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Fae PLAN RECORD 1. MAY. 19, 2006 DRAWN FOR THIS WORK NAMURA SHIPBUILDING CO.,LTD. S.No. 268 ) REF. PROVISION PLANT OWG. NO. F-1—-966 PLAN Remarks S.No, 268 AD6O049 Du. No. ALT, REV. CLASS: CHARGED BY A060049 — 03 NK HEAD OFFICE TEL : +81-898-53-2400 -4qQ REINETSU Cg FAX : +81-898-53-6362° 2 pesign seq “<
18 hr/day 5. GR SEE AC 440.V 60 Hz 36 PAR AC 110V 60 Hz 16 6. BBR we 7.5 BG 7/2 d. Lobby shall be cooled by return line of fish room, then room temperature shall not controlled. e. Running of temp. keeping hour : 18 hr/day 5. Power source Nain circuit Control circuit AC 440 V 60 fiz 3P AC 110 V 60 iz 1P 6. Color of paint Munsell No. 7.5 BG 7/27. PRON 1) BK > BA 2) tHe + PEARY b( 24K DICED, RPE EOL, RAPID RE OPI ETT 5 =e KD, MADRS HTS. + BME, a=» h7-FHORBEEOM BETS, + MET 4 VOEMEADMET TS & SEED BIDARS ASB) LEGS HL SES, CTEBPE Ca), BNET ) 3) FREEAE + PEI VOR EMENRLATS &, GEEZ BIDAR A/F) L, FERRE HPIESES, ( RBPELE Cab O , Fu ) + SLM SPORE THC, EABLAFSL, PHIL OME ARICA SES, + FERGRADMEEARET YS &, WAEECRRBDAPA REDS (HL, ERA PHIER ES, ( RREPEE- Cd 0, SPIEIKE ) + HAR ORS ED, MANNS BUCIS, SAPPEIRRASICRLIT7E OCR, NEB IT ED ES URE METALS, OCR: SGaibRAEaR NEB: RERAIESTSE 8. ARERR ALE 1) Bett REE VFVY a= y b~ RS (SEED): ARP ~ EEO 2) SEBRARREER RGR ~ RE HEB) FARINCREL DB ~ EERE Aen 7. Operation and control system 1) Starting system Compressor Direct start 2) Control systen + Each chamber temperature shall be controlled by open/shut of magnet valve according to thermostat (2 position) operation, which is adjusted with ref. chanber temperature. + Thermo expansion valve shall control the super heat of refrigerant in unit cooler. + When suction pressure down, the low pressure switch is operated to stop the compressor. (Restart the compressor automatically.) 3) Protection system + When discharge pressure rises, the high pressure switch is operated to stop the ‘compressor. (anual. re-set. to be needed) + If in case of above switch does not act, high pressure refrigerant shall be purged to atmosphere by safety valve. + When oi] low pressure down, the oil protection switch is operated to stop the compressor. (fanual re-set to be needed) + When over load or short circuit of wiring, the OCR and NFB shall operate to cut off the electric circuit. OCR : Over Current Relay NFB : No Fuse Breaker 8. Refrigerant piping and pipe insulation 1) piping High pressure side : Fron condensing unit to expansion valve. Low pressure side From expansion valve to suction valve of compressor 2) Range of piping insulation Between expansion valve and pipe through piece fitted on steel bulkhead of chamber. Between through piece fitted on steel bulkhead and just before suction valve of compressor.9. RRR 1) CB ARRAR OLR + EARBHCOW TH, TAC CHREET A b EAT Be 2) SABO + ALERT. ABU, TIBOR, ED RBRORMERETT 5. 9. Test and inspection 1) Inspection before shop delivery and test + Pressure vessels of condensing unit shall be tested with sone gas pressure at shop. 2) On board test + After completion of on board piping work, gas leak test by pressure and vacuum, cooling test, stabilizing ( thermostat ) and insulation test of provision chanber.PLAN RECORD 1, MAY, 19, 2006. DRAWN FOR THIS WORK. NAMURA SHIPBUILDING CO.,LTD. S.No, 268 REF. PROVISION PLANT HEAT LOAD CALCULATION Remarks S.No, 268 A060049. APPROVED BY cHeonen Br rR TOW. No. Ag. | REV. | CASS CHARGED By aI A060049_ - 03 NK DRAWN BY aH z 2 2 A 3 USHIO ea iz HEAD OFFICE TEL : +81-898-53-2400 = FAX : +81-898-53-6363 7 DESIGN SECTION TEL: +81-898-53-2401 aaa FAX : $81-898~-53-2402 ga) 883~1 WAKI ONISHI-CHO IMABARI-CITY EHIME PREF. , JAPAN RH 2) gal | USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD. aProvision chamber arrangement 01 ool a Heat transfer coefficient Ceiling 0.21, 0.49 Side wall 0.21 ,0.49 Partition wall 0.21, 0.49 Floor 0.21, 0.49 W/ni-°c. w/c W/nic W/ni-°c. CLEAR HEIGHT = H=2100mm ‘SURROUND TEMP" EXPOSED DECK EXPOSED SIDE WALL NON AIR COND. SPACE AIR COND. SPACE ENGINE SPACE CORRIDER ‘spoT 60 50 35 30 45 35 35 cadddddddHEAT LOAD CALCULATION ROOM NAME MEAT ROOM ROOM TEMP’ -2 ROOM SIZE 5.30 nf? ROOM VOL. do A. TRANSMISSION GAIN a c Wk C W CBILING 5.94 X{( 30 )-( -20 ))xX 0.210 = 63 *{C d-¢ Ex = xi d-¢ x SIDE WALL 10.33 x{( 50 )-( -20 )}x 0.21 152 x{C d-¢ x = «tC -¢ dx PARTITION WALL 4.35 x{( 5 )-( -20 ))xX 0,21 23 5.77 X{( -20 )-( -20 )}X 0.49 = 0 x{( d-¢ yx = FLOOR 5.94 x{( 45 )-( -20 )}x O21 = 82 x{C -¢ x = SuB TOTAL 320 0 B. DOOR INFILTRATION 