Data Analticys On Vechicle Companies

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11% Overall Similarity

The combined total of all matches, including overlapping sources, for each
database. 7% Internet database 3% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
8% Submitted Works database
1.1 Introduction:
EVs, or electric vehicles, are cars and other vehicles that are propelled by one or more electric
motors as opposed to a conventional internal combustion engine that burns gasoline or diesel.
Electric cars get their energy from rechargeable batteries, which are often composed of lithium-ion
cells, as opposed to using gasoline or diesel.
Sales of electric vehicles have been rising rapidly in recent years as a result of laws being passed
in various nations to promote their use.
One nation that has embraced the lead in promoting electric automobiles is Norway. In
Norway, public awareness efforts, infrastructural investment, and government incentives have
resulted in over half of new car sales being electric. China has the biggest electric car in the
and the Netherlands, which intends to outlaw the sale of gas-powered automobiles by 2030, are two
other nations that have had success in encouraging the use of electric cars.

India is fast becoming one of the major players in the world market for electric vehicles. The Indian
government has launched a number of programs and regulations in recent years to encourage the use
of electric cars and lessen the nation's reliance on fossil fuels.

A vital endeavor is the Accelerated Acceptance and Production of

Launched in 2015, the Electric cars (FAME) initiative aims to create charging infrastructure and
provide subsidies and incentives for the purchase of electric cars.

1.2 The study's necessity:
In India, by 2030, electric cars are expected to account for 70% of sales of two-wheelers and 30% of
passenger vehicles, according to a research by NITI Aayog and Rocky Mountain Institute. As a
result, it becomes more important to research adoption intents and understand client adoption
intentions as well as obstacles to EV adoption.

1.3 The study's objectives:

• To comprehend Indian automakers' Sustainable Development Goals.

• Examining consumer feedback about Indian automakers' e-vehicles in order to gauge how they
Thestudy:of scope of the study is restricted to only 5 top motor companies and the
electric carsegment of the respective companies. To understand the customer
perception and userperception reviews of the existing Electric cars already launched
by the respectivecompanies have been taken from 3 major vehicle review websites
have been taken intoconsideration.
1.1 Limitationsofthestudy:
The primary limitation of the study is restricted to only Top-5 Motor Companies.
Thereviews collected from only 3 websites can be improved and increased. After gaining
theinsights from the Exploratory Research study, this could not be extended to
theDescriptiveStudywhere primarydatafrom theconsumers/usersofEVCarscould
notbecollecteddueto timeandmaterial constraints.

In order to understand various aspects of EVs, the current scenario of EVs especially
withspecial reference to India, the modelling techniques used, tools used for capturing the
datafromvarious socialmediaplatformsetc.,adetailed ReviewofLiteraturehasbeendone.
In the article "Social Aspects of Electric Vehicles Research—Trends and Relations to Sustainable
Development Goals," published in 2022 by Omahne et al., the authors combined a systematic review of
recent studies with an emphasis on the social aspects of electric vehicles and how they relate to particular UN
Sustainable Development Goals. In order to gain a better understanding of the present and future directions
of research on the social sustainability of electric vehicles, it was important to concentrate on issues
pertaining to "perception" of these vehicles and evaluate their social "impact." Additionally, an emerging
field of study called "user experience" and its connections to the UN Sustainable Development Goals were
also considered. "Climate actions" is listed as the current priority. The concept of "sustainable cities and
communities," which is gaining importance, has the potential to rank highly among future academic, policy,
and community goals. The systematic literature review technique forms the basis of this investigation. In
order to examine the social viewpoint and societal element of EVs, this study offers a thorough and
methodical analysis of all the scientific publications that are now accessible. Web of Science served as the
foundation for the research and publications in this study (WoS). It might be claimed that there is a shortage
of articles that examine the effect of EVs for societal welfare and user experience. It was also observed that
the categories of "welfare" and "user experience" lacked publications. But although "acceptance" and
"perception" are often researched, EVs' image and how people see them as status symbols are not included in
this research.
Tu & Yang (2019) investigated the major elements affecting customers' purchases of electric cars and built a
theoretical framework based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), technological acceptance model
(TAM), and innovation diffusion theory (IDT). Those who reside in coastal regions were given the
questionnaires for this research online as

