Teachers-Learning-Guide - Polgov

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.

8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte

Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 1

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: August 9 – 13, 2021

Topic/s 1. Introduction: The concepts of politics and governance

Politics, Political Science and Governance

Content Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political

Standard/s ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization
Performance Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied
Learning Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance and government
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  Articulate definitions of politics
 Differentiate the various views on politics
 Explore the connection between the phenomenon (politics) and the method
of inquiry (Political Science)
 Recognize the value of politics
 Differentiate governance from government ;

Politics and Political Science
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 define politics;
 distinguish the various views on politics

 explore the connection between Politics and Political Science

 identify the value of politics


Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives
 Teacher welcomes the class and introduces herself.
Review: Let See and Say
The learners will analyze the editorial cartoons given by the teacher and answer
the question that follow.
Vocabulary Politics - refers to the activities associated with the governance of the country or
others areas, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or
hoping to achieve power.
Governance - refers to “all processes of governing”, whether undertaken by a
government, market or network, whether over family, tribe, formal or informal
organization or territory and whether through laws, norms, power or language
Government - refers to the system in which a state or community is controlled
Motivation The teacher will ask the learners the following questions?
 Is politics good or bad? What make it good or bad?
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

 Why do you think that it is necessary for students who aspire to be

lawyers to take Political Science? Leave this question unanswered.
Remind the learners that you will ask this question again after the
Lesson proper Online Discussion:
 Discuss what is politics and the Key Essential Elements in Politics.
 The Difference Between Politics, Politician and Political Science.
 What are the Methods of Political Sciences?

Activity 1 Go back to the unanswered question during your introduction of this topic.
 Is politics good or bad? What make it good or bad?
 Why do you think that it is necessary for students who aspire to be
lawyers to take Political Science?
 Recognize all the answer from the learners.

Day 2
Government and Governance

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 differentiate governance from government

Review  Review the previous topic:
 Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 Ask the learners to define politics.
 What is your own definition of politics and of Political Science
Motivation PICK MO ‘TO.
The learners will have to pick and identify one significant word which refers to government
and another to governance
Lesson proper Online Discussion:
The teacher will discuss with the aid of a power point presentation about:
 The Concept of Governance
 Characteristics of Good Governance
 Classifications of Government
 Types of Government
Activity 2 . Reflect on this: Can anyone escape from politics? Why?
Interaction Day 3
Activity 3 Group Work:

The class is divided into four groups. Each group shall think of a line from a Tagalog song
depicting political statement. A representative would present and explain to the class what is
political about the song’s lyrics that they have chosen.

Activity 4 Let’s Differentiate!

Using Venn Diagram. Let the student compare and contrast governance and government.
 What makes government and governance similar?
 How can you participate in fair government?
Integration Day 4
Closure and Ask the students:
Generalization  What is your own definition of politics and of Political Science?
 What is the difference of government and governance?
Assessment Long Quiz: ( True or False)
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

 How would you use the concepts in politics to improve relationships with your family
and friends?
 How is politics practiced in getting what you want?
Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!
Research on least 2 faces of political process that you usually encounter. Capture it and
paste it inside the box. Label each picture. Take a selfie on it and send it to our LMS
comment section.

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound,

Rizal St., Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 2

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: August 16 – 20, 2021

Topic/s Political Ideologies

The basic tenets of the major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.
Content Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
Standard/s ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization
Performance Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied
Learning Differentiate the political ideologies.
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  Identify the basic tenets of major political ideologies (i.e. liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.)
 Differentiate the political ideologies

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 Identify the basic tenets of major political ideologies (i.e. liberalism,

socialism, conservatism, etc.)
 Differentiate the political ideologies
 Analyze how political ideologies impact on the social and political life of

Routinely Matters:

* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: Pick-tell:
Jumbled pictures will be available at the teacher’s presentation and each group will select a
representative to pick one and give them time to collaborate their ideas in relation to
ideologies and political ideologies.

Vocabulary Ideology - the set of ideas and beliefs of a group or political party

Motivation Present a video clip about ideologies. (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vz-szuwRgAE).

Remind the students before the video be presented in class that based from it, answer the
following questions:
1. How do we acquire political beliefs?
2. How people will be affected by these beliefs?

