Electrostatic Lens (10 Points) : Theory
Electrostatic Lens (10 Points) : Theory
Electrostatic Lens (10 Points) : Theory
English (Official)
(1 + 𝑥)𝜀 ≈ 1 + 𝜀𝑥 + 𝜀(𝜀 − 1)𝑥2 , when 𝑥 ≪ 1.
A.1 Calculate the electrostatic potential Φ(𝑧) along the axis of the ring at a 𝑧 distance 0.3pt
from its center (point A in Figure 1).
A.2 Calculate the electrostatic potential Φ(𝑧) to the lowest non-zero power of 𝑧, as- 0.4pt
suming 𝑧 ≪ 𝑅.
A.3 An electron (mass 𝑚 and charge −𝑒) initially at the center of the ring is moved 0.2pt
along the 𝑧-axis by 𝑧 ≪ 𝑅. What is the force acting on the electron? Looking at
the expression of the force, determine the sign of 𝑞 so that the resulting motion
would correspond to oscillations.
English (Official)
B.2 An electron, initially at the center of the ring, is moved in the 𝑥𝑦 plane by a dis- 0.2pt
tance 𝑟 ≪ 𝑅. What is the force acting on the electron? Looking at the expres-
sion of the force, determine the sign of 𝑞 so that the resulting motion would
correspond to harmonic oscillations.
Part C. The focal length of the idealized electrostatic lens: instantaneous charging (2.3
A young physicist Billie intends to build a device to focus electrons—an electrostatic lens. For this purpose
Billie comes up with the following construction. Like in parts A and B, the ring is situated perpendicularly
to the 𝑧-axis as shown in Figure 2. Billie has a source that produces on-demand packets of non-relativistic
electrons. Kinetic energy of these electrons is 𝐸 = 𝑚𝑣2 /2 and they leave the source at precisely controlled
moments. Billie programs the system so that the ring is charge-neutral most of the time, but its charge
becomes 𝑞 when electrons are closer than a distance 𝑑/2 (𝑑 ≪ 𝑅) from the plane of the ring (shaded re-
gion in Figure 2, called “active region”). In part C we will assume that charging and de-charging processes
are instantaneous. We will also neglect the influence of magnetic fields and assume that the velocity of
electrons in the 𝑧-direction is constant.
C.1 Determine the focal length 𝑓 of this lens. Assume that 𝑓 ≫ 𝑑. Express your 1.3pt
answer in terms of the constant 𝛽 from question B.1 and other known quanti-
ties. Assume that the electron packet is parallel to the 𝑧-axis and electrons are
paraxial (the maximal distance of electrons from the 𝑧-axis is 𝑟 ≪ 𝑅). The sign
of 𝑞 should be chosen so that the lens is focusing.
In reality the electron source is placed on the 𝑧-axis at a distance 𝑏 > 𝑓 from the center of the ring.
Consider that electrons are no longer parallel to the 𝑧-axis but are emitted from a point source at a
range of different angles 𝛾 ≪ 1 to the 𝑧-axis. Electrons will be focused in a point situated at a distance 𝑐
from the center of the disk.
C.2 Find 𝑐 by solving kinematic equations. Express your answer in terms of the 0.8pt
constant 𝛽 from question B.1 and other known quantities.
English (Official)
d𝑥 cos 𝑥 + 1
∫ = − ln ∣ ∣ + const
sin 𝑥 sin 𝑥
∫√ = ln ∣𝑥 + √1 + 𝑥2 ∣ + const.
1 + 𝑥2
D.1 Calculate the capacitance 𝐶 of the ring. Consider that the ring has a finite width 2.0pt
2𝑎 but remember that 𝑎 ≪ 𝑅.
When electrons reach the “active region”, the ring is connected to a source of constant voltage 𝑉0 (Fig-
ure 3). When electrons pass the “active region”, the voltage source is disconnected and the ring is con-
nected to the ground. The resistance of contacts is 𝑅0 and the resistance of the ring itself can be ne-
D.2 Determine the dependence of the charge on the ring as a function of time, 𝑞(𝑡), 1.0pt
and make a schematic plot of this dependence. Assume that 𝑡 = 0 corresponds
to a time moment when electrons are at the plane of the ring. What is the
charge on the ring 𝑞0 when the absolute value of the charge is maximum? The
capacitance of the ring is 𝐶 (i.e., you do not have to use the actual expression
found in D.1).
Remark: the drawn polarity in Figure 3 is for indicative purposes only. The sign
should be chosen so that the lens is focusing.
English (Official)
E.1 Find the focal length 𝑓 of the lens. Assume that 𝑓/𝑣 ≫ 𝑅0 𝐶, but 𝑑/𝑣 and 𝑅0 𝐶 are 1.7pt
of the same order of magnitude. Express your answer in terms of the constant 𝛽
from part B (without using its actual value, determined in B.1) and other known
E.2 You will see, that the result for 𝑓 is similar to that obtained in part C, whereby 0.3pt
the value 𝑞 is substituted with 𝑞eff . What is the value of 𝑞eff ?