M.T. Black - The Dawn Chasers

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The introduction provides an overview of the Dawn Chaser adventure including its chapters and challenges. The PCs are recruited by Captain Moonlight to provide protection on her voyage.

According to Chapter 2, after leaving Waterdeep the Dawn Chaser encounters trouble from goblin pirates and a terrible storm in the Sea of Swords.

Captain Moonlight intends to go to the Athkatlan Mercantile Company in Athkatla to investigate whether maps left by her father are forgeries or if he may still be alive.


The Dawn Chasers is a Dungeons & Dragons Chaser. She needs some brave adventurers to
adventure designed to be completed in about supply protection for an upcoming voyage. The
4-6 hours of play. The combat encounters captain is a shrewd negotiator, so an intense
have been calculated to present a tough round of negotiations begins.
challenge to four 3rd level characters. They will
Chapter 2: All Aboard! After leaving the docks
present a less difficult, though still enjoyable,
of Waterdeep, the Dawn Chaser encounters
challenge to higher level characters or larger
trouble in the Sea of Swords, including an
attack from goblin pirates and a terrible storm.
Not every loose end is tied up in the following
Chapter 3: Land Ho! After weathering the
text, nor every possible reaction accounted for.
storm but getting lost at sea, the ship finally
Be ready to improvise, and do so with
locates land. A mysterious ship in the harbor
confidence! Unless stated otherwise, assume
may provide a clue as to getting home, as well
NPCs have the stats of a commoner.
as some information that will change the life of
The adventure is separated into 4 chapters. Captain Moonlight forever.
Chapter 1: Meeting Moonlight. The Chapter 4: The Temple. After uncovering the
adventure begins with the PCs meeting true origin of the storm, the party must set
Araveene Moonlight, captain of the Dawn right the misdeeds of a prior crew.
Chapter 1: Meeting Moonlight
The adventure begins with the PCs visiting a The young woman stands and makes her way
disreputable tavern in Waterdeep.
towards your table, then grabs a chair and

The Broken Lance slides it right up beside you.

“You don’t look like the sort to be impressed

You are drinking at the seedy dockside tavern
by fish tales! I’m Araveene Moonlight, captain
known as The Broken Lance. The big news
of the Dawn Chaser. I don’t know that you are
today concerns Cory McMadook, a local
the seafaring type - but I wouldn’t be talking to
fisherman who has pulled in an enormous
ya if you were! I have a strong crew and a
striped bass. Cory is currently being plied with
strong ship - I just need to fill out a few
round after round of ale as the local fishermen
positions under the other duties as required
crowd around to congratulate him. The whole
billet. What about it - you up for a new
tavern is in a jovial mood this evening, and
even the normally beleaguered staff seem to be
having a good time. If the party seem interested she lets out a
hearty laugh and orders a round of ale. If they
As the evening moves on and the drinks flow
are hesitant, she’ll spend some time buttering
faster, you notice a young human woman them up before proposing the job again. The
enter the tavern. She has the look of a ship’s truth is that she’s a little desperate – word has
captain, complete with a long blue frock coat spread that she is reckless, and so the regular
and the unmistakable aura of command. men-at-arms are avoiding her ship.

Many of the sailors and dockworkers either The Job

nod hello or divert their gaze as she walks Once the party show some interest, Captain
past. She glances at your table momentarily Moonlight will tell them a little more about the
before taking a seat with two large men. job -

The woman is Araveene Moonlight, an “What I need from ya is protection. What I can
ambitious young sea captain looking for some offer ya is gold.
muscle to accompany her as she plies the
“You will be my first line of defense. There may
dangerous trade routes to the south.
be trouble on the open waters with pirates,
Allow the players some time to mingle in the monsters, and all the other things that sailors
tavern if they wish – you may want to prepare
lose sleep over. But I also need ya to
a few stock NPCs just in case. After a short
while, Captain Moonlight will approach the accompany me off-ship, to protect me during
party – any shore excursions.

Continued next page…

“My immediate plans are to head over to the Araveene Moonlight
Moonshae Isles with a few bolts of silk for Araveene is the captain of a caravel named
trade, and then voyage down to Baldur’s Gate. the Dawn Chaser. She is in her early 20’s but
After that, we head to the deep south – and the has the street smarts of someone twice her
age. She is very charismatic, and has dark
real adventure begins!
hair (usually tied back) and green eyes. She is
“If ya decide the seafaring life is not for you, ya of medium height, with a lean and strong
can disembark at Baldur’s Gate and I’ll pay ya build.
off – no harm done.” Araveene was orphaned at a very early age –
her mother died in childbirth and her father,
“One more thing - ya can ask any of my crew
Tobias Moonlight, was lost at sea. Tobias
and they’ll tell you I’m good for whatever I’m
was a renowned sailor and cartographer, and
offering. Hold up your end of the deal you’ll get created many of the maps in use up and
paid. Leave me high and dry and you’ll soon down the Sword Coast.
regret it.
His best friend was a privateer known as Yaro
“Now, are ya ready to bargain?” the Blue, who took Araveene onboard as an
apprentice after her father died. Araveene
Captain Moonlight will answer any general inherited a small amount of money from her
questions they have, but she is keen to get father’s estate, and bought her own ship as
down to business - soon as she had finished her apprenticeship.

