration, time
period, frequency etc. study of vibrations of cantilever and determination of its time period, Free,
damped and forced vibrations with examples.
Wave motion, transverse and longitudinal waves with examples (Sound and light waves) definitions of
wave velocity, frequency and wave length and their relationship, equation of a plane progressive wave.
Principle of superposition of waves and beat formation.
Acoustics of buildings- reverberation, reverberation time, methods to control reverberation time , noise,
coefficient of absorption of sound, Ultrasonic waves – Introduction and properties, engineering and
medical applications of ultrasonic.
Unit – 2: Optics
Basic optical laws: reflection and refraction, refractive index, Images and image formation by thin lenses,
lens & lens maker’s formula, ( no deduction) power of lens, magnification simple numerical problems.
Total internal reflection, Critical angle and conditions for total internal reflection, applications of total
internal reflection in optical fiber:
Optical Instruments; simple and compound microscope, astronomical telescope (refracting, Ray Diagram
and formula for magnification). Interference and diffraction of light (Qualitative ideas only).
Unit – 3: Electrostatics
Coulombs law, unit of charge, Electric field, Electric lines of force and their properties, Electric flux,
Electric potential and potential difference, Gauss law (statement only) Application of Gauss law to find
electric field due to a charged sphere.
Capacitor and its working, types of capacitors, Capacitance and its units. Capacitance of a parallel plate
capacitor (formula only), Series and parallel combination of capacitors formula (related numerical
problems), dielectric and its effect on capacitance, dielectric break down.
Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws, Wheatstone bridge, Carrey Foster Bridge and its applications, Concept of
terminal potential difference and Electro motive force (EMF)
Heating effect of current, Electric power, electric energy and its units (related numerical problems)
Lorentz force (force on moving charge in magnetic field).Biot- Savart law, Application to Straight
Conductor & circular loop; concept of magnetic dipole. Force on current carrying conductor, Torque on
rectangular coil placed magnetic field concept of electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s Laws, Moving coil
galvanometer; principle, construction and working, Conversion of a galvanometer into ammeter and
Types of magnetic materials; dia, para and ferromagnetic with their properties.
Transistor, Block diagram types (pnp and npn)& circuit symbol, transistor as an amplifier CE mode
(Circuit diagram and concept).
Photocells, Solar cells and LED working principle and engineering application.
Reference books:
1. Text books of Physics for Class XI & XII (Part I & II); N.C.E.R.T., Delhi.
2. Applied Physics, Vol. I and Vol. II, TTTI Publications, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
3. Concepts in Physics by HC verma, Vol.I & II, Bharti Bhawan Ltd. New Delhi
4. Engineering Physics by PV Naik, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
5. Modern approach to Applied Physics-I and II, AS Vasudeva, Modern Publisers.
6. A Textbook of Optics, N Subramanyam, Brij Lal,MN Avahanulu, S Chand and Company Ltd.
7. Introduction to Fiber optics, Ajoy Ghatak and K Thyagarajan, Cambridge University Press India
Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, KK Choudhury, narosa Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
9. Nanotechnology: Importance and Applications, M.H. Fulekar, IK International Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
Course Title : Introduction to IT Systems Theory
Course Code ES 102
Number of Credits : 2 (L: 2, T: 0, P: 0)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category ES
Course code : General Semester : SECOND
Duration : 16 weeks Maximum Marks : 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Theory : - 2 hrs/week Continuous Internal Assessment :
20 Marks
Tutorial: - 1 hr/week Attendance, Assignment & Quiz : -
20 Marks
Practical : NIL End Semester Examination : 60 Marks
Aim: Develop basic concept of Computer
Course Objectives:: This course is intended to make new students
comfortable with computing environment - Learning basic computer skills,
Learning basic application software tools, Understanding Computer
Hardware, Cyber security awareness.
Course Content:
UNIT 1: 10 28
Basic Internet skills: Understanding browser, efficient use of search
engines, awareness about Digital India portals (state and national portals)
and college portals.
UNIT 2: 10 28
Overview of Operating Systems
What is an OS
Brief history.