In China's mainland, the majority of electric cars are found there. The findings indicate that the greatest effect
on customers' behavioral intention to buy electric cars comes from their control over the resources needed to
do so, followed by input from others around them. Customers feel that using electric cars is easier and more
convenient, or that they are more advantageous for the environment, the person, or the country. The views of
consumers’ family members, friends, colleagues or supervisors do not substantially effect the attitude or
behavior of consumers regarding electric vehicle purchasing, at the same time the variables motivating the
customers to acquire EVs doesn’t
rely not so much on the model design as on the EV's popularity. For this reason, the
authors argue that the government and automakers should think about promoting electric
cars more and introducing more alluring battery and charging programs.
Ju et al. (2021) gathered and used text mining methods to evaluate news stories and internet
posts about eco-friendly automobiles from 2006 to 2020 in order to identify the reasons
impeding consumer awareness and the proliferation of these vehicles. To learn more about
the attitudes of the general public on the advantages and challenges of implementing eco-
friendly car adoption, text analysis was done. Two pertinent sources for analysis are
messages on online forums and stories in newspapers. There are 54 news brands in this
database, including big and small brands as well as general and specialized news coverage.
The search terms "green car," "eco-friendly car," "electric car," and "hybrid car" were used in
Korean to get these articles. The second sample under analysis was taken from the
well- known Korean online automotive community Posts tagged"green
with car," "eco-friendly car," "electric car," and "hybrid car" were found using these
phrases. Through content analysis, one may go over a message's main points or significance.
The co-occurrence matrix of commonly used phrases was extracted in the research using the
NLTK (natural language toolkit), Konlpy (Korean NLP in Python), and Mecab-ko packages,
a Korean text analysis software package. The text data underwent rudimentary text
processing, such as tokenization and stop words, prior to the main procedure.

Lemmatization and elimination. According to the survey, customers believed hybrid cars to be
silent and fuel-efficient, but complaints about battery replacement and poor battery
performance raised questions about safety and longevity.
In their paper "A model for sentiment and emotion analysis of unstructured social media text,"
Rout et al. (2018) used both supervised and unsupervised methods on a variety of
collections. Sentiment analysis for tweets obtained from the public domain of Twitter is
done automatically via the use of an unsupervised technique. The authors of the study
employed tweets—which have a character limit of 140—as the source of their data, which
could be
gathered using the Twitter API. The objective was to ascertain the emotion (positive, negative,
and neutral) expressed in tweets for a certain product or film. Two datasets were employed, and
after neutral and non-English tweets were eliminated, data preparation was carried out by
removing URLs. Words like "coooool" and "happppyyyy" are filtered out; stop and question
words are eliminated; special characters are eliminated; retweets are eliminated; and
hashsymbols are eliminated.
18 4
The main goal of the research conducted by Dixit & Singh (2022) in the paper "Predicting Electric Vehicle

(EV) Buyers in India: A Machine Learning Approach" was to create a machine learning model that would be
able to predict whether a given individual would "Buy" or "Won't Buy" an electric car in India. Finding

commonly appearing terms was the goal in order to have a meaningful knowledge of the interests and

worries of the customer with regard to electric automobiles. There are two parts to this research report. In

order to understand customer concerns about electric cars, Section 1 of the study focuses on text analysis of

postings made by Indian consumers on social media platforms. In Section 2, a machine learning model is

presented in order to forecast which Indian consumers would purchase an electric vehicle. In order to find

out what Indian internet users are talking about when it comes to electric automobiles, tweets were taken out

and text analysis was done. The #EVIndia and #EVIssues hashtags were used to gather the tweets. Indian

customers are conversant with electric cars and associated difficulties, and they are aware of them.