“My typical contract with hired swords has Araveene is an expert at reading people, and
typically knows exactly what to say to get her
four parts. First is your actual day rate. Next
desired response. She seldom takes no for an
is your “signing bonus”. Third is your cut from
answer, and seldom must. She is not afraid to
any salvage we find. Finally - your share of any use every weapon in her arsenal to get her
loot that we find.” way.
Her crew have good things to say about her,
You may choose to fully roleplay out these
though they are wary of her temper. She
negotiations. Alternatively, you can use the
works them hard, but treats them well and
following “mini game” to determine the
pays them fairly. She tries to be more relaxed
and fun-loving when on shore leave, but often
The Negotiation Game the role of captain takes over.

The below list contains each “item” of the She insists on being called Captain Moonlight
negotiation alongside three values – a default by everyone.
value, a maximum value and a minimum Ideal: She wants to be remembered as one of
value. For example - (30gp/60gp/15gp). the great sailors of the age.
Have the party choose one member to act as
Bond: She is extremely loyal to both the
the negotiator. That PC much make a DC 14
Dawn Chaser and her crew.
Persuasion check for each negotiation item. If
they succeed, then Captain Moonlight and the Flaw: She has a fierce temper, especially
party agree on the maximum value. If the PC when crossed.
fails the check by less than 5 then they agree She has the stats of a Scout, though she is
on the default value. If the PC fails by more armed with a rapier and a crossbow instead of
than 5, they agree on the minimum value. a shortsword and a longbow.

1) Day Rate – Captain Moonlight is willing around magic and is happy for the party
to pay (5sp/1gp/4sp) per day to each PC to claim any magic items they find.
while they are in her employ.
Captain Moonlight likes negotiation nearly as
2) Signing Bonus – she is willing to pay much as sailing, and her enjoyment should be
(20gp/50gp/10gp) up front to each PC obvious. You may wish to “spice up” the
immediately for “signing on”. Negotiation Game with some roleplaying -
remember to award inspiration to players that
3) Salvage –For the salvage of any vessels
roleplay well.
she will pay the party a total bounty of
(250gp/500gp/100gp). Once negotiations are over, Captain Moonlight
tells the party they are leaving first thing in
4) Loot – She offers the party the morning. She also ensures that their
(30%/50%/20%) of any loot found on signing bonus is delivered within the hour.
pirates or monsters. She is nervous

Chapter 2: All Aboard!

After boarding the Dawn Chaser, they set sail “Hope ya slept well, for the sea does odd things
for the Sea of Swords.
to those used to sleeping on dry land. On the

The Dawn Chaser bright side, you’ll get drunk a whole lot faster!”
She roars with laughter at her own joke.
There is a map of the main deck at the end of
this document.
The captain calls out and is soon joined by a
The Dawn Chaser is a caravel capable of young girl. Her name is Paige, and she is one
travelling about 80 miles per day under her of the “cabin boys”; the captain informs Paige
capable crew. She is roughly 55’ long and 18’ that her new job is to look after the party.
across the beam. The ship has a main deck
Paige is a little shy, but is desperate to please
with a sterncastle and forecastle, and a single
the PCs. She gets them a bed roll each, shows
large cargo hold below decks. There are two
them around the ship, and answers any
small cabins beneath the sterncastle.
questions they might have. While onboard, she
The Dawn Chaser is kept in good shape, is at the beck and call of the party, and will
although anyone with naval experience will always be popping up, asking if she can help
note that she is quite old. in some way.
Read the following - Once the party have finished talking to Paige,
read the following –
The Dawn Chaser is easy to spot in the
Waterdeep docks - the large mainsail is dyed
blue with a crescent-moon design in the

The ship is buzzing with activity as the

crewmembers prepare for departure. As you
approach, Captain Moonlight greets you.

Continued next column…

The ship sets sail soon after you’re shown
The Crew
onboard. The crew is very busy for the first few There are 20 crew members, including the
hours, but after reaching open waters a captain. Specialist crew include the first
mate, the bosun, the pilot and the carpenter.
pleasant rhythm settles over the ship.
There are also 8 sailors, 4 apprentice sailors,
“Here’s to fair winds and followings seas!” cries and 3 cabin boys.
Captain Moonlight from behind the helm. Following are a few key members -