Background and Basics
Computer System review
Types of OS
Basic Oss
Multi-programmed batch
Computer System Structures
Operating System Structures
UNIT 3: 2 8
Algorithm and Flowcharts
Advantages and disadvantages
Define symbols of flowchart
Advantages and disadvantages
UNIT 3: 7 20
UNIT 5: 3 16
(Network Utilities and devices tools/project)
1: Introduction to Computer Security Chapter
2: Networks and Internet ( DoS Tools & Techniques – Tracert, Visual Route)
3: Cyber Stalking, Fraud, and Abuse
4: Denial of Service Attacks ( Scanning – WireShark)
5: Malware Chapter 6: Techniques Used by Hackers.
Reference Book
1. Computer Fundamentals by Goel, Pearson;
2. Computer Architecture and Maintenance. By - Dr. Sachin Publisher - Shroff
3. Introduction to Computer Science, ITL Education Solutions Limited, Pearson.
4. FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTERS by E Balagurusamy. McGraw Hill
5. Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming, By Ashok
Kamthane/ITL ESL. Pearson;
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to comfortably work on computer,
install and configure OS, assemble a PC and connect it to external devices, basic
design of web page, protect information and computers from basic abuses/attacks.
SI. No. Code Course Title Hours per week Semester Credits
No. L T P
2. Measure voltage, current and power in a 1-phase circuit with resistive load. 2
3. Visualize phase difference between voltage and current in series R-L and R-C 2
circuits with the help of oscilloscope and plot the phasor diagram.
4. Measure voltage, current, power and power factor in a R-L series circuit. 2
9. Use of LCR-Q meter to measure the value of a given capacitor and inductor. 2
10. Test the PN-junction diodes using digital multimeter and find out their V-I 2
characteristics in forward biased circuit.
11. Identify three terminals of a transistor using digital multimeter and calculate 2
gain in CE mode simple
Transistor circuit.
12. Use of Op-Amp in amplifier, differentiator and Integrator circuit 4
13. Realization of Truth Table of different Logic Gates (TTL only) and verification of De- 4
Morgan's theorem.
Course outcomes:
After completion of this course students will be able to understand basics of electrical
and electronics engineering principles in industrial processes as well as functions and
applications of different elements like transformers and motors, various active and
passive electronic components, op-amp etc.
Course Objectives:
Followings are the objectives of this course:
1. To obtain resultant of various forces
2. To understand basic laws of motion and their applications
3. To understand role of friction in equilibrium problems
4. To know fundamental laws of machines and their applications to various engineering
5. To know fundamental laws of motions and their applications to various engineering
Course Contents:
Group A
Concept of Engineering Mechanics – Statics & Dynamics; Space, time, mass, particle, flexible body
and rigid body. Scalar Quality and Vector Quality; Addition & Subtraction of Vectors – Basic
units – Derived Units – SI units.
Force: Definition, unit, representation as a vector and by Bow’s notation, characteristics and
effects of a force, Principle of transmissibility of force. Force systems and its classification with
special emphasis of Co-planar Force System.
Co-planar Con-current Force System: Composition of Forces: Parallelogram Law, Triangle Law
and Polygon Law of Forces. Determination of resultant by Analytical and Graphical method.
Vector diagram. Resolution of Forces: Orthogonal components of a force. Simple problems on
composition and resolution of forces
Equilibrium of Co-planar Con-current Force System: Lami’s Theorem. Triangle Law &
Polygon Law of equilibrium Concept of Free Body diagram. Simple problems
Equilibrium of Co-planar system of non-concurrent forces: Conditions of equilibrium of
co-planar system of non-concurrent parallel forces (Like and Unlike) Simple problems excluding
statically in-determinant
Types of beams, supports (simple, hinged, roller and fixed) and loads. Beam reaction for simply
supported beam with or without overhang subjected to combination of Point Load and Uniformly
Distributed load. Simple Problems
Friction and its relevance in engineering, Types and Laws of friction, Limiting Friction, Co-
efficient of friction, Angle of friction, Cone of Friction, Angle of Repose, Relation between co-
efficient of friction and angle of friction.
Equilibrium of bodies on horizontal surface subjected to force parallel and inclined to plane.
Equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane subjected to force parallel and inclined to plane. Simple
Group B
Determination of Centroid of Plane Figures like (i) Uniform triangular lamina, (ii) Uniform
rectangular lamina, (iii) Uniform circular lamina, (iv) Uniform semi-circular lamina, and, (v)
Uniform lamina of quadrant of a circle.