11.10 n?x 2/24 X 13.6 W/m? = 13 OW C. INTERNAL HEAT FAN MOTOR sow x 1/0.65 = aa W TOTAL LOAD 457HEAT LOAD CALCULATION ROOM NAME FISH ROOM ROOM TEMP’ =20 ROOM SIZE 5.03 on? ROOM VOL. 10.6 a’ A. TRANSKISSION GAIN a c W/nt TC ¥ CEILING 5.52 x{( 30 )-( -20 )}x O21 = 58 x{( d=¢ x = x {( -¢ x SIDE WALL 4.14 X{€ 50 )-( -20 )}X 0.21 61 x{( -( )Ix = x{C d-€ dx = PARTITION WALL 414 x{( 5 )-( -20 JX O21 = 22 5.80 x{( 2 )-( -20 ))x O22 = a7 x{C y= yx = FLOOR 5.52 x{( 45 )-( -20 )}x O21 = 16 x{C d-€ Ex = SUB TOTAL 244 W B.DOOR INFILTRATION 10, 60 mx 2/24 x 13.5 F/m? = 120 9 €. INTERNAL HEAT FAN MOTOR B0W xX 1/065 = 124 W TOTAL LOAD 380HEAT LOAD CALCULATION ROOM_NAME VEGETABLE ROOM ROOM TEMP” 2. ROOM SIZE 1.9 ROOM VOL. 25.0 ‘A. TRANSMISSION GAIN Pa c W/nt-C CEILING 12.57 X{( 30 )-( 2 )}x 0.49 = 173 x {( d-¢€ Ix = SIDE WALL 5.69 x{( 50 )-( 2 )}x 0.49 134 674 X{( 36 )-( 2. IX 0.49 109 8.62 x{C 35 )-( 2 IX 049° = 140 x{( -€ x = PARTITION WALL 5.80 X{(-20)-( 2 ))x 049 = -62 3.82 x{( 6 )-( 2 )}x 0.49 6 x{C d-€ yx FLOOR 32.57 X{( 45 )-( 2 )}X 0.490 = 265 x{C -¢ dx suB TOTAL 765 B.DOOR INFILTRATION 25.0 n?x 3/24 xX 1.98 W/n® = 7 C. BREATHING HEAT 25.0 m X 250 kg/m’ x 0,6 X 993 W/t-day / 24 / 1000 = 155 D. INTERNAL HEAT FAN MOTOR Bow x ——_1/0.65 = 124 TOTAL LOAD 1051HEAT LOAD CALCULATION ROOM. NAME LOBBY ROOM TEMP’ abt 5 TC ROOM SIZE 7.09 oe ROOM VOL. 14.9 A. TRANSMISSION GAIN mi c W/nt °C CEILING 7.58 x{( 30 )-( 5 )}K 0.49 = 93 iC y= dx x{( d-¢ Wx SIDE WALL 3.86 X{( 50 )-( 5 IX 0.49 = 86 8.65 x{( 35 )-( 5 JX 0.49 = 128 x {C y-€ x = PARTITION WALL 4.37 x{(-20)-( 5 )}K O21 = 22, 414 X{( -20)-( 5 JK 08210 = “21 3.82 x{( 2 )-( 5 dx 0.49 5 FLOOR 7.58 X{( 45 )-C 5 )EX 0.49 149 «{¢ d-¢ x = SUB TOTAL 408 B.DOOR INFILTRATION 14.9 mx 6 /24 xX 27.0 W/m? = 101 TOTAL LOAD 509TOTAL HEAT LOAD CALCULATION 10 Ww. A B c D TOTAL MEAT 320 13 124 457 FISH 244 12 124 0 380 VEGETABLE 165 7 124 155 1051 LOBBY 408 101 0 0 509 TOTAL 1737 133 372 155 2397 COOLING CAPACITY 2397 Xx 24 _ 3196 ¥ 18 REF. MACHINE URS- 3.7 SSSD 3944 ¥ (cr 40 C/ ET -28 T ) RUNNING OF TEMP. KEEPING HOUR 2397 Xx 24 a = . di 3044 14.6 hour/day COOLER MEAT ROOM UNIT COOLER 457 X 24 / 14.6 = 7520 SG-UISIHL 1990 FISH ROOM UNIT COOLER 380 x 24/ 14.6 = 625 Ww SG-U151HL 1990 W VEGETABLE ROOM UNIT COOLER 1051 _X 24 / 14.6 = 1728 OW SG-U151HA 2020 W LOBBY aHat 509 X 24 / 14.6 = 4.21? COPPER PIPE + ALUMINIUM FIN 13X 1.5 X10.2 700L X 2 SETS 2.52 x2“a MAIN PRINCIPAL ITEM Total weight Ref. Provision unit URS-3.7SSSD_ x 2 units eH yb Est sk th x Re x me Condensing unit [External size 526 Width _X_1997 Length x 960 Height aoe Refrigerant R-22 eR Power source AC 440V_ x 60Hz xX 3P Bete EBS Control circuit AC 110V x 60Hz x IP FIOARA Bat—-3 Method of defrosting Electric heater RD RE \Cooling capacity 3944 W (CT 40°CET -28°C) BBE Color of paint Munsell number 75.86 1/2 6 Bt ab. 240 ke/unit, rae ust een ‘Compressor Type 1 set/unit | Semi Hermetic Type (CFA~2LSYM2 ) SAFE x TS x STL |Cylinder bore x Stroke X No. of cyl. $50 mm x $2 mm x 2 cyl. AS x OEE neRD Driven x Revoltion Direct driven x 1750 min eT Refrigerant oil charge 1.8 Liters/unit rmantnw [us EaRARD Motor for Type 1 set/unit | Built in compressor lcompressor Ax ERR XE [Nominal Out put x Current(sync) x Insulation 37kW x 110A x BClass sk x DERE No. of pole x Revolution 4p x 1750 min! pres =eaaRR aH Maker MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.2 BS Condenser a at RBI AIF 3-H Type. 1 set/unit] Shell &Fin Tube (UWC~-204) AE x ADR [Shell size x Tube length $216.3 mm _x 1080 mm ead [Cooling surface 363m? ea ET R-II SE [Tube plate material C4621P + KP42 (Naval brass clad steel) eee [Tube material c6872T (Aluminum brass ) aaa BL [Shell plate material STPG370 (Mild steel pipe ) RAN-AE Water cover material FO 200 ( Cast iron ) _ Inside : Non tar epoxy paint oe Required water quantity 36 Hr / unit Haak # Head loss about 22.5 kPa (about 2.3 mH,0) iE BAB Sacrificial anode plate Zine ead BEE JOit separator est a2, BE Bast Type 1 set/unit | Vertical, Auto oil return (M301404 ) FARE x RE [Shell diameter_x Length $130 mm xX _300 mm Rabe Starter st ERC D Sst Type I set Vertical drip proof S38 maka Sat Maker Ushio Reinetsu Co.Ltd3 [Capacity of circulation fan wet R-22 EMEA st Cooling system R-22 Direct expansion system PRS) RY st Unit cooter [Type of unit cooler 1 set Type: SG-UISTHL Hfor Meat room let Material of cooling coil Copper tube with Alminium plate fin rete Cooling capacity about 1990 W i ABS aL AG 110V/80W (2.7A) 30.0 m°/min [Capacity of