The ship sails without incident for the Gregor Stormcall, First Mate
remainder of the first day (it will take about 6 LN Human Male
days to reach the Moonshae Isles). The captain
will visit the party at least once during the day Gregor is the disciplinarian of the ship, and is
to ensure they’re settling in properly. If they’ve second only to the captain in authority. The
not met Darsh or Gregor (see “The Crew”), she heavy tattoos on his body hide scars collected
will introduce them. from many years of slavery – a slavery which
was ended by the captain.
A Surprising Revelation Darsh Ironthorn, Bosun
Captain Moonlight will invite the party to
share a hot meal with her in the galley on the NG Male Dwarf
third night at sea. The meal is just pork stew, Darsh is an old sea dog and oversees the
but is a welcome treat after cold rations. actual sailing of the ship. He is very
Over dinner, she will make small talk to learn meticulous, and ensures all the equipment
more about the party. She is very interested in onboard is kept in excellent condition.
understanding their strengths and abilities. If Secna Mistwind, Sailor
the party are friendly, she may tell them a little
bit about her background (see “Araveene CN Female Elf
Moonlight”, above). Secna is very solitary, seldom seen outside of
At some point, she will become serious, and the crow’s nest while on duty. She hides a
say the following - shameful secret, having been exiled from her
clan when young.
“Friends, I haven’t been entirely straight with
Tog, Sailor
ya. Couldn’t be helped, as there are too many
N Male Orc
unfriendly ears around Waterdeep.
Tog is the strongest member of the crew - and
“A ship called the Fortunate Son was lost at
the most easily amused. He loves to hear any
sea in this area a month or two back, and a good tale, and often laughs inappropriately
little birdie tells me she was carrying some due to his poor grasp of common.
valuable cargo. She was part of a merchant
Paige, Cabin Boy
fleet sailing up from Amn. The fleet hit a
terrible storm and was split up. CG Female Human
Paige is a 12-year-old orphan from Baldurs
Continued next page… Gate, and has only been with the ship for a
few months. She is rather shy, and is still
trying to find her place amongst the crew.

“Some of the Fortunate Son’s crew were picked Life Aboard Ship
up in open water a few days later, and said The sailors are divided into two “watches” and
they had abandoned ship just before she ran work alternating shifts of 4 hours each while
aground on a small island just north of the ship is at sea. Typical jobs include
Mintarn – that’s about fifty leagues south of tending the sails and rigging, swabbing the
here. deck, manning the bilge pump and serving as
lookout in the crow’s nest. All this activity is
“I reckon I can guess where the Fortunate Son carried out under the watchful eye of Darsh
was wrecked – a place called Storm Island the bosun, who rarely seems to sleep.
that almost no-one knows about. I’ve never The PCs may be asked to assist the sailors at
landed there myself - the weather’s always certain times, but will otherwise be left alone.
foul, and there’s a nasty reef. But I think we’ll Daily rations consist of 2 pounds of sea
find the ship there. biscuit washed down with 4 pints of ale.
Everyone also receives a pound of salted pork
“Now, it happens that I have a connection to
alternating daily with half a pound of cheese.
the Fortunate Son – my pappy used to pilot her Every few days, the apprentices prepare a hot
back in his sailing days, long time ago now. I breakfast of porridge in the tiny galley.
want to see what became of her, and if she can Captain Moonlight has a small cask of sour
be salvaged, for pappy’s sake. lime juice, and insists everyone take a daily
dose to keep scurvy at bay.
“I also reckon that gives me as much right to
The crew usually sleep on straw pallets on the
the loot as anyone - and if ya don’t agree,
main deck. If there is room in the cargo hold,
you’ll kindly keep your opinions to yourselves!”
some of the sailors will occasionally string up
hammocks below deck.
The captain won’t answer any more questions
on this matter. She is quite unapologetic about When not working, the crew members sleep,
lying to them, simply saying “it was tell stories, drink, sing, gamble and
necessary”. (occasionally) fight.

The Raiders Attack Sea Sickness

This encounter will take place on their fourth Any character that does not have the Sailor
day at sea. Shortly after dawn, a cry is heard background may suffer from sea sickness. At
overhead as Secna spots another ship. the end of every day at sea, have the
characters make a DC 10 Constitution save.
As the sun begins to rise over the ocean, a If they fail, they receive one level of
vessel can be seen cutting through the exhaustion that carries over to the next day to
morning fog. It appears to be on an intercept a maximum of two exhaustion levels. If they
course with the Dawn Chaser! make the save two days in a row, they have
gotten their sea legs and no longer need to
Captain Moonlight orders the party to prepare make sea sickness checks.
for an attack, even as the crew rush about and
make their own preparations.

