Ece, Etce 5th

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West Bengal State Council of Technical &

Vocational Education and Skill

(Technical Education Division)


Diploma in Electronics & Communication

Engineering [ECE] & Electronics & Tele-
Communication Engineering [ETCE]

Part-III (5th Semester)

Revised 2022
WBSCT&VE&SD Diploma in Electronics & Tele Communication Engg.

Further suggestion may be submitted to the syllabus committee. List of the coordinators for the branch of
Diploma in Electronics & Tele Communication Engineering are:

Sl Name Designation Mobile No. Email id

1. Sri Ashim Kumar Manna OSD to the DTE&T (On 8902701784
Deputation) (Lecturer in
2. Dr. Marina Dan Lecturer in ETCE 9831115387

3. Dr. Anup Sarkar Lecturer in ETCE 9433521132

3. Sri Rabindra Nath Kundu Lecturer in ETCE 9064483649

5. Sri Sanku Prasad Mitra Lecturer in ETCE 9830548556

6. Sri Sumit Kumar Das Lecturer in ETCE 9830551752
7. Ms. Kakali Mudi Lecturer in ETCE 9051931699

L PR Total

TA CT Total ESE Internal External

1. Embedded Systems 3 3 - 20 20 40 60 - - 100
2. Advanced Communication System 3 3 - 20 20 40 60 - - 100

3. Industrial Electronics 3 3 - 20 20 40 60 - - 100

Medical Electronics
4. Internet of Things 3 3 - 20 20 40 60 - - 100

Mobile Communication
Embedded Systems Lab
5. 1 - 2 - - - - 60 40 100

Advanced Communication
6. 1 - 2 - - - - 60 40 100
System Lab
7. Industrial Electronics Lab 1 - 2 - - - - 60 40 100

Medical Electronics Lab
8. Hands on Internet of Things 1 - 2 - - - - 60 40 100
Mobile Communication
Project -
2 - 4 - - - 60 40 100
10. Internship-II 1 - - - - - - 100 - 100
Total 19 12 12 80 80 160 240 400 200 1000


 ACADEMIC CONTACT WEEKS PER SEMESTER : 17 weeks (Teaching-15 weeks + Internal Exam-2 weeks)
 ABBREVIATIONS: L- Lecture, PR- Practical, IA- Internal Assessment, CT- Class Test, ESE- End Semester Exam

 IA (Internal Assessment for Theoretical) = 40 marks: CT= 20 Marks, Attendance =10 marks and
Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity = 10 marks.

 Minimum qualifying marks for both Theoretical and Sessional subjects (for internal assessment and external assessment separately) are 40%.
 IA (Internal Assessment for Practical) =60 marks: 50 marks for continuous evaluation and 10 marks for Class attendance.
 Internship-II will be completely assessed internally.

Name of the course: Embedded Systems
Course Code: ETCE/DEMS/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester (Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3contact hrs./week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity= 10
End Semester Examination:60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:
 Students will acquire knowledge on the function and area of application of Arduino and PIC 18
Microcontroller based embedded systems used in modern electronics control and Artificial Intelligence
 Students will have a clear idea of basic function, characteristic and application of Embedded C Software in
the modern embedded systems.
 Students will be able to build small Arduino & PIC 18 Microcontroller based project based on real life

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Unit 1 Embedded System Design Basics 03

1.1 Introduction to embedded systems.

1.2 Components of embedded system.
1.3 Comparison among 8051, Arduino and PIC

Unit 2 Architecture review of Arduino Uno board 10

2.1 Introduction to ARDUINO, ARDUINO History and Family- Mega, Nano, Bluetooth,
2.2 Pin configuration and architecture Of ATmega328 microcontroller
2.3 Study of an Arduino Board- Power Supply, Power Connectors, Analog Inputs, Digital
Connections, crystal oscillator, Reset switch, Serial Programming Connector etc.
2.4 Concept of digital and analog ports.
2.5 General Hardware Interfacings:  LED’s  Switches  Seven Segment Display  Multi
Segment Displays  Relays (AC Appliance Control)  LCD  Buzzer

Unit 3 Embedded C programming simulation model for Arduino 10

3.1 Introduction to Embedded C and steps to install Arduino Integrated development

3.2 Basic commands for Arduino Functions, Parameters, Variables- Global, local and static,
Numeric variables-Int, Float, Boolean, # Define directives, Looping statements-if, for,
while, Logical Operators, Mathematical operators, Return values, Coding styles –
Indentation, opening Braces, Whitespace, Comments, Arrays and strings, Morse code
translator, Pinmode- to configure the Digital and Analog pins as Input or Output pin,
Standard Arduino library- Random number, Math function, bit manipulation, Advanced
I/O, Interrupts, storing a Integer, Float and string data types in EEPROM, Clearing the

contents of EEPROM, Range compression, Arduino Ethernet programming,
Programming with Arduino IDE, Compiling and Debugging using IDE
3.3 Proteus simulation model for Arduino
Unit 4 PIC 18 Architecture and its programming 10