Lesson proper Online Discussion:
 Discuss through a power point presentation the different characteristics of
Day 2
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 Identify the different political ideologies and its functions.

Review  Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 Ask the learners to define politics ideology

Motivation LET’S WATCH!

The teacher will give a list of videos of various views on politics. Search and watch
on you tube the following topics.
1. How should democracy really work? ( by Seeker daily)
2. What is communism? ( by Seeker daily)
3. What is socialism? ( by Seeker daily)
4. What is anarchy? ( by Seeker daily)
5. What is libertarianism? ( by Seeker daily)

Lesson Proper Online Discussion:

Present an additional information about the different political ideologies and their
perspectives of the state through a power point presentation.
Activity Bases on the videos they watch recently .the learners will fill in the matrix of the
various views on politics.

Interaction Day 3
Activity Colored Grouping:
Each student will be given one color that represents his/her own perspective of political
Blue- Anarchism
Black- Fascism
Group themselves according to the same color and make them justify their
choice. Select a representative from the group to present their insights.
Integration Day 4
Closure and Sum It Up!
Generalization Let the learners add statements of the following:
1. Today I have learned that _____________________.
2. The topic that is NOT clear to me is/are ________________.

Assessment: Quiz ( Identification)

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

 Why do we need to study the different political ideology?
 What is the implication of this to our life?
Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!
Interview a politician in your community through messenger or any online platform that you
have regarding their advocacy and belief. Based on his/her advocacy and belief, identify the
kind of ideology that he/she believes in.

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound,

Rizal St., Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

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Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 3

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: August 23 – 28, 2021

Topic/s Power: Nature, Dimensions, Types and Consequences

Content Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
Standard/s ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization
Performance Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied
Learning Analyze the nature, dimensions/types, and consequences of power
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  define power
 recognize the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power
 analyze the nature, dimensions, types, deployments, and consequences of power
 assess how power is exercised in different situations

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 define power
 recognize the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power

Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: Ask students about their understanding about political ideologies.
Vocabulary Power - it is the ability to get what you want; is “the ability to change the future.”

Motivation PICTOpinion
The teachers shows pictures of prominent world leaders.
Ask: What do these have in common? How they differ from this commonality? Why?

Lesson proper Online Discussion:

 Discuss through a power point presentation the Nature of power. Dimensions,
Types and Consequences

Activity 1 Ask the students to define power according to their own understanding
Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
 Review the previous topic:
 .
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

 Ask:
 Ask :

Specific Objective/s  analyze the nature, dimensions, types, deployments, and consequences of
power; and
 assess how power is exercised in different situations

Review Ask the class about the previous lesson;

 If given a chance to assume government position, what would it be? How are you going to
exercise the power vested in you?
Motivation Ask the learners: Considering the present situation, here in our country how would you describe the
power of our leaders?
Lesson Proper Video Clip

Present an actual footage or a video clip downloaded from the social website (YouTube) which
portrays the application of power in leading and influencing people
(People Power 1986)

Encourage the students to evaluate the video clip.

Assignment Prepare pictures of different powerful personalities.
Interaction Day 3
Activity 4  Ask students to present the pictures of different powerful personalities.
 Discuss on the power of the personalities discussed by the students. If possible, encourage
the class to give comments to ensure student-to-student interaction.

Individual Work: Hugot Line

Ask: What do you think is the most significant lesson you get from our discussion?
 Cite one HUGOT LINE to describe your learning.
Integration Day 4
Assessment: Quiz ( Fill in the blanks)

Closure and Ask the leaners:

Generalization We have many different definition of power. Based on the given definition what is the best definition
of power for you? Why?

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

 How does the overuse and misuse of power affects to the people?
 What do you think are the consequences of overuse and misuse of power?
Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!
Let the students draw an image or an illustration representing application of power in leading and
influencing people in his/her community and in a broader sense, nation. Take a selfie on it and send
the image trough LMS.

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound,

Rizal St., Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 4

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: August 31 – September 4, 2021

Topic/s States, Nations, and Globalization

Content Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
Standard/s ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization
Performance Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied
Learning Analyze the relationship among nations and states in the context of globalization
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  define nation and state
 differentiate nation from state
 explain meanings of globalization
 evaluate how globalization influences nation-states

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 define nation and state; and

 differentiate nation from state


Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: Ask the following.
 What is power?
 How should one exercise his/her power?
 Who have powers in the country?