The ship that is approaching is a long carrack, Combat Chaos
with three tall masts and square, full sails. As
Some PCs will seek to exploit the unusual
it gets closer, you can see it’s crewed by small terrain this battle affords – for example, a PC
green humanoids. They are jumping around might choose to swing across to the carrack
the deck excitedly, while preparing long planks on some rigging, to flank the goblins. You
and ropes. One of the creatures stands on the should be prepared to improvise rulings on
bow of the ship, wearing a ragged red coat and such matters. We recommend you reward
imaginative play.
barking orders.
Attacking the Ship
The nameless ship contains 24 goblins and a
goblin boss. It has the wind on its side, and Some parties may try to sink the goblin
vessel, but this will be very difficult without
will come within 600’ of the Dawn Chaser after
heavy weaponry. Fire-based attacks will burn
about 5 minutes. From that point, it will close
up the rigging and sails, but will not catch on
on the Dawn Chaser at the rate of 150’ per
the hull. If they do insist on attacking the
round. At the end of round 4 the ships collide
side-to-side, with the goblins launching vessel, use the statistics for a sailing ship
grappling hooks and dropping boarding [DMG p119].
The Loot
Keep track of the goblins killed by range
After the combat is over, the party can recover
attacks upon approach and subtract that from
a total of 231sp and 75gp from the goblin
the total number that eventually board. While
bodies. The captain will ensure she takes her
on their ship, the goblins have half cover. The
cut. The goblins have crude weapons, mostly
goblin boss ducks down below deck at the first
rusted from the harsh conditions at sea.
sign of ranged attacks and does not reappear
until they board. The goblin ship is in bad shape. Anyone with a
sailing background will deduce that the ship
Boarding Party has recently been through a terrible storm,
At the start of the 5th round, the goblins and was poorly cared for before then.
launch their attack. 1d6+3 goblins cross the If the party board the goblin ship, read the
planks and attack. Each round thereafter, following text -
1d6+1 goblins cross over to join the fray until
all are aboard. The goblin boss crosses over on The goblin ship is lucky to even be afloat. The
the second round of melee combat. masts are cracked, the sails are torn, and
Captain Moonlight and the crew do not sit by important ropes have been snapped in two. A
idly as their ship is boarded. On each round, hatch leads to the lower deck, and the stench
the captain kills one goblin and the crew kill wafting up through the rotted planks suggests
1d4 goblins. Whenever a 1 is rolled on this that the goblin sailors aren’t especially
dice, a crew member (other than the captain)
interested in hygiene.
is also killed.
The only thing that is not in bad condition is a
While this is happening, you should break off
some goblins from the main group to engage large crate that has been tied down to the deck
the party in regular combat. Paige will pop up - undoubtedly pillaged from some other vessel.
at some point, desperately asking how she can

If the party choose not to go, the captain will
send some crew over to investigate and they
Dark Skies
will return with the crate described above. A few hours after encountering the goblin ship,
the Dawn Chaser is overtaken by a storm -
The crate is nailed shut, but can be easily
opened. Inside is some cutlery, a few The skies begin to darken as the ship sails on
navigational instruments, and an assortment through morning. By the time lunch is gone,
of ship supplies. There is also one peculiar
the winds have picked up and the waves have
item – a hunk of silvery metal in the shape of a
begun to batter the ship’s hull. The crew
jagged triangle. Anyone casting detect magic
will see that it is deeply imbued with elemental prepare for stormy weather as a crack of
magic, but its purpose is unclear. thunder is heard overhead.

When the captain examines the crate, she will The captain begins barking orders. She warns
curse aloud, saying, “These instruments are the party that the storm approaching is a bad
from the Fortunate Son – those wretched one, and she’ll need all hands on deck.
goblins beat us to it!” Still, she is determined
to press on to Storm Island. Within minutes, the storm breaks over the
The captain says that the crude ship isn’t Dawn Chaser. Rain begins to fall in sheets,
worth salvaging, but she determines the crate and lightning courses through low clouds that
of loot is worth 100gp, and pays out the party seem barely higher than the mainmast. The
their share. ship is tossed between the waves as torrents of
She takes a liking for the metallic triangle salt water wash over the main deck. The
(even if she discovers it to be magical), and captain yells out orders to the crew as she
puts it in her room as a trophy. Little does she calls you over.
realise that she has placed herself and her
crew in grave danger. “We’re taking a beating – we need your help!”
she cries through the torrent of rain. “Gregor’s
Thunderchild shortening the sails and he needs some
Thunderchild is a cursed idol consecrated to a muscle to finish before the mast snaps! Tog is
powerful storm elemental. This idol, made of trying to get all the rigging tied off, so a few of
a strange silver alloy and shaped like a jagged you need to lend him a hand as well!”
triangle, amplifies any storm it encounters to
destructive levels - with the wind always The PCs each need to decide where they will
blowing toward Storm Island. help – either tying up the rigging or shortening
In addition, exposure to the idol changes the sails. Each task requires an extended skill
anyone nearby. Within a few days, tempers check to complete. There is only time for each
start to flare and violence begins to break out. PC to help with one or the other task.
The violent urges eventually take over,
causing the host to go into a murderous
Shortening the Sails
rampage. When those exposed are killed, the Gregor needs help holding down the thrashing
primal storm energy returns their spirit to sails while he takes them in. The PCs need to
their body, creating storm zombies (see make a DC 13 Athletics group check [PHB
chapter 3). p175] each round to help. If the group check
succeeds three times before it fails twice, the
sails are taken in with only minor damage. If
the skill check is failed, as they are bringing in

the sail it breaks free and knocks a crew dances wildly across the deck, knocking one of
member into the turbulent water, never to be the crew into the sea and certain death.
seen again.
Tying off the Rigging Fighting the storm is quite exhausting, with
Tog is frantically trying to tie off all the ropes each character taking at least one exhaustion
and rigging to keep the masts secure. The PCs level. If they failed their extended skill check,
should make a DC 13 Sleight of Hand group they take two exhaustion levels. If both
check [PHB p175] each round to help. If the extended skill checks were failed, the party will
group check succeeds three times before it learn that Paige was one of the crew members
fails twice, the rigging is secure. If the skill washed overboard.
check is failed, the rigging breaks free and

Chapter 3: Land Ho!