4.1 PIC 18 architecture and assembly level programming

a) The WREG register in PIC
b) PIC file register
c) Using instruction with the default access bank
d) Status register
e) PIC data format and directives
f) Branch, call and time delay loop
4.2 Proteus simulation model for PIC
4.3 PIC I/O port programming
4.4 ADC programming
Unit 5 I/O interfacing , Programming and Simulation model 12

5.1 LED interfacing with Arduino /PIC - Circuit diagram, program for LED blinking,
Proteus simulation model
5.2 2Single switch and seven segment interface with Arduino /PIC - Circuit diagram,
program for increment digit, Proteus simulation model
5.3 Sensors (Temperature, Light, Proximity) and LED/LCD interface with Arduino /PIC-
Circuit diagram, program, Proteus simulation model
5.4 Interfacing with DC motor with Arduino /PIC –speed control program with direction
change: Circuit diagram, program, Proteus simulation model
5.5 Interfacing with Stepper motor with Arduino /PIC –speed control program with
direction change: Circuit diagram, program, Proteus simulation model
Total 45

Sl.No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments

1 Installation of Arduino software from the website
2 Installation software From MPLAB IDE and MPLAB XC from microchip website.
3 Installation of Proteus software for simulation purpose.
4 Built-in LED state control by push button sketch implementation (Arduino /PIC)

5 Built-in LED blinking sketch implementation (Arduino /PIC)

6 Built-in LED blinking by toggling states based on binary operation (Arduino /PIC)

7 Controlling multiple LEDs with a loop and an array (Arduino /PIC)

8 Use a potentiometer to control the blinking of an LED (Arduino /PIC)

9 Temperature monitor using LCD display and LM35 (using Adrino /PIC)
10 Light sensor interfacing and sending its reading using I2C Communication Protocol (using Arduino /PIC)
11 Servo Motor Control using PWM(Arduino /PIC)
12 Mini projects on
1. Home automation. (Arduino /PIC)
2. Solar Street Light system. (Arduino /PIC)
3. Clock. (Arduino /PIC)

4. Solar charge controller(Arduino /PIC)
5. RTC clock(Arduino /PIC)

Software(s) required: 1. Arduino Integrated Development Environment Software. 2. Free software MPLAB IDE
and MPLAB XC are available in microchip website. 3. Proteus software can be used for simulation purpose.

Hardware(s) required: 1. ARDUINO UNO R3 Board with USB Cable

 Microcontroller ATmega328  Operating Voltage: 5V  Input Voltage (Recommended): 7-12V  Digital I /O
Pins- 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output) Analog I/O pins-6, Flash memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5
KB used by bootloader ,SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328) , EEPROM –1KB , Clock Speed 16 MHz , Both 5V and 3.3 V
power rails, Proper Indicator LED's, Power jack and USB connection., Breadboard Compatibility (dimension of a
40 pin DIP IC).
2. PIC kit 3.5+ In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer compatible to Microchip uses in-circuit debugging logic
incorporated into each chip with Flash memory to provide a low-cost hardware debugger and programmer. The
PIC kit 3.5+ allows debugging and programming of PIC and dsPIC Flash microcontrollers using the powerful
graphical user interface of the MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE).


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Arduino-Based Embedded Systems Rajesh Singh, Anita Taylor& Francis

Gehlot, Bhupendra
Singh, and
2. Embedded C Pont, Michael J Addison- Wissley professional
3. Getting Started with Arduino: The Open Massimo Banzi Shroff Publishers & Distributors Pvt
Source electronic prototyping platform Ltd, 2014
4. Programming Arduino: Getting Started Simon Monk McGraw-Hill Education, Second
with Sketches Edition,2016
5. Arduino Cookbook Margolis Shroff/O'Reilly Publication, 2nd edition
6. Embedded Systems Himanshu Dave, Pearson (ISBN: 9789332543522)
Parag Dave
7. Arduino Made Simple Ashwin Pajankar
8. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded M.A.Mazidi, R.D. Pearson
systems using Assembly and C for PIC18 Mckinlay and D.
9. The Essential PIC 18 Microcontroller Sid Katzen Springer
10. Fundamentals of Microcontrollers and R. Gaonkar Penram International Publishing
Applications in Embedded system (with
the PIC 18 microcontroller family)


1. https ://

Name of the course: Advance Communication System
Course Code: ETCE/DACS/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester(Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme
Theory: 3contact hrs./week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity= 10
End Semester Examination:60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:
 Students will acquire knowledge on the purpose, requirement and function and area of application of wireless
telecommunication at different frequency band used in modern communication system.
 Students will have a clear idea of basic function, characteristic and application of different types of Antenna
used in wireless telecommunication system.
 Students will able to know how to work in the field of optical communication system.

