Bow in Mapeh

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The a-BOOK was aligned from the Budget of

Work and to the MELC from Grade 1 to

Grade 4 of their first quarter from the subject
MAPEH (Health.)
Page 256 of



A. Features/Elements

Budget of Work (BOW) in MAPEH is a resource material in teaching that

contains learning competencies from Grade 1 to Grade 10 as prescribed by the K to
12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The K to 12 MAPEH Curriculum is composed of component based learning

competencies. The number of each competency in each component vary from one
grade level to another.

The crafting of this budget of work will facilitate easier access to teaching and
serve as a guide on delivering each lesson based on the latest curriculum guide
where the Most essential learning competencies (MELC) presented by DepEd is

There were learning competencies from the Curriculum Guide that was
merged to other competencies in MELC. Learning competencies from the CG that
are not included in the MELC will be utilized as enabling/ bridging competencies.
BOW will bring a new opportunity for the teaching-learning force to explore a new
way of delivering an effective, easier and accessible student centered learning.

Each competency has its own uniqueness for it provide students with wide
range of learning from Music, Arts, Physical Education and in Health.

Music and arts seeks to expose students, develop their skills and appreciate
Philippine. Asian and Western influences. It also provides factual and theoretical
information with application through singing, playing wide variety of instruments,
listening to classical musical pieces, drawing, painting, sketching and interpreting
the message of each artwork and musical piece.

Physical Education and Health on the other hand focusses on teaching how
to keep our body to be in its utmost condition. It also aims to strengthen each
students’ involvement to sports and physical development.

Each grade level provides health programs that will provide them holistic
development alongside with different fitness program, individual and dual sports
such as badminton, basketball, volleyball and many others.

MAPEH is an expression of each living individual. In MAPEH we can connect

from one person to another through its rhythm. It links our heart and make
worthwhile memories and lifelong learnings.

B. How to Use this BOW?

BOW in MAPEH is composed of four (4) columns. The first column is intended
for the Quarter; the second one is for the Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC); the third for the Learning Competencies; and the last one for the No. of
Days Taught. Each quarter is divided into four (4) components: Music, Arts, Physical
Education and Health.
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) (B)Learning Competencies
Quarter No. of Days Taught
(A) (C)

(F) 1

In using the BOW in MAPEH, it is important to understand the figure above

marked by the following specifications:

A. Quarter
B. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC)
C. Learning Competencies
D. Number of Days Taught
E. Enabling Competencies. These were taken from the K to 12 Curriculum
Guide which teachers shall use in bridging the lessons especially in reaching
and targeting the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC).
F. Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC). In each PIVOT 4A BOW, the
MELC is symbolized or marked by numbers. These identified MELCs may be of
the same variant of the K to 12 LCs or enabling competencies. But in some
cases, MELCs were produced by merging/fusing some LCs or enabling

The learning competencies in each component are designed to be taught in

40 non-negotiable days in each quarter excluding the number of days for quarterly
exams, culminating activities and different sports competitions.

In consideration that MAPEH has four independent components from Grade

1 to Grade10, each terminal competency presented on the curriculum guide have
been reviewed, mapped and clustered according to its similarity and relevance in

Most essential learning competencies in each component will provide

explorative way of delivering ideas with the full understanding about what MAPEH is
all about in general.

Lastly, each grouped/clustered learning competencies were given

specific number of days they have to be taught.

In utilizing the BOW in MAPEH, teachers should:

 look for the grade level they are handling;

 revisit each learning competencies per component;
 follow and remember that the first learning competency or grouped
competencies are the first one to be taught in each quarter per
 give emphasis on competencies with enabling or enrichments;
 prepare/design each lesson using grouped/clustered or those with
enrichment or enabling learning competencies; and
 religiously follow and consume the number of days allotted for a particular or
grouped learning competency.


Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies the difference between sound and
1 1
silence accurately.
2 relates images to sound and silence within a rhythmic pattern 1
performs steady beat and accurate rhythm through clapping,
tapping, chanting, walking and playing musical instruments in
response to sound
3 3
o in groupings of 2s
o in groupings of 3s
o in groupings of 4s
performs simple ostinato patterns on other sound sources
including body parts
creates simple ostinato patterns in groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s
through body movements
explains that ART is all around and is created by different
1 1
identifies different lines, shapes, texture used by artists in
2 1
uses different drawing tools or materials - pencil, crayons,
piece of charcoal, a stick on different papers, sinamay ,
3 3
leaves, tree bark, and other local materials to create his
drawing about oneself, one’s family, home and school
draws different kinds of plants showing a variety of shapes,
4 3
lines and color
P. E.
describes the different parts of the body and their movements
through enjoyable physical activities
1 creates shapes by using different body parts 2
2 shows balance on one, two, three, four and five body parts 2
3 exhibits transfer of weight 2
1 distinguishes healthful from less healthful foods 2
2 tells the consequences of eating less healthful foods 2
practices good eating habits that can help one become
3 2
Quarter 2 MUSIC
5 identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low 1
sings simple melodic patterns
6  ( so –mi, mi –so, mi – re do) 1
sings the melody of a song with the correct
pitch e.g.
7  greeting songs 1
 counting songs
 action songs
8 identifies similar or dissimilar musical lines 1
identifies with body movements the beginning, ending and
9 1
repeated parts of a recorded music sample
relates basic concepts of musical forms to geometric shapes
to indicate understanding of:
 same patterns
 different patterns
performs songs with the knowledge when to start, stop,
10 2
repeat or end the song.
identifies colors, both in natural and man-made objects, seen
5 1
in the surrounding
discusses the landscape that the learner and that
6 1
others painted
uses his creativity to create paints from nature and found
materials, and brushes from twigs, cloth and other materials
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a design inspired by Philippine flowers or objects
7 1
found in school
paints a home/school landscape or design choosing specific
8 2
colors to create a certain feeling or mood
appreciates and talks about the landscape he painted and
9 2
the landscapes of others
P. E.
identifies locomotor skills 2
moves within a group without bumping or falling using
4 3
locomotors skills
executes locomotor skills while moving in different directions at
5 3
different spatial levels
4 identifies proper behavior during mealtime 2
5 demonstrates proper hand washing 2
6 realizes the importance of washing hands 1
7 practices habits of keeping the body clean & healthy 4
8 realizes the importance of practicing good health habits 1
Quarter 3 MUSIC
relates the source of sound with different body movements
11 1
 wind, wave, swaying of the trees, animal sounds, or
sounds produced by man-made devices or machines,
uses voice and other sources of sound to produce a variety
of timbres
produces sounds with different timbre using a variety of local
12 1
identifies volume changes from sound samples using the terms
13 1
loud and soft
interprets with body movements the dynamics of a song
 small movement – soft 1
 big movement –loud
relates the concepts of dynamics to the movements of
animals e.g.
14 1
 big animals/movement – loud
 small animals/movement – soft
applies the concepts of dynamic levels to enhance poetry,
15 2
chants, drama, and musical stories
10 differentiates between a print and a drawing or painting 1
describes the shape and texture of prints made from objects
found in nature and man-made objects and from the
11 2
artistically designed prints in his artworks and in the artworks
of others
creates a print by applying dyes on his finger or palm or any
12 part of the body and pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. 1
to create impression
creates a print by rubbing pencil or crayon on paper
13 1
placed on top of a textured objects from nature and found
stencil a design (in recycled paper, plastic, cardboard,
14 leaves, and other materials) and prints on paper, 1
cloth, sinamay, bark, or a wall
15 narrates experiences in experimenting different art materials 1
participates in school/district exhibit and culminating activity
16 1
in celebration of the National Arts Month (February
P. E.
demonstrates the difference between slow and fast,
6 2
heavy and light, free and bound movements
demonstrates contrast between slow and fast speeds while
7 6
using locomotor skills
9 describes the characteristics of a healthful home environment 1
10 discusses the effect of clean water on one’s health 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
11 discusses how to keep water at home clean 1
12 practices water conservation 2
13 explains the effect of indoor air on one’s health
14 identifies sources of indoor air pollution 2
15 practices ways to keep indoor air clean
explains the effect of a home environment to the health of
16 2
the people living in it
17 demonstrates how to keep the home environment healthful 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
demonstrates the basic concepts of tempo through
16 1
movements (fast or slow)
Uses body movements or dance steps to respond to
varied tempo
17 1
 slow movement with slow music
 fast movement with fast music
uses varied tempo to enhance poetry, chants, drama, and
18 1
musical stories
demonstrates awareness of texture by identifying sounds that
19 1
are solo or with other sounds
demonstrates awareness of texture by using visual images 1
distinguishes single musical line and multiple musical
20 1
lines which occur simultaneously in a given song
sings two-part round sogs
21 1
 Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
differentiates between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
17 1
artwork and states the difference
identifies the different materials that can be used in
creating a 3-dimensional object:
 clay or wood (human or animal figure)
18  bamboo (furniture, bahay kubo ) 1
 softwood ( trumpo )
 paper, cardboard, (masks)
 found material ( parol , sarangola)
selects 3D objects that are well proportioned, balanced and
19 1
show emphasis in design
describes the creativity of local and indigenous craftsmen
20 and women who created artistic and useful things out of 1
recycled materials like the parol , maskara , local toys,
creates a useful 3D object: a pencil holder, bowl, container,
21 1
using recycled materials like plastic bottles
constructs a mask out of cardboard, glue, found materials,
22 bilao , paper plate, string, seeds and other found materials 1
for a celebration like the Maskara Festival of Bacolod
23 utilizes masks in simple role play or skit 1
creates mobiles out of recyclable materials such as
24 cardboards, papers, baskets, leaves, strings and other found 1
creates human figures out of clay, flour-salt mixture, or paper-
25 1
mache using different techniques
P. E.
identifies movement relationships 2
8 demonstrates relationship of movement 3
performs jumping over a stationary object several times in
9 succession, using forward- and- back and side-to-side 3
movement patterns
identifies situations when it is appropriate to ask for assistance
18 1
from strangers
gives personal information, such as name and address to
19 1
appropriate persons
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
20 identifies appropriate persons to ask for assistance
21 demonstrates ways to ask for help 1
22 follows rules at home and in school. 1
23 follows rules during fire and other disaster drills 1
24 observes safety rules with stray or strange animals 1
25 describes what may happen if safety rules are not followed 1
describes ways people can be intentionally helpful or harmful
26 1
to one another
27 distinguishes between good and bad touch 1
practices ways to protect oneself against violent or
28 1
unwanted behaviors of others

