Maharashtra - Tourist Survey Findings (2014-2015)
Maharashtra - Tourist Survey Findings (2014-2015)
Maharashtra - Tourist Survey Findings (2014-2015)
1 Floor, 361, Patparganj Industrial Area, New Delhi-110092 (India)
Phone: 91-11-22158819 Email:
Following the methodology in previous Section, the four different types of survey, namely,
enumeration and short survey at destinations, exit survey at exit point(s) at district
headquarters and accommodation unit survey were conducted during the period July 2014 to
June 2015. The survey data were tabulated following the approved tabulation program
and estimates of various parameters were made as per estimation procedure approved by the
government. Coverage of various surveys under the present assignment is presented at Table 1.
Sample Size
Per Annum Aggregate
S. No. Survey Type Per Month per Per Quarter per for
district district per State (35
district district)
1 Short Survey 600 1800 7200 252000
2 Exit Point Survey - 400 1600 56000
Accommodation Survey
3 - Census# -
Classified AUs – Covered All
Non-Classified AUs – 10% of each category
Accommodation Survey
4 I. Having more than 20 rooms
II. Having 10-20 rooms
III. Having less than 10 rooms
# Total Number of Census Accommodation in Maharashtra = 4773
Table 2 gives the month-wise details of domestic and foreign tourist visits during the
year 2014 – 2015 at the tourist destinations. In case of Domestic Tourists; the survey findings
suggest that peak months for overnight and same day tourist visits were November (16956400)
and October 2014 (15033500) and May 2015 (14681622). Overall, lowest number of visits by
domestic tourists was measured during the months of September 2014 and February 2015. In
case of Foreign Tourists, the survey findings suggest that peak months for overnight and same
day tourist visits were May 2015 (413837), June 2015 (325559) and October 2014 (321884).
Overall, lowest number of visits by foreign tourists was measured during the months of July and
August 2014. Destination wise visits by domestic and foreign tourists is given in Annexure– V.
District wise visits by overnight and same day domestic and foreign Tourists is given in
Annexure -VI
Table 3 gives the details of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Overnight and Same Day
Visitors. In the case of overnight visitors, the survey findings suggest that total numbers of non-
leisure tourists (42555029) were higher than leisure tourists (26203469) during the year 2014-
2015. The highest (3064833) number of leisure domestic tourists visited Maharashtra during
the month of April 2015, whereas the maximum (4303007) number of non-leisure tourists
visited the state during the month of January. Furthermore, In the case of same day visitors the
survey findings suggest that the total numbers of leisure tourists (110969346) were higher than
non-leisure visitors (98711166) during the year 2014-2015. The maximum (11345113) number
of leisure same day tourists visited Maharashtra during the month of November, whereas
maximum (12916208) number of non-leisure tourists visited during the month of December.
The district wise distribution of overnight and same day visitors (both domestic and foreign) is
given in Annexure -VII
Table 3 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Same Day Visitors
Overnight Same day
Leisure Non-Leisure Total Leisure Non-Leisure Total
July 1663956 2034467 3698423 9194813 5320830 14515643
August 962563 2872956 3835519 9094044 4553026 13647070
September 1417059 3121686 4538745 9805378 5234536 15039914
October 1481252 3268142 4749394 10374152 5572222 15946374
November 1944903 3364333 5309236 11345113 6094348 17439461
December 2045737 3414137 5459874 8295594 12916208 21211802
January 2718427 4303007 7021434 8831161 10594479 19425640
February 2358970 3746588 6105558 8032245 9648147 17680392
March 2717297 4242168 6959465 8529771 10268900 18798671
April 3064833 4110962 7175795 9388770 9848163 19236933
May 3048721 4224652 7273373 9456288 9792104 19248392
June 2779751 3851931 6631682 8622017 8928205 17550222
Total 26203469 42555029 68758498 110969346 98771168 209740514
Fig 1 Leisure and Non-Leisure Domestic Tourists and Same Day Visitors
Table 4 gives the details of leisure and non-leisure foreign overnight and Same Day
Visitors. In the case of overnight visitor the survey findings suggest that total numbers of leisure
tourists (2345399) were higher than non-leisure tourists (264554) during the year 2014- 2015.
The highest (245730) number of leisure tourists visited Maharashtra during the month of
January, 2014 and the highest (57230) number of non-leisure tourists came in August, 2014.