Nonetheless, there isn't much in-depth discussion about electric automobiles. A 81.22% accurate Logistic

Regression model was created to categorize customers into two groups: "Won't Buy" and "Buy."
ResearchDesign:The design of exploratory research has been used for data collection and analysis.
Providing insights into and understanding of the issue scenario faced is the main goal of
exploratory research, a form of study strategy. The goal of the whole research is to examine and
comprehend customer perceptions and attitudes via review data; hence, by doing so, we may
investigate the factors in more detail that will be important for our main inquiry.

Tools used: Multiple tools have been used to scrape the data from the review

Sampling: All the data for the study is based on secondary taken. The Annual Reports
andSustainability Reports have been taken from their official websites and the reviews
Every company has launched on an average 2 or 3 Electric cars, and the other


Company MarketShare
MarutiSuzuki 46%
HyundaiMotorCompany 13.60%
TataMotors 12.39%
Mahindra&Mahindra 7.11%
KiaMotors 3.52%
The process of obtaining data from a range of sources, including databases, websites, papers, and other data
repositories, is known as data extraction. Depending on the source, the retrieved data may be organized or
unstructured. As a result, data for the reports was taken straight from the corporate website, and other
techniques were used to mine the evaluations from different websites for the study's research. The following
tools are used to extract data:
The ParseHub With the help of ParseHub, users may scrape data from websites without having to know how
to code. Any website, even ones with JavaScript and dynamic content, may have their data scraped by
ParseHub. Users may establish scraping projects using a visual interface and extract data by choosing the
relevant web page components. This application is very user-friendly and does not need the use of lengthy
scripts to retrieve data.
NVIVO: QSR International developed NVivo, a software program for qualitative and mixed-methods
research. Analyzing unstructured data—text, audio, video, and images—from a variety of sources, including
surveys, social media, journal articles, interviews, and surveys is its main duty. This program was released in
July 2014 and works with Macintosh and Windows operating systems.

NCapture is an add-on that helps import websites and social media into NVivo for web browsers such as
Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

Analyzing Data:

To accomplish the goals, a variety of sources of data have been gathered. In order to better grasp the
Sustainability Development Goals of Indian motor firms, as well as to examine customer feedback about
their e-vehicles and identify consumer feelings, the gathered data has been analyzed using a variety of
statistical methods and natural language processing techniques.

The following is the data analysis:

Figure 1. Word cloud from Annual Report and Sustainability Report of Top 5

Interpretation: The word cloud represents the frequency of different words occurring in
‘sustaining’etcarethe most occurred words in the reports.

Figure 2. Hierarchy Chart from Annual Report and Sustainability Report of Top
5MotorCompanies inIndia
Interpretation: Collections of things, with the exception of the root, that are all linked to one
parent item are called hierarchical visualizations or trees. Multiple characteristics may be
present in items and the linkages between parent and child. These are applicable to both links
and products. As a result, the parent and node links between the terms that appear in the
reports are shown in the above Hierarchical Chart. The color similarity serves as a
representation of the relationship between different events and models.

Figure 3. Tree map from Annual Report and Sustainability Report of Top 5

Interpretation:Nestled rectangles form the visualization known as the tree map. These rectangles
are grouped in a hierarchy like a tree to represent distinct categories within a particular
Quantities and patterns may be compared and shown in a constrained chart area.

Tree maps represent relationships between parts. The three main concepts arerepresented in
the larger rectangles that are, ‘company’, ‘year’, ‘2021’. As the data is aboutthecompany’s
financialstatusandtaken from theAnnual Reportfrom 2021-2022.And
furtherminimizesthe scopeand theconceptsbecome lessimportant.

