TPC-C was designed to carry over many of the characteristics of TPC-A, the
TPC's standard version of DebitCredit. Therefore, TPC-C includes all the
components of a basic OLTP benchmark. To make the benchmark
applicable to systems of varying computing powers, TPC-C
implementations must scale both the number of terminals and the size of the
database proportionally to the computing power of the measured system. To
test whether the measured system is a fully production-ready system with
sufficient recovery capabilities, the database must provide what are defined
as the ACID properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. To
facilitate independent verification of the benchmark results, the test sponsor
must release, in a full disclosure report, all information necessary to
reproduce the reported performance. This performance, which measures the
throughput of the system, must be reported along with the total system cost.
The total system cost is a close approximation of the true cost of the vendor-
supplied portion of the system to the end-user. It includes the cost of all
hardware and software components; maintenance costs over 5 years; and
sufficient storage capacity to hold the data generated over a period of 180
eight-hour days of operation at the reported throughput.