FAQ: Terminations: Questions and Answers
FAQ: Terminations: Questions and Answers
FAQ: Terminations: Questions and Answers
Navigate to US HR or US HRMS Manager (or equivalent) > People > Enter and
On Terminate screen, select Actual Process Date and/or Final Process Date
Ensure the Final Process Date field is populated on Terminate screen. Navigate
back to People form and change person type of Ex-employee to Employee from list
of values.
Termination button.
6) How do you populate the Leaving Reason list of values on Termination form?
This is controlled by Lookup Type 'LEAV_REAS.' Add any number of records to
this lookup. Navigation: US HRMS Manager > Other Definitions > Application
Utilities Lookups
7) What is the significance of the fields in the Termination Dates zone on Termination form?
Notification Date:
Projected Date:
Actual Date:
This corresponds to the actual date the employee left the organization.
When you DateTrack after this date the People form will show the person as an
Where Oracle Payroll is used this will be the date after which no further
payroll processing can occur. This is optional and can be left blank.
Element entries defined against the employee would be end dated with this
date rather than the actual date if they were defined with the standard rule
This will represent the last date for late payments for Oracle Payroll users.
as commission. Element entries defined against the employee would be end dated
with this date rather than the actual date if they were defined with the
Note: The navigation varies based on financial application you are using. For example:
Responsibility Navigation
9) How do you change the end date (termination date) in a shared HR installation?
A. Select the Responsibility Project Billing Super User or Costing Super User.
E. Save.
G. Save.
You must define a default monthly payroll for each business group you maintain.
The monthly default payroll does not need to be unique. If a monthly payroll is
already set up for your business group, you may choose to use that payroll as a
default, rather than setting up a new one.
Others button.
3.4. Choose Benefits Defaults Enter the Monthly payroll you will use for
Manager Self-Service > Termination (US) > Select employee > terminate
payrolls. You can confirm which statuses you have set under Work Structures >