circulation fan PRESS AE) Bast Unit cooler Type of unit cooler 1 set Type SG-UISIHL, lfor Fish room | #43 [Material of cooling coil Copper tube with Alminium plate fin reO RET [Cooling capacity about 1990 W SL [Capacity of circulation fan AC 110V/80W (2.7A) 30.0 m*/min RRB GRR) |Rst Unit cooler Type of unit cooler 1 set Type SG-U1STHA for Veg. room [#4 8 [Material of cooling coil Copper tube with Aluminum plate fin AED [Cooling capacity about 2020 W 2k Le AC 110V/80W (2.7A) 30.0 m3/min Lobby et MS [Type 1 set GRID COIL a Material Copper tube with Copper plate fin i S Length 35m (0.2m x5s) Xx 2sets SaamaR |Cooling surface about 5.04 ni Mt ae EE & ABAPASE EE RAPA Se nat ( WE, RE. EE) BURRS WS EGA &ARL—F, HERE RBEET TOBE. Y—EASIb, eS Ht IE L Se Unit Accessories Dual pressure switch (High, Low Press. ) Oil protection switch Pressure gauge ( High, Low, Oil Press. ) ‘Thermostatic expansion valve, Magnet valve Dryer & Strainer, Thermometer Digital thermometer, Thermostat Safty valve, Stop valve, ete.@ 27_[WNUAL OP. VANE Sow [ese 3 26_| EVA PRESS, REGULATOR MREEIRSA| KVPIZ f ® 25_| BYPASS VALVE were [ke 2 24_[ STOP VALE mma _|Ki0 1 23_| CAPILARY TUBE Sr ES)- [io ose | 2 22_| MAGNET VALVE wus |sev-sozext| 2 [im benaena f rece Far atone Tes ee = 20_| INJECTION VALVE HA __|raenoos | 2 iat 19 | MAGNET VALVE wine __|sev-so2axr| 2 [im — = 18_[ BYPASS VALVE AAR [Ko 2 17_| THERMOMETER ‘Bat 4-0-4 “16_| THERMOSTAT gampe [aeon-on| 4 15_| THERNO CONT PANEL B.mtaDoE 1 14 [ EXPANSION VALVE PANEL HERR #8 1 13_[ WATER THERMOMETER ARISE 4 [oe aaoe 12_| CONTROL PANEL aioe 2 Ti_| REF. CHARGE VALVE oko [aov—soze | 1 10_| SAFETY VALVE zen [ss [2 [OL DRAN VALVE 240K U 7A [AVR9028_| 2 [1/48 | ACCUMULATOR wanme—_|ws0ioc0co%| 2 7 | THERMO EXP' VALVE anne PEE 4 oy q 6_| WGNET VANE wan | sev-sosexr| 3 fina 5 | oRieR Kove lores | 3 | CONDENSER mes [uwe-208 [2 3_| Ot SEPARATOR wane __[wsoreos | 2 SHA ge 2_| MOTOR, Roa 2 [sme 1 | ouPRessoR Tema _[rarzisrwa_| 2 [1750min| epee | Pe LES BRE NESSER'S RE Sie. =a ane ER SE | sas CRW ORE URS-3.7SSS PIPING DAGRAM on 2006.5.19 5a ER BE sana bd THOR [Wa ORNEY [aS OWE NO, U385N268. MRR SH USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD. Ee TNO. 41397 1100 SRF OR 1080 Zo] (WANTENANCE SPACE) RIGHT SIDE PIP|AG eaten “1% 8} alg . ai Emoos oz] LEFT. Pipe No.t| LEFT COLOR |7-5867/2 Ta 7so40, 64s [tatoo 2 1 3] 17 | UQUiD STOP WANE: Te 2 1 | bea coo 1 1s [arpurce ave [1 4 [OL oRAN ve che 15 [a one VANE [1 [7a a 12 | SPOR oreo 1 PACMATOR 1 [wso264065r sone 10 | TenwueTER 206500 3 [uouio cunt i CW INLET 8 | SIGHT GUS. 1 7 [eevee wae [OE 5_| SET-VANE 1 pswis 5 [oromer 1 [is 054 40k + PORT ESEGEON [cone Ba 1m SHC a OE 7 [eoNOeNseR Tf wwe=204 1 COMPRESSOR 1 Pricaisaa No. NAME, OUT REMARK a ae H tree aro 50|_[91103] 1080 z [04.12.05 «1 am CONDENSING UNIT won | 04.0808 f° 507 }06.05.24 xan-AMRRBE| — (URS-3,7SSSD/HRS=SASSED} lz 1 ram Tae 5 rer 61009-R | <1:Ref. charging valve is provided on only NO.1 unit. wrk E gee — Y Water cover inside : Non tar epoxy paint WEIGHT : 240kq e@ A Le -50049-030 [PF3 YC. gO 1 i 4 M) come. | “2001 ‘PM20' | nl MPYC-2 | I PUTS J MPyC-2 ) 1 upyo-2 SHEETNo. 16 i+ 2— 5 { 4 tT 5 T { I 6 7 8 { t S386 SYP 660V <= _WIRING BY SHIPYARD CONTROL BOX Ta CIGXO DNS BRERARES DUAL PRESSURE SWITCH ONS | j#RRSTARES OIL PROTECTION CONTROL SWITCH es SHS | @eRamee OVERHEAT PROTECTION SWITCH ey INMY | 4232933707 _| INJECTION MAGNET VALVE ACITOV | [ONS] [ONS ORMV | 44 UF YIND OIL RETURN MAGNET VALVE AC110V COMP. | aE (COMPRESSOR MOTOR [sen cH DRIII~ZE-F CRANKCASE HEATER AC110V 100 wy ADJUSTING POINT OF AUTOMATIC CONTROLLERS 20b F55 ‘SYMBOL | TYPE OFF ON » WS 1.7 WPo| MANUAL RESEF | ONS ‘DNS-D606M RHOBRE LPS. 0.02 MPo 0.12 MPa CONTROL CIRCUIT _ACI10V / 6OHe ons | oNs-c1060 PFE BGR Mpg] MOUALRESE| Th: R@uRntAmmeRy (45 + 20 SEC. ‘ARROW DIRECTION SHOWS PRESSURE RISE, sus | ---— ob 130 TC | ob 108 M_: = 0) 9% MANUAL RESET. 5 ORR TE VERT Carry Te WG DAGRAN a CONTROL BOX ( URS ) AC110V_R22_S.W TYPE, NON 06.5.19 BH WaT We CHO a wa RNa Te RE. jana T.SHIRAISH aeREE gy OY BK tS sare. U INETSU CO.,LTD. P268UN|‘AMP FASTEN TAB #250 X 2 1/8 PIPE PLUG | ef [W851 304E] , ae © 274083 ® _| DRAWING NO. PAGE DATE. ,80_, 10 i DISCHARGE VALVE 1/2” es Terminal 8 1/e PIPE PLUG 2 ee on = y HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION ) erminals ( Power Source fi AMP FASTEN TAB #250 X 3 a 1/8 PIPE PLUG Terminals ( Motor Protect Thermo ql (LOW PRESSURE CONNECTION) (199 ) LIQUID INJECTION CONNECTION ) ete OIL FILL PEI /4 | q 1/8 PIPE PLUG Lg (COIL PRESSURE CONNECTION ) 2g 2 Lhe SIGHT GLASS N x af b (G a g \\ 2-SCREW MB y 4 ae BS a 3 au | LANE UIL ft) Oo =f $18.! 