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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

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Adoption of electric vehicles: Which factors are

really important?

Elena Higueras-Castillo , Alberto Guillén , Luis-Javier Herrera & Francisco


To cite this article: Elena Higueras-Castillo , Alberto Guillén , Luis-Javier Herrera & Francisco
Liébana-Cabanillas (2020): Adoption of electric vehicles: Which factors are really important?,
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, DOI: 10.1080/15568318.2020.1818330

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Published online: 14 Sep 2020.

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Adoption of electric vehicles: Which factors are really important?

Elena Higueras-Castilloa, Alberto Guillenb, Luis-Javier Herrerab, and Francisco Liebana-Cabanillasa
Department Marketing and Market Research, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Granada, Granada, Spain; bDepartment of
Architecture and Computer Technology, Higher Technical School of Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Granada,
Granada, Spain


Electric vehicles stand out for their ability to reduce pollution. However, electric vehicle sales have Received 24 November 2019
not been brisk despite their positive effects. The objective of this study is twofold: first, to deter- Revised 23 August 2020
mine the variables that predict the purchase of an electric vehicle from the implementation of an Accepted 23 August 2020
algorithm based on computational intelligence; second, to contrast these results with two panels
of experts in consumer behavior and the automobile sector. An empirical study was carried out Computational intelligence;
with 404 potential consumers in Spain with regard to their beliefs, attitudes and purchase inten- consumer behavior; electric
tion. The results show that range, incentives and reliability are the most reliable predictors of pur- vehicles adoption;
chase intention. Likewise, the experts posit that the selection of these three variables would be expert interviews
sufficient to know the purchase intention of potential buyers of electric vehicles. In addition, it
provides useful information for policy makers and private companies for decision making in the
electric vehicle marketing process.

1. Introduction noted in Figure 2, according to the Spanish Association of

Car and Lorry Manufacturers (ANFAC) EV registrations
The globally widespread use of fossil fuels causes a large
have been on the rise for the past eleven months. Among
number of environmental problems. The growing concern
the different available models, the best-selling electric
about environmental problems has led to the development of
vehicles were hybrids models with an internal combustion
environmentally friendly products. Specifically, this research
engine and an eletric motor. On the other hand, those pure
focuses on the transport sector. According to the latest Emo
electric EVs running solely on the energy provided by the
the European Environment Agency (EEA), emissions from
electric motor were among the lowest selling electric
road transport have increased by almost 30% compared to
1990. To be more specific, road transport accounts for more vehicles. This can be explained by factors such as the limited
than 70% of greenhouse gases emissions, with road vehicles driving range of EVs and the low availability of charging
being the culprit for increased pollution compared to the rest stations (Higueras-Castillo et al., 2019), turning most con-
of transportation methods (see Figure 1) (EEA, 2019). sumers to hybrid models which can rely on the internal
In this context, electric vehicles (EVs) have the ability to combustion engine to extend the driving range when bat-
reduce CO2 emissions as electricity can be produced from teries run out during a trip. In addition, it is worth noting
renewable energy sources (Mersky et al., 2016). In this sense, that the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have also
EVs have become an alternative in the transport sector. affected the EV industry with a steep decline in the sales fig-
However, despite their positive effects, sales have been low. ures for March and April 2020.
Following She et al. (2017), the present study considers EV Wang and Liu (2015) revealed that 44% of respondents
as a vehicle which uses energy extracted from the electrical are willing to purchase an EV to replace their current
grid for part or all of its propulsion. Therefore, EV also internal combustion vehicle (ICV). However, recent studies
includes both battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid also indicate that less than 20% of respondents are willing to
electric vehicles. replace their ICV with an EV (Wang et al., 2018). As a
In recent years, demand for EV has grown strongly. result, new studies are needed to assess consumer behavior
However, they only represent a small part of the total of the and find new market growth formulas.
new car market in many countries. According to the
European Automobile Manufacturers Association, EV regis-
2. Aim of the research
trations increased by about 50% in 2018 over the previous
year. However, in 2018, EV represented only 2% of new Over the past few years, research has grown in the area of
vehicles registered in the European Union (ACEA, 2019). As EV adoption and purchase intention (Rezvani et al., 2015)

CONTACT Elena Higueras-Castillo ehigueras@ugr.es Department Marketing and Market Research, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of
Granada, Granada, Spain.
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Figure 1. GHG emissions derived from road transport in the context of the EU (2017). Source: EEA (2019).

Figure 2. EV registrations in Spain. Source: ANFAC (2020).

with numerous studies analyzing the main motivations and/ The objective of this work is twofold. Firstly, to determine
or barriers to purchase. This research brings together a the variables that predict the purchase of an EV from the imple-
number of significant factors from the literature review and mentation of an algorithm based on computational intelligence.
provides insight into what are the really important factors in In order to achieve it, an empirical study was conducted with
EV purchases. Therefore, governments and private compa- 404 potential consumers in Spain about their beliefs, attitudes
nies should focus on these factors first. This article contrib- and intention to purchase EV. Target group is made up of
utes to the field of research by bringing together the Spaniards over 18 years old with a driving license. Respondent
analytical experience in generating an algorithm, as well as are individuals who are in a position to purchase a vehicle and
the field work experience of the selected experts. It is worth who are aware of the existence of the EV. The data collected
noting that most studies are contextualized in other coun- were used to model consumer behavior using a model based on
tries. In this sense, Spain lacks solid empirical research on computational intelligence to determine which variables deter-
the problem under study. Therefore, the present study mine the purchase intention of an EV from the literature
presents an added value to the area of knowledge. In short, review. In order to achieve second objective. Secondly, to con-
for this research it is important to provide a framework for trast these results with two groups of experts related to the auto-
the adoption of EV in order to help companies understand mobile sector itself and also to consumer behavior and market
consumer behavior and, as a consequence, increase their research. Novelty of research lies in the methodology applied in
market share. this field of knowledge.