The worst of the storm is over within the hour,
though the strong winds and lightning carry
Storm Island
on throughout the rest of the day. The rocking The island does not have an official name,
and thrashing of the ship doesn’t allow for and it does not appear on many maps. It was
much rest. nicknamed “Storm Island” by a pirate crew
that sheltered there many years ago.
The influence of Thunderchild starts to be seen
on the crew as well, with tempers being very The island lays at the nexus of certain primal
short and fights breaking out. ley lines, and became inhabited by powerful
elemental creatures in eons past. Most of
As the light fades through the dark clouds, the these are quiescent, though some are more
storm dies down to a dull roar. The ship is active. The most powerful and aware
battered and damaged, but still afloat. The elemental lord on the island is Storm.
captain gives orders to make repair and set
The Weather
sail. You notice some worried looks before she
The weather on Storm Island is very bad,
finally finds time to address the crew.
with boiling dark clouds constantly
“I don’t know what in Shaundakul’s name that overhead, frequent downpours and the
was! I’ve never seen a storm come on so quick occasional thunderstorm. The weather off the
coast looks even worse, and the captain is
or hit so hard in these waters. There is
very reluctant to sail into it after landing.
something not right about all of this…

“If it’s a clear night, we should be able to figure The Fortunate Son
out where we are. Until then, I’m bearing The Fortunate Son was a profitable merchant
south and east, back toward the coast.” carrack owned by the Athkatlan Mercantile
Company. It primarily traded between
Unbeknownst to the captain, Thunderchild has Athkatla, the Moonshae Islands and
used the storm to blow the ship closer to its Waterdeep. Tobias Moonlight served first as a
home - Storm Island! sailor and then a pilot on this ship, prior to
becoming a full-time cartographer.

10 | P a g e
The Dawn Chaser sails silently into the Assuming the PCs head over to the island,
evening. The peace is broken shortly after read the following -
midnight as Secna cries out, “Land ho!”
As you row closer toward the ship, you see no
Wreck and Reef immediate sign of anyone onboard, although
the high sides of the carrack offer meager
The full moon hidden behind thick clouds
visibility from the water.
offers a dim glow across the horizon. Soon, the
unmistakable outline of land can be seen. It’s The Fortunate Son is in poor condition. It
a small island, with a low mountain peak in appears that someone commenced making
the center. repairs and then abandoned the effort. The
main mast is being held up with large timbers,
As the Dawn Chaser gets closer, another ship
while the mizzenmast has broken off, crushing
can be seen. It is a carrack that has been
the entire sterncastle beneath it.
stranded on a large reef. Even from a distance
you can see the ship is in bad shape - though Now that you are closer, you see that the slash
it is still upright and mostly intact. No light in the hull is very long, and that the foremast
can be seen on the main deck, but you can is also badly cracked. This ship will not sail
just make out a faint, flickering blue light again without a great deal of work.
coming from a gash in the hull.
The PCs can land easily on the beach. If they
You notice Captain Moonlight staring at the take time to examine the beach, they will find
shipwreck and gripping the railing hard. “The some dark stains in the sand, broken weapons
and scraps of armor – there was clearly a
Fortunate Son…” she mutters.
battle here recently. A DC 12 Survival check
The captain knows it is too great a coincidence will determine that the battle took place
that the Dawn Chaser was blown toward between humans and goblins. They will also
Storm Island, and she is beginning to suspect find an overgrown track leading to the Temple
that they are caught in a web of dark magic. (see chapter 4).

The Dawn Chaser is equipped with a single From the beach, the party can carefully walk
longboat that will carry 8 persons. If the PCs out on the reef to the stranded carrack.
don’t suggest it, the captain will tell the party
they are taking the boat ashore to investigate Main Deck
the shipwreck (even though it is still night). No map has been provided of the main deck.

The captain will lead the expedition, but she The most direct way to get to the main deck is
commands the rest of the crew to remain and via a knotted rope hanging over the side. This
defend the ship. If the party seem hesitant to requires a DC 10 Athletics check – on failure
investigate, she will sternly remind them of the PC falls 1d12 feet. Only 2 characters per
their contract. If the PCs insist, she will round can attempt the climb, which will affect
reluctantly agree to wait until the morning. On the number able to participate in the
land, the captain will tend to defer to the party encounter below.
as they are “the experts”.
When the first character makes it to the top of
If Paige is still alive, she will beg to accompany the rope, read the following:

11 | P a g e
As you step onto the main deck, you see that have been started on the ship, but the repairs
vary from being very well done to completely
the crew attempted to gather supplies from the
island to complete the repairs. Cut timbers,
lengths of vine, and large thick leaves are A DC 15 Medicine check will determine that
the bodies are still quite “fresh”, and have
scattered around haphazardly.
probably only been zombies for a few tendays.
An especially large pile of leaves begins to These crewmembers pocketed some trinkets,
move, and suddenly explodes outward. jewelry, and carvings from the local island
Standing up from it are several crewmen, their which will fetch 35gp in total. There is nothing
else of value on the deck.
eyes no more than pools of inky dark, their
faces decaying, and small threads of lightning Wooden stairs on the port side lead to the
arcing across their bodies. lower deck.