So far, the data analysis presented is with respect to the first objective where we are trying
tounderstand the sustainability goals of the top motor companies in India, and it is clear
andevident that the companies are moving to sustainability where they are focusing on
achievingtheUN’sSDGsbydoingvariousCSR activitiesaswelllaunchingelectricmotos.

The following analysis is about the electric vehicle segment of these top 5 motor
companiesandtheiruser reviewscollected from multiple motor vehiclereviewwebsites.

Figure 4.WordcloudfromAnnualReportandSustainability ReportofMarutiSuzuki

AnnualReportandSustainability Report of Maruti Suzuki are, ‘environmental’, ‘company’,
ments’, ‘emissions’, ‘reduce’ etc. The company is indicating in their reports that theyare
moving towards Sustainability as Maruti Suzuki is going to launch six battery vehicles
inIndiaby 2030.


Figure 5. Word cloud from Annual Report and Sustainability Report of Hyundai
Interpretation:In Hyundai Motor Company's Annual Report and Sustainability Report, the
terms "Hyundai company," "financial," "managing," "vehicles," "business,"
"environmental," "emissions," "carbon," "governance," and so on are most often used and
met. The business is also worried about pollutants, such as carbon emissions, and making
sure environmental problems are addressed.

Hyundai Kona and Hyundai IONIQ are the two electric cars released by Hyundai;therefore
the reviews of these users have been scarped from the website using different toolslike
NVIVO, Python, ParseHub. The collected data has been analysed using NVIVO whereWord
Frequency Analysis has been performed, to check different perceptions of these
features’, ‘range’, ‘design’, ‘seats’, ‘comfort’, ‘premium experience’, ‘performance,

Figure 7.SentimentAnalysisof ElectricCarUserReviewsofHyundai
Hyundai Kona and Hyundai IONIQ are the two electric cars released by
medusingNVIVOtool.Aspertheresults,usersarehavingPositive opinion regarding pricing,
performance, comfort, seats etc. 76% of the
opinionscollectedarePositive in contrastwith24%Negative.


Figure 8.WordcloudfromAnnualReportandSustainabilityReportofTataMotors

Interpretation:In Tata Motors' Annual Report and Sustainability Report, the terms
"financial," "company," "directors," "loss," "cost," "report," "operations," "ratings,"
"employees," "risk," "changes," and "developments" are most often used and encountered.
The business is mostly focused on financial operations, performance, and advancements.

re,thereviewsoftheseusershavebeenscarpedfromthewebsiteusingdifferent tools like NVIVO,
Python, ParseHub. The collected data has been analysed usingNVIVO where Word
Frequency Analysis has been performed, to check different perceptionsof these users. As per
the analysis the users of these electric cars are having opinions about,‘driving’, ‘tata’,
‘nexon’, ‘charging’, ‘range’, ‘good features’, ‘price’, ‘battery’, ‘mileage’,‘performance’,
‘safety’,‘comfortable’,‘interior’, ‘experience’etc.

Figure 10.SentimentAnalysis ofElectricCarUserReviewsofTata Motors
TigorEV,TataNexonEVandTataAltrozEVarethethreeelectriccarsreleasedby Tata Motors. Users
have different perceptions about the cars, which has been seen in theprevious illustration. But
it is important to know, whether these perceptions are Positive
are having Positive opinion regarding pricing, performance, charging, battery,
mileageetc.66%oftheopinionscollectedarePositive incontrastwith34%Negative.


Figure 11. Word cloud from Annual Report and Sustainability Report of Mahindra
ndra’,‘sustaining’, ‘risks’, ‘accounts’, ‘shares’, ‘governments’, ‘businesses’, ‘materials’ etc.
ntbusinessesand shareperformance.


