Research Shashank o
Research Shashank o
Research Shashank o
Shashank Obulasetti
Professor Hellmers
ENG 1201
Say goodbye to chicken, steak, and pork! Say hello to rice, tofu, and
broccoli! Many would ignore the suggestion to stop eating meat, but what does
one have the other doesn’t? There are millions of people in the world that love to
eat meat. Eating meat dates back to years ago when our ancestors hunted and
cooked the wildlife around them. It helped our ancestors survive by giving them
the energy to grow and protect themselves from predators. Over the years, it
became an important food source because of its heavy amount of calories and
proteins. For these reasons, everyone believes that eating meat has more benefits
than avoiding it. However, the harsh truth is that there are more benefits to a
health by reducing the chances of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other
health problems. Additionally, the plant-based diet is more suitable for the planet
originated in India among the Hindus. It was a part of their religion to show
kill innocent animals and the slaughter would cause more desire to kill
(“Vegetarianism” par. 1). It later spread to other parts of the world and influenced
many famous people we know today. As the years passed, meat became readily
number of people eating meat. More people started to include meat in their diets
First of all, there are more problems associated with a meat-based diet
than a plant-based diet. Eating meat causes health problems such as heart
disease and type 2 diabetes. Several observational studies that researched the
relationship between meat intake and “heart disease have found an increased risk
with processed products” (Spritzler par. 12). Most red meats contain high
amounts of saturated fat that affect the human body negatively. High amounts of
saturated fat increase cholesterol levels. The rise in cholesterol levels causes
damages to the arteries which creates blood clots. Large amounts of cholesterol
increase the risk of heart disease and other problems in the body. The long-term
On the other hand, avoiding meat and having a plant-based diet improves a
person’s life significantly. Health relies on the nutrition from the food that a
person consumes. A poor diet can lead to major health problems because the diet
does not have the nutrients the body needs to thrive. In the “Vegetarian Diets:
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Healthier Than We Thought”, Matt Berger provides results from a study in 2013
limonoids that improve a person’s health (par. 9). These nutrients aid the
immune system by fighting the diseases in the body. Also, plant-based foods give
more fiber to the human body than a meat-based diet. Fiber helps a person’s
health by lowering LDL cholesterol. The decrease in cholesterol decreases the risk
of deadly diseases. Unlike the problems associated with meat, a vegetarian diet
reduces the risks of health problems. By reducing the risk of developing cancer,
Also, there are more problems associated with a meat-based diet than a
plant-based diet. Eating meat can cause health problems such as heart disease
and type 2 diabetes. In his writing on the “Meat Good or Bad?”, Spritzler talks
about a review of 3 studies that explain that daily consumption of meat increased
the risk of developing diabetes by 30% ( par. 15). Most meats contain high levels
of saturated fat and calories that hurt a person’s health. The high amount of
calories causes people to become fat and obese. Being overweight increases the
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chances of developing type 2 diabetes because the body cannot make enough
insulin to reduce the sugar levels in the body. If the body cannot control the sugar
levels, then the chances of developing type 2 diabetes increase. The excess sugar
in the body. The consumption of meat increases the chances of developing health
Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around 800,000 s
die from heart disease each year. This can be reduced if more people change their
health conditions before the experiment and after two weeks of the plant-based
diet. The results displayed that the volunteers had “decreases of 25, 33, 20, and
cholesterol ratio, respectively” (par. 11). The plant-based diet contains many
flavonoids that have properties that reduce the risk of heart disease. These
nutrients help prevent excess cholesterol from forming blood clots in the body. A
25% decrease in total cholesterol could be the difference for a heart attack or
stroke from not occurring. By avoiding meat, the volunteers can significantly
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improve their health. These benefits provide long-term effects in the future and
Fig. 1. This chart shows the percentage of decrease in levels of cholesterol for
volunteers who changed their diets to a vegetarian diet for two weeks (Craig)
meat-based diet. The food that a person eats dictates the person’s mood and
behavior. Worsley Lea, the author of “The factors associated with the belief that
relationship between a plant-based diet and a person’s mood. In her study, she
and their moods. Her data revealed that 85 percent of the participants described
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being content with themselves after eating a vegetarian diet (4). The plant-based
diet is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that reduce stress. The decrease in stress
causes a human to feel happier and content with their life. A vegetarian diet helps
people consume more meat, more animals need to be slaughtered. More land is
used to raise livestock to meet the needs of the people. Instead of using the land
for agriculture, the land is utilized for factories and sheds to kill the harmless
animals. According to PETA in their article on “How does Eating Meat Harm the
Environment”, of all the agricultural land “87 percent is used to raise animals for
food… About 260 million acres of U.S. forest have been cleared” (par. 5). The
majority of the agricultural land is used for livestock, while only a small portion is
used for crops. The 13 percent of the agricultural land in the U.S. is producing
food for the population. It is harmful to the environment because forests are
being cut down to meet the meat demand of the people Deforestation needs to
happen in order to make space to raise livestock for the growing population.