36 | tse 1S] on cever equauizine . g T SUCTION VALVE 1 rr FF 4-016, 2 PIPE CONNECTION (iss ) 6 95 [zig 513 ‘CRANK CASE HEATER OIL DRAIN PF1/4 TOME D SAB pRosectiON | 4 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC CORPORATION MODEL : FA-2LSYM2 é * #[]8 2/8 8 ee 5 CIM IN mm —| ORAWN [CHECKED |OESIGNED| APPROVED COMP. OUTLINE DWG. Ra scue| ~ GD) ! Bice W851304E 330 SPECIFICATION SG-UISTHL 6 ‘CABINET “ALUMINUM INLET OF EVAPORATOR > ‘OUTLET OF EVAPORATOR ‘POWER SOURCE 110V, 66/60 He 912.700. ¢ 15.88 0.0. DETAIL OF HANGER. FAN Ny EVAPORATOR — DA (mm) x REQ.NO. 300% 1 AIR QUANTITY (e'/min)| Se@/ 30.0 FAN MOTOR OUTPUT. (Ww) (88 / 80 ELECTRIC CURRENT. (A) oe / 27 a sl al OOUNE CON “| ROW X STEP 4 ROW xX 16 STEP| EFFECTIVE LENGTH {ram) 450 FIN PCH om) €35 qt HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE (m?) 53, DEFROST HEATER (y) 0.25 x2, JUNCTION BOX LORAIN PAN HEATER (kW) 0.25 x2 1285. 480 1285, ob 47 LORAIN PIPE HEATER (a) 0.075, < “— WEIGHT (ka) 24.0 137 38083 EMBLEM 128.5, 480. 128.5, 15, 350 15 2 | aoe Hanser 3 | CABLE GLAND. FAN GUARD, pEVAPORATOR _ ‘PM25 X 2 1 INLET OF EVAPORATOR, 12.700. NAWE PLATE sn | JUNCTION BOX. ¢ FAN + ‘OUTLET OF EVAPORATOR RAN PAN —Peauebu ten _/| 215.88 00. 250Wx 2 DEFROST HEATER g 295 250 Wx 2 IN PP se tine TEU SPACE FOR MEAT ROOM, FISH ROOM i 1 ro aE aRET ae pa Tea ae TE — MAINTENANCE SPACE. UNIT COOLER ( SG-U1STHL ) NON 06.01.31 a Tee BRE BSA OAO106-ASHEET No. /9 it MABRY StB TERMINAL BOX WIRING DIAGRAM THREE PHASES. 110V 60Hz2 ES == OK Ht =X] ht ho ES : Ruy ad ten9 + 5 7a H2 DRAIN PIPE HEATER 14110V 75W -- HIH2: #702 be-9 O Raa FIN HEATER 1#110V 250W x2 @ Th hi,h2 : Fuyatye-¥% ~-44---@+-—* “4 DRAIN PAN HEATER 1 110V 250W x2 --44-+-@ a Th: amit THE BIMETAL THERMOSTAT FOR THE ® PREVENTION OF THE OVERHEATING 600-OFF 400-ON a} C :kiaytye START CONDENSOR 20uF 4 @ PM: 37yt-9 © c FAN MOTOR 46 110V—BOW(SeH==33%/60H2~2.7A) Mpycy—12 FOR MEAT RM / FISH RM 110V TYPE rom po eee SG-U151HL WIRING DIAGRAM : ee waNateR aa oF a [es or ow H.Yomamoto g MARRS USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD.DECK AIR SPACE CEILING PANEL L f WOOD SLEEPER Gi ) wo | UNIT COOLER PIPE FLANGE gd 2 < Z DRAIN PIPE = 25.4 Copper Pipe BELT HEATER (BELT HEATER ONE'S DRAIN PIPE) PIPE SUPPORT | LA. PIPE BAND , DRAIN PIPE HEATER, ALUMI. TAPE F| FLOOR PANEL aI 5 DRAIN SCUPPER FOR MEAT RM , FISH RM SF GRRE TERE we 3 =F oe DETAIL OF DRAIN PIPE & DRAIN HEATER NON 04.08.18 We RRREE BE OWENS. USHIO REINETSU CO..LTD. DRAIN PIPE—sge . e SHEET. No. Volt : 110V A~A SECTION Consumption Elect : 75 W Working temp : 60% ~ 2200 length : 2.5 m FOR DRAIN PIPE HEATER (2902241) vs1-2.5M 75W 100 == : aioe OF BELT HEATER re Mold (Head) 4 Silicon rubber ETAL Ly 2004 ns) ‘incon rubber 7H NS TRE a ae Heater wire 4 membrane see je a ober [ee oer 1 Bult or 0 para Reser ose 1 | Siicon ruber - = ; : BasARRST FF NAME Quantity Materiol REMARK sito REINETSU CO, L1D. THEATERINUET OF EVAPORATOR 2127 OD, EMBLEM. DETAIL OF HANGER 295, 2 7 FAN EAN GUARO JUNCTION BOX. 1285, 80 y2a5.| | oba7 132 1285, 480 85, |_HANGER_ CABLE GLAND 4 (PM2S xT g| NAME PLATE SPECIFICATION ‘SG-UTSIMA AONET “ALUN, POWER SOURCE. 110, 66/60 Hz FAN DA _(rm) x __REQ_NO. #3001 ‘NR QUANTITY (r/min) [2587 30.0 FAN MOTOR OUTPUT (W) 66/80 ELECTRIC CURRENT @) Ss / 27 COGUNG COL ROW x STEP ROW «14 STEP| EFFECTIVE LENGTH (mm) 450 FIN PITCH (rom) 5.35, [HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE _ (rn) 47 DEFROST HEATER (et) ‘DRAIN PAN HEATER, (a) RAIN PIPE HEATER (a) = WEIGHT (ka) 23.0 INLET OF EVAPORATOR 212,700, JUNCTION BOX OUTLET OF EVAPORATOR RAN Pat ¢ $15.88 00. 535 Le 295 FOR VEGETABLE ROOM 5 aw UNIT COOLER ( S6—U1S1HA ) g WB RRR S USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD.SHEET No. 23 iF ABA BAR TERMINAL BOX WIRING DIAGRAM ® @ © ® 1) © © © © @ we © PYCY—2. Big neue Phase | 10V 6OHz C sabaytyy START CONDENSOR 20 F FM :J7y8-9 FAN MOTOR 14 1 10V-BOW(S@Hz=3-3A/60H2-2.7A) FOR VEG. RM 110V TYPE 9-9 EAERS eR Sone [ane OR WDATE g SC-U151HA WIRING DIAGRAM NON 04.03.24 a ea one aR eH HYamamoto SG-U151HA aH SBA RRR S tt USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD.Jk DECK CEILING PANEL, AIR SPACE WOOD SLEEPER || 2 In ) UNIT COOLER t 12 | Wis} f] |= ORAIN PIPE i 25A VINYL CHLORIDE | i PIPE SUPPORT PIPE BAND ) 4 Z FLOOR PANEL 5 DRAIN SCUPPER FOR VEG. RM eee aE ERS we oe oe WHE RE -SRE aie aoe