Table 4 Total Number of Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors
Overnight Same day
Leisure Non-Leisure Total Leisure Non-Leisure Total
July 109966 40892 150858
August 112814 57230 170044
September 198518 14505 213023
October 211561 15082 226643
November 231424 19581 251005
December 245460 20025 265485
January 245730 20058 265788 Visitors were not found in the survey
February 201619 16127 217746
March 203681 15321 219002
April 214522 16243 230765
May 197621 15143 212764
June 172483 14347 186830
Total 2345399 264554 2609953
Fig 2 Leisure and Non-Leisure Foreign Tourists
Table 5 gives the details of domestic and foreign tourists and day visitors for the state of
Maharashtra. Maximum (7273373) number of domestic overnight tourists visited Maharashtra
during the month of April, whereas maximum (265788) number of foreign tourists visited this
state during the month of December. Furthermore, maximum (21211802) number of domestic
same day visitor visited Maharashtra during the month of November and there were no same
day foreign visitor during the year 2014 –2015
Table 5 Total Number of Domestic and Foreign Tourists and Day Visitors
No. of Tourist No. of same day visitors
Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total
July 3698423 150858 3849281 14515643 14515643
August 3835519 170044 4005563 13647070 13647070
September 4538745 213023 4751768 15039914 15039914
October 4749394 226643 4976037 15946374 15946374
November 5309236 251005 5560241 17439461 17439461
December 5459874 265485 5725359 21211802 21211802
January 7021434 265788 7287222 19425640 19425640
February 6105558 217746 6323304 17680392 17680392
March 6959465 219002 7178467 18798671 18798671
April 7175795 230765 7406560 19236933 19236933
May 7273373 212764 7486137 19248392 19248392
June 6631682 186830 6818512 17550222 17550222
Total 68758498 2609953 71368451 209740514 209740514
Table 6 gives the distribution of place of stay for domestic tourists. The survey findings
suggest that hotel was first choice for the domestic tourists, followed by staying at
friends/relatives place and staying elsewhere. During the month of May maximum number
(5921041) of domestic tourists selected hotels for the stay. In November, maximum number
(850869) of domestic tourists selected friends/relative’s place for the stay and also maximum
(956770) number of tourist reported that they stayed elsewhere.
Table 6 Distribution of Domestic Tourists by Place of Stay
Domestic Tourists
Staying at
Month Staying
Staying at Hotel Friends / Total
July 2366964 591762 739697 3698423
August 2476834 604010 754675 3835519
September 2914740 722176 901829 4538745
October 3049504 757178 942712 4749394
November 3501597 850869 956770 5309236
December 3976387 829470 654017 5459874
January 5592439 727794 701201 7021434
February 4801717 683378 620463 6105558
March 5636070 742076 581319 6959465
April 5728616 807467 639712 7175795
May 5921041 755901 596431 7273373
June 5472334 647299 512049 6631682
Total 51438243 8719380 8600875 68758498
Table 8 gives the details of number of accommodation units, availability of rooms, beds
and number of persons staying at accommodation units as per survey of Accommodation Units. The
survey findings suggest that maximum (6451900) number of guests and also the maximum
number (6238831) of domestic tourists stayed in May 2015. Highest number (266109) of
foreigners stayed in December 2014. District-wise distribution of visitors stayed in
accommodation units, bed night spent, average duration of stay and occupancy rate are given
in Annexure- VIII.
Table 8 No. of accommodation units, Rooms Available and No. of Guests Stayed
No. of Guests Stayed
Age distribution of sample domestic visitors is given in Table 9. The sample sizes of the
three groups are 13697 domestic overnight, 41783 domestic same day and 520 foreign
overnight visitors. Most of the domestic visitors (94.1%) were interviewed at the bus station or
railway station. Nearly 38% of the foreigners were interviewed at their place of stay.
The survey findings suggest that most of the male and female domestic overnight as
well as same day visitors are in the age category of 25-44 years. Only very small proportion of
domestic same day visitors is of 60 or more years of age.
Age distribution of sample foreign visitors is given in Table 11. The survey findings
suggest that majority (74%) of foreign overnight male visitors is aged 25 – 44 years and the
corresponding Fig for females is 72.1.