Deforestation is not good for the environment because trees replace carbon
dioxide in the air with oxygen for humans to breathe. By reducing the number of
trees, more carbon dioxide is left in the atmosphere causing damage to our
planet. Global warming is affecting the planet because of the excess carbon
dioxide in our atmosphere. Global warming is the heating of the atmosphere and
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ocean. As the planet warms, more ice caps are melting which causes the ocean
levels to rise. Also, the livestock produces large amounts of waste which damage
the environment. PETA writes that an average pig “generates the same amount of
raw waste as a city of 12,000 people” (par. 4). Large amounts of animal waste are
left untreated. It pollutes nearby rivers which contaminate the water sources. It
could also pollute the groundwater affecting the life that relies on it. As small
animals and fish drink the polluted water, the animals contract diseases and
infections. The animals higher in the food chain eat these infected animals
causing the food chain to be affected. Soon, the food that humans eat can be
vegetarian diet does not include fish or meat, which means that fewer fish and
fewer cattle are being killed. According to the research from “A Vegetarian Diet Is
Better for the Environment: The Vegetarian Society”, a vegetarian diet “requires
meat-based diet” (par. 2). A plant-based diet doesn’t hurt the environment
because it utilizes less land and requires a fewer amount of trees to be cut. The
land utilized for livestock can be used to grow crops for the human population.
World hunger is an important issue that humans across the world are facing and
changing the land from using livestock to growing crops can help make sure more
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people are fed. Also, since fewer trees are being cut, more ecosystems are being
saved. Our atmospheres are safer and cleaner because of the trees replacing the
carbon dioxide with oxygen which would help decrease the effects of climate
increases the slaughter of animal life; while, a plant-based diet doesn’t kill a
single animal. Since fish aren’t killed for a plant-based diet, the food web is not
affected. The ecosystem underwater would be safe from harm and the nearly
early extinct species of marine life would survive and live on for future
generations. Life underwater existed before humans were born. The oceans used
to thrive from life until humans made an impact by hunting and fishing life.
that tries to overpopulate or is dangerous for other marine life (par. 7). Marine
life regulates the ocean’s pollution which helps protect the environment. A
plant-based diet increases the amount of fish in the ocean causing more fish to
help the ecosystem. The coral reefs are protected from overpopulating seaweed
by marine life. Too much seaweed blocks sunlight from entering the depths of the
ocean where other plants need photosynthesis to survive and grow. These plants
provide food and nutrients to the wild ecosystems in the ocean. Thus, a
plant-based diet is more suitable for the environment than a meat-based diet
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because it protects the environment and the ecosystems both above and below
the ground.
On the contrary, there are some benefits that vegetarian diets cannot
Meat” that “Vitamin B12 is only available from animal sources and plays an
important role in digestion” (par. 6). Vegetarian diets are unable to obtain
Vitamin B12, while meat-eaters receive it from meat. Vitamin B-12 is an essential
vitamin that the human body cannot produce. It can only be obtained from eating
red blood cells and helps strengthen nerve cells. Even though there is one benefit
to a meat-based diet, the benefits of the vegetarian diet far outweigh the benefit
obtainable from plants. In the article “7 nutrients That You Can’t Get from
Plants”, Atli Arnarson BSc, Ph.D., writes that “Carnosine is a nutrient found only
in animal-derived foods” (par. 7). Carnosine is a nutrient that aids muscle and
brain function in humans. Since it helps improve brain function, it is used to treat
Alzheimer’s, Autism, and other mental issues. Although this might be a benefit
that a meat-based diet has, Carnosine is a nutrient that the body can naturally
more benefits to a vegetarian diet than one that doesn’t have it. A vegetarian diet
cholesterol. This helps people live longer and healthier. Also, a vegetarian diet is
suitable for the environment because it utilizes less space and keeps the
ecosystem stable. For these reasons, a vegetarian diet is better than a meat-based
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Works Cited
Nutrition, 2008.
“How Does Eating Meat Harm the Environment?” PETA, 1 Mar. 2021,
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Lea E, Worsley A. The factors associated with the belief that vegetarian diets
Rauf, Don. “Why Does a Plant-Based Diet Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes?:
Robinson, Justin. “The Health Benefits of (the Right Kinds of) Meat.” ACE, 12
Oct. 2017,
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Thurber, Rebecca Vega, and Deron Burkepile. “How Fish and Clean Water Can