Fire Detection Panel: Programming Manual
Fire Detection Panel: Programming Manual
Fire Detection Panel: Programming Manual
Firmware V.1.0
General Description 1
Definitions 2
Front panel controls and signallings 4
Front panel LED indications 5
Functions and Access level 6
Description of the keyboard operation to enter data in the programming folders 6
Normal condition 7
Pre-alarm condition 8
Alarm condition 9
Condition with fault zone events 10
Condition with System fault events 11
Programming Menù 13
System Menù 13
System Type 14
System Address 14
System Line 14
System Timings 15
Faults signaling timings TAB 16
System Password 17
System programming installation 17
Programming Points 18
Detectors 18
Modules 28
Input modules 28
Output modules 29
This manual refers to functions available in the software revision indicated on cover.
AM-8200: fire detection panels built in accordance with standards EN.54.2, and EN.54.4
Multi processor System, Display TFT 7” (800 x 480 with Backlite) 256 colors touch-screen
Detection Lines:
AM-8200 Basic equipment panel is loaded with 2 loop detection lines.
One LIB-8200 card will add 2 loop to basic equipment AM-8200
AM-8200BB Extension box (with an additional 150W PSU) and is loaded with 2 loops (6 loops in total on the
With one additional LIB-8200 card in the Extension Box the AM-8200 panel reach 8 loop capability.
Max 500 m
LINE: Physical wiring where sensors, addressable manual Call Points, Sirens, addressable input and output
modules are connected.
POINTS: they are the addressable sensors and modules that can be connected to Lines.
Hardware Address: the device Physical address (Start address for multi-module devices) on loop.
It is set via the rotary switches or Dip-Switches on the addressable device
It’s possible to assign addresses from 1 to 99 on loops programmed in CLIP mode.
On the Loops programmed in ADVANCED mode, the hardware addresses range from 1 to 159.
Multiple modules (eg M-721 = 2-inputs and 1 output) in an ADVANCED loop occupy 1 Hardware Address of 159
and 3 SUB-ADDRESS, one for each module that compose the device.
The same module in a CLIP loop occupies 3 consecutive addresses of 99 available for modules.
The maximum number of "sub-addresses" that can be managed for each LIB-8200 (2 loop) is 700 that can be
distributed freely on the two loops of the card.
Example 1: 2 x M-721 modules with hardware addresses 1 and 2 will be composed as follows:
M721 - Indirizzo rotary switch = 1 Indirizzo in centrale M721 - Indirizzo rotary switch = 2 Indirizzo in centrale
1° Input SUB-ADDRESS=1 1.1 1° Input SUB-ADDRESS 1 2.1
2° Input SUB-ADDRESS=2 1.2 2° Input SUB-ADDRESS 2 2.2
Output SUB-ADDRESS=3 1.3 Output SUB-ADDRESS 3 2.3
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Example 2: A CMX-10RME (10 OUTPUT) card with address 10 will be programmed.
CMX-10RME – Hardware Address = 10 SUB-address in Panel
1 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 1 10.1
2 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 2 10.2
3 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 3 10.3
4 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 4 10.4
5 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 5 10.5
6 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 6 10.6
7 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 7 10.7
8 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 8 10.8
9 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 9 10.9
10 ª Output SUB-ADDRESS 10 10.10
HARDWARE TYPE-: An identifier identifying the model of the device (both for sensors and for modules)
GROUPS: A group is a software set of devices that can be used to program associations between Inputs and
Outputs and perform actions triggered by input or alarm events.
EVACUATION: Command for activating the Siren output and all output modules programmed with Type SW = SND in the
absence of alarms and faults.
To do this you need to know the level 2 password.
This button is active only in case of alarm if the immediate activation of the Sounder outputs in the exclusions menu has
been excluded.
The panel delays the activation of the above-mentioned outputs for the programmed times ( Prog\ Sist\ Al. Output Timing ).
During the delay time the Active Delay led flashes and it is possible to reset the current delay through the Delay Reset key.
by pressing this key, the operator can silence the Panel buzzer and is enabled to perform a RESET.
SOUNDER ON/OFF SILENCE: This operation must be done with level 2 password..
In case of alarm the following devices are activated:
Sounder Output
Output modules programmed with SW-Type-ID=SND
the output modules activated for a CBE associations
By pressing this key, you can de-activate the following devices:
Siren Output
Output modules programmed through Type-ID SND and enabled for silencing
All output modules activated through CBE associations and enabled for silencing
A subsequent pressure of this key will re-activate :
Siren Output
Output modules programmed through Type-ID SND
All the output modules de-activated from the previous Silencing
These keys are displayed in the bottom part of the LCD screen.
Activate the corresponding functions.
These functions change according to the selected menus.
Example: in the system status display, these keys allow the access to the
Programming, Utilities, Exclusion menus or the Test menu.