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
relates visual images to sound and silence using quarter note
1 1
, beamed eight notes and quarter rest in a rhythmic pattern
maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple seris of
2 rhythmic patterns (e.g. echo clapping, walking, tapping, 1
chanting and playing musical instruments)
reads stick notations in rhythmic patterns with measures of 2s,
3 2
3s and 4s
4 writes stick notations to represent the heard rhythmic patterns 2
plays simple ostinato patterns on classroom instruments
sticks, drums, triangles, nails, coconut shells, bamboo, empty 1
boxes, etc.
creates simple ostinato patterns in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s
5 1
with body movements
describes the different styles of Filipino artists when they 1
create portraits and still life (different lines and colors)
differentiates the contrast between shapes and colors of
2 different fruits or plants and flowers in one’s work and in the 1
work of others
draws the different fruits or plants to show overlapping of
3 shapes and the contrast of colors and shapes in his colored 2
4 draws from an actual still life arrangement 2
draws a portrait of two or more persons - his friends, his
5 family, showing the differences in the shape of their facial 1
features (shape of eyes, nose, lips, head, and texture of the
6 narrates stories related to the output 1
P. E.
describes body shapes and actions 2
1 creates body shapes and actions 2
demonstrates momentary stillness in symmetrical and
2 asymmetrical shapes using body parts other than both feet 4
as a base of support
states that children have the right to nutrition (Right of the
1 1
child to nutrition Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child)
2 discusses the importance of eating a balanced meal 2
discusses the important functions of food 1
describes what constitutes a balanced diet 1
considers Food Pyramid and Food Plate in making food
3 3
displays good decision-making skills in choosing the right
4 2
kinds of food to eat
Quarter 2 MUSIC
identifies the pitch of tones as:
 high (so)
6  low (mi) 1
 higher (la)
 lower (re)
responds to ranges of pitch through body movements,
7 1
singing, or playing instruments
sings children songs with accurate pitch:
 wrote songs
8 1
 echo songs
 simple children’s melodies
demonstrates melodic contour through:
 movement
9 1
 music writing (on paper or on air)
 visual imagery
identifies the beginning and ending of a song 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
demonstrates the beginning, ending and repeats of a song
10  movements
 vocal sounds
 instrumental sounds
identifies musical lines as
11  similar 1
 dissimilar
12 creates melodic introduction and ending of songs 2
describes the lines, shapes and textures seen in skin
7 coverings 2
of different animals and sea creatures using visual art words
and actions
describes the unique shapes, colors, texture and design of
the skin coverings of different fishes and sea creatures or of 1
wild forest animals from images
designs with the use of drawing and painting materials the
8 sea or forest animals in their habitats showing their unique 1
shapes and features, variety of colors and textures in their
creates designs by using two or more kinds of lines, colors
9 and shapes by repeating or contrasting them, to show 2
uses control of the painting tools and materials to paint the
10 different lines, shapes and colors in his work or in a group 1
designs an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on a big paper,
11 with lines and shapes that show repetition, contrast and 1
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction, level,
3 2
pathway and plane
moves in:
 personal and general space
 forward, backward, and sideward directions
4 6
 high, middle, and low levels
 straight, curve, and zigzag pathways
 diagonal and horizontal planes
Identifies the functions of the sense organs 2
describes ways of caring for the eyes, ears, nose, hair and
5 3
skin in order to avoid common childhood health conditions
Identifies common teeth and mouth problems 1
6 describes ways of caring for the mouth/teeth 2
7 displays self- management skills in caring for the sense organs 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies the source of sounds e.g. winds, waves swaying
of the trees, animals sounds, sounds produced by
machines, transportation, etc.
13 replicates different sources of sounds with body movements
identifies the common musical instruments by their sounds
14 1
and image
15 recognizes the difference between speaking and singing
perform songs with appropriate vocal or sound quality (from
16 2
available instruments)
17 distinguishes the dynamics of a song or music sample
uses the words loud, louder, soft, softer to identify variations 1
in volume
replicates “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” with voice or with
instruments 3
19 performs song with appropriate dynamics
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
differentiates natural and man-made objects with repeated
12 or alternated shapes and colors and materials that can be 1
used in print making
creates a consistent pattern by making two or three
13 1
prints that are repeated or alternated in shape or color
carves a shape or letter on an eraser or kamote which
14 2
can be painted and printed several times
15 creates a print on paper or cloth using cut-out designs 2
creates prints for a card and makes several copies or editions
of the print so that cards can be exchanged with other 1
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
16 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
 at slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest pace
5 8
 using light, lighter, lightest/strong, stronger,
strongest force with smoothness
8 describes healthy habits of the family 2
9 demonstrates good family health habits and practices 2
10 explains the benefits of healthy expressions of feelings 2
11 expresses positive feelings in appropriate ways 2
demonstrates positive ways of expressing negative feelings,
12 1
such as anger, fear, or disappointment
13 displays respect for the feelings of others 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
follows the correct tempo of a song including tempo
20 1
distinguishes “slow,” “slower,”“ fast,” and “faster” in recorded
21 1
identifies musical texture with recorded music
 melody with solo instrument or voice
22 2
 single melody with accompaniment
 two or more melodies sung or played together at
the same time
shows awareness of texture by relating visual images to
recorded or performed music
distinguishes between single musical line and multiple musical
23 1
lines which occur simultaneously
distinguishes between thinness and thickness of musical
24 2
sound in recorded or performed music
discusses the artistry of different local craftsmen in creating:
 taka of different animals and figures in Paete,
17 Laguna 1
 sarangola, or kites
 banca, native boats from Cavite, and coastal towns
answer a brief diagnostic assessment on giving value and
18 importance to the craftsmanship of the local 1
identifies 3- dimensional crafts found in the locality giving
19 2
emphasis on their shapes, textures, proportion and balance
executes the steps in making a paper mache with focus
20 2
on proportion and balance
creates a clay human figure that is balanced and can stand
21 2
on its own
P. E.
familiarizes in various movement activities involving person,
objects, music and environment
6  individually, with partner, and with group 6
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any available
indigenous /improvised materials
 with sound
 in indoor and outdoor settings
14 discusses one’s right and responsibilities for safety 1
15 identifies hazardous areas at home 2
identifies hazardous household products that are harmful if 2
16 ingested, or inhaled, and if touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that identify harmful things and
17 1
18 explains rules for the safe use of household chemicals 1
19 follows rules for home safety 1
20 identifies safe Unsafe practices and conditions in the school 1
21 practices safety rules during school activities 1