Vocabulary Nation - is large area of land that is controlled by its own government
State - refers to a group of individuals, living together in definite territory with an
organized government free from external sovereignty.
Globalization - is a process of interaction and integration among different people,
companies and governments. The breaking down of national barriers allowed
nations to interact freely.

Motivation Present a W-diagram regarding the differences and similarities of a nation and a state. Ask the
following question:

 What makes a nation different from a state?

 How do these two concepts relate?
Lesson proper Online Discussion:
(At this point, the teacher guides the students in distinguishing between a nation and a state. Discuss
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

the elements of a state that distinguishes it from a nation.)

Activity 1 Class Activity: Interpret the following image/diagram.

Ask: What does the following diagram tell about our topic?

Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance
Specific Objective/s  explain meanings of globalization; and

 evaluate how globalization influences nation-states

Review Ask the class about the previous lesson.
 What is a nation?
 What is a state?
Motivation Ask the following:
 How can we benefit from globalization?
 How can we be harmed by globalization?
Lesson Proper Online Discussion
 Discuss the meaning of globalization
 Impact of Globalization
 Three Main Dimensions of Globalization

Interaction Day 3
Activity 4 Video Analysis

Play a short video about globalization. (Make sure that such video will show pros and cons about it.)

 What is the video about?
What does it try to tell us?

Boon or Bane?

After brainstorming, have the students complete the following graphic organizer

Boon Bane
(Pros) (Cons)

Integration Day 4
 Recapping Lessons
Closure and Generalization Ask:

Assessment: 3 in 1
Students will guess each term based on 3 pictures shown to them.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com


Have each group justify the Philippines as a nation and as a state using the T-diagram.
as a Nation as a State

Closure and Ask the learners:

Generalization  What makes up the Philippines as a country?
 Which do you think between a nation and a state is cultural? political? functional? legal?
psychological? Why?

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

 Which of the issues influenced by globalization strike you the most? Why?
 How would you describe globalization’s influences to the country in general?
Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!
Individual Work: Can I live without China?

Challenge the learners to answer the following question: Can I live without China?

The students have to list all things made in China in their house and be able to refrain from using
them for a week. The students have to journal their experiences and be able to write a final reaction
about their experience.

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound,

Rizal St., Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

Checked by
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 5

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: September 6 – September 11, 2021

Topic/s Philippine democratic politics

Historical Background of Philippine Democratic Politics
Content Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic politics, the
Standard/s executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance
Performance Explain the roles of different political institutions
Learning Analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and governance
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  relate the evolution of Philippine politics and governance.
 describe the different stages in the evolution of the Philippine politics and governance

The Evolution of Philippine Government and Politics
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 relate the evolution of Philippine politics and governance.


Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
KW Chart: Evolution of Philippine politics and governance. The learners will be asked
to fill in the chart with the following :
1. Things they know about the Philippine politics and governance
2. Things they want to know about know about Philippine politics and governance
Topic K W

Vocabulary Evolution - the process of working out or developing

Politics - refers to activities associated with the governance of the country or
others areas, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties
having or hoping to achieve power.

Motivation Picture perfect

The teacher will show pictures of the following?
1. Picture of a Datu
2. Trial by Ordeal
3. Gavel
The students will now tell something about the pictures they saw.
Lesson proper Online Discussion:
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

Activity 1 The teacher asks the students about the similarities/difference of our present barangay to
the pre-colonial barangays?

Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 describe the different stages in the evolution of the Philippine politics and
Review Ask the learners:
What was our form of government before the coming of the Spaniards? (barangay)
Motivation Video clips:
Spanish Colonial Government. The students will be shown a video clip about Spanish
Colonization and would be asked their reactions about the video.

Lesson Proper Discussion on Government During the Spanish Colonization

Activity 2 Ask the learners
When the Spaniards colonized us, what changes did they introduce in our political

Interaction Day 3
Activity 4 Debate:
Which is better, the early forms of government or the present government?
Rubrics :
1. Organization of Thought = 5 pts
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 pts.
3. Presentation = 5 pts.
Integration Day 4
Closure and Generalization Ask: How did the pre-colonial government change from the pre-colonial government to
the Spanish Colonial Government?

