The Promotion Mix Benefits Limitations: Per Person
The Promotion Mix Benefits Limitations: Per Person
The Promotion Mix Benefits Limitations: Per Person
promotion Definition Benefits Limitations
Advertising is the Reach a lot of people at Difficulties in measuring its
transmission of paid a relatively low cost effectiveness
messages about an per person.
organisation, brand or
product to a mass
Public relations refers - Credibility - Poor exposure of the
to communications - The significant word- organisation’s public relations
aimed at creating and of-mouth message.
maintaining communications that - A marketing-savvy
Public relationships between can result public is increasingly cynical
Relations the marketing - Low or no cost nature about the motivations of
organisation and its - Effectiveness in businesses when they involve
stakeholders. combating negative themselves in per person.
perceptions or events
Sales promotions Smooth out sales in - Lose effectiveness if overused
offer extra value to periods of low demand - Easily copied
resellers, salespeople and to - The public is becoming
and consumers in a facilitate retailer increasingly cynical about
Sales bid to increase sales. support. whether they offer any real
Promotion They are often used value or whether they just
on an irregular basis highlight that the usual price
to smooth demand. and conditions under which a
product is purchased has a great
deal of extra margin built in.
Personal Personal selling refers - The message can be - Expensive
Selling to personal very specifically and - Limited reach
communication efforts personally tailored to - Efforts at personal selling
that seek to persuade the individual are viewed with increasing
consumers to buy consumer — thus cynicism.
products. having greater
influence than less
personal advertising,
sales promotions and
public relations
- Enables the marketing
message to be
adjusted based on
feedback given by the
target of the selling