Fitt Recommendations For Hypertension - Update
Fitt Recommendations For Hypertension - Update
Fitt Recommendations For Hypertension - Update
VO2R=oxygen uptake reserve; HRR= heart rate reserve; RPE=rating of perceived exertion; 1-RM=one repetition maximum.
* The magnitude of the BP reductions resulting from aerobic exercise are directly proportional to intensity such that the greatest BP reductions
occur after vigorous intensity exercise if the patient/client is willing and able to perform vigorous intensity exercise (4).
** Neuromotor functional body weight exercise can be substituted for resistance exercise, and depending on the amount of flexibility exercise
integrated into a session, neuromotor flexibility exercise can be substituted for flexibility exercise depending on patient/client preference. The
evidence is promising but limited for neuromotor exercise to be recommended alongside aerobic and resistance exercise as a primary exercise
modality at this time (6).
*** The frequency recommendation is made due to the immediate blood pressure lowering effects of exercise, termed
postexercise hypotension (4).