The work is structured as follows. First, a review of the

literature is conducted to identify the main variables.
Second, the research design is discussed and the data collec-
tion process is shown along with the questionnaire and the
data analysis. Third, results are assessed and the conclusions
and implications are presented. Lastly, the limitations and
avenues for future research are pointed out.

3. Literature review
The introduction of EVs in the market is an important Figure 3. Factors to be analyzed.
innovation and they are involved in the dissemination pro-
cess of innovations. This process posits that the adoption of 2. Context factors: government incentives (Higueras-Castillo
innovations tends to follow a time series model starting with et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2017), fuel price (Chu et al., 2019)
a small number of innovators and early adopters who pur- and electricity price (Dijk et al., 2013; Javid & Nejat, 2017;
chase the product relatively early, followed by most consum- Soltani-Sobh et al., 2016) and charging infrastructures
ers and ending when lagging consumers decide to adopt the (Coffman et al., 2017; Egner & Trosvik, 2018).
innovation (Rogers, 2010). In Spain, EVs are relatively new 3. Consumer characteristics: socio-economic (Chen et al.,
and the population still has limited knowledge about the 2020; Mukherjee & Ryan, 2020) lifestyle (Axsen et al., 2018),
product (Higueras-Castillo et al., 2019). In general, new social norms (Barth et al., 2016; Caperello et al., 2013;
technologies underpin another set of added barriers as a Jansson et al., 2017) and environmental beliefs (Krupa et al.,
result of comparing these innovations with market-dominant 2014; Schuitema et al., 2013).
designs in criteria such as price and performance (Adner,
2002). Thus, early adopters are the main target group of the Consumer characteristics are often less important than
present research study since they are usually willing to pay a vehicle price and performance attributes (Lane & Potter,
higher price or face below-average performance for the latest 2007). In addition, early adopters are more concerned about
technology (Lee et al., 2019). Widespread adoption of an technical than financial problems (Lee et al., 2019). The pre-
innovation usually requires a long period of time, even sent study focuses on technological and contextual factors.
when it has obvious advantages (Rogers, 2010). The slow Previous studies show that these variables influence the
development of EV adoption may be related to the phenom- adoption of electric vehicles, for example, She et al. (2017)
enon of slow dissemination of environmentally friendly indicate that the main barriers are financial concerns (i.e.,
innovations. In this regard, despite the significant benefits, price) and technological factors such as safety, reliability,
there are obstacles to widespread adoption. range, charging time, acceleration and the lack of charging
The purpose of this research is to analyze consumers’ infrastructure. In this research, ten factors have been ana-
intention to adopt EV. Intention is defined as an indication lyzed from those indicated in the literature. These refer to
“of how hard people are willing to try, of how much of an technological and contextual factors. In a previous analysis
effort they are planning to exert, in order to perform the it was concluded that no sociodemographic characteristics
behavior” (Ajzen, 1991). Specifically, it examines a combin- were determinant and so they were excluded from the ana-
ation of technological and contextual factors that affect con- lysis. It allowed us to focus on the rest of the factors with
sumers’ adoption intentions. In this sense, numerous greater precision. However, this is a closed set of factors and
researchers have analyzed the drivers and barriers to EV it is possible to insert additional ones. This has been consid-
adoption (e.g. Hjorthol, 2013; Rezvani et al., 2015). Most ered in the limitations of the study Specifically for this
authors focus on technological factors and consumer charac- research, the factors shown in Figure 3 have been selected.
teristics that determine the purchase of an electric vehicle
(Carley et al., 2013). Consumer perceptions of the intention
to adopt EV have also been studied (Bunce et al., 2014; She 3.1. Technological factors
et al., 2017). These factors can be classified into three broad First, consumers are sensitive to limited driving range
groups (Bjerkan et al., 2016; Sierzchula et al., 2014): (Egbue et al., 2017). There are models on the market with
different levels of range. Currently, EVs already have ranges
1. Technological factors: driving range (Haustein & of up to approximately 400 km, although it is not the norm.
Jensen, 2018; Vassileva & Campillo, 2017), charging Moreover, those models will be the most expensive ones. In
time (Abotalebi et al., 2019), noise (Rocha et al., 2016), contrast, an ICV can cover an average distance of 800 km
acceleration (Helveston et al., 2015; Skippon, 2014), with a petrol engine. Different authors have identified this
CO2 emissions (Jensen et al., 2013; Krupa et al., 2014; difference as one of the main barriers to adoption (Kumar
Li et al., 2019; Peters & D€ utschke, 2014; Zhang & Tay, & Thakur, 2020; Lim et al., 2015). Generally, improving
2017), functionality, reliability and safety (Egbue et al., range through adequate charging infrastructure leads to
2017; Schmalfuß et al., 2017) and image (Burgess greater adoption (Lim et al., 2015). On the other hand,
et al., 2013). Franke and Krems (2013) consider that range is a barrier to

