Gned 05 BSSW 1-3
Gned 05 BSSW 1-3
Gned 05 BSSW 1-3
First Semester, AY 2020-2021
Course Lecture _/__
GNED 05 Course Title
COMMUNICATIO Type Credit Units 3
Code Laboratory ___
Course Purposive communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes. (CMO
Description 20 s 2013)
Lecture: ____indicate schedule here_____
None Course Schedule Laboratory: ______________N/A_____________
Core Students are expected to live by and stand for the following University tenets:
TRUTH is demonstrated by the student’s objectivity and honesty during examinations, class activities and in the
development of projects.
EXCELLENCE is exhibited by the students’ self-confidence, punctuality, diligence and commitment in the assigned tasks,
class performance and other course requirements.
SERVICE is manifested by the students’ respect, rapport, fairness and cooperation in dealing with their peers and
members of the community.
In addition, they should exhibit love and respect for nature and support for the cause of humanity.
1. offer general language courses and major subjects in English and Journalism that will develop competent, critically-
Objectives minded, morally disciplined and globally competitive students and graduates;
of the 2. conduct researches in the fields of language and communication/journalism relevant to the institutional, regional and
Department national thrusts;
3. develop literacy and communicative competence through extension services; and
4. establish linkages with government and non-government agencies towards the utilization and advancement of available
resources services of the department.
Program Educational Objectives (based on the program CMO)
The Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies intends to produce graduates who are globally competitive and morally upright
individuals who:
1. provide a comprehensive knowledge of the English language – its origin, growth and development, structures and use;
2. enhance the student’s competencies in the use of the English language in real world context; and
3. present appropriate strategies of language use through a heightened awareness of how English works in different situations in the
Philippines and in Asia and the rest of the world.
Student Outcomes and Relationship to Program Educational Objectives
Program Educational Objectives Code (based
Program/Student Outcomes (based on the program CMO) on the program CMO)
1 2 3
The students should:
a. demonstrate in-depth familiarity of the English language;
b. have competency in using the English language in different contexts; and
c. aware of how English works in different situations in the Philippines and in
Asia and the rest of the world.
Course Outcomes and Relationship to Student Outcomes
Program/Student Outcomes Code
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
a b c
1. describe the nature, elements, functions of verbal and
non-verbal communication in various and multicultural D E I
2. explain how cultural and global issues affect
3. appreciate the impact of communication on society and
the world
4. determine culturally appropriate terms, expressions, and
5. adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity
in communication of ideas
6. evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive
7. convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-
based presentations for different target audiences in D D D
local and global settings using appropriate registers
8. adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting
9. create clear, coherent, and effective communication
10. present ideas persuasively using appropriate language
registers, tone, facial expressions and gestures
11. write and present academic papers using appropriate
style, tone, conventions and reference styles
*Level : I-Introductory E- Enabling D-Demonstrative
Intended Topic Teaching and Mode of Resources Outcomes- Due Date
Week Learning Learning Delivery Needed based of
No. Outcomes Activities (TLA) Assessment Submission
1 After the I. Orientation and Interactive Course No intended N/A
completion of Course Overview Discussion Syllabus assessment for
the chapter, this part instead
students will be A. Vision and Brainstorming Face to Face PPT accomplishmen
able to: Mission Mode Presentatio t of students’
B. Quality Policy Bulletin n Slides information
1. discuss the C. College and observations sheet will be
University’s Department Goals and reading Laptop done.
VMGO and the and Objectives or and/or
College and E. Course Policies or Smartphone
Department and Guidelines Distance Mode /Tablet etc.
goals and F. GAD Orientation Online
objectives; individual Asynchronous CvSU
2. restate reading : University e- Website
specific course through learning site/e-
policies and Handouts/ mail/FB Group Handouts/
guidelines; and Modules or Messenger Modules
3. identify Chat
salient course Surfing of the Student
topics and University Synchronous Handbook
outcomes website through a
expected from video call on a Internet
the course. Interactive class platform connection/
orientation accessible to Mobile Data
through a video all students,
call platform e.g. Google
accessible for Meet, Zoom or
all students Messenger
students will be Brainstorming through seatwork
able to: 1. The Laptop University e-
Communication Library visits and/or learning First Day of
1. discuss the Process and Its Smartphone system) Week 3 for
process of Components or or /Tablet etc. other
communication; Communication activities
2. identify the 2. Levels of Online Distance Mode CvSU e- Process
elements and Communication individual learning Analogy (digital
components of reading Asynchronous System or through
communication; 3. Functions of through : University e- photos)
3. differentiate Communication Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/
the types and Modules mail/FB Group Modules
levels of 4. Principles of or Messenger
communication; Communication Surfing of Chat Internet
4. identify the suggested connection/
principles of 5. Communication OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
communication; Ethics through a
and Interactive class video call on a
5. discuss discussion platform
communication through a video accessible to
ethics. call platform all students,
accessible for e.g. Google
all students Meet, Zoom or
3-4 After the II. Intercultural and Interactive PPT 15 item quiz Friday of
completion of Global Discussion Face to Face Presentatio (pen and paper Week 3 for
the chapter, Communication Mode n Slides or online quiz/
students will be Brainstorming through seatwork
able to: 1. Thinking about Laptop University e-
Culture Library visits and/or learning First Day of
1. define Smartphone system) Week 4 for
culture; 2. Dimensions of or or /Tablet etc. other
2. identify the Culture One page activities
different Online Distance Mode CvSU e- reaction paper
dimensions of 3. Intercultural individual learning and/or
culture; Communication reading Asynchronous System discussion
3. explain how Ethics and through : University e- forum on the
these Competence Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/ impact of
dimensions of Modules mail/FB Group Modules globalization to
culture affect 4. Barriers to or Messenger communication
the Intercultural Surfing of Chat Internet and vice versa.