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Unit 1 Satellite Communication 07

1.1 Kepler’s Law – Orbital period and Satellite speed – Types of orbits – polar – inclined –
equatorial – LEO – MEO – GEO – Station keeping – Satellite Launching process –
Attitude control
1.2 Transponder- Frequency allocation – Frequency reuse
1.3 Function of Communication Satellite with block diagram
1.4 Principles of FDMA and TDMA and their use in Satellite communication.
Unit 2 RADAR Systems 06
2.1 Principle operation of RADAR – PPI – Duplexer – RADAR range – Frequency and
Power range of RADAR
2.2 Function of Pulsed RADAR – Function of MTI – Doppler effect – Blind speed

Unit 3 Mobile Communication and modern wireless communication system 12

3.1 Overview of cellular system – 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G concept – Frequency reuse –
location update and call setup – Hand off and power control
3.2 Block diagram and operation of mobile ( hand set ) unit – Frequency synthesizer –
Transmitter unit – Receiver unit – Logic unit – Control unit
3.3 Mobile Base Station – Mobile Control Station
3.4 Digital cellular system – GSM architecture – protocol – security aspect
3.5 Modern wireless Network – Universal mobile telecommunication service (UMTS) –

LTE – CDMA – SCDMA – Wireless local loop (WLL) – Local multipoint distribution
service (LMDS) technology
3.6 Concepts of Blue-tooth, Wi-Fi and Wi-max

Unit 4 Antenna 08
4.1 Basic principle of Antenna – Characteristic and features of different Antenna – Dipole
– Half wave dipole – folded dipole – horn antenna – dish antenna – parabolic antenna –
array antenna – Yagi-Uda antenna – their application and use.
4.2 Properties of antenna – Gain – Bandwidth – beam width – impedance – radiation
pattern of different antenna ( Dipole, half and full wave dipole, half and full wave
folded dipole)
Unit 5 Optical communication system 12

5.1 Basic principle of fiber optic communication system – advantage and limitations of
optical fiber communication - Construction of optical fiber – types of fibers – mono mode
– multimode – step index and graded index
5.2 Optical fiber performances – bandwidth distance product – Transmission Losses
5.3 Optical Sources – LED – LASER – Modulation of LED and LASER – Function and
principle operation of optical detectors – Photo diode – PIN – photo transistor – APD
5.4 Components of optical fiber – coupler – connector – splices
5.5 Block diagram of optical fiber communication system and its operation – basic idea of
fiber optic networking
5.6 Fiber distributed Data Interface (FDDI) – Synchronous optical network (SONET)
5.7 Multiplexing of optical signals – WDM – OFDM.
5.8 Application of SS Modulation

Total 45

Sl. No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments

1 To study the function of fiber optic analog link
2 To study the frequency response of optical receiver at various load conditions
3 To study the propagation loss in optical fiber
4 To study the bending loss in optical fiber.
5 To study the numerical aperture of optical fiber
6 To study the radiation pattern and to obtain the polar plot of half wave dipole antenna, full wave dipole
antenna, folded dipole antenna and Yagi-Uda antenna.
7 To set up a satellite communication link and study of change in uplink and downlink frequency
8 To establish an Audio-Video satellite link between transmitter and receiver
9 To find the maximum range of RADAR ( using simulation software)
10 To study the behavior of the CDMA Direct sequence Spread spectrum modulation and demodulation.
11 To study and analyze the Mobile Phone.