ALARM (Red):
It flashes if there is at least one device in alarm and it has not been recognized yet. It is
permanently lit if all alarm events have been recognized.
It is lit after the evacuation function is performed.
TEST (Yellow):
It is lit during Zone Walk Test
POWER (Green):
It is permanently lit if the control unit is powered (by 230Vac or by batteries charger).
FAULTS (Yellow):
It flashes if there is at least one fault of any type and it has not been recognized yet.
It is on if all faults have been recognized
SYSTEM (Yellow):
It is lit if there is at least a system fault (watch dog, CRC memory error, etc.)
MASK (Yellow):
It is lit when there is at least one Zone or a Point Disabled in the system.
SOUNDER (Yellow):
It is lit if the siren output is disabled.
It flashes when the siren output is in Fault condition
It is lit if the output towards the automatic fire-fighting system (UDS) is disabled
It flashes when the fire-fighting control output is in Fault condition
Through the arrows you can enter the adjacent folders (displays)
Through the arrows you can scroll the fields inside the folder (the selected field is displayed with the
characters in REVERSE.)
If the folder has an index field, the first two function keys appear through which you can scroll
The selected field can be changed by entering in editing mode through the enter key .
According to the type of datum there are different editing modes:
Selections (TYPE-ID, YES, NO, etc..) : type ENTER and through the arrows all the selectable labels are
scrolled in sequence
The parameter is stored through the enter key,
If you do not want to store the changes use the escape key
To quit the folder system use the escape key .
To enter the passwords, when they are requested, use the numeric keyboard that appear on the screen.
Confirm the entered password by pressing the ENTER key.
The following screen is displayed when the control panel is in Normal Condition
- The NOTIFIER brand symbol appears in the absence of alarms and Faults.
N.B. The alarm state override all different type of events in case are both Alarms and Faults present.
Any subsequent
zones in pre-alarm
Use the arrow keys to scroll through the list of pre-alarm zones. By pressing the Enter key you will
access the list of points in the pre-alarm of the selected zone, with the arrow keys you can scroll through
the list of alarm devices
Pre-alarm device
The following display appears when the control unit is in condition of zone alarm.
Through the arrow keys you can scroll the list of the zones containing Faults.
By pressing the enter key you can access the list of point in alarm of the zone selected on the display,
through the arrow keys you can scroll the list of the devices in alarm.
Device in Alarm
D = Detector
M = Module
Text programmed
For this Device
Text programmed
for this zone
for Faulty zones
Through arrow keys you can scroll the list of the Zone Faults.
Through a first pressure of the enter key you can display the list of devices with the indication of the point
name; refer to the following figure:
Text programmed
for the device
of Faulty zones
Pressing the escape key or leaving the keypad inactive for 30 seconds. you return to the list of faulty areas
Description of the
System Fault
Counter for
System Faults
Through arrow keys you can scroll the list of the System Faults.
Alarm event
from zone under test
Through a first pressure of the enter key you can display the list of devices with the indication of the point
name; refer to the following figure:
Text programmed
for the device
Event description
through the arrow keys you can scroll the list of the tested devices of the zone.
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The following operation sequence is recommended to perform the initial programming of the control unit, to
prevent mistakes and consequent loss of time.
The details of each operation are pointed out in the following pages.
- Perform the wiring of the control unit lines and perform the appropriate tests as described in the
installation manual before powering the control unit.
- Make some photo-copies of the programming sheet that can be found at the end of this manual and
record on these sheets the necessary information for ALL sensors, modules, software zones, CBE and
Select the “Line” item and program the type of connection which has been performed on the installed
lines ( open line or closed loop ).
Select the Auto-Learn item, and press the enter key and subsequently enter the number of lines for
which the procedure must be started.
Through this operation all the devices installed on the lines are recognized and loaded in the control unit
memory according to their Hardware TYPE ID and with the default data.
At the end of the procedure check that the devices detected by the control unit during the Auto-
Learn are those really installed, and confirm.
This will record all data in the Panel memory.
In any case user can edit and modify the recorded data in case it needs.
Program the Software Type-ID (if it is different from the default value assigned )
At the end of this programming steps the control unit is ready to manage the Alarm system
Additional details can be added to the mentioned, as for example a text description for each
detector, module or zone.
For further information or specific parameters description see the following paragraphs.
By pressing the “PGRM” function key you can access the programming menu, to perform the configuration of
the system or make changes to the programming.
By selecting “System” you can configure the configuration parameters which are valid for all the control unit.
Through a first pressure of the enter key the Line editing function is activated,
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Through the arrow keys select the line style (OPEN - LOOP)
Press the enter key to confirm the programming.
In this sub-menu are programmed some delay times of the alarm outputs, the delay time for the sensor alarm
check, silencing inhibition, etc.
