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0 | Desert Angel Fiasco

Dungeon Age

An adventure for Cairn

Written by Joseph R. Lewis © 2020, 2024


Introduction Credits

The ancient world of Harth withers  Cairn RPG by Yochai Gal

beneath its dying sun… but it’s not cairnrpg.com
dead yet.  Monsters based on the
e Cairn SRD, CC-BY-SA 4.0
Some say the world is dying.
Others say the desert is growing. In
either case, merchants and princes
always desire new ways to travel
the Great Sand Sea.  Joseph R. Lewis: Maps, and
other illustrations.
Today, someone has found a way to

fly across it. Who will tempt fate

and join the maiden voyage of the Contents
Desert Angel?
The Ship ................................................. 4
No one knows what dangers or The Characters.....................................6

treasures lie hidden in the heart of The Map ................................................. 7

the desert. If you survive, then you
will be the first… Day 1 ........................................................ 8
Night 1 .................................................... 11
Design notes Day 2...................................................... 13
Night 2 .................................................. 18
This adventure is intended as a Day 3 ..................................................... 21
one-shot, but it can easily be
inserted into a campaign. It is Background: Desert Hermit ...........24
primarily geared for social
encounters and combat.

Desert Angel Fiasco | 1


There are many opportunities for

combat built into the locations and
the Sailing Checks. But players can
This is a one-shot adventure. absolutely complete this adventure
The party boards the Desert Angel without any fighting.
for a 3-day voyage, and then many
things happen to them. How to run this
In this adventure, the encounters
A few things to know:

come to you! This may be good for
players who need an extra nudge  The adventure is broken up into
to go find things to do. Days and Nights. You can do as

many encounters in each
period as you wish.
This looks like a railroad…
 Each Day/Night starts with
This is a pretty linear adventure. Warden Notes that list where
But the Warden can choose which the NPCs are and what can
encounters to do. Also, the results happen. Note that some NPCs
of some encounters can
e may not be present, depending
dramatically affect later ones. on how events unfold.
 The (?) reminds the Warden
that an NPC may be absent.
Is this balanced and fair?  The ship can be damaged and
the crew can be killed, which
No! And because the PCs are
should affect how the ship flies.
trapped on this flying ship, there is

Be mindful of these challenges

a real possibility that enough bad
during the Sailing Checks.
rolls will wreck them in the desert.
 The map (page 7) is for Warden
And that is very bad.
use only. The encounters come
to you, so there are no

Treasure navigational choices to make.

There are valuables on the ship,

and at the encounter locations. Prep work
There are also opportunities to find
I encourage you to skim the whole
weird magic items and allies.
adventure to have a sense of it.

Most importantly, you should try to

know The Ship (page 4) and The
Characters (page 6).

2 | Desert Angel Fiasco

NPCs Today

There are 8 people on board at the Today is the maiden flight of the
start, and opportunities to pick up Desert Angel. The Vahid Trading
more along the way. Company has convinced enough
merchants to fill its hold with silks
I recommend you get a feel for The
and spices, as well as some other
Characters ahead of time (page 6).
odds and ends.
Some are plotting things! Their
behavior should change depending There are five crew, one pilgrim,
on how their plots turn out. and two merchants on board.

You definitely don’t need to play
out all of the plots! Just do the ones Story hook
that you find interesting.

Retired adventurer Zhubin Vahid
has purchased a flying ship to run
Background his new trading company. But he is
quite worried about the safety of
The Great Sand Sea stretches from
his ship, and its valuable cargo!
the beautiful desert city of Sahar to
the small plains town of Khervik. Vahid is looking for mercenaries to
Sahar is rich in silks, spices, and provide security on the maiden
glasswares, while Khervik is rich in voyage of the Desert Angel.
iron, copper, and silver.
Also, Vahid wants to know about
Trade is natural. any interesting locations in the
desert, such as places to rest and
But camel caravans around the
resupply, or dangers to avoid.
desert take 3 weeks, and can only

carry 6 tons of goods per trip. Payment of 100g each upon (safe)
arrival at Khervik!
Wealthy old adventurer Zhubin
Vahid has just paid a small fortune
to purchase a flying ship, made

from the bones of extinct Sonorous

Titans (sky-whales!).