adoption, however, the experience of driving EV produces et al. (2014) demonstrated in approximately 30 countries
adaptation and that would reduce the practical limitations of that the price of EVs has a negative correlation with market
low driving range. Therefore, this factor is a major concern share. Different authors point out that reducing the price
for users and it negatively influences adoption (Jensen et al., could increase the willingness to buy an EV (Junquera et al.,
2014; She et al., 2017). 2016) and its competitiveness (Feng & Figliozzi, 2013).
Second, charging time is another factor influencing EV Therefore, high cost becomes one of the main concerns of
adoption (Zhu, 2016). Most users preferred faster electric consumers (Rezvani et al., 2015). In conclusion, the high
vehicle supply equipment (Moon et al., 2018). While ICVs purchase price is a major disadvantage (Heyvaert
can be refueled in approximately four minutes, EVs require et al., 2015).
at least 30 minutes at a fast charging station and up to On the other hand, EVs have advantages in terms of
8 hours to charge at a lower power (Glerum et al., 2014; recharge price and maintenance costs, constituting one of
Kumar & Thakur, 2020). According to Sellmair and Schelo the main motivations associated with the purchase (Ozaki &
(2019), it is very important to reduce waiting times. Sevastyanova, 2011). The work of Zhang et al. (2013) identi-
However, recent studies indicate that users are willing to fies financial benefits as a driver of EV acceptance. Taking
adapt to the charging process of an EV (Schmalfuß et al., into account fuel and energy prices, the cost of charging the
2017). In conclusion, reducing charging time and increasing batteries of EVs is less than the cost of refueling ICVs
the range of EVs should significantly improve the intention (Carley et al., 2013). According to Chu et al. (2019), lower
to purchase EV (Junquera et al., 2016). recharging cost is an important motivation for buying an
With regard to the performance (range and charging EV. Thus, in comparison, the low price of electricity
time) of an EV, consumers in general are not satisfied increases the adoption of EV (Soltani-Sobh et al., 2017). It
(Chen et al., 2020; Kester et al., 2018). However, EVs have was found that there were significant savings in societal
the potential to perform better than ICVs, so this advantage costs and total cost of ownership when compared to diesel
can compensate for more unfavorable factors such as limited vehicles (Boren, 2019). On the other hand, electric motors
range, long charging time and high price (Skippon, 2014). It are less complex propulsion systems than ICV, which means
is recognized that performance attributes have a greater they are less costly to maintain (Taefi et al., 2016).
effect on consumer acceptance than financial or environ- Therefore, the perceived benefit has a positive effect on pur-
mental awareness factors (Zhang et al., 2013). On the other chase intention (He et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2018). However,
hand, other studies indicate that environmental benefits and despite these savings, consumers may still refuse to buy the
incentives are more relevant than performance characteris- product. It is the so-called energy-efficiency paradox or
tics (Peters & D€ utschke, 2014). energy-efficiency gap (Gillingham & Palmer, 2014).
Two attributes that differ clearly from ICVs can be high- Different studies posit that respondents do not value this
lighted: fast acceleration and low engine noise. Burgess et al. benefit very much or are not aware of this potential cost
(2013) reported that respondents were impressed by the saving (Carley et al., 2013). In this sense, consumers are
acceleration and low noise of EVs. Similarly, research by more influenced by the high purchase price and do not take
Helveston et al. (2015) respondents who were subjected to a into account the total cost of ownership of EVs (Sierzchula
choice experiment were inclined toward fast vehicle acceler- et al., 2014).
ation. In this regard, EVs produce faster acceleration at low With this in mind, in recent years, governments have
speeds and quietness compared to an ICV (Skippon, 2014). implemented different policy measures to increase interest
Also, Rocha et al. (2016) found that low noise emission is a in EV (Lieven, 2015; Sierzchula et al., 2014). Literature
key feature in achieving greater market share. shows incentives implemented in the USA (Jin et al., 2014),
On the other hand, safety and reliability are two of the Europe (Gass et al., 2014; Kley et al., 2012) and worldwide
main concerns of consumers (Thananusak et al., 2017; (Leurent & Windisch, 2011). In this regard, Sierzchula et al.
Zhang et al., 2013). In the study by She et al. (2017), safety (2014) analyzed the correlation between incentives and mar-
and reliability scored highest. In this case, it is implied that ket shares of EV in 30 countries. The results showed that
respondents do not trust EVs and are concerned about the incentives are a predictor of adoption. Levay et al. (2017)
safety of using this technology. These results were mainly assessed the relationship between the total cost of ownership
due to the fact that the battery has caught fire in some acci- (TCO) of the EV and the impact of tax incentives on it rela-
dents. Nevertheless, reliability is highlighted as one of the tive to ICVs in eight European countries. The results show
main motivators for purchasing an EV (Higueras-Castillo that in Norway the incentives lead to a lower TCO and in
et al., 2019). In this sense, Ingeborgrud and Ryghaug (2019) the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom the TCO
highlight that EV owners consider their vehicle a safe, silent of the EVs is close to the TCO of the ICVs. However, in the
and exciting technology. other countries, the TCO is still higher than in ICV.
Incentive measures such as reduced prices and road and
registration taxes affect the purchase and the use of EVs.
3.2. Context factors
Additional benefits include the possibility to drive on bus
The high purchase price is one of the strongest barriers to lanes and free parking spots. Figure 4 shows the different
the purchase of EV. Consumers are not willing to pay a types of incentives for EVs as well as the restrictive regula-
large premium for an EV (Larson et al., 2014). Sierzchula tions in place for traditional vehicles. Also, according to the