Mahindra e2o, Mahindra e-Verito, Mahindra eKUV100 and Mahindra XUV300Electric are
the four electric cars released by Mahindra and Mahindra; therefore, the reviewsof these users
have been scarped from the website using different tools like NVIVO, Python,ParseHub.
analysisthe users of these electric cars are having opinions about, ‘servicing’, ‘comfort’,
‘features’,‘battery’, ‘maintenance’, ‘experience’, ‘mileage’, ‘charge’, ‘road friendly’, ‘price’,

Figure 13.SentimentAnalysis of Electric CarUserReviewsofMahindraand Mahindra

Mahindra e2o, Mahindra e-Verito, Mahindra eKUV100 and Mahindra XUV300Electric are
the four electric cars released by Mahindra and Mahindra. Users have
to know, whether these perceptions are Positive or Negative, hence Sentiment Analysis
hasbeen performed using NVIVO tool. As per the results, users are having Positive
opinionregarding pricing, performance, charging, comfort, interior, space etc. 69% of the
opinionscollectedarePositive in contrastwith 31%Negative.


Figure 14.WordcloudfromAnnualReportandSustainabilityReportofKia Motors

Interpretation:In Kia Motors' Annual Report and Sustainability Report, the terms "kia,"
"environmental," "business manager," "sustainable," "emissions," "safety," "esg,"
"performance," "global," and "governance" are most often used and encountered. The
company's primary focus is on environmental challenges, such as emissions, vehicle safety,
and environmental, social, and governance issues.

Interpretation:Userreviewshavebeencollectedfromdifferentmotorvehiclereviewwebsites. Kia
Soul EV is the only electric car launched by Kia Motors; therefore, the reviewsof these users
have been scarped from the website using different tools like NVIVO, Python,ParseHub.
analysisthe users of these electric cars are having opinions about, ‘looks’, ‘price’,
‘comfortable’,‘charging’,‘Indian benefits’, ‘seats’, ‘space’, ‘power’, ‘warranty’etc.

Figure 16.SentimentAnalysis of ElectricCarUserReviews of KiaMotors
Interpretation:Userreviewshavebeencollectedfromdifferentmotorvehiclereviewwebsites. Kia
Soul EV is the only electric car launched by Kia Motors. Users have
Butitisimportantto know, whether these perceptions are Positive or Negative, hence
Sentiment Analysis hasbeen performed using NVIVO tool. As per the results, users are
having Positive opinionregarding pricing, performance, charging, comfort, interior, space etc.
80% of the opinionscollectedarePositive in contrastwith20%Negative.


 To analyze the top motor companies, the market share of all the motor companies
Mahindrawith 7.11%and KiaMotorswith 3.52%.
 The words, ‘financial’, ‘year’, ‘managing’, ‘Mahindra’, ‘environmental’,
‘reports’,‘sustaining’ etc are the most occurred words in the Annual Reports and
 Consumers are more concerned about ‘price’, ‘charging’, ‘features’, ‘range’,
‘design’,‘seats’, ‘comfort’, ‘premium experience’, ‘performance, ‘better space’ etc, of
 76% of the opinions collected are Positive in contrast with 24% Negative
opinionsaboutHyundai ElectricCars.
 Consumers are more concerned about ‘driving’, ‘tata’, ‘nexon’, ‘charging’,
‘range’,‘good features’, ‘price’, ‘battery’, ‘mileage’, ‘performance’, ‘safety’,
‘comfortable’,‘interior’, ‘experience’ etc, of Tata Motor Electric cars like Tata Tigor
EV, Tata NexonEVandTataAltrozEV.
 66% of the opinions collected are Positive in contrast with 34% Negative
opinionsaboutTata Motors’ElectricCars.
 Consumersaremoreconcernedabout‘servicing’,‘comfort’,‘features’,‘battery’,‘maintena
nce’, ‘experience’, ‘mileage’, ‘charge’, ‘road friendly’, ‘price’, ‘interior’,‘space’,
‘experience’ etc., about Mahindra and Mahindra Electric cars like
Mahindrae2o,Mahindrae-Verito,MahindraeKUV100and MahindraXUV300Electric
 69% of the opinions collected are Positive in contrast with 31% Negative
opinionsaboutMahindraand Mahindraelectriccars.
 Consumersaremoreconcernedabout‘looks’,‘price’,‘comfortable’,‘charging’,‘Indianben
 80% of the opinions collected are Positive in contrast with 20% Negative
 Allthe motor companiesare primarilytalkingabout‘sustainability’,‘emissions’,‘safety’,
‘governance’, ‘finances’, ‘shares’, ‘ratings’, ‘employees’,