This ship, the Desert Angel, can

carry 20 tons and should be able to
cross the Great Sand Sea in only 3
days… but no one has ever crossed
the heart of the desert before.

Desert Angel Fiasco | 3


The Cabin is located downstairs

directly below the Quarterdeck,
roughly 25 x 25.
 HAMMOCKS. 20, for both crew
The Desert Angel is a dunecutter, a and passengers.
newly invented flying ship. It is  GALLEY. For preparing food.
held aloft by the enchanted sky-
whale bones in the hull. It is Hold

propelled by the wind.
The Hold is downstairs next to the
It handles like a ship at sea. Except
Cabin, roughly 75 x 25.
that it floats 10 ft above the sand

and sails dangerously fast. There is a narrow walkway down
the center. To either side are goods
The Desert Angel is 100 ft long and
being transported for sale.
25 ft wide amidships. There are two
masts supporting two lateen  WOODEN CRATES full of silk dyed
(triangular) sails. in every color, as well as
e tailored robes and tunics.
There are three areas on the ship:
 WICKER BASKETS full of elegant
Deck, Cabin, and Hold.
glasswares: carafes, flutes, wind
(See illustration on page 5.) chimes, lenses, windows, etc.
 A LOCKED CHEST. Contains lapis
lazuli jewelry stolen from the
tomb of Solomon III. Worth

 A flat wooden deck, 100 x 25. 3,000g (page 12).

 HATCH. Between the two masts  BURLAP SACKS full of ground
is a large square hatch for spices: paprika, pepper,
moving cargo in and out of the cinnamon, and more. One bag
Hold. It is always open. conceals three silver spheres:

 BALLISTA. At the bow, bolted to angelfire grenades (page 17).

the deck. Bolts deal d12 damage.  A LARGE STONE JAR, sealed with
Takes 1 turn to reload. wax and holy runes. Contains a
 QUARTERDECK. At the stern is tiny eldritch horror: Kyagatha.
the steering wheel shaded by a No shipping label (page 20).
canvas canopy. Several  SPARE MATERIALS to repair the
comfortable benches are also ship (wood, canvas, sky-whale
bolted to the deck here. bones, pitch, rope, etc.).

4 | Desert Angel Fiasco

Exploration Sailing Checks

Captain Ava wants to keep the ship This adventure calls for several
safe, but she also wants to chart Sailing Checks. Basically, there will
the deep desert. She needs to be a danger to the ship and the PCs
identify safe places to drop anchor, must come up with a solution to
as well as dangerous places to keep the ship safe, perhaps using
avoid on future voyages. their tools or magic, or even just
common sense.
The PCs may want to argue for or
against exploring a given place. Ask for die rolls when you feel they
Captain Ava respects sound logic, are appropriate.

but also has a rather adventurous
Each Sailing Check describes what
spirit of her own.
a PASS or FAIL means for the ship.

Damage and repairs

Events can damage the hull or sails

of the Desert Angel. A damaged hull
may let cargo (or people) fall out.
Damaged sails will slow the ship.
PCs can make repairs using:
 Magic (a few moments)
 Tools and sweat (8 hours)

Desert Angel Fiasco | 5

Merchant Soraya Gol, 29.

 Red hair, yellow dress, red

tattoos on her arms.
 Silk trader. Professional.
Crew (5)  Secretly a magician plotting to
steal the ship for herself.
Captain Ava Bahar, 62.
Pilgrim Lev Meyer, 25.
 White hair, brown skin. Black
 Brown hair, glasses. White
silks, headscarf, eyepatch.
turban, gray kaftan.
 Expert sailor. Protects her ship.
 Friendly, sincere, awkward.

 Tells bizarre tales. All true.
 Returning home to Khervik
Quartermaster Reza Sadeq, 36. after exploring the desert cities.