DETAIL OF DRAIN PIPE NoN 04.08.18, ER RRRET aa BRB ABREA DRAIN PIPE-sgSHEET, No, 25 NIT COOLE OK OK 420 [100%50%20%3.28 350 wiogore nut f ‘BY SHIPYARD { SUSS04 BY USHO unt |] COOLER a M12 BOLT & NUT "A" DETAIL io BOLT (SUS304) ! ) BY USHO J] I z L ~75x 45x 15%2.51 (GALVD) io mur + wasnen (sussoe) ~~ LU By USHIO BY USHO j ao MATERIAL SUS3O4 = WioDr L=150 > 8x ria MioD L=t00 48 12 pouTanut + wasHeR (sussoa) NiO NUT 2 tbe BY USHIO i WIOWASHER 24> wrax2s Bor: 12k N12 NUT 12 Wi2 WASHER 24 ae Waser S ees. re EGRREEE =e Nae eR Sexe ane DR NEATE HANGER PIECE FOR UNIT COOLER NON [aR waNAGER ea te Oey ea ae RY Tae DWN NETSU_CO. LTD. UNIT COOLER RR aH e Te,26 138 504 138 45, 600. ons = 3 ° ° ° ° Oo ° ° ogo. owG U-BAND ¥ 3| 3 i 25.46 X 19.18 SOCKET 19.16 q 45, INSULATION 0, 100. 100. 8-68 HOLE 3% 25 Tapping screw 6.35P sina 13F COPPER PIPE 25.46 { -G=J Beas Hy COVER, ‘Alum 2t 0 LOCATION : LOBBY Alum 4t WEIGHT : ab 10kg/1set QUANTITY : 2 sets we ORR aE ERE We Be oe HE GRID COIL FOR LOBBY ( 700 L) RR SHE BAG ORN ORE NON 02.07.17 Bteakeaaik USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD. Be OWE NO. RO65004FROM MEAT RM MPYC-2 $19.1 BY USHIO FROM FISH RM FROM VEG. RM. e191 #191 sox doxs t ANG. r f EEE t D MPYC-7 F G BY SHIPYARD | L® ¢ To comp. _ oka 1 oa54 : or ) Ov TO MEAT RM, 2 4127 S| + To FISH RM, 4 4 e127 TOVEG. RM, U e127 é Al C Ske LO KD QUID INLET, 127 4 | t , o ® a 3g DRAIN FLANGE ose] DRAN FLANGE oF J le 809 ___SK-15A Isai 50. 190, 12 | Stop VALVE 18 | 1 [Kio 10 | THRMINAL BOX i i1_[ STRANER 1B [1 [kei [9 | Pressure Gauge 1_| 6175615 WPa & | OA PRESS. REcUATOR [1/28 1 wri2 7_|_ STOP VALVE san | 2 | 6 VEGETABLE ROOM X2-0.7 6_| MANUAL EXP. VALVE 3/1/28 | _3_| KES4 FISH ROOM X2-0.5 5 | THERMO EXP. VALVE 3exi/28 [3 MEAT ROOM 12-03 + | MAGNET VALVE 3/88 [3 | Sev-605EKr ROOM NAME EXP. VALVE TYPE 3_| STOP VALVE 3/88 S| KS 2 | oRvER, 1/28 |_1 | 0Fe-«6 PAINTING COLOR : 7.5 BG 7/2 1_| Stop valve za | 9 [x TOTAL WEIGHT : bout 56 kg to. NAME ‘oa TonS 2 ORE RE VESEAT 2a NE TAS TEN ONE EXPANSION VALVE PANEL ( R-22 ) 06.05.18 OS Bh te TLS Ht om BAraarak ROS3007R2SHEET No. e 205 81 15F = | lo oO] Fi d q G 20F 15F MPYC-2 MPYC~2 MPYC-2_ wo MEAT RM | FISH RM | VEG. RM v1 | Mv2 | v3 | mv4 | Mvs | MV6 Toa aa ‘MPYC-7° i) 8S Bi Ds, thik, BE BV conch” 1} svwsou DESIGNATION TYPE,SPEC and/or VOLTS ww 1 | 20F ane PM20 1 2 | ASF ae F PM15 3 10 3] rerwna | BES vTP20-6P + Ress a RE SOE ana ORORE SHAT RET 1/5 06.5.19 a NUR Ce a Ligpener T.SHIRAISH!. eK ER BAHRaAnRASE Be re USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD. P268TB|SHEET No.2! FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 615 so, 7, 5 a. ref | SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM i / THERMO SENSOR fi ame ip] Mevers-2__Tg FF) west if =. i |_| werers-2 aya iy * 8 ®t ii ome THERMO. wpvers-2 oe & lo NP yf CONTROL BQ us | PANEL weve =H fe) 0 0 f JB EP LOBBY. MPYC=12 REF.PROV. 36 (arcana ) CONTROL PANEL ASN0V SOURCE WIRING BY DOCK YARD 35: NOTE 1) MAKER SUPPLY 2) J.B----JUNCTION BOX 420 10. No. NAME PLATE TYPE 1 MEAT. ‘SEAL MOUNT BASE 2_| FISH SEAL 3x30x30 ANG, 3_| VEG. SEAL 4 | LOBBY SEAL NP | THERMO CONTROL PANEL 20x80 | TERMINAL ARRANGE. { PROV.REF.CONTROL PANEL, SE 3E SE Sea | MAKER SUPPLY SOURCE | MEAT | FISH | VEG. WEAT FISH VEC. Tosey | Us| V | TH1| TH2] TH3| TH4 | THS | THE | SE1| SEZ E |SE3|SE4] E |SES|SE6| € |SE7|SE8| E Coo “Js TS ss wPve—12 Wercrs-2 | MPYCYS2=PveYS-2MPYCYSH2 I eto " 4610 PAINT COLOR : 7.5867/2 = WEIGHT : abt. 10kg(with BASE) a) Fs om OA, th, BE | cho covena| er a LINE ‘SYMBOL DESIGNATION TYPE, SPEC and/or VOLT fe wane [* aE Se eT at aa oscar 7 Fo ERG ULE-SD11-011 TAT | Sia temuostat THERMO CONTROL PANEL 1/5 06.5.24 2 wre UK1S=20CU-U 7 [igo8ss Ba ER aa rer wa oRW er [aa Owens. TERMINAL BLOCK rosso He yoto PoiusH aseee 3, eer B RORRRSE ne Te USHIO REINETSU CO,.LTD. TH268,+ NstaLATiN onKEKSLON nsUuLatien NO Pe erin usin TT ea roams ana _ (eieen 3] Shee Senna ea eR ee be Bie | ati we ia hawt teen gs seuect Mey esa PT CFF: Sere, OF SFE Seas wes | tt am ; toca fer ens moment Sta ae va om) ex BLIPSE POLE [orenaTine wae [cooL ear [epouit oc OT [Tease EC OF INGLWEED SSR eaROR ae a a se x vote 2 OTS sie et mad et Ee ee eco amare nem | we. wees [re f Bho. Press Fracenam G80 Hit 1.120) [LD orGiTaL DuSALAY = ny ne as nana was os ue bese [are ot “# oPeRaTiow PATTEM 1 comma ere, A: | WL gt OFF OR. SETTING 1s quyGED, of YOR. seTTNG AMEATICLLY Tie = Wi wy cre Fagemen rn 250 VAN ESTE: FFD us MO eas SALA NOTIE: come, anna reser —i sete Fal