2019-SOL-APA-2B - Liquids, POM, Thermodynamics, SHM, Waves
2019-SOL-APA-2B - Liquids, POM, Thermodynamics, SHM, Waves
2019-SOL-APA-2B - Liquids, POM, Thermodynamics, SHM, Waves
Illuminati - 2019
Solutions to Advanced Physics Assignment -2B
Liquids, POM, Thermodynamics, SHM & Waves
5.(C) mean free path
2 nd 2
N p
Where, n
V k BT
kB T 2 kB T 2 p1d 2
2 p d 2 1 2 p d 2 k BT1
2 p1 p1 9.5 108 p1
2 1 9.5 106 m
1 p2 p2 p1
6.(B) Relative to liquid, the velocity of sphere is 2v0 (upwards).
Viscous force on sphere = 6r (2V0 ) (downwards) 12rv0 (downwards)
7.(A) Rate of cooling of a body is the ratio of radiation power emitted by body and its heat capacity. As dimensions,
surface material and temperature are equal the radiation power of both spheres will be same but heat capacity of
hollow sphere is less so it will cool at a faster rate.
8.(C) dp gdh gdh
p H mg h
p0 p
0 kT dh p p0 e kT
21.(AD) v1 2 gh v2 2 g h H
1 2
x v1t1 v2t2 and y h gt1
and y h H gt22
The point of intersection will remain at the same place if the level of water in the vessel does not change.
That means Q A1v1 A2v2
or Q a v1 v2 , v1 v2
2 gh 2 g h H , 2 g h H 2 gh
a a
On squaring both sides, we get
Q2 Q
2 gh 2 gH 2
2 gh 2 2 gh
a a
Q Q2 140 1402
2 2 gh 2 2 gH , 2 2 980 h 2 980 50
a a 0.2 (0.2)2
h 40 cm v1 2 980 h 280 cms 1
and v2 2 980 40 50 420 cms1
v2 420 3
t1 t2 t2 t2
v1 280 2
1 9 1
y 40 980 t22 40 50 980t22
2 4 2
1 5 4 2
980 t22 50 t2 s
2 4 49 7
3 3
t1 s x v1t1 280 120 cm
7 7
1 1 9
and y h gt12 40 980 130 cm
2 2 49
1 F 1 F
22.(ABCD) f0
2L 2L A
Where, F = tension
mass per unit length
Stress Y (Strain) Y Y Y
1 Y 1
f0 f0 Y
2L L
23.(BCD) Due to the pseudo force on block (considered external) its mean position will shift to a distance mg/K
above natural length of spring as net force now is mg in upward direction. So total distance of block from
new mean position is 2mg/K which will be the amplitude of oscillations hence option (C) is correct.
During oscillations spring will pass through the natural length hence option (D) is correct As block is
oscillating under spring force and other constant forces which do not affect the SHM frequency hence
option (B) is correct.
25.(BD) r r 1 T
d d 1 T
The total length will also increase 1 T
As length and radius increases by same factor, their ratio (angle) remains same.
k k
30.(ABC) ' ; v1 x0
m1 m1 m2
k m1
' A' x0 ; A' x0
m1 m2 m1 m2
31.(B) Since the vessel network is symmetrical, flow in a vessel of level i + 1 is half the flow in a vessel of
level i.
N 1 N 1
In this way, we can sum the pressure differences in all levels : P Qi Ri Q0 2ii
i0 i0
N 1 n 1 4i / 3
8 8 0 2 8 0
Introducing the radii dependences yields P Q0 2i ir 4 Q0
2i 2i / 3 Q0 N r04
i 0 i i 0
Therefore Q0 P
8 N 0
Hence, the flow rate for a vessel network in level i is Qi P
2i 3 N 0
32.(C) Replace values in the formula and change units appropriately
Pr04 (55 30) 1.013 105 3.1415 (6.0 105 )4
Q0 3 3
4 1010 m3 s
8 N 0 760 48 2.0 10 3.5 10
To obtain the final value in the requested units : Q0 1.5 m / h
V V1 f '' f 0
33.(B) f '' f 0 , V 1050 0.1
f 0
f '' f 0 2V1
f0 V V1
V1 50 m/sec.
V 50 V V2
f '' f ' f ' f0
2 V 50
(V V2 ) (V0 50)
f '' f 0 1.21 f 0 [21% greater then sent waves]
(V V ) (V 50
Get V2 50 m/sec toward Indian submarine.
V wrt to observer V V2 V 50
35.(B) '
f' (V V2 ) f0
(V 50)
V 50 (V V2 )(V 50)
(V V2 ) (V 50) f 0 (V V2 )
(V V2 ) (V 50
' V1 V2 1050 50
'' V V2 1050 50
On the right hand side we have used the assumption that the velocity of gases in the furnace is negligible
(and Smoke g 0 ).
We are interested in the minimal height at which the chimney will operate. The pressure of smoke at the
top of the chimney has to be equal or larger than the pressure of air at altitude h ; for minimal height of
the chimney we have pSmoke (h) p (h) . In the furnace we can use pSmoke () p (0) . The Bernoulli
law applied in the furnace and at the top of the chimney (Eq. (2)] now reads.
Smoke v(h) 2 Smoke gh p (h) p (0) (3)
From this we get : v(h) 2 gh Air 1 (4)
v ( h) (5)
B2 1 1
Form which we have h (6)
A2 2 g 1
44.(C) We can treat the smoke in the furnace as an ideal gas (which is at atmospheric pressure P(0) and
temperature Tsmoke. If the air was at the same temperature and pressure it would have the same density
according to our assumptions. We can use this to relate the ratio Air / Smoke to TSmoke / TAir , that is,
Air T
Smoke , and finally (7)
Smoke TAir
B2 1 TAir B 2 1 TAir
h (8)
A2 2 g TSmoke TAir A2 2 g T
For minimal height of the chimney we use the equality sign.