Figure 4. Incentives affecting the purchase of hybrid and pure electric vehicles. Source: adapted from Deloitte (2017).

study conducted by the European Alternative Fuels charging stations is a predictor of EV adoption (Sierzchula
Observatory (EAFO, 2018), France, Norway and Germany et al., 2014) and access to them is a key determinant of
are the European countries that stimulate the EV sector the adoption (Mersky et al., 2016). The key difference between
most, with Spain ranking as the 12th country with the electric and conventional vehicles is the charging infrastruc-
best incentives. ture, among others (Gnann et al., 2018). According to Wang
In this regard, the scientific literature highlights the et al. (2019), charger density correlates positively with a
effectiveness of each incentive according to the different tar- country’s EV market share.
get populations (Bjerkan et al., 2016; Jenn et al., 2018;
Mersky et al., 2016). However, despite the differences, the
literature shows that incentives positively influence the 4. Materials and methods
acceptance of EV (Kim et al., 2018; Langbroek et al., 2016). 4.1. Data collection
Krupa et al. (2014) suggest that increasing consumer aware-
ness of the existence of incentives could have a greater Data collection from the first sub-study was conducted
impact on perceived benefits. Also, as a consequence of low through an online survey with a structured and pre-coded
buyer motivation, Turcksin et al. (2013) confirm that questionnaire developed from April to July 2018. Data were
increasing the adoption of alternative mobility vehicles obtained through a non-probability sampling method
requires a stable and rigorous incentive policy. In this way, defined by quotas according to the structure of the popula-
incentives reduce the cost of purchasing an EV to a compar- tion. A research company specialized in sampling services
able ICV (Bjerkan et al., 2016). However, some authors was designated to select participants randomly. The sample
show in their research a negligible (Zhang et al., 2013) or consists of 404 potential consumers of EV. The sampling
weak (Harrysson et al., 2015) correlation between incentives error reached 4.874% with a 95% confidence interval. In
and consumer willingness to buy EV. According to Wang order to ensure that participants were part of the target
et al. (2019) tax incentives are no longer the cause of large population, they were asked a series of control questions
differences between countries. (see appendix B). Respondents are Spaniards over 18 years
According to Egner and Trosvik (2018) local incentive old with a driving license. Table 1 shows the classification
measures such as investment in infrastructure also has a sig- characteristics of respondents. 51% of respondents were
nificant impact on the adoption rate. The charging infra- male, with 60.2% of respondents below the age of 46 and
structure is essential, so its unavailability makes it an 44.1% educated to university degree level. 58.7% were in
obstacle to its adoption (Tran et al., 2012). According to She full-time employment and 56.9% had a monthly income in
et al. (2017), the lack of charging infrastructure is the great- the range of 1.100 to 2.700 euros. 76.9% of respondents had
est impediment to adoption. In their work, Jensen et al. more than 5 years of driving experience, with 61.6% driving
(2013) showed that charging stations in public places are over 12,500 km per year.
important for the purchase of EVs. While Krupa et al. In order to reduce the abandonment rate once the ques-
(2014), pointed out that having facilities at home to charge tionnaire was initiated, the following measures were imple-
the battery overnight is important for consumers, it is also mented: 1) the purpose of the research was clearly explained
important for the safety of the vehicle and the charging and declared nonprofit; 2) the researcher and the university
cable (Caperello & Kurani, 2012). Therefore, the number of were identified; 3) confidentiality and anonymity were

Table 1. Characteristics of the simple.

Gender Number Percentage Monthly income Number Percentage
Female 206 51.0 No income 37 9.2
Male 198 49.0 Less than e 1,100 73 18.1
Age bracket From e 1,100 to e 1,800 135 33.4
18–25 55 13.6 From e 1,800 to e 2,700 95 23.5
26–35 111 27.5 More than e 2,700 40 9.9
36–45 77 19.1 Don’t know/No answer 24 5.9
46–55 74 18.3 Experience as a driver
56–65 56 13.9 0–1 year 27 6.7
More than 65 31 7.7 1–3 years 34 8.4
Education 3–5 years 32 7.9
Compulsory or less 21 5.2 5–8 years 207 51.2
Professional training 114 28.2 More than 8 years 104 25.7
Bachelor’s degree 178 44.1 Annual distance driven (Km)
Postgraduate degrees 91 22.5 Up to 2,500 78 19.3
Employment status Up to 7,500 77 19.1
Unemployed 37 9.2 Up to 12,500 75 18.6
Student 43 10.6 Up to 15,000 57 14.1
Regular employed 237 58.7 Up to 20,000 64 15.8
Self-employed 39 9.7 Up to 32,500 31 7.7
Retired 48 11.9 More than 32,500 21 5.2