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
relates images with sound and silence using quarter
1 note, beamed eight note, half note, quarter rest and 1
half rest within a rhythmic pattern
maintains a steady beat when replicating a simple series
of rhythmic patterns in measures of 2s, 3s and 4s (e.g.
2 1
echo clapping, walking, marching, tapping, chanting,
dancing the waltz or playing musical instruments)
plays simple ostinato patterns (continually repeated
3 musical phrase or rhythm) with classroom instruments and 2
other sound sources
creates ostinato patterns in different meters using
combination of different sound sources 1
creates continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm in
4 1
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s
distinguishes the size of persons in the drawing, to indicate
1 1
its distance from the viewer
shows the illusion of space in drawing the objects and
2 1
persons in different sizes
explains that artist create visual textures by using a
3 1
variety of lines and colors
discusses what foreground, middle ground and
4 1
background are all about in the context of a landscape
describes the way of life of people in the cultural
5 1
creates a geometric design by contrasting two kinds of
6 1
lines in terms of type or size
sketches on-the-spot outside or near the school to draw a
plant, flowers or a tree showing the different textures and
7 1
shape of each part, using only a pencil or black crayon or
designs a view of the province/region with houses and
8 buildings indicating the foreground, middle ground and 1
background by the size of the objects
P. E.
1 describes body shapes and actions 2
creates body shapes and actions 1
2 performs body shapes and actions 5
1 describes a healthy person 1
2 explains the concept of malnutrition 1
realizes the importance of following nutritional guidelines 1
3 identifies nutritional problems 1
describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms, effect of
4 1
the various forms of malnutrition
discusses ways of preventing the various forms
5 1
of malnutrition
identifies the nutritional guidelines for Filipino 1
6 discusses the different nutritional guidelines 1
7 describes ways of maintaining healthy lifestyle
8 evaluates one’s lifestyle 2
9 adopts habits for a healthier lifestyle
Quarter 2 MUSIC
identifies the pitch of a tone as:
 high – higher
5  moderately high – higher 1
 moderately low – lower
 low – lower
matches the correct pitch of tones
6 1
 with the voice
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 with an instrument
7 recreates simple patterns and contour of a melody 1
identifies the beginning, middle, ending and repetitions
8 1
within a song or music sample
identifies musical lines as
 similar
 same 1
 different
recognizes repetitions within a song 1
sings repetitions of musical lines independently 1
performs song with accurate pitch from beginning to end
10 1
including repetitions
discusses the concept that there is harmony in nature as
seen in the color of landscapes at different times of the
9 1
 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo, Fernando
Amorsolo, Jonahmar Salvosa
 Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda, Agustin
discusses the concept that nature is so rich for no two
10 1
animals have the same shape, skin covering and color
demonstrates how harmony is created in an artwork
11 1
because of complementary colors and shapes
paints a still life by observing the different shapes, color
12 and texture of fruits, drawing them overlapping and 1
choosing the right colors for each fruit
creates new tints and shades of colors by mixing two or
13 1
more colors
paints a landscape at a particular time of the day
14 and selects colors that complement each other to 1
create a mood
discusses the characteristics of a wild animal by making
15 several pencil sketches and painting it later, adding texture 1
of its skin covering
appreciates the truism that Filipino artists painted
landscapes in their own particular style and can identify
16 1
what makes each artist unique in his use of colors to create
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction,
3 2
level, pathway and plane
moves in:
 personal and general space
 forward, backward, and sideward directions
4 6
 high, middle, and low levels
 straight, curve, and zigzag pathways
 diagonal and horizontal planes
10 identifies common childhood diseases 1
discusses the different risk factors for diseases and
11 1
example of health condition under each risk factor
12 explains the effects of common diseases 1
13 explains measures to prevent common diseases 3
explains the importance of proper hygiene and building up
14 2
one's body resistance in the prevention of diseases
demonstrates good self-management and good decision
15 2
making-skills to prevent common diseases
Quarter 3 MUSIC
11 recognizes musical instruments through sound 1
uses the voice and other sources of sound to produce a
12 1
variety of timbres
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13 distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” in music 1
responds to conducting gestures of the teacher for
14 1
“loud” and “soft”
relates dynamics to the movements of animals
 elephant walking – loud
 mice scurrying – soft
applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, chants,
drama, songs and musical stories 1
Discusses the concept that a print made from
17 1
objects found in nature can be realistic or abstract
explains the importance and variety of materials used for
18 1
demonstrates the concept that a print design may
19 use repetition of shapes or lines and emphasis on 1
contrast of shapes and lines
demonstrates the concept that a print design can be
20 duplicated many times by hand or by machine and can 1
be shared with others
21 explains the meaning of the design created 1
stencils a paper or plastic sheets to be used for multiple
22 1
prints on cloth or hard paper
writes a slogan about the environment that correlates
23 1
messages to be printed on T-shirts, posters, banners or
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
24 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
describes movements in a location, direction,
5 2
level, pathway and plane
 at slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, fastest pace
6 6
 using light, lighter, lightest/strong,
stronger, strongest force with smoothness
16 defines a consumer 1
17 explain the components of consumer health 1
discusses the different factors that influence choice of
18 2
goods and services
19 describes the skills of a wise consumer 1
20 demonstrates consumer skills for given simple situations 1
21 identifies basic consumer rights 1
22 practices basic consumer rights when buying 1
23 discusses consumer responsibilities 1
24 identifies reliable sources of health information 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
Applies correct tempo and tempo changes by following
16 1
basic conducting gestures
17 distinguishes among fast, moderate, and slow in music 1
sings songs with designated tempo
 Lullaby – slow
 Joyful songs – fast
performs songs with appropriate tempo (use songs from
18 1
the locality)
distinguishes between single musical line and multiple
musical lines which occur simultaneously
distinguishes between thinness and thickness of
19 1
musical sound
demonstrates the concept of texture by singing
“partner songs
20 2
 “Leron, Leron Sinta”
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
 “Pamulinawen”
 “It’s A Small World”
 “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
identifies different styles of puppets made in the Philippines
(form Teatro Mulat and Anino Theater Group)
discusses the variations of puppets in terms of material,
structure, shapes, colors and intricacy of textural details
creates a puppet designs that would give a specific and
27 unique character, with designs of varied shapes and
colors on puppets to show the unique character of the
constructs a simple puppet based on a character in a
28 legend, myth or story using recyclable materials and
bamboo sticks or twigs
manipulates a puppet to act out a character in a story
29 1
together with the puppets
performs as puppeteer together with others, in a puppet
30 1
show to tell a story using the puppet he/she created
designs and creates mask or headdress with the use of
31 1
recycled or natural objects inspired by best festivals
creates a mask or headdress that is imaginary in design
using found and recycled material, inspired by local 1
P. E.
participates in various movement activities involving
7 2
person, objects, music and environment
 individually, with partner, and with group
 with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any available
8 6
indigenous/ improvised materials
 with sound
 in indoor and outdoor settings
25 explains road safety practices as a pedestrian 1
26 demonstrates road safety practices for pedestrian 1
27 explains basic road safety practices as a passenger 1
28 demonstrates road safety practices as a passenger 1
29 explains the meaning of traffic signals and road signs 1
describes dangerous, destructive, and disturbing road
30 1
situations that need to be reported to authorities
31 displays self-management skills for road safety. 1
32 identifies hazards in the community 1
33 follows safety rules to avoid accidents in the community 1
34 recommends preventive action for a safe community 1