Through the arrow keys select the item which is required to be changed (“Siren” or “Tx Alarm”)
Through pressure of the enter key the editing function is activated.
Through the arrow keys or through keyboard the data are entered, by pressing the enter key you can
confirm entered data.
Sounder activation delay is programmable in seconds ( max. 600 sec)
The “Siren” and “TX Alarms” activation delay timings are active only in case of alarm if the immediate
activation of the outputs has been excluded in the exclusions menu.
Press the right Arrow key to change the time of check for the detectors:
Detectors verification time allows the control unit to perform a check for all installed sensors, for the set time,
before confirming the possible alarm.
Detectors Verification Time is programmable in seconds ( Max. 50 sec )
N.B. This function will be effective only on the enabled sensors (refer to the Point Programming menu)
VERIFY ENABLE: selecting “YES” the verification Function is ACTIVE with the programmed verification Time (
in seconds)
SELF-SILENCING TIME is the time after which the output modules are reset, after being activated.
Press the right Arrow key to change the parameters to manage the Silencing:
NOTE: the self-silencing function of each output module must be enabled in the Point Programming .
Silence Inhibit time is the time that output modules will remain active without the ability to be Silenced by an
Silence Inhibition:
Time after activation when is not possible
to Silence
Silence Autom:
Minimum activation time
Silence Autom.Enabl:
Enabling of use the Activation time
( otherways outputs are active until
Press the right Arrow key to change the parameters to manage the Fault signallings: :
MAINS FAULT DETECTION TIME is the minimum time during which Mains Fault is signalled if there is
no mains
Mains Loss
Timings are expressed in
seconds, from a minimum of
0 sec. to a max. of 300 sec.
Through the arrow keys select the item which is required to be changed (“Mains”, “Tx Faults” ) by
pressing the enter key the editing function is activated
Through the arrow keys data are entered and through the enter key entered data are confirmed.
This function allows to change the Password for the three access levels.
Through the arrow keys select the item which is required to be changed.
Press the enter key to activate the Numeric Keyboard to program the Password.
Programming - Points
From the Programming menu by selecting the “Points” item is displayed the following screen, where you can
manually configure each type of addressable device on field ( Detectors or Modules ).
By selecting “DETECTORS” and by confirming the selection through the enter key
you enter the programming procedure for Addressable Sensors.
This procedure is composed of 4 programming folders (to access the folders use the arrow keys)
The display shows by default the first device of the first line.
To select another device use the function keys “- LINE” “+ LINE” ( Lines ) and “- DET” “+ DET”
(detectors )
Detectors MAIN TAB ( HW-Type ID and Text associated with the Detector )
Zone Number
Associated to this Detector
Points are assigned to a Zone for a proper display of the alarm location.
Max number of Zones in the system is 500.
To assign the “Zone” number in this folder to the device select the item through the arrow keys
Then press the enter key
and use the arrow keys to change the zone number.
At the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
Detector OPTION TAB (progr. of Verification, Sensitivity, Daytime/Night, Tracking and Led Blink)
To change one or several parameters in this folder select the parameter through arrow keys (the characters
of the selected field are in Reverse), press the enter key and use the arrow keys to change the
parameter; at the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
By programming “YES” the control unit is allowed to perform a check on the sensor, for the time fixed in the Timing
programming, before confirming the possible alarm.
By enabling the tracking option when the device exceeds the alarm threshold the control unit activates the following
- Output modules associated through CBE
- Buzzer
- Control unit siren output
- Alarm point indication on the display
When the point returns in normal state the output modules associated through CBE return idle, while the following
signaling are still active:
- Buzzer
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- Control unit siren output
- Alarm point indication on the display
The reset procedure must be performed to clear all signaling.
By selecting “NO” in the” Led Blink” function, the flashing of the led on the sensor is disabled during the line interrogation.
This function can be used in some environments such as hospitals, hotels, etc.
Detector EDIT TAB ( common for all sensors which allows to remove and copy points from… to…)
This TAB allows the programming of block of points sharing the same programming
It can be used if the points have consecutive addresses and have common parameters.
The “Remove From …to” function allows to eliminate from the control unit programming an entire consecutive
block of points, by entering the start and end addresses.
The Copy and Paste functions allow the programming of the block points and can be used if the devices of the
same line have consecutive addresses and common parameters.