12 Mini projects on
(A) To design an optical fiber link
(B) To develop any control system using optical source and detectors
(C) To develop a voice communication link using optical fiber
(D) FM transmitter


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Principles of communication systems Taub Schilling T.M.H

2. Communication Systems Simon Haykin Wiley
3. Modern Digital & Analog Communication B.P. Lathi Oxford Publications
4. Communication Systems (Analog and Dr. Sanjay Sharma S. K. Kataria& Sons
5. Advanced Electronic Communication Wayne Tomasi P. H. I.
6. Electronic Communication Systems Kennedy, Devis T.M.H.
7. Electronics Communication Frenzel T.M.H.
8. Wireless Communications – Principles T. S. Rappaport Pearson
and Practice
9. Modern Wireless Communications Haykin And Mother Pearson

Name of the course: Internet of Things

Course Code: ETCE/DIoT/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester(Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2 weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme
Theory:3contact hours/ week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity=10
End Semester Examination: 60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course students will be able to:
 Understand the concept of Internet of Things
 Explore on use of various hardware and sensing technologies to build IoT applications
 Illustrate the architecture of Internet of Things and python
 Understand the working with python on Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Group – A
Unit 1 Introduction to Internet of Things 07

1.1 Introduction to Internet of Things, Define the term “Internet of Things”.
1.2 Essential blocks of an IoT system, along with explanation.
1.3 Detail architecture of an IoT system.
1.4 Necessity of embedded system into the IoT
Unit 2 Sensors, Actuators and Networking involved in IoT 11

2.1 Need of Sensors and actuators involved in IoT systems.

2.2 Basic aspects of the networking involved in Internet of Things (MQTT, CoAP), Basic
idea on Communication Protocols (like Zigbee, Bluetooth etc.) and Sensor networks (like
Group – B
Unit 3 Basics of Python programming 10

3.1 Importance of Python based programming in IoT development platforms compare to

others programming languages, Basics of Python programming, Idea on Python IDE
3.2 Printing statement with indentation, data-types (Numbers, String, List, Tuple,
Dictionary), Controlling statements (if-elif-else, while, for, break, continue)
3.3 Definition of function (without return value, with return value), Calling of function
with examples, Functions as Objects (with examples), Variables (Global, Local) with
examples, Modules with examples, Exception Handlers with examples
3.4 File read/write operations (Open, Read/Write, Close) with examples, Image read/write
operations, network services for client server model

Unit 4 IoT development with different platforms (Arduino, Raspberry Pi) 11

4.1 Study of Arduino board and its interfacing (using Python programming)
4.2 Importance of Raspberry Pi in the development of IoT (compare to Arduino). Basic
Architecture, Pin details, Installation and configuration, Applications of Raspberry Pi.
4.3 Implementation of IoT with Raspberry Pi (Read data from sensor and sending data to a
Group – C
Unit 5 IoT applications in Agriculture, Healthcare and Activity Monitoring 06
5.1 Smart Water Management System using IoT: Architecture and design
5.2 Remote Healthcare System, Real-time monitoring and Preventive care system :
Architecture and design
5.3 Smartphone based activity monitoring system : Architecture and design
Total 45

Sl. No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments

1 Establish an MQTT connection in order to communicate with the server over the MQTT protocol.

2 Publish and subscribe data by MQTT Client

3 Installation of Python IDE (Spyder), use of editor and console separately, Python distribution using
4 Implementation of printing and controlling statements.

5 Implementation of data-types, variables, functions, modules.

6 Python programming with Arduino

7 Installing Raspbian OS, Familiarizing with Raspberry Pi Components and interface, Connecting to
Ethernet, Monitor, USB
8 Displaying different LED patterns with Raspberry Pi

9 Interface sensor and Actuator with Raspberry Pi

10 IoT based Web Controlled Home Automation using Raspberry Pi

11 Mini Project


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Internet of Things: Architecture and Raj Kamal McGraw Hill Education; First edition (10
Design Principles March 2017) ISBN 978-9352605224
2. IoT Fundamentals, 1e Hanes Pearson (ISBN: 9789386873743)
3. The Internet of Things: How Smart Miller Pearson (ISBN: 9789332552456)
TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and
Smart Cities Are Changing the World
4. Internet of Things Ramgir Pearson (ISBN: 9789353438944)
5. internet of Things: A Hands-On Approach Arsheep Bahge and Orient Blackswan Private Limited - New
Vijay Madisetti Delhi; First edition (2015) ISBN : 978-
6. Internet of Things Dr. Jeeva Jose Khanna Publishing House (Edition 2017)
7. The Internet of Things: Enabling Pethuru Raj and CRC Press
Technologies, Platforms, and Use Cases Anupama C.


