Sections:: (This Is A Brief Manual and Will Not Teach You The Basics of 3dsmax or The Basics
Sections:: (This Is A Brief Manual and Will Not Teach You The Basics of 3dsmax or The Basics
Sections:: (This Is A Brief Manual and Will Not Teach You The Basics of 3dsmax or The Basics
Sections: [This is a brief manual and will not teach you the basics of 3dsMax or the basics
of DTS exporting.
Please watch the Doit! 1.5.0 video to have the functionality of Doit! explained with visual cues.
Thanks. ]
2. Fast Mats
3. UV now!
5. FastFlatMapper
6. Mr. Lister
7. Doit! General
8. Exporting! (w/sse)
9. Quick Properties
10.About Doit! G.A.S. – (not included in Manual as it is a logo and URL section)
This button adds a Kork compatible rig and nodes to your scene.
(do not use if you have a Bip01 already in scene)
2. Player(+10)
3. Basic Weapon(3+)
4. Basic Vehicle
:: Object ::
5. BB:: selection
6. BBZ:: selection
7. Sort:: selection
Used for scene sorting, usually used with transparencies. Not for use in
all engines.
8. CellShadeTrick
9. +Start01
10. +Base01
Store notes for yourself in a text file that is easily accessible by this
This is the export file for the default Orc rigged player.
C. 24Solid – sets 24 solid colors into the 24 material slots, not random.
D. MatSlot# - a fast selector for objects to use materials. Select an object and then scroll this
drop down for quick access to your 24 material slots.
7. Relax+Pack - Relaxes and packs the object’s UV by face angle which is useful in a handful
of circumstances. Be careful with object’s that have split UVmap edges.
8. Pack UV – Packs the object’s UV map into (0,0 -> 1,1) a general full texture space.
2 Seq||& - This will add a sequence object to the scene and add a
start frame and an end frame. Simply slide the frame to your needed
start end points. No need to mess around with that curve editor for most
of an animator’s work! ..just animate, click this, set frames, export!
3 LOD gui – this will bring up the LOD GUI from ‘GG/TP’. This
is mainly used for player lod systems.
5: FastFlatMapper
This was made to help a buddy of mine get used to max UV
mapping coming from GTKRadiant /Jupiter Based/brushprimitive
based editing. It’s a little tricky at first but it’s as easy as I could make it without spending
ages on it’s development. Watch the instructional video if you need example workflows.
NOTE! - **I always use an Epoly objects, ***this will always collapse to an Epoly.***
1. Get your Epoly object and go into subobject mode 4(faces) and select a face then press
the “Start Manual UV Button”.
2. X,Y,Z projection. This works on the objects’ transform(ie: rotated objects do not get
world space mapping). [*This may need to be refreshed during use. Just because “z” is
initially selected, does not mean Z will be used…please reselect Z to force it into use.]
3. 3 spinners for map sizing, these control the texture plane sizing, but I would only use
them when you need to tweak small values. Height, width, length. The video has a
good example of using this section.
4. Next Face – works on it’s own and with a “shift+click”. A click will force a collapse of
the object’s stack. A Shift+click will add a uvw modifier. The trick here is to: select a
face, map it, reset/collapse, select another face, repeat. The video has a good example
of using this section.
5. Done! – this forces the object’s stack to collapse, the object to an Epoly and it also
reverts this section to “off” as it initially started.
6: Mr. Lister
This is an easy way to select objects in your
scene and it is a very easy way to help you
make your export cfg files! Win win!
a. Cylinder
b. Sphere
c. Capsule
d. Cone
e. Pyramid
f. Box
- The shapes
denoted with a “*” use the
sides number for their
2. *Segs|Sides – this number denotes the count of sides and/or segments of the
collision volume you will create with the above buttons.
9. Flip*Faces – Flips the faces of the selected object(if the object can have faces
11.3p Render – sets 3 lights into your scene with a plane, renders and image and then
removes what it added
12.9cols – adds 9 col dummies to you scene and attaches them if hierarchy exists
based on “base01” and “start01”.
13.123 Pivot – clicking this will set the transform of the selected object to it’s own
center of it’s extents. Shift and click will set it’s center according to it’s own extents
and then it places the transform/object-center at 0,0,0. CTRL+click is a toggle that
will allow the selection’s gizmo to be manipulated.
14.More Details – if you used ssSetup, this can LOD your model. This can work in other
circumstances as well. Use your imagination!
15.Bounds it! – creates a bounds volume according to the selected object’s extents.
16.ssSetup – “Super Simple Setup!” ..takes your model and creates all needed
information to export a DTS file. Also adds a box collision volume.
17.Embed Shapes – This should be used for mapobject models that are made up of
multiple meshes. This will take your mesh names and append them with
“smesh2”..making them all detail level2.
8: Exporting! (w/sse)
In this section, Green letters will mean a “+” and red
letters will mean a”-“.
Left Column:
1. SSEsel +C +L
2. SSEsel +C -L
3. SSEsel -C +L
4. SSEsel -C –L
Right Column:
5. SSE +C +L
6. SSE +C -L
7. SSE -C +L
8. SSE-C -L
Export! --------------------------------
.DAE – Exports the entire scene to Collada(be aware of
the specific Collada exporter chosen
9: Quick Properties
This section is a bit basic but it saves me loads of time as I get annoyed
with waiting for max to allow me to push settings that should be in front
of me as I work quickly. So instead of [Right Click>object properties
select properties, click OK, repeat]… panel puts it right there, where
it should be for power users. I love 3dsMax, but the GUI’s have always
been harsh on productivity and nerves! Hehehe
1. Reset list: this will set the list back to it’s initial settings which are
close to the general object settings.
// Extra notes:
Randomly, you will notice the “Random Happiness” Rollout into your Doit! panel. I call it the
“Ego Booster 5000”. It basically gives you some comedic praising. I am sure it is worth at least 5
seconds of fun. Enjoy!
Thanks to everyone who has used Doit! Your continued support has driven me to make this
tool better and better for you guys. Cheers!
- eb