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies different kinds of notes and rests (whole, half,
1 1
quarter and eighth)
organizes notes and rests according to simple meters
(grouping notes and rests into measures given)
2 reads different rhythmic patterns 1
demonstrates the meaning of rhythmic patterns by clapping
in time signatures
performs rhythmic patterns in time signatures 2 3 4
3 1
4 4 4
uses the bar line to indicate groupings of beats
4 in 2 3 4 1
4 4 4
5 identifies accented and unaccented pulses 2
discusses the rich variety of cultural communities in the
Philippines and their uniqueness
 LUZON- Ivatan, Ifugao, Kalkminga, Bontok,
Gaddang, Agta
1  MINDANAO-Badjao, Mangyan,Samal, Yakan, 1
Ubanon, Manobo, Higaonon, Talaandig,
Matigsalog, Bilaan, T’boli, Tiruray, Mansaka,
Tausug and the distinctive characteristics of these
cultural communities in terms of attire, body
religious practices and lifestyles
draws specific clothing, objects, and designs of at least
one of the cultural communities by applying an
2 2
indigenous cultural motif into a contemporary design
through crayon etching technique.
role play ideas about the practices of the different cultural
3 1
creates a drawing after close study and observation of
4 one of the cultural communities’ way of dressing and 2
produces a crayon resist on any of the topics: the unique
5 design of the houses, household objects, practices, or rituals 1
of one of the cultural groups.
uses crayon resist technique in showing different ethnic
6 1
designs or patterns.
P. E.
1 describes the physical activity pyramid 1
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 5
identifies information provided on the food label 1
explains the importance of reading food labels in
1 2
selecting and purchasing foods to eat
analyzes the nutritional value of two or more food products
2 2
by comparing the information in their food labels
3 describes ways to keep food clean and safe 1
discusses the importance of keeping food clean and safe
4 2
to avoid disease
5 identifies common food-borne diseases 1
describes general signs and symptoms of food-borne
6 1
Quarter 2 MUSIC
6 recognizes the meaning of the G- Clef (treble clef) 1
identifies the pitch names of the G-clef staff including the
7 2
ledger lines and spaces (below middle C)
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies the movement of the melody as:
 no movement
 ascending stepwise
8 1
 descending stepwise
 ascending skip wise
 descending skip wise
identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a given notation of
9 1
a musical piece to determine its range
10 sings with accurate pitch the simple intervals of a melody 1
11 Creates simple melodic lines 2
discusses pictures of localities where different cultural
7 communities live where each group has distinct houses and 1
explains the attire and accessories of selected cultural
8 1
communities in the country in terms of colors and shapes.
appreciates the importance of communities and
9 1
their culture.
compares the geographical location, practices, and
10 1
festivals of the different cultural groups in the
paints the sketched landscape using colors appropriate
11 1
to the cultural community’s ways of life.
tells a story or relates experiences about cultural
12 1
communities seen in the landscape.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
7 describes communicable diseases 1
identifies the various disease agents of
8 2
communicable diseases
9 enumerates the different elements in the chain of infection 2
describes how communicable diseases can be
10 2
transmitted from one person to another.
demonstrates ways to stay healthy and prevent and
11 1
control common communicable diseases
12 identifies ways to break the chain of infection at respective 1
practices personal habits and environmental sanitation
13 1
to prevent and control common communicable
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies aurally and visually the introduction and coda
12 1
(ending) of a musical piece
identifies aurally and visually the antecedent and
13 1
consequent in a musical piece
recognizes similar and contrasting phrases in vocal and
instrumental music
14 1
 melodic
 rhythmic
performs similar and contrasting phrases in music
15  melodic 1
 rhythmic
identifies as vocal or instrumental, a recording of the
 solo
16 1
 duet
 trio
 ensemble
identifies aurally and visually various musical ensembles in
17 1
the community
recognizes the use of the symbol p (piano) and f (forte) in a
musical score
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
applies dynamics in a simple music score using the symbols
18 1
p (piano) and f (forte)
13 discusses the texture and characteristics of each material
analyses how existing ethnic motif designs are 1
repeated and alternated.
demonstrates the process of creating relief prints and how
15 these relief prints makes the work more interesting and
harmonious in terms of the elements involved. 1
designs ethnic motifs by repeating, alternating, or by radials
creates a relief master or mold using additive and
17 1
subtractive processes.
creates simple, interesting, and harmoniously arranged relief
18 1
prints from a clay design.
prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce clean prints
19 1
with a particular design motif (repeated or alternated).
creates the relief mold using found material: hard foam;
20 cardboard shapes glued on wood; strings and buttons, old 2
screws, and metal parts glued on wood or cardboard.
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
21 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February).
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
14 describes uses of medicines 1
15 differentiates prescription from non-prescription medicines 1
describes ways on how medicines are misused and abused 2
describes the potential dangers associated with medicine
16 2
misuse and abuse
17 describes the proper use of medicines 2
explains the importance of reading drug information and
18 2
labels, and other ways to ensure proper use of medicines
Quarter 4 MUSIC
uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in
19 1
 largo
 presto
identifies aurally and visually an ostinato or descant in a
20 1
musical sample
21 recognizes solo or 2-part vocal or instrumental music 1
identifies harmonic intervals (2 pitches) in visual and auditory
22 1
music samples
23 writes samples of harmonic intervals (2 pitches) 1
24 performs a song with harmonic intervals (2 pitches) 3
differentiates textile traditions in other Asian Countries like
22 China, India, Japan,Indonesia and in the Philippines in the
golden times and presently. 1
Discusses the pictures or actual samples of different kinds of
mat weaving traditions in the Philippines.
discusses the intricate designs of mats woven in
the Philippines:
 Basey, Samar buri mats
24  Iloilo bamban mats 1
 Badjao&Samal mats
 Tawi-tawilaminusa mats
 Romblon buri mats
25 explains the steps to produce good tie-dye designs. 1
explains the meaning of designs, colors, and patterns used
26 1
in the artworks.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a small mat using colored buri strips or any material
27 that can be woven, showing different designs: squares, 1
checks zigzags, and stripes.
creates original tie-dyed textile design by following the
28 1
traditional steps in tie-dyeing using one or two colors.
weaves own design similar to the style made by a local
29 1
ethnic group.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
5 executes the different skills involved in the dance 5
19 recognizes disasters or emergency situations 1
demonstrates proper response before, during, and after a
20 3
disaster or an emergency situation
relates disaster preparedness and proper response during
21 1
emergency situations in preserving lives
describes appropriate safety measures during special
22 2
events or situations that may put people at risk
describes the dangers of engaging in risky behaviors such as
23 2
use of firecrackers, guns, alcohol drinking
advocates the use of alternatives to firecrackers
24 1
and alcohol in celebrating special events

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
1 identifies the kinds of notes and rests in a song 1
recognizes rhythmic patterns using quarter note, half note,
2 dotted half note, dotted quarter note, and eighth note in 1
simple time signatures
identifies accurately the duration of notes and rests
3 in 2 3 4 3
4 4 4 time signatures
creates different rhythmic patterns using notes and rests in
4 3
time signatures
discusses events, practices, and culture influenced by
colonizers who have come to our country by way of trading.
designs an illusion of depth/distance to simulate a
3-dimensional effect by using crosshatching and shading
techniques in drawings (old pottery, boats, jars, musical
presents via powerpoint the significant parts of the
different architectural designs and artifacts found in the
e.g. bahaykubo, torogan, bahaynabato, simbahan,
carcel, etc. 1
explains the importance of artifacts, houses, clothes,
language, lifestyle - utensils, food, pottery, furniture -
4 influenced by colonizers who have come to our country
(Manunggul jar, balanghai, bahay na bato, kundiman,
Gabaldon schools, vaudeville, Spanish-inspired churches).
creates illusion of space in 3-dimensional drawings of
important Archeological artifacts seen in books, museums
5 2
(National Museum and its branches in the Philippines, and in
old buildings or churches in the community)
creates mural and drawings of the old houses, churches or
6 2
buildings of his/her community.
participates in putting up amini-exhibit with labels of
7 Philippine artifacts and houses after the whole class
completes drawings. 2
tells something about his/her community as reflected on
his/her artwork.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
1 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
1 describes a mentally emotionally and socially healthy person 2
suggests ways to develop and maintain one’s mental and
2 1
emotional health
3 recognizes signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships 1
explains how healthy relationships can positively impact
4 1
5 discusses ways of managing unhealthy relationships 1
describes some mental, emotional and social health
discusses the effects of mental, emotional and social
6 1
health concerns on one’s health and wellbeing
demonstrates skills in preventing or managing teasing,
7 1
bullying,harassment or abuse
identifies appropriate resources and people who can help
8 1
in dealing with mental, emotional and social, health
Quarter 2 MUSIC
recognizes the meaning and uses of F-Clef on the staff
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies the pitch names of each line and space on the F-
6 Clef staff
describes the use of the symbols:
7 1
sharp (# ), flat (♭), and natural (♮)
8 recognizes aurally and visually, examples of melodic interval 1
9 identifies the notes in the C major scale 1
determines the range of a musical example
10  wide 1
 narrow
reads notes in different scales:
 pentatonic scale
11 1
 C major scale
 G major scale
12 creates simple melodies 1
13 performs his/ her own created melody 1
explains the importance of natural and historical places in
the community that have been designated as World
Heritage Site (e.g., rice terraces in Banawe, Batad; Paoay
9 1
Church; Miag-ao Church;
landscape of Batanes, Callao Caves in Cagayan; old houses
in Vigan, Ilocos Norte; and the torogan in Marawi)
explains that artists have different art styles in painting
landscapes or significant places in their respective provinces
10 (e.g., Fabian dela Rosa, Fernando Amorsolo, Carlos
Francisco, Vicente Manansala, Jose Blanco, Victorio Edades,
Juan Arellano, Prudencio Lamarroza, and Manuel Baldemor) 2
presents via powerpoint the artistry of famous Filipino artists in
11 painting different landscapes and is able to describe what
makes each artist’s masterpiece unique from others.
sketches using complementary colors in
12 2
painting a landscape.
demonstrates skills and knowledge about foreground, middle
13 ground, and background to emphasize depth in painting a 2
discusses details of the landscape significant to the history
14 1
the country.
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the game 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
describes the physical, emotional and social changes
during puberty
recognizes the changes during puberty as a normal part of
growth and development
9  Physical change 1
 Emotional change
 Social change
describes common misconceptions related on puberty 1
assesses common misconceptions related to puberty in terms
10 1
of scientific basis and probable effects on health
describes the common health issues and concerns during
11 1
accepts that most of these concerns are normal
12 consequenceof bodily changes during puberty but one can 1
learn to manage them
discusses the negative health impact and ways of preventing
13 2
major issues such as early and unwanted pregnancy
demonstrates ways to manage puberty-related health issues
and concerns 1
15 practices proper self-care procedures
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
discusses the Importance of seeking the advice of
16 professionals/ trusted and reliable adults in managing
puberty-related health issues and concerns
17 differentiates sex from gender
identifies factors that influence gender identity and gender
discusses how family, media, religion, school and society in 1
general reinforce gender roles
gives examples of how male and female gender roles are
Quarter 3 MUSIC
recognizes the design or structure of simple musical forms:
 unitary (one section)
 strophic (same tune with 2 or more sections and 2 1
or more verses)
15 creates a 4- line unitary song 1
16 creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 sections and 2 verses 2
describes the following vocal timbres:
 soprano
17  alto 1
 tenor
 bass
identifies aurally and visually different instruments in:
 rondalla
18  drum and lyre band 1
 bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat Kawayan)
 other local indigenous Ensembles
19 creates music using available sound sources 2
discusses new printmaking technique using a sheet of thin
rubber (used for soles of shoes), linoleum, or any soft wood
15 1
that can be carved or gouged to create different lines and
16 discusses possible uses of the printed artwork
shows skills in creating a linoleum, rubber or wood cut 1
print with the proper use of carving tools.
creates variations of the same print by using different colors
18 1
of ink in printing the master plate.
follows the step-by-step process of creating a print:
 sketching the areas to be carved out and areas
that will remain
 carving the image on the rubber or wood
using sharp cutting tools
 preliminary rubbing
19 2
 final inking of the plate with printing ink
 placing paper over the plate, rubbing the back
of the paper
 impressing the print
 repeating the process to get several editions of
the print
works with the class to produce a compilation of their prints
20 and create a book or calendar which they can give as gifts,
sell, or display on the walls of their school. 1
demonstrates contrast in a carved or textured area in an
produces several editions of the same print that are
22 1
well- inked and evenly printed.
participates in a school/district exhibit and culminating
23 1
activity in celebration of the National Arts Month (February)
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
21 explains the concept of gateway drugs 1
22 identifies products with caffeine 1
discusses the nature of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol use
and abuse
describes the general effects of the use and abuse of
23 2
caffeine, tobacco and alcohol
analyzes how the use and abuse of caffeine tobacco
24 and alcohol can negatively impact the health of the 2
individual, the family and the community
demonstrates life skills in keeping healthy through the non-use
25 1
of gateway drugs
follows school policies and national laws related to the sale
26 2
and use of tobacco and alcohol
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies the different dynamic levels used in a song heard 1
uses appropriate musical terms to indicate variations in
 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
20  forte(f) 1
 mezzo forte (mf)
 crescendo
 decrescendo