 Smitten with Soraya Gol.
 Black beard, muscular. White
silk shirt, blue linen pants.
 Boasts often. Entitled bully. Strangers (4)
 Secretly planning to kill Ava and
Dusteater Damaris, looks 18.
take over as captain.
 Shaggy hair, slender. Dingy gray
Cook Naveed Musa, 74.
rags. Barefoot.
 Frail, bald. White mustache and  Earnest, honest, kind.
eyebrows. Dingy gray tunic.  Hermit. Worships the eldritch
 Exhausted, timid, polite. abomination Sholleth.
 Secretly a thief working with  Immortal. Eats dust and sand.
pirates to rob the ship.  Can warp wood with her mind.
This can repair the ship quickly.

Sailors Leyla and Eskander, 23.

 Wears a wooden mask to hide
 Short, lean, sunburned. the tentacles in her mouth.
 Honest, polite, and lazy.
Thieves Yared and Desta, 31.

Passengers (3)  Athletic. Desert robes.

 Daring, reckless, greedy.
Merchant Ira Jaron, 58.
Mummy Princess Varrani Hagar.
 Gray beard. Red turban, brown
 Desiccated corpse wrapped in
kaftan. Smells of camels.
pale cloth, attired in golden
 Spice trader. Caravaner.
armor and jewelry.
 Secretly planning to blow up
 Highly intelligent and creative.
the ship so his daughters can
 Laments the death of her
carry on his caravan business.
civilization. Enjoys poems.
 Knows when people lie.

6 | Desert Angel Fiasco


Desert Angel Fiasco | 7


At the outskirts of Sublime Sahar, a

ship made of wood and bone
hovers above the sand in the warm
WHO IS ON DECK? morning breeze. To the west, the
 Captain Ava Bahar dunes of the Great Sand Sea ripple
 Sailor Leyla out to the end of the world.
 Sailor Eskander
 Merchant Ira Jaron  The sailors cast off the lines
 Merchant Soraya Gol from the makeshift dock, and

 Pilgrim Lev Meyer the Desert Angel sets sail.
 The vessel flies in absolute
WHO IS IN THE CABIN? silence, except for the flapping

 Quartermaster Reza Sadeq canvas and the creaking ropes.
 Cook Naveed Musa

 No one  The journey has begun, and the

WHAT HAPPENS TODAY? crew has gone to their stations.
 The PCs are free to move about,
 The ship sets sail
meet the crew and passengers,
 The cargo is unbalanced
or explore the ship now.
 Sailing Check (fleas)
 Oasis (scorpion)
 Dunewreck (Damaris) Balance the load
 Rock Spire (sky pirates)
During this “settling in” time,

Captain Ava calls out that the ship

feels off-balance and orders that
someone needs to shift the cargo
to balance the load.

 Sailor Eskander acknowledges

the order, but doesn’t do it.
 If the PCs help, it takes 1 watch
to balance the cargo.
 If the cargo is not balanced,
then the ship is harder to sail.
The Warden may use this
reason to make Sailing Checks
more dangerous.

8 | Desert Angel Fiasco

Billows of dust and sand obscure Between the dunes, a patch of
the dunes ahead. Captain Ava asks greenery stretches around a
which way looks safest for the ship sparkling pool. Stunted palm trees
to proceed... rustle in the hot wind.

 POOL. 50 ft wide, 3 ft deep. Two

Sailing Check: Fleas crumbling human skeletons lie
at the water’s edge. Under the
 PASS. Strange dust clouds hover surface, a giant oasis scorpion

over a dune. A swarm of Giant lies in wait for fresh prey.
Sand Fleas about to leap at the  SKELETONS. Many years dead.
ship! Captain Ava sails safely

Some bones missing. Ribs
around them. crushed by huge claws.
 FAIL. Dozens of Giant Sand  WATER. Anyone who drinks is
Fleas leap into the air all around fully healed of all ailments.
the ship. Several land on the  TREES. 10 ft tall. Each has 3d6
deck and attack! prickly dates. Delicious!
6 HP, 1 ARM, 7 STR, 13 DEX, 7 WIL, 8 HP, 1 ARM, 10 STR, 13 DEX, 4 WIL,
Bite (d6), detachment Claws (d10+d10) or Snatch
 Dog-sized insects. Leapers.  Horse-sized arachnid.
 Critical: Knocked off the ship, Amphibious. Ambusher.

far out into the sands.  Snatch: (Two) Save DEX or be

grabbed in a claw, unable to
fight, lose d4 STR each turn
NOTE. The crew and passengers are until freed. Scorpion cannot use
not well-armed or prepared for

a Claw attack while a target is

combat, but they can be enlisted to being held this way.
help in a fight.  Critical: Poisoned, d8 STR loss.
 Harvest: Poison sac (d8).
CREW / PASSENGER  Harvest: Chitin shield (+1 ARM).