Assessment: Essay : “What were the effects of Spanish Colonization in our present form of
Rubrics :
1. Content = 4 pts.
2. Organization of Thought = 4 pts.
3. Grammar and Presentation = 2 pts

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

 How did politics and governance evolve in the Philippines?
Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!
The students will have to reflect about their learnings daily by putting these in their journal.
Encourage them to make their journals personalized and creative.

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound, Rizal St.,
Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 6

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: September 13 – September 18, 2021

Topic/s Philippine democratic politics

Historical Background of Philippine Democratic Politics
Content Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic politics, the
Standard/s executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance
Performance Explain the roles of different political institutions
Learning Analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and governance
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and governance
 assess the effects of the colonial experience on Philippine politics and governance
 appraise the influence of prior stages of Philippine political developments on
contemporary Philippine politics

The Evolution of Philippine Government and Politics
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and governance


Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: Ask the learners :
From the barangay form of government, what significant changes happened in the
Spanish Era? (from barangay to the Central Government)

Vocabulary Evolution - the process of working out or developing

Politics - refers to activities associated with the governance of the country or
others areas, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties
having or hoping to achieve power.

Motivation Event Chain:

Transition from the Spanish Government to the Present Government.
What is the difference between the Spanish form of government to our present

Lesson proper Online Discussion:

PowerPoint Presentation: Post-colonial Governments
Activity Read and analyze the evolution of Philippine politics and governance below from the
Declaration of Philippine Independence to EDSA People Power Revolution. Name the
most prominent political figure of every period and briefly discuss his/her role in the

Day 2
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 assess the effects of the colonial experience on Philippine politics and governance

 appraise the influence of prior stages of Philippine political developments on

contemporary Philippine politics
Review Recall/review of previous topics
Motivation Hugot Lines/ (Pick-up or hugot lines) about how the government evolved
Lesson Proper Discuss additional inputs about Post-colonial Governments
Activity One-Minute Paper :
The students will be asked to write their comment/reaction to the statement/s below
1. What were the changes that you observed from the Spanish Colonial Government
to our present government?
Rubrics :
1. Content = 4 pts
2. Organization of thought = 4 pts.
3. Grammar and Presentation = 2 pts
Interaction Day 3
Activity Self test:
 Appraise or tell something the worth of different influences about the prior stages
of Philippine political developments on Contemporary Philippine Politics, by
making a graphic design or concept map in the box provided.

Integration Day 4
Closure and Generalization Our present form of government have passed through several stages which molded our
government into what it is right now.
Assessment: Essay : “Write down the different political institutions and explain their roles in building
up our nation as a whole, on the space provided.
Rubrics :
4. Content = 4 pts.
5. Organization of Thought = 4 pts.
6. Grammar and Presentation = 2 pts

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

In our present form of government, what significant changes have you observed?

Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!

The students will be asked to draw a historical timeline stating forth the significant events
which transpired from the Pre-Colonial Era to the present form of government

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound, Rizal St.,
Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

Checked by
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 7

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: September 20 – September 26, 2021

Topic/s The Executive

Content Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic politics, the
Standard/s executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance
Performance Explain the roles of different political institutions
Learning Analyze the roles and powers of the executive branch of the government
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president
 analyze how contemporary Philippine presidents exercised their powers
 critique the Philippine presidents’ exercise of power

The Executive
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president


Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: The teacher will be asking some students to have a short recap of the previous lesson and
at the same time, ask their idea of the Presidential form of government

Vocabulary Executive - having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
Legislative - having the power to make laws.
Judicial - relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice,
or the judiciary.

Motivation Headline Analysis

The students will be shown some headlines and the teacher will asked the students to
answer what power of the President is being exercised.

Lesson proper Online Discussion:

Powerpoint Presentation on the :
Roles and Powers of the Philippine President

Activity Power Organizer

The students will fill out the diagram given with the different functions and
roles of a President.