TE 2) veri we ea LDC pert: nina Se ex w rer cx uh | eset OS OION WES eves Oe SET ATS Soret toe her tet i ota ot sa Benga fou wot ater rowits bat en et OL Yor, SErTNG 5 QUnCE, OF TOO, SETTING ODE WOT SHIT [CIERRA [oe oa a piace Yictseo we GCI" EO resem” [eau seo tommy ie Suse Tee sense [2st 260 OH § TS a0 soe TH $09) 1o~gme l/s? FRM CAG DITION FLT sams oh (ween aL uma OIC ss Ge, SOARS PASSED a, on ai oer coo serio sitet OFF BP ITER PACING NE EL FED SOD. AU TaN om ARE OF. POND PHL, 10 ME Flot De inet HME TO Te Te I OE TE PEL MO TER Te SN FR + caTALOG MBER a a ‘> PREcAT IG 1 O0 vor AK ACRE DU 29,640 SEROMA HE SESE PERE. 22 NULL We SOU AT A ACE GE AGRESNTAT IE TOP. A BE TECTED 0 nor oat TF To SORE 12 Mower To wO1o DE DEBE 9 OMETVE AISD HEP TE SOC We ae 90 LAAT FEM PRER SPY INE 0 LOD LIKE con 12 OLY A ese TO BETES AIR TEP. NO HT TO HSER i Fe, OID UEC OF 17 eh on TP, OF ATODEUPING COITON 9 Ot Usd fr LD On A AEST LOO, THE SH ARE fe mHUrICUe TE came BADD TE caconeD secetATIS Fecaltgg Nuts onan, Re ES {ex RUATION OF OES VALIOITY "a Fare ne VON Se se lon Meme gion he Pat 1 oo You owt SET_THE ACTIN ON REY LOCK FUNCTION 40 CAL) BRATION FINCTIGN: TEAPERATRE DISPLY VALUE COMPENSATION FIRCON.) "REND ALL INSTRUCTIONS THOROUGHLY. ‘Dou mr Oceed Ne MLoMaE OUTPUT OREN. Ree MO STOW Tie eee A ONOSOET PL OF “ aanotIve UIATED SES "cROEY NO STOR TE DEVICE LOCATIONS MERE SION CAS 2, Amayo Pavers ena eso nO SPE Gee IN LOCATION EAE ME HATDITY "sroowstion 18 OPEC, OW STUNT PACES TEMVeY 0 TOG THE SEVER W LOCATIONS WERE TE OEICE sO peAT, vy, Ob CIEET SL li Ba858 38 i PE F a TYPE ULE DIGITAL THERMOSTAT vLE-sogi-a11 | N-Le-28007 xy ‘SSAGINOMIYA SEISAKUSHO, INC, &CSO SEALING PLuG___/ (APPROVED TYPE : FRR/SIL) SHEET No. 3f STEEL WALL f] PENETRATION PIECE ‘| COPPER PIPE U STEEL WALL/STEEL DECK J = [——] PENETRATION PIECE. Nf a2 a _INSULATION PANEL COPPER PIPE dk csp seauns pus __/ TAPPROVED TYPE : FRR/SIL) APPROVED TYPE : FRR7SIL} NO. PIPE SiZE__ | Copper pipe size Lam) | Qty_| REMARKS ® SGP=32A 127, 618.1 200 12_|_ ca. ® SCP—32A 012.7, 19.1 300 6 GALY, _ 49 a ip Ta CAREER Pog pe | Copper Doe Sze [ @a [ee [oc] #0 | ay] CORD Ne FRR/SI_35.7/12 | 012.7 (1/28) | 425 | 14 | 265] 385 | 18 | 10043512 FRR/SIL_35.7/20 | 619.1 (3/48) | 42.5 | 225 | 265 | 38.5 | 18 | 10043520 FRR/SIL_52.9/25 | #254 (1B) 59.5 | 27 | 43.5 | 55.5 | -- 10045225 FRR/SIL_35.7/30 | $31.8 (11/48) | 59.5 | 32.5 | 43.5 | 55.5 =~ 10045230 aa tassees Te am eee a sae ae TE DETAIL OF PENETRATION PIECE | NON ana ea ee eS a a BRAK A SH P WB Bit 'co, tro, cso PlusSGP _25A 4~60 HOLES SGP _25A 4-66 HOLES i SEAL OF GUM 30, cr | ASize | Qty | CORD No. 13¢ (1/2) | 6 100402 ty seen eb eas A 25. FORE ee PENETRATION PIECE ( GALVANIZED ) RAG ORT ONE [ee wanaceR WEB eR RY Cs Qi Rh R KA Ht pe ne USHIO REINETSU_CO,, LTD.& 8 IPA BSSULATION OUTSIDE OF CHAMBER INSIDE OF CHAMBER SYNTHETIC RUBBER 2st 220t SYNTHETIC RUBBER mame (AERO FLEX Ours OF CHAMBER: 25 ResesrowuRe” 33! Sit aaa vega seg esas secre ruoen cove stew 2 \, nsw SUPPORT wa 25H Cut se pee ono cose san aA 3429939 ao m Uno SE oe COACH SCREW, 3-#29939) wooo PIPE BAND BASU Ib [EXE MESSRS Ai ee Ra SAE eAB oon PIPE BAND && PIPING INSULATION NON 01.58.29 8 MANAGER 8 co ey ‘2 8 RN GY B® DWC. Mo. gir Ak a a tt ana USHIO REINETSU CO.,LTD. 33stallation ond Instruction RRR ES SAGINOMIYA soul, INC. Thesked by Drawn by | Dale 1 Cotclog Number” | Drawing Number 05 (i JAN. 17 85 | TPEONS OUML PRESSURE CONTROLS | xs-—D8 fiom A-NS—30059-2 POPP TYPE : 0306,0306M TYPE : 0706,D706M TEM Press. Adj. Screw bit, Adj. Serew Low Press, Scole Plate Pressure Indicator Dif, Indicator bit. ag Spring Low Press, Beliows Cover Contact Block Arrow mark indicates o direction of operation on pressure increase. icates o direction of monuat High Press. Adj. Screw High Press, Inicator Non-inductve Amps. igh Press. Scole Plate [righ Press. Betows Cop i wo my 4 Ts 5| 2/5 jos 85] 45] 1 | 2 [02 20{ 10] 10] 5 (1) OPERATION When pressure in the bellows cap increases, the bellows stretches and the end of the bellows which is counteracting the adjusting spring moves the actuating plate Then the end of the actuating plate octuates the microswitch and the contact will turn on or off instantaneously (2) ADJUSTMENT 1; Low Pressure Side ‘When the pressure adjusting screw (1) is turned counterclockwise that compressor the pressure adjusting spring, setting pressure increases. When the differential adjusting screw (2) is turned clockwise, differential increases. Nonuol reset models turn off eutomatically