guaranteed; 4) it was indicated that there were no valid or amount of information that a group of variables has about
invalid answers, only the opinion of the respondents was the target variable (or variables). Its definition in the con-
interesting; 5) all questions were closed; 6) the visual design tinuous case is:
was clear and simple. Also, during the initial stage of this ð
lX:Y ðx, yÞ log ðlX:Y ðx, yÞÞ
research, the robustness of the measurement scales used was I ðX, Y Þ ¼ dxdy
lX ðxÞlY ðyÞ
tested. In addition, this study made sure that respondents
understood and approached the survey correctly. where lX:Y ðx, yÞ is the joint probability density function
(PDF) of X and Y, and lX ðxÞ is the marginal density func-
tion of the set of variables X. Its advantage in comparison
4.2. Questionnaire with other correlation criteria is that it is able to identify
This research adopted the use of a seven-point Likert scale non-linear relations among the variables involved.
(except for demographic variables). The scale ranges from 1 Although the mathematical definition is clear, computing
(strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), according to the its concrete value is not an easy task and practitioners must
respondent’s level of agreement with each ıtem. The socio- use estimations of the real MI value. There are several MI
demographic information part was completed by respond- estimators but the one presented by Kraskov (Kraskov et al.,
ents choosing the corresponding options. 2004), which is based in the k-nearest nieghbours, seems
To be more precise, the range, charging, acceleration, more robust than other alternatives based on histograms or
noise, safety and reliability scale was adapted from the work other more complex methods.
of Schmalfuß et al. (2017). Price was assessed on the basis Thanks to this criterion, it is possible to choose the
of two scales of work by He and Zhan (2018) and Petrick smallest possible set of factors that contain all the necessary
information on the target variable. In other words, the sub-
(2002). Financial benefit and incentives was adjusted from
set of variables with highest mutual information will allow
Wang, Zhao et al. (2017). Infrastructure was adapted by He
us to design a model which is able to predict the out-
and Zhan (2018) and Jansson (2011). Lastly, intention of
put accurately.
adoption was adapted from the scales of Moons and De
Once this is achieved, experts can use the variables
Pelsmacker (2012) and Barbarossa et al. (2017). Appendix A
selected for decision-making, avoiding factors that are not
shows the measurement scales used in this research.
influential in any case, or, and not of minor importance,
that are redundant with respect to others already considered.
4.3. Performing variable selection The advantages of this type of factor selection are multiple:
faster, and sometimes even more effective, subsequent com-
The selection of variables is a complex issue but one of great putational modeling, improved interpretability, easier com-
importance in an uncountable number of problems across munication between experts and cheaper and faster data
all disciplines (Guyon & Elisseeff, 2003). The basis of this gathering, among others.
type of technique is the arrangement of a measure of rele- Among the different alternatives found in the literature,
vance/correlation between variables. In the case of the pre- an algorithm adapted from Koller and Sahami (1996) was
sent study, such a measure will be mutual information, a used. This algorithm has been previously applied to diverse
non-linear correlation measure from Shannon’s Information problems where the most irrelevant and redundant factors
Theory, which was first presented in (Shannon, 1948) and of a problem are identified iteratively and in order, leaving
further discussed in the book “Elements of information the- in last place the really significant factors of the same one
ory” (Cover & Thomas, 1991). This measure estimates the (Herrera et al., 2006; Lafuente et al., 2015). The output of

Figure 5. Selected variables.