(30 273)
h(30) (400) (30)
; h(30) 145 m (9)
h(30) (30 273)
400 (30)
45.(B) The velocity is constant,
v 2 gh Air 1 2 gh Smoke 1 2 gh (10)
Smoke TAir TAir
This can be seen from the equation of continuity Av = const. ( Smoke is constant). It has a sudden jump
from approximately zero velocity to this constant value when the gases enter the chimney from the
furnace. In fact, since the chimney operates at minimal height this constant is equal to B, that is v = B/A.
pSmoke ( z ) p (0) ( Air Smoke ) gh Smoke gz (11)
Thus the pressure of smoke suddenly changes as it enters the chimney from the furnace and acquires
Fr (2gh) (2gx)) 2 Rdx
3h 2
4gh 6Rgh 2
Total = 9Rgh 2
(D) FBuoyancy pR 2 hg 2R 2 hg 3R 2 gh
49. [A-Q] [B-P] [C-S] [D-R] Analyse using circular motion analogy.
50. [A-Q] [B-S] [C-R] [D-R] Use :
51.(2) As temperature changes by T , new length l and moment of inertia I are given as :
l l (1 T ) I I (1 2T )
Thus new time period is
I I (1 2T )1/ 2
T 2 2
mgl mgl (1 T )1/ 2
As T 1 , using binomial approximate we get
I 1 I 1 I
T 2 1 T change in period is T T 2 T T
mgl 2 mgl 2 mgl
From equation (iii) we get A2 A1 (v)
By (iv) and (v) we get A1 x0
21 25 1 46 k
Ans. A1 x0 ; A2 x0 ; f
46 46 2 35 m
c 1
53.(66.36) First resonance occurs when v fork ; where 1 is the length of air column in the tube 1 m
4 1 4
c 3
Second resonance occurs when v fork 3 2 m
4 2 4
1 3
So, first resonance occurs when water level in the pipe is 1 m and second resonance at
4 4
3 1
1 m.
4 4
When water level in h,
dh a
Au a 2 gh 2 gh
dt A
4 t
dh a A 3 1
3 h
2 g dt t
a 2g
(2 102 ) 2 400 200(0.73) 730
t 3 2
( 3 1) (1.73 1) 66.36 s
(1 10 ) 20 2 5 2.2 11
54.(3) Given that from graph
mVm2 15 103 Vm 0.150 m / s
A 0.150 m / s L m , 0.150 m / s
0.150 0.150
gL 3
L 1.5 m
100 10 0.1
(1 2 T )
55. sin 30
2 (1 1T )
sin 30 cos cos30 sin (1 2 T ) (1 1T ) 1
2 2 2
is very small : cos 1, sin
2 2 2
1 3 1 3
(1) 1 ( 2 1 ) T T
2 2 2 2 2( 2 1 )
4T 4 3 2 4T 4 3
P0 r P0 R
r 3 2 0 R 3
0 V 2 R
P0 ( R3 r 3 ) 4T ( R 2 r 2 )
59. As shown in figure if at time t 0, gas temperature is T1 and after time t, its
temperature is T, heat will be conducted through the walls of container, the rate of
heat conducted to outside surrounding can be written as
dQ k (6a 2 )
T T0 ... (i)
dt x
If dQ heat is conducted outside in a time dt and due to this if the temperature of
gas falls by dT, we have
dQ nCv dt [As volume of container is constant]
nR R
or dQ dT [as CV ] ... (ii)
1 1
60. (i) According to the first law of thermodynamics, the amount of heat transmitted dQ to the gas in the
bubble is found as dQ nCV dT pdV
1 dQ p dV
where the molar heat capacity at arbitrary process is as follows C CV
n dt n dT
Here CV stands for the molar heat capacity of the gas at constant volume, p designates its pressure, n
is the total amount of moles of gas in the bubble, V and T denote the volume and temperature of the
gas, respectively.
According to the Laplace formula, the gas pressure inside the bubble is defined by p
Thus, the equation of any equilibrium process with the gas in the bubble is a polytrope of the form
p3V const
The equation of state of an ideal gas has the form pV = nRT and hence equation T 3V 2 const
dV 3V
Differentiating the derivative with respect to temperature sought is found as
dT 2T
Taking into account that the molar heat capacity of a diatomic gas at constant volume is C V R
and using it is finally obtained that C CV R 4 R
(ii) Since the heat capacity of the gas is much smaller than the heat capacity of the soap film, and there is
heat exchange between them, the gas can be considered as isothermal since the soap film plays the
role of thermostat. Consider the fragment of soap film, limited by the angle as shown in the figure.
It’s area is found as : S (ar ) 2
And the corresponding mass is obtained as m Sh .
Let x be an increase in the radius of the bubble, then the Newton second law for the fragment of the
soap film mentioned above takes the form mx pS Fsurf .
Where Fsurf denotes the projection of the resultant surface tension force acting in the radial direction,
p stands for the gas pressure beneath the surface of the soap film and S S 1 2 .
Fsurf is easily found as Fsurft FST 2 2[r x) ]
Since the gaseous process can be considered isothermal, it is written that
pV pV
Assuming that the volume increase is quite small,
1 1 3x
p p 3
p P 1
x 3 x r
1 1
r r
Thus, from (B . 10) – (B . 16) and (B . 3) the equation of small oscillations of the soap film is derived
8 8
as hx 2 x . With the frequency
r hr 2