First TAB (Progr. of Type ID and text associated with the sensor)
HW Type ID
Equazione CBE
Third TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
Percentage of Obscuration
inside the Sensor Chamber
ALARM 1 1% ft
ALARM 2 - COMP.AUT. 1% -2% ft
ALARM 3 2%ft
ALARM 4 - COMP.AUT. 2% - 3.5% ft (Default)
ALARM 5 3.5% ft
N.B .: The "heat only" mode is activated automatically if we have programmed the "Day / Night" function to the
zone associated with the SDX-751-TEM sensor
HW Type_ID
Third TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
Value Corresponding
Percentage of Obscuration
inside the Sensor Chamber
1 2% ft ( defaul for Sens.-LOW)
2 1,5% ft
3 1% ft
4 0,5% ft
5 0,2% ft (defaul for Sens.-STD)
6 0,1% ft
7 0,05% ft
8 0,03% ft
9 0,02% ft (defaul for Sens.-HIG)
Tird TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
Percentage of Obscuration
inside the Sensor Chamber
ALARM 1 1% ft
ALARM 2 - COMP.AUT. 1% -2% ft
ALARM 3 2%ft
ALARM 4 - COMP.AUT. 2% - 3.5% ft (Default)
ALARM 5 3.5% ft
N.B .: The "heat only" mode is activated automatically if we have programmed the "Day / Night" function to the
zone associated with the NFXI-SMT2 sensor
Tird TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
* The delay counter is initialized when the smoke level exceeds 0.75% / ft
N.B. : The "heat only" mode is activated automatically if we have programmed the "Day / Night" function
to the zone associated with the NFXI-SMT3 sensor
Tird TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
* The delay counter is initialized when the smoke level exceeds 0.75% / ft
N.B. : The "heat only" mode is activated automatically if we have programmed the "Day / Night" function
to the zone associated with the IRX-751CTEM-W (SMART 4)
Example of programming of “BEAM” NFXI-BEAM
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TAB (Progr. of HW-Type ID and Text associated with the sensor)
TAB (Progr. of Check, Al. Level, Daytime/night, Tracking and Led Blink )
Chart 1
Obscuration (% m depending on distance).
(% per meter ) (Smooth distribution of smoke
for any distance between the
detector and the reflective panel)
Distance (meters)
The display shows by default the first device of the first line.
Use the function keys to select another device.
The display shows by default the first device of the first line.
Use the function keys to select another device.
SW Type ID
(Refer to the SW Type ID Table)
Programmable Text max. 32 char.
For the instructions “how-to” operate refer to “POINT Programming procedure” as this part is the same
for Modules.
TAB or Option (Progr. for disabled Silencing, Test enabling and Led Blink)
The Main and Programming TABs are similar to the output modules
CBE Equation
Sensor Correlation.
The user can choose whether the
suction unit will activate its alarm signal
in case of AND or OR by the 2 Pinnacle
sensors installed.
Third TAB or Option (Progr. for disabled Silencing, Test enabling and Led Blink)
Enable LED flashing
of the field device
Silence Enabled
Enable manual Silence
Automatic Silence
Enables auto-reset
Programming for this device is as for FL2012EI with the difference that sub-addresses 1 and 2 are used.
HW Type
SW Type
Programmable Text max. 32 char.
The SAVE control saves the devices detected during the Self-Learn according to the following mode:
- NEW and NFO are initialized through the default data.
- MIS are removed
- The correctly programmed devices keep the current programming
The data relevant to the initialized devices can be subsequently changed by entering the point programming
The PROT ( Protocol ) control can display the table of devices for one of the two possible protocols: CLIP or ADV
Important Note:
HW Type_ID Description
WMSS WM Sounder + Flash
WMS WM Sounder
DBSS Base with Sounder + Flash
DBS Base with Sounder
WCP5A Outdoor Call Point
MCP5A Indoor Call Point
UDS UDS-3N (CLIP only)
NRX-WPC Call Point radio NRX-WCP
NRX-REP Repeater radio NRX-REP
NFXI-RM6 Module 6 OUT (not controlled)
NFXI-MM10 Module 10 IN NFXI-MM10
MMX2E Module IN conventional zone MMX2 (CLIP)
MMX-1 Module IN (CLIP)
MCX-55ME Module 5 IN 5 OUT (not controlled)
MCX-55M Module 5 IN 5 OUT ( not controlled ) (CLIP)
M721 Module 2 IN 1 OUT ( not controlled )
M720 Module 2 IN
M710CZR Module di IN IS
M710CZ Module IN conventional zone
M710 Module IN
M701-240 (-DIN) Module OUT (240V)
M701 Module OUT
MMX-10ME Module 10 IN MMX-10ME
MMX-10M Module 10 IN MMX-10M (CLIP)
FL2022EI FAAST 2 channels
FL2012EI FAAST 1 channels 1 sensor
FL2011EI FAAST 1 channels 2 sensors
CMX-1 Module OUT (CLIP)
CMA22 Module 2 IN 2 OUT (2° out supervised)
CMA22C Module 2 IN 2 OUT (2° out supervised)
CMA11E Module 1 IN 1 OUT ( supervised )
CMA11 Module 1 IN 1 OUT ( supervised ) (CLIP)
CMX-10RME Module 10 OUT relay
CMX-10RM Module 10 OUT relay (CLIP)
Input module used like the NONA device, but each state change is activated
STAT by the buzzer, for one second.