communication Communication suggested connection/
situation; OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
4. apply through a
practical use of Interactive class video call on a
these discussion platform
dimensions in through a video accessible to
improving the call platform all students,
quality of accessible for e.g. Google
communication; all students Meet, Zoom or
5. identify Messenger
ways/guidelines Rooms
under a diverse
setting; and
6. identify
barriers in
and how to
resolve them.
5 After the III. Varieties and Interactive PPT 15 item quiz and Friday of
completion of Registers of Spoken Discussion Face to Face Presentatio seatwork on Week 5 for
the chapter, and Written Mode n Slides using culturally quiz/
students will be Language Brainstorming appropriate seatwork
able to: Laptop terms,
1. Diversity in Library visits and/or expressions First Day of
1. discuss Culture, Language Smartphone and images; Week 6 for
various issues and Communication or or /Tablet etc. varieties and other
in local and registers of activities
global 2. Varieties and Online Distance Mode CvSU e- language.
communication Registers of Spoken individual learning (pen and paper
in multicultural and Written reading Asynchronous system or online
settings; Language through : University e- through
2. determine Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/ University e-
culturally Modules mail/FB Group Modules learning
appropriate or Messenger system)
terms, Surfing of Chat Internet
expressions suggested connection/
and images in OERs Synchronous Mobile Data Online guided
oral and written through a research/report
communication; Interactive class video call on a on various
3. distinguish discussion platform cultural and
varieties and through a video accessible to intercultural
registers of call platform all students, moods of
spoken and accessible for e.g. Google communication
written all students Meet, Zoom or (through
language; and Messenger presentation
4. adopt cultural Rooms slides or screen
and intercultural sharing in video
awareness and call platforms)
sensitivity in
6 After the IV. Evaluating Interactive PPT 15 item quiz and Friday of
completion of Messages and/or Discussion Face to Face Presentatio seatwork on Week 6 for
the chapter, Images Mode n Slides evaluating quiz/
students will be Brainstorming messages seatwork
able to: 1. What is the Laptop (pen and paper
message? Library visits and/or or online First Day of
1. evaluate Smartphone through Week 7 for
multimodal 2. The Reader and or or /Tablet etc. University e- other
texts critically to the Audience learning activities
enhance Online Distance Mode CvSU e- system)
receptive 3. Ways used to individual learning
(listening, Convey Messages reading Asynchronous system
reading and from Various Texts through : University e- Individual
viewing) skills; Read Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/ /Group
2. convey ideas Modules mail/FB Group Modules Online guided
through oral, or Messenger presentation of
audio-visual, Surfing of Chat Internet an assigned
and/or web- suggested connection/ message with
based OERs Synchronous Mobile Data the use of
presentations through a appropriate
for different Interactive class video call on a images (through
target discussion platform presentation
audiences in through a video accessible to slides or screen
local and global call platform all students, sharing in video
settings using accessible for e.g. Google call platforms)
appropriate all students Meet, Zoom or
registers; and Messenger
3. adopt Rooms
awareness of
audience and
context in
8-9 After the V. Communication Interactive PPT Oral, audio- Fridays of
completion of and Technology Discussion Face to Face Presentatio visual, and/or Week 8 and
the chapter, Mode n Slides web-based 9
students will be 1. Role of Brainstorming presentations to
able to: Technology in Laptop promote
Communication Library visits and/or cultural values
1. develop Smartphone
understanding 2. Examining or or /Tablet etc. Varied activities
on the role of Relational involving usage
technology in Technology and Online Distance Mode CvSU e- of different
communication; Construction of individual learning technological
2. distinguish Identities reading Asynchronous sytem devices
the through : University e- (available and
technological 3. Online Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/ accessible to all
tools and Communication Modules mail/FB Group Modules students)
strategies used or Messenger
in 4. Mediated Surfing of Chat Internet
communication Communication and suggested connection/
today; and Its Impact on OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
3. help students Personal through a
use or embed Relationships Interactive class video call on a
technological discussion platform
tools and 5. Competence and through a video accessible to
strategies into Challenges in call platform all students,
communication. Mediated accessible for e.g. Google
Communication all students Meet, Zoom or
6. Choosing the Rooms
7. Multimodal
10-11 After the VI. Communication Interactive PPT Creation of Fridays of
completion of for Various Discussion Face to Face Presentatio sample Public Week 10
the chapter, Purposes Mode n Slides announcements and 11
students will be Brainstorming (audio/video,
able to: 1. Speech to Inform Laptop social media)
Library visits and/or
1. understand 2. Speech to Smartphone Editorials and
the purpose of Persuade or or /Tablet etc. formal one-
speeches to minute
inform, 3. Speech to Online Distance Mode CvSU e- speeches
persuade and Entertain individual learning
entertain; reading Asynchronous system
2. identify the through : University e-
different parts Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/
and distinct Modules mail/FB Group Modules
characteristics or Messenger
of each speech Surfing of Chat Internet
type; and suggested connection/
3. prepare a OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
speech on any through a
of the three Interactive class video call on a Samples
purposes discussion platform texts
mentioned. through a video accessible to (inquiry
call platform all students, letters,
accessible for e.g. Google police
all students Meet, Zoom or reports,
Messenger political
Rooms speeches,
letters of
n, etc.)
