Annotation Second Grading 2019-2020
Annotation Second Grading 2019-2020
Annotation Second Grading 2019-2020
MOV Presented
1. Applied Classroom observation tool The MOV presented was a In the lesson that have been
knowledge of (COT) rating sheet and/or inter- lesson plan that showed tackle, I posted images and
content within observer agreement form about integration of knowledge of played videos in the Elicit
and across knowledge of content within and content in English and Arts part of my lesson plan. This
curriculum across curriculum teaching areas. subject. activity aims to develop
teaching areas. Lesson plans/modified DLLs student’s knowledge in
developed highlighting reading pictures and giving
integration of content knowledge hypothesis in situation that
within and across subject areas. they have watched in the
Instructional materials video. The students were
highlighting mastery of content given also the chance to
and its integration in other discover their skills in arts
subject areas. by doing Giant News Paper
Performance tasks/test in the Explain part of the
material(s) highlighting lesson.
integration of content
knowledge within and across
subject areas.
Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
2. Used a range Classroom observation tool The MOV presented was In the lesson presented, the
of teaching (COT) rating sheet and/or inter- lesson plan in which the teacher gave activity in the
strategies that observer agreement form about teacher uses range of Engage part of the lesson
enhance learner teaching strategies that enhance teaching strategies that plan; the student will play
achievement in learner achievement in literacy enhance learner achievement ADD stand for Agree
literacy and and numeracy skills in literacy and numeracy Disagree and Don’t know.
numeracy skills Lesson plans/modified DLLs skills. This activity will develop
used in teaching highlighting student’s hearing and
learner-centered strategies that listening skills with
promote literacy and/or comprehension.
numeracy skills
Instructional materials
highlighting learner-centered
strategies that promote literacy
and/or numeracy skills
Performance tasks/test
material(s) used in teaching
Results of assessment used in
Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
3. Applied a Classroom observation tool (COT) The MOV presented was a In the lesson that was
range of teaching rating sheet and/or inter-observer lesson plan that indicates discussed, the teacher asks
strategies to agreement form about teaching strategies to develop the students what is the first
develop critical strategies to develop critical and learner’s higher order thing that comes in their
and creative creative thinking, as well as other thinking skills. mind when they heard the
thinking, as well higher-order thinking skills. word “Drugs” in the Elicit
Lesson plans/modified DLLs used
as other higher part of the lesson. Through
in teaching highlighting different
order thinking this activity the learner will
teaching strategies that develop
skills. critical and creative thinking deeply think for the words or
and/or other HOTS Instructional idea that will best describe
materials for the given word by doing
Instructional materials highlighting this activity, the output will
different teaching strategies that expect the development of
develop critical and creative critical and creative
thinking and/or other HOTS thinking, as well as other
Performance tasks/test material(s) higher order thinking skills
used in demonstration teaching of students will surely
Results of assessment used in achieved.
Others (Please specify and provide
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
4. Managed Classroom observation tool The MOV presented was a In the topic being discussed
classroom (COT) rating sheet and/or inter- lesson plan in which especially in the Explain
structure to observer agreement form about students was divided into 5 part of the lesson each
engage learners, managing classroom structure groups to do a group student will be given the
individually or in that engages learners in various activity. chance to share their ideas
groups, in activities and onsite on the topic drug
meaningful Lesson plans/modified DLLs scenario in the Philippines.
exploration, highlighting various classroom On this said activity, the
discovery and management strategies that learners were able to
hands-on engage learners in explore, discover and
activities within a activities/tasks in different engaged in hands-on activity
range of physical physical learning environments within a range of physical
learning Others (Please specify and learning environment and
environments. provide annotations) will give also the chance to
the teacher to managed
classroom setting to have a
successful output and
attainments of the
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
5. Managed Classroom observation tool (COT) The MOV presented was a In the lesson presented,
learner behavior rating sheet and/or inter-observer lesson plan wherein positive especially in the Explain
constructively by agreement form about teacher and non-violent discipline part of the lesson the
applying positive management of learner behavior using was integrated in the students were able to
and non-violent the following strategies: teaching learning process. develop the discipline,
discipline to Providing motivation cooperation and friendship
ensure learning- Praising the learners/Giving among group mates while
focused positive feedback doing the assigned tasks.