There are four storm zombies on the top deck Lower Deck
- they move to attack as soon as the first PC There is a map of the lower deck at the end of
climbs over the railing. this document.

Storm Zombie 1. Cargo Hold

Storm zombies are identical to regular
The wooden steps lead down into the ship’s
zombies with the following exceptions –
cargo hold. It is largely empty aside from a few
 Their slam attack is replaced by a touch old barrels and crates. There is also a small
attack that does 1d6+1 lightning damage oak table sitting on one side. Silver coins and
 They are immune to lightning damage playing cards have been scattered across the

 They have an ability called Feedback – when table and around the hold.
hit with a metal melee weapon, lightning A door leading to the bow of the ship looks as
arcs up the weapon causing 2 points of
if someone tried frantically to break it down.
lightning damage to the wielder
Chips have been taken out of the door and the
Storm Zombie Captain frame, and the iron bands holding the door

The storm zombie captain is identical to an together have nearly been pulled completely
ogre zombie, with the following exceptions – out.

 Its slam attack is replaced by a touch attack You also notice two closed doors leading to the
that does 2d8+4 lightning damage stern.

 It is immune to lightning damage

There are 43sp in total scattered around the
 It has an ability called Feedback – when hit hold. Many of the barrels and crates are
with a metal melee weapon, lightning arcs empty, though some are filled with rotting
up the weapon causing 3 points of lightning foodstuffs.
damage to the wielder
A DC 15 Perception check will hear a
 It is of medium size shuffling noise from the storage room in the
bow of the ship.
Once the zombies are dispatched, the
characters can look about the deck. Repairs

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2. Storage Room  In terms of identity, he thinks of himself as
just Pukka, and only knows he’s smarter
The door to this room has been blocked from
than the rest of the monkeys on the island.
the inside. Read the following –
 There are “powerful spirits” on the island,
As you begin to examine the door, you hear though most are quiescent if not
something wooden falling behind it. You then disturbed.
hear something being dragged away from the  The most powerful and aggressive spirit is
door before, and then another loud “thud”. “Old Man Storm”, who has wrecked many
ships on the reef over the years.
This cabin is inhabited by Pukka, a large  Pukka is closest with “Father Earth”, who
spider monkey infused with the primal spirit of used to talk to him often, but has been
the earth. He barricaded himself in this room very quiet for a long time now.
to escape the crew about five days ago.  Over a month ago the Fortunate Son was
Pukka has been listening to the party, trying blown onto the reef. The crew began to
to determine if they are zombies, and he is make repairs, but found and pillaged “the
now convinced they are normal. If the PCs Temple”, taking Thunderchild (the idol)
wait, Pukka will clear the barricade and then with them.
open the door from the side.  He knows that the idol must be returned
to the Temple because “Old Man Storm is
He will then immediately hide (Stealth +7)
angry” and a curse follows the idol around.
behind a crate to observe the PCs when they
enter. Read the following -  After taking the idol, the crew began
fighting amongst themselves, and there
The door opens to a smaller storage hold. You were several fatalities. The dead crew soon
see that crates and boxes have been pulled rose again as storm zombies. The cycle
repeated and soon the entire crew had
away from the door from what seemed to be a
been either destroyed or risen as undead.
makeshift barrier. The room smells of oranges
 About a tenday ago, a goblin pirate ship
and stale beer, and you can see a few old
was blown into the bay, but managed to
hammocks slung near the bow.
avoid the reef. They fought a pitched battle
with some storm zombies on the beach
If the characters do not seem violent or
before retreating with some loot.
aggressive, Pukka will cry out -
 After the goblins left, Pukka crept aboard
“Ee-ee Heeeey!” the Fortunate Son to see if the idol was
there. He did not realise there were some
A small high pitched voice calls out. Peeking storm zombies left on the ship, and so he
from behind a crate is a large black monkey was forced to barricade himself in the
with long spindly arms and a tuft of wild grey room.
hair on its head. The monkey manages to pull If the PCs tell Pukka that they have the idol,
off a suspicious glare as it looks over the party. he will not be surprised, saying, “Old Man
Storm is powerful and calls his child back”. He
“Not ee-crazy yet, no? oo-not taken by Old Man will push the party to return the idol quickly,
Storm no? Pukka knows! oo-Pukka knows!” but he will reluctantly accompany them if they
wish to explore the rest of the ship. Captain
If the party talk to him, Pukka will relay the Moonlight will insist they search the entire
following information: lower deck for anything of value.

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Pukka Captain Moonlight glances over a few maps
and drawings, mumbling to herself. After
Pukka is large for a spider-monkey due to his
supernatural status; he weighs about 40lbs picking up a very intricate map of the Sword
and is nearly 4ft tall. Although he is not Coast, she freezes.
aware of it, Pukka began life as a normal Frantically, she begins to sift through the
animal, but was transformed after spending a
other maps on the table, throwing some aside
night sleeping near an ancient cairn
and looking closely at others. As she rolls up
sanctified to a powerful earth elemental. He
does not track time, but he is very old – the large map, she glances at the party with
hundreds of years. tears in her eyes.