GPND FORC output module activated at each alarm or Fault It is reset by ACK.
TPND FORC output module activated at each fault. It is reset by ACK or through
the Fault RESET
GTC FORC output module activated at each fault. It is reset by RESET.
TRS FORC output module activated at each FAULT. It is only reset through the
Fault RESET.
ZFLT FORC output module activated at each FAULT in the zone where is
associated. It is only reset through <Fault removing from the zone
ZDIS Output module activated in case of exclusion of a point or a zone.
MAINF Output module (non supervised output) activated when a MAINS Fault is
REM FORC output module activated from a remote command (supervisory SW)
GAS CON output module activated at each alarm. It is reset by RESET.
GTS CON output module activated at each fault. It is reset by RESET.
ZFLTC Output module activated in case of zone fault to here is associated
N.B.: the output modules used for the above-mentioned functions, do not accept CBE.
SND Software type_ID only for the following Models: WMSS, WMS, WMS,
activated at each alarm , follow the Sounder Output status
STR Software type_ID only for the following Models: WMSS, WMSB,, DBSS
activated at each alarm , follow the Sounder Output status
For UDS panels, two specific SW types are available, UDS1 and UDS2.
UDS units are reminded that they can be installed starting from the beginning of the decade, excluding the
decade from 0 to 9; occupy from a minimum of 2 up to a maximum of 6 addresses.
The basic installation, compatible with UDS-1N (now obsolete) units, occupy the first two addresses to which
the SW Type UDS1 is assigned; the operation is only allowed on the first address but is automatically extended
to the second address.
In the following four addresses you can individually install the optional modules that were introduced with the
UDS-2N unit, to do so, simply enter the SW Type UDS2.
With the new UDS-3 unit remember that having 2 channels per unit, you can program up to 4 addresses with
Type SW UDS1 and 8 with Type SW UDS2 divided into two decades.
For a detailed description of the functionality associated with UDS unit interfaces
consult their manuals.
For UDS modules, the following specific indications are obtained:
UDS-3 with "Excluded" zone, the control panel will report the following:
Yellow LEDs "Exclusions" and "Exting.Command" lit
The symbol on the status icon of the control panel
The list of system exclusions is displayed
General fault on the UDS-3 panel, the panel will report the following:
- Yellow "FAULT" LED blinking.
- The symbol on the status icon of the panel.
- "General UDS LXXMXXX Fault" is displayed
where XXX is the third address assigned to the modules in the UDS-3 panel.
If the UDS-3 panel line fault, the following will be displayed:
- Yellow "FAULT" LED blinking.
- The symbol on the status icon of the control panel.
- "UDS LXXMXXX Shutdown Line Fault" appears on the display where XXX is the fourth address
assigned to the UDS-3 panel modules.
230Vac mains failure on the UDS-3 panel, the following will be displayed:
- Yellow "FAULT" LED blinking.
- The symbol on the status icon of the control panel.
- The display shows "General UDS LXXMXXX Fault" where XXX is the third address assigned to the
UDS-3 panel modules.
- The display shows "Power failure of the UXXXXXXXX module" where XXX is the sixth address
assigned to the modules in the UDS-3 panel.
The AM-8200 control unit has 400 groups, which can be programmed as:
NOTE : One Reverse group can be the “sum” of several Direct groups. This way an activation
can be triggered by many groups
TAB Progr. of the maximum limit of the direct action Group number)
- GROUP to program
the Previous group
+GROUP to program
the Next group
The parameter ”Cross Alarm.” is valid if the group is associated in a CBE with the “XGRP” operator.
NO = the group is active only when a thermal sensor ( a detector with HW-type-id “THER”)
and an optical sensor ( a detector with HW-type-id “PHOT” ) associated with the group are in alarm.
YES = the group is active when two devices (sensors or input modules) associated with the group are in alarm.
This is the Default value.
G301=OR(G1G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8)
G302=OR(G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16)
L01M01=CBE=OR(G301 G302)
Can be defined as two groups (to be chosen among the inverse ones available), for which a CBE equation
must be programmed, by using the TIM operator, to make them active only during a set time.
These groups are respectively defined as: High Sensitivity Groups and Low Sensitivity Groups.
The purpose of this option is to make all installed sensors operate in control unit at high or low sensitivity when
the relevant groups are active (this will result in the DAYTIME/NIGHT function).
Note: The “Thermal Only” working mode for detectors with HW-Type _ID “OMNI” and “NFXI-SMT2” is
active automatically when the group defined as “Low sensibility” is active.
For the Zones to which this function is to be coupled the parameter “Daytime/Night = YES ”(refer to Zone
programming) must be programmed. In this way the system automatically associates the high and low
sensitivity groups, so that the following two time bands are obtained:
Daytime band (low sensitivity) from 8.30 to 18. (the sensitivity values assumed by the detector are those
programmed in the “Sens-Low” item in the option folder).