Determination of Centroid of Composite sections composed of not more than three plane figures
like (i) T-section, (ii) equal and unequal angle-sections, (iii) equal and unequal I-sections, (iv)
Channel-sections, (v) Z-sections, (vi) different cut-out sections, and, (vii) Built-up sections (Data
of individual sections given). Simple Problems
Load, Effort, Mechanical Advantage, Velocity Ratio, Efficiency of Machines and their
relationships. Law of machine.
Ideal Machine, Friction in Machine, Maximum Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency, Reversible
and non-reversible machines, conditions for reversibility. Simple Problems
Velocity ratios of (i) Simple and Differential Axle and Wheel (ii) Worm and worm wheel (iii)
Single purchase and Double Purchase Crab Winch (v) Simple Screw Jack (vi) Simple Pulley Block.
Simple numerical problems
Group C
.Course outcomes:
After completing this course, student will be able to:
1. Identify the force systems for given conditions by applying the basics of mechanics.
2. Determine unknown force(s) of different engineering systems.
3. Apply the principles of friction in various conditions for useful purposes.
4. Find the centroid and centre of gravity of various components in engineering systems.
5. Select the relevant simple lifting machine(s) for given purposes
6. Apply the basic laws of motion in engineering practices
Course Title : Engineering Mechanics Lab.
Number of Credits: 1 (L: 0, T: 0, P: 2)
Course Category: ES
Course Objectives::
Followings are the objectives of this course:
1. To obtain resultant of various forces
2. To calculate support reactions through conditions of equilibrium for various structures
3. To understand role of friction in equilibrium problems
4. To know fundamental laws of machines and their applications to various engineering
[Total Six Practicals out of which any three from Sl. No. 1to 5 and any three from
the rest]
1. To find the M.A., V.R., Efficiency and law of machine using Single purchase crab winch
2. To find the M.A., V.R., Efficiency and law of machine using Double purchase crab
3. To find the M.A., V.R., Efficiency and law of machine using Worm and worm wheel.
4. To find the M.A., V.R., Efficiency and law of machine for Differential Axle and Wheel.
5. To find the M.A., V.R., Efficiency and law of machine for Simple Screw Jack.
6. To determine coefficient of friction for motion on horizontal plane.
7. To determine coefficient of friction for motion on inclined plane.
8. To determine resultant of concurrent force system applying Law of Polygon of forces
9. To determine resultant of concurrent force system graphically.
10. To determine resultant of concurrent force system graphically.
11. To determine resultant of parallel force system graphically.
12. To verify Lami’s theorem graphically
13. To determine centroid of geometrical plane figures
14. Study forces in various members of Jib crane.
Course outcomes:
After completing this course, student will be able to
1. Identify the force systems for given conditions by applying the basics of mechanics.
2. Determine unknown force(s) of different engineering systems.
3. Apply the principles of friction in various conditions for useful purposes.
4. Find the centroid and centre of gravity of various components in engineering systems.
5. Select the relevant Simple Lifting Machine(s) for given purposes
Examination Scheme:
2. ClassAttendance:10marks
Recommended Books:
1. Text Books of Physics for Class XI& XII (Part-I, Part-II); N.C.E.R.T., Delhi
2. Comprehensive Practical Physics, Vol-I & II, JN Jaiswal, Laxmi Publication(P)Ltd., New
3. Practical Physics by C.L. Arora, S. Chand & Company Ltd.
Course Title : Introduction to IT Systems Lab
Course Code NIL, should be doing ES102 in parallel
Number of Credits : 2 (L:, T: 0, P: 3)
Prerequisites NIL
Course Category ES
Course code : Semester : SECOND
Duration : 16 weeks Maximum Marks : 100
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Continuous Internal Assessment:
40 Marks
Attendance, Assignment & Quiz : - 20 Marks
Practical : 4 End Semester Examination: 40 Marks
Aim: Develop basic concept of Computer Science
1 Browser features, browsing, using various search engines, writing search queries
5 Install Linux and Windows operating system on identified lab machines, explore
various options, do it multiple times
7 Practice HTML commands with CSS try them with various values, make your basic
own Webpage
8 MS Excel
Apply Custom A Learner is able to apply skills in Advanced Excel, is
Formats and able to – Format Cells, Apply Custom Values and
Layouts predefined Formats Apply Borders, Design
Borders Custom Formatting
Create advanced A Learner is able to Use Simple and Advanced
formulas Formulas like –
Nested if, Reference formulas like –
lookup, vlookup, hlookup, count formula with
Index, Match, Conditional Loops, etc
Use Scenarios A Learner is able to seek use Goal Seek function, alter
scenarios and values in a cell to reach a goal.