Day 2
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 analyze how contemporary Philippine presidents exercised their powers

 critique the Philippine presidents’ exercise of power

Review Recall/review of previous topics
Motivation Picture Perfect
(The students will be shown pictures and they will determine what power of the President
is being shown)

Lesson Proper Online Discussion:

Powerpoint Presentation/Lecture-Discussion : Programs of the ff. Presidents :
1. Joseph Estrada
2. Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo
3. Benigno Aquino III
4. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Interaction Day 3
Activity Debate:
“The Effectiveness of Dutere as a President”

Rubrics :
1. Organization of Thought = 5 pts
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 pts.
3. Presentation = 5 pts.
Integration Day 4
Closure and Generalization The students will be asked What is Executive Power? Executive Power is the power to
administer, implement, and execute the laws enacted by the Legislature. It is vested by
the Constitution on the President of the Philippines
Assessment: The students will be asked “What are their views on Oplan Tokhang?” The
students will be writing their answers on the comment section of the LMS.

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

How do the powers of the president affects your life as a student?

Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!

Data Retrieval Sheet.
The student will be asked to fill-in a DRS which illustrates the Programs and Issues and Controversies during
the incumbency of the said president.
President Program Issues and
Aquino III

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound, Rizal St.,
Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

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Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com



Teacher’s Name: __ALMA A. CERNA___________ Quarter/Period: 1st Quarter – Week 8

Subject: PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE Date/s: September 28 – October 2, 2021

Topic/s The Executive

Content Demonstrate an understanding of the historical background of Philippine democratic politics, the
Standard/s executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and decentralization and local governance
Performance Explain the roles of different political institutions
Learning Analyze the roles and powers of the executive branch of the government
LEARNING At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to:
OBJECTIVE/S  explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president
 analyze how contemporary Philippine presidents exercised their powers
 critique the Philippine presidents’ exercise of power

The Executive
Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 explain the roles and powers of the Philippine president


Routinely Matters:
* Opening Prayer
* Attendance
 Communicating learning objectives.
Review: The teacher will be asking some students to have a short recap of the previous lesson and
at the same time, ask their idea of the Presidential form of government

Vocabulary Executive - having the power to put plans, actions, or laws into effect.
Legislative - having the power to make laws.
Judicial - relating to a judgment, the function of judging, the administration of justice,
or the judiciary.

Motivation Headline Analysis

The students will be shown some headlines and the teacher will asked the students to
answer what power of the President is being exercised.

Lesson proper Online Discussion:

Powerpoint Presentation on the :
Roles and Powers of the Philippine President

Activity Power Organizer

The students will fill out the diagram given with the different functions and
roles of a President.
Maryknoll school of sto. Tomas, inc.
8112 Fd. Rd. 3. Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte
Email: maryknoll.sto.tomas@gmail.com

Day 2

 Opening Prayer
 Attendance

Specific Objective/s At the end of this lesson, the learners will be able to :

 analyze how contemporary Philippine presidents exercised their powers

 critique the Philippine presidents’ exercise of power

Review Recall/review of previous topics
Motivation Picture Perfect
(The students will be shown pictures and they will determine what power of the President
is being shown)

Lesson Proper Online Discussion:

Powerpoint Presentation/Lecture-Discussion : Programs of the ff. Presidents :
5. Joseph Estrada
6. Gloria Macapagal – Arroyo
7. Benigno Aquino III
8. Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Interaction Day 3
Activity Debate:
“The Effectiveness of Dutere as a President”

Rubrics :
1. Organization of Thought = 5 pts
2. Clarity of Arguments = 5 pts.
3. Presentation = 5 pts.
Integration Day 4
Closure and Generalization The students will be asked What is Executive Power? Executive Power is the power to
administer, implement, and execute the laws enacted by the Legislature. It is vested by
the Constitution on the President of the Philippines
Assessment: The students will be asked “What are their views on Oplan Tokhang?” The
students will be writing their answers on the comment section of the LMS.

Core Values The teacher will ask the learners:

How do the powers of the president affects your life as a student?

Performance Task LET’S DO IT AT HOME!

Data Retrieval Sheet.
The student will be asked to fill-in a DRS which illustrates the Programs and Issues and Controversies during
the incumbency of the said president.
President Program Issues and
Aquino III

References  Cantere, B.,2016. Philippine Politics and Governance. Chancery Compound, Rizal St.,
Tagum City: Diocesan Printing Press and Publishing, Inc

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