this algorithm is a ranking of the variables, where in first just using those may not achieve the desired accuracy to
place the most important variable is given, then the second model the output.
most important variable taking into account the first one, To make sure that the chosen variables are able to pro-
and so on. vide a proper data driven approach, a well-known modeling
This algorithm is based on the Markov blanket concept. technique has been used: Least Square Support Vector
Given a set of input variables X and an output variable Y, a Machines (LSSVM) (Suykens et al., 2002). The output vari-
set of variables Mi in X is said to be a Markov blanket for a able to be approximated was the average of the values of the
variable xi in X with respect to Y, if IðfMi [ xi g, Y ¼ respondents’ responses, being this between 1 and 7.
I ðMi , Y Þ, that is, if Mi has itself all the information that xi Before applying the method of variable selection and data
has about Y. A Markov blanket is thus, a group of variables modeling, preprocessing was performed. First, there were
subsuming the information content of a certain variable. questions whose high value implied a positive perception of
The algorithm operates in a backwards way, starting from the EV while other questions represented the opposite. In
the complete set of variables X, and iteratively discarding this sense, the results of the variables with the negative score
those which are detected to have a Markov Blanket in the were inverted so that, for each question, all the high values
remaining set of variables (named from now on XG). corresponded to a positive attitude toward the EV. In add-
The algorithm states the following steps: ition, since there were redundant questions that focused on
the same aspect, it was decided to unify by averaging the
groups of redundant questions. Thanks to this step, this
1. Calculate the MI between every pair of input variables I
study went from 42 initial variables (one per question) to
(xi, xj)
the 10 variables considered. Similarly, in order to be able to
2. Starting from the complete set of input variables XG ¼
deal with a single output, the three questions related to pur-
X, iterate:
chase intention were also grouped together, moving from
a. For each variable xi, let the candidate Markov
three possible values to one. Thus, given the data set of 404
blanket Mi be the set of p variables in XG for which
surveys, the 10 variables considered and the purchase esti-
I (xi, xj) is highest.
mate, the characteristics selection algorithm was applied,
b. Compute for each xi
obtaining the order of characteristics given in Figure 5. The
Lossi ¼ I ðfMi [ xi g, Y Þ  I ðMi , Y Þ application of different LSSVM models to the first factor,
first two factors, first three factors, etc., led to the perform-
c.Choose the xi for which Lossi is lowest and eliminate ance (expressed by the R2 metric, which indicates the pro-
xi from XG. portion of the output’s variance that can be explained by the
3. Continue with step 2 until no variables remain. chosen features) observed in Figure 6. These results were
further corroborated under different random subdivisions of
The p parameter of the algorithm (in step 2.a of the algo- training and tests over the global data set.
rithm) will take the value p ¼ 1, as recommended in previ-
ous works (Herrera et al., 2006; Koller & Sahami, 1996).
4.4. Results validation
Once the relevance ranking has been established using
the above algorithm, it is necessary to identify the number First, the individual reliability of the items is examined on
of variables required to reach the target performance. It is the basis of the simple correlations of the indicators with
possible to identify one or two very significant variables, but their respective variables. The recommended value should

Figure 6. Performance of the ranking obtained.

Table 2. Reliability of constructs.

Construct Mean SD a Construct Mean SD a
Range Charging
RAN1 4.03 1.624 0.757 CHA1 4.03 1.852 0.859
RAN2 4.30 1.722 CHA2 4.31 1.772
Perceived benefit Infrastructure
PB1 4.70 1.448 0.733 INF1 5.39 1.441 0.740
PB2 4.90 1.447 INF2 5.00 1.426
Safety Reliability
SAF1 5.38 1.422 0.821 REL1 5.36 1.304 0.921
SAF2 5.32 1.348 REL2 5.35 1.324
SAF3 5.49 1.332 REL3 5.20 1.440
Price Incentives
PRI1 5.23 1.490 0.896 INC1 5.16 1.584 0.725
PRI2 5.25 1.452 INC2 4.74 1.512
PRI3 5.47 1.443 INC3 4.92 1.675
PRI4 5.03 1.475 INC4 4.34 1.751
Acceleration Intention to adopt
ACC1 5.02 1.378 0.860 IA1 5.15 1.611 0.907
ACC2 4.86 1.301 IA2 5.07 1.618
ACC3 5.00 1.402 IA3 4.66 1.738
Low Noise
LN1 4.96 1.850 0.873
LN2 5.06 1.878
LN3 4.77 1.805
LN4 4.60 1.859
LN5 5.06 1.785

reach 0.7. This assumes that the variance shared between experts have a minimum of ten years of experience in each
the construct and its indicators is greater than the variance of their sectors.
of the error term (Barclay et al., 1995). This study uses the The validation procedure was divided into four different
Cronbach Alpha coefficient (Cronbach, 1951). Also, it shows stages across the first half of 2019 including in-depth per-
mean and standar desviation (SD) of each item, as you can sonal interviews, assessments of the different research tools
see in Table 2. and the obtained results along with consideratons of the
In order to validate the results achieved with the pro- resulting feedback. Firstly, the study conducted an in-depth
posed method, a group of experts grouped into two different interview of ten experts in the EV sector in order to detail
categories was contacted: researchers related to consumer the type of experiment and select a set of variables that they
behavior and market research with an international research considered fit to explore intention to use. The group of
curriculum and professionals from the automobile sector experts were further divided into two sub-groups: a) profes-
with experience in sales of electric vehicles. All the selected sionals from the marketing and market research sector and,

Table 3. Expert evaluations.

SELECTED VARIABLES Range Range, incentives Range, incentives, safety Range, incentives, safety, acceleration
EXPERT 1 5 5 6 6
EXPERT 2 4 5 6 6
EXPERT 3 5 6 7 7
EXPERT 4 3 6 6 7
EXPERT 5 4 6 7 7
MEAN 4.2 5.6 6.4 6.6
EXPERT 1 5 5 6 6
EXPERT 2 5 6 6 6
EXPERT 3 4 6 6 6
EXPERT 4 5 7 7 7
EXPERT 5 4 7 7 6
MEAN 4.6 6.2 6.4 6.2
TOTAL 4.4 5.9 6.4 6.4