6. Research papers

Name of the course: Mobile Communication

Course Code: ETCE/DMC/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester(Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2 weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme
Theory:3contact hours/ week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity=10
End Semester Examination: 60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to:
 State about Basic Terminologies and functions of mobile Communication system
 Analyze the Progression of Cellular Telephone System
 Explain about GSM, GPRS, PCSS and EDGE
 Describe the concept of Antennas used in mobile Communication system

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Group – A
1.1 Personal communication system -Wireless local area network -Wireless broadband
access system- Wireless wide area network.
1.2 Basic Terminologies related to Cellular Communication: Mobile Station, Base Station,
Control channel, Forward and reverse channel, MSC, MTSO, PSTN.
1.3 Basic Cellular Communication Architecture.
1.4 Initialization of Cellular Calls between Mobile Station to Mobile Station, and Landline
Phone to Mobile Station - Timing Diagrams illustrating how a call initiated by a mobile and
landline phone users.
2.1 Features of Cellular system - shapes of cell, Frequency reuse, Co-channel interference -
Adjacent channel interference - Cell splitting -Sectoring -Segmentation and Dualization.
2.2 Concept of Roaming and Hands-off Strategies, Call drop
and avoidance strategies.
2.3 Types of hands-off Strategies: Hard Hands-off -Soft Hands-off- Mobile assisted hands-


3.1 Features of 1st Generation Analog cellular Telephone- AMPS Frequency allocation.
3.2 Features of 2nd Generation Cellular Telephone System – Basic ideas of N-AMPS and
Digital Cellular Telephone-Advantages of 2G over 1G.
3.3 Features of 3rd Generation Cellular Telephone System - Advantages of 3G over 2G
3.4 Features of 4th Generation Cellular Telephone System- Features of LTE & VOLTE
and their difference – features of WIMAX-Application of 4G- Advantages over 4G over
3.5 Features of 5thGeneration Cellular Telephone System –Application of 5G- Advantages
over 5G over 4G.

Group – B
Unit 4 Global System For Mobile Communication (GSM) 09
4.1 Features of GSM services.
4.2 GSM Architecture: Mobile Station-Base Station Subsystem (BTS, BSC )-Networking
Switching Subsystem(HLR, MSC, VLR,AUC,EIR)-Operational support subsystem.
4.3 General Packet Radio System (GPRS): Concept -Services offered –benefits.
4.4 Idea of Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution (EDGE)
4.5PCSS (Personal Communication Satellite system) –Basic concept, Advantages and
Unit 5 Antenna used in mobile Phone 06
5.1 Working principle of Mobile Phone Antenna –Working of PIFA (Planar Inverted F
Antenna) –Location of antenna in mobile set
5.2 selection of antenna for reducing SAR (Specific Absorption Rate), Microstrip Antenna.
5.3 Antenna Used in Mobile Tower - Types and features
Total 45

Sl. No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments
1 To study Cellular Fundamentals like Frequency Reuse, Interference, cell splitting, Base Station, Control
channel, Forward and reverse channel, MSC, MTSO, PSTN (by using virtual lab).
2 Study of GSM handset for various signalling and fault insertion techniques (Major GSM handset sections:
clock, SIM card, charging, LCD module, Keyboard, User interface).
3 To study transmitters and receiver sections in mobile handset and measure frequency band signal.

4 Demonstrate the impact the received power levels for hand-off in case of mobile cellular communication
using fading channel mobile communication virtual lab.
5 Estimate the impact of sectoring in increasing cellular system capacity using fading channel mobile
communication virtual lab.
6 Study the GPRS system and use it for sending an e-mail through WI-GPRS trainer.

7 Study the GSM modem and its different module for phone book, setting up a call, sending SMS and
identifying call history using AT commands.


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Wireless Communications Principles and Theodore S. 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003
Practice Rappaport
2. Mobile Wireless Communication Mischa Schwartz Cambridge publication
3. Mobile Communications Jochen Schiller 2nd Edition, Pearson Education
4. Principle and Application of GSM V.K.Garg, Pearson Education, 5th edition
5. Wireless Digital Communications Kamilo Feher PHI, 2003
6. Mobile Cellular Communications W.C.Y. Lee 2nd Edition, MC Graw Hill, 1995
7. Mobile Communication Paperback – 1 Brijesh Verma
January 2013



Name of the course: Industrial Electronics

Course Code: ETCE/DIE/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester(Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2 weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme
Theory:3contact hours/ week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity=10
End Semester Examination: 60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course students will be able to:
 Interpret the performance of different types of Power Semiconductor Devices
 Implement different types of controlled rectifiers
 Compare the performance of different types of Power Supply
 Analyze the operation of various converters, inverters, choppers, regulators etc.
 Illustrate the speed control methods of different types of motors.