Pukka has the same stats as a dust mephit, “These maps were made by my father! Now,
with the following additional ability – I’m not some sentimental school girl tearing up
 Earth Step – Pukka can dissolve into a over his work - I already have many of his
piece of exposed earth and emerge from maps on my ship.
another piece of exposed earth that he has
“No, here’s the problem. My father was lost at
visited before. There is no range limit on
this ability. He must take a short rest before sea twenty years back - but this map was
using this ability again. made just two years ago! There’s half a dozen
of his maps on this table - all made within the
3. Storage Room past five years.
This room contains a few old barrels and
“I-I don’t even know what to make of this right
boxes, mostly filled with rotting foodstuffs.
There is nothing of value here. now. It’s not going to matter if we can’t get
back home, so I’ll figure it out later.”
4. Captain’s Cabin
She gathers a few more papers and pushes
This room is lined with maps and charts, with past you towards the door. There she pauses,
a large wooden table bolted to the floor, and a and turns back toward you.
small cot against one wall. “Oh, and if ya tell the crew you saw me cry, I’ll
There are five crew members here who turn throw ya overboard.”
and begin moving your way. Their decaying
If they search the cabin, they will also find the
faces are frozen in screams of anger, and
captain’s journal. The early pages contain
tendrils of lightning ripple over their bodies. uninteresting information about wind
One of the creatures wears the hat and coat of direction, headings and navigational readings.
an officer.
The last few pages describe the terrible storm
that drove the ship onto the reef. They also tell
Four storm zombies and the storm zombie
of how they began repairing the ship, while a
captain are in this room, and they attack as
large party explored the island interior. These
soon as the door is opened. Once the zombies
crew returned bearing Thunderchild, and told
are dealt with, Captain Moonlight begins to
of a strange temple they had found carved into
look over the maps.
a cliff face. They claimed to have been chased

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from the temple by “a living storm” – several of The journal ends with the captain and several
the crew did not escape. of the sailors locking themselves in his cabin
to escape the rest of the crew. With supplies
The journal then notes the descent of the crew
running low and the sailors slowly being
into madness, and the horrific discovery that
consumed by madness, the last journal entry
the dead were rising to life again. The captain
reads “There is no hope– we can but wait for
quickly surmises that the curse is being
the end – there is no hope.”
caused by the idol dislocated from the strange

Chapter 4: The Temple

If the party have spoken to Pukka or read the that there are a dozen sets of humanoid tracks
captain’s journal, they will know they need to going in and out of the entrance.
return the idol back to the Temple – a
structure carved from the living rock by a 1. Antechamber
forgotten, antediluvian race. Pukka can show Once the party enters antechamber, read the
them the way – otherwise, they will discover an following -
old and overgrown path leading from the beach
to the Temple. This rectangular chamber has tall, square
pillars carved in each corner, and a lofty
The journey to the Temple takes a few hours,
ceiling. Scores of small indentions are chiseled
but aside from extravagant plants and
interesting animals, it is uneventful. If the into the smoothly dressed walls, and are filled
party stray from the path, there is a strong with all manner of small trinkets. Most are
chance they will come across the storm natural, such as small shells or interesting
zombies now wandering around the island. rocks, but some are artificial, such as old
Assuming they stick to the path, they will rusted coins and a few small sculptures. There
come to the Temple - is dust and rubble on the floor, and it all feels
indescribably ancient.
Rising ahead of you is a great, gray cliff. You
soon spot a tall opening, elaborately carved The body of a sailor lies in a broken heap at
with pillars and a portico. The wind suddenly the mouth of a tunnel. A dark mass of swirling
rises to a roar, battering the trees and bushes. cloud clings to the ceiling, nearly 50’ above. As
An ominous howl seems to emanate from the you watch, the cloud teases apart into five
entrance. small humanoid shapes, each with white-blue
lightning arcing over their bodies. They stream
If Pukka is with them, he says - toward you, trailing wreathes of dark cloud
behind them.
“Eeoo-that’s it! The-ee Temple! Careful,
Careful, oo-the guardians!” These five storm mephits attack immediately.
They fight until destroyed, but will not follow
The path leading up to the Temple is the PCs outside the mouth of the cave if they
overgrown, but not too difficult to pass retreat. The mephits will be magically
through. A DC 12 Survival check will reveal regenerated one full day after being killed.

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The body is that of a sailor who fell to these
2. Reliquary
elemental guardians. Any loot he possessed
Read the following -
was taken by the other sailors.
None of the trinkets in the room are magical, The corridor leads to a much larger chamber.
however some of the old coins and other items The wind howls through the tunnel behind
are worth 150gp in total. Pukka will warn the you, swirling about the room and causing
party that the curse of the storm will follow small dust devils to dance across the floor. The
them if they remove anything. It’s only a
same wall indentations are present in this
threat, and there is no real curse on these
room, although there are many more of them.
items. Probably.
In the center of the room there is a great stone
Storm Mephit column, with an alcove hollowed out.