b) directors from five different car dealers selling EVs. The best option valued by the group of researchers on
Interviews lasted 2 hours each and approached a semi-struc- consumer behavior is option 4, which includes a greater
tured questionnaire listing the purposes, methodology and number of selection variables to determine the general
the set of variables of the present research study in detail. In intention to buy EV (6.6). Although it is true that option 3
this sense, interviews helped define the final set of variables obtains a high average (6.4) by sacrificing a variable in the
that the research instruments later analyzed. choice of variables that facilitate the decision making process
Secondly, after results were obtained from the feature to buy an EV, it is also true that option 3 obtains a high
selection algorithm (see Figures 5 and 6), four options were average (6.4) by sacrificing a variable in the choice of varia-
established to be compared by the groups of experts. The bles that facilitate the decision making process to buy an
four options correspond to different restriction levels. In EV. On the other hand, in the case of professionals related
decision support systems, it is always desired a small subset to the automotive sector, they value option 3 (6.4) to a
of variables to make things easier to the human operator. greater extent instead of option 4 (6.2).
Therefore, after obtaining the ranking of the variables, 4 After a joint analysis of the results with the group of
subsets (options) were given to the experts: option 1, consid- experts in a second interview, the main reasons for the score
ering the top variable in the ranking, option 2, the two top for each of the options proposed were as follows:
ranked variables, and so on up to a maximum of 4 variables. With respect to option 1: It only includes one variable such
The reason to stop in 4 variables is mainly because the R2 as driving range (4.4) which, although relevant, is not the only
achieved did not significantly increased when adding more one that determines the purchase intention of an EV, as it
variables (even being as high as with the whole set of 10 ignores the rest of the variables. The researchers argue that
variables). Furthermore, considering more than 4 variables this option is not valid because it uses a particularly restricted
might be confusing for the human taking the decision. criterion. It is interesting to note that driving range was the
This procedure provided the groups of experts with a most relevant variable found by the feature selection algo-
predefined set of variables to be rated using a 7-point Likert rithm, so it was thus the first variable in the rest of options,
scale. Lastly, once this study categorized the obtained results following the obtained ranking. But itself did not reach
and statistical conclusions were drawn from the proposed enough performance (in terms of R2), needing more variables
methodology, the experts assessed and ranked the variables to reach the maximum R2 value (see Figures 5 and 6).
in order of importance for each approached technique. In Regarding option 2: This option includes range and incen-
addition, the level of congruence was communicated tives, and is valued more positively than the previous option
through personal interviews with the experts in order to jus- (5.9). This option is supported by both groups of experts, mak-
tify their answers and analyze the results obtained from the ing a technological element compatible with another context-
different goups (Liebana-Cabanillas et al., 2016). Table 3 ual element that arouses high interest among potential buyers.
details the obtained results from the evaluations conducted On this occasion, the valuation of professionals in the automo-
by the different groups of experts. bile sector surpasses the valuation of professionals in the study
In general terms, as seen in Table 2, the most valued of consumer behavior and market research (6.2 versus 5.6).
options are 3 and 4, which include the variables range, Regarding option 3: This option includes range, incen-
incentives and reliability, in the first case, and, in the tives and reliability and is assessed identically by both
second, acceleration together with the previous options groups of experts. The experts understand that this option
(average valuation ¼ 6.4). In this sense, with the same aver- achieves a balance in the valuations of the selected variables
age valuation, option 3 uses one less selection variable, so in (6.4 in both groups of experts).
terms of performance this option would be better than Finally, with respect to option 4: This last option includes
option 4. range, incentives, reliability and acceleration. In this case,