uses appropriate musical terminology to indicate variations in

 largo
 presto
 allegro
21 1
 moderato
 andante
 vivace
 ritardando
 accelerando
22 describes the texture of a musical piece 1
23 performs 3-part rounds and partner songs 1
identifies the characteristic intervals of major triads: 1
24 uses accompaniment to simple major triad as e songs 2
identifies the materials used in making 3-dimensional
crafts which express balance and repeated variation of
shapes and colors
 mobile
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads 1
identifies the different techniques in making 3- dimensional
25  mobile
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads
26 discusses possibilities on the use of created 3-D crafts. 1
applies knowledge of colors, shapes, and balance in
27 1
creating mobiles, papier-mâché jars, and paper beads.
demonstrates artistry in making mobiles with varied colors
28 1
and shapes.
creates designs for making 3-dimensional crafts
 mobile
29 1
 papier-mâché jar
 paper beads
creates paper beads with artistic designs and varied colors
30 out of old magazines and colored papers for necklace, 1
bracelet, ID lanyard.
31 shows skills in making a papier-mâché jar 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
27 explains the nature and objectives of first Aid 1
28 discusses basic first aid principles 1
explains the value of first aid training 1
Identifies common injuries at home and in public places 2
demonstrates appropriate first aid for common injuries or
29 5

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
identifies the values of the notes/rests used in a particular
1 1
differentiates aurally among 2 3 4 and 6
2 2
444 8 time signatures
demonstrates the conducting gestures of 2, 3, 4 and 6
3 4 4 4 8 time 2
creates rhythmic patterns in 2, 3, 4 and 6
4 3
4 4 4 8 time signatures
discusses the concept that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of new technologies
explains the elements and principles applied in commercial
applies concepts on the use of the software
(commands, menu, etc.).
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
creates personal or class logo as visual representation that
5 1
can be used as a product, brand, or trademark
6 explains ideas about the logo 1
7 explains the elements and principles applied in comic art 1
applies concepts on the steps/procedures in cartoon
character making.
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
software) in cartoon character making
creates own cartoon character to entertain, express
10 1
opinions, ideas, etc.
11 explains ideas about the cartoon character 1
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
1 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
1 describes personal health issues and concerns
2 demonstrates self- management skills 3
discusses health appraisal procedures during puberty 1
explains the importance of undergoing health
3 1
appraisal procedures
4 regularly undergoes health appraisal procedures 1
Identifies the function of school health personnel 2
identifies community health resources and facilities that
5 may be utilized to address a variety of personal health 2
issues and concerns
Quarter 2 MUSIC
analyzes the melodic patterns of songs in C Major, G major,
and F Major keys
sings and plays solo or with group, melodies/songs in C
5 2
Major, G Major, and F Major
6 creates simple melodies 3
7 sings self-composed melodies 2
reviews the concept that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of technologies.
13 explains the elements and principles applied in digital art
applies concepts on the use of the software
(commands, menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills using new technologies (hardware and
software) in digital painting.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
creates a digital painting similar with the Masters’ (e.g., Van
16 2
Gogh, Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, theme, etc.
17 discusses the elements and principles applied in lay outing 1
applies skills in layouting and photo editing using new
18 1
technologies (hardware and software) in making a poster.
creates an advertisement/commercial or announcement
19 2
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the games 1
describes the skills involved in the games 1
2 executes the different skills involved in the game 6
6 describes healthy school and community environments 1
explains the effect of living in a healthful school
7 2
and community
Identifies basic responsibilities of community health officials 1
demonstrates ways to build and keep school and
8 2
community environments healthy
practices proper waste management at home, in
9 1
school, and in the community
defines solid waste management in the Philippines 1
advocates environmental protection through proper waste
10 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
identifies simple musical forms of songs from the community:
 binary (AB) -has 2 contrasting sections (AB)
 ternary (ABA)-has 3 sections, the third section similar
8 2
to the first; (ABC) – has 3 sections
 rondo (ABACA) -has contrasting sections in
between repetitions of the A section (ABACA)
uses the different repeat marks that are related to form:
 Da Capo (D.C.)
 Dal Segno (D.S.)
 Al Fine (up to the end)
 D.C. al Fine (repeat from the beginning until the
word Fine)
9 1
 ║: :║

 ┌───┐┌───┐
1 2 (ending 1, ending 2)

10 describes the instrumental sections of the Western orchestra 1

distinguishes various musical ensembles seen and heard in
11 1
the community
uses varied dynamic in a song performance
 piano (p)
 mezzo piano (mp)
 pianissimo (pp)
12  forte ( f ) 3
 mezzo forte (mf)
 fortissimo (ff)
 crescendo
 decrescendo
explains the truism that design principles still apply for any
20 new design (contrast of colors, shapes, and lines produces
harmony) whether done by hand or machine (computer).
demonstrates understanding that digital technology has
speeded up the printing of original designs and made it 1
accessible to many, as emphasized in t-shirts and poster
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
applies concepts on the steps/procedure in silkscreen
22 printing
produces own prints from original design to silkscreen
printing to convey a message or statement
24 discusses the concepts and principles of photography 1
discusses the parts and functions of the camera (point
25 1
and shoot or phone camera).
applies composition skills to produce a printed photograph
26 2
for a simple photo essay.
participates in school/district exhibit and culminating activity
27 2
in celebration of the National Arts Month (February
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance PE6RD-IIIb-2 1
3 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
describes diseases and disorders caused by poor
environmental sanitation
explains how poor environmental sanitation can negatively
11 1
impact the health of an individual
12 discusses ways to keep water and air clean and safe 1
13 explains the effect of a noisy environment 1
14 suggests ways to control/manage noise pollution 2
15 practices ways to control/manage noise pollution 2
16 explains the effect of pests and rodents to ones health 1
17 practice ways to prevent and control pests and rodents 1
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies the different tempo in a music sample:
- allegro
- andante
- ritardando
13 1
- accelerando
- largo
- presto
- vivace
demonstrates the different kinds of tempo by following
14 tempo marks in a familiar song fro the community 1
e.g. “Pandangguhan”
Identifies different textures from musical samples
 Vocal
 solo voice
 solo voice with accompaniment
15 2
 duet, partner songs, round songs
 Instrumental
 solo
 ensemble
distinguishes monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic
16 1
17 distinguishes the sound of a major chord from a minor chord 1
uses major or minor chord as accompaniment to simple
18 2
discusses the concept that design principles and
elements relates to everyday objects
explains the elements and principles applied in product 1
manifests understanding of concepts on the use of software
30 (commands, menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
software) in package design.
reviews the truism that art processes, elements and
principles still apply even with the use of technologies. 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
discusses the elements and principles applied in audio-
33 video art.
creates an actual 3-D digitally-enhanced product design
for a paper bag
applies concepts on the use of the software (commands,
35 menu, etc.)
utilizes art skills in using new technologies (hardware and
36 1
creates an audio-video art /animation promoting a
37 2
P. E.
explains the nature/background of the dance 1
describes the skills involved in the dance 1
4 executes the different skills involved in the dance 6
18 explains the importance of consumer health 1
19 explains the different components of consumer health 1
20 differentiates over- the- counter from prescription medicines 1
gives example of over the counter and prescription
21 1
explains the uses of some over the counter and prescription
22 1
Identifies the common propaganda techniques used in
23 1
24 analyzes packaging and labels of health products 1
practices good decision making skills in the selection of
25 1
health products
discusses ways to protect oneself from fraudulent health
26 2