on pressure decrease, and are reset manually on pressure increase. Adjust setting pressure first and differential next. 2. High Pressure Side ‘when the high pressure adjusting screw (9) is turned clockwise thot pulls the high pressure adjusting spring, setting pressure (cut-out pressure) increases and also cut~in point increases equally. Menual reset models turn off automatically on pressure increase, ond are reset monually on pressure decrease, (3) WIRING Electrical wires should be connected to the terminol screws of contact block according to 0 particular opplication. Please refer to the wiring diogroms for the details. (4) INSTALLATION “The controls can be mounted in any position. When they are mounted directly on the wail or panel board, use mounting holes (M#x0.7) provided on the back side of the housings. Stondord models are supplied with mounting brackets. (5) CAUTION 1. Do not touch any screw other thot the adjusting and terminal screws. 2. Do not use the pressure controls in any application which has larger electrical loads. thon the rated amperes of the controls. Please consult us for the requirements of the controls with lorger electrical ratings. 3. Before installation, clean inside of the pipes remove dust or foreign motter. 4. Select ammonia models for ammonia applications. 5. When connecting pipes to the element, be sure to use another spanner at the hexagoncl portion of bellows element in order to avoid deformation of the element. 6, Allowable temperature of the controlled liquid or gos is -10 ~ 120% Use siphon or other similar devices when the temperature becomes higher than 1200. 7. Do not use the controls where is a pulsation of controlle liquid or gos. in cose the controls have to be used under such condition, use o pulsation buffer device such os capillary tube, dampener, etc. SAGI-STa War u Re RB —® amg Nsw mineenrty = [ONS 38 Wh | ans-z0061-2 SAGINOMIVA satsausHoiNe. | = Poon | tude |na2.19 ) ® RO-Xtr 7 THOEHIR CUBE,
4 nit [man [oas|i [wlio [i]s 1 mf &. any,Drawn Products Name \-NS-30027-1 TYPE ONS OIL PROTECTION CONTROLS @ cinoma SEISAKUSHO, INC. Drawn Date Cat. No. Chee oy by MAR. 29. 1978 ONS ~ Ci | Adjusting Gear Bellows Cop-Low Side } Reset Button + Micro Switch Scale Plate-Range | Bellows Cap-High Side ELECTRICAL RATINGS MOTOR CIRCUIT(L1-L2) APPLICATION Amps. AC |100_ jsy | 200— a50y Full Load A 3A Lock Rotor _|__20A 0A ‘Non-inductive 7A 35A, PRECAUTIONS, 1. Avoid bending of copilloy tube ino shorp angle. 2. For NH3 opplication, use products made for such purpose. 3. Prior to fiting pressure switch to pipe line remove all particles inside the pi 4. To eliminate vibrations, secure the excess capillary or rol up it in @ elle Parts Units Mat. EXPLANATION Type ONS Oil Protection controls gives dependable and protection agoinst economical tow lubrication oil pressure on «@ reciprocating type refrigeration compressor, By factory set pressure adjustment, control operates in accordance to compressor moker's application, By means of connecting the discharge pressure (tote! cil pressure) of oil pump to the high pressure side cap ond ‘admission pressure (crank case pressure) of compressor to low pressure side cop sufficient net oil pressure con be detected to circulate the interior of the lubricating device. (Net ol pressure is a difference between total oil pressure ond refrigerant pressure in erank case. Total oil pressure is the combination of crank case pressure and pressure generated by the oil pump). A built in time delay switch, accurately compensated for ombient temperature, cllows for pressure pickup on stort ond avoids shutdowns on pressure drops of short duration during the running cycle OPERATION ‘When compressor is started, the time delay switch is energized. If the net oil pressure does not buildup to the "Meater—Off” point of the control within required time limit, the time delay switch trips to stop the compressor. If the net oil pressure rises to the "Heoter-Off" point within the required time after the compressor hos storted the time delay switeh is cutometicaly de—energized and the compressor continues to opercte normally, If the net oil pressure should drop below the "Heater-On" setting during the running cycle, the time delay switch is energized and, ‘unless the net oil pressure returns to cut-in point within the time delay period, the compressor will be shut down. The time delay heoter circuit is manually resetted by o reset button. Leave alone the switch for more than 