 Fromthefindingsoftheanalysis,itcanbeconcludedthatthetopmotorcompanies,aremoving
towards Sustainability, ESG, Developments etc., in order to achieve a
betterpollutionfreeand emissionfreesociety.
 Therefore, the companies are moving towards sustainability a d striving to
achieveSDGsby launchingElectricCars.
 When compared, Kia’s Soul EV has the best positive reviews given by the
 It may be considered that since Kia has released only a single electric car, the
dinto the market by othermoto companies.


 SincethestudyislimitedtoonlytheTop5motorcompanies,itcanbeextendedbyconsideri
 The data collected can be used as Exploratory Research and can be extended

 Singh, A. K., and Dixit, S. K. (2022). Using Machine Learning to Predict
Indian Electric Vehicle (EV) Purchasers. 221–238 in The Review of
Socionetwork Strategies, 16(2). There is a 10.1007/s12626-022-00109-9

 • Kim, S. H., Lee, K. H., and Ju, N. (2021). A textual examination of the factors
in Korea that influence customer awareness and the purchasing of
environmentally friendly automobiles. Sustainability, 13(10), Switzerland. This
link points to 10.3390/su13105566.

 • Obrecht, M., Knez, M., and Omahne, V. (2021). Research on the social
implications of electric vehicles: trends and connections to sustainable
development objectives. Journal of World Electric Vehicles, 12(1), 1–13.
10.3390/wevj12010015 can be found here.
 • Jena, S. K., Bakshi, S., Dash, A. K., Rout, J. K., & Williams, K. L. (2018). A
sentiment and emotional analysis model for unstructured social media text.
181– 199 in Electronic Commerce Research, 18(1). The publication
10.1007/s10660- 017-9257-8

 • In 2019, Tu, J. C., and Yang, C. Important variables affecting customers'

decisions to buy electric cars. Sustainability 11(14) (Switzerland). This
link points to 10.3390/su11143863.
 • Corporate/Investors/Company-Reports:
 • Reports are available at
 • Financial statements may be seen at
 • Business Results:

 • Annual Reports:

 •

 • []

 • Visit
 This link:
Similarity Report ID: oid:3618:46690850

11% Overall Similarity

Top sources found in the following databases:
7% Internet database 3% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
8% Submitted Works database

The sources with the highest number of matches within the submission. Overlapping sources will not be

Internet 3%

2 University of Stirling on 2023-02-22

Submitted works 1%

3 University of Hertfordshire on 2023-08-09

Submitted works 1%

University of Bradford on 2020-08-12

Submitted works

Berlin School of Business and Innovation on 2023-01-13

Submitted works

Sushil Kumar Dixit, Ashirwad Kumar Singh. "Predicting Electric Vehicle

7 ... <1%

University of Greenwich on 2023-09-11

Submitted works

Sources overview
Similarity Report ID: oid:3618:46690850

Anglia Ruskin University on 2018-12-11

Submitted works

University of Technology, Sydney on 2022-03-27

Submitted works

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 2023-04-14

Submitted works

Glyndwr University on 2022-03-26

Submitted works

S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai on 2023-10-10

Submitted works

University of Derby on 2022-09-07

Submitted works

Queen Mary and Westfield College on 2023-04-14

Submitted works

University of Waikato on 2023-09-15

Submitted works

Sources overview

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