Night band (high sensitivity) from 18. to 8.30. (the sensitivity values assumed by the detector are those
programmed in the “Sens-High”item in the option folder).
By selecting the “Zones” sub-menu you can enter a descriptive text to be associated with the selected zone.
Programmable text for the ZONE
max. 32 characters
To enter the Text press the enter
key to enter the editing function
Alarm Correlation - Indicates the number of alarm devices assigned to the zone to activate the siren
outputs associated with this zone.
Zone 1 Alarm Correlation = 3
and in the "Utilities / Parameters / Specials / Sirens" menus you have programmed
the entry "Active sirens on correlation" = SI
you will have to activate at least 3 Zone 1 devices to activate the siren output and all programmed SND
type modules associated with this zone.
CanBus RPT
Programming the presence on the CAN-BUS network of the AM2-BST-C card (amplifier for CAN-BUS line).
N.B .: Up to 8 AM2-BST-C cards can be installed on the CAN-BUS network
This function allows to set the LCD-8200 model in the control unit.
This function allows you to configure the presence of the interface and the address of the SIB-8200 interface.
By selecting UTIL from the display of the system state screen you can access the Utility menu, which includes
some functions generally used by servicing personnel
To access the menu, enter the Level 3 Password (33333 is the default password).
To enter the password consult the editing function previously mentioned in the paragraph description of the
keyboard operation to enter data.
UTILITY - Date and Time This function allows to program the time and date of the control unit.
To change values in “Date and Time” programming Form use the arrows to select the field to be changed
(the characters of the selected field are white on dark background).
Use the arrow keys to change the datum; at the end press the enter key to store the datum.
By selecting the “Parameters” item, you can perform the configuration of the local and special parameters
according to the following figure
Local Parameters
To change the ”Led Blink “ function press the enter key ; use the arrow keys to change the functions;
at the end press the enter key to confirm.
Special Parameters
This procedure is composed of 5 programming folders .
DRIFT WARNING - By enabling this function, the control unit generates a signalling when the sensor exceeds
70% of the alarm threshold for more than 5 minutes.
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This signalling can be used as a warning to perform a cleaning of the sensor optical chamber. This function is a
general enable parameter valid for all the control unit points. The DRIFT WARNING function does not replace
the maintenance request signalling, which in any case is always enabled. It is signalled when a sensor detects,
for more than 36 consecutive hours, a value higher than 80 % of the alarm threshold.
2. Enabling display & log in History File the events of modules with SW-Type-ID: NONA
To change one or several parameters in this folder select the parameter through the arrow keys (the
characters of the selected field are in Reverse), press the enter key and use the arrow keys to change
the parameter; at the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
By increasing the values of each parameter, the control unit becomes less sensitive for the Fault signaling for
the Points installed on the lines.
By decreasing the values of each parameter, the control unit becomes more sensitive for the faults signaling for
the Points installed on the lines, moreover the Fault warning message is activated: “Line changed par.”
This TAB is dedicated to the programming of the siren outputs (all devices programmed with SW SND
type). The user can program the following items
• Step 2 Enable
Prints –
Selecting the submenu "Prints" opens the List of functions dedicated to printing events.
The clear function will delete all events in the
historical file
This function allows the display of the events in the
Historical File.
This function disables the storing of all the
events (alarms, Faults, etc.).
By default the Log is enabled.
Select YES / NO
to filter the Type of Events to display
To change one or several parameters in this folder select the parameter through arrow keys (the characters
of the selected field are in Reverse), press the enter key and use the arrow keys to change the
parameter; at the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
Through the “Disable” control (when activated) all new events arriving from both the detection lines and the
keyboard are not stored in the historical file.
In case of History Log was disabled , a System Fault is signalled in the Faults List
the “Disable” function is “NO” by default.
This function will save the History Log file in an USB-MEMORY STICK .
Detectors status
The display shows by default the first device of the first line. To select another device use the function keys.
HW Type
Name = Programmable Text max. 32 char
Status= Detector condition
Analog level: percentage in respect to Alarm level
Sensibility: programmed sensitivity
Groups Status
The display shows by default the first Group. To select another Group use the function keys
Zones Status
The display shows by default the first Zone. To select another Zone use the function keys
Input modules
Active input modules display.
In the case of a line where there are no alarm input modules, the following indication is given:
"No active input module"
In case of no active output modules in a line there will be the following indication shown in the figure below:
“ No Output Module Active”
Firmware Update
This function will upload a new version of the DISPLAY firmware from an USB key inserted in the LCD
This function have to be authorized from Notifier Italia Technical service
By pressing the DISABL function key in System State screen you can access the Disable menu, where
detectors, modules, zones, etc. can be disabled
By selecting the “Display” item the user enter the following menu where devices are displayed by the type:
To display the Disabled device list , select through the arrow keys the type of device, press the enter key
to confirm the selection.