professionals studying consumer behavior and market acceleration. It is possible that experts take into account this
research value the inclusion of the last variable (acceleration) variable because it is very easy to translate into an ad, slogan
more positively than professionals in the automobile sector and advertising campaign in general. However, after conduct-
(6.6 versus 6.2). ing the objective analysis of the data plus the opinion of auto-
motive experts, it can be concluded which are the three
elements that should guide the industry in improving purchase
5. Concluding discussions
5.1. Discussion of results
For this research it is important to provide a theoretical frame 5.2. Managerial implications
of reference for the adoption of EV (battery electric vehicles
Conclusions derived from the present research study can be
and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles). The purpose of this study
extensively applied to the bussines field. In this sense, since
is twofold. Firstly, to analyze intention to adopt EV.
EV adoption is still in the early stages of adotpion with
Specifically, to determine the factors predicting purchasing
potential customers considering a significant number of var-
behavior in a reliable way. This is done by implementing a
iables while contemplating an actual purchase (Rogers,
variable selection algorithm based on computational intelli-
2010), identifying the most important factors which drive
gence. Secondly, a set of experts related to the automobile sec-
EV sales should be the main strategy for companies in this
tor and specialists in consumer behavior and market research
sector. Said factors have been already validated by both
contrast these results under their own experience and opinion.
The literature shows numerous elements that must be potential customers and proffesionals, increasing the exter-
considered to understand a consumer’s purchase intention nal validity of this apporach.
at the time of purchasing an EV. From an exhaustive review, As a result of afore mentioned implications, the following
the most representative factors were selected. They can be measures should be implemented by those agents of interest
classified into technological factors: driving range, charging willing to drive EV sales:
time, noise, acceleration, safety and reliability; and context-
ual factors: price, perceived benefit, incentives and infra-  Improve the current EV technology, especially with regard
structure availability. to the driving range which remains as a barrier and a major
Methodoloty applied allows to choose the smallest possible concern for the vast majority of customers and proffesion-
set of factors that contain all the necessary information on the als. In this sense, EV manufacturers should keep working
target variable for decision-making, avoiding factors that are on extending battery life in order to mitigate customers’
not influential in any case, or, and not of minor importance, fear of running out of power during a trip.
that are redundant with respect to others already considered.  Design a proper incentive plan. In this regard, incentives
The results of this research indicate that among all the ele- remain as a key stimulant with regard to EV sales. Since the
ments studied, three factors are the most important to con- price of EVs is higher than that of traditional internal
sider: range, incentives and reliability. This result is observed combustion vehicles, incentives should help motivate cus-
in Figures 5 and 6, as the R2 of the fit to predict the adoption tomers to purchase EV. Incentive plans can also be applied
of an EV does not increase when considering more than three at both company and institutional levels. Thus, private com-
variables. Thus, these three variables make it possible to model panies should implement several strategies to encourage an
all the responses given by consumers with the greatest preci- easy access to EVs based on monetary incentives and
sion. The rest of the variables do not provide significant infor- upgrade paths. On the other hand, due to the current global
mation that would allow this approximation to be improved. and European agreements (Paris Agreement), governments
In other words, the yield obtained by these factors is similar to have already different incentives in place affecting the level
the use of a greater number of factors. of adoption of EVs for each country (EAFO, 2018). In this
On the other hand, in order to validate the results sense, Spain should develop solid incentive strategies and
obtained, a series of interviews were carried out with expert plans to retain a constant, reliable source of measures avail-
researchers related to consumer behavior and market able to improve EV adoption, helping the country in the
research with an international research curriculum and pro- challenge to reach the agreements established by the Paris
fessionals from the automobile sector with experience in Agreement (European Commision, 2019).
sales of EV. From the statistical conclusions, it is observed  Reliability is also a key factor that mitigates customer’s
that a balance is reached with the inclusion of the first three fears and uncertainty, especially in the early stages of
variables, which determines that the proposed experts adoption. Since the vast majority of potential customers
understand that the selection of these three variables would are not familiar with EV technology, a signficant level of
be sufficient to know the purchase intention of potential reliability should drive sales of EVs. In this sense, trust
buyers of EVs. These experimental results corroborate the in the reliability of the new technology should improve
theoretical results of the proposed algorithm. over time as customers spread a positive word-of-motuh
It is interesting to see how the automobile industry expert (Mcknight & Chervany, 2001). Both private companies
group valued the set of variables selected by the variable selec- and public institutions can increase the added value
tion method the most. This same selection also gets a very offered by reliability by developing communication strat-
good score by marketing experts who prefer to include egies and campaigns aimed at customer needs.

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Enjoyable low noise emission
Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition.
The lack of engine noise of EVs increases the driving pleasure.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2017.08.009 I believe that the lack of noise from the EV is not dangerous for road traffic.
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electric vehicles: An empirical study in Shanghai. Technological Satisfying safety and reliability
Forecasting and Social Change, 126, 284–291. https://doi.org/10. I would be as safe in an EV as in a comparable conventional compact car.
1016/j.techfore.2017.09.011 The safety in EVs is a given.
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I rely on the new technology of EVs.
of incentive policy on electric vehicle promotion. Sustainable Cities and EVs are reliable.
Society, 44, 597–603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2018.10.024 I can depend on an EV to reliably get me where I need to go.
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Chinese citizens on new energy vehicles: How should one respond to
E&HVs are expensive.
current preferential policy? Journal of Cleaner Production, 161, E&HVs are costly.
1000–1010. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.154 The price of E&HVs is higher than that of corresponding gasoline cars.
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Industrial Conference on Data Mining, Cham (pp. 258–268). https:// The maintenance costs are lower in EVs.
doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-62701-4_20 Incentives
Zhang, X., Wang, K., Hao, Y., Fan, J. L., & Wei, Y. M. (2013). The It is easier to receive subsidies for the purchase of EVs than for the rest of
impact of government policy on preference for NEVs: The evidence vehicles.
from China. Energy Policy, 61, 382–393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. The purchase of an E&HV is more cost-effective when monetary incentives are
enpol.2013.06.114 in place.
It is easier to receive subsidies for the purchase of EVs than for the rest of
Zhu, J. J. (2016). Analysis of New Zealand specific electric vehicle adop-
tion barriers and government policy [Thesis]. Victoria University of I am aware of the subsidies available for the purchase of EVs.
It is hard to find a station where an EV can be charged.
It is hard to find an auto repair shop that services EVs.
Intention to adopt
Next time I buy a car, I will consider buying an E&HV.
I expect to drive an E&HV car in the near future.
I have the intention to drive an E&HV in the near future.

Appendix B: Control questions

Do you have your own vehicle? Yes/No

Did you know about the existence of electric and hybrid vehicles? Yes/No
Do you own an electric or hybrid vehicle? Yes/No
What’s the primary vehicle in your household? Diesel/Gasoline/Hybrid/Plug-in hybrid/Electric
Are you contemplating the purchase of an electric vehicle? Very unlikely/Not Likely/Likely/Very likely/I already own an electric vehicle

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