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Group – A
Unit 1 Power Semiconductor Devices 06

1.1 Principle of operation, VI characteristic and switching characteristics, Applications:

Power Diode, Power Transistor, MOSFET and IGBT
1.2 Concept of thermal resistance, heat sink and thermal equivalent circuit
1.3 Concept of protection of Power Semiconductor Devices: MOV and Snubber
Unit 2 Thyristor 12

2.1 Switching characteristics & Two transistors method of SCR, Ratings of SCR
2.2 Triggering circuits of SCR
2.3 Need for series and parallel methods of SCR. Reasons of unequal voltage and current
distribution and equalization networks
2.4 Family devices - Photosensitive SCR, GTO, SCS, TRIAC & DIAC
2.5 Commutation circuits of SCR – natural and forced commutation – Class A, B, C, D
and Class E
Unit 3 Single phase &Polyphase controlled rectifier 08

3.1 Single phase half wave and full wave control rectifier circuit – Principle of operation
with resistive and inductive load – Use of free wheel diode. Calculation of Vdc
3.2 Three phase half wave and full wave control rectifier – Operation with inductive and
resistive load. Calculation of Vdc
3.3 Concept of full control and half control rectifier
Group – B
Unit 4 Application of SCR in Power Supply 04

4.1 Switching Regulator (SMPS) principle of operation, Block and circuit diagram and
PWM control circuit consideration of switching regulator
4.2 Advantage and disadvantage of switching regulator in comparison with linear regulator
4.3 Principle of operation of ON-line UPS and OFF-line UPS
Unit 5 Converters 10
5.1 Chopper - Principle of operation with an example (Jone’s chopper) and its application
5.2 Inverters - Voltage source inverter and current source inverter; Single Phase Half
bridge and full bridgeinverter; Three phase inverter; Applications of inverters
5.3 Principle of operation of Cycloconverter and its applications
5.4 Dual Converter and its applications
5.5 AC Power Regulators - Phase Control AC Regulator, Sequence Control of AC

6.1 TYPES OF SPEED CONTROL OF DC MOTOR: Armature Voltage Control, Field
Current Control, Quadrant Drive
6.2 Types of speed variation of AC Motor- Frequency variation, Stator volt variation
Total 45

Sl. No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments

1 To measure the reverse recovery time and softness factor of a diode

2 To plot V/I characteristics of SCR

3 To plot V/I characteristics of Triac.

4 To plot V/I characteristics of Diac

5 To study the operation of a triggering circuit of SCR

6 To study the operation of a single phase rectifier—output waveform with phase control circuit

7 To study the operation of a polyphase rectifier

8 To study the operation of SMPS

9 To study the operation of a phase control AC regulator

10 To study the operation of a Jones chopper

11 To study the operation of an Online UPS system

12 To study the operation of a single-phase bridge inverter with resistive load

13 To study the speed control of DC motor by: —

(a) varying field current keeping armature voltage constant; and,
(b) varying armature voltage keeping field current constant
14 To study speed control of an induction motor by voltage and frequency variation


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Power Electronics Dr. S K Mandal TMH

2. Industrial Electronics Khan &Chandani TMH
3. Industrial Electronics Biswanath Pal PHI
4. Power Electronics H Babu Scitech
5. Power Electronics Moorthi OXFORD
6. Industrial Electronics S N Biswas Dhanpat Rai
7. Modern Power Electronics P C Sen S Chand
8. Power Electronics- Circuits, Devices and Muhammad H Rashid Pearson
9. Industrial Electronics Chatterjee & TMH
10. Power EllectroniicsConvertter Mohan Wiley
Applliicattiion and Desiign

Name of the course: Medical Electronics
Course Code: ETCE/DME/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: One Semester(Teaching-15 Maximum Marks:100 Marks
Weeks + Internal Exam-2 weeks)
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme
Theory:3contact hours/ week Class Test(Internal Examination):20 Marks
Practical:2contact hours/week Attendance=10 marks and Quizzes/Assignment/Student Activity=10
End Semester Examination: 60 Marks
Credit:4(TH:3+PR:1) Practical:100 Marks
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course students will be able to:
 Acquire the knowledge of bio-electric potential
 Familiar with bio-medical Instrumentation
 Introduce the student to the electronic devices and theory of operation in the medical area
 Apply knowledge of engineering and science to understand the principle of biomedical electronic circuits
 Introduce the student to the electronic devices for medical imaging

Content(Name of the topic) Periods

Group – A
Unit 1 Bio-potential 05

1.1 Introduction to cell, Structure of cell membrane, excitable cells, definition of Bio-
potential, Membrane potential, Resting membrane potential, Cause of Resting membrane
potential, Nernst equation for Equilibrium electric potential, Goldman equation for
membrane potential, Action potential, Different phenomenon of action potential, action
potential wave form, Propagation of action potential.
1.2 Bio-medical signals - Non-electric bio-medical signal and introduction to bio-electric
signals & their sources. Introduction to ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG
Unit 2 Basic Concept of Bio-medical Instrumentation 04
2.1 Different types of bio-medical instrument, Generalized bio-medical instrumentation
system - Basic block diagram, different functional units such as electrodes, transducer/
sensor, bio-amplifier, filter, display, recorder, alarm, controlling system, memory.