Create Advanced A Learner can tell where to use what type of charts,
Charts and obtain graphical Charts in various scenarios 3D-
Graphs, Bar Charts, Pie Chart, Histograms, Line
Graph, Sparklines, trend, etc.
Pivot tables & A Learner is able to Apply Pivot Tables, Design
charts Pivot Table, Customize Values,
Manage and Share A Learner is able to Share Workbook Online, email,
Workbooks save on cloud, edit it Online in Google Sheets, Add
Collaborators etc.
9 MS PowerPoint
Create a Power Point presentation using slide template.
Create a Power Point presentation using animation.
Create a Power Point presentation using transition
Create a Power Point Presentation with Adding movie and sound.
Create a Power Point Presentation with Adding tables and chart etc.
Changing slide colour scheme in presentation.
Viewing the presentation using slide navigator.
Create, Save, Run and Print the Power Point Presentation.
Create and share files/folders in Google drive
Create and share Google docs.
Create and share Google sheets.
Create and share Google Forms.
Create and share Google slides.
Course outcomes:
At the end of the course student will be able to comfortably work on computer, install
and configure OS, assemble a PC and connect it to external devices, write documents,
create worksheets, prepare presentations, web pages, protect information and
computers from basic abuses/attacks.
Reference Book
1. My Office 2016, Pearson
2. Head First Excel : A Brain-Friendly Guide. Publisher: Shroff/O’Reilly
3. My Excel 2016, Pearson
Curriculum for Diploma Courses in Engineering & Technology
Course Objectives:
Course Content:
Prerequisite: Madhyamik/10th pass
Unit-1 Ecosystem 3L
Structure of ecosystem, Biotic & Abiotic components.
Food chain and food web.
Aquatic( Lentic and Lotic) and terrestrial ecosystem,
Carbon, Nitrogen, sulfur and Phosphorus cycle.
References :
a) Suggested Learning Resources:
1.A text book of Environmental studies- Dr. D.K. Asthana Dr. Meera Asthana,
S chand publishers
2. Ecolgy and Environmental studies- Santosh kumar Garg
Khanna publishing house
3. A text book of Environmental chemistry and pollution control- Dr. S.S.Dara,
Dr. D.D. Mishra S chand publishers
4. A text book of Environmental studies for undergraduate courses. Erach Bharucha
Universities press(India) Pvt.Ltd.
6. Environmental Science- Dr. Y K Singh
New age international publishers
7. Fudamentals of Renewable energy sources – N S Rathore, Chetan B Khobragade,
Asnani Bhawana Himanshu publication
8. Renewable energy sources and emerging technologies – D.P.Kothari, K.C.Singal,
Rakesh Ranjan PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
b) Open source software and Website address:
1) www.eco.prayer.org
2) www.teriin.org
3) www.cpcp.nic.in
4) www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in
5) www.conserve-energy-future.com
Teachers should use the following strategies to achive the various outcomes of the course
Different methods of teaching and media to be used to attain classroom attention
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/subtopics.
15-20% of the topics which are relatively simpler of descriptive in nature should be
given to the students for self learning and assess the development of competency
through classroom presentation.
Micro-project may be given to group of students for hand on experience.
Encouraging students to visit to sites such as industry and research establishment
around the institute.
Course outcomes
At the end of the course student will be able to
1. Understand the ecosystem and terminology and solve various engineering
problems applying ecosystem knowledge to produce eco-friendly product
2. Understand the suitable air, extent of noise pollution and control measures
and acts.
3. Understand the water and soil pollution and control measures and acts.
4. Understand different renewable energy resources and efficient process of
5. Understand solid waste management ,ISO 14001 & Environmental
This draft syllabus has been proposed after thorough discussion among the
following members are being present in the meeting of the syllabus
subcommittee held on 15/02/2020 at North Calcutta Polytechnic, Kolkata.
Members present- i) Dr. Sailedranath Mondal --- Expert
ii) Dr. Ujjval Bhattacharyya ---- Member
iii) Supriyo Mukherjee ---- Member
iv) Prolay Roy ----- Convener