Details of marital status of sample visitors are given in Table 13. The survey findings
suggest that maximum domestic and foreign visitors were married, 75.3% overnight visitors,
50.2% same day visitors and79.6% of foreign visitors were married.
Table 14 shows the tourists’ companions for their travel. The highest proportion (37.3%)
of domestic overnight tourists travelled with their family and friends and the same day visitors
(39.2%) travelled with their friend. Among the foreign tourists, the highest proportion (43.7%)
came with their family.
The number of persons accompanied the visitors who came in groups is presented in Table
15.About three fourth of the foreigners were accompanied by one or two or three persons.
Majority of the overnight domestic visitors came with 4-5 persons and the highest proportion
(37.8%) for same day visitors is with 3 or less persons.
Table 16 Gender & Age Distribution of the Companions of the Sample Visitors (%)
Characteristics Domestic Overnight Domestic Same Day Foreign
Male 52.3 67.8 48.9
Female 47.7 32.2 51.1
Age in Years
<20 6.7 1.3 3.7
21-30 35.2 43.5 39.1
31-40 34.6 37.9 27.4
41-50 11.4 14.1 21.2
51+ 12.1 3.2 8.6
Total 100 100 100
Table 16 shows the gender and age distribution of the companions of the visitors. More than
three fourth of the same day visitors and around half of the overnight domestic and foreign
visitors came with males. The highest proportions of the three groups have companions with
age between 21 and 30 years.
Table 17 Number of nights spent in that place (%)
Companion Domestic Overnight Foreign
1 65.8 46.9
2 29.5 52.7
3 or more 4.7 0.4
Total 100 100
Table 17 shows the number of nights the visitor spent in that location. Nearly 66% of the
domestic spent one night while 62.7% of the foreigners spent two nights in that location.
Details of annual household income of the sample domestic visitors are given in Table 18. The
survey findings suggest that majority (62.2%) of the domestic overnight visitors had an annual
household income of Rs,200001/- and above and 66.3% of the domestic same day visitors were
coming under the household annual income range of Rs.1,00,001 – Rs.5,00,000.
Details of annual household income of the sample foreign visitors are given in Table 19.
The survey findings suggest that maximum (71.2%) of the foreign overnight visitors were
coming under the household annual income range of $.60, 001 – $.80, 000.
Table 19 Household income of the Sample Foreign Visitors (%)
Household annual income Foreign Overnight Visitors
Less than $.60,000 6.4
$.60,001 – $.80,000 71.2
$.80,001 – $.1,00,000 20.6
Above $.1,00,000 1.8
Total 100
Details of educational level of sample visitors are given in Table 20. The survey findings
suggest that maximum number of domestic overnight, domestic same day visitors and foreign
overnight visitors had an educational level of graduation and above. The second highest is higher
secondary education for domestic visitors and technical and professional for the foreign visitors.
Details of occupation pattern of sample visitors are given in Table 21. The survey
findings suggest that maximum (23.7%) of the domestic overnight visitor’s occupation is
business, whereas in the case of domestic same day visitors, the highest proportion (23.4%) of
the respondents are student/researcher. Among the foreign overnight visitors, the highest
proportion (30.4%) is self employed.
Details of purpose of visit by sample visitors are given in Table 22. The survey finding
suggest that majority (43.5%) of the domestic overnight visitors, 51.2% of the same day visitors
and 62.8% of foreigners visited Maharashtra in their Holidays, Leisure & Recreation. Nearly one
third of the domestic overnight visitors visited Maharashtra for religious purpose. In the case of
foreign overnight visitors 17.4%of them visited Maharashtra for business.
Details of mode of transportation selected by sample visitors are given in Table 23. The
survey finding suggest that 36.4% of the domestic overnight visitors selected train as mode of
transportation, whereas most (48.2%) of the domestic same day visitors selected their own
vehicle as mode of transportation. In the case of foreign overnight visitors, 49.4% of them selected
taxi as the mode of transportation.
Details of travel behavior of sample visitors are given in Table 24. The survey findings
suggest that most of the domestic overnight visitors (70.2%) and domestic same day visitors
(51.6%) were traveling once in a year, whereas 79% foreign overnight visitors were traveling less
Details of propensity of availing package tour of sample visitors are given in Table 25.