30 ‘minutes ofler shut down or else it will not energize even if the reset button is pushed. TIME DELAY SWITCH The time delay switch is operoted by a resistonce wire heater hecting the bimetol of which is an internal part of the «il protection control. The time delay unit is compensated to uniform timing to the ambient temperoture from —100 to 70C. Timing is affected by variations of voltage, The heater circuit requires 0.07A at 100V AC. fer standard 80 seconds timing ADJUSTMENT The timing ond diferental beng fined, its unasjustable, On the operating pressure adjustment, cut-out pressure can be raised by turing the edjusting gear (1) a8 in Fig, counterclockwise. However, the contact pressure wil cls rise simutoneousiy WIRING CONNECTION The wiring method as shown on the label bock of the cover, the LI=L2 circuit is connected to the exciting ciruit of the magnetic switch of motor circuit side ond 1-100(200) circuit of the heater circuit side is connected to the branch wire from the secondary side of the magnetic switch or the termincl of the compressor motor. Avoid using control on unit requiring-load exceeding over the electrical rating. MOUNTING The mounting plate comes with the control and can be mounted at any position. By utlzing the mounting holes on the back of the cose, mounting to walls or panel plate is mode possible. However, mount so that the bellows connector is in a higher position than the liquid level of the unit. This is to prevent the foreign particles from accumulating in the bellows. SCALE READING Scale reading shows the difference of the bellows cop pressure at the high side and bellows cop pressure at the low side. On the pressure reading scale, it shaws the cut-out of the contact 1~100(200) of the heater circuit side. Usage under relationship of HP2LP is always required on the high side and low side cop pressure. ‘SAGI=4 ie@. RR per [ena Waster are Tea Inuitiiten iat tinction | Spcivoniva sesaddione. RRR RG Ga lo Ines mi NSM BERUMEDATy #1, HUMUATOSAIVIDy -CHLICANTE ANID ERT! MET. TWEOR RAL T 929vy ¥~F-A-OLNE SORTULLET. RNS v7 CU, WEY ION AULD (DT) € Dis 7 ZOU, BANODARD (99777 - AEN) ERAT SELLY, MAAMAEBTEE VAC, RHVUEENLLTT. _ (WARY, WHILIIY7T-AAMRAMLORTAY, WORLU. 9>97-IANEMAICL > TET AENCO MTT L® WXNTUS, 74 4YL- Ary FU. HRERETACREL, taunt TBLNENL, RibotOMORIETEL s Bore ©) | DyAvaY-OnbehEET, iMEGIWAENA # | ONS-C106 ArNS~20040-1. nD He cr DYIb2 Y=UBOT BE, F4WYY- 247 FUNDADEAYET. ARIZONINGC Pe 9—49 JUNE TERLUIINLE . PA RYY~Afy PUAN, DIV Y- EINLAL ET. IVIV7 Y~ BUR, BARMAN Pe ~ 9-77 | WERT 1 WYSE. 74 WUY—- Ady FEBLINCHUMGASNAAN. IYILy Y-UBRAGERNET, UL THOCHIMEUTe~9-2 J MREUFCESOL, FLY -247 FEROUYERY, 94 LUY= AIT, 3 Iby 1 eMnbe LET, © 9{UUU-24y FUDITR. TCC, Yb9 hI BUT UNABLE UA, D t mi B4bYVHAto# . P¢LMY~Ady FU, WHAT FORMSBTA SIRE 9-. IMC A7M EMULE USE ICUD TET, h [| S{MU=Md —10C ~ TOC FTORBAACHL. ~ROP1EY7EROL DOE NaI, NEORLCLYSD UEANET, 7 *y : k= 9-BAUISIOHAMT. ACIOOV 0. OTALRMELET, tl i ae S487 AU FeDr vy MOBETTTOTRELREEA, DIVENOME, Fi g-1CX. Kawa © eGiAAC DRA vaeCeY, VOENELREUSCTVURET. Ov. RUEDUENCEALET. Bit BAI, A-ROSAWCRANTUBAY LAWL 2 OBE. €-9-GRB, 2937 had FORABACIEREN €=9-BBG_1~100{200) OM. W737 hALy FO IRA NU GAE-7-oAHF SHE MCRRCIME NTT, WARALLONAIMANTCwARVUUTTAL, lac voov fac z00v )2aeL_=2anv) Bid feunummama | ga | 3a RWMMARE AHS TOR, Las WOHCTURNTAET, X 7-ARNINI REBATE. HHPKOMEC UNITE ET, ALi AB oA 1 104 OU. BHSNSNBORBEYURUNTL, AO-WFEARIE DERN TFN, COW, SOME AIBLET 398MLTB eimuuatsmia | ra [3.50 mr ! meen 1 ere9Y-F -7enTVAMAC AINE, savour 8 [Gfamaco-ey9 1) isincy. gy NHSMEUTRIE Nc LOROMEMFELN, BEIBRE. AEMRO~$99 JANE. WAGNO-Fy 7 JENORERL. BMERENCHUT. C-9-BAOL IkB1~100 SA kw Ly" sanady#emerdvcunn acy. 27 BADTS. (200) Wage nSce OAUTH, RAE y TENE. MEME» ZENG. RC HPALP OMECTRORMFELI, y2i2oate# TOLETIHUT TEN, DRA EAR, A} AIRMEN CTA, $L9Y- OF KBHETTMNE TSH Yat asOadeed LowyemRUT Ten, ieee |) R Le
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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John Adams
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John Adams
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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Oily Water Separator
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What Are Purifiers and Why To Use Them On Ship: Centripetal Force
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Little Women
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Little Women
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