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative music
1 1
selections from the lowlands of Luzon after listening;
analyzes the musical elements of some Lowland vocal and
2 1
instrumental music selections;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources
3 1
from the lowlands of Luzon
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
4 1
that is similar to the instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
5 1
selected music from the Lowlands of Luzon;
performs music from Luzon lowlands with
6 1
own accompaniment
evaluates music and music performances with rubrics on
7 2
musical elements and styles.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production
1 of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of Luzon
(highlands and lowlands)
identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in 1
Luzon (e.g., papier mâché [taka] from Paete, Ifugao wood
sculptures [bul’ul], Cordillera jewelry and pottery, tattoo, and
Ilocos weaving and pottery [burnay], etc.)
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or
message emanating from selected artifacts and
art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their
uses and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of the highland/
5 1
lowland artifact and object in one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
6 influences reflected in the design of an artwork and in 1
the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
7 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
discusses the elements from traditions/ history of a community
8 1
for one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific areas of the country, according to functionality,
9 1
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry, baskets)
shows the relationship of Luzon (highlands and lowlands)
arts and crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history
(Islamic influences, Spanish heritage, and American
10 1
legacies in education, business, modernization, and
entertainment, as well as in indigenous practices, fiestas,
and religious and
social practices)
P. E.
1 sets goals based on assessment results 1
2 prepares an exercise program 1
3 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
4 executes the skills involved in the sport 5
explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/
intellectual, emotional, social, and moral-spiritual);
analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in
developing holistic health;
3 practices health habits to achieve holistic health; 1
recognizes changes in different aspects of growth
4 2
that normally happen during adolescence years
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
describes changes in different aspects of growth that
happen to boys and girls during adolescence;
recognizes that changes in different dimensions are normal
5 2
during adolescence’
6 explains the proper health appraisal procedures 1
demonstrates health appraisal procedures during
7 1
adolescence in order to achieve holistic health
avails of health services in the school and community in order
to appraise one’s health;
applies coping skills in dealing with health concerns during
9 adolescence
Quarter 2 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative
8 selections of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas 1
after listening;
explains the distinguishing characteristics of representative
9 music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas 1
in relation to its culture and geography;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources
from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas
discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
11 1
similar to instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
12 selected music from the Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and 1
of the Visayas;
performs music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the
13 1
Visayas with accompaniment
evaluates music and music performances using rubrics on
14 2
musical elements and style.
analyzes the elements and principles of art in the production
11 of one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of MIMAROPA 1
and the Visayas
Identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
areas in MIMAROPA and the Visayas, Marinduque
(Moriones masks), Palawan (Manunggul Jar), Mindoro
12 1
(Hanunuo- Mangyan writing, basketry, and weaving), Bohol
(churches), Cebu (furniture), Iloilo (culinary arts and old
houses), Samar (Basey mats), etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or
message emanating from selected artifacts and
art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of its
utilization and its distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form and spirit of artifacts and art
15 1
objects from MIMAROPA and the Visayas
explains the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
16 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork or in 1
the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
17 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
discusses elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
explains the correlation of the development of crafts in
specific areas of the country, according to functionality, 1
19 traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g., architecture, weaving, pottery, accessories, masks, and
culinary arts)
shows the relationship of MIMAROPA and Visayas arts and
crafts to Philippine culture, traditions, and history (Islamic
influences, Spanish heritage, and American legacies in
20 1
education, business, modernization, and entertainment, as
well as in indigenous practices, fiestas, and religious and
social practices)
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
P. E.
5 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
6 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
7 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
8 executes the skills involved in the sport 6
10 identifies the right foods during adolescence 1
follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for
adolescents for healthful eating
 explains the need to select food based on the
11 nutritional needs during adolescence 2
 follows the Food Pyramid guide for adolescents and
nutritional guidelines for Filipinos in choosing foods
to eat
describes the characteristics, signs and symptoms
12 1
of malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies
discusses ways of preventing and controlling malnutrition and
13 1
micronutrient deficiencies
explains the characteristics, signs and symptoms of eating
disorders 1
15 discusses ways of preventing and controlling eating disorders
identifies the nutritional problems of adolescents 2
applies decision-making and critical thinking skills to prevent
16 2
nutritional problems of adolescents
Quarter 3 MUSIC
describes the musical characteristics of representative music
15 1
selections from Mindanao after listening;
identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of
16 1
representative music selections from Mindanao
analyzes the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and
17 1
instrumental music;
discovers ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
18 1
that is similar to the instruments being studied;
improvises simple rhythmic/melodic accompaniments to
19 1
selected music from Mindanao;
20 Perform musicfrom Mindanao with own accompaniment; 1
evaluates music selections and music performances using
21 2
rubrics on musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the
21 1
production one’s arts and crafts inspired by the arts of
identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
areas in Mindanao (e.g., maritime vessel [balanghay] from
Butuan, vinta from Zamboanga; Maranao’s malong,
22 1
brasswares, okir, panolong, torogan, and sarimanok; Yakan’s
fabric and face makeup and body ornamentation; T’boli’s
tinalak and accessories; Tawi-tawi’s Pangalaydance, etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or
message emanating from selected artifacts and
art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of its
24 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and principles
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of artifacts and
25 1
objects from Mindanao to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
26 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
27 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., habi, 1
lilip, etc).
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in s
pecific areas of the country, according to functionality,
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of resources
(e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)
shows the relationship of Mindanao’s arts and crafts to
30 Philippine culture, traditions, and history, particularly with
Islamic influences and indigenous (Lumad) practices 1
participates in exhibit using completed Mindanao-inspired
arts and crafts in an organized manner
P. E.
9 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
10 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
11 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
12 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
explains the factors that affect the promotion of good
mental health 1
18 explains that stress is normal and inevitable
19 differentiates eustress from distress
20 identifies situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress 1
21 identifies physical responses of the body to stress
identifies people who can provide support in stressful 1
differentiates healthful from unhealthful strategies in coping
with stress
demonstrates various stress management techniques that
one can use every day in dealing with stress
25 explains the importance of grieving
26 demonstrates coping skills in managing loss and grief 1
recognizes triggers and warning signs of common mental
27 1
discusses the types, sign, symptoms, and prevention,
28 treatment and professional care in managing common 2
mental health disorders
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies musical characteristics of selected Philippine
22 festivals and theatrical forms through video or live 1
describes the origins and cultural background of
23 1
selected Philippine festival/s;
describes how the music contributes to the performance
24 1
of the musical production;
describes how a specific idea or story is communicated
25 1
through music in a particular Philippine musical theater;
improvises music accompaniment in relation to a particular
26 2
Philippine festival
27 performs selection/s from chosen Philippine musical theater; 2
identifies the festivals and theatrical forms celebrated all
32 1
over the country throughout the year
researches on the history of the festival and
33 theatrical composition and its evolution, and
describe how the townspeople participate and 1
contribute to the event
discusses the elements and principles of arts as seen in
Philippine Festivals
explains what makes each of the Philippine festivals unique
35 2
through a visual presentation
designs the visual elements and components of the
36 1
selected festival or theatrical form through costumes,
props, etc.
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance
37 1
of their selected festival or theatrical form
choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting
38 1
the mood of the selected Philippine festival/theatrical
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of
39 1
the Philippine festival/theatrical form
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
performs in a group showcase of the selected Philippine
40 festival/theatrical form
P. E.
13 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
14 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
15 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
16 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
discusses the nature of non-communicable diseases 1
explains non-communicable diseases based on cause and
29 effect, signs and symptoms, risk factors and protective 3
factors and possible complications
corrects myth and fallacies about non-communicable
30 1
practices ways to prevent and control non-communicable
31 1
demonstrates self-monitoring to prevent non-
communicable diseases
promotes programs and policies to prevent and control
non- communicable and lifestyle diseases
identifies agencies responsible for non-communicable
34 1
disease prevention and control