3 HP, 10 STR, 10 DEX, 10 WIL,

Weapon (d6)

Desert Angel Fiasco | 9

The desert is covered in swirling A slender spire of red rock spears
vortices of sand. Between these up from the desert floor. The wind
whirlpools, a decaying wooden hurls sand around it. Lights flicker
ship lies on a crusty ridge. A figure in a small cave and at the summit.
stands on the ship, waving.
 WARNING. Naveed (the cook)
 WHIRLPOOLS. 100 ft wide. advises the captain that this
Anything as heavy as a person is looks like a lighthouse and they
swiftly sucked down. should avoid getting too close.

 SHIP. Centuries old. Rotting. Winds appear erratic!
Looks like a standard sea ship.  SPIRE. 100 ft tall. Howling winds.

Hull contains sand, splinters,  CAVE. 60 ft up. Rough walls,
and ornate carvings of staring easy to climb. Inside, two sky
eyes and toothy maws. pirates with Yumari gliders are
 FIGURE. Damaris. Young skinny dozing. Items: Bedrolls, water,
hermit in faded rags. Wooden rations, and lots of knives.
mask over mouth. Acts naïve  SUMMIT. A mirror in a rocky
and friendly. Recalls little of her
e crack. Solid gold frame (100g).
own past. Wants to ride on the  PIRATES. Yared and Desta are
ship for the fun of it. Offers her thrill-seeking thieves plotting
ability to magically mend wood. with the cook Naveed to steal
Claims she doesn’t need food or the locked chest from the Hold
water. Says her mask is private. tonight using their gliders.
Happily admits she worships  If caught, they quickly implicate
“Sholleth the Writhing Dream”, Naveed, who denies everything.

who talks to her in her sleep.  If invited onto the ship, then
they steal the chest tonight.


6 HP, 13 STR, 10 DEX, 16 WIL,
Claw (d8) or Unmask 4 HP, 10 STR, 13 DEX, 10 WIL,
Cutlass and dagger (d6+d6)
 Young woman in dusty rags and
a wooden mouth-mask.  Smoke bomb: Blinding, 1 turn.
 Cast at will: Charm, Earthquake.
 Unmask: She reveals a mouth YUMARI GLIDER. A folding backpack
full of huge tentacles (d12 blast). hang-glider. While gliding, the user
One use per day. cannot use their hands for
anything else. Danger: 2-in-6
chance of breaking when used.

10 | Desert Angel Fiasco


The blazing sun sets and thousands

of jewel-like stars emerge from the
blue-black sky. The wind chills as
WHO IS ON DECK? the crew shifts stations. The night
 Quartermaster Reza Sadeq is clear and calm.
 Cook Naveed Musa
 Captain Ava Bahar
 QM Reza stands at the wheel.

 Sailor Leyla
 Merchant Ira Jaron Brags that he is a better sailor
than the captain, even though
 Merchant Soraya Gol

this is his first real voyage.
 Pilgrim Lev Meyer
 Cook Naveed is enjoying the
WHO IS IN THE HOLD? cool air before going to bed. He
 Sailor Eskander says breakfast will be ready just
 Damaris (?) after sunrise. He lingers near
the ballista.
 Damaris investigates the Hold
In the Cabin
(unless not on the ship)
 Sky pirates try to rob the ship  Captain Ava, the merchants,
(unless already caught) the pilgrim, and Leyla are all
asleep in their hammocks.

In the Hold

 Sailor Eskander is asleep near

the main cargo hatch.
 Cultist Damaris (if present) is

sneaking around, acting odd.

She says she hears a faint
whisper calling to her. No one
else hears anything.

Desert Angel Fiasco | 11

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