The display shows by default the first device of the first line. To select another device use the function keys.
The display shows by default the first device of the first line. To select another device use the function keys.
System Disable
This procedure is composed of 3 programming folders where the editing function previously explained is
applied to enter data.
Sounder exclusion
To change this parameter in this folder press the enter key and select through the arrow keys “YES”
or “NO” and press the enter key to confirm the datum,
To change this parameter in this folder press the enter key and select through the arrow keys “YES”
or “NO” and press the enter key to confirm the datum
To change this parameter in this folder press the enter key and select through the arrow keys “YES”
or “NO” and press the enter key to confirm the datum.
By pressing the function key TEST in System State, you can access the Test menu which includes the functions
generally used by the servicing personnel to test the system.
To access the menu enter the Level 2 Password (22222 is the default password).
To enter the password consult the editing function previously mentioned in the paragraph description of the
keyboard operation to enter data.
CBE Enabling
By selecting CBE Enable.: YES
in case of alarm from the test zone devices
CBEs associated with them are activated
To change one parameter in this folder select the parameter through the arrow keys (the characters of the
selected field are in Reverse), press the enter key and use the arrow keys to change the parameter;
at the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
Output selection
In the subsequent programming folder the output to be activated in case of alarm from a device of the test zone
is selected.
In the “Select” field you can select one of the following
To change one or several parameters in this folder select the parameter through the arrow keys (the
characters of the selected field are in Reverse), press the enter key and use the arrow keys to change
the parameter; at the end press the enter key to confirm the datum.
By selecting through the arrow keys the Led item and by pressing the enter key to confirm, the control
unit performs the lamp-test function (all the control unit leds flash for some seconds)
By selecting through the arrow keys the LCD item and by pressing the enter key to confirm, the control
unit performs the display test.
During the programming phase, a CBE equation must be associated with each point, zone or group
The CONTROL-BY-EVENT equation allows to program a series of conditions that the control unit will assess
when the Point, the Zone, the Group are ACTIVE, and will perform the programmed operations.
To define these conditions, perform the CBE equation by using some logical operators (OR, AND, XGRP, NOT,
The “ACTIVE” condition is valid when:
To be valid and accepted by the control unit, the control equation must follow some precise syntax rules. If
a syntax errors occurs, the CBE equation is refused.
The logical operators (ex. OR, AND, ...) which are valid for several operands, shall be written by following
this procedure:
The NOT logical operator is valid only for one operand, and shall be written before the corresponding
If several operators are used, the first character of the equation must be a left-hand bracket, and the last
character must be a right-hand bracket.
N.B. : A programmable CBE for output modules, contains the address of the objects which will activate
them, such as: input sensors, input modules or groups. If the module activation must occur for a
combination of various objects, the AND,OR, ect. operators must be used.
A programmable CBE for input sensors and modules, contains the address of the objects to be
activated in case of alarm, which may be output modules or groups. If it is necessary to activate a series
of objects, just re-write them in sequence, without using any operator.
Example : AND(G1G2)OR(G3AND(G4G5))
2 - OR
N.B.: the equation must be written without inserting spaces between the characters to be entered.
To manage the LED output on the sensor the direct CBE (sensors, input modules and groups), will change so
they can be used for the activation of this output on sensor.
If inside C1L1S1 programming the CBE is = (C1L1S2 C1L1S3)
When C1L1S1 is in Alarm, the LEDs outputs on C1L1S2 and C1L1S3 will be ALSO activated.
CBE “Null”:equation
N. B.: for output modules, the control unit does not allow to program an equation if the module has a
TYPE ID for general signalling.
is the operator which requires AT LEAST ONE operator to be ACTIVE.
Example: the output module equation is: OR (G9 G15 G23) or the OR operator can be omitted by entering:
(G9 G15 G23)
If ANY of the three operands in this equation (G9 G15 G23) is in alarm; the output module will be activated, that
is the operator which requires EACH operand to be ACTIVE.
Example: the output module equation is: AND (G9 G15 G23).
Only if ALL THREE operands in this equation are in alarm, the output module will be activated, that is
is the operator which DENIES the operand or the series of operands in brackets, which follow it.
The output module will remain activated until the operand (G23) IS alarmed, that is:
CBE allowed
G21 = (G23 G24)
CBE allowed
G307 = (G305 G306)
is the operator which requires AT LEAST TWO elements of the group indicated below, to be ACTIVE.
- IF ANY COMBINATION of two or several input devices (sensors or modules), which have been programmed
(with their CBE Equation) on this software group (through the Double Consent parameter = YES.), they are
- THEN this output module will be activated.