Majority of the domestic overnight visitors (97.4%) and same day visitors (99.2%) were not
availing tour package. On the other hand, 90.3% of the foreign overnight visitors were availing
tour package.
Details of travel arrangement mode of sample visitors are given in Table 26. Majority of
the domestic overnight visitors (91.3%), same day visitors (90.5%) and 51.2% of the foreign
visitors were arranging the travel mode by themselves. Also 43.1% of the foreign overnight
visitors were arranging the travel mod with the help of travel agents.
Details of distribution of visitor by their preferred eating place of sample visitors are given in
Table 28. Restaurants were the major eating place for majority of the visitors. Friends & relatives
were the second preferred eating place for domestic overnight visitors and domestic same day
visitors, while foreign visitors preferred fast food outlet.
Details of satisfaction level of services by sample domestic overnight visitors are given in
Table 29. Majority of the domestic overnight visitors were satisfied most of the services. Very
few were completely dissatisfied with the upkeep of tourist places and tariff of accommodation
Table 30 Satisfaction level of services by Sample Domestic Same day Visitors (%)
Domestic Same day Visitors
Parameters Highly Completely
Satisfied but not Unsatisfied
Satisfied dissatisfied
Availability of Tour
0 61.3 31.5 17.2 0
Availability of
4.8 67.5 27.7 0 0
Availability of Tourist
16.2 65.2 18.6 0 0
Public Convenience 13.4 72.6 8.3 2.1 3.6
Eating Places 26.7 47.2 21.4 3.4 1.3
Information Centers 5.8 65.4 21.6 7.2 0
Souvenir Shops 0 71.4 28,6 0 0
Entertainment Places 43.7 50.7 5.6 0 0
Quality of Roads 0 27 70 0 0
Security 0 59.3 21.1 19.6 0
Behavior of Local People 42.5 55.6 1.9 0 0
Shops other than souvenir 2.6 76.6 20.8 0 0
Upkeep of tourist sites 5.2 65.4 28.1 1.3 0
Quality of Information 32.6 54.2 10.7 2.5 0
Details of satisfaction level of services by sample foreign overnight visitors are given in
Table 31. Most of the foreign overnight visitors were satisfied with all parameters.
Details of expectation level of their visit to district /state of sample visitors are given in
Table 32. Most of the domestic overnight visitors (89.4%), domestic same day visitors (91.5%) and
foreign overnight visitors (92.6%) selected the option “As per expectation”. Only a very small
proportion had the opinion worse or much worse than their expectation.
Table 35 shows the average expenditure on package component of packaged tour of domestic
and foreign tourists. The total expenditure for all facilities for all the two groups is not very
Table 36 Average Expenditure on non-package component of Sample Visitors
Non-Package Component Avg. Expenditure of Avg. Expenditure of Avg. Expenditure of
Domestic Same Day Foreign
Accommodation 1045 0 3436
Food & Drinks 596 451 1478
Transport 357 284 1077
Shopping 536 318 1398
Recreation, Leisure & 272 198 392
Cultural Activities
TOTAL 2806 1251 7781
Table 38 States/ UTs visited during the last two years (%) before this visit
Name of the State / UTs Domestic Foreign
Andhra Pradesh 10.7 3.8
Bihar 3.5 1.6
Delhi 7.5 11.5
Goa 2.3 8.5
Gujarat 6.5 2.7
Jammu Kashmir 2.6 1.3
Karnataka 8.2 8.4
Kerala 3.2 5.7
Maharashtra 4.3 3.5
Maharashtra 11.5 9.7
Odisha 1.6 1.3
Punjab 2.4 2.3
Rajasthan 3.5 7.2
Tamilnadu 10.1 10.3
Uttar Pradesh 9.8 8.1
Uttarakhand 2.3 1.3
West Bengal 4.3 6.7
Others 2.1 2.7
None 3.6 3.4
Total 100 100
Table 38 shows the visitors travel habits before the present visits. More domestic tourists
visited Andhra Pradesh, Delhi and Tamil Nadu, while more foreigners visited Delhi and Tamil
Table 39 Compare experience of visiting this State with the last State/ UT visited (%)
Opinion Domestic Foreign
This State Destination is better managed 72.9 73.3
Infrastructure better in this State 87.1 90.4
People in tourism related sector more hospitable 55.7 86.7
People are more hospitable 91.4 93.3
The visitors gave more than one response when we ask to compare their experience of
visiting this state with the last state /UT visited. Alost all of them had more than one good
opinion about this state.