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
1 listens perceptively to music of Southeast Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
2 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
3 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected Southeast
4 1
Asian music;
performs music from Southeast Asia with
5 2
own accompaniment:
evaluates music and music performances using guided
6 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production
1 1
of arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of Southeast
Identifies the characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in Southeast Asia:
 Indonesia (batik, Wayang puppetry);
 Malaysia (modern batik, wau, and objects
2 made from pewter); 1
 Thailand (silk fabrics and Loi Kratong Lantern
 Cambodia (AngkorWat and ancient temples);
 Singapore (Merlion), etc.
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message
from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their
utilization and their distinct use of art elements and
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of Southeast Asian
5 1
artifacts and objects in one’s creation
traces the external(foreign) and internal (indigenous)
6 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork and 1
in the making of a craft or artifact
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
7 materials, guided by local traditional techniques(e.g.,batik, 1
silk weaving, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/ history of a community for
8 1
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in Southeast Asia, according to
9 functionality, traditional specialized expertise and
availability of resources (e.g. pottery, weaving, jewelry and 1
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of
the Southeast Asian countries in relation to Philippine
P. E.
1 undertakes physical activity and physical fitness
assessments 1
2 sets goals based on assessment results
conducts physical activity and physical fitness
3 1
assessments of family/school peers
4 prepares a physical activity program 1
5 describes the nature and background of the sport 1
6 executes the skills involved in the sport 4
discusses basic terms in sexuality as an
important component of one’s personality 1
2 explains the dimensions of human sexuality
analyzes the factors that affect one’s attitudes and
3 1
practices related to sexuality and sexual behaviors
assesses personal health attitudes that may influence sexual
4 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
5 relates the importance of sexuality to family health 1
identifies the different issues/concerns of teenagers (i.e.,
6 identity crisis) and the need for support and understanding 3
of the family
applies decision-making skills in managing sexuality-related
7 1
Quarter 2 MUSIC
7 listens perceptively to music of East Asia; 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
8 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
9 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected East Asian
10 1
11 performs music from East Asia with own accompaniment; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
12 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production
11 1
of arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of East Asia
identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in East Asia:
China (Chinese painting and calligraphy);
12 1
Japan (origami, woodblock printing, theater
masks, face painting, and anime and manga);
Korea (theater masks, drums, and K-pop)
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message
from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
14 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of East Asian
15 1
artifacts and objects to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
16 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork 1
and in the making of a craft
creates crafts that can be locally assembled with local
17 materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g., 1
Gong-bi, Ikat, etc.)
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
18 1
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in East Asia according to functionality,
traditional specialized expertise, and availability of
resources (e.g., pottery, weaving, jewelry, and basketry)
shows the commonalities and differences of the culture of
the East Asian countries in relation to Philippine culture
P. E.
conducts physical activity and physical fitness
7 1
assessments of family/school peers
8 prepares a physical activity program 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
9 executes the skills involved in the sport 5
explains the definition and importance of courtship
and dating in choosing a lifelong partner
analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in
9 marriage and family life
describes the factors that contribute to a
10 1
successful marriage
discusses pregnancy-related concerns 1
discusses various maternal health concerns (pre-during-post
11 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
explains the importance of maternal nutrition during
12 pregnancy
discusses the importance of newborn screening, and the
APGAR scoring system for newborns
explains the importance of prenatal care and post-natal
14 care
discusses the essential newborn protocol (Unang Yakap)
15 and advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and 1
recognizes the importance of immunization in protecting
children’s health
17 analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood
explains the effects of rapid population growth on the 1
health of the nation
examines the important roles and responsibilities of
parents in child rearing and care
enumerates modern family planning methods (natural and
Quarter 3 MUSIC
listens perceptively to music of South Asia and the Middle
13 1
analyzes musical elements of selected songs and
14 1
instrumental pieces heard and performed;
explores ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources
15 1
that would simulate instruments being studied;
improvises simple accompaniment to selected South Asia
16 1
and the Middle East music;
performs music from South Asia and Middle East with own
17 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
18 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of
21 arts and crafts inspired by the cultures of South Asia, West
Asia, and Central Asia
Identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific
countries in South, West, and Central Asia: India (rangoli,
22 1
katak, mendhi, diwali); Saudi Arabia (carpet design);
Pakistan (truck art); and Tibet (mandala), etc
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message
from selected artifacts and art objects
appreciates the artifacts and art objects in terms of their 1
24 utilization and their distinct use of art elements and
incorporates the design, form, and spirit of South, West, and
25 1
Central Asian artifacts and objects to one’s creation
traces the external (foreign) and internal (indigenous)
26 influences that are reflected in the design of an artwork 1
and in the making of a craft
creates arts and crafts that can be locally assembled with
27 local materials, guided by local traditional techniques (e.g.,
Ghonghdis, Marbling Technique, etc.) 1
derives elements from traditions/history of a community for
one’s artwork
shows the relationship of the development of crafts in
specific countries in South Asia, West Asia, and Central
Asia, according to functionality, traditional specialized
expertise, 1
and availability of resources
shows the commonalities and differences of the cultures
30 of the South Asian, West Asian, and Central Asian
countries in relation to Philippine culture
participates in an exhibit using completed South-West-
31 1
Central Asian-inspired crafts in an organized Manner
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
P. E.
10 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
describes the nature and background of the sport 1
11 executes the skills involved in the sport 6
21 discusses the stages of infection
analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in 1
the Philippines
discusses the most common communicable diseases
 Signs and symptoms of common communicable
 effects of common communicable diseases
23 2
 misconceptions, myths, and beliefs about
common communicable diseases
 prevention and control of common communicable
24 analyzes the nature of emerging and re-emerging diseases 2
demonstrates self- monitoring skills to prevent
25 1
promotes programs and policies to prevent and control
26 1
communicable diseases
identifies agencies responsible for communicable disease
27 1
prevention and control
Quarter 4 MUSIC
identifies musical characteristics of selected Asian musical
19 1
theater through video films or live performances
describes the instruments that accompany Kabuki, Wayang
20 1
Kulit, Peking Opera;
describes how a specific idea or story is communicated
21 1
through music in a particular Asian musical theater;
improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements,
22 props and costume for performance of a chosen Asian 1
traditional musical and theatrical form;
23 performs selection/s from chosen Asian musical theater; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
24 2
rubrics applying knowledge of musical elements and style.
identifies selected festivals and theatrical forms celebrated
32 1
all over the Asian region
researches on the history of the festival and theatrical
33 forms 1
and its evolution, and describe how the
community participates and contributes to the
identifies the elements and principles of arts as manifested
34 1
in Asian festivals and theatrical forms
through a visual presentation, explains what make each of
35 1
the Asian Festivals and Theatrical forms unique
designs the visual elements and components of the
36 selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, 1
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance
of their selected festival or theatrical form
shows the relationship of the selected Asian festival and the 1
38 festival in the Philippines in terms of form and reason for
holding the celebration
choreographs the movements and gestures reflecting
39 1
the mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of Asia
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the
40 selected festival/ theatrical form of Asia
performs in a group showcase of the selected festival/
theatrical form
P. E.
12 reviews goals based on assessment results 1
13 describes the nature and background of the dance 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
14 executes the skills involved in the dance 6
28 discusses gateway drugs 1
analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking
a. describes the harmful short-and long-term effects of
cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body
29 b. discusses the dangers of mainstream, second 2
hand and third hand smoke.
c. explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the
family, environment, and community
analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol
 describes the harmful short- and long-term
effects of drinking alcohol
30  interprets blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in 2
terms of physiological changes in the body
 explains the impact of drinking alcohol on
the family and community
discusses strategies in the prevention and control
of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic
31 2
 apply resistance skills in situations related to
cigarette and alcohol use
 follows policies and laws in the family, school
and community related to cigarette and alcohol
suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol
32 1
to promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community)

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes musical elements of selected vocal and
1 instrumental music of Medieval, Renaissance 1
and Baroque music;
explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
2 role of composers/ performers, and audience) during 1
Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods;
relates Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque music other art
3 forms and its history within the era; 1

improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music

4 2
from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque period;
performs music from Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque
5 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
6 1
analyzes art elements and principles in the production
1 1
of work following the style of a western and classical
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the different
art periods 1
3 identifies representative artists from various art periods
reflects on and derives the mood, idea, or message
from selected artworks 1
discusses the use or function of artworks by evaluating
5 13
their utilization and combination of art elements and
6 uses artworks to derive the traditions/ history of an art period
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the 1
different art periods
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of Western
Classical art traditions
describes the influence of iconic artists belonging to Western
Classical art on the evolution of art forms
applies different media techniques and processes to
10 communicateideas, experiences, and stories showing the
characteristics of Western Classical art traditions 1
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
using criteria from the Western Classical art traditions
shows the influences of the Western Classical art traditions to
12 1
Philippine art form
P. E.
performs appropriate first aid for injuries and emergency
1 situations in physical activity and sports settings (e.g. 1
cramps, sprain, heat exhaustion)
involves oneself in community service through sports
2 7
officiating and physical activity programs
1 defines community and environmental health 1
explains how a healthy environment positively impact the
2 health of people and communities (less disease, less health 2
care cost, etc.)
3 discusses the nature of environmental issues
analyzes the effects of environmental issues on people’s 1
suggests ways to prevent and manage environmental
5 2
health issues
participates in implementing an environmental project such
6 as building and maintaining a school garden or conducting 2
a war on waste campaign (depends on feasibility)
Quarter 2 MUSIC
7 describes musical elements of given Classical period pieces; 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
8 explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
role of composers/performers, and audience) during 1
Classical period;
9 relates Classical music to other art forms and its history
within the era;
10 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music
from Classical period;
listens perceptively to selected Classical period music; 1
11 performs selected music from the Classical period; 1
12 evaluates music and music performances using guided
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
13 1
work following a specific art style
identiies distinct characteristics of arts during the
Renaissance and Baroque periods
identiies representative artists from Renaissance 1
and Baroque periods
reflects on and derive the mood, idea or message
from selected artworks
determines the use or function of artworks by evaluating 1
17 their utilization and combination of art elements
and principles
18 uses artworks to derive the traditions/ history of an art period 1
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
19 1
different art periods
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
Renaissance and the Baroque periods
explains the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
Renaissance and the Baroque periods
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicateideas, experiences, and stories showing the
22 1
characteristics of theRenaissance and the Baroque periods
(e.g.,Fresco, Sfumato, etc.)
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
using criteria from the Renaissance and the Baroque periods
shows the influences of the Renaissance and Baroque
periods on the Philippine art form
P. E.
describes the nature and background of the dance 1
2 executes the skills involved in the dance 7
7 describes the drug scenario in the Philippines 1
discusses risk and protective factors in substance use, and
analyzes situations for the use and non-use of
psychoactive substances
10 identifies the types of drugs/ substances of abuse 1
corrects myths and misconceptions about substance use
and abuse 1
12 recognizes warning signs of substance use and abuse
discusses the harmful short and long-term ;effects of
13 substance use and abuse on the individual, family, school,
and community
explains the health, socio-cultural, psychological, legal, and 2
economic dimensions of substance use and abuse
discusses strategies in the prevention and control of
15 substance use and abuse
applies decision-making and resistance skills to prevent
substance use and abuse 1
17 suggests healthy alternatives to substance use and abuse 1
Quarter 3 MUSIC
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
13 describes musical elements of given Romantic period
14 explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
role of composers/ performers, and audience) during 1
Romantic period;
15 relates Romantic music to other art forms and its history
within the era;
16 improvises appropriate accompaniment to selected music
from Romantic period;
17 performs selected music from the Romantic period; 1
18 evaluates music and music performances using guided
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
25 work following a specific art style from the Neoclassic and 1
Romantic periods
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the Neoclassic
and Romantic periods
identifies representative artists from the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message
from selected artworks
explains the use or function of artworks by evaluating
their utilization and combination of art elements and
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the
Neoclassic and Romantic periods
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
Neoclassic and Romantic period
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
32 Neoclassic and Romantic periods (e.g., linear style and
painterly style)
describes the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
Neoclassic and Romantic periods
applies different media techniques and processes to
34 communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the 1
characteristics of the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas
35 1
using criteria from the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
shows the influences of Neoclassic and Romantic periods on
36 1
Philippine art forms
participates in an exhibit using completed artworks with
37 1
Neoclassic and Romantic periods characteristics
P. E.
describes the nature and background of the dance 1
3 executes the skills involved in the dance 7
demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary survey
of the victim (CAB) 1
19 assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries
20 explains the principles of wound dressing 1
demonstrates appropriate bandaging techniques for
21 1
unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper techniques in carrying and
22 2
transporting the victim of unintentional injuries
demonstrates proper first aid procedures for common
23 3
unintentional injuries
Quarter 4 MUSIC
explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of
19 2
an opera after watching video samples;
performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected
20 2
improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures,
21 2
movements, and costumes for a chosen opera.
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
22 evaluates music performances using guided rubrics. 2
38 identifies selected theatrical forms from different art periods
researches on the history of the theatrical forms and their
evolution 1
identifies the elements and principles of arts as manifested in
Western Classical plays and opera
defines what makes selected western classical plays and
operas unique through visual representation
designs the visual elements and components of the
42 selected Western classical theater play and opera 1
costumes, props, etc.
analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s performance of its
selected Western classical theater play and opera
shows the influences of the selected Western Classical
44 play or opera on Philippine theatrical performance in 1
terms of form and content of story
choreographs the movements and gestures needed in the
45 effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical 2
plays and opera
improvise accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the
46 effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical 1
plays and operas
perform in a group showcase of the selected piece from
47 2
Western Classical plays and operas
P. E.
discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor
4 1
recreational activities
5 participates in active recreation 7
24 differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injurie 2
25 describes the types of intentional injuries 2
26 analyzes the risk factors related to intentional injuries 1
27 identifies protective factors related to intentional injuries 1
demonstrates ways to prevent and control intentional
28 2

Most Essential Learning No. of Days

Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 1 MUSIC
describes distinctive musical elements of given pieces in
1 1
20th century styles;
explains the performance practice (setting, composition,
2 role of composers/performers, and audience) of 20th 2
century music;
relates 20th century music to other art forms and media
3 1
during the same time period;
4 performs music sample from the 20th century 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
5 2
analyzes art elements and principles in the production of
1 work following a specific art style from the various art 1
identifies distinct characteristics of arts from the various art
identifies representative artists and Filipino counterparts
from the various art movements
reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message
from selected artworks
determines the role or function of artworks by 1
5 evaluating their utilization and combination of art
elements and principles
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various
6 1
art movements
compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the
7 1
various art movements
creates artworks guided by techniques and styles of the
8 1
various art movements (e.g., Impasto, Encaustic, etc.)
discussees the influence of iconic artists belonging to the
various art movements
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the 1
10 characteristics of the various art movements (e.g., the use
of industrial materials or found objects, Silkscreen Printing,
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
ideas using criteria from the various art movements
shows the influences of Modern Art movements on 1
12 Philippine art forms
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
1 7
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
explains the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
1 1
evaluation of health information, products and services;
discusses the various forms of health service providers and
2 1
healthcare plans;
selects health professionals, specialists and health care
services wisely; 1
4 reports fraudulent health services
explains the different kinds of complementary
and alternative health care modalities.
explains the importance of consumer laws to protect 1
6 public health
identifies national and international government agencies
7 and private organizations that implement programs for 2
consumer protection
participates in programs for consumer welfare and
8 2
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
Quarter 2 MUSIC
describes the historical and cultural background of Afro
6 1
Latin American and popular music;
listens perceptively to Afro Latin American and popular
analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American
7 1
and popular music through listening activities;
explores ways of creating sounds on a variety of
8 2
sources suitable to chosen vocal and instrumental
performs selections of Afro-Latin American and popular
music in appropriate pitch, rhythm, style, and expression; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
10 1
identifies art elements in the technology-based
production arts
identifies distinct characteristics of arts during the 21st
century in terms of:
14 1
 production
 functionality range of audience reach
identifies artworks produced by technology from
other countries and their adaptation by Philippine
discusses the concept that technology is an effective and
vibrant tool for empowering a person to express his/her
ideas, goals, and advocacies, which elicits immediate
explains the role or function of artworks by evaluating their
17 utilization and combination of art elements and principles
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a
18 community (e.g., landscapes, images of people at work 1
and play, portrait studies, etc.)
19 compares the characteristics of artworks in the21st century 1
creates artworks that can be locally assembled with local
20 1
materials, guided by 21st-century techniques
explains the influence of technology in the 21st century on
21 1
the evolution of various forms of art
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories showing the
22 1
characteristics of 21stcenturyart (e.g., the use of graphic
software like Photoshop, InDesign, etc.)
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
23 1
ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
2 8
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
9 discusses the existing health related laws; 1
explains the significance of the existing health related laws
10 1
in safeguarding people’s health;
critically analyzes the impact of current health trends,
11 1
issues, and concerns
recommends ways of managing health issues, trends and
12 2
Quarter 3 MUSIC
narrates the life of selected Contemporary Filipino
11 1
composer/s ;
analyzes the musical characteristics of traditional and
12 1
contemporary Philippine music;
improvises simple vocal/instrumental accompaniments to
13 3
selected contemporary Philippine music;
14 performs selections of contemporary Philippine music; 2
evaluates music and music performances using guided
15 1
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
identifies art elements in the various media-based arts in
24 1
the Philippines
identifies representative artists as well as distinct
25 characteristics of media based arts and design in the 1
discusses the truism that Filipino ingenuity is
26 1
distinct, exceptional, and on a par with global
discusses the role or function of artworks by evaluating
27 1
their utilization and combination of art elements and
uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of a
28 1
creates artworks that can be assembled with local
29 1
explains the characteristics of media-based arts and
30 1
design in the Philippines
applies different media techniques and processes to
communicate ideas, experiences, and stories (the
use of software to enhance/animate images like
Flash, Movie 1
Maker, Dreamweaver, etc.)
evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and
32 ideas using criteria appropriate for the style or form of
media-based arts and design
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
3 7
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
13 discusses the significance of global health initiatives. 1
describes how global health initiatives positively impact
14 1
people’s health in various countries;
analyzes the issues in the implementation of global health
15 1
recommends ways of adopting global health initiatives to
16 2
local or national context
Quarter 4 MUSIC
describes how an idea or story in a musical play is
16 presented by watching a live performance or video 1
explains how theatrical elements in a selected part
17 of a musical play are combined with music and 2
media to achieve certain effects;
creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures,
18 movements, and costume using media and technology 3
for a selected part of a musical play;
performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century Philippine
19 musical and highlight its similarities and differences to 2
other western musical play.
explains how an idea or theme is communicated in a
33 selected performance through the integration of musical
sounds, songs, dialogue and dance 1
analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical forms,
and elements of art as applied to performance
illustrates how the different elements are
used to communicate the meaning 1
36 explains the uniqueness of each original performance
designs with a group the visual components of a
37 1
school play (stage design, costume, props, etc.)
assumes the role of a character as an
38 actor/performance, or production staff (director, 1
choreography, light designer, stage manager)
Most Essential Learning No. of Days
Quarter Learning Competencies
Competencies (MELC) Taught
analyzes the uniqueness of the group that was given
39 recognition for its performance and explain what
component contributed to its selection
contributes to the conceptualization of an
40 1
original performance
choreographs the movements and gestures needed in
41 the effective delivery of an original performance with the 2
use of media
improvises accompanying sound and rhythm needed in
42 the effective delivery of an original performance with 1
the use of different media
P. E.
engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at
4 8
least 60 minutes a day in and out of school
discusses the components and steps in making a
17 1
personal health career plan;
prepares a personal health career following the
18 1
prescribed components and steps;
explores the various health career paths selects a
particular health career pathway based on personal
19 1
competence and interest; participates in a health career
orientation program
20 decides on an appropriate health career path 1

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