BSBSUS401 Appendix A Environmental Sustainability Policy
BSBSUS401 Appendix A Environmental Sustainability Policy
BSBSUS401 Appendix A Environmental Sustainability Policy
Acumen Restaurant commits itself to minimising its impact on our environment through
Providing a safe and healthful workplace;
Having an environmentally sustainable aware culture, where responsibility is assigned and
Being an environmentally responsible neighbour in our community;
Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling;
Using, in our own operations, processes that do not adversely affect the environment;
Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organisation;
Participating in efforts to improve environmental protection and understanding;
Taking steps to improve environmental performance continually;
Conducting rigorous audits, evaluations, and self-assessments of the implementation of this
Enhancing awareness among our employees and customers – educating and motivating them
to act in an environmentally responsible manner
Encouraging our employees to work collaboratively to arrive at solutions to use resources in
their own work roles most efficiently.
Acumen Restaurant will:
1. use all reasonable endeavors to meet or exceed all applicable government requirements and
voluntary requirements
2. use reasonable endeavors to conduct audits and self-assessments of its compliance with this
policy and continually improve its environmental management system
3. maintain an open and honest dialogue with staff, volunteers, stakeholders, and the public
about the environmental, health and safety performance of its operations and services.
4. use reasonable endeavors to ensure that every employee, volunteer and contractor is
informed of and expected to follow this policy and to report any environmental, health, or
safety concern to management so that prompt action may be taken.
5. develop guidelines for staff, volunteers and users to adopt sound environmental work
practices, and adequate training will be provided to ensure these practices are carried out.
6. act responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the
7. promptly report any such incidents to the relevant authorities, and inform affected parties as
8. use reasonable endeavours to, reuse and recycle materials, purchase recycled materials, and
use recyclable packaging and other materials.
9. use all reasonable endeavors to that its services and products are safe, efficient in their use
of energy, protective of the environment, and able to be reused, recycled or disposed of
10. use all reasonable endeavors to minimise materials and energy use, prevent air, water, and
other pollution, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
11. use all reasonable endeavors to conserve energy by improving energy efficiency and giving
preference to renewable over non-renewable energy sources when feasible.
12. use reasonable endeavors to, utilise its particular knowledge and experience to contribute to
environmentally sustainable techniques, technology, knowledge and methods.
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13. use all reasonable endeavors to contribute to the maintenance and increase of biodiversity
through its management of its landholdings.
14. demonstrate company and management commitment to sustainability measures to engage
all staff to act sustainably, by providing incentive programs and rewards to employees who
actively participate in efficiency and sustainability; incentives may include
provide a company mug to all employees with ‘green’ branding
provide a reusable carrying bag with the company logo to all employees
offer public transportation incentives to employees, i.e., discounts or make travel
passes available pre-tax
impromptu small rewards, such as movie tickets, gift vouchers, staff lunch or dinner
to celebrate achievements, etc.
15. wherever possible, give preferences to products and suppliers that are:
Australian produced and made
greenhouse friendly certified
recycled post-consumer content
GREENING THE MENU- Provide local, organic and vegetarian menu options to reduce
environmental impact
REDUCE PACKAGING- Choose foods and other products with little or no packaging. When
food is purchased in packaging ensure it is made of recycled content and is recyclable.
USE REUSABLE - Avoid disposables and use reusable cutlery, cups, glasses, plates and
GET CONSUMERS INVOLVED - Ask customers to bring their own clean take-away food and
drink containers and provide $1 discount for take-away food containers and $0.50 discount
for take-away drink containers.
STORE FOODS APPROPRIATELY - Store foods adequately to increase shelf life and in reusable
containers, not disposable plastic.
REDUCE WASTE - Only supply bags/serviettes/takeaway containers if a customer directly asks
and only provide those made of recycled content and that are recyclable.
SUPPORT FAIRTRADE - Demonstrate commitment by prioritising and promoting Fairtrade
RAISE AWARENESS - Inform customers about the measures taken in menus, on a website, on
packaging and at the point of sale.
Minimise Waste
o Purchasing decisions must be made in the context of the waste hierarchy to
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- functions or tasks should be carried out without using materials that
generate waste eg. send information electronically instead of on paper
- where practical and cost effective, products will be ordered in appropriate
quantities to avoid having to dispose of obsolete products
- biodegradable products should be used wherever possible eg. compostable
paper plates
- use less in the first place and avoid waste eg. purchase in bulk to reduce
packaging waste
- ensure that new purchases are durable, have a long service life and are easy
to maintain, repair and upgrade.
- equipment purchased or rented are to be compatible, whenever practicable,
with the use of recycled-content or re-manufactured products (e.g.
photocopy machines- recycled/ recyclable toner cartridges, recycled content
- products should contain high percentages of recycled content (>80%?)
wherever possible
- paper should be purchased with at least 50% recycled content, preferably
sourced from post consumer waste
- choose products which can be recycled at the end of their life
- recycle goods wherever possible; investigate recycling schemes available
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o cost benefit analysis (using the benefit: cost ratio of~ benefits/ (investment + operating
costs)) may need to be undertaken on larger purchases to ascertain whether larger
upfront purchase costs of materials or equipment is then offset by lower running and
maintenance costs; the calculated benefit: cost ratio should be over 1.
Code of Ethics
<Signature of CEO>
<Name of CEO>
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