Unit 3 ECG 06
3.1 Definition of ECG, Electro-physiology of heart, ECG amplifier, ECG electrodes and its
placement, ECG leads, Basic block diagram of ECG machine, HR measurement
Group – B
Unit 4 Blood pressure measurement 05
4.1 definition of blood pressure, arterial blood pressure, Systolic pressure, Diastolic
pressure, pulse pressure, mean pressure, Indirect BP measurement method, Principle of
Auscultatory method
4.2 Working of Electronic BP instrument, Working principle of Direct BP measurement.
Unit 5 Medical Laboratory Instrument 04
5.1 Introduction to photometry, Bear-Lambert’s law. Working, block diagram, application
of Colorimeter, Clinical Bio-chemistry analyzer, Cell counter
Unit 6 Cardiac Pacemaker and Defibrillator 04

6.1 Pacemaker & its necessity, Working principle of Synchronous and Asynchronous
pacemaker with block diagram, Implantable Pacemaker. Defibrillator, Working principle of
Defibrillator with block diagram. Application of Defibrillator
Unit 7 Patient Monitoring System 03
7.1 Introduction to ICU, Working of bed side patient, different clinical parameter,
Centralized patient Monitoring system
Unit 8 Electro-surgery Machine 02
8.1 Working principle of electro-surgery machine, Cutting & coagulation mode, Electro-
surgery circuit, electro-surgery Safety
Group – C
Unit 9 Electrical safety 04
9.1 Introduction to Electric shock hazard in electro-medical Instrument, Macro shock,
micro shock, Physiological effects of Electric Shock, Leakage current, Earth leakage
current, Enclosure leakage current, Patient Leakage current, Patient safety precaution

Unit 10 Medical imaging 05

10.1 X-ray, Working of X-ray machine with block diagram, Computed radiography (CR)
system, Digital radiography (DR), Ultrasound, Working principle of Ultrasound imaging
system, Different modes of Ultrasound. Principle of CT image formation, Principle of MRI

Unit 11 Introduction to bio-telemetry 03

11.1 Definition of bio-telemetry, Wireless bio-telemetry, Single channel bio-telemetry,
Multi-channel Bio-telemetry
Total 45

Sl. No. Suggested List of Laboratory Experiments

1 Study of ECG amplifier circuit.

2 Recording of ECG

3 Study of electronic BP instrument circuit.

4 Blood Pressure measurement

5 Measurement of OD and concentration of unknown solution using colorimeter

6 Study of working of clinical bio-chemistry analyzer

7 Study of blood cell counter

8 Study of bed side patient monitor

9 X-ray imaging

10 Verification of bio-telemetry


Sl No. Title of Book Author Publication

1. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation R.S. Khandpur Tata McGraw Hill

2. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation H.E. Thomas Prentice Hall of India
3. Biomedical instrumentation and L. Cromwell, F.J. Prentice Hall of India
Measurement Weibell & E.A. Peiffer
4. Electronics for Biomedical Personnel E.J.B. BucksteinTaraporewala
5. Biomedical Instrumentation Can & Brown