12-14 After the VII. Communication Interactive PPT Fridays of
completion of in the Workplace Discussion Face to Face Presentatio Workplace Week 12-14
the chapter, Mode n Slides documents
students will be 1. Communication Brainstorming composition
able to: Networks Laptop
Library visits and/or
1. compose 2. Communication Smartphone Writing
comprehensive Materials in the or or /Tablet etc. exercises on
and effective Workplace communication
business Online Distance Mode CvSU e- materials (e.g.
letters; 3. Resume individual learning minutes, memo,
2. discuss the reading Asynchronous system
nature and 4. The Art of through : University e- requests,
process of Interview Handouts/ learning site/e- Handouts/ business/techni
interview; and Modules mail/FB Group Modules cal, incident
3. use different 5. Conducting an or Messenger reports, letters)
tips when Interview Surfing of Chat Internet
undergoing an suggested connection/ Mock interview
interview OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
through through a
classroom Interactive class video call on a Sample
simulations. discussion platform communicat
through a video accessible to -ion
call platform all students, materials
accessible for e.g. Google from
all students Meet, Zoom or different
Messenger workplace
Rooms setting
suggested connection/
OERs Synchronous Mobile Data
through a
Interactive class video call on a Sample
discussion platform academic
through a video accessible to paper
call platform all students,
accessible for e.g. Google
all students Meet, Zoom or
*All exams must follow a Table of Specifications (TOS) and Rubrics for evaluation of student’ performance or projects.
A. Grading system for 2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory (i.e. DCIT 21; 3 units; Lec - 2 hrs & Lab - 3 hrs)
Lecture – 60%
Laboratory – 40%
B. Grading system for 1 unit lecture and 2 units laboratory (i.e. DCIT 22; 3 units; Lec -1 hr & Lab - 6 hrs)
Lecture – 40%
Laboratory – 60%
C. Grading system for 2 units lecture and 3 units laboratory (i.e. ELEX 50; 5 units; Lec – 2 hrs & Lab – 9 hrs)
Lecture – 30%
Laboratory – 70%
A. Attendance
Students are not allowed to have 20% or more unexcused absences of the total face to face class hours; otherwise, they will be
graded as “DROPPED”.
B. Classroom Decorum
C. Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Mid-term and Final Examinations are scheduled.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of ”0” for the first offense. For the
second offense, the student will be automatically given a failing grade in the subject.
4. Students who will miss a mid-term or final examination, a laboratory exercise or a class project may be excused and allowed
to take a special exam, conduct a laboratory exercise or pass a class project for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a University/College-approved field trip or activity;
b. due to illness or death in the family; and
c. due to force majeure or natural calamities.
Major Reference Book:
Agustin, R. et al. (2018). Communication in Multicultural Contexts. Muntinlupa City: Panday-Lahi Publishing House,
Aquino, E., Agustin, R., Caisip, B., Feranil, B., & Solis, A. R. (2015). Speech power. Valenzuela City: Mutya
House, Inc.
Diaz, R. (2009). Speech and oral communication for college students. Quezon City: National Book Store.
Martinez, N. (2007). Responsible speech communication. Revised Edition. Quezon City: National Book Store.
Miller, M. (2007). Effective communication for colleges. South-Western. Thompson Learning, Inc.
Miranda-Plata, S., et al. (2005). Keys to making a difference. Trailblazer Publications.
Padilla, M., et al. (2010). Speak right. Valenzuela City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
Electronic References/Websites:
Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision
1 August 14, 2020 September 7, 2020 Revision on format, additional
Outcomes Based Assessment,
additional references were made.
Revisions by Marisol C. Crizaldo