Details of reasons for choosing this state as a tourist destination are given in Table 40.
Most of them gave all the reasons for selecting this state as a tourist destination.
Major source for the advertisement on Maharashtra tourism was local magazines, web,
internet etc for majority of the domestic (52.5%) and foreign (84.9%) tourists (see Table 41).
Table 41Watched / seen/ heard the advertisement of the State Government for tourism
promotion (%)
Sources Domestic Foreign
Newspaper 15.5 3.7
Radio 2.8 0
Televisions 6.4 4.9
Newspaper and Radio both 3.5 0
Newspaper and Television both 2.3 0
Radio and Television both 7.2 0
All Three 9.8 6.5
Others* 52.5 84.9
Total 100 100
* Local Magazine, web site, Poster etc.
Fig 16 Watched / seen/ heard the advertisement of the State Government for tourism
Table 42 Ratio and Estimated number of domestic overnight tourists/same day visitors from
Ratio of Same Estimated
Ratio of overnight Estimated No.
State Day Visitors in Number of Day
in sample of Tourists
sample Visitors
Maharashtra 21.1 14520705 71.8 150550608
Gujarat 19.5 13419607 11.8 24742301
Karnataka 11.3 7776490 0.7 1467764
Maharashtra 9.8 6744213 0.5 1048403
West Bengal 7.1 4886113 0.0 0
Rajasthan 5.0 3440925 1.0 2096805
Punjab 3.4 2339829 0.4 838722
Delhi 4.3 2959195 1.7 3564569
Goa 4.7 3234469 2.2 4612971
Orissa 2.1 1445188 0.0 0
Jammu Kashmir 1.5 1032277 0.0 0
Others 10.2 7019487 9.9 20758371
Total 100 68758498 100 209740514
Table 42 represents the distribution of states for domestic tourists in the state of Maharashtra.
The survey findings suggests that contribution of Maharashtra state was highest (21.1%) in
contribution of domestic tourists for the state of Maharashtra, followed by Gujarat (19.5%),
Karnataka (11.3%), Maharashtra (9.8%) etc. On the other hand, about 84% of the contribution
of domestic same day tourists is from the state of Maharashtra and Gujarat. Month wise
distribution is given in Annexure-IX.
Table 43 Popular Source of Information of tourist destinations for the Sample Domestic
Visitors (%)
Internet Travel
State books /
Travel Relatives
Month Tourism guides / Others Total
Agents / Friends
Department Magazines
Website MOT Others / paper
July 5.4 3.2 12.3 1.3 0.5 1.5 72.6 3.2 100
August 3.4 4.7 17.5 2.1 0.7 1.1 67.4 3.1 100
September 2.6 2.8 16.7 2.4 0.6 1.3 71.3 2.3 100
October 3,2 2.1 25 2.3 0.8 1.3 68.5 1,9 100
November 2.8 2.7 20.4 1.7 0.5 1.5 70.4 3,1 100
December 2,1 3.2 13.9 1.9 0.7 0.7 79.6 2,8 100
January 3,6 2.4 15.5 3.2 0.8 1.4 74.2 2.5 100
February 3.4 2.5 13.9 2.4 0.4 0.9 76.5 1,4 100
March 2.8 2.1 14 3.2 0.5 0.5 75.1 1.8 100
April 3.1 3,2 20.3 3.5 0.6 0.6 69.7 2.2 100
May 3.5 3.4 20.1 2.6 0.4 0.7 69.3 2,7 100
June 2.3 2.4 18.7 3.4 0.7 0.4 70.5 1.6 100
Table 43 shows the main source of information for the domestic tourists about the
destination. Most of them said that their friends and relatives are the main source.
Table 44 represents the distribution of countries for foreign tourists in the state of
Maharashtra. The survey findings suggest that contribution of USA was highest (15.0%) in
contribution of foreign tourists for the state of Maharashtra, followed by United Kingdom
(14.0%), Australia (13.0%) and UAE (10%).
Distribution of employees in accommodation units by age group are given in Table 46. In
total, 86521 employees were working in the 4773 accommodation units. Majority (64.4%) of
the employees are in the age group 26-40 years.