environments. Setting house rules/guidelines
Results of assessment used
in teaching
Ensuring learners’ active
Allowing learners to express
their ideas/opinions
Giving equal opportunities to
Encouraging learners to ask
Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
6. Used Classroom observation tool (COT) The MOV presented was a In the Expand part of the
differentiated, rating sheet and/or inter-observer lesson plan that focuses on lesson, the students will
developmentally agreement form about using the developmentally conduct a survey about the
appropriate differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning drug scenario in their
learning appropriate learning experiences experiences to address community. In doing this,
experiences to Lesson plans/modified DLLs learners’ gender, needs, the student reminded to
developed highlighting
address learners’ strengths, interests and interview people regardless
differentiation in content, product,
gender, need, experiences. of their gender, interest,
process, learning environment or
strengths, others according to learners’ needs and experiences in
interests and gender, needs, strengths, interests life. The activity aims to
experiences and experiences help students developed
Instructional materials developed their learning experiences
highlighting differentiation in outside classroom setting.
content, product, process, learning
environment or others according to
learners’ gender, needs, strengths,
interests, and experiences
Others (Please specify and provide
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
7. Planned, Classroom observation tool The MOV presented was a I was thoroughly planned
managed and (COT) rating sheet and/or inter- lesson plan that showed the my lesson for this certain
implemented observer agreement form about planning; managing and topic, thus meeting the
developmentally using developmentally implementing the sequenced curriculum requirements are
sequenced sequenced teaching and learning teaching and learning expected in the teaching-
teaching and process process to meet curriculum learning processes. In the
learning Lesson plans/modified DLLs requirements and varied
whole period discussion I
processes to meet highlighting developmentally teaching contexts.
was able to managed well
curriculum sequenced instruction that meet
requirements and curriculum goals and varied my lesson and successfully
varied teaching teaching contexts delivered it.
contexts. Instructional materials used to
implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning
process to meet curriculum
requirements and varied
teaching contexts
Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
8. Participated in Personal notes of teachers on The MOV presented was the I was able to jot down the
collegial LACs/FGDs/meetings with proof teacher notes during notes and present it as my
discussions that of attendance meetings. MOV to ensure that I am
always updated in the
use teacher and Minutes of LAC/FGD sessions Photos were attached too in
prescribed guidelines set by
learner feedback on use of teacher and learner every LAC session that was the Department of
to enrich practice. feedback to enrich teaching attended in the whole year Education; I also listen to
Others (Please specify and round. the feedbacks from students,
provide annotations) parents and colleagues to
enrich my practices in
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
9. Selected, Classroom observation tool (COT) The MOV presented was a In the lesson presented
developed, rating sheet and/or inter-observer lesson plan that showed how specifically in the Elicit part
organized and agreement form about using ICT was used in teaching of the lesson, the ICT was
used appropriate appropriate teaching and learning and learning situations to integrated by using projector
teaching and resources, including ICT address learning goals. and white screen for the
learning Examples: students to view clearly the
resources Activity sheets/task sheets/work image being displayed, the
including ICT, to sheets teacher used also speaker for
address learning PowerPoint presentations the audio-visual, some
goals. Video Clips videos was played too as
Module part of the motivation in the
SIMs- Strategic Intervention lesson.
Lesson plans/modified DLLs with
appropriate instructional materials
Others (Please specify and provide
Objectives Means of Verification Description of the Annotations
MOV Presented
10. Designed, Classroom observation tool The MOV presented was a In this objective the teacher
selected, (COT) rating sheet and/or inter- lesson plan that showed administered a short quiz
organized and observer agreement form about students learning in the regarding the topic. It is in
used diagnostic, using diagnostic, formative and lesson that was discussed the Evaluate part of the
formative and summative assessment strategies and diagnostic test with lesson, I chose True or False
summative Prepared lesson plans/modified TOS. type of the test to measure
assessment DLLs highlighting appropriate students deep understanding
strategies use of formative assessment about the Drug Scenario in
consistent with strategies the Philippines.
curriculum Developed diagnostic test: (a)
requirements. with TOS reviewed by superior;
(b) with sample accomplished
questionnaire/answer sheets
Developed summative test: (a)
with TOS reviewed by superior;
(b) with sample accomplished
questionnaire/answer sheets
Developed performance tasks:
(a) with rubrics reviewed by
superior; (b) with sample
accomplished rubrics
Others (Please specify and
provide annotations)