6. X-ray techniques for students M.O. Chasney
7. Recent Advances in Biomedical Engineering Reddy

Name of the course: Project

Course Code: ETCE/PRO/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: 15 Weeks Maximum Marks: 100 Marks
Practical:4contact hours/week
Credit: 2
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course students will be able to :
 Work in Groups, Plan the work, and Coordinate the work.
 Develop leadership qualities.
 Analyse the different types of Case studies.
 Develop Innovative ideas.
 Develop basic technical Skills by hands on experience.
 Write project report.
 Develop skills to use latest technology in Electronics field.
During fifth semester students will collect information, analyze the information and select the project. They will also
prepare the List of the components required, PCB design, Testing Procedure, Design of the Cabinet or Box or Board
as the case may be. They will also prepare a synopsis of the project.
So at sixth semester they have to execute the project. A tentative Schedule is proposed below:
Proposed Schedule:
Design and testing of various electronics circuits through simulation tools like- Matlab, Multisim, Proteus etc. (04
Procuring components, component testing and circuit testing. (02 Weeks)
PCB making and onboard testing- i) PCB designing of electronics projects by using orcad, proteus, circuit maker etc.
simulation tools. ii) Printing, etching and drilling of circuit board. iii) Soldering and disordering of components as per
design. iv) PCB and hardware testing. (06 Weeks)
Mounting the PCB inside cabinet. (01 Week)
Documentation. (02 Weeks)
Project Work is intended to provide opportunity for students to develop understanding of the interrelationship
between different courses learnt in the entire diploma programme and to apply the knowledge gained in a way that
enables them to develop & demonstrate higher order skills. The basic objective of a project class would be to ignite
the potential of students’ creative ability by enabling them to develop something which has social relevance, aging, it
should provide a taste of real life problem that a diploma-holder may encounter as a professional. It will be
appreciated if the polytechnics develop interaction with local industry and local developmental agencies viz. different
Panchayet bodies, the municipalities etc. for choosing topics of projects and / or for case study. The course further
includes preparation of a Project Report which, among other things, consists of technical description of the project.
The Report should be submitted in two copies, one to be retained in the library of the institute. The Report needs to be
prepared in computer using modern software wherever necessary.
General Guideline:
Project Work is conceived as a group work through which the spirit of team building is expected to be developed.
Students will be required to carry out their Project Works in groups under supervision of a lecturer of their core
discipline who will work as a Project Guide. It is expected that most of the lecturers of the core discipline will act as
project guide and each should supervise the work of at least two groups. Number of students per group will vary with

the number of lecturers acting as Project Guide and student strength of that particular class.
The Project:
The students should be made aware of the factors influencing the selection of a particular product and its available
design, viz. selection of components for assembling, harnessing, testing and quality control of the same. They should
also be aware of the workability of the product. Each group will take at least one project in a semester.
Project Report:
Each project work should be accompanied by a ‘Project Report’ which should cover the following:—
(a) Literature survey;
(b) General description;
(c) Product specification;
(d) Hardware description;
(e) Operating instruction;
(f) Installation requirement, if any;
(g) Circuit diagrams;
(h) Layout diagrams;
(i) List of components;
(j) Costing;
(k) Study of marketability;
(l) Scope for future development;
(m) A brief outline of the maintenance procedure may also be included in the report (if possible).
Suggested List of Project Works:
The project works are generally selected depending upon the objective of the course and the infrastructural facilities
available at a particular institution. Some of the popular items are listed below as guideline for selection:— (i)
regulated power supply; (ii) AC voltage stabilizer; (iii) inverter; (iv) battery charger; (v) FM receiver; (vi) bar level
indicator; (vii) digital thermometer; (viii) field strength meter; (ix) digital clock; (x) solid state relay; (xi) stereo
amplifier; (xii) Solar appliances like solar lantern, solar inverter, solar mobile/battery charger etc. (xiii) programmable
interval time; (xiv) analog trainer kit; (xv) digital trainer kit; (xvi) circuit theory trainer kit; (xvii) microprocessor
trainer kit; (xviii) telephone line / status monitor; (xix) MICROCONTROLLER BASED APPLICATIONS: (a)
temperature controller, (b) alarm, (c) moving display, (d) speed control of motor, (e) programmable logic controller
etc.; (xx) one project on computer application ; (xxi) one project on any one of the elective subjects; (xxii) real time
embedded systems; (xxiii) Project on Internet of Things (xxiv) Any other suitable project referred from relevant
books/ journals or emerging areas of electronics and communication technology after thorough review of the
literature from internet.
1. Any Journal Related to Electronics/Computer/Information Technology

Name of the course: Internship-II
Course Code: ETCE/INT-II/S5 Semester: Fifth
Duration: During vacation(3-4 weeks) Maximum Marks: 100 Marks
Credit: 1
Students may choose either to work on innovation or entrepreneurial activities resulting in start-up or undergo
internship with industry/ NGO’s/ Government organizations/ Micro/ Small/ Medium enterprises to make themselves
ready for the industry. In case students want to pursue their family business and don’t want to undergo internship in any
industry, a declaration by a parent may be submitted directly to the TPO and he/she has to submit a detailed project
report on entrepreneurial activities.
OR Students may choose Rural/ Social Internship Programme: Various initiatives in a rural belt for technological
intervention and networking for holistic transformation of the rural population by identifying the possibilities of
localized employment, convergence, cost reduction, Youth and Women empowerment etc and he/she has to submit a
detailed report to faculty mentor/TPO/NSS head for evaluation.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course students will be able to :
 Understand the real time industrial environment.
 Get exposure about entrepreneurship development.
 Learn about the training and simulation program of the industry.
 Handle different Industrial equipments/machineries with latest technology.
 Create conditions conducive to quest for knowledge and its applicability on the job.
 Expose the students to future employers.
 Creating network and social circle and developing relationships through upliftment of the society.


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