Or only when a thermal sensor ( type-id “THER”) and an optical sensor (type-id “PHOT” ) which have been programmed
(through their CBE Equation) on this software group (through the Double Consent parameter = NO), are ACTIVE.
- THEN this output module will be activated,
It is not allowed to write an equation of an output module with several groups as in the following
Example: The equation of an output module is: OR (PRE (C1L1S2) PRE (C2L1S10))
If either of the two sensors (L1S2 of the control panel 1 or L1S10 of the control panel 2) is in pre-alarm,
the output module to which the CBE is associated is activated.
Panel N° Loop Detector/Module
Address Address
It is the operator that lets you use the state of a device or zone failure.
Example 1: The equation of an output module is: OR (FLT (C1L1S2) PRE (C2L1S10))
If either one of the two sensors (L1S2 of the control panel 1 or L1S10 of the control panel 2) is in failure
or pre-alarm, the output module to which the CBE is associated is activated.
Example2: The equation of an output module is: OR (FLT (Z1) FLT (Z2))
If any of the two Zones (Z1 or Z2) is faulty, the output module to which the CBE is associated is
It is the operator that allows the disarming of zones and points by activating a programmed input
module programmed with Type-SW "NONA" (does not generate an alarm in the central unit).
Additionally, the DIS operator allows you to recover a zone or point disabled state by activating the
output modules.
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It is the operator that allows to set tone and volume for zone groups via the CBE of inverse groups.
TONE (Zone Volume Range Tone)
Where :
Tone = sound type in range 1 ÷ 33
Volume = volume in range 1 ÷ 4
Range_di_Zone = list of zones to activate the pattern (tone and volume) in Zxxx format: Zyyy
(example Z1: Z10 to indicate zones from zone 1 to zone 10)
It is the operator that allows you to retrieve the silence of the control panel
is the operator which allows to program some activation delays for specific conditions.
The device which has in its CBE equation the “DEL” operator, when its equation is true, waits for the
programmed time before activating.
If during this delay time its equation is not true any longer, the timer resets and is ready to start at the next event
(therefore the output device does not activate)
FORMAT : OF (MM.SS (delay) MM.SS. (duration - optional) (CONDITION) equation which sets the delay
MM = minutes (2 digits), SS = seconds (2 digits)
CONDITION = it can be an equation of the type:
NOT (Element 1...)
OR (Element 1...Element 2...)
AND (Element 1...Element 2..)
Element = it can be GXXX for a group (1 400) - LXX S/MXX for an addressable point
Example 1: if the equation of the G90 software group is DEL(00.30 01.30(G21)) then:
Insert a
space character
Example 2: if the equation of the L2M90 output module is DEL (00.30 00.30 (AND (L1S1 L1S4)))
- After the L1S2 and L1S4 sensors have been in alarm condition for 30 seconds, the L2M90 module will be
active for 30 seconds.
N. B.
If a delay is entered = 00.00, then the equation will be active AS SOON AS the delay start equation
is active, and it is active for the time period specified in “duration”.
Only a DEL operator can exist for each equation
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If the DEL equation duration time is not specified, the equation will be active until the reset of the
elements in the equation.
The maximum value of the duration time is 10 minutes
The maximum values of the delay time is 10 minutes.
The “SEDEL” operator is equal to the “DEL” operator, with the difference that, if during the delay time the
equation is not true any longer, the timer continues to count and then it activates the output device.
To re-set this timer perform an alarm or Fault reset.
is the operator that allows to program output activations at periodic time intervals.
There can be two formats :
Enter a Enter a
space character space character
Example: IF the G90 software group equation is : TIM (SA SU 07.30 13.59)
THEN the G90 group will be active on Saturday and Sunday from 07.30 a.m. to 13.59.
If the day, month or year is not specified, the value assumes the meaning of “All days”.
To not specify anything enter two signs “ “ refer to the following example:
TIM ( 07.30 13.59)
The start time and end time values, use the 24 hour format (midnight = 00.00 ... 23.59)
The value “00.MM” of end time MUST be higher than the value of the start time.
The maximum value for start time and end time is 23:59
The following example points out three ways to perform a simple programming, that is the output module
activation as a response to an alarm on a detector (or any other alarm input device)
The following example shows a method of control unit programming for the general alarm.
The L1M2 output module is associated with the group G1 and will be activated in case of alarm on the L1S1
and L1S2 detectors.
The L1M3 output module is associated with the group G2 and will be activated in case of alarm on the L1S3
detectors or on the L1M1 input module.
The L1M4 output module is used as a general alarm device; it will be activated in case of alarm on any fire
detection device (detector or input module) of the system, because all fire detection devices are associated with
the group G3.
Every care has been taken in the preparation of this data sheet but no liability can be accepted for the use of the information therein. Design features may be changed or amended without prior notice.
M-162.1-AM8200-ENG Rev. A.2 02/2018