A storm mephit is identical to a magma If Pukka is present, he says -

mephit, with the following exceptions –
“Oo-there! That’s where the-ee statue goes!!
 It can fly at the rate of 60’
 It has damage immunities to both lightning
and poison Read the following -
 The Death Burst inflicts lightning damage
As you look at the impressive column, the
 It does not have the False Appearance hairs begin to stand up all over your body.
ability High, high above you is a mass of dark, boiling
 It has Lightning Breath rather than Fire cloud. You stare in horror as it billows into the
Breath shape of a giant, with blue-white lightning
crackling from its extremities. It gives a
Storm Elemental
thunderous roar and plunges toward you.
The storm elemental is identical to a fire
elemental, with the following exceptions – This is a storm elemental and it immediately
 It can fly at the rate of 60’ attacks, focusing on whoever has the idol. It
will continue to attack until the party is
 It has the Lightning Form ability. This is defeated, they retreat or they replace the idol.
identical to Fire Form, except that it inflicts It will pursue them to the antechamber, but
lightning damage cannot leave the Temple.
 It does not suffer from Water Susceptibility If the idol is replaced, the storm elemental will
 It’s touch attack inflicts lightning damage funnel up to the ceiling and then disappear
with a deafening crack. If by the second round
Note that this creature is not “Old Man of combat the party has not thought to return
Storm” himself – rather it is a kind of the idol, Pukka will suggest it to them with a
guardian avatar. desperate shout!
Much like the antechamber, there are a few
valuable items in this room - they would be
worth 220gp total if sold to the proper
vendors. Pukka again issues his warning if the
party seem intent on plundering the Temple.

16 | P a g e
There are seven dead sailors in this room, all
burned badly and apparently killed by the Epilogue
storm elemental. Two carry potions of healing
that they did not have time to use, and one Once everyone is safely aboard the Dawn
carries a magic rapier with the name ‘Water’s Chaser, the captain decides to head to
Edge’ inscribed on the blade (See Magic Mintarn to make repairs. She tells the crew
Items, below). Additionally, the sailors have that they will then head for Athkatla, capital
165sp between them. Pukka has no objections of Amn, where she has “certain enquiries” to
to taking items from these bodies. make. After that, things will get interesting as
Once the storm elemental is defeated and the they head toward the Shining Sea and the
idol returned, the storm outside immediately deep south.
begins to recede. Any storm zombies on the Captain Moonlight tells the PCs that she will
island immediately revert to corpses. still drop them at Baldurs Gate if they wish,
As the party leaves, Pukka gives his thanks - but that there is a place on the Dawn Chaser
for them on the coming great voyage – that is,
“Oo-thank you for quelling Old Man Storm! if they have the stomach for a real adventure…
Back to peace! Oo-back to quiet! Pukka like
quiet! B-but Pukka also like new friends, I-I be
back!” Magic Items
Pukka leaps into the trees and quickly
scurries away. Within a few minutes, he Water’s Edge
returns carrying a red conch shell. Weapon (Rapier), very rare (requires
“You-oo have a friend with Pukka, with the ee- attunement)
earth! You oo-have trouble, blow horn! Pukka You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage
hear! For now, Pukka must return, like oo- rolls made with this weapon.
you! Safe ee-travels!” Additionally, while carrying this weapon you
Pukka sets down the shell and smiles a big have advantage on Athletics checks, and you
can hold your breath twice the regular
toothy grin as he waves goodbye to everyone.
As he waves, his body begins to dissolve into
streams of dirt. Within a few moments, Pukka’s Conch Shell
Pukka’s entire body is gone, leaving only a Wondrous Item, Rare
swirling mass of dust where he once stood.
Blowing this shell will magically summon
Pukka, who will rise out of the nearest patch
The captain doesn’t quite know what to make
of exposed earth. If there is no exposed earth
of the whole situation. She’s delighted to know
within sight of the blower, Pukka will not be
that the storm is gone and she’ll be able to get
her ship out of the harbor in one piece, but
she is still very torn about her father’s maps. Pukka will remain while the blower
Are they forgeries, or could he possibly be still concentrates (as if concentrating on a spell), to
alive? She intends to go to the Athkatlan a maximum of 1 minute or until he is killed.
Mercantile Company to find out. Pukka then returns to Storm Island – if he is
killed, he cannot be summoned again.

17 | P a g e
While summoned, Pukka is friendly to the
blower and his companions. Pukka does not
like combat, but will fight if asked.
After Pukka departs, he can't be summoned
again for a full day. If he was involved in
combat, he can’t be summoned again for a full

Credits & Legals

Design: Anthony Lesink & M.T. Black.

Cartography: Daniel Walthall.

Proofing: Ken Carcas.

Playtesting: Mike Midkiff, Caleb Burley, Jamie

Dockery, Jody Barber, Bennett Lawrence,
Steve Connell, Elisabeth B Zakes, John
Adams, Geoff Adams, Christian Liberg, Tommy
Nilsson, Peter Green, Henrik Friis Pedersen,
Mark Jørgensen, Tore Steenfeldt, Nicolaj
Acknowledgement: I’d like to acknowledge the
influence of Martin Ralya.
the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon
ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster
Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D
Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
in the USA and other countries. All characters
and their distinctive likenesses are property of
Wizards of the Coast. This material is
protected under the copyright laws of the
United States of America. Any reproduction or
unauthorized use of the material or artwork
contained herein is prohibited without the
express written permission of Wizards of the

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